Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions
Disciplinary sessions AS–GM
Disciplinary sessions GMPV–TS

Session programme


TM – Townhall Meetings

Programme group chair: Peter van der Beek


Availability of research data, together with the availability of methods/software and open access to the resulting publications, has become an increasingly accepted set of pillars for reproducible science. While more and more journals have moved to openness regarding access of articles, the shift to demanding (or at least strongly encouraging) availability of the underlying data and even software has emerged just recently. For example, since August 2019, the AGU journals enforce major parts of the FAIR principles, which can impose some head scratching during and after submission. Likewise, when asking data repository staff, what data of a Structure-from-Motion study actually should be provided (pictures, calculated point clouds, point cloud derivatives, derivatives of derivatives?), one can get a rich variety of replies. Obviously, as with all freshly laid out directions, trails need time and people to become highways.

Thus, it is now time to ask scientists for their suggestions about how to form this trail into a highway. Which key information should be provided by journals and data repository platforms to simplify the submission process while likewise safeguarding the necessary meta data depth and low level accessibility constraints? What are adequate time lines and work flows for authors? Which type and aggregation stage of data should (or should not) be part of a repository? How can access restriction requirements for different groups be implemented? How can different data repository contents be organised to make real value of the rapidly expanding data source?

This townhall meeting invites researchers from all geoscience disciplines to share their experience with the process of providing data along with manuscripts. Our aim is, besides discussing the above questions, to develop mechanisms to lower learning curves, and to facilitate workflows, for authors, data curators and journal editors and reviewers. We want to fuse a group of active people that collect feedback and ideas, which will be used to ultimately create and share one page how-to’s on fruitful ways to create data repositories, utilise pre-print servers, and submit articles in agreement with open science policies.

We plan to provide mechanisms that safeguard a high degree of auditorium interaction and intend to assemble a panel of publishers, editors, data curators, and scientists.

Convener: Michael Dietze | Co-conveners: Anette Eltner, Stuart Lane
Thu, 29 Apr, 17:30–19:00 (CEST)

Publishing is an essential and integral part of scientific life. During a scientist’s career, one may act as author, reviewer and editor. In each of these roles one may experience frustrating moments because of diverging expectations regarding one’s own and another person’s role in this agent triangle during the publication process. It is frustrating as author and editor to get ten lines of review text, or reviews that are merely copy-editing notes. It is frustrating as reviewer to be left with unclear definitions of quality thresholds, recommendation guidelines, and obviously bad manuscripts that should have never gone out for review.

Often, such frustrations arise from a lack of common agreements – across journals and across disciplines – on the expectations and limitations of the roles of all three publication agents (author, reviewer, editor, but all of them scientists by training and at heart). What may be an expected task in journal A could be a don’t-do for journal B, and quite often there is no way to infer that expectation from a journal’s website. Thus, in an environment of ever increasing publication numbers, pressure on all three roles is intense. A consensus regarding transparent, generic and helpful guidelines on the definitions, duties and expected deliverables of authors, reviewers and editors is needed and overdue.

The goal of this Townhall meeting is to shed light onto experiences of authors, reviewers and editors across geoscientific disciplines. We want to collect and share examples of good practice and debate a minimum set of guidelines for each of the three groups of publication agents. We invite researchers from all geoscience disciplines to share their experiences and ideas with the audience and the panel, and intend to share the outcomes of this community-driven discussion transparently and widely.

Convener: Michael Dietze | Co-conveners: Anouk Beniest, Katja Fennel
Fri, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00 (CEST)

This Town hall meeting is dedicated discuss the European underground research challenges and opportunities. The meeting will be dedicated to share the findings, present the cases and discuss the underground research and innovation project feasibility via possible scenarios of many existing and conceptional underground laboratories in particular European locations:
• Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden
• Callio Lab, Pyhäsalmi mine, Finland
• Reiche Zeche, TU Freiberg Research and Education mine, Germany
• Conceptual Lab development co-ordinated by KGHM Cuprum R&D centre, Poland
• Khlopin Institute Underground Laboratory, Russia
• Ruskeala, Russia
• Other

Public information:
This Townhall online meeting is dedicated discuss the European underground research challenges and opportunities. The meeting will be dedicated to sharing the findings, present the cases and discuss the underground research and innovation project feasibility via possible scenarios of many existing and conceptional underground laboratories.

Convener: Taurimas Valys | Co-convener: Jari Joutsenvaara
Pekka Holopainen. Director, Engineering and Project Management
Michael Kompatscher. CEO, Hagerbach Test Gallery
Rüdiger Giese. Head of Helmholtz Innovation Lab “3D-Underground Seismic”
Convener: Taurimas Valys | Co-convener: Jari Joutsenvaara
Tue, 27 Apr, 17:30–19:00 (CEST)

Scientific drilling has transformed the understanding of our planet by addressing some of the most fundamental questions about Earth´s dynamic history, processes, and structure, and by opening up new lines of inquiry. Understanding climate, sea-level and environmental changes, geohazards, natural resources, the structure and evolution of the Earth’s crust and the nature and extent of the deep biosphere all require having access to information recorded in subsurface layers.

Two major and complementary international programs undertake drilling for the scientific community: IODP (International Ocean Discovery Program) and ICDP (International Continental Scientific Drilling Program), in oceanic and continental environments respectively. This Townhall meeting will be the opportunity to share our views on exciting challenges to take up for a better understanding of the Earth system and its changing environment and to network with colleagues.

Public information:
The joint ICDP-IODP Town Hall meeting will be held via zoom and is accessible through:
Meeting-ID: 833 5329 0275, code: drilling
Marco Bohnhoff (ICDP)
Gilbert Camoin (IODP/ECORD)
Flavio Anselmetti: Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys (DOVE)
Michi Strasser: Japan Trench Paleoseismology (IODP Exp 386)

We are looking forward to welcome you to this event,
Malgo Bednarz and Thomas Wiersberg
Convener: Thomas Wiersberg | Co-convener: Malgo Bednarz
Tue, 27 Apr, 17:30–19:00 (CEST)

PTAL is a research project founded by the European Commission through the H2020 program, which is aimed to provide the scientific community with a novel library of terrestrial analogue materials that have been selected according to their similarity to well-known Martian geological contexts (https://ptal.eu/). Planned to be released to public on January 2022, the PTAL platform (http://erica.uva.es/PTAL/) will provide future users with free access to complementary spectroscopic and diffractometric data gathered from over 100 terrestrial analogues. Beside the use of commercial instruments, this database stands out for providing access to data collected by means of analytical spare models (FS) and representative prototypes of Raman (RLS and SuperCam simulators) VNIR (MicrOmega-FS) and LIBS (ChemCam-FS) systems onboard the Perseverance and Rosalind Franklin rovers soon landing on Mars. As the PTAL database is meant to facilitate the scientific exploitation of the data returned by Mars202
0 and ExoMars missions, this townhall meeting is meant to present the final version of the online PTAL platform and discuss with attendees about PTAL analytical data and spectroscopic tools.

Convener: Marco Veneranda | Co-conveners: Guillermo Lopez-Reyes, Jose Antonio Manrique, Jesus Saiz
Wed, 21 Apr, 09:00–10:30 (CEST)

The aim of this townhall meeting is to bring together soil-modeling researchers for developing new activities and future perspectives on modeling soil systems. Contributions are welcome with a short announcement ahead of the meeting to the conveners. Formed to consortium in 2016, we aim for integrating and advancing soil systems modeling, data collection, and observational capabilities. ISMC is a community-based effort that builds on voluntary contributions and scientists, stakeholders and institutions can sign up freely (https://soil-modeling.org/). ISMC is organized around three science panels that parallels a broad workflow from data collection (DO-LINK) to model development and testing (Soil-MIP) to engagement with different scientific communities (CROSS-CONNECT). Together, these panels jointly foster the development of soil modelling tools, support, expertise and knowledge transfer. We anticipate that the discussion will be facilitated through a report of the state-of-affairs an d the activities of the three science panels, followed by an open and engaging dialog with the attendees. The meeting is centred around an open and engaging dialog among the attendees and initiated by a report of the state-of-affairs and the activities of the three science panels, followed by an open and engaging dialog with the attendees.

Convener: Roland Baatz | Co-conveners: Martine van der Ploeg, Teamrat Ghezzehei
Tue, 20 Apr, 15:30–17:00 (CEST)

In this Townhall meeting we will update you on the latest developments within the StraboSpot//EPOS collaboration and demonstrate recently developed tools for experimental rock physics and microscopy.

StraboSpot is an EarthCube sponsored US initiative that is developing mobile and desktop applications to facilitate the collection and curation of field geology, microstructures, and experimental rock deformation data.

EPOS (European Plate Observing System) is a pan-European e-infrastructure project with the goal of improving and facilitating the access, use, and re-use of solid Earth science data. The Multi-scale laboratories are a subdivision within EPOS and responsible for laboratory-generated data, including microscopy and experimental rock deformation.

The StraboSpot//EPOS collaboration aims at harmonizing both initiatives, to ensure both systems are able to communicate with each other and can thus be linked. StraboSpot provides the tools to collect the data, while EPOS provides a platform to make the data available.

Public information:
17:30 - 17:45
Geertje ter Maat - Introduction StraboSpot/EPOS collaboration
17:45 - 18:00
Doug Walker - Introduction to the StraboSpot Ecosystem
18:00 - 18:15
Randy Williams - Introduction to StraboMicro
18:15 - 18:30
Noah Phillips and Andreas Kronenberg - Introduction to StraboExperimental
18:30 - 19:00
Open discussion
Convener: Geertje ter Maat | Co-conveners: Richard Wessels, Randolph Williams
Tue, 20 Apr, 17:30–19:00 (CEST)

In this multidisciplinary Townhall session, we will discuss the current challenges of the publication system, and explore some of the emerging opportunities which aim to render it more open and fair. This event follows a series of engaging articles published in the European Journal of Soil Science in late 2020, initiated by Professor Philippe Baveye from Saint Loup Research Institute in France, on the issues of bypass and hyperbole. A response authored by an international network of early career soil scientists also showcased the difficulties faced by reviewers, as well as the opportunities provided by open access publishing. These likely represent challenges faced across a broad array of geoscience disciplines. The goal of this Townhall is to bring together participants from all EGU divisions to share their perspectives on the limitations of the current publication system, and the emerging possibilities to make it more open and fair to all.

A diverse and international panel comprising both an early career and an established scientist, together with representatives from journal publishing platforms with varying open access options, will present their own perspectives on the challenges and new opportunities in publication practices, which will be followed by an open discussion by all interested conference participants.

Public information:
In this multidisciplinary Townhall session, we will discuss the current challenges of the publication system, and explore some of the emerging opportunities which aim to render it more open and fair. This event follows a series of engaging articles published in the European Journal of Soil Science in late 2020, initiated by Professor Philippe Baveye from Saint Loup Research Institute in France, on the issues of bypass and hyperbole. A response authored by an international network of early career soil scientists also showcased the difficulties faced by reviewers, as well as the opportunities provided by open access publishing. These likely represent challenges faced across a broad array of geoscience disciplines. The goal of this Townhall is to bring together participants from all EGU divisions to share their perspectives on the limitations of the current publication system, and the emerging possibilities to make it more open and fair to all.

A diverse and international panel comprising both an early career and an established scientist, together with representatives from journal publishing platforms with varying open access options, will present their own perspectives on the challenges and new opportunities in publication practices, which will be followed by an open discussion by all interested conference participants.
Convener: Daniel Evans | Co-conveners: Hannes Schmidt, Laura Schnee, Alix Vidal, Layla Márquez San Emeterio
Wed, 21 Apr, 15:30–17:00 (CEST)

ICOS, the Integrated Carbon Observing system is a distributed research infrastructure which makes high quality sustained (25 years ) carbon observations in oceanic, terrestrial and atmospheric environments at the European and global scale to support climate policy development. Observing systems are supported by a head office, a data centre, a calibration lab and sector specific Thematic Centre. The Ocean Thematic Centre is jointly supported by Norway and the U.K. and offers the following services to marine observing systems who are within the ICOS network including, mainly pCO2 instruments on ships and buoys.

Advocacy for improved funding, international engagement and links to the COP Process Assistance with data management

Meeting and documenting ICOS quality thresholds

Training instrument operators and fostering best practice via workshops and intercomparison exercises

Developing new technology to enable better, cheaper, faster or more robust observations, often in new environments or on new platforms.

We invite all interested parties, both current members of the ICOS network, groups interested in joining ICOS and groups from alternative networks, to attend this townhall at which we will describe and showcase the services we offer, including

The IOCOS initiative, designed to transform funding for ocean C observing

The Quince platform for automatic data upload, 1st QC and onward transmission of data to SOCAT and other data repositories

Our 2021 pCO2 intercomparison exercise

The supply of Gas standards from the ICOS calibration laboratory.

How to access the new sensors we are developing

Convener: Richard Sanders
Wed, 28 Apr, 11:00–12:30 (CEST)

Geosciences communities have strived to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic with the help of their expertises from data management to modelling, while maintaining as much as possible the indispensable collection of geophysical data. This response includes the development of various networks and task forces, as well as the emergence of research programs.

This townhall will be devoted to taking stock and charting perspectives on the engagement of geoscience communities, as well as the necessary support from research agencies around the world. The ambition is to prepare new waves of scientifically-based responses to mitigate risks and develop resilience to this pandemic and its probable successors.

Convener: Daniel Schertzer | Co-conveners: Klaus Fraedrich, Gaby Langendijk, Gabriele Manoli, Masatoshi Yamauchi
Wed, 28 Apr, 17:30–19:00 (CEST)

The international Earth and space science community has been working hard to make data sharing a common practice. During this townhall we will provide updates on the current focus areas of COPDESS -The Coalition on Publishing Data in the Earth and Space Sciences, other relevant work being led across our community, and opportunities to participate in upcoming workshops. COPDESS is currently working on challenges with data citation, software citation, supporting journal editors and staff, connecting researchers with appropriate repositories and improving the workflow between data repository ingest and curation and journal peer review.

Join us to discuss the current status, how you can get involved, and next steps we can take.

Public information:
Join Zoom Meeting 17:30–19:00 CEST (UTC +1) | 11:30 – 13:00 ET

Meeting ID: 952 9272 0333
Passcode: 316311

[15 min] Welcome / Agenda Overview
[15 min] Workshop Brief Out and Future Events - https://copdess.org/editor-workshop-webinar-series/
[30 min] Initiatives to Improve Citations
[20 min] Discussion
[10 min] Closing

COPDESS website: https://copdess.org
Convener: Shelley Stall | Co-conveners: Helen Glaves, Royce Brooks Hanson, Kerstin Lehnert, Erin Robinson, Lesley Wyborn
Mon, 26 Apr, 17:30–19:00 (CEST)