EGU23-16470, updated on 27 Dec 2024
EGU General Assembly 2023
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Understanding behavioral and socio-economic determinants of farmer adoption of efficient irrigation technologies

Soham Adla1, Anja Šaponjić1, Ashray Tyagi2, Prashant Rajankar2, Mohammad Faiz Alam1,3, Dani Daniel4, Prashant Pastore2, Anukool Nagi2, Mario Alberto Ponce Pacheco1, and Saket Pande1
Soham Adla et al.
  • 1Dept. of Water Management, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands (
  • 2Solidaridad Network Asia Limited, New Delhi, India (
  • 3International Water Management Institute, New Delhi, India (
  • 4Department of Health Behaviour, Environment, and Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (

Smallholder farmers are critical to global food production and natural resource management. Due to increased competition for water resources and/or variability in rainfall due to climate change, chronic irrigation water scarcity is rising particularly in drought prone regions like Vidarbha, Maharashtra (India). Improving irrigation water efficiency is key to sustainable agricultural intensification. Research has recognized that the motivations of farmers to adopt such strategies can go beyond the standard assumptions of utility maximization towards social and cognitive parameters. Understanding such determinants in the local context can provide insight for the design of local advisory services to steer farmer behavior towards water efficient practices. This study analyzes these factors in the Vidarbha through a behavioral lens using econometric methods and a social survey conducted with 419 farmers. The results from the survey contribute to the understanding the factors behind adoption of efficient technologies and their underlying dynamics, which can drive the development of agricultural extension and policy for sustainable agricultural intensification.

How to cite: Adla, S., Šaponjić, A., Tyagi, A., Rajankar, P., Alam, M. F., Daniel, D., Pastore, P., Nagi, A., Alberto Ponce Pacheco, M., and Pande, S.: Understanding behavioral and socio-economic determinants of farmer adoption of efficient irrigation technologies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16470,, 2023.