Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions
Disciplinary sessions AS–GM
Disciplinary sessions GMPV–TS

Session programme


GD – Geodynamics

Programme group chair: Jeroen van Hunen

Augustus Love Medal Lecture by David Bercovici
Convener: Jeroen van Hunen
| Tue, 24 May, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room D3
GD Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture by Timothy J. Craig
Convener: Jeroen van Hunen
| Thu, 26 May, 11:17–11:24 (CEST)
Room -2.91
Division meeting for Geodynamics (GD)
Convener: Jeroen van Hunen
Wed, 25 May, 12:00–13:00 (CEST)
Room K2

GD1 – Plate Tectonics and Mantle Dynamics


Continental rifting is a complex process spanning from the inception of extension to continental rupture or the formation of a failed rift. This session aims at combining new data, concepts and techniques elucidating the structure and dynamics of rifts and rifted margins. We invite submissions highlighting the time-dependent evolution of processes such as: initiation and growth of faults and ductile shear zones, tectonic and sedimentary history, magma migration, storage and volcanism, lithospheric necking and rift strength loss, influence of the pre-rift lithospheric structure, rift kinematics and plate motion, mantle flow and dynamic topography, as well as break-up and the transition to sea-floor spreading. We encourage contributions using multi-disciplinary and innovative methods from field geology, geochronology, geochemistry, petrology, seismology, geodesy, marine geophysics, plate reconstruction, or numerical or analogue modelling. Special emphasis will be given to presentations that provide an integrated picture by combining results from active rifts, passive margins, failed rift arms or by bridging the temporal and spatial scales associated with rifting.

Co-organized by GD1/GM9/SM4/SSP1
Convener: Frank Zwaan | Co-conveners: Carolina Pagli, Sylvie Leroy, Derek Keir, Giacomo Corti
| Mon, 23 May, 15:10–18:26 (CEST)
Room D1

During the past 20 years, extensive research at present-day rifted margins and at fossil remnants preserved at orogenic belts has demonstrated that rifting is a complex and dynamic process. Extension can be dominated by poly-phase rifting, in which case the structure of rifted margins results from a unique kinematic event but the succession of several rift phases, resulting in a progressive migration and localisation of deformation. Multi-stage extension, however, evolves through independent rift events, which develop with distinct kinematic frameworks, leading to different but overlapping rift systems. Crustal domains and overlying rift basins are genetically linked in poly-phase rift systems, which include in-sequence syn-rift units and bounding extensional structures. In multi-stage extension, however, rift systems are out of sequence, and each of the rift systems displays a particular crustal structure and different rift basins and bounding structures. Thermal, magmatic and structural inheritance condition the onset of rifting, while inherited rift templates guide successive rift events. Complex 3D rift templates ultimately control subsequent compressional reactivation processes, leading to passive margin inversion, subduction initiation and mountain building.
This session aims to attract work that focuses on the analysis of the architecture of worldwide rift systems and related spatial and temporal evolution of rifting processes using geophysical data, fieldwork observations and associated geochemical and thermochronological studies, numerical and analogue modelling techniques, and plate kinematic reconstructions. This will enable us to compare and discuss the architecture of rift templates and their role in the evolution of extension as well as the subsequent convergence.

Co-organized by GD1
Convener: Patricia Cadenas Martínez | Co-conveners: Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic, Mohamed Gouiza, Tiago Alves, Jordan J. J. Phethean
| Mon, 23 May, 11:20–11:50 (CEST), 13:20–14:50 (CEST)
Room D1

GD2 – Mantle Dynamics and Surface Connection (in partnership with PS and GMPV)


Geomorphic and geologic observations at the Earth's surface reflect the combined effects of mantle, lithospheric, and surface processes. Hence surface observations provide important constraints on mantle convection patterns and plume-plate interactions both at plate boundaries and in intraplate settings through space and time. These observations complement geophysical data and are important constraints for theoretical models and numerical simulations. For instance, at plate boundaries, surface observations can provide key constraints on the rheology and kinematics of lithospheric and mantle processes. In both plate boundary and intraplate settings, mantle plumes can trigger continental rifting and break-up, subduction initiation, orogeny, microcontinent formation, and/or the development of dynamic topography. However, using surface observations to constrain mantle processes is complicated by (1) our as yet incomplete understanding of how mantle dynamics manifest at the surface, and (2) spatio-temporal variations in tectonic processes, climate, isostatic adjustment, lithology, biota, and human alteration of landscapes. In this session, we aim to bring together researchers interested in mantle-surface and plume-plate interactions. We welcome studies that cover a range of techniques from data-driven approaches to numerical modelling or laboratory experiments.
We hope this session will provide opportunities for presenters from a range of disciplines, demographics, and stages of their scientific career to engage in this exciting and emerging problem in Earth Science.

Co-organized by GM9/SSP2/TS5
Convener: Audrey Margirier | Co-conveners: Lucia Perez-Diaz, Kimberly Huppert, Maelis Arnould, Megan Holdt, Maria Seton, Simon Stephenson, Pietro Sternai
| Tue, 24 May, 13:20–15:54 (CEST)
Room -2.91

The origin and evolution of the continental lithosphere is closely linked to changes in mantle dynamics through time, from its formation through melt depletion to multistage reworking and reorganisation related to interaction with melts formed both beneath and within it. Understanding this history is critical to constraining terrestrial dynamics, element cycles and metallogeny. We welcome contributions dealing with: (1) Reconstructions of the structure and composition of the lithospheric mantle, and the influence of plumes and subduction zones on root construction; (2) Interactions of plume- and subduction-derived melts and fluids with the continental lithosphere, and the nature and development of metasomatic agents; (3) Source rocks, formation conditions (P-T-fO2) and evolution of mantle melts originating below or in the mantle lithosphere; (4) Deep source regions, melting processes and phase transformation in mantle plumes and their fluids; (5) Modes of melt migration and ascent, as constrained from numerical modelling and microstructures of natural mantle samples; (6) Role of mantle melts and fluids in the generation of hybrid and acid magmas.These topics can be illuminated using the geochemistry and fabric of mantle xenoliths and orogenic peridotites, mantle-derived melts and experimental simulations.

Public information:

Dear collegues Dear  all.

Thank you very much for all presentations! The quality of most was very high. 

Aspecially  we shou be grateful  to Sonja Aulbach  who was a a wonderful presenter of the session.  Hope next  year the situation will be better and  more participants will be participated personally in Vienna.  There is one opened spacial issue in Minerals https://www.mdpi.com/journal/minerals/special_issues/Deep_Seated_Melts. I'll try to find the possibility for another one not so expensive.

Best wishes Igor Ashchepkov and conveners team.   

Co-organized by GMPV2/TS10
Convener: Igor Ashchepkov | Co-conveners: Sonja Aulbach, Kate Kiseeva, Evgenii Sharkov
| Fri, 27 May, 10:20–11:40 (CEST), 13:20–16:38 (CEST)
Room -2.91

Mantle convection is a fundamental process responsible for shaping the tectonic evolution of the Earth. Although direct observations of this process are critical, they tend to be limited in space and time; however, significant information can be obtained through a variety of multiscale methods that allow one to estimate fundamental parameters of the Earth's mantle structure (e.g., viscosity, density and temperature). Theoretically, mantle convection can be separated into the plate and plume mode. The former is associated with the cold upper thermal boundary layer (lithosphere), while the plume mode is tied to the hot lower thermal boundary layer. Convective buoyancy associated with these modes are significant, capable of driving plate motions. However, they need to be contrasted with plate boundary forces, where oblique rifting and the influence of magmatic processes highlight some of the difficulties in understanding these forces.

Seismic imaging and gravity data, for instance, provide a snapshot of processes occurring in the present-day mantle. Geochemical analysis of volcanic rocks can be used to estimate temperature and depths of melt generation through time. Numerous observations of continental breakup since the Cretaceous are well documented in the geological archives. They include mapping continental dynamic topography, studying plate kinematic changes, using thermochronological models and petrological observables, and imaging deep structure by seismic tomography to constrain the breakup history. Altogether, these classes of observations, which are commonly studied in isolation, provide powerful constraints for geodynamic forward and inverse models of past mantle convection. Hence, yielding a holistic view of the Earth's mantle and its temporal and structural evolution.

Convener: Ingo L. Stotz | Co-conveners: Berta Vilacís, Marthe Klöcking, Jorge Nicolas Hayek Valencia, Andrew Schaeffer, Sascha Brune, D. Sarah Stamps
| Tue, 24 May, 15:55–18:30 (CEST)
Room -2.91

The nature of Earth’s lithospheric mantle is largely constrained from the petrological and geochemical studies of xenoliths. They are complemented by studies of orogenic peridotites and ophiolites, which show the space relationships among various mantle rock types, missing in xenoliths. Mantle xenoliths from cratonic regions are distinctly different from those occurring in younger non-cratonic areas. Percolation of melts and fluids through the lithospheric mantle significantly modifies its petrological and geochemical features, which is recorded in mantle xenoliths brought to the surface by oceanic and continental volcanism. Basalts and other mantle-derived magmas provide us another opportunity to study the chemical and physical properties the mantle. These various kinds of information, when assembled together and coupled with experiments and geophysical data, enable the understanding of upper mantle dynamics.
This session’s research focus lies on mineralogical, petrological and geochemical studies of mantle xenoliths, orogenic and ophiolitic peridotites and other mantle derived rocks. We strongly encourage the contributions on petrology and geochemistry of mantle xenoliths and other mantle rocks, experimental studies, the examples and models of mantle processes and its evolution in space and time.

Co-organized by GD2
Convener: Jacek Puziewicz | Co-conveners: Costanza Bonadiman, Michel Grégoire, Károly Hidas, Petros Koutsovitis
| Thu, 26 May, 08:30–11:30 (CEST)
Room K1
G3.3 EDI

Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) describes the dynamic response of the solid Earth to ice sheet glaciation/deglaciation, which affects the spatial and temporal sea level changes, and induces surface deformation, gravitational field variation and stress changes in the subsurface. The process is influenced by the ice sheet characteristics (e.g., extent, volume, grounding line) and solid Earth structure. With more observational data (e.g., relative sea-level data, GPS data, tide gauges, terrestrial and satellite gravimetry, glacially induced faults) are available/standardized, we can better investigate the interactions between the ice sheets, solid Earth and sea levels, and reveal the ice sheet and sea-level evolution histories and rheological properties of the Earth.

This session invites contributions discussing observations, analysis, and modelling of ice sheet dynamics, solid Earth response, and the resulting global, regional and local sea-level changes and land deformation, including paleo ice sheet and paleo sea-level investigations, geodetic measurements of crustal motion and gravitational change, GIA modelling with complex Earth models (e.g., 3D viscosity, non-linear rheologies) and coupled ice-sheet/Earth modelling, investigations on glacially triggered faulting as well as the Earth’s elastic response to present-day ice mass changes. We also welcome abstracts that address the future ice sheets/shelves evolution and sea-level projection as well as GIA effects on oil migration and nuclear waste repositories. Contributions related to both polar regions and previously glaciated regions are welcomed. This session is co-sponsored by the SCAR sub-committee INSTANT-EIS, Earth - Ice - Sea level, in view of instabilities and thresholds in Antarctica https://www.scar.org/science/instant/home/.

Co-organized by CL5.2/CR4/GD2/GM10/NP8
Convener: Tanghua Li | Co-conveners: Holger Steffen, Meike Bagge, Jun'ichi Okuno, Maryam Yousefi
| Mon, 23 May, 15:10–18:28 (CEST)
Room -2.16

GD3 – Core Dynamics


Understanding the structures and dynamics of the core of a planet is essential to construct a global geochemical and geodynamical model, it has implication on its thermal, compositional and orbital evolution.

Remote sensing of planets interior from space and ground-based observations is entering a new era with perspectives in constraining their core structures and dynamics. Meanwhile, increasingly accurate seismic and magnetic data provides unprecedented images of the Earth's deep interior. Unraveling planetary cores structures and dynamics requires a synergy between many fields of expertise, such as mineral physics, geochemistry, seismology, fluid mechanics or geomagnetism. In such a cross-disciplinary context, we identify the need to combine observations, e.g. from geo/paleo/rock magnetism, to generate field models and carefully compare their properties with numerical simulations of the dynamo process. This requires community-wide efforts to share data and models in standardized formats, which we aim to address.

This session welcomes contributions from all the disciplines mentioned following theoretical, numerical, observational or experimental approaches, with the aim to proceed towards an integrated, self-consistent picture of planetary core's structure, dynamics, magnetic field and their evolution.

Co-organized by EMRP2/PS4
Convener: Jerome Noir | Co-conveners: Sébastien Merkel, Daria Holdenried-Chernoff, Arwen Deuss, Catherine Constable, Chris Davies, Monika Korte
| Tue, 24 May, 08:30–11:50 (CEST)
Room K1

GD4 – The Dynamics and evolution of Earth and Terrestrial Planets (in partnership with PS and GMPV)


Processes responsible for formation and development of the early Earth (> 2500Ma) are not well understood and strongly debated, reflecting in part the poorly preserved, altered, and incomplete nature of the geological record from this time.
In this session we encourage the presentation of new approaches and models for the development of Earth's early crust and mantle and their methods of interaction. We encourage contributions from the study of the preserved rock archive as well as geodynamic models of crustal and mantle dynamics so as to better understand the genesis and evolution of continental crust and the stabilization of cratons.
We invite abstracts from a large range of disciplines including geodynamics, geology, geochemistry, and petrology but also studies of early atmosphere, biosphere and early life relevant to this period of Earth history.

Co-organized by BG5/GMPV3/PS10
Convener: Ria Fischer | Co-conveners: Peter A. Cawood, Antoine Rozel, Nicholas Gardiner, Jeroen van Hunen
| Thu, 26 May, 15:55–18:17 (CEST)
Room -2.91

The present state of Earth and other rocky planets are an expression of dynamical and chemical processes occurring throughout their history. In particular, giant impacts, core formation and magma-ocean crystallisation and other processes occurring in the early solar system set the stage for the long-term evolution of terrestrial planets. These early processes can happen simultaneously or in recurring stages, and are ultimately followed by progressive crustal growth, long-term mantle mixing/differentiation, core-mantle interaction, as well as inner-core crystallization. The rock-record, through geochemistry and magnetism, is used to interrogate changes in the tectono-thermal regime of Earth’s interior through time, while seismic imaging and gravity data, for instance, provide a snapshot of processes occurring in the contemporary mantle, crust and core. These classes of observations may be linked through geodynamic models, whose accuracy is underpinned by the physical properties (e.g., viscosity and density) of its constituent phases (minerals, melts and fluids). Information on the fundamental thermodynamic and physical behaviour of phases is subject to constant advance via experimental and ab-initio techniques.

This session aims to provide a holistic view of the formation, dynamics, structure and composition of Earth and the evolution of terrestrial bodies by bringing together studies from geophysics, geodynamics, mineral physics, geochemistry, and petrology. This session welcomes contributions focused on data analysis, modeling and experimental work that address the formation and evolution of terrestrial planets and moons in the Solar System, and around other stars.

Co-organized by GD4/GMPV4
Convener: Paolo Sossi | Co-conveners: Simone Pilia, Ingo L. Stotz, Lena Noack, Stephen J. Mojzsis
| Mon, 23 May, 08:30–11:50 (CEST), 13:20–14:50 (CEST)
Room 1.85/86

Processes controlling the global cycles of volatiles (e.g., C, H, O, S) across reservoirs regulate planetary climate and habitability. Their cycling pathways and efficiency are dependent on numerous factors including the presence of liquid water and the tectonic mode; and involves the atmosphere, hydrosphere, crust, mantle and even the core.

On Earth, major volatile cycles are balanced to first order through ingassing and outgassing, mainly occurring at subduction zones, and major sites of volcanism (i.e., mid-ocean ridges and hotspots), respectively. In planetary interiors, volatiles are partitioned into the existing minerals, or stabilize minor phases such as diamond or various hydrous phases in the mantle and crust, something that directly influences the spatial distribution of melt formation as well as rock properties. Conversely, melt transport induces volatile exchanges between planetary reservoirs and favours outgassing. Outgassing, in turn, will regulate planetary climates, hence influencing the habitability.

The aim of this session is to bring together numerical, experimental and observational expertise from Earth and Planetary Sciences to advance the understanding of interior-atmosphere coupling and volatile exchange and evolution on Earth and terrestrial (exo)planets, as well as the role of those volatiles on the interior composition and dynamics. This session features contributions on topics including volatile cycling, melt and volatile transport, mineral-melt phase relations, geophysical detections, tectonic regimes, outgassing, atmospheric composition and planetary habitability.

Co-organized by BG7/EMRP1/GD4/GMPV4
Convener: Antonio Manjon Cabeza Cordoba | Co-conveners: Kaustubh Hakim, Meng Tian, Dennis Höning, Emma Chambers, Nestor Cerpa, Daniel Kitzmann
| Tue, 24 May, 08:30–10:00 (CEST)
Room 1.34

GD5 – Subduction and Orogeny


Subduction drives plate tectonics, generating the major proportion of subaerial volcanism, releasing >90% seismic moment magnitude, forming continents, and recycling lithosphere. Numerical and laboratory modeling studies have successfully built our understanding of many aspects of the geodynamics of subduction zones. Detailed geochemical studies, investigating compositional variation within and between volcanic arcs, provide further insights into systematic chemical processes at the slab surface and within the mantle wedge, providing constraints on thermal structures and material transport within subduction zones. However, with different technical and methodological approaches, model set-ups, inputs, and material properties, and in some cases conflicting conclusions between chemical and physical models, a consistent picture of the controlling parameters of subduction-zone processes has so far not emerged.

This session aims to follow subducting lithosphere on its journey from the surface down into the Earth's mantle and to understand the driving processes for deformation and magmatism in the over-riding plate. We aim to address topics such as: subduction initiation and dynamics; changes in mineral breakdown processes at the slab surface; the formation and migration of fluids and melts at the slab surface; primary melt generation in the wedge; subduction-related magmatism; controls on the position and width of the volcanic arc; subduction-induced seismicity; mantle wedge processes; the fate of subducted crust, sediments and volatiles; the importance of subducting seamounts, LIPs, and ridges; links between near-surface processes and slab dynamics and with regional tectonic evolution; slab delamination and break-off; the effect of subduction on mantle flow; and imaging subduction zone processes.

With this session, we aim to form an integrated picture of the subduction process, and invite contributions from a wide range of disciplines, such as geodynamics, modeling, geochemistry, petrology, volcanology, and seismology, to discuss subduction zone dynamics at all scales from the surface to the lower mantle, or in applications to natural laboratories.

Co-organized by GMPV2/SM4/TS7
Convener: Ágnes Király | Co-conveners: Oğuz H Göğüş, Taras Gerya, Jeroen van Hunen
| Mon, 23 May, 08:30–11:50 (CEST)
Room K1

Since approximately 90% of the seismic moment released by earthquakes worldwide occurs near subduction zones, it is crucial to improve our understanding of seismicity and the associated seismic hazard in these regions. Seismicity in subduction zones takes many forms, ranging from relatively shallow seismicity on outer-rise and splay faults and the megathrust to intermediate-depth (70-300 km) and deep events (>300 km). While most research on subduction earthquakes focuses on the megathrust, all these different seismic events contribute to the seismic hazard of a subduction zone.

This session aims to integrate our knowledge on different aspects of subduction zone seismicity to improve our understanding of the interplay between such events and their relationship to subduction dynamics. We particularly invite abstracts that use geophysical and geological observations, laboratory experiments and/or numerical models to address questions such as: (1) What are the mechanisms behind intraplate seismicity? (2) How do outer-rise and splay fault seismicity relate to the seismogenic behaviour of the megathrust? (3) How do slab dynamics influence both shallow and deep seismicity?

Co-organized by GD5/SM4
Convener: Silvia Brizzi | Co-conveners: Elenora van Rijsingen, Iris van Zelst, Stephen Hicks
| Tue, 24 May, 10:20–11:50 (CEST)
Room K2

Subduction is one of the primary mechanisms of fluid and element cycling between
the surface and mantle in the Earth. During subduction, metamorphism in the
downgoing plate and the consequent expulsion of fluids and generation of melts
drives mineralogical, geochemical, and rheological changes affecting the mechanical
behaviour of the subducting zone system. These fluids and melts play a key role in
the long-term geochemical evolution of the Earth by preferentially fractionating
elements from the slab and introducing them to the mantle wedge, volcanic arc, and
forearc. This process is particularly relevant for volatiles, such as carbon, which can have a profound influence on the habitability of the Earth's surface. This session aims to bring together the petrology, geochemistry, geodynamics, tectonics, and geochronology community by linking subduction zone inputs, outputs and mechanisms over a range of length and timescales. We especially encourage studies that constrain the conditions, durations, and geochemical evolution of metamorphic, metasomatic, and magmatic processes leading to the transfer of material from the slab into the mantle wedge, forearc, arc, and deep mantle. We encourage participation from scientists from all backgrounds and levels of experience.

Co-organized by GD5/TS7
Convener: Jesse Walters | Co-conveners: Manuel Menzel, Hugo van Schrojenstein Lantman, Francesca Miozzi, Melanie J. Sieber, Carlos J. Garrido
| Thu, 26 May, 13:20–16:40 (CEST)
Room K1

GD6 – Rheology and Multiscale Mineralogy


The goal of this session is to reconcile short-time/small-scale and long-time/large-scale observations, including geodynamic processes such as subduction, collision, rifting, or mantle lithosphere interactions. Despite the remarkable advances in experimental rock mechanics, the implications of rock-mechanics data for large temporal and spatial scale tectonic processes are still not straightforward, since the latter are strongly controlled by local lithological stratification of the lithosphere, its thermal structure, fluid content, tectonic heritage, metamorphic reactions, and deformation rates.

Mineral reactions have mechanical effects that may result in the development of pressure variations and thus are critical for interpreting microstructural and mineral composition observations. Such effects may fundamentally influence element transport properties and rheological behavior.
Here, we encourage presentations focused on the interplay between metamorphic processes and deformation on all scales, on the rheological behavior of crustal and mantle rocks, and time scales of metamorphic reactions in order to discuss
(1) how and when up to GPa-level differential stress and pressure variations can be built and maintained at geological timescales and modeling of such systems,
(2) deviations from lithostatic pressure during metamorphism: fact or fiction?
(3) the impact of deviations from lithostatic pressure on geodynamic reconstructions.
(4) the effect of porous fluid and partial melting on the long-term strength.
We, therefore, invite the researchers from different domains (rock mechanics, petrographic observations, geodynamic and thermo-mechanical modeling) to share their views on the way forward for improving our knowledge of the long-term rheology and chemo-thermo-mechanical behavior of the lithosphere and mantle.

Co-organized by GMPV7/NP3/TS2
Convener: Yury Podladchikov | Co-conveners: Lucie Tajcmanova, Shun-ichiro Karato, Evangelos Moulas, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth
| Wed, 25 May, 08:30–11:47 (CEST), 13:20–14:05 (CEST)
Room -2.91

Many regions of the Earth, from crust to core, exhibit anisotropic fabrics which can reveal much about geodynamic processes in the subsurface. These fabrics can exist at a variety of scales, from crystallographic orientations to regional structure alignments. In the past few decades, a tremendous body of multidisciplinary research has been dedicated to characterizing anisotropy in the solid Earth and understanding its geodynamical implications. This has included work in fields such as: (1) geophysics, to make in situ observations and construct models of anisotropic properties at a range of depths; (2) mineral physics, to explain the cause of some of these observations; and (3) numerical modelling, to relate the inferred fabrics to regional stress and flow regimes and, thus, geodynamic processes in the Earth. The study of anisotropy in the Solid Earth encompasses topics so diverse that it often appears fragmented according to regions of interest, e.g., the upper or lower crust, oceanic lithosphere, continental lithosphere, cratons, subduction zones, D'', or the inner core. The aim of this session is to bring together scientists working on different aspects of anisotropy to provide a comprehensive overview of the field. We encourage contributions from all disciplines of the earth sciences (including mineral physics, seismology, magnetotellurics, geodynamic modelling) focused on anisotropy at all scales and depths within the Earth.

Co-organized by EMRP1/SM5
Convener: Manuele Faccenda | Co-convener: Tuna Eken
| Wed, 25 May, 14:05–16:40 (CEST)
Room -2.91

Metamorphic minerals provide unique records of the tectonic processes that have shaped Earth through the ages. Innovative new approaches in metamorphic petrology, chemical and isotope micro-analysis, and geochronology provide exciting new avenues to let these minerals tell their story of deformation, reaction and fluid flow. The insights from such research provide key means of testing long-standing concepts in petrology and tectonics, and shifting paradigms in these fields.

This session will highlight integrated metamorphic petrology, with application to tectonics and development of collisional orogens, cratons and subduction zones. We welcome contributions, from petrology, (petro-)chronology, to trace-element and isotope geochemistry. Through these diverse insights, the session will provide an exciting overview of current research on metamorphic and metasomatic processes, as well as the avenues for future innovation.

Co-organized by GD6/TS10
Convener: Matthijs Smit | Co-conveners: Daniela Rubatto, Lucie Tajcmanova, Tom Raimondo
| Wed, 25 May, 08:30–11:47 (CEST)
Room D2

The dynamics and evolution of Earth’s surface and interior are controlled by a spectrum of processes covering a wide range of length (i.e. from kilometers down to a few ångströms) and time scales (i.e. from billions of years down to picoseconds). Microstructures in planetary materials (e.g., fabrics, textures, grain sizes and distributions, shapes, cracks etc) can be used to infer, identify, and quantify metamorphic, magmatic or diagenetic processes. Coupling these microscale processes with larger scale, planetary phenomena (e.g. formation of plate boundaries or mantle convection) remains one of the key challenges in solid Earth geosciences. Fundamentally, processes such as grain size reduction, grain growth, phase changes, and the development of crystallographic preferred orientations modify the rheological properties of rocks and minerals, providing key information on the dynamics of small- to large-scale geodynamic processes. In this session, we invite contributions investigating microstructures and textures in field samples, laboratory experiments, and numerical modeling with the aim to constrain deformation processes of Earth’s surface and interior across multiple length scales.

Public information:

This session includes the TS Division Oustanding ECS Award Lecture

Including TS Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
Co-organized by EMRP1/GD6
Convener: Leif Tokle | Co-conveners: Anna Gülcher, Amicia Lee, Diana Avadanii, Jac van Driel
| Tue, 24 May, 13:20–18:30 (CEST)
Room K2

GD7 – Crust, Lithosphere and Asthenosphere


Lithosphere evolution, reflected in the lithosphere structure, controls the deposition of mineral resources, many of which occur in specific geodynamic settings. We invite contributions from various geophysical, geodynamic, geological, and geochemical studies, as well as from numerical modeling, which address the questions how various plate tectonics and mantle dynamics processes modify the lithosphere structure, control ore deposits, and how these processes changed during the Earth's evolution. We particularly invite contributions with focus on regional geophysical studies of the crust and upper mantle.
This session is a part of the International Lithosphere Program Task Force 1. We invite contributions from everyone interested in the topic and invite them to join the ILP TF1.

Co-organized by GMPV5/SM5/TS13, co-sponsored by ILP
Convener: Alexey Shulgin | Co-conveners: Irina M. Artemieva, Anna Makushkina, Hans Thybo, Shuwen Dong
| Wed, 25 May, 15:10–16:20 (CEST)
Room 0.16

Cratons form the ancient, stable cores of most of the Earth’s continents. Knowledge about the present-day architecture of cratons is the key to understand the evolution of continental plates. In addition to that, cratons concentrate many economically relevant mineral deposits, which are indispensable for a modern society. For many cratonic regions however, little is still known about the present-day lithospheric structure and how it evolved since the Archean, mainly due to their remoteness and harsh local environmental conditions. Ongoing data acquisition, as well as the usage and optimization of
remote and passive techniques have shed new light on the lithospheric architecture of cratonic regions. Recent advancements across several disciplines show that cratons are more varied and fragmented than previously assumed, which has strong implications for geodynamic interactions with the convective mantle and long-term stability.

In this session, we welcome contributions across different scales that describe the cratonic lithosphere and its evolution with time, up to the dawn of plate tectonics. We aim to address topics like: characterization and evolution of cratonic crust and lithosphere; coupling between cratonic crust and mantle; mechanisms to form, maintain and destroy cratonic roots; craton-plume interaction; the role of cratons in supercontinent configurations; connection of cratons to mineral deposits.

We would like to raise discussions within a multidisciplinary session and therefore welcome contributions across a wide range of disciplines, including, but not limited to geodynamics, geology, tectonics, seismology, gravity, geochemistry, petrology, as well as joint approaches.

Co-organized by GMPV3/SM5/TS13
Convener: Peter Haas | Co-conveners: Nicolas Luca Celli, Andrea Tommasi
| Thu, 26 May, 13:20–15:55 (CEST)
Room -2.91

The geological processes that we infer from observations of the Earth’s surface, together with the landscape features are direct consequences of the dynamic Earth, and in particular, of the interaction between tectonic plates. Seismological studies are key for unraveling the present structure and fabric of the lithosphere and the asthenosphere. However, interdisciplinary work is required to fully understand the underlying processes and how features such as anisotropies in the crust, lithospheric mantle or the asthenosphere evolved through time and how they are related. Here we want to gather those studies focusing on seismic anisotropy and deformation patterns that can successfully improve our knowledge of the processes, leading to the observed present geometries (of the crust and the upper mantle). The main goal of the session is to establish closer links between seismological observations and process-oriented modelling studies to demonstrate the potential of different methods, and to share ideas of how we can collaboratively study upper mantle structure, and how the present-day fabrics of the lithosphere relates to the contemporary deformation processes and ongoing dynamics within the asthenospheric mantle.
Contributions from studies employing seismic anisotropy observations, tomography and waveform modeling, geodetic data, numerical and analogue modelling are welcome.

Including GD Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
Co-organized by SM5
Convener: Ehsan Qorbani Chegeni | Co-conveners: Ana MG Ferreira, Jaroslava Plomerova, Ernst Willingshofer
| Thu, 26 May, 08:30–11:49 (CEST)
Room -2.91

GD8 – Geodynamics of Specific Regions


Dynamic topography is an important component of topography produced by mantle flow beneath the lithosphere. Like other components topography, dynamic topography sheds control on the eustacy, coastline evolution, source-to-sink systems, and long-wavelength variations in topography within continental interior far away from plate margins. In this aspect, dynamic topography has played a vital role in exploring the relationships between plate subduction, mantle flow, and Earth surface process. The circum-Pacific domain has been undergoing multiple re-orientations in subduction and given rise to basin-mountain systems in both eastern (western North America and South America) and western (East Asia) Pacific continental margins since late Mesozoic. Prominent diversity between the modern mantle structures of East Asia and the Americas strongly indicate different plate subduction history; this difference in evolution of the plate tectonics and mantle structure is recorded in dynamic topography. Fully unraveling the four-dimensional dynamic topography and its implications for tectonics has been one of the major challenges in both East Asia and the Americas. To help understand this complex relationship, we welcome your contributions addressing topics that concentrate on (1) the formation/origin and evolution of mantle architecture, (2) spatial-temporal evolution of Earth’s surface topography, especially dynamic topography, (3) evolution of basin-mountain systems and their indication of plate subduction, and (4) 4-D geodynamic models of eastern and western Pacific continental margins and the other regions since late Mesozoic.

Co-organized by TS7
Convener: Shaofeng Liu | Co-conveners: Michael Gurnis, Wei Leng, Simon Williams, Chengfa Lin
| Fri, 27 May, 08:30–09:50 (CEST)
Room -2.91

The North-Atlantic-Arctic realm hosts vast extended continental shelves bordering old land masses, two Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), one of which is the largest known sub-marine LIP (Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge) and a complex ocean spreading systems, including the slowest mid-ocean spreading ridge (Gakkel Ridge) and several extinct ocean basins.
Over recent decades, increasing scientific interest has led to the acquisition of vast quantities of geological and geophysical data across the North Atlantic-Arctic realm, yet our understanding of the region has become, if anything, even more controversial than it was before. The geodynamic and geomorphological processes acting here (and globally) are key to the understanding of the structure, geodynamic and paleolandscape evolution, hazards and resources in the region.
This session provides a forum for discussions and reviews of a variety of problems linked to the North Atlanitc-Arctic geodynamics such as plate tectonic, geodynamic, compositional, thermal, structural and landscape models, configuration of sedimentary basin and to propose additional experiments that can test these models. We welcome contributions from all relevant disciplines, including, but not limited to, plate tectonics, geophysics, geodynamic modelling, igneous, metamorphic and structural geology, palaeomagnetism, sedimentology, geomorphology, geochronology, thermochronology, geochemistry and petrology.

Co-organized by GM4/GMPV11/TS6
Convener: Aleksandra Smyrak-Sikora | Co-conveners: Grace E. Shephard, Rebekka Steffen, Owen Anfinson
| Thu, 26 May, 13:20–15:55 (CEST)
Room -2.47/48

We invite contributions that address the present and past structure and dynamics of the Alpine orogens of the Mediterranean area. Since 2015, the international AlpArray mission and related projects have generated a plethora of new data to test the hypothesis that mantle circulation driving plates’ re-organization during collision has both immediate and long-lasting effects on the structure, motion, earthquake distribution and landscape evolution in mountain belts. Links between Earth’s surface and mantle have been forged by integrating 3D geophysical imaging of the entire crust-mantle system, with geologic observations and modelling to provide a look both backwards and forwards in time, the 4th dimension. This integrated 4D approach, initially focused on the Alps, has been expanded to the Pannonian-Carpathian and Adriatic areas, and now includes the Apennines and Dinarides. A new initiative, AdriaArray, is underway to shed light on plate-scale deformation and orogenic processes in this dynamic part of the Alpine-Mediterranean chain. The forthcoming Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE (DIVE) project bridges new observations across scales and investigates the evolution of the continental lower crust. This session provides an interdisciplinary platform for highlighting the newest results and open questions of the aforementioned projects, regions and themes.

Co-organized by GMPV11/SM1/TS7
Convener: Claudia Piromallo | Co-conveners: György Hetényi, Peter McPhee, Thomas Meier, Pietro Sternai
| Mon, 23 May, 13:20–14:50 (CEST), 15:10–18:30 (CEST)
Room K1

The Mediterranean region holds a plate boundary zone undergoing final closure between two major plates, Africa and Eurasia. The active tectonics and geodynamics of the Mediterranean region result from the interaction of subduction and collision processes, deformation of the slabs, mantle flow, and extrusion of crustal blocks. These geodynamic processes have a transient nature and their changes affect the regional tectonics.

This session focuses on two aspects of the Mediterranean recent active tectonics and geodynamics:
(1) how (active) geodynamic mechanisms define the current structure and recent evolution of Mediterranean Arc systems.
(2) how the surface deformation is accommodated, both on fault local scale (e.g. the seismic cycle and kinematics of active faults) and in the larger (e.g. regional kinematics and relation the surface deformation to the deeper processes).

We welcome contributions from a wide range of disciplines including, but not limited to seismology, tectonic geodesy, remote sensing, paleoseismology, tectonic geomorphology, active tectonics, structural geology, and geodynamic modeling.

We strongly encourage the contribution of early career researchers.

This session is formed by merging of TS sessions: "Active tectonics and geodynamics of the Eastern Mediterranean" & "Recent geodynamic evolution and active tectonics of Mediterranean Arcs"

Co-organized by GD8/SM1
Convener: Ali Deger Ozbakir | Co-conveners: Manel Prada, Patricia Martínez-Garzón, Jean-Philippe Avouac, David Fernández-Blanco, Laura Gómez de la Peña, Konstantinos Chousianitis, Gülsen Uçarkuş, Giovanni Luca Cardello
| Wed, 25 May, 13:20–18:30 (CEST)
Room D1

The Tethyan orogenic belt is one of the largest and most prominent collisional zones on Earth. The belt ranges from the Mediterranean in the west to Papua New Guinea in the east. It results from the subduction and closure of multiple basins of the Tethys Ocean and the subsequent collision of the African, Arabian and Indian continental plates with Eurasia. Its long-lasting geological record of the opening and closure of oceanic basins, the accretion of arcs and microcontinents, the complex interactions of major and smaller plates, and the presence of subduction zones at different evolutionary stages, has progressively grown as a comprehensive test site to investigate fundamental plate tectonics and geodynamic processes with multiple disciplines. Advances in a variety of fields provide a rich and growing set of constraints on the crust-lithosphere and mantle structure and their physical and chemical characteristics, as well as the tectonics and geodynamic evolution of the Tethyan orogenic belt.

We welcome contributions presenting new insights and observations derived from different perspectives, including geology (tectonics, stratigraphy, petrology, geochronology, geochemistry, and geomorphology), geophysics (seismicity, seismic imaging, seismic anisotropy, gravity), geodesy (GPS, InSAR), modelling (numerical and analogue), natural hazards (earthquakes, volcanism). In particular, we encourage the submission of trans-disciplinary studies, which integrate observations across a range of spatial and temporal scales to further our understanding of plate tectonics as a planetary process of fundamental importance.

The Arabian Plate recorded several plate reorganizations from the Neoproterozoic to present, including the Cadomian and Angudan orogenies, Late Paleozoic rifting and Alpine Orogeny. Active tectonics are framing the Arabian Plate and produce a variety of structures, including extensional structures related to rifting of the Red Sea and Gulf and Aden, strike-slip structures at the Dead Sea and Owen transform faults and compressive structures related to the Zagros-Makran convergence zone. The Arabian Peninsula contains the planet’s largest hydrocarbon reservoirs, owing to its geological history as Gondwana’s passive margin during the Permo-Mesozoic. Moreover, the Semail Ophiolite as the largest exposed ophiolite on Earth offers a unique example of large-scale obduction and overridden sedimentary basins. This and the spectacular outcrop conditions make the Arabian Peninsula an important and versatile study area. Ongoing research and new methods shed new light on, e.g., mountain building processes and its geomorphological expression as well as hydrocarbon development/migration.

We invite contributions that utilize structural, geophysical, tectonic, geochronological, geomorphological, sedimentary, geochemical/mineralogical, and field geological studies from the Arabian Peninsula and surrounding mountain belts and basins. These studies may include topics dealing with structures/basin analyses of any scale and from all tectonic settings ranging from the Neoproterozoic until today.

Co-organized by GD8/GMPV11/SM1
Convener: Derya Gürer | Co-conveners: Andreas Scharf, Ágnes Király, Claudia Piromallo, Andrew Parsons, Frank Mattern
| Wed, 25 May, 08:30–11:50 (CEST)
Room D1

GD9 – Modelling, Data collection and Inversion


Geological and geophysical data sets are in essence the result of physical processes governing the Earth’s evolution. Such data sets are widely varied and range from the internal structure of the Earth, plate kinematics, composition of geomaterials, estimation of physical conditions, dating of key geological events, thermal state of the Earth to more shallow processes such as natural and “engineered” reservoir dynamics and waste sequestration in the subsurface.

Combining such data with process-based numerical models is required for our understanding of the dynamical Earth. Process-based models are powerful tools to predict the evolution of complex natural systems resolving the feedback among various physical processes. Integrating high-quality data into numerical simulations leads to a constructive workflow to further constrain the key parameters within the models. Innovative inversion strategies, linking forward dynamic models with observables, is therefore an important research topic that will improve our knowledge of the governing physical parameters.

The complexity of geological systems arises from their multi-physics nature, as they combine hydrological, thermal, chemical and mechanical processes (e.g. thermo-mechanical convection). Multi-physics couplings are prone to nonlinear interactions ultimately leading to spontaneous localisation of flow and deformation. Understanding the couplings among those processes therefore requires the development of appropriate tools to capture spontaneous localisation and represents a challenging though essential research direction.

We invite contributions from the following two complementary themes:

1. Computational advances associated with
- alternative spatial and/or temporal discretisation for existing forward/inverse models
- scalable HPC implementations of new and existing methodologies (GPUs / multi-core)
- solver and preconditioner developments
- AI / Machine learning-based approaches
- code and methodology comparisons (“benchmarks”)
- open source implementations for the community

2. Physics advances associated with
- development of partial differential equations to describe geological processes
- inversion strategies and adjoint-based modelling
- numerical model validation through comparison with observables (data)
- scientific discovery enabled by 2D and 3D modelling
- utilisation of coupled models to explore nonlinear interactions

Co-organized by EMRP1/TS9
Convener: Ludovic Räss | Co-conveners: Boris Kaus, Thibault Duretz, Dave May
| Thu, 26 May, 15:55–18:30 (CEST)
Room -2.47/48

Long term observations are of vital importance in the Earth Sciences, yet often difficult to pursue and fund. The distinction of a fluctuation from a long-term change in Earth processes is a key question to better understand processes within the Earth and in the Earth system. Likewise, it is a prerequisite for the assessment of the Earth's climate change as well as risk assessment. In order to distinguish fluctuations from a steady change, knowledge on the time variability of the signal itself and long term observations are required. Exemplarily, due to the decadal variability of sea level, reliable sea level trends can only be obtained after about sixty years of continuous observations. Reliable strain rates of deformation require a minimum of a decade of continuous data, due to ambient and anthropogenic factors leading to fluctuations. This session invites contributions demonstrating the importance of long term geophysical, geodynamic, oceanographic, geodetic, and climate observatories. Advances in sensors, instrumentation, monitoring techniques, analyses, and interpretations of data, or the comparison of approaches are welcome, with the aim to stimulate a multidisciplinary discussion among those dedicated to the accumulation, preservation and dissemination of data over decadal time scales or beyond. Studies utilizing novel approaches such as AI for analysis of long time series are very welcome. Likewise, studies that show the mutual transfer of knowledge of terrestrial and satellite observations are a topic of interest. With this session, we also would like to provide an opportunity to gather and exchange experiences for representatives from observatories both in Europe and worldwide.

Co-organized by CL5.2/EMRP2/G3/GI2
Convener: Nina Kukowski | Co-conveners: Dorothee Rebscher, Valentin Kasburg, Carla Braitenberg, Hans-Peter Bunge
| Wed, 25 May, 17:00–18:30 (CEST)
Room -2.91

Geologic processes are generally too slow, too rare, or too deep to be observed in-situ and to be monitored with a resolution high enough to understand their dynamics. Analogue experiments and numerical simulation have thus become an integral part of the Earth explorer's toolbox to select, formulate, and test hypotheses on the origin and evolution of geological phenomena.

To foster synergy between the rather independently evolving experimentalists and modellers we provide a multi-disciplinary platform to discuss research on tectonics, structural geology, rock mechanics, geodynamics, volcanology, geomorphology, and sedimentology.

We therefore invite contributions demonstrating the state-of-the-art in analogue and numerical / analytical modelling on a variety of spatial and temporal scales, varying from earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions to sedimentary processes, plate tectonics and landscape evolution. We especially welcome those presentations that discuss model strengths and weaknesses, challenge the existing limits, or compare/combine the different modelling techniques to realistically simulate and better understand the Earth's behaviour.

Co-organized by GD9/GM9
Convener: Frank Zwaan | Co-conveners: Valentina Magni, Michael Rudolf, Ágnes Király, Fabio Corbi
| Tue, 24 May, 15:10–18:24 (CEST)
Room D1

Environmental systems often span spatial and temporal scales covering different orders of magnitude. The session is oriented toward collecting studies relevant to understand multiscale aspects of these systems and in proposing adequate multi-platform and inter-disciplinary surveillance networks monitoring tools systems. It is especially aimed to emphasize the interaction between environmental processes occurring at different scales. In particular, special attention is devoted to the studies focused on the development of new techniques and integrated instrumentation for multiscale monitoring of high natural risk areas, such as volcanic, seismic, energy exploitation, slope instability, floods, coastal instability, climate changes, and another environmental context.
We expect contributions derived from several disciplines, such as applied geophysics, geology, seismology, geodesy, geochemistry, remote and proximal sensing, volcanology, geotechnical, soil science, marine geology, oceanography, climatology, and meteorology. In this context, the contributions in analytical and numerical modeling of geological and environmental processes are also expected.
Finally, we stress that the inter-disciplinary studies that highlight the multiscale properties of natural processes analyzed and monitored by using several methodologies are welcome.

Co-organized by AS5/CL5.3/ERE1/ESSI4/GD9/NH6/NP3
Convener: Pietro Tizzani | Co-conveners: Antonello Bonfante, Francesca Bianco, Raffaele Castaldo, Nemesio M. Pérez
| Mon, 23 May, 15:55–18:30 (CEST)
Room 0.51
G4.3 EDI

Gravity and magnetic field data contribute to a wide range of geo-scientific research, from imaging the structure of the earth and geodynamic processes near surface investigations. The first part of this session is dedicated to contributions related to spatial and temporal variations of the Earth gravity and magnetic field at all scales. Contributions to modern potential field research are welcome, including instrumental issues, data processing techniques, machine learning, interpretation methods, innovative applications of the results and data collected by modern satellite missions, potential theory, as well as case histories.
The second part of this session will focus on the practical solution of various formulations of geodetic boundary-value problems to yield precise local and regional high-resolution (quasi)geoid models. Contributions describing recent developments in theory, processing methods, downward continuation of satellite and airborne data, treatment of altimetry and shipborne data, terrain modeling, software development and the combination of gravity data with other signals of the gravity field for a precise local and regional gravity field determination are welcome. Topics such as the comparison of methods and results, the interpretation of residuals as well as geoid applications to satellite altimetry, oceanography, vertical datums and local and regional geospatial height registration are of a special interest.

Co-organized by EMRP2/GD9/TS12
Convener: Jörg Ebbing | Co-conveners: Hussein Abd-Elmotaal, Leonardo Uieda, Alexandra Guy, Carla Braitenberg, Mikhail Kaban, Xiaopeng Li, Georgios S. Vergos
| Wed, 25 May, 10:20–11:47 (CEST), 13:20–15:48 (CEST)
Room K1

This session will cover applied and theoretical aspects of
geophysical imaging, modelling and inversion using active- and
passive-source seismic measurements as well as other geophysical
techniques (e.g., gravity, magnetic and electromagnetic) to
investigate properties of the Earth’s lithosphere and asthenosphere,
and explore the processes involved. We invite contributions focused on
methodological developments, theoretical aspects, and applications.
Studies across the scales and disciplines are particularly welcome.

Among others, the session may cover the following topics:
- Active- and passive-source imaging using body- and surface-waves;
- Full waveform inversion developments and applications;
- Advancements and case studies in 2D and 3D imaging;
- Interferometry and Marchenko imaging;
- Seismic attenuation and anisotropy;
- Developments and applications of multi-scale and multi-parameter inversion; and,
- Joint inversion of seismic and complementary geophysical data.

Co-organized by GD9/GI2/TS12
Convener: Milena Marjanovic | Co-conveners: Monika Ivandic, Andrzej Górszczyk, Pascal Edme, Laura Gómez de la Peña, Matthew Agius
| Wed, 25 May, 08:30–11:50 (CEST)
Room D3

GD10 – Short Courses and General Interest


The main goal of this short course is to provide an introduction into the basic concepts of numerical modelling of solid Earth processes in the Earth’s crust and mantle in a non-technical manner. We discuss the building blocks of a numerical code and how to set up a model to study geodynamic problems. Emphasis is put on best practices and their implementations including code verification, model validation, internal consistency checks, and software and data management. 

The short course introduces the following topics:
(1) The physical model, including the conservation and constitutive equations
(2) The numerical model, including numerical methods, discretisation, and kinematical descriptions
(3) Code verification, including benchmarking
(4) Model design, including modelling philosophies
(5) Model validation and subsequent analysis
(6) Communication of modelling results and effective software, data, and resource management

Armed with the knowledge of a typical numerical modelling workflow, participants will be better able to critically assess geodynamic numerical modelling papers and know how to start with numerical modelling.

This short course is run by early career geodynamicists. It is aimed at everyone who is interested in, but not necessarily experienced with, geodynamic numerical models; in particular early career scientists (BSc, MSc, PhD students and postdocs) and people who are new to the field of geodynamic modelling.

Co-organized by BG2/G7/GD10/TS14
Convener: Iris van Zelst | Co-conveners: Anne Glerum, Adina E. Pusok, Juliane Dannberg, Fabio Crameri
Fri, 27 May, 10:20–11:50 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
SC3.10 EDI

Publishing your research in a peer reviewed journal is essential for a career in research. All EGU-affiliated journals are fully open access which is great, but the unique open discussion and transparent peer review process can be daunting for first time submitters and early career scientists. This short course will cover all you need to know about the publication process from start to end for EGU journals, and give you a chance to ask the editors some questions. This includes: what the editor looks for in your submitted paper, how to deal with corrections or rejections, and how best to communicate with your reviewers and editors for a smooth transition from submission to publication. Ample time will be reserved for open discussion for the audience to ask questions to the editors, and for the editors to suggest ‘top tips’ for successful publication. This course is aimed at early-career researchers who are about to step into the publication process, and those who are yet to publish in EGU journals. Similarly, this course will be of interest to those looking to get involved in the peer-review process through reviewing and editing. This short course is part of the “Meet the EGU Journal Editors” webinar series that was held prior to the EGU General Assembly 2022.

Public information:

We are excited to welcome our panelists for this session, who will be representing their respective journals: 

  • Elisa Mantelli (The Cryosphere)
  • Fabien Maussion (Geoscientific Model Development)
  • Denis-Didier Rousseau (Climate of the Past)
Co-organized by CR8/GD10/GM14/NP9/SSP5
Convener: TJ Young | Co-conveners: Tommaso Alberti, Anna Gülcher, Aayush Srivastava, Jenny Turton
Tue, 24 May, 17:00–18:30 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62

This 105-minute short course aims to introduce non-geologists to structural and petrological geological principles, which are used by geologists to understand system earth.

The data available to geologists is often minimal, incomplete and representative for only part of the geological history. Besides learning field techniques to acquire and measure data, geologists need to develop a logical way of thinking to close gaps in the data to understand the system. There is a difference in the reality observed from field observation and the final geological model that tells the story.

In this course we briefly introduce the following subjects:
1) Grounding rocks: Introduction to the principles of geology.
2) Collecting rocks: The how, what, and pitfalls of field data acquisition.
3) Failing rocks: From structural field data to (paleo-)stress analysis.
4) Dating rocks: Absolute and relative dating of rocks using petrology and geochronology methods.
5) Shaping rocks: The morphology of landscapes as tectonic constraints
6) Crossing rocks over: How geology benefits from seismology, geodynamic and geodesy research, and vice-versa.
7) Q&A!

Our aim is not to make you the next specialist in geology, but we would rather try and make you aware of the challenges a geologist faces when they go out into the field. Additionally, the quality of data and the methods used nowadays are addressed to give other earth scientists a feel for the capabilities and limits of geological research. This course is given by Early Career Scientist geologists and geoscientists and forms a quartet with the short courses on ‘Geodynamics 101 (A&B)’, ‘Seismology 101’, and ‘Geodesy 101’. For this reason, we will also explain what kind of information we expect from the fields of seismology, geodynamics and geodesy, and we hope to receive some feedback in what kind of information you could use from our side.

Co-organized by G7/GD10/GM14/SSP5/TS14
Convener: Richard Wessels | Co-conveners: Silvia Crosetto, Francesco Giuntoli, Anouk Beniest, David Fernández-Blanco
Tue, 24 May, 10:20–11:50 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86

What is the “Potsdam Gravity Potato”? What is a reference frame and why is it necessary to know in which reference frame GNSS velocities are provided? Geodetic data, like GNSS data or gravity data, are used in many geoscientific disciplines, such as hydrology, glaciology, geodynamics, oceanography and seismology. This course aims to give an introduction into geodetic datasets and presents what is necessary to consider when using such data. This 105-minute short course is part of the quartet of introductory 101 courses on Geodynamics 101, Geology 101 and Seismology 101.

The short course Geodesy 101 will introduce basic geodetic concepts within the areas of GNSS and gravity data analysis. In particular, we will talk about:
- GNSS data analysis
- Reference frames
- Gravity data analysis
We will also show short examples of data handling and processing using open-source software tools. Participants are not required to bring a laptop or have any previous knowledge of geodetic data analysis.

Our aim is to give you more background information on what geodetic data can tell us and what not. You won’t be a Geodesist by the end of the short course, but we hope that you are able to have gained more knowledge about the limitations as well as advantages of geodetic data. The course is run by early career scientists from the Geodesy division, and is aimed for all attendees (ECS and non-ECS) from all divisions who are using geodetic data frequently or are just interested to know what geodesists work on on a daily basis. We hope to have a lively discussion during the short course and we are also looking forward to feedback by non-geodesists on what they need to know when they use geodetic data.

Public information:

Please give us feedback on the short course: https://forms.gle/EMp3U79UsT1jdQYu6

Co-organized by CR8/G7/GD10/HS11/TS14
Convener: Rebekka Steffen | Co-conveners: Andreas Kvas, Benedikt Soja
Wed, 25 May, 10:20–11:50 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86

How do seismologists detect earthquakes? How do we locate them? Is seismology only about earthquakes? Seismology has been integrated into a wide variety of geo-disciplines to complement many fields such as tectonics, geology, geodynamics, volcanology, hydrology, glaciology and planetology. This 90-minute course is part of the Solid Earth 101 short course series together with ‘Geodynamics 101’ and ‘Geology 101’ to better illustrate the link between these fields.

In ‘Seismology 101’, we will introduce the basic concepts and methods in seismology. In previous years, this course was given as “Seismology for non-seismologists”, and it is still aimed at those not familiar with seismology -- particularly early-career scientists. An overview will be given on various methods and processing techniques applicable to investigate surface processes, near-surface geological structures, and the Earth’s interior. The course will highlight the role that advanced seismological techniques can play in the co-interpretation of results from other fields. The topics will include:

- the basics of seismology, including the detection and location of earthquakes
- understanding and interpreting those enigmatic “beachballs”
- an introduction to free seismo-live.org tutorials and other useful tools
- how seismic methods are used to learn about the Earth, such as imaging the Earth’s interior (on all scales), deciphering tectonics, monitoring volcanoes, landslides and glaciers, etc...

We likely won’t turn you in the next Charles Richter in 90 minutes but would like to make you aware of how seismology can help you with your research. The intention is to discuss each topic in a non-technical manner, emphasizing their strengths and potential shortcomings. This course will help non-seismologists better understand seismic results and facilitate more enriched discussion between different scientific disciplines. The short course is organised by early-career scientist seismologists and geoscientists who will present examples from their own research experience and high-impact reference studies for illustration. Questions from the audience on the topics covered will be highly encouraged.

Co-organized by G7/GD10/SM9
Convener: Maria Tsekhmistrenko | Co-conveners: Janneke de Laat, Dinko Sindija, Javier Ojeda, Chiara Civiero
Thu, 26 May, 10:20–11:50 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86