Evapotranspiration estimates from in-situ measurements – challenges in comparison, scaling and uncertainty assessment


Evapotranspiration estimates from in-situ measurements – challenges in comparison, scaling and uncertainty assessment
Co-organized by BG3
Convener: Sibylle K. Hassler | Co-conveners: Jannis Groh, Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen, Corinna Rebmann
| Mon, 23 May, 13:20–14:50 (CEST), 15:10–15:55 (CEST)
Room 2.31

Presentations: Mon, 23 May | Room 2.31

Chairpersons: Sibylle K. Hassler, Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen
On-site presentation
Flavio Bastos Campos, Leonardo Montagnani, Fadwa Benyahia, Torben Oliver Callesen, Carina Veronica González, Massimo Tagliavini, and Damiano Zanotelli

Evapotranspiration (ET) is a complex phenomenon that responds to soil water availability, plant development, weather variations and climate change in many magnitudes, from leaf to ecosystem scale. Disentangling the different sources contributing to the total ET at the ecosystem level could contribute to a better understanding of the single process and the overall ET dynamics.

To tackle this goal, we established an Eddy Covariance station in a vineyard in Caldaro, South Tyrol, Italy, where cv. Chardonnay and cv. Sauvignon blanc are cultivated. The vineyard soil is covered by grasses and drip irrigation is available. We attempted to partition the total evapotranspiration (ETec) data obtained into the vines transpiration (Tv), the vines’ canopy evaporation (Ev) and the understory evapotranspiration (ETu), the latter comprising the soil evaporation and the transpiration of the ground-level vegetation. By this Ecophysiological Partitioning Approach (EPA) the ecosystem ETEPA is the sum of Tv, Ev and ETu.

Tv was estimated upscaling the sap flow rate measured via Sap Flow sensors (SFM1, ICT International,  Armidale, NSW, Australia; 3 sensors, 1 sensor per plant). ETu was assessed with 3 transparent soil-ground-flux-chambers and a multiplexer (Li-8100 Licor Biosciences, Lincoln, NE, USA) in 6 campaigns of 72 hours each, with the chambers being moved to a new position every 24 hours to cover time and spatial variability. Ev was assessed by means of three leaf wetness sensors placed within grapevine canopy. All the measurements were set at 30-minutes intervals, to match the frequency of ETec.

Preliminary results of this ongoing project, which forsees two years of field measurements, showed that ETec amounted to 545 mm during the growing season 2021, with values ranging from 0.33 to 4.83 mm d-1. ETec correlated well with net radiation and with ETu. All sap flow sensors showed a similar trend across the season, consistent with ETec, but differed among each other in terms of flow quantities, likely due to wood specificities of each sampled grapevine which will require specific on-site calibrations.

Ev component, rarely considered in ET partitioning studies, was strongly dependent on precipitation pattern and we hypothesize it can offer a gain of more than 5% in explaining the ET dynamics in the experimental vineyard, wether compared to removing wet canopy moments from the dataset.  

Once the calibration of the soil-ground-flux-chambers system and the installed sap-flow sensor be improved, in-situ measurements of components of ETEPA will contribute to a computational partitioning approach which improves the comprehension of the dynamics of the ecosystem ET sources under climate change.

How to cite: Bastos Campos, F., Montagnani, L., Benyahia, F., Oliver Callesen, T., González, C. V., Tagliavini, M., and Zanotelli, D.: Disentangling the main sources of evapotranspiration in a vineyard, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8231, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8231, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Junbin Zhao, Holger Lange, Helge Meissner, and Ryan Bright

As a way to estimate evapotranspiration (ET), Heat Field Deformation (HFD) is a widely used method to measure sap flow of trees based on empirical relationships between heat transfer within tree stems and the sap flow rates. As an alternative, the Linear Heat Balance (LHB) method implements the same instrumental configuration as HFD but calculates the sap flow rates using analytical equations that are derived from fundamental conduction-convection heat transfer equations. In this study, we systematically compared the sap flow calculated using the two methods from four Norway spruce trees. We aimed to evaluate the discrepancies between the sap flow estimates from the two methods and determine the underlying causes. Diurnal and day-to-day patterns were consistent between the sap flow estimates from the two methods. However, the magnitudes of the estimated sap flow were different, where LHB resulted in much lower estimates in three trees and slightly higher estimates in one tree compared to HFD. We also observed larger discrepancies in negative (downward) than in positive (upward) sap flow, where the LHB resulted in lower reversed flow than HFD. Consequently, the seasonal budget estimated by LHB can be as low as ~20% of that estimated by HFD. The discrepancies can be mainly attributed to the low wood thermal conductivities for the studied trees that lead to substantial underestimations using the LHB method. In addition, the sap flow estimates were very sensitive to the value changes of the empirical parameters in the calculations and, thus, using a proper case-specific value is recommended, especially for the LHB method. Overall, we suggest that, despite the strong theoretical support, the correctness of LHB outputs depends largely on the tree individuals and should be carefully evaluated. 

How to cite: Zhao, J., Lange, H., Meissner, H., and Bright, R.: Heat Field Deformation (HFD) vs Linear Heat Balance (LHB):  A critical comparison of two sap flow methods based on the same instrumentation, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4370, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4370, 2022.

On-site presentation
Stefano Martinetti, Marius Floriancic, Peter Molnar, and Simone Fatichi

Beech and spruce trees are dominant species in prealpine forests. Thus, plant-specific physiological traits of beech and spruce are key to determine evapotranspiration fluxes from these forests. During dry periods trees adapt to the decreased soil water availability, however these adaptation strategies are not yet well determined by observation data. Adaptations to water limitations are different between species and if not accounted for, may lead to an overestimation of evapotranspiration fluxes. These unknowns add additional uncertainty to the simulation of transpiration patterns with ecohydrological models under water limited conditions. Here we present a comparison of field methods to measure (directly and indirectly) the transpiration process for the purpose of supporting mechanistic ecohydrological modelling. At our mixed beech and spruce forest field site at Waldlabor Zurich we equipped multiple trees with sapflow sensors (hourly measurements) and frequently measured stomatal conductance and leaf water potential (weekly to twice a week) during the 2021 growing season. Along with these plant-physiological measurements, we recorded timeseries of meteorological variables and soil water content and matric potential in different depths (10, 20, 40 and 80cm).

Sapflow measurements suggest that transpiration rates are tightly linked to the magnitude of solar radiation and vapor pressure deficit. Summer transpiration rates were higher in beech trees compared to spruce trees. Most of the early summer of the 2021 growing season was relatively wet, but the months August and September had considerably lower precipitation than the long-term average. This period with low precipitation during August and September led to decreasing soil water content and matric potential, which caused leaf water potentials to decrease accordingly. On the contrary, stomatal conductance remained relatively constant for beech and even increased for spruce, suggesting that under the encountered conditions, stomatal control is not depending directly on leaf water potential. Sapflow rates gradually decreased as the growing season proceeded, but it remains unclear to what degree this decrease was due to phenology, meteorological conditions and/or limited water availability. We compared our measurements to the simulations of an existing mechanistic ecohydrological model (Tethys-Chloris) to test the performance on the observed diurnal dynamics. The comparisons between observed and simulated transpiration rates showed that uncertainties are larger when water availability is limited in the dry periods of August and September.

Our work provides insight into the processes at the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum by the combination of highly resolved measurements and an established mechanistic ecohydrological model. Results highlight how well different measurements of transpiration proxies agree with each other, how suitable they are to assess the actual transpiration rates, and which conditions have larger simulation uncertainties in ecohydrological models and thus need to be better constrained by field observations.

How to cite: Martinetti, S., Floriancic, M., Molnar, P., and Fatichi, S.: Determining transpiration rates from beech and spruce trees with measurements of sapflow, leaf water potential and stomatal conductance, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-12488, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-12488, 2022.

On-site presentation
Sibylle K. Hassler, Peter Dietrich, Ralf Kiese, Mirko Mälicke, Matthias Mauder, Jörg Meyer, Corinna Rebmann, Marcus Strobl, and Erwin Zehe

Estimates of evapotranspiration (ET) which can be derived from in-situ measurements are often difficult to compare because they originate from different research disciplines, were collected at different scales using a range of methods, and they entail method-specific uncertainties.

The BRIDGET toolbox – developed within the Digital Earth project – aims to support the harmonisation and scaling of diverse in-situ ET measurements by providing tools for storage, merging and visualisation of multi-scale and multi-sensor ET data. This requires an appropriate metadata description for the various measurements as well as an assessment of method-specific uncertainties.

BRIDGET is implemented both as a standalone Python package and as part of the existing virtual research environment V-FOR-WaTer. It is organised as a toolbox consisting of several sub-sections which deal with the different in-situ measurement methods, their typical scaling approaches and most relevant analysis functions. A corresponding uncertainty framework is developed separately as a Python package and as a tool in V-FOR-WaTer. Our first focus for BRIDGET is upscaling tree-level sap flow measurements and comparing them to respective transpiration estimates from eddy covariance and lysimeters.

How to cite: Hassler, S. K., Dietrich, P., Kiese, R., Mälicke, M., Mauder, M., Meyer, J., Rebmann, C., Strobl, M., and Zehe, E.: Assessing, scaling and comparing sap flow, eddy covariance and lysimeter measurements in the BRIDGET toolbox, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5178, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5178, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Qiong Han, Tiejun Wang, Lichun Wang, Keith Smettem, Mai Mai, and Xi Chen

Understanding daytime (ETD) and nighttime (ETN) evapotranspiration is critical for accurately evaluating terrestrial water and carbon cycles. However, unlike ETD, the factors influencing ETN remain poorly understood. Here, long-term ETD and ETN data from five FLUXNET sites along a climate gradient in Northern Australia were analyzed to compare their responses to environmental drivers at different temporal scales. Across the sites, mean annual ETN/ETD ranged between 5.1% and 11.7%, which was mainly determined by ETD variations. Both vegetation and climatic conditions were closely related to mean annual ETD, while the primary controls on mean annual ETN were air temperature and net radiation (Rn). At site levels, monthly ETD and ETN showed better correlations with meteorological and vegetation variables than annual ETD and ETN, and the coupling of ETD and ETN was also stronger at monthly timescales, particularly under drier climatic conditions. At daily timescales, leaf area index and soil water content (SWC) controlled ETD with SWC being more important at drier sites; whereas, SWC was the dominant factor controlling ETN. At half-hourly timescales, the boosted regression tree method quantitively showed that ETD and ETN were controlled by Rn and SWC, respectively. Overall, the results showed that ETN was less responsive to environmental variables, illustrating that ETD and ETN responded differently to diverse climate regimes and ecosystems at varying temporal scales.

How to cite: Han, Q., Wang, T., Wang, L., Smettem, K., Mai, M., and Chen, X.: Comparison of nighttime with daytime evapotranspiration responses to environmental controls across temporal scales along a climate gradient, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2748, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2748, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Jacob A. Nelson, Sophia Walther, Fabian Gans, Basil Kraft, Ulrich Weber, Weijie Zhang, and Martin Jung

Global freshwater is becoming an increasingly valuable resource, both due to increased human use as well as due to ecological importance in a changing climate. Understanding the hydrological cycles which govern water availability requires broad scale estimates of terrestrial evaporation, or evapotranspiration, which incorporate the complex signals of plant water use via transpiration. In this regard, evapotranspiration estimated from eddy covariance has proven a valuable resource in understanding ecosystem scale water fluxes at sites around the world, and recent advances in methods for directly estimating transpiration from eddy covariance data provide the opportunity to understand the influence plants have on water cycles. However, linking these ecosystem scale estimates to global scale processes requires a model to act as an intermediary, such as the empirical models used in the FLUXCOM products which train machine learning models on eddy covariance data linked with remote sensing data.

Here we look at the next generation of global terrestrial water flux estimates from FLUXCOM, including both the total evapotranspiration and the individual components of transpiration and abiotic evaporation. We benchmark these new estimates against previous FLUXCOM products, as well as compare to the state-of-the-art evapotranspiration estimates from process based models and remote sensing products. The high spatial and temporal scale allows for a close look at how the transpiration to evapotranspiration ratio varies both in space and time. We also outline estimate uncertainties from potential measurement biases to feature selection, and discuss the next steps for high quality empirical water flux estimates.

How to cite: Nelson, J. A., Walther, S., Gans, F., Kraft, B., Weber, U., Zhang, W., and Jung, M.: Emipirical estimates of evapotranspiration from eddy covariance: challenges and opportunities, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-11785, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11785, 2022.

On-site presentation
Eric Cosio, Norma Salinas, Richard Tito, Alex Nina, and Rudi Cruz

Peru and Chile occupy second place in South America in area devoted to olive cultivation. Although small by Mediterranean standards, the 21,000 ha in each country represent a significant recent expansion of olive cultivation, 500 years after its introduction from Europe. The main climatic characteristic of olive cultivation in Peru is the coastal desert environment with moderate temperatures (12-28 oC), almost nil precipitation and high atmospheric water content in the winter season. There is still insufficient information about olive physiology and water management under these climatic conditions. This report is part of a long-term study of water and carbon fluxes in a drip-irrigated olive grove in sandy soil, located in the Pisco province in Peru (13°45'03.25" S, 76°09'36.77" W at 74 m elevation). Due to the absence of precipitation during the main growing season, plants depend on the local aquifer and drip irrigation for growth and yields. We installed an eddy covariance system in September of 2019 in a 9 m tower over a 5 m canopy height. The canopy covered 60% of the surface, the rest being sandy soil with very limited grass cover. The flux footprint of the system covered 3 ha for 80% of the information gathered. Peak average hourly water flux from the grove to the atmosphere in the summer season took place at 1 pm, with values of 1.8 m3 ha-1 h-1.  Average daily fluxes ranged from 5 m3 ha-1 day-1 in August (winter) to 20 m3 ha-1 day-1 in February (summer). EddyPro-calculated ET values are essentially similar and represent 41% of ETo as calculated by the Penman-Monteith equation and 58.6% using a crop coefficient correction. Drip irrigation was set at 63 m3 ha-1 day-1 during the growing season (October through April) and reduced to half that amount in the winter. Optimization of water usage in relation to productivity has been pursued by monitoring photosynthetic efficiency and transpiration with an Li 6800 system in sun and shade leaves of the canopy along with use of Ekomatik digital dendrometer monitoring as a proxy for sap flow.

How to cite: Cosio, E., Salinas, N., Tito, R., Nina, A., and Cruz, R.: Evapotranspiration and photosynthetic parameters determined by eddy covariance and infrared photosynthesis analyzers in a drip-irrigated olive grove on western coastal South America, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10648, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10648, 2022.

On-site presentation
Elie Bou-Zeid, Einara Zahn, Khaled Ghannam, Marcelo Chamecki, Gabriel Katul, Christoph Thomas, and William Kustas

The partitioning of ecosystem evapotranspiration and carbon dioxide fluxes into their plant and ground components is a critical research priority to better understand the water cycle and ecosystem function. Despite advances in different measurement techniques and partitioning models in the last decades, much is still unknown regarding the importance of different components of H2O and CO2 fluxes in ecosystems. In this work, we compare three partitioning methods that are based on analysis of conventional high frequency eddy-covariance (EC) data: the flux variance similarity method, the modified relaxed eddy accumulation methods, and the conditional eddy covariance method. First, we test these methods using fields experimental data, comparing them to other reference measurements for the components fluxes (gas chambers and leaf levels measurements). Subsequently, we develop a novel approach for simulating these fluxes in large eddy simulations and apply it to further probe the performance, assumptions, and relative skill of the three methods. The findings allow us to recommend partitioning best practices for their implementation, and to develop methods for the joint analyses of the various approaches.

How to cite: Bou-Zeid, E., Zahn, E., Ghannam, K., Chamecki, M., Katul, G., Thomas, C., and Kustas, W.: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Flux Partitioning Methods for Water Vapor and Carbon Dioxide, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10201, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10201, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Nicola Paciolla, Chiara Corbari, and Marco Mancini

One of the main issues with obtaining accurate Evapotranspiration (ET) measurements for heterogeneous crops is managing the partition between the contribution of bare soil / cover crop and that of the main crop. Mostly, ET estimates are obtained as an aggregate of the two components, as direct measurements of distinct Evaporation (E) and Transpiration (T) are possible only with high-accuracy and time-costly field lysimeters. Hydrological modelling can provide these kinds of estimates, with the dichotomy between single-source (one energy balance equation for the whole pixel) and two-source (one balance equation each for the vegetated and the non-vegetated pixel fraction) models approaching the problem from different perspectives. In this work, a laboratory lysimeter was employed to obtain disaggregated fluxes from a global ET value and use them to validate the partitioned estimates from a two-source version (FEST-2-EWB) of the single-source FEST-EWB distributed hydrological model, which was also included in the validation as a reference. The lysimeter was sown with grass distributed in three rows, alternated with similar rows of bare soil, with irrigation being provided to the former and not to the latter. Thermal imagery from proximal sensing observations was used to calibrate the models. Two boxes were placed on the lysimeter, one completely vegetated and the other left bare. These boxes were periodically weighted separately from the lysimeter, obtaining accurate measurements of their ET, that were then scaled back to the correspondent areas in the main lysimeter. The model runs, provided similar calibration performances, showed similar global ET values, close to those measured over the lysimeter, but diverged when looking ad transpiration alone. The two-source model offered estimates much closer to those derived from the lysimeter than the single-source model.

How to cite: Paciolla, N., Corbari, C., and Mancini, M.: Lab lysimeter disaggregated ET data for the validation of a two-source model, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5529, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5529, 2022.

On-site presentation
Ahmeda Assann Ouédraogo, Emmanuel Berthier, and Marie-Christine Gromaire

Sustainable urban drainage systems aim to promote the infiltration and the evapotranspiration (ET) processes rather than the runoff. In this study, the ET in 1 m3 pilot stormwater planters were studied from eight lysimeters monitored for three years in a dense urban environment in Paris (France). In each lysimeter, a piezometer, four weighing cells and a tipping bucket are used to measure respectively the water level in the internal water storage (IWS), the mass change of the whole lysimeter and the underdrain flow. Meteorological data, precipitation and water level are also collected respectively from the weather station, the rain gauge and the pan evaporimeter installed next to the lysimeters.

Daily ET was calculated for each lysimeter based on a mass balance approach. The uncertainties related to the daily ET estimates were assessed at ± 0.42 to 0.58 mm depending to the lysimeter and according to the uncertainty propagation law. Results showed that for these lysimeters, with an impluvium equal to 4 times the vegetated surface, ET is the major term in water budget (57 to 90% of the cumulated water inputs) with maximum daily values reaching 8 mm/d. In addition, the observations showed that the major determinants of ET are the existence or not of an internal water storage (IWS) and the atmospheric factors (global radiation, air temperature and in a minor extent air humidity). The type of vegetation is a secondary determinant, with little difference between the herbaceous and the shrub configurations, maximum ET for spontaneous vegetation and minimal values when the vegetation was regularly removed. Shading of lysimeters by surroundings buildings is also an important factor and leads to lower values. Finally, ET with an IWS is higher than reference values tested (evaporimeter, FAO-56, and local Météo-France equations), except for regional Météo-France formula which overestimates ET of lysimeters and especially in summer. For future studies, it is expected to include some aspects in the experiments for explicitly addressing shading effects and vegetation evolution.

How to cite: Ouédraogo, A. A., Berthier, E., and Gromaire, M.-C.: Evapotranspiration in urban stormwater planter boxes: A study of eight lysimeters under temperate climate, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7672, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7672, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Maren Dubbert, Adrian Dahlmann, Michael Sommert, Jürgen Augustin, and Mathias Hoffmann

In light of ongoing global climate change and related increases in extreme hydrological events, it is becoming increasingly important to have a comprehensive knowledge of the ecosystem water cycle to assess ecosystem stability and in agricultural system to ensure sustainable management and food security. Evapotranspiration (ET) plays a crucial role returning up to 90 % of ingoing precipitation back to the atmosphere. In agriculture, further knowledge about plant transpiration (T) and evaporation (E) of different soils could lead to more efficient water use in the future, which will become necessary for agricultural practice in many regions due to climate change related increase in drought events. Here, we wanted to implore impacts of soil types (representing a ful soil erosion gradient) on ecosystem water budgets (ET) and agronomic water use efficiencies (WUEagro).

We conducted a plot experiment with winter rye (September 17, 2020 to June 30, 2021) at the "CarboZALF-D” experimental field which is located in the hilly and dry ground moraine landscape of the Uckermark region in NE Germany. Along an experimental plot (110 m x 16 m) a modern automated gantry crane was built and used for the first time to continuously determine evapotranspiration with two automated chambers. A major advantage of this system is the opportunity to assess management and soil type effects (compared to eddy covariance setups), without corroborating measurement frequency (compared to manual chamber setups).

Three soil types representing the full soil erosion gradient of the hummocky ground moraine landscape (extremely eroded: Calcaric Regosol, strongly eroded: Nudiargic Luvisol, non-eroded: Calcic Luvisol) within each soil type were investigated (randomized block design, 3 replicates per treatment). In addition, we used five different gap-filling methods and compared them in light of their potential to aquire precise water budgets over the entire growth period as well as reproduce short water flux dynamics realistically. The best performance was achieved with methods based on mean-diurnal-variation (MDV) and support vector machine (SVM), including a validation step SVM yielded best predictions of measured ET. Subsequently, we simulated half-hourly ET fluxes and calculated balances of evapotranspiration for the cropping period.

The results show that there are significant differences in evapotranspiration and yield between soil types, resulting in different water use efficiencies (WUEagro). The Calcaric Regosol (extremely eroded) shows a maximum of around 10% lower evapotranspiration and a maximum of around 35% lower water use efficiency (WUEagro) compared non-eroded soils.  The key period contributing to 50-65 % of overall ET of the entire growth period was from late April until harvest, however differences in the overall ET budget between soil types and manipulation resulted predominantly from small long-term differences between the treatments over the entire growth period.

How to cite: Dubbert, M., Dahlmann, A., Sommert, M., Augustin, J., and Hoffmann, M.: Quantifying evapotranspiration budgets of winter rye using a automated gantry crane – effects of soil type, erosion and management and testing gap filling procedures, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-1188, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1188, 2022.

On-site presentation
Bálint Jákli, Michael Goisser, Jinchen Liu, and Manuela Baumgarten

Accurate parametrization and validation of SVAT- or evapotranspiration-models requires robust estimates of transpiration and conductivity on the level of individual leaves. Such estimates are commonly made from measurements with mobile gas exchange systems, which allow precise measurements of leaf transpiration. However, this method has some decisive practical (expensive and labor intensive, both constraining feasible number of replicates) as well as methodological limitations (destruction of the leaf boundary layer). In order to validate the FO3REST model – which estimates the phytotoxic ozone uptake of forest stands – a sensor was required that continuously measures leaf transpiration and conductivity with a high number of replicates. Within the valORTree project, which was carried out from 2019-2021 in the climate chambers of the TUMmesa ecotron facility (Jákli et al. 2021), a novel, low-cost leaf sensor ("TransP") was developed that enables continuous in-situ determination of transpiration and conductivity for the important forest tree species beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) over the entire growing season. The sensor records different temperatures in the leaf/needle environment and was calibrated against the gravimetrically determined transpiration rate (r2 = 0.74 for beech; r2 = 0.84 for spruce). Measurement inaccuracies can be compensated for by using many of the inexpensive sensors in parallel. The sensor output was validated against measurements using Li-6400 and Li-6800 gas exchange systems (Licor, USA). Differences in the outputs of the two methods could be explained by the fact that the Licor systems measures transpiration based on stomatal conductance, whereas TransP includes the in-situ boundary layer resistance. So far, the sensor has been applied under low-wind conditions in indoor applications and is currently further developed for application in the field.

However, we clearly show that measuring transpiration of beech leaves and spruce needles with the TransP sensor provides robust data. Since TransP operation is minimally invasive and the leaf boundary layer is preserved during measurements, it is assumed that the sensor provides a realistic representation of the in-situ transpiration of individual leaves/needles. In addition, the high temporal resolution of the measurements provides the ability to accurately integrate transpiration over the entire period of the measurement.



Jákli, B., Meier, R., Gelhardt, U., Bliss, M., Grünhage, L., & Baumgarten, M. (2021). Regionalized dynamic climate series for ecological climate impact research in modern controlled environment facilities. Ecology and evolution11(23), 17364-17380.

How to cite: Jákli, B., Goisser, M., Liu, J., and Baumgarten, M.: TransP - a novel sensor for continuous in-situ measurement of transpiration and conductivity at the leaf level, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5302, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5302, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Han Li, Jinhui Jeanne Huang, Han Chen, Ziqi Zhou, and Yizhao Wei

Partitioning of evapotranspiration(ET) into its components (ET; the sum of vegetation transpiration [T] and soil evaporation [E])from urban forest land is important for guiding precise irrigation decisions in urban areas and assessing the impact of urbanization on the urban hydrological cycle. So far, the variability of T/ET in natural ecosystems has been extensively discussed, few studies have examined under urban. In this study, high frequency (10 Hz) time series eddy covariance observations collected from January 2020 to December 2021 in an urban forest land located in Tianjin, China. We observed changes in water vapor and carbon dioxide fluxes and the flux variance similarity (FVS) theory based on five water use efficiency(WUE) algorithms was applied to partition ET into E and T. We also combined with oxygen and hydrogen isotopes to verifies the partition results. The results indicated that the partitioning was partially consistent with the isotope-based approach. The growing season average T/ET ranges from 0.68 to 0.96, which can be described well as a function of leaf area index (LAI). Finally, we further discussed the characteristics, uncertainties and applicability of five WUE algorithms in urban forest land.

How to cite: Li, H., Huang, J. J., Chen, H., Zhou, Z., and Wei, Y.: Partitioning of evapotranspiration based on flux variance similarity theory for an urban forest land, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7287, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7287, 2022.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Sibylle K. Hassler, Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen
On-site presentation
Ryan M. Bright, Diego G. Miralles, Rafael Poyatos, and Stephanie Eisner

Transpiration (T) makes up the bulk of total evaporation over vegetated land yet remains challenging to predict at landscape-to-global scale.  Model improvements often occur at the expense of model parsimony and an increased dependence on input data that is difficult to acquire at large scale.  T models intended for these scales should ideally be easily scalable using routine meteorological and/or remote sensing data as input.  

Here, we critically evaluate several “big leaf”-type models ranging in their complexity to simulate daily T in a variety of forest biomes.  All these models use input data streams furnished by readily available global reanalysis or satellite-based remote sensing products.   We develop and evaluate a novel moisture stress method based on the Antecedent Precipitation Index (API) serving as proxy for soil moisture supply, motivated by the challenge of acquiring reliable soil moisture and other soil physical property data at large spatial and temporal scales.

We rely on independent estimates of T derived from co-located sap flow and eddy-covariance measurement systems.  The triple collocation technique is employed to quantify error metrics when treating modeled T as a third, independent measurement.

Preliminary results suggests that models that explicitly account for the aerodynamic coupling between canopy surfaces and the atmosphere generally perform better than those that do not, and that the API-based approach to modeling constraints related to soil moisture stress appears as a valid alternative when soil moisture information is unavailable.  

How to cite: Bright, R. M., Miralles, D. G., Poyatos, R., and Eisner, S.: A critical evaluation of simple, flexible, and scalable models of daily transpiration in forested biomes, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7367, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7367, 2022.

On-site presentation
Robin Stoffer, Julio César Rodríguez, Chiel van Heerwaarden, and Oscar Hartogensis

Agriculture in semi-arid regions like Northwest Mexico, is typically characterized by heavily irrigated fields surrounded by a desert environment. The strong contrast in surface conditions increases the non-linear and non-local character of the evapotranspiration dynamics at the irrigated fields, in particular through the oasis effect: strong local evaporative cooling, associated with evapotranspiration enhanced by advection of warm and dry air from the surroundings. To estimate evapotranspiration for individual fields, the agricultural practice relies on traditional empirical models (e.g. Makkink, Priestley-Taylor, FAO-Penman-Monteith) that only make use of standard weather station data. The aforementioned empirical models typically rely on arbitrary, manual tuning (e.g. adjusted constants or the application of a locally determined crop factor) to work reliably.

The goal of this study is to explore whether a physics-informed machine learning approach can be used to improve the estimated evapotranspiration for irrigated fields located in a desert environment, without arbitrary tuning after training and only using regionally available data as input. To this end we will focus on a typical irrigated pecan orchard in Northwest Mexico. At this orchard we have obtained a rich multi-year dataset that encompasses eddy-covariance measurements, irrigation data, soil moisture measurements, and meteorological station data (e.g. air temperature, specific humidity, wind speed and direction) at a half-hourly time scale. In addition, we obtained complementary vegetation indices at the scale of the pecan orchard (~100m-1km) from operationally available remote sensing products.

Using this dataset, we first identify and visualize the main non-linear physical processes (including amongst others the oasis effect) that drive the actual evapotranspiration at the irrigated pecan orchard, both on seasonal and daily time scales. Subsequently, we explore to what extent the effect of the previously identified non-linear processes on the actual evapotranspiration, can be captured with two different machine learning techniques (i.e. gradient boosting decision trees and multi-layer perceptrons) that only receive input variables from a regional meteorological station network and the aforementioned remote sensing products. We trained and tested the machine learning techniques on the evapotranspiration flux measured by an eddy-covariance station located at the orchard, where the estimates provided by the physics-inspired FAO-PM method were used as a starting point for the machine learning models. We find that the machine learning techniques primarily show promise in improving the representation of the seasonal dynamics.

How to cite: Stoffer, R., Rodríguez, J. C., van Heerwaarden, C., and Hartogensis, O.: Machine-learned actual Evapotranspiration for an Irrigated Pecan Orchard in Northwest Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4472, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4472, 2022.

Presentation form not yet defined
Felipe Lobos Roco, Oscar Hartogensis, Francisco Suarez, Ariadna Huerta Viso, Imme Benedict, Alberto de la Fuente, and Jordi Vila-Guereau de Arellano

Evaporation is a key component of the water cycle in the endorheic basins of the Chilean Altiplano. In this study, sub-diurnal to climatological temporal changes of evaporation in a high-altitude saline lake ecosystem in the Atacama Desert are analysed. We analyse the evaporation trends over 70 years (1950-2020) at a high-spatial resolution. The method is based on the downscaling of 30-km hourly resolution ERA5 reanalysis data to 0.1-km spatial resolution data using artificial neural networks. This downscaled data is used in the Penman open water evaporation equation, modified to compensate for the energy balance non-closure and the ice cover formation on the lake during the night. Our evaporation estimates show a consistent agreement with eddy-covariance measurements and reveal that evaporation is controlled by different drivers depending on the time scale. At the sub-diurnal scale, mechanical turbulence is the primary driver. At the seasonal scale, more than 70% of the evaporation variability is explained by the radiative contribution term. At interannual scales, evaporation increased by 2.1 mm per year during the entire study period according to global temperature increases. Last, we find that yearly evaporation depends on the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), where warm and cool ENSO phases are associated with higher evaporation rates and precipitation rates, respectively. Our results show that warm ENSO phases increase evaporation rates by 15%, whereas cold phases decrease by 2%. This investigation contributes with reliable long-term evaporation estimates over a typical saline lake of an arid region and a replicable methodology for climate change assessment and sustainable water management. 

How to cite: Lobos Roco, F., Hartogensis, O., Suarez, F., Huerta Viso, A., Benedict, I., de la Fuente, A., and Vila-Guereau de Arellano, J.: Multi-scale temporal analysis of actual evaporation on a saline lake in the Atacama Desert, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5021, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5021, 2022.

On-site presentation
Tagele Mossie Aschale, Antonino Cancelliere, David Peres, and Guido Sciuto

Climate change has potential impacts on the hydrological cycle components, especially those strongly related to temperature, such as evapotranspiration. Assessing trends of the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and of the related climatic factors is essential for improving water resource management especially with reference to watershed  hydrology and agricultural uses. In this research, we aim to analyze the trend of ETo and of its influencing climatic factors.  More specifically, we examine the sensitivity of ETo for different climatic factors and the contribution of climatic factors for the trend of ETo in the study area.  The study considered decadal observations of climatic data from meteorological stations in Sicily, and reference evapotranspiration was estimated through the FAO Penman-Monteith method.  The Mann-Kendall test, with verification of the Trend-free prewhitening (TFPW) method, has been applied for the trend and sensitivity analyses. The Sen’s slope has also been used to examine the magnitude of the trend. Results, relative to a pilot gauging station in Piazza Armerina, indicate that the ETo has decreasing trend only in November with a decrease of 0.790 mm per year. The solar radiation (November and Autumn) and rainfall (Autumn) showed decreasing trends. While other climatic factors (minimum temperature, maximum temperature, mean temperature, wind speed and relative humidity) showed increasing trend both monthly and seasonally in the study area. Furthermore, the sensitive analysis shows that ETo is mostly sensitive to relative humidity and least sensitive to wind speed in the study area. Similarly relative humidity contributes the most to the trend of ETo (44.59% decreasing contribution), while wind speed has the least contribution (0.9% increasing contribution) in the study area.  These results can find application for irrigation scheduling and water related development project in the study area.

How to cite: Aschale, T. M., Cancelliere, A., Peres, D., and Sciuto, G.: Identification of the main meteorological factors for the trend of reference evapotranspiration in Sicily, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5917, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5917, 2022.

Virtual presentation
Contrasting three evapotranspiration parameterisations for a semi-arid location
Daniel Martínez-Villagrasa, Joan Cuxart, Belén Martí, and Miquel Siquier
Virtual presentation
Mathias Herbst, David Matuschek, and Eva Falge

Evapotranspiration (ET) from wetlands is often considered to occur at a potential rate. However, depending on the structural and physiological traits of the dominating plant species, actual ET can deviate substantially from potential ET. Here we present a case study from a restored wetland in north-western Germany which is dominated by moor grass (Molinia caerulea). ET was measured over three years by means of the Bowen Ratio method, leaf transpiration and leaf resistance of moor grass were measured with a porometer, and both green and total leaf area index were measured optically and manually.

Whilst actual and potential ET were practically similar during the period from late summer to the end of winter, they differed significantly from the beginning of spring to early summer and on hot summer days. Two likely reasons for this marked seasonality could be identified. (1) Molinia leaves responded very sensitively to the vapour pressure deficit of the air, independent of the unlimited water supply to its roots. (2) A thick mat of dead leaves covered the surface in spring before and while the new leaves emerged and acted as an efficient protection cover against evaporation.

The SVAT model ‘AMBAV’ was developed by the German Meteorological Service and is operationally used in agrometeorological applications. Based on the Bowen Ratio and in-situ plant physiological data, it was newly parameterised for the investigated type of wetland. If run with weather data from a nearby station, AMBAV could verify the observed seasonal pattern of actual ET from the moor grass dominated wetland. The results demonstrate that the present vegetation reduces wetland ET and thus contributes to the maintenance of a high water table in the restored wetland.

How to cite: Herbst, M., Matuschek, D., and Falge, E.: Assessing the influence of the vegetation on the evapotranspiration from a wetland – a case study from northwest Germany based on in-situ measurements at different scales, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7002, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7002, 2022.
