EGU2020-7879, updated on 02 Dec 2024
EGU General Assembly 2020
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Mapping 3-D mantle electrical conductivity using Swarm, Cryosat-2 and ground observatory data

Alexey Kuvshinov1, Alexander Grayver1, Lars Tøffner-Clausen2, and Nils Olsen2
Alexey Kuvshinov et al.
  • 1ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (
  • 2DTU Space, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

In this contribution, we report on our recent attempts to detect lateral variations of the electrical conductivity at mid mantle depths (400­ – 1600 km) using 6 years of Swarm, Cryosat-2 and observatory magnetic data. The approach involves a three-dimensional (3-D) inversion of matrix Q-responses. These responses relate spherical harmonic coefficients of external (inducing) and internal (induced) parts of the magnetic potential, derived for geomagnetic variations at periods longer than 1 day and hence mainly describing signals of magnetospheric origin (i.e. external also to satellites, as required). In addition to the inversion results, we discuss potential ways to improve the recovery of 3-D conductivity structures in the mantle.

How to cite: Kuvshinov, A., Grayver, A., Tøffner-Clausen, L., and Olsen, N.: Mapping 3-D mantle electrical conductivity using Swarm, Cryosat-2 and ground observatory data , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7879,, 2020.


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