EGU General Assembly 2022
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Disentangling the main sources of evapotranspiration in a vineyard

Flavio Bastos Campos1, Leonardo Montagnani1,2, Fadwa Benyahia1, Torben Oliver Callesen1, Carina Veronica González1,3, Massimo Tagliavini1, and Damiano Zanotelli1
Flavio Bastos Campos et al.
  • 1Free University of Bolzano, Bolzano Bozen, Italy (
  • 2Forest Services, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
  • 3Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina

Evapotranspiration (ET) is a complex phenomenon that responds to soil water availability, plant development, weather variations and climate change in many magnitudes, from leaf to ecosystem scale. Disentangling the different sources contributing to the total ET at the ecosystem level could contribute to a better understanding of the single process and the overall ET dynamics.

To tackle this goal, we established an Eddy Covariance station in a vineyard in Caldaro, South Tyrol, Italy, where cv. Chardonnay and cv. Sauvignon blanc are cultivated. The vineyard soil is covered by grasses and drip irrigation is available. We attempted to partition the total evapotranspiration (ETec) data obtained into the vines transpiration (Tv), the vines’ canopy evaporation (Ev) and the understory evapotranspiration (ETu), the latter comprising the soil evaporation and the transpiration of the ground-level vegetation. By this Ecophysiological Partitioning Approach (EPA) the ecosystem ETEPA is the sum of Tv, Ev and ETu.

Tv was estimated upscaling the sap flow rate measured via Sap Flow sensors (SFM1, ICT International,  Armidale, NSW, Australia; 3 sensors, 1 sensor per plant). ETu was assessed with 3 transparent soil-ground-flux-chambers and a multiplexer (Li-8100 Licor Biosciences, Lincoln, NE, USA) in 6 campaigns of 72 hours each, with the chambers being moved to a new position every 24 hours to cover time and spatial variability. Ev was assessed by means of three leaf wetness sensors placed within grapevine canopy. All the measurements were set at 30-minutes intervals, to match the frequency of ETec.

Preliminary results of this ongoing project, which forsees two years of field measurements, showed that ETec amounted to 545 mm during the growing season 2021, with values ranging from 0.33 to 4.83 mm d-1. ETec correlated well with net radiation and with ETu. All sap flow sensors showed a similar trend across the season, consistent with ETec, but differed among each other in terms of flow quantities, likely due to wood specificities of each sampled grapevine which will require specific on-site calibrations.

Ev component, rarely considered in ET partitioning studies, was strongly dependent on precipitation pattern and we hypothesize it can offer a gain of more than 5% in explaining the ET dynamics in the experimental vineyard, wether compared to removing wet canopy moments from the dataset.  

Once the calibration of the soil-ground-flux-chambers system and the installed sap-flow sensor be improved, in-situ measurements of components of ETEPA will contribute to a computational partitioning approach which improves the comprehension of the dynamics of the ecosystem ET sources under climate change.

How to cite: Bastos Campos, F., Montagnani, L., Benyahia, F., Oliver Callesen, T., González, C. V., Tagliavini, M., and Zanotelli, D.: Disentangling the main sources of evapotranspiration in a vineyard, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8231,, 2022.


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