EGU General Assembly 2023
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Designing and running a student led Climate Change and Sustainability module

Elizabeth Petrie, Vidya Nanthakumar, Sam Marot, Jaime Toney, Nimaya Lemal, Sydney Antener, and Ben Murphy
Elizabeth Petrie et al.
  • University of Glasgow, United Kingdom of Great Britain – England, Scotland, Wales (

We describe the creation and running of ‘Introduction to Climate Change and Sustainability’ a student led interdisciplinary undergraduate module. The course was designed and led by 2 undergraduate students with a passion for climate action, bringing together an interdisciplinary array of academic speakers from different departments. The format has been a mixture of lecture and in-class discussion, with assessment using presentations and group work. It has now been run 3 times. We will discuss some of the experiences and challenges around designing and running a credit bearing module with a joint team of students and staff support, with thoughts from running the course both online and in-person. 

How to cite: Petrie, E., Nanthakumar, V., Marot, S., Toney, J., Lemal, N., Antener, S., and Murphy, B.: Designing and running a student led Climate Change and Sustainability module, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15573,, 2023.