EGU General Assembly 2023
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Seasonality and regionality of the vertical structure of the water column in the Arctic Ocean. 

Lucia Gutierrez-Loza and Siv K. Lauvset
Lucia Gutierrez-Loza and Siv K. Lauvset
  • NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway (

The Arctic Ocean is rapidly changing in response to high temperatures and increased atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.  As part of these changing conditions, sea-ice loss and increased freshwater inputs are expected to impact the mixing processes and the characteristics of water column in the Arctic region, directly modulating the nutrient availability and primary productivity in the surface water.

Here, we investigate the spatial and temporal variations of the vertical structure of the water column using high-resolution model outputs for the period 2000-2099. We focus on the Atlantic sector of the Arctic, an increasingly temperature-stratified region, where we evaluate the changes on nutrient availability and carbonate chemistry in the upper ocean. Changes in the regionality and seasonality under a medium- to high-end emission scenario (SSP3-7.0), transitioning towards a sea-ice free Arctic, will be used to further understand the upper ocean mixing processes and their impacts on the local and regional biogeochemistry.

How to cite: Gutierrez-Loza, L. and Lauvset, S. K.: Seasonality and regionality of the vertical structure of the water column in the Arctic Ocean. , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12592,, 2023.