HS5.12 | Water resources policy and management: digital water and interconnected urban infrastructure
Water resources policy and management: digital water and interconnected urban infrastructure
Convener: David Steffelbauer | Co-conveners: Newsha Ajami, Nadia Kirstein, Riccardo Taormina, Ina Vertommen
| Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 2.31
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
vHall HS
Orals |
Wed, 08:30
Wed, 16:15
Wed, 16:15
Water utilities and municipalities must embrace technological innovation to address the exacerbating challenges and uncertainties posed by climate change, urbanization, and population growth. The progressive transformation of urban water infrastructure and the adoption of digital solutions for water resources are opening new opportunities for the design, planning, and management of more sustainable and resilient urban water networks and human-water systems across urban scales. The “digital water” revolution is strengthening at the same time the interconnection between urban water systems (e.g., drinking water, wastewater, urban drainage) and other critical infrastructures (e.g., energy grids, transportation networks). This interconnection motivates the development of novel approaches accounting for the intrinsic complexity of such coupled systems.
This session aims to provide an active forum to discuss and exchange knowledge on state-of-the-art and emerging tools, frameworks, and methodologies for planning and management of modern urban water infrastructure, with a particular focus on digitalization and/or interconnections with other systems. Topics and applications could belong to any area of urban water network analysis, modelling and management, including, e.g., intelligent sensors and advanced metering, digital twins, asset management, decision making, novel applications of IoT, and challenges to their implementation or risk of lock-in of rigid system designs. Additional topics may include big-data analytics and information retrieval, data-driven behavioural analysis, artificial intelligence for water applications, descriptive and predictive models of, e.g., water demand, sewer system flow or flood extend, experimental approaches to demand management, water demand and supply optimization, real-time control of urban drainage systems, or the identification of trends and anomalies in hydraulic sensor data (e.g., for leak detection or prior to model calibration). Interesting investigations on interconnected systems can include, for example, cyber-physical security of urban water systems (i.e., communication infrastructure), combined reliability and assessment studies on urban metabolism, or minimization of flood impacts on urban networks.

Orals: Wed, 26 Apr | Room 2.31

Chairpersons: David Steffelbauer, Ina Vertommen
On-site presentation
Roland Löwe, Matthias Kjær Adamsen, Phillip Aarestrup, Franca Bauer, Allan Peter Engsig-Karup, Morten Grum, Frederik Tinus Jeppesen, and Peter Steen Mikkelsen

In this work we illustrate how scientific machine learning algorithms (SciML) can be used to facilitate the development of digital twins for urban drainage systems. Scientific machine learning integrates classical, modelling techniques from scientific computing that are based on first principles, with data-driven machine learning techniques. The main objective is to create models that are robust, fast to run and easier to integrate with data, while largely preserving the level of detail of the widely used hydrodynamic modelling approaches. This concerns both a detailed spatial representation of the drainage system in the models, and an accurate representation of the hydraulics.

We present an initial approach that employs generalized residue networks for the simulation of hydraulics in drainage systems. The main idea is to train neural networks that learn how hydraulic states (level, flow and surcharge volume) at all nodes and pipes in the drainage network evolve from one time step to another, given a set of boundary conditions (surface runoff). The neural networks are trained against simulation results from a hydrodynamic model for a short time series, and achieve Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficients (NSE) in the order of 0.9 on a test dataset.

The approach achieves simulation times that are in the order of 50 times faster than the corresponding hydrodynamic model. This enables an automated calibration of HiFi model parameters and real-time data assimilation routines, both of which are tuned manually in current practice. We will demonstrate how the runoff parameters in a distributed drainage model can be efficiently calibrated against water level observations, and how an Ensemble Kalman Filter setup can be tuned automatically.

While our SciML setup for simulating drainage networks enables a range of new applications, its disadvantage are the initial training times in the order of 30 to 60 minutes for a system with approximately 100 drainage pipes. Many studies have demonstrated that machine learning approaches can be used to generalize across catchments if they consider physical system properties as an input or as part of the model architecture, and if they are presented with training data from different systems. Graph approaches are an obvious choice for the simulation of drainage systems and can be incorporated in the residue network setup. However, their architecture requires careful design to achieve an accurate simulation of the hydraulics, which is the subject of on-going research.

How to cite: Löwe, R., Adamsen, M. K., Aarestrup, P., Bauer, F., Engsig-Karup, A. P., Grum, M., Jeppesen, F. T., and Mikkelsen, P. S.: Scientific machine learning for speeding up distributed simulations – examples and failures for urban water systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5672, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5672, 2023.

On-site presentation
Mollie Torello, Siddharth Seshan, Lydia Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, and Suze van der Meulen

Data-driven decision making, and the use of data-intensive technologies are on the rise within the water sector. Such a paradigm shift warrants for more efficient management of data. To address this, within the European Union Horizon Europe project WATERVERSE, Water Data Management Ecosystems (WDME) are being developed. The aim of this project is to research a way to make water data management affordable, accessible, secure, fair and easy to use.  WATERVERSE has demonstration cases in six different countries (Cyprus, Finland, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, and the UK).

Stakeholder engagement is key to ensure the proper development of WDME. Each stakeholder is bound to strict regulations, policies, societal norm, etc. Through proper stakeholder management, this project aims to implement a strategic policy and commitment across stakeholders to reduce data management risks and provide data sharing opportunities. These goals were accomplished through the mapping of the main actors (e.g. end-users, policy makers, citizens) along with the challenges and expectations. In the Dutch case, stakeholder engagement involves gathering all the main actors in the development of a digital twin of the IJsselmeer for chloride predictions.  

Many challenges and drivers effect the technological development of a digital twin of the Ijsselmeer. Challenges such as tough data ownership rules and security polices hinder water data management and transfer. There are drivers for more data from new sources and advanced analytics.  

Additionally, to foster communication, Multi-Stakeholder Forums (MSF) are used to facilitate the dialogue process. MSF arranged dialogue on the topics of objectives and roles, challenges, and future vision of digital spaces in the water sector.  Stakeholders established in the MSFs their level of commitment, interest, and influence in data management.

Data gathered through stakeholder engagement will provide the technical side of WATERVERSE to develop critical infrastructure for the development of data spaces. This will ultimately lead to better decision making and more resilience water utilities in the water sector. 

How to cite: Torello, M., Seshan, S., Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, L., and van der Meulen, S.: Stakeholder Engagement Risks and Opportunities to pilot a Water Data Management Ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15226, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15226, 2023.

On-site presentation
Martin Oberascher, Carolina Kinzel, Ulrich Kastlunger, Martin Schöpf, Karl Grimm, Daniel Plaiasu, Wolfgang Rauch, and Robert Sitzenfrei

Up to now, information and communication technology is mainly utilised at main points of urban drainage and water distribution network, while the actual system behaviour in the majority of the networks remains unknown. In this regard, the Internet of Things concept can increase the data availability significantly, as the combination of low-cost sensors and innovative wireless data communication technologies enables large-scale installations of measurement equipment even in underground and remote locations. Following, new approaches in management of urban water infrastructure (UWI) are emerging including decentralised and smart approaches (e.g., smart rainwater harvesting). However, these approaches are relatively new and unknown, therefore it is difficult for decision-makers to justify investments.

In this work, the smart water campus of the university of Innsbruck is presented as an innovate testbed for smart and data-driven applications. The campus  is equipped with a large number of measurement devices and parameters are measured in high resolution (1 to 15 min) using different communication technologies for data transmission. Thereby, the quality of service strongly depends on the used communication technology and the installation places. Additionally, low power wide area networks like LoRaWAN operate in the public frequency ranges and data gaps have to be expected. The measured data (all except data from the water distribution network) are freely available under https://umwelttechnik-swc.uibk.ac.at.

The high-resolution data allows for evaluation of system conditions in real- time, enabling new possibilities in operations (e.g., smart rainwater harvesting for cross-system improvements) and fault detection (e.g., leakage and stagnation). Additionally, a special focus of the smart water campus project is on informing the population about the elements of the UWI (e.g., information panel, scavenger hunts to particularly address children) to make the hidden UWI more visible.

As experiences show, smart applications can improve the system performance, but also increase the requirements on the project team for a successful implementation: (1) detailed knowledge about communication technologies (and their limitations), (2) sufficient IT-knowledge for the implementation of the data flow and management, and (3) social sciences for the integration of different participants. Additionally, it requires effective measures to achieve economic (due to investment costs) and ecological (due to battery powered devices) sustainability.

The smart campus shows that it requires a coordination of appropriate communication technologies for each specific application but that smart applications can improve the performance of the integrated urban water infrastructure.

Oberascher, M., Kinzel, C., Kastlunger, U., Schöpf, M., Grimm, K., Plaiasu, D., Rauch, W., Sitzenfrei, R., 2022. Smart water campus – a testbed for smart water applications. Water Sci Technol. 86(11), 2834-2847. https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2022.369.

How to cite: Oberascher, M., Kinzel, C., Kastlunger, U., Schöpf, M., Grimm, K., Plaiasu, D., Rauch, W., and Sitzenfrei, R.: An innovate testbed for smart water infrastructure: the smart water campus, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1990, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1990, 2023.

On-site presentation
Daniela Fuchs-Hanusch, Georg Arbesser-Rastburg, Valentin Adler, Anika Stelzl, David Camhy, Michael Pointl, and Johanna Pirker

Dealing with the effects of urbanization and climate change has become a central task in urban water management. In this paper we present the web-based water distribution system modelling tool EWA, which was developed with the purpose to raise awareness for some of these tasks. We have linked gamification elements with modelling and have involved potential users of the tool into tool-development, following a participatory research approach. In EWA we provide tasks and challenges that have to be fulfilled by the user to guarantee a reliable water supply in future. Therefore, the UI provides a map view where model components can be added, removed, selected and are visualized. Forms are provided to edit selected components. For hydraulic modelling we use Epanet 2.2 (Rossmann, 2020) with OOPNet (Steffelbauer & Fuchs-Hanusch, 2015). Water demand prediction is based on regression models incorporating climate change projections and population development for Austria. To provide an overview of system performance, indicators like the resilience index (Creaco et al.,2016) or the number of unsatisfied nodes are used. The change of these indicators over time is visualized in graphs. To follow a participatory approach, we are testing the usability of the tool with a group of engineers from governmental institutions, water utilities and members of the Game Lab and the Institute of Urban Water Management at TU Graz. In these tests the participants have to fulfil challenges related to a) basics, like editing parameter of an existing hydraulic system and adding new components to the system b) add additional components representing an urban development area and c) simulate and interpret system performance under climate change for different conditions like component failure. Such challenges can be generated by using the “challenge editor”, which was created by a master student of the TU Graz Game Lab, mainly to allow quick and flexible adaption of challenges defined by the urban water management team. The usability tests with water engineers have shown that the “challenge-editor“ is also of interest for staff training at water utilities. Hence, we decided to put more effort in the design of the “challenge-editor” in a next step. Further a generation gap in user performance was identified, mainly in context of the time to fulfil the given challenges but also in preferences for structure and appearance of the UI. From this we derived to focus the adaptions of the UI on the feedback from the younger participants which we assumed to be our major target group.

Acknowledgements: EWA is funded by the Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management of the Republic of Austria

Creaco, E., Franchini, M., & Todini, E. (2016). Generalized Resilience and Failure Indices for use with Pressure-Driven Modeling and Leakage. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142(8), Art. 8. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000656

Rossman, L., Woo, H., Tryby, M., Shang, F., Janke, R., & Haxton, T. (2020). EPANET 2.2 User Manual. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Steffelbauer, D., Fuchs-Hanusch, D., 2015. OOPNET: an object-oriented EPANET in Python. Procedia Eng. 119. 710e719 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2015.08.924.


How to cite: Fuchs-Hanusch, D., Arbesser-Rastburg, G., Adler, V., Stelzl, A., Camhy, D., Pointl, M., and Pirker, J.: Gamification of Hydraulic Modeling to Create Awareness for the Effects of Climate Change and Urbanization on Water Supply, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16427, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16427, 2023.

On-site presentation
Peter van Thienen, Lydia Tsiami, and Peter Schaap

A new approach to rank a group of District Metered Areas (DMAs) in terms of background and unreported leakage rate and to quantify background/unreported leakage levels for individual DMAs in this group has recently been proposed (Van Thienen, 2022). It is based on an assumption of similarity in demand behavior between different DMAs, and requires no other data than net inflow timeseries for the DMAs or supply areas under consideration, and no assumptions other than that of similarity of demand. As such, it provides a low-data-requirements method for the evaluation of background and unreported leakage that does not share underlying assumptions with the commonly used Minimum Night Flow method and may potentially present a supplement or alternative to it.

In this contribution, we present and explain the method, and discuss its application to datasets from Dutch drinking water utilities. We present and discuss the lower and upper bounds for background leakage and the ranking obtained for the study areas and their interpretation. Finally, we present an outlook for application and further development.


Van Thienen, P. (2022) Direct assessment of background leakage levels for individual district metered areas (DMAs) using correspondence of demand characteristics between DMAs. Water Supply 22 (7): 6370–6388. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2022.251

How to cite: van Thienen, P., Tsiami, L., and Schaap, P.: First practical applications of low-data, low-assumptions background leakage determination using mCFPD, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1399, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1399, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ivo Daniel and Andrea Cominola

Leakages in drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) are caused by structural failures of piping infrastructure and result in unnecessary loss of water. Prompt and accurate leakage detection is paramount for water utilities as it is both of public interest to prevent ecologic hazards and property damage as well as company interest to minimize revenue losses, insurance claims, and customer dissatisfaction from interrupted water supply.

An essential prerequisite for leakage detection is data gathered from sensors installed throughout a DWDS. With a hypothetical full coverage of flow meters, the leakage detection problem becomes trivial because leakages can be identified by a mass-balance calculation within delimited district metered areas. However, this scenario is not financially and practically viable. In most other cases, leakage detection is enabled through data gathered by a limited number of pressure sensors distributed throughout the DWDS. These pressure data are utilized to identify pressure losses from leakages caused by higher wall friction due to the augmented flowrate. Most of the methods utilising pressure data rely on a well-calibrated hydraulic model of the DWDS and some form of calibrated water demand patterns to capture the difference between the legitimate water demand, due to water usage in normal conditions, and additional flows due to leakages. Water demand calibration, however, becomes especially challenging if irregular or non-periodic water demands that do not follow the usual diurnal patterns and, hence, cannot be extrapolated into the future, are present. This type of demand may describe, for instance, certain industrial water usages.

In an earlier work developed as part of the Battle of the Leakage Detection and Isolation Methods (BattLeDIM), an international competition on leakage detection and localization, we introduced LILA, a purely data-driven approach to leakage detection and localization based on pressure data, without the need for a calibrated hydraulic model or physical parameters or water demand. LILA employs a linear regression model of the pressure losses between different sensor locations to establish a baseline and raises an alarm if deviations from that baseline are detected. However, in the presence of irregular demands, if unknown, the establishment of a linear baseline is only possible to a very limited extent, resulting in high fault tolerances and extremely long detection times. On the other hand, we demonstrated that known irregular demands may be incorporated into the linear regression model as an additional regressor.

In this work, we present an approach to predict unknown industrial water demands in an implicit fashion employing a physics-informed neural network (PINN), thus, enhancing the detection capability of LILA. The PINN incorporates the physics of the DWDS in the form of a loss function that reflects a modification of the Bernoulli principle. The input to the model is the pressure data, while the output is directly fed to the linear leakage detection model, training the PINN in an implicit manner. Preliminary results show that the time to detection of an abrupt leak can be reduced by up to a factor of 20 using PINN in comparison to the original LILA.

How to cite: Daniel, I. and Cominola, A.: Physics-Informed Neural Networks to enhance leakage detection in drinking water distribution systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12186, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12186, 2023.

On-site presentation
Karel van Laarhoven, Bram Hillebrand, Djordje Mitrovic, and Ina Vertommen

In the past decades, the potential of numerical optimization for the automated design of drinking water distribution networks has been extensively studied. In particular, evolutionary algorithms have been shown to be a powerful and versatile tool for several design tasks. In the past few years in the Netherlands, drinking water utilities have started to embrace this approach more and more to explore new design philosophies as well as to address immediate asset management decision challenges. Key to meaningful application has been the possibility to iteratively and flexibly develop the optimization problem throughout the design process. The traditional 'benchmark problems' from academia provide a strong starting point for a design process, giving utility experts a taste of the possibilities. Subsequently, however, the problem definition has to be adapted and fine-tuned in order to keep up with the evolving perspective of the utility experts on the design problem. During this type of practical implementation, it frequently occurs that questions emerge which greatly increase the complexity of the optimization task without an approach being readily available from scientific literature, requiring workarounds to be created on the spot. Here, we present recent examples of such questions and their workarounds, which we ran into while tackling different practical design challanges, namely: how to incorporate topology optimization into regular pipe dimension optimization for a network in Belgium; how to incorporate topology and project cost optimization into sectorization of the network of The Hague; and how to incorporate optimal utilization of different water sources into regular pipe dimension optimization of the water distribution network of Amsterdam.

How to cite: van Laarhoven, K., Hillebrand, B., Mitrovic, D., and Vertommen, I.: Numerical optimization of drinking water distribution network design: ideas and questions provided by practice, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9311, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9311, 2023.

On-site presentation
Joost van Summeren, Andreas Moerman, Mirjam Blokker, and Pan Quan

The Dutch drinking water sector distributes treated drinking water without a disinfecting residual. Among many other microbiological safety measures, Dutch water utilities are legally obliged to distribute drinking water to the customers’ tap at a maximum temperature of 25 °C. Ongoing urbanization, climate change, and subsurface infrastructure intensification related to the energy transition pose a growing risk to meet this requirement.

Previous research at KWR has shown that the temperature of drinking water converges to the temperature of the surrounding soil that, in turn, is influenced by weather conditions and the presence of anthropogenic heat sources, such as electric power distribution stations and district heating pipes. During a hot summer, cool drinking water reaches the soil temperature within hours. The rate of warming up depends on hydraulic conditions, dimensional and thermal properties, and a delaying effect caused by the continuous supply of drinking water that cools down the surrounding soil.

KWR has developed numerical tools to predict the temperature of distributed drinking water in the presence of subsurface heat sources and fluctuating weather conditions. These tools can be used to assess the impact of climate change and the urban environment on drinking water temperatures and investigate the optimized design of distribution networks and the urban environment.

Our contribution describes the validation of the numerical model using drinking water temperatures measured in a real-life Dutch DWDS. The case study concerns Ø300 mm pipes in the city of Leeuwarden (Vitens drinking water company). We discuss the results in the context of two additional case studies that compare model predictions and temperature measurements in a Ø100 mm drinking water distribution network and a Ø160 mm single pipe. Finally, we discuss future applications that can improve codes of practice regarding the organization of subsurface infrastructure; a central point of attention is the installation of drinking water and district heating pipes at safe distances.

How to cite: van Summeren, J., Moerman, A., Blokker, M., and Quan, P.: Drinking water temperature model for urban environments validated with measurements from real-life distribution networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14739, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14739, 2023.

On-site presentation
Wenjin Hao, Andrea Cominola, and Andrea Castelletti

Urban water demands vary across spatio-temporal scales, driven by multiple socio-demographic, climatic, and urban form factors. Identifying influential drivers, along with their individual and compound effects on urban water consumption, is essential to forecasting future water demand, addressing urban water security, and informing water governance. Model-free and model-based Input Variable Selection (IVS) has been extensively applied to investigate important predictors of urban water demands. However, most IVS methods identify correlations and mutual information between variables, which do not imply causation. More recently, causal discovery has developed as an active area of research in many research fields, including, e.g., neuroscience, finance, and climate science. Causal discovery improves IVS by identifying causally meaningful relationships between variables, distinguishing indirect from direct dependencies, and recognising relevant drivers among multiple variables.

In this work, we investigate predictive and causal factors of urban water use across the Contiguous United States (CONUS). We rely on open data of monthly municipal water consumption from 126 cities in the US for the period 2010-2017 and data on candidate socio-demographic, climatic, and built environment predictors from multiple sources, including the U.S. Census Bureau, the American Community Survey, and the PRISM climate data set. We first test the state-of-the-art W-QEISS wrapper method to identify equally-informative subsets of predictive factors for urban water demands. These subsets are the solutions of a four-objectives optimisation problem that maximises the predictive accuracy of a data-driven model and feature relevance while minimising the number of selected predictors and their redundancy. Results show that historical water consumption is the most relevant factor to predict future demands, followed by some socio-demographics, climatic factors, and building characteristics, including the median number of rooms in housing units, unemployment rate, Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), and building construction years. Preliminary results for individual climate regions also highlight local effects, with PDSI becoming more relevant for arid regions than the continental-scale results. Second, we extend our analysis to causal discovery by applying a neural Granger model to interpret non-linear Granger causality and temporal structures within time series. Granger causality describes whether past values of a time series xt could predict future values of another series yt, assuming causal effects are ordered in time (i.e., cause before effect). This allows for finding the specific causes of urban water demands in our case (in a Granger’s sense). We finally compare the causality results with the results of IVS to illustrate the different interpretations of urban water demand drivers.  

How to cite: Hao, W., Cominola, A., and Castelletti, A.: From Correlation to Causation: Discovering the Drivers of Urban Water Demands in the Contiguous United States, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7355, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7355, 2023.

Posters on site: Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall A

Chairpersons: Riccardo Taormina, Nadia Kirstein
Mark Morley, Peter van Thienen, Ina Vertommen, and Mollie Torello

Modelling and, as a consequence, decision-making for water distribution networks is ordinarily performed using the deterministic paradigm in which a single set of input conditions gives rise to a single output “truth”.  Reality is not so accommodating, however, and it is readily apparent that significant uncertainties remain in both our knowledge of the condition and the operating constraints of the network.  These uncertainties include variables such as the effective diameter of pipes, characterised by degradation with age and water chemistry, and the quantities of water demanded by consumers.  Traditionally, where these uncertainties have been accommodated in the decision-making process this has been by considering multiple scenarios to model a small number of model states. 


The application of probabilistic modelling for water distribution networks has gained significant traction in the literature in recent years – particularly in the context of decision support systems where stochastic parameter sampling is employed to improve the robustness of the obtained solutions.  Nevertheless, the wide interest in probabilistic modelling has yet to be reflected in the emergence of tools to apply this paradigm. 


This paper introduces VlinderNET a novel tool developed by KWR which seeks to bridge this gap by allowing the user to evaluate and visualize the impact of the manifest uncertainties in the network through the use of probabilistic hydraulic simulation.  VlinderNET permits the specification of complex, cascading Probability Density Functions for the input parameters for a hydraulic simulation.  These PDFs are extensively sampled to produce a wide range of stochastic input variables which are evaluated in a succession of hydraulic simulations which can be parallelized either on a local computer or with cloud support.  The results of the simulations are aggregated and the effects of the uncertain inputs are presented by the tool graphically and spatially both at the component and network level.  The tool further provides an API for third-party applications to integrate the probabilistic paradigm directly into decision support tools in a straightforward and consistent fashion.

How to cite: Morley, M., van Thienen, P., Vertommen, I., and Torello, M.: VlinderNET – a tool for Probabilistic Hydraulic Water Distribution Modelling and Visualization, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17062, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17062, 2023.

Panagiotis Dimas, Dionysios Nikolopoulos, Nikos Pelekanos, Dimitrios Bouziotas, and Christos Makropoulos

Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) have been thoroughly investigated in terms of uncertainty in the demand at the household level. Meanwhile, novel frameworks exploring the resilience of such systems under contemporary threats (such as cyber-physical attacks) have also significantly contributed to the enhanced security, reliability, and efficiency in the process of their design and operation. On the contrary, other network effects such as hydraulic transients -also known as pressure surges or water hammers- are often overlooked, despite the significant disturbance they could induce to the steady-state flow conditions of the WDN due to the added pressure variability and the heavily increased internal pressure forces exerted on pipelines. Pressure forces and pressure variability are dependent on highly variable phenomena, such as pipe failures and/or operational decisions (i.e., valve closing schedules, pump operations).  Evidently, predicting the behavior of transients under an ensemble of scenarios is of utmost importance, which is not limited only to the network design and operational scopes, but extends to applications such as optimal sensor and protection device placement, dimensioning or placement of pressure neutralizers (e.g., surge tanks/chambers), establishment of appropriate pump shutdown schedules. Avowedly, commercial software for transient simulation in WDNs is available, yet open-source packages suitable for research applications, such as TSNet, have only recently become publicly available and, hence, provide a flexible framework for coupling with other applications. In this work, the python packages WNTR and TSNet are integrated to present a framework for evaluating hydraulic transient conditions via EPANET simulation of multiple scenarios of pipe bursts and valve closures according to control schemes. The results can be utilized to assess the WDN’s performance and monitoring sensors placement location schemes in the light of protection under transient flow occurrence.

How to cite: Dimas, P., Nikolopoulos, D., Pelekanos, N., Bouziotas, D., and Makropoulos, C.: Water Distribution Network performance and device placement location schemes assessment under multiple hydraulic transient generative scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3890, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3890, 2023.

Dongwon Ko, Jeongseop Lee, Sanghyun Kim, Suwan Park, Jungwon Yu, Kwang-Ju Kim, and In-Su Jang

The managment of water distribution systems is important not only for reliable water conveyance considering water quality but also for effcient asset management of pipeline infrastructure. Abnormality detection is a critical issuefor pipeline management authorities. Unknown side branches and dead ends are detrimental to efficient pipeline operation. Hence, this sudy explores a general method for detecting multiple side branches in a pipeline system. The method of caracteristics was used to simulate the transient responses of a specific branch with or without branched elements. The isolated pressure response of each branch and the interference caused by different elements of the pipeline was subsequently identified. A nonlinear valve action maneuver was considered for water hammer generation using a polynominal equation during mathmatical modeling. Experimental pressure decay patterns for various pipeline structure combinations showed differences between the numerical model and real-life system, which were explained by unsteady friction. The detection and location of side branches was achieved by considering the phase pressure bounce for which the numerical and experiment results were consistent.

How to cite: Ko, D., Lee, J., Kim, S., Park, S., Yu, J., Kim, K.-J., and Jang, I.-S.: Inverse transient analysis for detecting multiple branched pipeline segments in a reservoir pipeline valve system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1971, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1971, 2023.

Djordje Mitrovic, Karel van Laarhoven, and Bram Hillebrand

A common practice in Dutch and Flemish water utilities is to make masterplans for their network revisions and revise them on a regular basis, approximately every five years. The masterplans represent the ideal redesigns of their networks in terms of company specific objectives and constraints related to existing network infrastructure. The masterplans are used as a guideline when rehabilitating the networks. Among others, one of the objectives is to minimize the residence time, i.e., water age. However, the recurring assessment of water age with traditional methods, within an optimization procedure could take years for convergence for a large network of several thousand nodes. Consequently, the modellers often try to improve the residence time implicitly by minimizing network’s volume via layout optimization and diameter minimization, thus leading to increased velocities in pipes. Recently a graph theory model for estimating water age with satisfying accuracy has been proposed in the literature. The proposed model is estimated to be more than a hundred thousand times faster than the assessment of water age using Epanet, thus enabling the assessment of water age within optimization procedures. This research proposes a novel optimization methodology for simultaneous layout and pipe sizing optimization, employing the proposed graph-based model to explicitly assess the water age objective. To secure the reliability of the optimal solutions the methodology introduces a penalty to limit the size of the branched sections by setting a maximum to the number of customers connected to branched sections. The proposed methodology is applied to a real-world Dutch network. The aim of the research is to compare the optimal designs obtained using implicit (minimizing network’s volume) and new explicit (minimizing maximum water age) approaches.

How to cite: Mitrovic, D., van Laarhoven, K., and Hillebrand, B.: Optimizing a water distribution network design on water age. Comparison between implicit and explicit approaches, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5589, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5589, 2023.

Michael De Santi, Syed Imran Ali, Usman T Khan, James Elliott Brown, Gabrielle String, Camille Heylen, Doreen Naliyongo, Daniele S Lantagne, Vincent Ogira, Jean-François Fesselet, and James Orbinsiki

Unprecedented global population displacement in recent years has increased the burden of waterborne illnesses in refugee and internally displaced person (IDP) settlements. Preventing outbreaks of waterborne diseases can be particularly challenging in urban-scale refugee and IDP settlements since recontamination commonly occurs post-distribution period. In this period users manually collect water from public tapstands, transport it to their dwellings where they store and use it over several hours. Unlike contexts where water is piped directly to the home, in urban-scale refugee and IDP settlements effective chlorination in these settlements requires that free residual chlorine (FRC) at tapstands be sufficient to ensure at least 0.2 mg/L of FRC throughout the period of storage and use, while remaining palatable to consumers. Thus, chlorination practice must account for both site-specific dynamics of chlorine decay as well as local attitudes towards chlorinated water taste and odor (T&O). In response to this need, we developed the Safe Water Optimization Tool (SWOT), a “digital water” tool that uses machine learning provide generate evidence-based chlorination decision support that balance over- and under-chlorination risks.

We used data collected from the Kyaka II refugee settlement in Uganda to calibrate a tapstand FRC target using the SWOT that maximizes household water safety while minimizing T&O rejection. We evaluated the water safety risk using a deep composite quantile regression neural network (DCQRNN), an artificial intelligence model that predicts the full probabilistic distribution of point-of-consumption FRC concentration using routine monitoring water quality data. We used ordinary least-squares regression (OLS) to predict the percent of the population rejecting chlorinated water as a function of tapstand FRC using forced choice triangle test and flavour rating assessment test focus group data. The final FRC target was selected to balance both risks of unsafe water and T&O rejection.

By integrating the predicted risk from both the DCQRNN and OLS models, we determined that an FRC target of 0.7 mg/L in Kyaka II produces the most balanced tradeoff of both risks (38% probability of rejection, 36% probability of unsafe drinking water). The lowest combined probability for both risks was achieved at a tapstand FRC of 1.4 mg/L which would produce only 7% risk of unsafe drinking water but 46% risk of rejection. This integrated risk-based approach allows water system operators to select a target based on their preferred tradeoff of these risks, in consideration of site conditions, especially the safety of alternative sources.

This study presents an important digital water solution to ensure safety of water supplies in humanitarian contexts, using the SWOT’s advanced artificial intelligence modelling and analytics to address uncertainty in FRC decay as well as using a data driven approach to quantifying T&O behaviour. This approach yields chlorination guidance that balances risks of both under- and over-chlorination, maximizing access to safe water and improving public health protection. The approach taken in this study can be applied in a range of contexts where water users lack continuous water supply, including in large urban intermittent water supply systems.

How to cite: De Santi, M., Ali, S. I., Khan, U. T., Brown, J. E., String, G., Heylen, C., Naliyongo, D., Lantagne, D. S., Ogira, V., Fesselet, J.-F., and Orbinsiki, J.: Optimizing chlorination for water safety and acceptability in emergency water supplies in humanitarian crises using a deep composite neural network, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16656, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16656, 2023.

Giovanni Francesco Santonastaso, Armando Di Nardo, and Roberto Greco

Water distribution networks (WDNs) are an important critical infrastructure, but they are increasingly at risk from contamination (WHO, 2014). The causes can be several: chlorination equipment malfunctioning, low pressure, contaminant intrusion in water tank, accidental cross-connection between drinking-water and non-drinking-water, etc... To limit potential threat to public health, it is advisable to install a network of sensors that can monitor water quality in real time and provide information about potential contamination risks. With the proliferation of IoT technologies and low-cost sensors capable of monitoring water quality parameters, it is now possible to implement a real-time monitoring network by overcoming the difficulties associated with biochemical analyses of water samples in a laboratory. Despite the modern technologies, the placement of sensors in the water network is still an open task for researchers. The main sensor placement methodologies use optimization techniques to minimize or maximize either single- or multi-objective functions (Ostfeld et al., 2008), but they require a calibrated model of the network, which is not always available because the calibration process is expensive and time-consuming.

Recently, a novel approach (Santonastaso et al., 2021) based on the use of the topological centrality metric, which does not require hydraulic information and simulations, has been proposed, showing good effectiveness and easy applicability by water utilities to define locations for quality sensors, owing to its simplicity compared to optimization-based approaches.

In this work, different weights such as the length of pipes, the diameter and the water demand were used to improve the performance of the adopted topological approach, as well as to evaluate the impact of the weight, used to compute centrality metrics, in relation to the most used objective functions: number of people exposed to the contaminant; number of detected contamination events; length of contaminated pipes; amount of contaminant consumed by users; detection time of contamination.



World Health Organization. (‎2014)‎. Water safety in distribution systems. World Health Organization. https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/204422

Ostfeld A, Uber JG, Salomons E, Berry JW, Hart WE, Phillips CA, Watson JP, Dorini G, Jonkergouw P, Kapelan Z, di Pierro F, Khu ST, Savic D, Eliades D, Polycarpou M, Ghimire SR, Barkdoll BD, Gueli R, Huang JJ, McBean EA, James W, Krause A, Leskovec J, Isovitsch S, Xu J, Guestrin C, VanBriesen J, Small M, Fischbeck P, Preis A, Propato M, Piller O, Trachtman GB, Wu ZY, Walski T (2008) The battle of the water sensor networks (BWSN): a design challenge for engineers and algorithms. J Water Resour Plan Manag 134:556–568. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2008)134:6(556)

Santonastaso, G., Di Nardo, A., Creaco, E. et al. Comparison of topological, empirical and optimization-based approaches for locating quality detection points in water distribution networks. Environ Sci Pollut Res 28, 33844–33853 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-10519-3

How to cite: Santonastaso, G. F., Di Nardo, A., and Greco, R.: Exploring the performance of topological approach for sensor quality placement in water distribution network, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6650, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6650, 2023.

Yue Li and Zhongming Lu

Hong Kong is one of the fast-urbanized cities in the world with a population of more than 7.4 million, consuming about 21% more freshwater per capita than the global average. However, local yields only account for 30% of the city’s total water supply due to its mountainous terrain, making it hard to collect or store rainwater. Considering its high demand but low supply, this city adopted a dual water supply system to extend the use of seawater and lower-grade water for non-potable purposes; and has been actively pursuing water reclamation as a valuable alternative source which is more calculable in quantity. Decentralized water reuse (WR) emerges as a potential option that can enhance urban water security and sustainability by mitigating the reliance on freshwater imports and energy consumption for water transmission and distribution. Despite technological developments, the implementation and guidance for water reuse applications are still lacking. There are minimal spatial planning concepts or practices to drive water reuse deployments across different scales. To fill the gaps, we developed an integrated spatial water-energy modeling and multi-objective optimization framework to support the citywide implementation of WR facilities using Hong Kong as a testbed. The framework starts with calculating daily freshwater & seawater demands and wastewater production of each urban community based on water consumption surveys of residential, commercial, and industrial uses. Based on the estimation, we calculated the hydraulic flows and energy consumptions at different water transmission stages, from water sourcing, treatment, and distribution to wastewater collection, treatment, and discharge. The spatial water-energy accounting highlights regions with intensive water and wastewater services and serves as a benchmark for further optimizing WR deployments and their impacts. In the optimization phase, we used Genetic Algorithm to evaluate and optimize the implementation of WR facilities from the perspectives of minimizing the freshwater import, electricity use, and investment costs. Afterward, we simulated the water age of the freshwater supply network as an external constraint to eliminate infeasible solutions from the optimal ones (i.e., Pareto-fronts), including those of which the water age would either double or exceed 28 calendar days in over 5% of total urban communities. Our optimization results spatially identify the optimal location and treatment capacity for designing each WR facility and the service allocations between WR facilities and urban communities as investment increases. The reduction in freshwater & seawater withdrawal and electricity use was evaluated as the impacts/benefits on urban water systems. Overall, our framework can provide a systematic view of spatial electricity intensities for the urban water system and help cities adaptively integrate the water reuse concepts into urban water infrastructural planning to realize holistic-integrated water resource management in a more sustainable and cost-effective way. 

How to cite: Li, Y. and Lu, Z.: Multi-objective Spatial Optimization of Decentralized Water Reuse Implementation and Service Allocation in Hong Kong, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7418, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7418, 2023.

Konstantinos Glynis, Zoran Kapelan, Martijn Bakker, and Riccardo Taormina

This study presents a data-driven method for detecting pipe bursts in water distribution systems using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks. These types of neural networks are able to process sequential data more effectively than traditional neural networks because they have feedback connections between neurons. The proposed method involves performing one-step ahead predictions about the flow and pressure at different sensor locations in the system, using past time series data along with additional time-related features as inputs. The difference between predictions and actual observations is used to classify bursts and trigger alarms by comparing the errors against a time-varied error threshold. The model is trained using data from burst-free periods in the system. The method was tested using simulated fire hydrant bursts as well as real-world bursts in 8 district metered areas (DMAs) located in the United Kingdom. By harnessing transfer learning, the model can incorporate additional data streams from new sensors, performing well even in data frugal conditions, achieving precision scores of up to 98.1% for the analyzed case studies

How to cite: Glynis, K., Kapelan, Z., Bakker, M., and Taormina, R.: Burst detection in water distribution systems with LSTM, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11190, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11190, 2023.

Sohee Kim and Donghwi Jung

Water distribution network (WDN) is a civil infrastructure for reliable water supply. Among many components in WDN, the pipe delivers the required water demand to users. Pipe bursts, the rupture of pipe wall, cause water losses out of the network and low pressure at the customer’s tap, while its impact varies at different locations. It is important to identify such critical pipes (CPs) and to minimize the failure severity. However, previous CP identification methods are generally complicated and difficult to adopt in practice, highlighting the need for the development of a novel, but practical and simple method. To that end, this study proposes a CP selection approach based on a sensitivity matrix constructed with pipe burst simulation. A sensitivity matrix is constructed by simulating a single pipe failure condition (row) and computing the variation of resulting nodal pressures (column). Then, the summation of the column element’s absolute values is formulated as a new CP index. Finally, the pipe with the maximum CP index value is defined as the most critical pipe. Moreover, this sensitivity matrix can be visualized by the heatmap, which shows the relative influence by using a color density. CP index is presented as the darkest part in the heatmap. The proposed method is demonstrated in two benchmark networks of different layouts, Hanoi and Mays. Despite its simplicity, the proposed method could identify the source pipes which are generally considered to be critical in the engineering sense.

How to cite: Kim, S. and Jung, D.: Identifying the Critical Pipe in Water Distribution Network: Sensitivity Matrix Approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13730, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13730, 2023.

Anika Stelzl and Daniela Fuchs-Hanusch

Due to the climate change, it is expected that there will be longer dry and hot episodes in the future in Central Europe. As a result, temporary water shortages are to be expected in certain parts of Austria. Due to these changes, it is assumed that the future water demand will increase, caused by a change in consumption behavior and the increase of garden irrigations. Furthermore, an increasing population is expected, which may also lead to a shortage, especially in small supply areas.

For water supply companies it is especially important to know the future change in water demand in order to be able to adapt to these changes. Therefore, a water demand forecasting model is derived in this study. In a first step, this study analyses the change in water demand in recent years and the relationship between water demand and climate indices. Furthermore, the change of the future water demand depending on the different climate change scenarios (RCP 2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) is estimated. For this purpose, different modeling approaches (e.g. multiple linear regression, random forest,…) were tested and a suitable approach is selected. The water demand forecasting model is trained and tested with water demand and weather data reaching back several years. To estimate the future change in water demand, the model is applied to the climate projections and the change between the selected reference period and the two future periods is calculated. The change in demographic development is considered in the last step.

So far, we found that for the selected study site peak water demand will increase by an average between 1.5% and 5.5%, depending on the different climate change scenario for the period 2051-2070 compared with the reference period (2001-2020). It was also determined that demographic development is responsible for the majority of the increase in water demand.

Acknowledgements: The presented research is funded by the Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management of the Republic of Austria

How to cite: Stelzl, A. and Fuchs-Hanusch, D.: Predicting future water demand in Austria due to climate change and demographic development, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14124, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14124, 2023.

Gregor Johnen, Jens Kley-Holsteg, and Florian Ziel

As could be seen in recent years, ensuring the water supply-demand balance is a topic of increasing concern to supply companies facing the threat of increased demand scenarios resulting from long-term effects due to climate change. Especially demand peaks of multiple hours during the day or persisting demand peaks of several days caused by prolongued dry periods and more heat days throughout the summer force water suppliers to more efficiently control and manage their resources. Being able to take proactive and informed decisions through reliable short-term probabilistic forecasts is therefore crucial in this context.

This research proposes two probabilistic deep learning architectures based on long short-term memory (LSTM) networks to forecast hourly water demand up to 10 days in advance. Both models processes different temporal sequences of data, including past observations of water demand and regressors as well as future regressors with different time lengths. The models encode long-term historic information of the water demand and features, including historic meteorological information, and simultaneously incorporate short-term future information on calender- and weather features using statistically optimized point forecasts (DWD MOSMIX) of the latter. Through implementing the models in an autoregressive manner, the output is fed back into itself at each step and predictions are made conditioned on the previous one to account for correct path dependency between consecutive hours. This way the model produces multi-step-ahead forecasts of variable length by using future information together with the historic context.

In a case study of central Germany, the performance of the proposed deep learning models was compared to a Lasso estimated high-dimensional time series model and a conventional AR(p) model. Results indicate the potential of the proposed approach of using weather forecasts in short-term water demand prediction especially for lead times larger than 24 hours.

How to cite: Johnen, G., Kley-Holsteg, J., and Ziel, F.: Incorporating Weather Forecasts into Short-Term Water Demand Prediction using Probabilistic Deep Learning with Long Short-Term Memory Networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5731, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5731, 2023.

Siddharth Seshan, Dave Ebbelaar, Joris Ebbelaar, Eric de Vos, Mollie Torello, Koen Zuurbier, and Lydia Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia

The water sector faces great challenges and stresses on the major water system due to climate change and increasing population. As a result, water utilities are increasingly undergoing a digital transformation, to achieve more resilient and sustainable water services while implementing more data-driven decisions. To tackle challenges such as cybersecurity, data ownership and poor quality of data, the European Commission proposes the creation of Data Spaces, as part of the European strategy for Data. Within the Horizon Europe project called WATERVERSE, a holistic approach is being developed to drive the development of data spaces for water utilities. The project involves the development of a Water Data Management Ecosystem (WDME) to enhance the adoption of data management practices that are affordable, accessible, secure, fair and easy to use, while improving the usability of data. In this work, the piloting of a WDME for the Netherlands case study will be presented. The lake IJsselmeer, is used by the water company PWN as a crucial source of drinking water supply for almost 2 million customers in the North-West region of the Netherlands. However, due to population growth, sea level rise, and climate change, the lake IJsselmeer faces extreme variability in water quality in the future. Furthermore, the lake IJsselmeer is at the end of the Rhine Delta, and therefore faces varying water quality challenges from upstream users and stakeholders and saltwater intrusion from the Wadden Sea. Therefore, the development of a digital twin for the lake IJsselmeer is needed to predict chloride (Cl-) and other important water quality parameters for operational (daily basis) and strategic (coming decades) decision making. Such a digital twin requires various data as input from heterogeneous sources. Therefore, to enable the deployment and efficient use of the digital twin as part of a decision support system, the Cl- source prediction model is being piloted within the WDME. An open-source data exchange system called FIWARE is deployed within the pilot. FIWARE serves as the primary broker to exchange contextual information between the various components. Raw data from various sources such as – PWN’s internal data on water quality, data from the national weather agency, water level data of lake Ijsselmeer from the governmental water management agency, are accessed in real-time and fed into the WDME. The data is then processed and prepared as input to the digital twin, which provides predictions over multiple forecasting horizons. Finally, all relevant data, including the predictions, are relayed to a dashboard.

How to cite: Seshan, S., Ebbelaar, D., Ebbelaar, J., de Vos, E., Torello, M., Zuurbier, K., and Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, L.: Piloting a Water Data Management Ecosystem to Enable an Efficient and Resilient Decision Support System for the IJsselmeer, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15223, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15223, 2023.

Miguel Año Soto, Pura Almenar, and Javier Macián

More than 243000 Hm3/year of drinking water is used in Europe. The popularity of metallic coagulants is due to their comparatively low cost, high availability, and efficiency in removing turbidity and color and sometimes helped by flocculants as polyacrylamides, starch or PolyDadmacs. Water & wastewater treatment drives the market to reach $14.7 Billion by 2024 in this kind of reagents. In this project, a synthetic coagulant will be replaced by a single improve multifunctional organic polymer based on natural plant extracts as a three-step treatment procedure, encompassing coagulation, flocculation and neutralization of pH.

The main drawback of synthetics coagulants is the negative impact on human health and the environment. There are corrosive reagents that contribute undesirable elements such as metals , chlorides or sulphates to drinking water. The sludge generated is known as “alum sludge”, which is the most common residual from water treatment plants. They can cause a deterioration of the pipeline network and produce a waste that finally end in soils or landfills. Moreover, the sludge contains a 7-17% of aluminum concentration, which is mainly used in the agriculture and can be adsorbed, finally, by plants.  Thus, there are two ways to reduce aluminum concentration, one is the efficiency of the coagulation process and reduction of complementary reagents and the other is the substitution of this reagents by a natural one.

Natural coagulants are an alternative of aluminum or iron salts and avoid dissolved aluminum control as required by Directive (UE) 2020/2184, as well as lower costs in complementary reagents. Complementary flocculants as polyacrylamides are limited by the World Health Organization to 0.5 μg/L and are considered harmful to human health. The sludge obtained with the natural coagulant provide organic matter and adsorbs phosphorus so can be used as an active substrate and once saturated, as an agricultural substrate, thus participating in the concept of circular economy.

The main objective of Safe T Water project is to validate a new innovative and environmentally friendly technology in two drinking water treatment plants (DWTP) located in Spain. The first one it is located in Valencia, with a daily production of 48,000 m3 and 750,000 inhabitants and the second one in Madrid, with a daily production of almost 700,000 m3 and supplying 3.2 million inhabitants representing a hard and soft water qualities.

There is a first stage of natural coagulant production in a batch, focused on the start-up and continuous production and manufacturing the product necessary to feed both pilot scale treatment plants. This batch has a production of 4000  Kg/month.

The natural coagulant is evaluated in a 6 m3/h pilot plant flow rate , consisting of a homogenization tank and a coagulation-flocculation and lamellar settling stage followed by a  sand filtration. A Full-scale implementation phase including the validation of the new technology through real drinking water facility is going to reproduce the outcomes.

The comparison between both coagulants must be made under the same conditions, establishing the effectiveness of the natural one as a real and sustainable alternative and this provides to Safe T Water Project a relevant role.

How to cite: Año Soto, M., Almenar, P., and Macián, J.: SAFE T WATER : an eco-sustainable technology to replace aluminum salts with natural coagulants., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6670, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6670, 2023.

Maria Mavrova-Guirguinova

The Building-Information Modelling (BIM) of hydraulic engineering structures introduces new opportunities for analysis. It is the digital core of the automation of design, construction, and operation processes in water management. Managing the communication of BIM with other hydraulic engineering specific platforms is a relevant current field of research.

Site characteristics, interconnected urban infrastructure and construction methods significantly influence the Infrastructure Engineering and Water Resource Management design process. Digitization and BIM development including its accompanying technologies create the needed prerequisites for hydraulic engineering facilities to be designed and constructed in parallel where any influences from the site influence the design process in real time .

The present study illustrates such a technology development implemented and tested on an example from the practice - a project for a river correction in a settlement. The approach takes advantage of the ability to automate the workflow and communication between Civil 3D and HEC-RAS using Dynamo for Civil 3D. The procedure makes it possible to generate data from design options to fill in a desired sets of parameters. Experiments are being made to create a Deep Learning model -replacement of HEC-RAS for the verification of necessary changes in BIM, as imposed by the general development of the project in the parts roads and sewage system in real time.

The application of Deep Learning techniques requires large volumes of data. The results show that BIM and its automation create prerequisites for using Deep Learning more often. Herein, the possibility of blunders is avoided as such a volume of data would be difficult to obtain manually.

How to cite: Mavrova-Guirguinova, M.: The Digital Era in Hydraulic Engineering Comes with Applications of Artificial Intelligence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8870, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8870, 2023.

Posters virtual: Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | vHall HS

Chairpersons: Newsha Ajami, David Steffelbauer
Uncertainty, probably – On the barriers of probabilistic modelling in practice
Franz Tscheikner-Gratl
Bulat Kerimov, Franz Tscheikner-Gratl, and Riccardo Taormina

Metamodels reproduce the response surface of physics-based models while significantly reducing simulation times. Such techniques are widely employed in water distribution system analysis since they enable the application of computationally expensive methods in designing, controlling, and optimizing water networks. Recent works proposed graph neural networks as candidates for metamodels. These models bear inductive biases as one can draw analogies between links and nodes in the graph with the pipes and junctions. This implies that new metamodels using this approach can be applied to an unseen water network topology without re-training. However, there is no evidence of the transferability properties of those metamodels so far. This work introduces Simplicial Convolutional Networks (SCNs), which offer the potential of developing transferable metamodels that can generalize across different systems.  We test the suitability of SCNs to estimate pipe flowrates and nodal pressures emulating steady-state EPANET simulations. We compare the accuracy of SCN metamodels against graph neural networks on several benchmark water networks available in the literature. Moreover, we show that SCNs are able to generalize better than graph neural networks by evaluating and measuring the performance of the metamodel in an unseen setting.

How to cite: Kerimov, B., Tscheikner-Gratl, F., and Taormina, R.: An EPANET metamodel based on Simplicial Convolutional Networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16156, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16156, 2023.

Paul Schütz, Oriol Gutierrez, Silvia Busquets, Michel Gunkel, and Nicolas Caradot

The management of urban wastewater systems and the associated modelling of these systems has become indispensable in today's world. In order for these models to represent reality as accurately as possible, a reliable calibration is essential. Water level data is used as a standard, but due to expensive sensors and harsh conditions in the sewer, data can only be collected at a few key points of the system. One novel solution, that has experienced an upswing in recent years, is collecting data using low-cost temperature sensors. Two sensors are needed; one is placed in the stream; the other is placed at the crest of the weir. In the case of dry weather, the sensor measures the air phase, whereas, in the case of Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO), the discharged storm and wastewater is measured. The start and end of a CSO event can be determined via the merging of measured temperature values in both points of the overflow structure. Due to this method, the duration of CSO events in a sewer system can be detected.

In this work, the potential benefits of this novel method for model calibration are assessed. Therefore, autocalibration runs with water level data and fictional temperature data were carried out via OSTRICH for a SWMM model located in Berlin. Furthermore, calibration runs with a different number of measuring sites were performed, to evaluate the amount of necessary measuring sites for a reliable calibration. In order to be able to compare the different approaches, a calibration period of 19 events was first required for the respective datatype. Next, a validation period which consisted of 18 events was carried out and evaluated by the R² of three water level measuring sites for both approaches to ensure comparability. It was revealed that the calibration with duration data based on temperature sensors was able to achieve results as good as the conventional approach using water level data. Due to low spatial distribution of the measuring sites in the model, it could not be finally answered if more measuring sites would yield to even better results. However, already with one measuring site, promising calibration outcomes could be achieved and thus, offers an alternative for water utilities and practitioners.

How to cite: Schütz, P., Gutierrez, O., Busquets, S., Gunkel, M., and Caradot, N.: The use of a low-cost monitoring dataset for sewer model autocalibration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9159, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9159, 2023.

Jianyu Zhou and Tingju Zhu

Urban residential water uses entail energy consumption and associated carbon emissions. Reducing residential water uses thus can simultaneously save water and energy and help reduce carbon emissions. However, residential water uses are strongly affected by the choices of household appliances and fixtures, and water use behaviors. In this study, we first conducted a household water use survey in Shanghai, the largest city in China, to understand residential water use behaviors in different seasons. A two-stage stochastic optimization model is developed to optimize water and energy conservation decisions so as to minimize the expected total cost of water and water-related energy uses and maximize carbon emission reduction. Data collected through questionnaire surveys are used to parameterize the optimization model. Water and energy conservation choices are categorized into long- and short-term decisions. The results show that in Shanghai residential water uses has a strong impact on urban carbon emission reduction. Typical temperature range in different seasons strongly affects the effectiveness of short-term conservation actions. The results support a subsidy policy for water-saving appliances that can incentivize citizens in water-saving. Model results are useful for exploring the water-energy-carbon nexus of urban households considering seasonal factors

How to cite: Zhou, J. and Zhu, T.: Optimization of Water-Energy-Carbon Nexus in Urban Residential Water Uses for Shanghai, China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15728, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15728, 2023.