EGU General Assembly 2023
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Drivers of Laptev Sea interannual variability in salinity and temperature from satellite data

Phoebe Hudson1,2, Adrien Martin2, Simon Josey2, Alice Marzocchi2, and Athanasios Angeloudis1
Phoebe Hudson et al.
  • 1School of Engineering, Institute for Infrastructure and the Environment, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
  • 2National Oceanography Center, Southampton, UK

Arctic surface air temperatures are warming twice as fast as global average temperatures. This has caused ocean warming, an intensification of the hydrological cycle, snow and ice melt, and increases in river runoff. Rivers play a central role in linking the components of the water cycle and Russian rivers alone contribute ~1/4 of the total freshwater to the Arctic Ocean, maintaining the halocline that covers the Arctic and dominates circulation. Increases in river runoff could further freshen this layer and increase Arctic Ocean stratification. However, the increase in atmosphere-ocean momentum transfer with sea ice loss could counteract or alter this pattern of circulation, mixing this cold fresh water with the warm salty water that currently sits below it. Understanding the interplay between these changes is crucial for predicting the future state of the Arctic system. Historically, studies trying to understand the interplay between these changes have been challenged by the difficulty of collecting in situ data in this region.


Over most of the globe, L-band satellite acquisitions of sea surface salinity (SSS), such as from Aquarius (2011–2015), SMOS (2010- present), and SMAP (2015-present), provide an idea tool to study freshwater storage and transport. However, the low sensitivity of L-band signal in cold water and the presence of sea ice makes retrievals at high latitudes a challenge. Nevertheless, retreating Arctic sea ice cover and continuous progress in satellite product development make the satellite based SSS measurements of great value in the Arctic. This is particularly evident in the Laptev Sea, where gradients in SSS are strong and in situ measurements are sparse. Previous work has demonstrated a good consistency of satellite based SSS data against in situ measurements, enabling greater confidence in acquisitions and making satellite SSS data a truly viable potential in the Arctic. Therefore, this project aims to combine satellite data, particularly SMAP and SMOS sea surface salinity (SSS) data, with model output to improve our understanding of interactions between the components of the Arctic hydrological cycle and how this is changing with our changing climate.


The Laptev Sea was chosen as an initial region of focus for analysis as the Lena river outflows as a large, shallow plume, which is clearly observable from satellite SSS data. The spatial pattern of the Lena river plume varies considerably interannually, responding to variability in atmospheric and oceanic forcing, sea ice extent, and in the magnitude of river runoff.  Numerical model output and satellite products confirm what has previously been suggested from in-situ data: wind forcing is the main driver of river plume variability.

How to cite: Hudson, P., Martin, A., Josey, S., Marzocchi, A., and Angeloudis, A.: Drivers of Laptev Sea interannual variability in salinity and temperature from satellite data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2446,, 2023.