Remote sensing of interactions between vegetation and hydrology​


Remote sensing of interactions between vegetation and hydrology​
Co-organized by BG3
Convener: Isabella Greimeister-Pfeil | Co-conveners: Virginia Brancato, Julia K. Green, Brianna Pagán, Mariette Vreugdenhil
vPICO presentations
| Fri, 30 Apr, 15:30–17:00 (CEST)

vPICO presentations: Fri, 30 Apr

Chairpersons: Isabella Greimeister-Pfeil, Mariette Vreugdenhil, Brianna Pagán
Johannes Vogel

The ecosystems of the Mediterranean Basin are particularly prone to climate change and related alterations in climatic anomalies. The seasonal timing of climatic anomalies is crucial for the assessment of the corresponding ecosystem impacts; however, the incorporation of seasonality is neglected in many studies. We quantify ecosystem vulnerability by investigating deviations of the climatic drivers temperature and soil moisture during phases of low ecosystem productivity for each month of the year over the period 1999 – 2019. The fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR) is used as a proxy for ecosystem productivity. Air temperature is obtained from the reanalysis data set ERA5 Land and soil moisture and FAPAR satellite products are retrieved from ESA CCI and Copernicus Global Land Service, respectively. Our results show that Mediterranean ecosystems are vulnerable to three soil moisture regimes during the course of the year. A phase of vulnerability to hot and dry conditions during late spring to midsummer is followed by a period of vulnerability to cold and dry conditions in autumn. The third phase is characterized by cold and wet conditions coinciding with low ecosystem productivity in winter and early spring. These phases illustrate well the shift between a soil moisture-limited regime in summer and an energy-limited regime in winter in the Mediterranean Basin. Notably, the vulnerability to hot and dry conditions during the course of the year is prolonged by several months in the Eastern Mediterranean compared to the Western Mediterranean. Our approach facilitates a better understanding of ecosystem vulnerability at certain stages during the year and is easily transferable to other study areas and ecoclimatological variables.

How to cite: Vogel, J.: Seasonal ecosystem vulnerability to climatic anomalies in the Mediterranean, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7557, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7557, 2021.

Luca Salerno, Álvaro Moreno-Martínez, Emma Izquierdo-Verdiguier, Nicholas Clinton, Annunziato Siviglia, and Carlo Camporeale

Tropical floodplain forests are among the most complex ecosystem on earth, featured by vegetation adapted to survive in seasonal flood environments. Although their ability to resist the periodic water level oscillations, recent studies have shown that riparian forests are extremely sensitive to long-term hydrological changes caused by both anthropogenic and natural disturbances. During the recent decades fragmentation and regulation of rivers induced severe alterations of natural “flood pulse” and sediment supply along the whole watercourse, causing massive tree mortality and compromising seeds spreading. The hydroclimatic anomalies of El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and climate change impact on riparian environments, aggravating forest stress and vulnerability to fires, in cases of prolonged drought, while inducing tree mortality for anoxia, when a multi-year uninterrupted flood occurred.

In order to develop future solutions to mitigate the consequences of these disturbances and to enable a sustainable and effective management of riparian forests in the aquatic-terrestrial transitional zone (ATTZ), large-scale monitoring of these areas is necessary. Mapping and monitoring of floodplain vegetation are extremely important not only to assess vegetation status but also because vegetation represents an indicator for early signs of any physical or chemical environmental degradation. Remote sensing offers practical and efficient techniques to estimate biochemical and biophysical parameters and analyse their evolution over time even for very remote and poor accessible areas such as tropical floodplains. Nevertheless, as the main vegetation dynamics are in the narrow area at the interface terrestrial and aquatic systems, a high spatial and temporal resolution of the data is needed for their analysis. Furthermore, the extreme cloudiness of tropical regions contaminates the land surface observation causing gap in the data.

In the present study, we combine Landsat (30m spatial resolution and 16 day revisit cycle) and the MODIS missions, both from Terra and Aqua platforms (500m spatial resolution and daily revisit cycle), using HISTARFM algorithm, to reduce noise and produce monthly gap-free high-resolution (30 m) observations over land and the associated estimation of uncertainties. Subsequently, high resolution maps of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI) were derived from the high-resolution gap free reflectance data. Furthermore, estimation of NDVI and EVI uncertainties was calculated through an error propagation analyses from uncertainties of reflectance estimates.

The framework we developed has been used to derive high resolution mapping of floodplain vegetation in the large tropical rivers that during the last decades experimented a hydrological regime transition. In a first-phase, vegetation dynamic analysis focused of the tropical large rivers in Amazonia and preliminary results of the temporal series will be presented.

The coupling of hydro-geomorphological and vegetation data enables the monitoring of riparian vegetation dynamics and a better understanding of the impact that the human footprint and climate change have on them.

How to cite: Salerno, L., Moreno-Martínez, Á., Izquierdo-Verdiguier, E., Clinton, N., Siviglia, A., and Camporeale, C.: High-resolution mapping of floodplain vegetation changes in large tropical rivers, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12994, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12994, 2021.

Wantong Li, Matthias Forkel, Mirco Migliavacca, Markus Reichstein, Sophia Walther, Jasper Denissen, and René Orth

Terrestrial vegetation couples the global water, energy and carbon exchange between the atmosphere and the land surface. Thereby, vegetation productivity is determined by a multitude of energy- and water-related variables. While the emergent sensitivity of productivity to these variables has been inferred from Earth observations, its temporal evolution during the last decades is unclear, as well as potential changes in response to trends in hydro-climatic conditions. In this study, we analyze the changing sensitivity of global vegetation productivity to hydro-climate conditions by using satellite-observed vegetation indices (i.e. NDVI) at the monthly timescale from 1982–2015. Further, we repeat the analysis with simulated leaf area index and gross primary productivity from the TRENDY vegetation models, and contrast the findings with the observation-based results. We train a random forest model to predict anomalies of productivity from a comprehensive set of hydro-meteorological variables (temperature, solar radiation, vapor pressure deficit, surface and root-zone soil moisture and precipitation), and to infer the sensitivity to each of these variables. By training models from temporal independent subsets of the data we detect the evolution of sensitivity across time. Results based on observations show that vegetation sensitivity to energy- and water-related variables has significantly changed in many regions across the globe. In particular we find decreased (increased) sensitivity to temperature in very warm (cold) regions. Thereby, the magnitude of the sensitivity tends to differ between the early and late growing seasons. Likewise, we find changing sensitivity to root-zone soil moisture with increases predominantly in the early growing season and decreases in the late growing season. For better understanding the mechanisms behind the sensitivity changes, we analyse land-cover changes, hydro-climatic trends, and abrupt disturbances (e.g. drought, heatwave events or fires could result in breaking points of sensitivity evolution in the local interpretation). In summary, this study sheds light on how and where vegetation productivity changes its response to the drivers under climate change, which can help to understand possibly resulting changes in spatial and temporal patterns of land carbon uptake.

How to cite: Li, W., Forkel, M., Migliavacca, M., Reichstein, M., Walther, S., Denissen, J., and Orth, R.: Changing sensitivity of global vegetation productivity to hydro-climate drivers, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1783, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1783, 2021.

Paloma Saporta, Giorgio Gomba, and Francesco De Zan

This work investigates a systematic phase bias affecting Synthetic Aperture Radar interferograms, in particular at short-term, causing biases in displacement velocity estimates that can reach several mm per year ([1]).
The analysis relies on the processing of a stack of Single Look Complex SAR images; in our case, the stack consists in 184 Sentinel-1 images acquired regularly between 2014 and 2018 and covering the Eastern part of Sicily. A reference phase history is derived using the EMI method (Eigen-decomposition-based Maximum-likelihood estimator of Interferometric phase), which takes advantage of the full sample covariance matrix built out of all the SAR acquisitions at a given pixel. This phase history has been shown to be equivalent to a persistent scatterer’s phase history over our region of interest. We use it to calibrate the direct multilooked interferograms built out of consecutive acquisitions. The short-term phase bias signal thus obtained is analyzed in time and space, making use in addition of ASCAT soil moisture variations and landcover information from the CORINE dataset.
We observe that for certain land classes, the high-frequency part of the signal is correlated with soil moisture variations in both dry and wet seasons. The low-pass trend exhibits strongly seasonal variations, with maxima of comparable value in spring (April-May) of each year. Areas with similar landcover types (forests, vegetated areas, agricultural areas) witness similar phase biases behavior, indicating a physical contribution associated with vegetation effects.
By investigating the behavior of the bias, this study contributes towards a future mitigation of this phase error in deformation estimates, or the exploitation of the bias itself as a physically relevant signal.

[1] H. Ansari, F. De Zan and A. Parizzi, "Study of Systematic Bias in Measuring Surface Deformation With SAR Interferometry," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3003421.

How to cite: Saporta, P., Gomba, G., and De Zan, F.: Analyzing an InSAR short-term systematic phase bias with regards to soil moisture and landcover, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3503, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3503, 2021.

Isabella Pfeil, Wolfgang Wagner, Sebastian Hahn, Raphael Quast, Susan Steele-Dunne, and Mariette Vreugdenhil

Soil moisture (SM) datasets retrieved from the advanced scatterometer (ASCAT) sensor are well established and widely used for various hydro-meteorological, agricultural, and climate monitoring applications. Besides SM, ASCAT is sensitive to vegetation structure and vegetation water content, enabling the retrieval of vegetation optical depth (VOD; 1). The challenge in the retrieval of SM and vegetation products from ASCAT observations is to separate the two effects. As described by Wagner et al. (2), SM and vegetation affect the relation between backscatter and incidence angle differently.  At high incidence angles, the response from bare soil and thus the sensitivity to SM conditions is significantly weaker than at low incidence angles, leading to decreasing backscatter with increasing incidence angle. The presence of vegetation on the other hand decreases the backscatter dependence on the incidence angle. The dependence of backscatter on the incidence angle can be described by a second-order Taylor polynomial based on a slope and a curvature coefficient. It was found empirically that SM conditions have no significant effect on the steepness of the slope, and that therefore, SM and vegetation effects can be separated using the slope (2).  This is a major assumption in the TU Wien soil moisture retrieval algorithm used in several operational soil moisture products. However, recent findings by Quast et al. (3) using a first-order radiative transfer model for the inversion of soil and vegetation parameters from scatterometer observations indicate that SM may influence the slope, as the SM-induced backscatter increase is more pronounced at low incidence angles. 

The aim of this analysis is to revisit the assumption that SM does not affect the slope of the backscatter incidence angle relations by investigating if short-term variability, observed in ASCAT slope timeseries on top of the seasonal vegetation cycle, is caused by SM. We therefore compare timeseries and anomalies of the ASCAT slope to air temperature, rainfall and SM from the ERA5-Land dataset. We carry out the analysis in a humid continental climate (Austria) and a Mediterranean climate study region (Portugal). First results show significant negative correlations between slope and SM anomalies. However, correlations between temperature and slope anomalies are of a similar magnitude, albeit positive, which may reflect temperature-induced vegetation dynamics. The fact that temperature and SM are strongly correlated with each other complicates the interpretation of the results. Thus, our second approach is to investigate daily slope values and their change between dry and wet days. The results of this study shall help to quantify the uncertainties in ASCAT SM products caused by the potentially inadequate assumption of a SM-independent slope. 


(1) Vreugdenhil, Mariette, et al. "Analyzing the vegetation parameterization in the TU-Wien ASCAT soil moisture retrieval." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54.6 (2016): 3513-3531.

(2) Wagner, Wolfgang, et al. "Monitoring soil moisture over the Canadian Prairies with the ERS scatterometer." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 37.1 (1999): 206-216. 

(3) Quast, Raphael, et al. "A Generic First-Order Radiative Transfer Modelling Approach for the Inversion of Soil and Vegetation Parameters from Scatterometer Observations." Remote Sensing 11.3 (2019): 285.

How to cite: Pfeil, I., Wagner, W., Hahn, S., Quast, R., Steele-Dunne, S., and Vreugdenhil, M.: Soil moisture and vegetation effects on the ASCAT backscatter-incidence angle dependence, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10806, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10806, 2021.

Saeed Khabbazan, Paul.C. Vermunt, Susan.C. Steele Dunne, Ge Gao, Mariette Vreugdenhil, and Jasmeet Judge

Quantification of vegetation parameters such as Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD) and Vegetation Water Content (VWC) can be used for better irrigation management, yield forecasting, and soil moisture estimation. Since VOD is directly related to vegetation water content and canopy structure, it can be used as an indicator for VWC. Over the past few decades, optical and passive microwave satellite data have mostly been used to monitor VWC. However, recent research is using active data to monitor VOD and VWC benefitting from their high spatial and temporal resolution.

Attenuation of the microwave signal through the vegetation layer is parametrized by the VOD. VOD is assumed to be linearly related to VWC with the proportionality constant being an empirical parameter b. For a given wavelength and polarization, b is assumed static and only parametrized as a function of vegetation type. The hypothesis of this study is that the VOD is not similar for dry and wet vegetation and the static linear relationship between attenuation and vegetation water content is a simplification of reality.

The aim of this research is to understand the effect of surface canopy water on VOD estimation and the relationship between VOD and vegetation water content during the growing season of a corn canopy. In addition to studying the dependence of VOD on bulk VWC for dry and wet vegetation, the effect of different factors, such as different growth stages and internal vegetation water content is investigated using time series analysis.

A field experiment was conducted in Florida, USA, for a full growing season of sweet corn. The corn field was scanned every 30 minutes with a truck-mounted, fully polarimetric, L-band radar. Pre-dawn vegetation water content was measured using destructive sampling three times a week for a full growing season. VWC could therefore be analyzed by constituent (leaf, stem, ear) or by height. Meteorological data, surface canopy water (dew or interception), and soil moisture were measured every 15 minutes for the entire growing season.

The methodology of Vreugdenhil et al.  [1], developed by TU Wien for ASCAT data, was adapted to present a new technique to estimate VOD from single-incidence angle backscatter data in each polarization. The results showed that the effect of surface canopy water on the VOD estimation increased by vegetation biomass accumulation and the effect was higher in the VOD estimated from the co-pol compared with the VOD estimated from the cross-pol. Moreover, the surface canopy water considerably affected the regression coefficient values (b-factor) of the linear relationship between VOD and VWC from dry and wet vegetation. This finding suggests that considering a similar b-factor for the dry and the wet vegetation will introduce errors in soil moisture retrievals. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of considering canopy wetness conditions when using tau-omega.

  • [1] Vreugdenhil,W. A. Dorigo,W.Wagner, R. A. De Jeu, S. Hahn, andM. J. VanMarle, “Analyzing the vegetation parameterization in the TU-Wien ASCAT soil moisture retrieval,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 54, pp. 3513–3531, 2016

How to cite: Khabbazan, S., Vermunt, P. C., Steele Dunne, S. C., Gao, G., Vreugdenhil, M., and Judge, J.: Inferring the effects of surface canopy water on VOD estimation from L-band backscatter, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6461, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6461, 2021.

Paul Vermunt, Susan Steele-Dunne, Saeed Khabbazan, Nick van de Giesen, and Jasmeet Judge

Monitoring rapid, subdaily vegetation water dynamics is key to address fundamental questions surrounding the role of vegetation in the water, carbon and energy cycles, and to provide essential information for detecting and monitoring droughts on local to global scales. Active and passive microwave remote sensing has been used to estimate vegetation water content (VWC), e.g. using vegetation optical depth (VOD), because of the sensitivity of microwave observables to plant dielectric properties. These estimates were used for applications such as fuel load estimation, soil moisture retrieval, crop monitoring and studies on drought propagation. The expected availability of subdaily observations from the next generation of satellites opens the opportunity to also monitor rapid vegetation water dynamics. However, one of the main challenges is the validation of subdaily microwave products.

VWC is commonly measured through destructive sampling, which is labor- and time-intensive, in particular when this has to be done multiple times per day. Here, we present a proof of concept for a more efficient validation method, using continuously measuring sensors. First, we present our latest study on reconstructing continuous records of VWC in corn, using hydrometeorological data and sparse destructive sampling [Vermunt et al., in prep.]. Second, we present the estimation of surface canopy water (dew, rainfall interception), and illustrate the value of both data sets by using them to analyse our tower-based observations of subdaily fully polarimetric L-band backscatter [1]. The results demonstrate the potential for radar to monitor rapid vegetation water dynamics.

[1] Vermunt, P. C., Khabbazan, S., Steele-Dunne, S. C., Judge, J., Monsivais-Huertero, A., Guerriero, L., & Liu, P. W. (2020). Response of Subdaily L-Band Backscatter to Internal and Surface Canopy Water Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

How to cite: Vermunt, P., Steele-Dunne, S., Khabbazan, S., van de Giesen, N., and Judge, J.: Reconstructing daily cycles of canopy water for the validation of (subdaily) microwave estimates, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8065, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8065, 2021.

Nataniel Holtzman, Leander Anderegg, Simon Kraatz, Alex Mavrovic, Oliver Sonnentag, Christoforos Pappas, Michael Cosh, Alexandre Langlois, Tarendra Lakhankar, Derek Tesser, Nicholas Steiner, Andreas Colliander, Alexandre Roy, and Alexandra Konings

Vegetation optical depth (VOD) retrieved from microwave radiometry correlates with the total amount of water in vegetation. In addition to depending on overall biomass, the total amount of water in vegetation varies with relative water content, which is monotonically related to plant water potential, a quantity that drives plant hydraulic behavior. Thus there is a possible relationship between VOD and plant water potential. Previous studies have found evidence for that relationship on the scale of satellite pixels tens of kilometers across, but these comparisons suffer from significant scaling error. Here we used small-scale remote sensing to test the link between remotely sensed VOD and plant water potential. We placed an L-band radiometer on a tower above the canopy looking down at red oak forest stand during the 2019 growing season in the northeastern United States. We retrieved VOD with a single-channel algorithm based on continuous radiometer measurements and in-situ soil moisture data. We also measured water potentials of stem xylem and leaves on trees within the stand.

VOD exhibited a diurnal cycle similar to that of leaf and stem water potential, with a peak at approximately 5 AM. Over the whole growing season, VOD was also positively correlated with both the water potential of stem xylem and the xylem's dielectric constant (a proxy for water content). The presence of moisture on the leaves did not affect the observed relationship between VOD and xylem dielectric constant. We used our observed VOD-water potential relationship to estimate stand-level values for a radiative transfer parameter and a plant hydraulic parameter, which compared well with the published literature. Our findings support the use of VOD for plant hydraulic studies in temperate forests.

How to cite: Holtzman, N., Anderegg, L., Kraatz, S., Mavrovic, A., Sonnentag, O., Pappas, C., Cosh, M., Langlois, A., Lakhankar, T., Tesser, D., Steiner, N., Colliander, A., Roy, A., and Konings, A.: L-band vegetation optical depth as an indicator of plant water potential in a temperate deciduous forest stand, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13033, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13033, 2021.

Emma Bousquet, Arnaud Mialon, Nemesio Rodriguez-Fernandez, Catherine Prigent, Fabien Wagner, and Yann Kerr

Vegetation optical depth (VOD) is a remotely sensed indicator characterizing the attenuation of the Earth's thermal emission at microwave wavelengths by the vegetation layer. At L-band, VOD can be used to estimate and monitor aboveground biomass (AGB), a key component of the Earth's surface and of the carbon cycle. We observed a strong anti-correlation between SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) L-band VOD (L-VOD) and soil moisture (SM) anomalies over seasonally inundated areas, confirming previous observations of an unexpected decline in K-band VOD during flooding (Jones et al., 2011). These results could be, at least partially, due to artefacts affecting the retrieval and could lead to uncertainties on the derived L-VOD during flooding. To study the behaviour of SMOS satellite L-VOD retrieval algorithm over seasonally inundated areas, the passive microwave L-MEB (L-band Microwave Emission of the Biosphere) model was used to simulate the signal emitted by a mixed scene composed of soil and standing water. The retrieval over this inundated area shows an overestimation of SM and an underestimation of L-VOD. This underestimation increases non-linearly with the surface water fraction. The phenomenon is more pronounced over grasslands than over forests. The retrieved L-VOD is typically underestimated by ~10% over flooded forests and up to 100% over flooded grasslands. This is mainly due to the fact that i) low vegetation is mostly submerged under water and becomes invisible to the sensor; and ii) more standing water is seen by the sensor. Such effects can distort the analysis of aboveground biomass (AGB) and aboveground carbon (AGC) estimates and dynamics based on L-VOD. Using the L-VOD/AGB relationship from Rodriguez-Fernandez et al. (2018), we evaluated that AGB can be underestimated by 15/20Mg ha-1 in the largest wetlands, and up to higher values during exceptional meteorological years. Such values are more significant over herbaceous wetlands, where AGB is ~30 Mg ha-1, than over flooded forests, which have typical AGB values of 150-300 Mg ha-1. Consequently, to better estimate the global biomass, surface water seasonality has to be taken into account in passive microwave retrieval algorithms.

How to cite: Bousquet, E., Mialon, A., Rodriguez-Fernandez, N., Prigent, C., Wagner, F., and Kerr, Y.: Influence of surface water variations on VOD and biomass estimates from passive microwave sensors, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5786, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5786, 2021.

Vincent Humphrey, Brian L. Dorsey, and Christian Frankenberg

Canopy water content is a direct indicator of vegetation water use and hydraulic stress, reflecting how ecosystems respond and adapt to droughts and heatwaves. It represents an interesting target for Earth system models which attempt to predict the response and resilience of the vegetation in the face of changing climatic conditions. So far, in-situ estimates of vegetation water content often rely on infrequent and time-consuming samplings of leaf water content, which are not necessarily representative of the canopy scale. On the other hand, several satellite techniques have demonstrated a promising potential for monitoring vegetation optical depth and water content, but these large-scale measurements are still difficult to reference against sparse in-situ level observations.

Here, we present an experimental technique based on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) to bridge this persisting scale gap. Because GNSS microwave signals are obstructed and scattered by vegetation and liquid water, placing a GNSS sensor in a forest and measuring changes in signal quality can provide continuous information on canopy water content and forest structure. We demonstrate that variations in GNSS signal attenuation reflect the distribution of biomass density and liquid water in the canopy, consistent with ancillary relative leaf water content measurements, and can be monitored continuously. Of particular interest, this technique can resolve diurnal variations in canopy water content at sub-hourly time steps. The few rainfall events captured during the 8-months observational record also suggest that canopy water interception can be monitored at 5 minutes intervals. We discuss future strategies and requirements for deploying such off-the-shelf passive bistatic radar systems at existing FluxNet sites.

How to cite: Humphrey, V., Dorsey, B. L., and Frankenberg, C.: Continuous observation of canopy water content changes with GPS sensors, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15551, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15551, 2021.

Mattia Rossi, Eugenia Chiarito, Francesca Cigna, Giovanni Cuozzo, Giacomo Fontanelli, Simonetta Paloscia, Emanuele Santi, Deodato Tapete, and Claudia Notarnicola

Grasslands are a predominant land cover form, responsible for ecosystem services such as slope stabilization, water and carbon storage or fodder provision for livestock. At the same time, altering climatic effects and human activities have influenced the natural growth pattern and condition of alpine grasslands over the past decades. Mountainous areas are projected to be particularly impacted by climatic changes and management practices. Nowadays, a wide variety and different installations of Earth observation systems are available to monitor and predict grassland growth and status, to evidence ecosystem services such as biodiversity, the fodder availability or to highlight the effectiveness of management practices.

In this study Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Random Forest (RF) machine learning techniques were used to estimate the aboveground biomass, plant water content and the leaf area index (LAI). As input, we combined hyperspectral imagery from field spectrometers, optical Sentinel-2 data as well as SAR data from Sentinel-1. The models were tested targeting approximately 250 biomass and LAI samples taken from 2017 to 2020 on grasslands in the Mazia/Matsch valley, located in South Tyrol (Italy). The dataset was divided based on grassland type (meadow and pasture) the growth period (up to three growth periods a year for meadows), as well as the year, to analyze the modelled predictions based on the growing stage of the vegetation.

The results obtained using the integration of the datasets are very promising in the meadow, with R2 reaching ranging from 0.5 to 0.8 for the biomass and from 0.6 to 0.8 for the LAI retrieval. At the same time, the division in growth phases shows a slightly higher correlation than during the first and second growing periods, indicating that the irregular growth after the last harvest of the year affects the capability of prediction of LAI and above-ground biomass. However, the predictability worsens on high biomass and LAI values before the harvest takes place, thus indicating an impact of the saturation in the optical data and revealing the need for additional data sources or an alternated weighting of the predictors in the models. The results on the pasture show that the prediction of LAI and biomass with optical and SAR data is difficult to achieve (mean R2 ranging from 0.3 to 0.4) given the natural heterogeneity in growth within the test area. Additional datasets such as cattle movement or the slope information could represent a valuable source of information for further LAI and biomass growth analyses in mountainous areas.

This research is part of the 2019-2021 project ‘Development of algorithms for estimation and monitoring of hydrological parameters from satellite and drone’, funded by ASI under grant agreement n.2018-37-HH.0.

How to cite: Rossi, M., Chiarito, E., Cigna, F., Cuozzo, G., Fontanelli, G., Paloscia, S., Santi, E., Tapete, D., and Notarnicola, C.: Multisensor SAR and optical estimation of grassland above-ground biomass and LAI: a case study for the Mazia valley in South Tyrol, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11932, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11932, 2021.

Marta Pasternak and Kamila Pawluszek-Filipiak

Crops are of the fundamental food sources for humanity. Due to the population growth as well as climate change, monitoring of the crops is important to sustain agriculture and conserve natural resources. Development of the remote sensing techniques especially in terms of revisiting time opens new avenues to study crops temporal behaviors from space. Moreover, thanks to the Copernicus program, which guarantees optical as well as radar data to be freely available, there are opportunities to utilize them in an operative way. Additionally, utilization of spectral as well as radar data allows for the synergetic application of both datasets. However, to utilize this data in the operational crop monitoring, it is very important to understand the temporal variations of the remote sensing signal. Therefore, we make an attempt to understand spectral as well as radar remote sensing temporal behavior and its relation with phonological stages.

For the analysis, 14 cloud-free Sentinel-2 (S-2) acquisitions as well as 34 Sentinel-1 (S-1) acquisitions are utilized. S-2 data were collected with 2A-level while S-1 data was captured in the format of Single Look Complex (SLC) in the Interferometric Wide (IW) swath mode. SLC products consist of complex SAR data preserving phase information which allows studying polarimetric indicators. All remote sensing (spectral as well as SAR) data cover the time period from 04/05/2020 to 07/11/2020. During this time, also 14 field visits were carried out to capture information about phonological stages of corn and wheat according to the BBCH scale (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt und CHemische Industrie). Additionally, to better understand the temporal behavior of S-1/S-2 signal, weather information from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW) was captured.

Based on various spectral bands of S-2 data, 12 spectral indices were calculated e.g., GNDVI (Green Normalized Vegetation Index), IRECI (Inverted Red-Edge Chlorophyll Index), MCARI (Modified Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index), MSAVI (Modified Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index), MTCI (MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index), NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), PSSRa (Pigment Specific Simple Ratio) and others. After radiometric calibration and the Lee speckle filtering, backscattering coefficients (σVVoVHo) of S-1 images were calculated as well as its backscattering ratio (σVHo/ σVVo).  All images were then converted from linear to decibel (dB). Additionally, 2 × 2 covariance matrix delivered from S-1 was extracted from the scattering matrix of each SLC image using PolSARpro version 6.0.2 software. After speckle filtration, total scattered power was derived which allows calculating the Shannon Entropy. This value measures the randomness of the scattering within a pixel.

Time series of many S-2 indices reveal the strong correlation between the development of phenology stages of corn and wheat and the increase of S2 delivered values of spectral indices. However, such a strong correlation cannot be observed within many of S-1 indices. Some of them very poorly indicate the correlation between the development of phenology stages of corn and wheat and increase of S-1 indices values. Additionally, it was observed that values of S1/S2 indices for the same phenology stage very between corn and winter wheat.


How to cite: Pasternak, M. and Pawluszek-Filipiak, K.: An attempt to understand corn and winter wheat temporal behavior by means of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data and its relation with phonological stages., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12307, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12307, 2021.

Shannon de Roos, Gabrielle De Lannoy, and Dirk Raes

A shift to more sustainable land cultivation practices is necessary to meet the future crop demand, which faces a vastly growing population and changing climatic conditions. To assess which management practices can be effectively applied at a regional scale, good spatial monitoring techniques are required. With a regional version of the AquaCrop model v6.1, we simulate crop biomass production and soil moisture at a 1-km resolution over Europe. Biomass productivity is compared against the Dry Matter Productivity of the Copernicus Global Land Service, derived from optical satellite sensors, while surface moisture content is evaluated with Sentinel-1 and SMAP microwave satellite retrieval products and inter-compared with in situ data. We show that the AquaCrop model can successfully be applied at a relatively fine resolution over a large scale, using global input data.

This research is part of a H2020 project, named SHui. SHui is a collaborative effort between Universities from Europe and China, with the overall aim of managing water scarcity in cropping systems for individuals as well as stakeholder organizations.

How to cite: de Roos, S., De Lannoy, G., and Raes, D.: Using a regional version of the AquaCrop model to simulate crop biomass and soil moisture: an evaluation with remote sensing data products, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2265, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2265, 2021.

Brianna Pagán, Adekunle Ajayi, Mamadou Krouma, Jyotsna Budideti, and Omar Tafsi

The value of satellite imagery to monitor crop health in near-real time continues to exponentially grow as more missions are launched making data available at higher spatial and temporal scales. Yet cloud cover remains an issue for utilizing vegetation indexes (VIs) solely based on optic imagery, especially in certain regions and climates. Previous research has proven the ability to reconstruct VIs like the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Leaf Area Index (LAI) by leveraging synthetic aperture radar (SAR) datasets, which are not inhibited by cloud cover. Publicly available data from SAR missions like Sentinel-1 at relatively decent spatial resolutions present the opportunity for more affordable options for agriculture users to integrate satellite imagery in their day to day operations. Previous research has successfully reconstructed optic VIs (i.e. from Sentinel-2) with SAR data (i.e. from Sentinel-1) leveraging various machine learning approaches for a limited number of crop types. However, these efforts normally train on individual pixels rather than leveraging information at a field level. 

Here we present Beyond Cloud, a product which is the first to leverage computer vision and machine learning approaches in order to provide fused optic and SAR based crop health information. Field level learning is especially well-suited for inherently noisy SAR datasets. Several use cases are presented over agriculture fields located throughout the United Kingdom, France and Belgium, where cloud cover limits optic based solutions to as little as 2-3 images per growing season. Preliminary efforts for additional features to the product including automated crop and soil type detection are also discussed. Beyond Cloud can be accessed via a simple API which makes integration of the results easy for existing dashboards and smart-ag tools. Overall, these efforts promote the accessibility of satellite imagery for real agriculture end users.


How to cite: Pagán, B., Ajayi, A., Krouma, M., Budideti, J., and Tafsi, O.: Beyond Cloud: A Fused Optic and SAR Based Solution to Monitor Crop Health, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15589, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15589, 2021.

Chadi Abdallah, Gina Tarhini, Mariam Daher, Hussein Khatib, and Mark Zeitoun

Coping with the issue of water scarcity and growing competition for water among different sectors requires effective water management strategies and decision processes. ‘Getting it right’ becomes doubly important when dealing with intenational transboundary rivers. The Yarmouk tributary to the Jordan River is one highly exploited in the Middle East, and is enveloped by ambiguous treaties and decades of violent and non-violent conflict. Seeking to chart a more sustainable and equitable future, this work performs a 'water accounting plus' methodology employing readily available remotely sensed satellite-based data coupled with available measurements.  A variety of methods described herein were used to detect irrigated crops and produce maps showing the distribution throughout the basin. The framework also focuses on the classification of land use categories and the processes by which water is depleted over all land use classes that contributes to separate the beneficial from non-beneficial usage of water. The analysis was started prior to the 2011 start of the Syrian war in order to study the initial distribution of land use classes as well as the water depletion processes before any change in the basin. It shows that more than half of the exploitable water is not consumed within the basin and depleted outside. In contrast, most of the water consumed within the basin is wasted and depleted in a non-beneficial way. Roughly 35% of the cultivated area shown to be irrigated through withdrawals which exceed the capacity of the source. This result reflects the high abstraction rates from groundwater via a large number of unlicensed wells mostly located at the Syrian side. This study also detect a deficiency in the water balance of the Yarmouk River. The findings are relevant to sustainable management not only for water-dependent sectors but also for geopolitical stability among the riparian countries. In this way, open- access remote sensing derived data can provide useful information about the status of water resources especially when ground measurements are poor or absent.


Keywords: Yarmouk, Water Accounting Plus, IWM, Irrigated crops, WAPOR.

How to cite: Abdallah, C., Tarhini, G., Daher, M., Khatib, H., and Zeitoun, M.: Water Accounting Plus (WA+) through Remote Sensing in the Yarmouk Tributary Basin, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8690, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8690, 2021.

Çağlar Küçük, Sujan Koirala, Nuno Carvalhais, Diego G. Miralles, Markus Reichstein, and Martin Jung

Drylands contribute strongly to global biogeochemical cycles and their variability. While precipitation is the main driver of plant water availability, secondary water resources like shallow groundwater and lateral convergence of soil moisture may play important roles in supporting ecosystems against water limitation at the local scale. Despite their strong relevance, the effects of secondary water resources are often ignored or highly uncertain in studies over large spatial domains. 

Here, we aimed to quantify the degree to which land properties control secondary water resources over water-limited regions in Africa. To do so, we first detected the seasonal decay periods of Fractional Vegetation Cover (FVC) time series from the changes in FVC over time at daily temporal resolution. FVC data is provided by the EUMETSAT from the image acquisitions from the geostationary satellite MSG. We then calculated the seasonal decay rate of FVC (λ) and used it with other climate, land and vegetation properties at 5 km spatial resolution. We hypothesized that any secondary water resource should slow down vegetation decays in drylands. We used gradient boosting machine learning to model λ and constrained the model according to the hypothesis. Finally, we used Shapley additive explanations in order to quantify the effects of land properties on spatial variation of the modelled λ.

Model output (NSE = 0.55) revealed that over drylands of Africa, ∼1/3 of spatial variation of λ is attributed to land properties, half of which is attributed to direct land effects while the rest is attributed to the land interactions with climate and vegetation. Though at local scales, this attribution gets much stronger over hotspots with strong secondary water resources, i.e., shallow groundwater. Spatially, land attributed variations of λ show that vegetation decays slower in regions with shallow groundwater and faster in regions where land surface is disconnected from the groundwater. Topographic complexity is another important factor, with slower vegetation decay in complex terrain, likely due to enhanced lateral moisture convergence. Moreover, these responses intensify with increasing climatological water limitation. 

We found strong effects of land parameters on seasonal vegetation decay rate, spatially structured but at local scales. This highlights the importance of local scale processes affecting water availability in drylands not only at local but also continental to global scales and shows the need of bridging processes across spatial scales in regional-to-global hydrological and vegetation models.

How to cite: Küçük, Ç., Koirala, S., Carvalhais, N., Miralles, D. G., Reichstein, M., and Jung, M.: Local-scale secondary water resources modulate seasonal water limitation across Africa, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1572, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1572, 2021.

Lixin Wang, Wenzhe Jiao, and Matthew McCabe

Satellite based remote sensing plays important role in studying regional to continental scale drought. One of the unique elements of remote sensing platforms is their multi-sensor capabilities, which enhance the capacity for characterizing drought from a variety of aspects. However, multi-sensor integrated drought evaluation is in its infancy. To advocate and encourage on-going exploration and integration of multi-sensor remote sensing for drought studies, we provide an overview of the role of multi-sensor remote sensing for addressing knowledge gaps and driving advances in drought studies. We first present a comprehensive summary of large-scale drought-related remote sensing datasets that can be used for multi-sensor drought studies. Then we provide a detailed review of how the integrated multi-sensor remote sensing could enhance our analysis in multiple important drought related phenomena and mechanisms such as drought-induced tree mortality, drought-related ecosystem fires, post-drought recovery and legacy effects, flash drought, and drought trends under climate change. We also provide a summary of recent modeling advances towards developing integrated multi-sensor remote sensing drought indices. We highlight that leveraging multi-sensor remote sensing provides unique benefits for regional to global drought studies, particularly in: 1) revealing the complex drought impact mechanisms on various ecosystem components; 2) providing continuous long-term drought related information at large scales; 3) presenting real-time drought information with high spatiotemporal resolution; 4) providing multiple lines of evidence of drought monitoring to improve modeling and prediction robustness; and 5) improving the accuracy of drought monitoring and assessment efforts.

How to cite: Wang, L., Jiao, W., and McCabe, M.: The role of multi-sensor remote sensing for drought characterization: challenges and opportunities, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1849, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1849, 2021.

Bolin Xu, Qing He, Kwok Pan Chun, Julian Klaus, Rémy Schoppach, and Ömer Yetemen

Teleconnections relate regional pressure patterns to local climate anomalies, influencing the variation of vegetation patterns. Over west continental Europe, droughts have been widely investigated with persistent low-frequency atmospheric circulation patterns (e.g. the North Atlantic Oscillation, NAO) with the centers over the Atlantic based on the 500mb height anomalies of the Northern Hemisphere. However, the effects of teleconnection patterns with the centers of active variability over the North and Caspian Seas is largely unexplored for droughts related to vegetation patterns. In this study, we explored the impact of the North Sea-Caspian Pattern (NCP) on regional ecohydrologic conditions in the Greater Region of Luxembourg in Western Europe. Using a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), we first decomposed the annual Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from the Global Inventory Monitoring and Modeling System (GIMMS) between 1981 and 2015. In the first PCA component, a distinctive greening trend of NDVI is detected since the late 1980s. However, the corresponding station observations and the ERA5 reanalysis data show that the region in west continental Europe became increasingly drier based on the difference between precipitation and evaporation. We explain the above paradoxical greening but drying patterns by the mechanism of NCP over the region. During the positive phase of NCP, the high pressure over the North Sea weakens circulation over the region and leads to warmer conditions in west continental Europe. These conditions are good for vegetation growth because the region was mainly energy-limited during the observed period at the annual scale based on a Budyko analysis. However, the positive phase of NCP also promotes divergent conditions at the lower troposphere and it reduces moisture flux over the region. In the Budyko space, the persistent positive phase of NCP would lead the energy-limited region to be water-limited. As the positive phase of NCP is expected to be more frequent along with the increasing global temperatures, the region may start to experience increasing water stress on vegetation. These results suggest that unforeseen droughts related to vegetation may be emerging in the region. New drought monitoring and management measures related to vegetation should be developed at west continental Europe, especially during the positive phase of NCP.

How to cite: Xu, B., He, Q., Chun, K. P., Klaus, J., Schoppach, R., and Yetemen, Ö.: Detecting drought conditions related to vegetation at west continental Europe based on variations from the North and Caspian Seas, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10518, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10518, 2021.
