EGU22-6459, updated on 06 Jan 2025
EGU General Assembly 2022
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Electron earthward transport in the Earth magnetotail: adiabatic convection heating and magnetic curvature scattering

Pavel Shustov1,2, Anton Artemyev3, and Anatoliy Petrukovich1
Pavel Shustov et al.
  • 1Space Research Institute, RAS, Space plasma physics, Moscow, Russian Federation (
  • 2HSE University, Faculty of Physics, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 3Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

The near-Earth electron population is largely formed by earthward electron transport from the middle and distant magnetotail. Such transport is associated by electron adiabatic heating by the convection electric field. Although the adiabatic heating models predict formation of strongly anisotropic electron populations, spacecraft observations show that hot electrons are well isotropic in the near-Earth magnetotail. One of the possible isotropisation mechanisms is the electron scattering by magnetic field line curvature in the magnetotail current sheet with the stretched magnetic field line configuration.  In this presentation we show model results of electron transport and curvature scattering for slow magnetosphere convection. Our model combines the canonical theory of the electron guiding center motion and the mapping technique of electron pitch-angle scattering. We show formation of electron spectra typical for the near-Earth magnetotail and estimate the contribution of the curvature scattering to electron losses.

How to cite: Shustov, P., Artemyev, A., and Petrukovich, A.: Electron earthward transport in the Earth magnetotail: adiabatic convection heating and magnetic curvature scattering, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-6459,, 2022.


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