EGU General Assembly 2020
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Role of Science Communication in beliefs, perceptions and knowledge of science and technology issues among European citizens

Andrea Rubin1,3, Giuseppe Pellegrini2,3, and Lubomir Šottník4
Andrea Rubin et al.
  • 1University of Bergamo, Department of Social and Human Sciences, Italy
  • 2University of Trento, Department of Sociology and Social Research
  • 3Observa – Science In Society
  • 4Trnava University, Department of Sociology

The last decade had seen an emergence of a new more dynamic and inconsistent media ecosystem. Digital media (i.e. social media) are accused by many independent researchers and influential observers, to have played a significant role in spread of science misinformation. Wide-ranging discussions about so-called ‘post-truth’ or ‘fake news’ phenomena have significantly involved science-related topics such as vaccines, GMO’s, climate change or homeopathy.

The issue of credibility and reliability of information is therefore central for science communication and public understanding of science.

CONCISE (“Communication role on perception and beliefs of EU Citizens about Science”), an EU research project intends to understand the role of science communication in beliefs, perceptions and knowledge of science and technology issues among European citizens from five countries: Spain, Italy, Portugal, Poland and Slovakia.

This paper presents preliminary quantitative results from Italian public consultation analysis regarding preferred citizen´s information channels and sources of scientific information. We will explore data to understand how trust in science is built, how citizens form opinions about the science, which sources of information they use and how they think can science communication could be more effective.

How to cite: Rubin, A., Pellegrini, G., and Šottník, L.: Role of Science Communication in beliefs, perceptions and knowledge of science and technology issues among European citizens, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2943,, 2020


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