Inverse transient analysis for detecting multiple branched pipeline segments in a reservoir pipeline valve system
- 1Department of Civil and Enviromental Engineering, Pusan National University, Pusan, Republic of Korea (
- 2Department of Civil and Enviromental Engineering, Pusan National University, Pusan, Republic of Korea (
- 3Department of Civil and Enviromental Engineering, Pusan National University, Pusan, Republic of Korea (
- 4Department of Civil and Enviromental Engineering, Pusan National University, Pusan, Republic of Korea (
- 5Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, ETRI, Daegu, Republic of Korea (
- 6Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, ETRI, Daegu, Republic of Korea (
- 7Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, ETRI, Daegu, Republic of Korea (
The managment of water distribution systems is important not only for reliable water conveyance considering water quality but also for effcient asset management of pipeline infrastructure. Abnormality detection is a critical issuefor pipeline management authorities. Unknown side branches and dead ends are detrimental to efficient pipeline operation. Hence, this sudy explores a general method for detecting multiple side branches in a pipeline system. The method of caracteristics was used to simulate the transient responses of a specific branch with or without branched elements. The isolated pressure response of each branch and the interference caused by different elements of the pipeline was subsequently identified. A nonlinear valve action maneuver was considered for water hammer generation using a polynominal equation during mathmatical modeling. Experimental pressure decay patterns for various pipeline structure combinations showed differences between the numerical model and real-life system, which were explained by unsteady friction. The detection and location of side branches was achieved by considering the phase pressure bounce for which the numerical and experiment results were consistent.
How to cite: Ko, D., Lee, J., Kim, S., Park, S., Yu, J., Kim, K.-J., and Jang, I.-S.: Inverse transient analysis for detecting multiple branched pipeline segments in a reservoir pipeline valve system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1971,, 2023.