BG3.11 | The future of high latitude ecosystems: Integrating our understanding of changes from cryobiomes to functioning of terrestrial ecosystems in a warming world.
The future of high latitude ecosystems: Integrating our understanding of changes from cryobiomes to functioning of terrestrial ecosystems in a warming world.
Convener: Ivika Ostonen | Co-conveners: Christoph Keuschnig, Klaus Steenberg Larsen, Sara Marañon
| Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:30 (CEST), 16:15–17:55 (CEST)
Room 2.95
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall BG
Orals |
Fri, 14:00
Thu, 14:00
Thu, 14:00
Climate change is happening faster at high latitudes than anywhere else on the Globe. Cryosphere biomes and high latitude ecosystems are vulnerable to a warmer climate, significantly changing their functioning with important feedbacks to global element cycling and climate.
Given the strong urgency of tackling the climate challenge and the particularly important role of high latitude ecosystems, this session is dedicated to integrating our understanding of global change effects in high latitude ecosystems based on experimental, observational and modelling approaches. We encourage presentations focusing on the impact of disappearing permafrost soil, acceleration of ‘Arctic greening’ and glacier retreat, short- and long-term effects of warming, elevated atmospheric CO2 levels, changes in precipitation, nutrient input, and combinations of multiple global change drivers. Meta-analyses and integrated studies combining observational, experimental and/or modelling approaches are also welcomed.

Orals: Fri, 28 Apr | Room 2.95

Chairpersons: Christoph Keuschnig, Sara Marañon
On-site presentation
Yukihiko Onuma, Masashi Niwano, Rigen Shimada, and Nozomu Takeuchi

Biological processes on snow and glacier surfaces in the Arctic region play a key role causing albedo reduction called as “Bio-albedo effect” due to blooms of snow and glacier phototrophs. Because the bio-albedo effect varies temporally and spatially due to their biological properties including growth, death and migration, the biological processes need to be separated from accumulation processes of the other impurities such as aeolian mineral dust and black carbon. In addition, different processes causing the bio-albedo effect, which are known as red snow, dark ice and cryoconite holes, are observed in the Arctic snowpacks and glaciers. To understand the bio-albedo effect quantitatively, a numerical model to reproduce such biological processes as well as a physically based albedo model should be established. We recently established several numerical models: the snow algae model to simulate red snow phenomena caused by snow algal blooms (Onuma et al., 2020; 2022a), the glacier algae model to simulate dark ice phenomena caused by glacier algal blooms (Onuma et al., 2022b) and the cryoconite hole model to simulate vertical dynamics of cryoconite holes (Onuma et al., In prep.). In this study, we simulate spatio-temporal changes in algal abundance and bio-albedo effect in Greenland Ice Sheet since 2000 using regional climate or land surface models coupling with the established models. The simulated spatio-temporal changes are evaluated using a polar-orbit satellite, Global Change Observation Mission for Climate (GCOM-C) which carries an optical sensor capable of multi-channel observation at wavelengths from near-UV to thermal infrared wavelengths (380nm to 12µm). In addition, we also use GCOM-W satellite with a microwave sensor to discuss relationship between snow/ice surface melt periods and algal blooms. The detailed discussion will be presented at the meeting.

[1] Y. Onuma, N. Takeuchi, S. Tanaka, N. Nagatsuka, M. Niwano and T. Aoki, Physically based model of the contribution of red snow algal cells to temporal changes in albedo in northwest Greenland. The Cryosphere, 14, 2087-2101. doi:10. 5194/tc-14-2087-2020 (2020)

[2] Y. Onuma, K. Yoshimura and N. Takeuchi, Global simulation of snow algal blooming by coupling a land surface and newly developed snow algae models, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127 (2), e2021JG006339. doi:10.1029/2021JG006339 (2022a).

[3] Y. Onuma, N. Takeuchi, J. Uetake, M. Niwano, S. Tanaka, N. Nagatsuka and T. Aoki, Modeling seasonal growth of phototrophs on bare ice on the Qaanaaq Ice Cap, northwestern Greenland. Journal of Glaciology, 1-13. doi:10.1017/jog.2022.76 (2022b)

How to cite: Onuma, Y., Niwano, M., Shimada, R., and Takeuchi, N.: Numerical modeling of biological processes on snow and ice surfaces on the Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3146,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Leila Ezzat, Hannes Peter, Massimo Bourquin, Grégoire Michoud, Stilianos Fodelianakis, Tyler Kohler, Thomas Lamy, Susheel Busi, Daniele Daffonchio, Nicola Deluigi, Vincent De Staercke, Ramona Marasco, Paraskevi Pramateftaki, Martina Schön, Michail Styllas, Matteo Tolosano, and Tom Battin


Glacier-fed streams (GFSs) serve as headwaters to many of the world’s largest river networks. Although being characterized by extreme environmental conditions (i.e., low water temperatures, oligotrophy) GFSs host an underappreciated microbial biodiversity, especially within benthic biofilms which play pivotal roles in downstream biogeochemical cycles. Yet, we still lack a global overview of the GFS biofilm microbiome. In addition, little is known on how environmental conditions shape bacterial diversity, and how these relationships drive global distribution patterns. This is particularly important as mountain glaciers are currently vanishing at a rapid pace due to global warming. Here, we used 16S rRNA gene sequencing data from the Vanishing Glaciers project to conduct a first comprehensive analysis of the benthic microbiome from 148 GFSs across 11 mountain ranges. Our analyses revealed marked biogeographic patterns in the GFS microbiome, mainly driven by the replacement of phylogenetically closely related taxa. Strikingly, the GFS microbiome was characterized by pronounced level of endemism, with >58% of the Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) being specific to one mountain range. Consistent with the marked dissimilarities across mountain ranges, we found a very small taxonomic core including only 200 ASVs, yet accounting for >25% of the total relative abundance of the ASVs. Finally, we found that spatial effects such as dispersal limitation, isolation and spatially autocorrelated environmental conditions overwhelmed the effect of the environment by itself on benthic biofilm beta diversity. Our findings shed light on the previously unresolved global diversity and biogeography of the GFS microbiome now at risk across the world’s major mountain ranges because of rapidly shrinking glaciers.

How to cite: Ezzat, L., Peter, H., Bourquin, M., Michoud, G., Fodelianakis, S., Kohler, T., Lamy, T., Busi, S., Daffonchio, D., Deluigi, N., De Staercke, V., Marasco, R., Pramateftaki, P., Schön, M., Styllas, M., Tolosano, M., and Battin, T.: Global biogeography of the glacier-fed stream microbiome, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2757,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Laura Helene Rasmussen, Birgitte Kortegaard Danielsen, Bo Elberling, Michael Kurczy, Elias Ranjbari, and Louise Andresen

In Arctic soils, wintertime usually means subzero ground temperatures and only little unfrozen water available below a snow cover. While this period has less active nutrient cycling by microbes, some activity means that winter mineralization of e.g., nitrogen (N) can release a pulse of mineral N (ammonium, nitrate) into the soil solution, which can become biological available upon spring thaw. 

In springtime, plants may compete with microbes for the N pulse, but if thaw happens during winter, the N pulse could be immobilized by active microbes, which can decrease the size of the springtime N pulse, and therefore decrease the growing season N addition to the ecosystem.

Many parts of the Arctic have with climate change seen an increase in the frequency of extreme winter warming events (WW events), which are periods of positive temperatures lasting 5-7 days and causing snow to melt and the upper soil layer to thaw. 

In a field scale experiment, we quantified the amount of mineral N released into solution upon soil thaw during a simulated WW event in Disko island, Western Greenland (69.28ᵒN, 53.48ᵒW). We used 15N tracing to determine which parts of the ecosystem that benefited from this N during the WW event. We further returned the following summer to test whether vegetation was more N limited the summer after a WW event.

Our results show that after 6 days of thaw, 50-60 % of WW-released N was found either in active microbial biomass or stored in the soil, whereas none had been assimilated by the plants. The following summer, we saw that evergreen shrubs subject to the WW event had acquired less N than if they had experienced a stable winter. This indicates that evergreen shrubs are especially sensitive to a smaller spring N pulse, which is in line with studies showing that evergreen shrubs rely more on springtime N uptake. As evergreen shrubs are an important functional plant type in the tundra, increased frequency of WW events could therefore change tundra plant community composition. Our results also indicate that N immobilization during WW events could be a mechanism linking WW events to Arctic browning and decrease in photosynthetic C uptake rates.

Our research sheds light on the little studied impact of climate change-related WW events on the nutrient cycling of Arctic soils and the plant-root competition for N in the future, and we develop methods for studying this phenomenon in the broader Arctic.

How to cite: Rasmussen, L. H., Danielsen, B. K., Elberling, B., Kurczy, M., Ranjbari, E., and Andresen, L.: Arctic extreme winter warming events lead to microbial N immobilization and evergreen shrub N limitation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2069,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Claudia Fiencke, Maija E. Marushchak, Rica Wegner, and Christian Beer

Currently, 20% of the Northern Hemisphere is affected by thermokarst, with an increase expected in future. In particular, ice-rich Yedoma sediments are susceptible to abrupt thaw, which leads to the formation of retrogressive thaw slumps (RTS). These erosion processes result in loss of vegetation, expose long-term frozen permafrost sediments at the surface, and makes soil organic matter (SOM) available for mineralization. Permafrost-affected soils of RTS exhibited higher N availability, as indicated by higher δ15N content of bulk soil, higher nitrate content and higher microbial N turnover (N mineralization especially net nitrification and denitrification) associated with high abundance of functional N genes compared to undisturbed soils. This elevated N availability results in significant emission of the greenhouse gas N2O, especially from exposed permafrost. Based on measured N2O emissions, N2O loss could be as high as 54.8 mg N2O-N per year, which is 0.14% of the initial inorganic N content of exposed Yedoma. The higher N availability of eroded permafrost-affected soils might affect C mineralization because eroded soils had lower aerobic CO2 production than undisturbed soils and CH4 production was detectable in laboratory incubations only in the absence of N2O production.

How to cite: Fiencke, C., Marushchak, M. E., Wegner, R., and Beer, C.: Thawing permafrost in retrogressive thaw slumps leads to higher N availability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15903,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jun Uetake, Masato Ono, Suzunosuke Usuba, Akane Tsushima, and Nozomu Takeuchi

Glacier retreat due to the warming climate is remarkable all over the world. In addition to climate warming, the “biological albedo reduction”, which the pigmented algae reduce the albedo of the glacier, enhances ice melting. Therefore, the spatial distribution of those algae is important for the glacier's mass balance. Although the altitude result in the air temperature and the duration of snow cover is recognized as the factor to affect the spatial distribution, the distribution pattern is more heterogeneous in the same altitude area. To understand the heterogeneity of snow algae and associating microbes and their effects on the glacier albedo, both eukaryotic and prokaryotic communities were analyzed using an amplicon sequencing approach in the dense coverage of the ablation area of a single glacier (total 54 sites over Gulkana Glacier, AK, USA). Furthermore, microbial diversities were analyzed with environmental factors such as carbon contents and nutrients. As a result, we found the green algae amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) closely related to the pigmented algae, Sanguina nivaloides, and Chlainomonas sp. from the surface ice and cryoconite and will show the spatial variation of microbial community structures and diversities and the relationship between the environmental factors.

How to cite: Uetake, J., Ono, M., Usuba, S., Tsushima, A., and Takeuchi, N.: Dense spatial variation of the eukaryotic and prokaryotic communities on the Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11725,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Robyn Barbato, Stacey Doherty, Robert Jones, Chris Baker, Komi Messan, Amanda Barker, and Thomas Douglas

Permafrost is thawing at unprecedented rates, significantly altering landscapes and ecosystem trajectories by changing subsurface conditions and vegetation characteristics. The combination of in situ and laboratory analysis is important to understand microbial heterogeneity and to simulate the effects of thaw.  Dormant microbes become active as temperatures rise and permafrost soils warm and thaw, suggesting that sub-surface ecosystem processes will be altered. The extent of microbial change throughout seasons and thaw periods remain poorly understood.  We collected permafrost-affected soils at two Alaskan sites to determine the effects of sample location and warming on the permafrost microbiome.  In situ analysis of northern Alaskan soils revealed that surface communities were highly variable throughout the growing season.  In two laboratory thaw studies, we assessed permafrost microbiome taxonomy and metabolic function during thaw.  Under frozen conditions, microbial respiration rates from different PT locations were similar, ranging from 2 to 12 mg C–CO2 per kg soil per day and permafrost microorganisms were heterogeneously distributed in space.  Following thaw, metabolomes from different locations were highly similar.  However, the trajectory of dominant taxa and potential function in a given PT sample was more strongly influenced by sample location than by incubation temperature. This indicates a differential response of permafrost microbes based on their origin. These findings have important implications for developing accurate forecasts of microbial community assemblages during thaw in that location should be considered as a strong influencing factor.  

How to cite: Barbato, R., Doherty, S., Jones, R., Baker, C., Messan, K., Barker, A., and Douglas, T.: Effects of climate change on microbial taxonomy and metabolic processes in Alaskan permafrost-affected soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9119,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Gregoire Michoud, Tyler Kohler, Leila Ezzat, Hannes Peter, Juliet Nattabi, Rosemary Nalwang, Massimo Bourquin, Susheel Busi, and Tom Battin

Glaciers are receding at an unprecedented rate with expected losses of up to half their masses by 2100. Such changes will profoundly effect the physicochemical characteristics of glacier-fed stream (GFS) water, such as the composition of organic matter, turbidity, conductivity, and patterns in discharge. Hence, direct effects are anticipated for the microbial communities and assemblages inhabiting these environments. High-elevation tropical glaciers are already responding to these enhanced changes (e.g. temperature) and thus are a proxy to study the ecology of GFSs in the future. Here, we sampled and studied the Mt Stanley glacier in Africa’s ‘Mountains of the Moon’ (Rwenzori National Park, Uganda). We showed that the benthic microbiome from this GFS is distinct at several levels from other GFSs worldwide. Specifically, several novel taxa were present, and usually, common groups such as Chrysophytes and Polaromonas exhibited lower relative abundances compared to higher-latitude GFSs, while cyanobacteria and diatoms were more abundant. The rich primary producer community in this GFS likely results from the greater environmental stability of the Afrotropics, and accordingly, heterotrophic processes dominated in the bacterial community. Metagenomics revealed that almost all prokaryotes in the Mt. Stanley GFS are capable of organic carbon oxidation, while >80% have the potential for fermentation and acetate oxidation. Our findings suggest a close coupling between photoautotrophs and other microbes in this GFS and provide a glimpse into the future for high-latitude GFSs globally where primary production is projected to increase with ongoing glacier shrinkage.

How to cite: Michoud, G., Kohler, T., Ezzat, L., Peter, H., Nattabi, J., Nalwang, R., Bourquin, M., Busi, S., and Battin, T.: The dark side of the moon: A glimpse into the future of the microbiome structure and function of glacier-fed streams, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12296,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Coline Le Noir de Carlan, Caroline de Tender, Dennis Metze, Biplabi Bhattarai, Argus Pesqueda, Bjarni Sigurdsson, Josep Penuelas, Andreas Richter, Ivan Janssens, and Erik Verbruggen

World temperature has been steadily increasing over the past century, resulting in alterations of most ecosystems. Particularly, high latitudes regions are expected to undergo severe climate changes. Soil microbes are key actors of the terrestrial system, fulfilling major functions such as nutrient cycling and therefore considerable efforts are made to understand their response to warming. Besides, they can be in tight interaction with roots, and the effect of such interactions are well documented, however, whether soil microbial community response to warming is mediated by plants through roots remains unclear.

Here, we took advantage of a geothermal temperature gradient (reaching a warming intensity of up to +6°C) located in two Subarctic grasslands to study the effect of middle (12 years) and long term (>60 years) warming on the root associated soil microbes. For this, we installed two differently mesh sized cores along the thermal gradient of both grasslands allowing us to compare portions of local soil either containing (1 mm mesh size) or excluding roots (30 µm mesh size).

We investigated the response of fungal and bacterial communities to warming under both root inclusion and exclusion over the seasons using a metabarcoding approach targeting the 16S rRNA gene and the ITS1 fungal region. We found that warming shifted both bacterial and fungal communities, and that this response was depending on the warming duration. However, root exclusion did not alter the overall microbial community. Surprisingly, we did not find an effect of season on the fungal community while it had a slight effect on bacteria. In addition, we found that Carbon and Nitrogen content were altered differently by warming when roots were excluded.

Overall, this study shows that, despite modifying soil conditions, root exclusion had low effect on the general soil fungal and bacterial communities response to warming.

How to cite: Le Noir de Carlan, C., de Tender, C., Metze, D., Bhattarai, B., Pesqueda, A., Sigurdsson, B., Penuelas, J., Richter, A., Janssens, I., and Verbruggen, E.: Effect of root exclusion on the soil microbial community response to warming, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13495,, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Ivika Ostonen, Klaus Steenberg Larsen
On-site presentation
Meike Schickhoff, Philipp de Vrese, and Victor Brovkin

Arctic permafrost degradation and carbon decomposition do not occur homogeneously across Arctic ecosystems due to the rich landscape diversity and the high amount of small-scale heterogeneities. Traditionally, Earth system models (ESM) are deployed to investigate future climate change in the northern permafrost areas. The typical heterogeneous landscape characteristics of the Arctic are however in scale well below the usual ESM resolutions of several hundred kilometers. To take in-depth account of small-scale heterogeneous landscapes, a higher land surface model resolution is advantageous.

To investigate whether and why resolution matters in simulating the interactions of soil physics, hydrology, and vegetation in the Arctic, we develop a high-resolution version of the land surface model (LSM) JSBACH3 on the scale of 5 km for a case study in the Chersky region in eastern Siberia. We then compare the results with the output of the same model in a low ESM resolution of about 200 km. The LSM simulations are performed in standalone mode (without feedbacks to climate) using the same climate forcing for both, high- and low- resolution setups. Our analysis shows that small-scale soil characteristics are more relevant regarding resolution than vegetation properties. We found that the formulation of supercooled water processes in the soil has a major impact on the differences between low and fine resolutions, as well as soil organic matter fractions. Other soil parameters such as hydraulic conductivity, soil porosity or heat conductivity have relatively minor effects on differences between model resolutions.

We show the relevance of model resolution in the simulation of Arctic land physical and biogeochemical interactions and thus argue that the development of a high-resolution pan-Arctic LSM would be a major advancement in modelling future Arctic permafrost and carbon projections.

How to cite: Schickhoff, M., de Vrese, P., and Brovkin, V.: Analysis of resolution-induced differences in soil - hydrology - vegetation interactions in the Arctic using state-of-the-art land surface model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5276,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Fabrizzio Protti Sanchez, Ivan Janssens, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Páll Sigurdsson, and Michael Bahn

Climate warming is expected to occur stronger and faster in high-latitude terrestrial ecosystems compared to other regions of the world. It has been suggested that high-latitude systems are characterized by large soil C stocks which are highly vulnerable to warming. Warmer conditions can stimulate soil microbes to decompose more soil organic matter and increase the activity of plant roots, therefore, increasing soil CO2 emissions. However, our current understanding of soil warming effects on soil CO2 efflux is largely restricted to short-term warming observations which could over- or under-estimate warming effects. Additionally, the warming effects could vary seasonally, and it is important to consider this variation to better predict how natural ecosystems will respond to prolonged warming.

In this study, we aim to assess the seasonal dynamics of soil CO2 efflux in a subarctic grassland under medium-term warming (>10 years) and examine how soil warming modifies the temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 efflux. We take advantage of a geothermally heated grassland in Iceland for 13 years that is part of the ForHot and FutureArctic Research Network. We measured soil CO2 efflux in ambient and warmed plots (from +1°C to +10°C above ambient soil temperature) between mid-2020 and early 2022 and during various field campaigns, we analysed the isotopic composition (δ13C) of soil CO2 efflux for partitioning between biogenic and geogenic soil CO2 and disentangle the soil respiration (a biological process) response to medium-term warming. We found strong seasonality in soil CO2 efflux, with particularly higher fluxes during the growing season. After accounting for the geogenic soil CO2 efflux, we found that long-term warming increases soil respiration during winter, spring, and fall. That means that warmer conditions keep microbes more active during the colder months. However, during summer the response was the opposite and soil respiration was unexpectedly lower in warmed plots. This can be related to decreasing soil C stocks in the topsoil during the first years of warming and lower root biomass and soil microbial biomass, limiting soil CO2 efflux under warming during the growing season. Additionally, we found that the apparent temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 efflux (Q10) decreases with warming in a non-linear way, inducing thresholds at different soil warming levels. From these results, we conclude that medium-term warming effects on soil CO2 efflux vary seasonally and warming decreases the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration.

How to cite: Protti Sanchez, F., Janssens, I., Sigurdsson, B. D., Sigurdsson, P., and Bahn, M.: Seasonal dynamics and temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 efflux in a medium-term warmed subarctic grassland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14861,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Amir Hamedpour, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Josep Peñuelas, Iolanda Filella, Hafsteinn Einarsson, Steven Latré, and Tryggvi Stefánsson

Climate change is causing rapid changes in sub-Arctic and Arctic terrestrial ecosystems compared to the other biomes. As these ecosystems are so sensitive to climate change, more research on how the rising of temperature affects these ecosystems is essential.

This study is implemented in the ForHot research site located in Iceland encompassing geothermally heated natural grasslands. This research site contains two areas, one that has been warmed geothermally for over 60 years (long-term warming; LTW) and the other since 2008 (medium-term warming; MTW). The LTW area contains 24 plots and the MTW contains 30 plots, with the mean annual soil temperature ranging between 5 to 21 °C for LTW and 6 to 46 °C for MTW in 2022. 

The main goal of this study was to understand how the warming level and the duration of warming (MTW vs. LTW) have affected the average seasonal Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) during 2022.

For this study, we repeatedly collected high-resolution multispectral data using Micasense dual camera system and DJI Matrice 600 drone each month from April 2022 to October 2022 as well as soil temperature data of each plot, and some other parameters such as precipitation, air temperature, wind speed, and soil water content.

Here we present the results on how the warming level and the duration of warming affected the monthly and seasonal average NDVI in the MTW and LTW grassland ecosystems.

How to cite: Hamedpour, A., D. Sigurdsson, B., Peñuelas, J., Filella, I., Einarsson, H., Latré, S., and Stefánsson, T.: Analyzing the effect of the duration of soil warming on subarctic grasslands using high-resolution multispectral images, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4408,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ruth P. Tchana Wandji, Niki Leblans, Niel Verbrigghe, Iolanda Filella, Peter Lootens, Agathe Merand, Ivan Janssens, and Bjarni D. Sigurdsson

Climate change affects ecosystems considerably worldwide, but as warming is happening at an accelerated pace at higher latitudes, it is essential to study how warming affects ecosystem structure and function in Arctic and sub-Arctic ecosystems.

In this research, we looked at changes in the aboveground biomass (AGB) of two Icelandic sub-Arctic grasslands located at the ForHot site. The ForHot site is an exceptional studying site where the soils are naturally warmed. Thus, making it an important natural laboratory to assess and learn more about the long-term effect of global warming. At the research site, one grassland ecosystem has soils that have been warmed for over 60 years (long-term warming; LTW) and the other since 2008 (medium-term warming; MTW), when an earthquake disrupted geothermal channels in the underlying bedrock. Fifty permanent survey plots were established in the autumn of 2012 along the two grassland soil temperature gradients (ranging from 0 to +18°C).

We assessed how vegetation structure (non-vascular; AGBnon-vasc and vascular plants; AGBvasc) and the ecosystem's maximum aboveground total biomass(AGBtot) were affected by different levels of soil warming over multiple studied years (i.e. 2013, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022).

Our preliminary results showed unexpectedly relatively small changes in AGBtot with warming. We hypothesise that changes in AGBvasc would typically induce opposite changes in AGBnon-vasc, probably because of light competition. When looking separately at the vegetation structures, for AGBvasc, the duration of soil warming induced contrasted responses between MTW and LTW grasslands. That is, in the MTW grassland, there were no changes for most years (p > .05) and strong negative responses (p < .05) with warming in seasonally maximum AGBvasc for other years. Whereas in the LTW grassland, warming generally increased AGB for most years (p < .05), and also a strong negative response as observed in the MTW for the respective years despite statistically not significant. This strong negative response could be because of untypically high AGB production in control (unwarmed) plots during those years and less positive reactions with different levels of soil warming. We will show some potential drivers (environmental variables) for those unexpected temporal variations in the warming response. AGBnon-vasc, such as lichens and mosses, have an unclear pattern across the soil warming gradient in both grassland ecosystems.

How to cite: Tchana Wandji, R. P., Leblans, N., Verbrigghe, N., Filella, I., Lootens, P., Merand, A., Janssens, I., and D. Sigurdsson, B.: Long and medium-term interannual assessment of sub-Arctic grassland aboveground biomass at different soil warming levels, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3806,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Philipp Porada and Christian Beer

Mosses and lichens may play an important role for the future release of carbon from permafrost soils in high-latitude ecosystems. They significantly increase ecosystem carbon sequestration through productivity, and they also reduce soil temperature through insulation, thereby preventing permafrost carbon from being emitted as CO2. However, quantitative, large-scale estimates of the contribution of mosses and lichens to the future state of soil carbon at high latitudes are rare so far. Here, we use a processed-based model of mosses and lichens, which is integrated into a global land surface model, to predict the overall effect of these organisms on the soil carbon balance. We find that mosses and lichens double the increase in total soil carbon by the year 2100 compared to a simulation without the organisms, which can be explained by two factors: First, the cooling effect of mosses and lichens on soil temperature increases by around 1 degree C from today to 2100. Secondly, increased productivity of mosses and lichens due to CO2-fertilisation results in a larger carbon flux into the soil. Hence, we predict that mosses and lichens will contribute substantially to the future carbon balance of northern ecosystems and should not be neglected in simulations of the future carbon cycle.

How to cite: Porada, P. and Beer, C.: Impact of mosses and lichens on future carbon emissions from permafrost soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14182,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Páll Sigurðsson, Antonia Lindau, and Ólafur E. Eggertsson

Climate warming is occurring faster in high latitudes and that trend is predicted to continue. How vegetation responds to past warming or to manipulation experiments has proven to be quite site-specific. To better understand the underlying reasons for contrasting responses it is important to study both the direct and the indirect responses to warming that are often mediated through the underlying soil processes.

The ForHot site in Iceland offers possibilities to look at the indirect warming effects that are mediated through soil processes. There, a natural soil warming experiment was created in May 2008 by a major earthquake that shifted geothermal bedrock channels to previously cold areas. In this study we use an experimental site with 50-year-old Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and soil warming gradient ranging from 0 to +6 °C between 2008 to 2018. The main objective is to get deeper insights into how rising soil temperatures will affect aboveground growth dynamics in sub-Arctic forest ecosystems.

For this paper we used tree-ring analysis of dominant trees from 1988 to 2018, measurements of their height increment from 2000 to 2018, as well as forest stand measurements on permanent inventory plots and litter trap data from 2013 to 2018 and foliar chemical analysis done in 2016.

Here we present results on the radial- and height growth before and after the warming was initiated and the consequent changes in tree mortality, stand volume and aboveground primary productivity (ANPP) under different soil warming levels.

How to cite: Sigurdsson, B. D., Sigurðsson, P., Lindau, A., and Eggertsson, Ó. E.: Aboveground growth responses of mature Picea sitchensis forest stand at different levels of soil warming, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2809,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Sarah Haupt, Stefano Meucci, Ulrike Herzschuh, Dörte Harpke, Nadine Bernhardt, Stefanie Killing, Luidmila A. Pestryakova, Evgenii S. Zakharov, and Stefan Kruse

The present distribution pattern of Siberian boreal forests that are dominated by larches is to an unknown extent influenced by the glacial history. Here, we investigated whether we can observe patterns in the genetic variability of Siberian larches (Larix spp.) that can help us to unravel biogeographic migration routes since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We revealed the spatial distribution of 14,003 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) derived by Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) in a subset of 148 larch individuals with a cluster analysis. To shed light on Larix’ postglacial migration routes, we applied an Approximate Bayesian Computation (using the software DIYABC). The results of the cluster analysis revealed the presence of three to four statistically verified clusters from Western to Eastern Eurasia that match well to the already expected distinction into the main larch species Larix sibirica, L. gmelinii and L. cajanderi. It can be discussed that under the light of ecological aspects and the spatial assignment to geographic regions, six clusters are plausible instead of the statistically derived most probable optimum of three to four main clusters. The tested hypotheses in DIYABC show that all present existing populations seem to be initiated far before the LGM. We presume that the different populations originate from larch populations that survived the glacial periods. Having the complex terrain in mind, we deduce that those individuals rather survived in refugia in the North, than migrated through complete recolonization from the South. The northernmost expansion during the Holocene seems to have benefitted from refugial populations ahead of the treeline, which explains the existence of Larix in the Far North although the treeline migration rates were slow. From our results, we expect that the present migration is probably slow at first, as there are currently no refugial populations far north, as there were probably in Holocene. But in the future, isolated trees in the tundra could become a starting point for rapid dispersal of boreal forests in the course of current climate warming.

How to cite: Haupt, S., Meucci, S., Herzschuh, U., Harpke, D., Bernhardt, N., Killing, S., Pestryakova, L. A., Zakharov, E. S., and Kruse, S.: Biogeography of Larches in North-East Siberia - using Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms derived by Genotyping by Sequencing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15735,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Rémi Gaillard, Bertrand Guenet, Philippe Peylin, Patricia Cadule, Frédérique Chéruy, Josefine Ghattas, and Nicolas Vuichard

Permafrost soils located in high latitudes contain about 1500 petagrams of carbon. The strong and rapid warming of the Arctic climate threatens this important carbon stock. Permafrost thaw exposes previously frozen organic matter to decomposition by microorganisms, resulting in CO2 and CH4 emissions into the atmosphere that contribute to strengthening the initial warming. On the other hand, rising atmospheric CO2 concentration increases vegetation primary productivity in a feedback known as fertilization effect. In addition, the melting of permafrost may also likely provide more nitrogen in the soil that could stimulate plant growth. The balance between these competing processes is thought to be the primary driver of future permafrost carbon stocks. However, both the amplitude and timing of future net carbon emissions of permafrost areas remain highly uncertain. Reducing the uncertainty on net carbon balance in high latitudes would help improve the accuracy of carbon budget, and thus would impact political and social decisions towards the net zero target.

Up to then, the impact of different future climate scenarios (RCP, SSP or similar) on permafrost have been largely explored with offline Land Surface Model simulations but feedbacks with the atmosphere and ocean cannot be represented in such configurations. Using the IPSL Earth System Model that couples the atmosphere, the ocean and continental surfaces (i.e., ORCHIDEE model), the future evolution of climate-carbon feedbacks in permafrost regions is assessed. In particular, the feedback between climate change and the carbon cycle and the fertilization effect are analyzed with the C4MIP formalism (γ and β parameters). A particular focus is put on the role of the nitrogen cycle through its interactions with the carbon cycle. In addition, the impact of soil insulation by soil organic carbon and surface mosses on thermal transfers is also analyzed in the context of coupled land - atmosphere simulations. The importance of surface insulation i) to maintain realistic surface air temperature, especially during spring time, avoiding large surface - atmosphere feedbacks with unrealistic cooling in the arctic and ii) to sustain large permafrost extent (close to observations) is highlighted.

How to cite: Gaillard, R., Guenet, B., Peylin, P., Cadule, P., Chéruy, F., Ghattas, J., and Vuichard, N.: Estimating future permafrost carbon-climate feedbacks using a coupled Earth System Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14644,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Cornelia Rottensteiner, Victoria Martin, Alberto Canarini, Hannes Schmidt, Leila Hadžiabdić, Julia Horak, Moritz Mohrlok, Carolina Urbina Malo, Willeke A'Campo, Luca Durstewitz, Julia Wagner, Rachele Lodi, Niek Speetjens, George Tanski, Michael Fritz, Hugues Lantuit, Gustaf Hugelius, and Andreas Richter

The Arctic warms four times faster than the global average, resulting in widespread permafrost thaw. Organic matter that was stored in permanently frozen soil for up to millennia now becomes available to microbial decomposition. Warming might also alter microbial community composition and physiology and thus change the decomposition potential of soils. Our current knowledge about permafrost soil organic matter (SOM) composition and decomposition is limited, particularly in regard to the heterogeneity of permafrost landscapes, thus hampering our ability to predict possible permafrost soil feedbacks to climate change. The objective of this study was to characterize SOM and microbial community composition of the active layer and the upper permanently frozen soil from permafrost-affected polygonal lowland tundra.

We collected more than 80 soil samples from four different soil layers (organic, mineral, cryoturbated, permanently frozen) from three developmental stages of ice-wedge polygons (low-center, flat-center, high-center polygons) in NW Canada, and analyzed organic matter composition by a pyrolysis-GC/MS fingerprinting approach and microbial community composition by amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene (bacteria, archaea) and the ITS1 region (fungi).

Our results suggest that the spatial heterogeneity of permafrost soils is not only reflected in soil physical parameters, but also in the chemical composition of organic matter and the composition of microbial communities. The organic soil layer comprised both the highest microbial diversity and the most diverse SOM composition. The distribution of major compound classes (carbohydrates, lignins, lipids, N-compounds, phenols & aromatics) differed between organic, mineral, cryoturbated and permanently frozen organic matter. This pattern followed a gradient from low to high organic matter degradation with soil depth. Soil organic matter composition also differed among polygon types, indicating different decomposition pathways, likely depending on differences in vegetation and soil water availability. We also found distinct microbial communities for soils from low-center polygons, possibly driven by prevailing anoxic conditions in this landscape unit. Bacterial and archaeal communities differed among all soil layers, while only fungal communities from the organic soils differed from the other layers.

The observed differences in SOM and microbial community composition among soil layers and polygon types highlight the importance of considering spatial heterogeneity when studying permafrost soils. Moreover, our results might help to explain observed differences in microbial decomposition patterns on different spatial scales and emphasize the need to include aspects of permafrost soil heterogeneity to finetune current ecosystem and climate models.

This study is part of the EU H2020 project “Nunataryuk”.

How to cite: Rottensteiner, C., Martin, V., Canarini, A., Schmidt, H., Hadžiabdić, L., Horak, J., Mohrlok, M., Urbina Malo, C., A'Campo, W., Durstewitz, L., Wagner, J., Lodi, R., Speetjens, N., Tanski, G., Fritz, M., Lantuit, H., Hugelius, G., and Richter, A.: Permafrost soil organic matter (de)composition in times of global warming, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14026,, 2023.

Posters on site: Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall A

Chairpersons: Ivika Ostonen, Christoph Keuschnig, Sara Marañon
Daniel Agea Plaza, Sergio Aranda-Barranco, Enrique, P Sanchez-Cañete, Ignacio García-Berro, Angela L, Valverde-Amor, Regino Zamora, Domingo Alcaraz-Segura, and Penelope Serrano-Ortiz

To avoid tree mortality, biodiversity losses and maintain the ecosystem services under climate change context, the management of forests is essential. A common practice in Mediterranean mountains is clearing and thinning, leaving the main branches lopped off and the wood left in situ. These activities generate bare soil and vegetation pruning patches in the ecosystem creating different microhabitat conditions and, therefore, affecting carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) soil exchanges. This study is focused on oak and holm oak groves and pine reforestation, dominant woody species in Sierra Nevada mountains (Spain) that have problems of adaptation to climate change fostered by a long history of human management. 

On this subject, we are monitoring both with biophysical field measurements and satellite products on the experimental managed forests. Concretely, we are measuring for one year CO2 and CH4 soil fluxes of the different patches. For this purpose, a portable gas analyzer system (Smart chamber + Li7810, Li-Cor) is used biweekly over 24 collars (2 treatments [vegetation pruning vs immediate bare soil] x 3 replicas x 4 collars [sub-replicas]) on each one of the 4 experimental forests (Quercus pyrenaica, Quercus ilex, Pinus halepensis and Pinus sylvestris). At the same time, soil water content, soil temperature and litter are measured in each campaign.  On the other hand, Landsat products (NDVI, LST and LSWI) were evaluated before and after the establishment of the treatments for temporal follow-up. Additionally, since January 2023 we are starting to characterize microclimatic conditions (velocity and direction wind, air temperature, soil water content and precipitation) and continuous CO2 concentration in soils (GMP252, Vaisala).

The preliminary results show that oaks with vegetation respires more (soil CO2 emissions) than oak grove bare soil. Although both patches are methane sinks, the CH4 flux is enhanced with vegetation presence. A relationship with soil temperature and moisture was found. We hypothesize that these variations could be due to autotrophic respiration, and more prolonged activity of microorganisms in the soil enhanced by litter input. Regards pines sites, no significant differences in fluxes of the different microclimate’s patches were found (no relationship with soil variables was detected) which seems to indicate that the management leaving vegetation pruning does not affect soil fluxes.

This work was supported by the projects B-RNM-60-UGR20 (OLEAGEIs) and LifeWatch-2019-10-UGR-01, co-funded by the MICINN through the FEDER funds.

How to cite: Agea Plaza, D., Aranda-Barranco, S., Sanchez-Cañete, E. P., García-Berro, I., Valverde-Amor, A. L., Zamora, R., Alcaraz-Segura, D., and Serrano-Ortiz, P.: CO2 and CH4 soil exchanges in managed woody species of Sierra Nevada mountains (Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1302,, 2023.

Masato Ono, Nozomu Takeuchi, Akane Tsushima, Yukihiko Onuma, Kino Kobayashi, Daiki Seto, Suzunosuke Usuba, Fuki Konishi, and Jun Uetake

Snow-ice microbes, which adapted to harsh conditions such as low temperature and high dose of UV, inhabit the cryospheric environments. They cause unique phenomena represented by colored snow and ice occurring with blooms of snow and glacier ice algae, and cryoconite holes formed by filamentous cyanobacteria with inorganic matter. These phenomena also darken glacial surface and have a significant effect on the albedo of snow and ice. It is important to understand factors controlling the abundance of all microbes including consumers of algae and cyanobacteria (tardigrades and rotifers) for evaluating the collective influence of biological communities on albedo (biological albedo reduction: BAR). However, most studies have focused only on each taxon (algae, cyanobacteria, fungi or heterotrophic bacteria), and there is a lack of information on whole microbial communities. In this study, we aimed to describe spatiotemporal changes of microbial communities, and discuss the process of their growth and the factors determining their distribution.          

The fieldworks were carried out from June to September of 2022 on Gulkana Glacier in the Alaska Range, Alaska. Three different types of samples (snow, bare-ice, cryoconite) were collected spatially at maximum 51 points across the glacier. Microscopic observation and analysis of Chlorophyll a concentration, which is a proxy for the total abundance of snow and glacier ice algae, revealed that the algae were most abundant around the snow line and that their maximum occurred in the end of July (1.0 × 103 μg/m2) and in the middle of August (7.8 × 103 μg/m2) on the snow and ice surfaces, respectively. Their distribution in the ice area showed a similar spatial pattern throughout the season, higher abundance in the upper right side and lower in the left side. Consumers of algae (tardigrades and rotifers) were found only in the upper parts of the glacier. These results suggest that each microbial species on the glacier have different distribution and that their growth is associated with local characteristics such as microtopography of the glacier surfaces. In this presentation, we will show more data of spatial distribution of chemical composition, total impurities, and concentration of each microbe in all three surface types and discuss the factors of their growth and distribution.  

How to cite: Ono, M., Takeuchi, N., Tsushima, A., Onuma, Y., Kobayashi, K., Seto, D., Usuba, S., Konishi, F., and Uetake, J.: Spatiotemporal changes in communities of snow-ice microbes living on Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1690,, 2023.

Sergey Bulat, Maxim Doronin, Oxana Anosova, Victoria Gorbova, Danyl Sumbatyan, Victor Khablyuk, and Jean Martins

The objective was to investigate the diversity, abundance, and comparative structure of the microbial communities of the multiannual snowpacks of the Northern Caucasus at two distantly (~40km apart) locations – Arkhyz (two spots – ‘pristine’ at 2546m and ‘touristic’ at 2826m) and Dombai (‘touristic’ spot at 3131m) by implementing high-throughput Oxford Nanopore sequencing. The study aims to discover microbial markers that would be useful in tracking ‘icy’ microbial communities’ structure in response to ongoing and past climate changes.

Two snowpacks of Arkhyz and one snowpack of Dombai were cleanly sampled, and the snow was processed under clean room conditions. The genomic DNA was isolated, the v3-v5 (~590 bp) (Arkhyz) and v3-v4 regions (~485 bp) (Dombai) of bacterial 16S ribRNA genes were amplified, and amplicons generated were nanopore barcode sequenced using MinIon device following Trim barcodes and Fast Basecalling options.  

For Arkhyz samples, the following results were obtained. The ‘touristic’ snow sample (Ark1) generated about 1140000 reads (92% accuracy) which were classified (17% of total) in 30 phylotypes (Beta-Proteobacteria (~54%), Actinobacteria (~24%), Bacteroidetes (~13%), Alpha-Proteobacteria (~9%)) at 0.5% abundance and 97% similarity levels. Of them, six phylotypes (Ferruginibacter paludis (~9.1%) of Bacteroidetes, Massilia psychrophila, Rhizobacter profundi, Polaromonas aquatica and Aquaspirillum arcticum of Beta-Proteobacteria and Novosphingobium gossypii of Alpha-Proteobacteria) dominated (in the range of 5.2-9.1%).

The pristine less altitudinal snow sample (Ark2) generated about 1160000 reads (92% accuracy) which were classified (23% of total) in 27 phylotypes (Actinobacteria (~40%), Beta-Proteobacteria (~24%), Bacteroidetes (~20%), Alpha-Proteobacteria (~14%)) at 0.5% abundance and 97% similarity levels. Of them, four phylotypes (Articella aurantiaca (12.7%) and Ferruginibacter paludis of Bacteroidetes, Polaromonas aquatica of Beta-Proteobacteria and Methylobacterium goesingense of Alpha-Proteobacteria) dominated (in the range of 5.1-12.7%).

It is worth noting that two dominant taxa Ferruginibacter paludis and Polaromonas aquatica, inhabiting wetlands and water, respectively, were present in both samples. At the same time, there was a surprising find - the presence of alpha-proteobacteria in both Arkhyz snow samples.

For the Dombai snow sample, about 33500 reads (90% accuracy) were obtained, resulting in 22 phylotypes (Bacteroidetes (~60%), Beta-Proteobacteria (~32%), Actinobacteria (~8%)) at 0.5% abundance and 97% similarity levels (38% classified). Of them, the same two phylotypes (Ferruginibacter paludis of Bacteroidetes and Polaromonas aquatica of Beta-Proteobacteria) dominated (13.2% and 12.2%, respectively).

When comparing the microbial communities of the snowpacks of Arkhyz and Dombai, the overlapping in the structure is clear – dominant Phyla Beta-Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. Two species, Ferruginibacter paludis of Bacteroidetes and Polaromonas aquatica of Beta-Proteobacteria, dominate all the samples. It seems that the human presence, as well as the thickness and the age of the snowpacks, do not affect the icy microbial community’s structure. Thus, the discovered dominant bacteria could serve as a biosignature of ‘healthy’ high-altitude terrestrial mountain snowpacks and, in the form of a specific assay (e.g., PCR-based), could be used in their monitoring. In addition, it would be worth looking for these bacteria in the nearest past – searching for them inside terrestrial glaciers.

The reported study was funded by RFBR and DFG according to the research project №20-55-12006.

How to cite: Bulat, S., Doronin, M., Anosova, O., Gorbova, V., Sumbatyan, D., Khablyuk, V., and Martins, J.: Ferruginibacter paludis and Polaromonas aquatica as biosignatures of high-altitude mountain snowpacks of the Northern Caucasus, Arkhyz and Dombai, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-86,, 2023.

Massimo Bourquin, Hannes Peter, Andrew Lean Robison, Grégoire Michoud, Leïla Ezzat, Tyler J Kohler, Matthias Huss, Susheel Bhanu Busi, Stilianos Fodelianakis, and Tom J Battin


Glaciers are receding worldwide because of climate change, and as a consequence, glacier-fed streams are expected to undergo deep physical and chemical changes in the future, potentially inducing dramatic ecological shifts. At the base of glacier-fed stream ecosystems are bacteria, which, along with eukaryotic algae, form biofilms that drive biogeochemical transformations and fluxes of global relevance. Despite this importance, relatively little is known about the glacier-fed stream microbiome and even less on how it may be affected by climate change. The Vanishing Glaciers Project offers a novel and powerful opportunity to investigate this idea, with 16S rRNA amplicon data, shotgun metagenome sequencing, and physicochemical parameters assessed for glacier-fed streams distributed globally. Here, using data from 161 of the sampled streams, combined with glaciological modelling, we examined a) how the environmental template of these ecosystems will change according to several scenarios of climate change; b) how these changes will alter species distributions for the most prevalent bacterial community members; and c) how the ecological properties of abundant taxa vary along the gradient of glacier influence. We predict, that glacier-fed streams will undergo a process analogous to the “greening” of terrestrial alpine ecosystems, as benthic algal abundance is forecasted to significantly increase. Models based on 16s rRNA amplicon data predict the total bacterial abundance to greatly expand, but differences across taxa reveal unique responses to the modelled environmental changes. Corroborative evidence for shifts in bacterial communities along the gradient of glacier influence was found using metagenome assembled genomes, where we identified genomic features putatively adaptive to cryospheric conditions. Within these changes in taxa abundance, we highlight the shifting role of specialists within the community. Overall, this work sheds light on how bacteria adapt to the extreme environmental conditions of glacier-fed streams, and how climate change will impact these unique communities.

How to cite: Bourquin, M., Peter, H., Robison, A. L., Michoud, G., Ezzat, L., Kohler, T. J., Huss, M., Busi, S. B., Fodelianakis, S., and Battin, T. J.: Predicting the global response of the glacier-fed streams and their bacterial microbiome to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2703,, 2023.

Helen Feord, Anke Trautwein-Schult, Christoph Keuschnig, Christopher B. Trivedi, Rey Mourot, Athanasios Zervas, Dörte Becher, Alexandre M. Anesio, Martyn Tranter, and Liane G. Benning

Algal blooms occur during the summer melt on the Greenland Ice Sheet and on other melting supraglacial environments globally. Snow habitats are mostly inhabited by chlorophytes (Chlorophyceae and Trebouxiophyceae), while bare ice is dominated by streptophytes (Zygnematophyceae). These eukaryotes thrive at low temperatures and under high light and low nutrients, and they have specialised cellular mechanisms allowing for life under extreme conditions. However, little empirical data exists about the cellular adaptations of snow and glacial ice algae under these conditions, despite our growing knowledge of species diversity and associated abiotic conditions. We address this knowledge gap by identifying protein groups essential for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis under relevant environmental conditions from samples rich in snow and glacial ice algae from the Greenland Ice Sheet. Samples collected during summer algal blooms were subjected to a metaproteomics workflow using an established protein extraction protocol and LC-MS/MS analysis. Proteins were identified using a predicted protein database built from RNA sequencing data comprising of sequences from algae, but also other microorganisms present in the community such as bacteria and fungi. We assigned 35% of the recorded MS2 spectra to predominantly algal proteins, as well as bacterial and fungal proteins, corresponding to more than 5800 protein groups. This large dataset provides a starting point for dissecting cellular functions of cryogenic algae in these environments and allows us, for example, to evaluate the relative abundance of proteins linked to specific cellular pathways such as photosynthesis or lipid metabolism.

How to cite: Feord, H., Trautwein-Schult, A., Keuschnig, C., Trivedi, C. B., Mourot, R., Zervas, A., Becher, D., Anesio, A. M., Tranter, M., and Benning, L. G.: A novel approach for cryobiome functional analysis with metaproteomics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14504,, 2023.

Asra Salimi, Brynhildur Bjarnadóttir, Hlynur Óskarsson, Helena M.Stefánsdóttir, Sunna Áskelsdóttir, and Bjarni D.Sigurðsson

The uptake and emissions of the greenhouse gasses (GHGs) CO2, CH4, and N2O are strongly linked to terrestrial land use. According to Iceland’s National Inventory Report to the UNFCCC, the single largest component of Iceland‘s overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is the release of GHGs from drained peatland. On the other hand, foreign studies have shown peatland restoration to be a promising measure for reducing emissions of drained areas. Therefore, studies on the GHG-balance of drained and rewetted peatlands are now a very hot topic internationally.

Within Iceland, the use of peatland- and other wetland restoration as a GHG mitigation measure is hampered by a lack of more country-specific data on GHG balances of such ecosystems. Therefore, there is an urgent need to increase the research on this topic in Iceland.

In this project, the main aim is to gather high-quality data on the GHG dynamics of a drained and restored peatland. The site is located at the farm Lækjarnes in W-Iceland and was drained ca. 50 years ago, but has never been cultivated. That is the land use category of most drained peatland in Iceland, they mostly remain uncultivated and are used for livestock grazing. 

In this Research, we are using an Eddy covariance system to collect CO2 and CH4 flux data, while N2O fluxes are measured with a static chamber method. The eddy covariance technique has become a “standard method” in ecosystem flux- and process-based research worldwide. We are also measuring auxiliary parameters, such as full energy balance, climatic variables, groundwater levels, soil water and temperature, and more. Our eddy system was installed at the research site in Jan 2023. 

The site is currently drained and will remain so for the first two years, but then it will be rewetted and the measurements will continue after the rewetting. The specific research goals I have chosen to address in my PhD project are: a) Determine the diurnal, seasonal, and annual CO2, CH4, N2O, water, and energy balances of a drained wetland and b) Determine the initial change in those fluxes following ecosystem restoration (rewetting).  The first preliminary data on CO2, H2O, and CH4 winter fluxes from the drained peatland will be presented at the conference.

How to cite: Salimi, A., Bjarnadóttir, B., Óskarsson, H., M.Stefánsdóttir, H., Áskelsdóttir, S., and D.Sigurðsson, B.: Greenhouse-gas balance of a drained peatland in western Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5848,, 2023.

Yung Mi Lee, Yerin Park, Dong-Hun Lee, Binu Mani Tripathi, Ji-Hoon Kim, Yeonjin Choi, Chung Yeon Hwang, Young Keun Jin, and Jong Kuk Hong

The rising temperature in the Arctic changes marine environments such as sea ice fluctuation, primary production, and riverine input and these changes, in turn, impact on benthic ecosystems. East Siberian Sea (ESS) represents shallow shelf seas with three to seven times higher river discharge than other seas of Russian Arctic. However, studies on the microbial composition and functions according to the environmental parameters have not been performed in the ESS. In this study, the benthic microbial community structure with the environmental parameters and their ecological functions were investigated. Bacterial community was dominated by the phyla Proteobacteia (51.1±6.6%) followed by Bacteroidetes (16.4±9.5%), Planctomycetes (8.9±3.8%), Acidobacteria (6.5±4.2%), Actinobacteria (2.6±2.0%). In the archaeal community, Thaumarchaeota (70.9±11.1%) and Euryarchaeota (27.7±11.4%) were predominant. There are some microbial taxa showing significant changing pattern along the latitude. The proportion of Alphaproteobacteria and Acidobacteria increased while that of Bacteroidetes and Deltaproteobacteria and Thaumarchaeota decreased along the latitude. Microbial community composition and function of major taxa were clearly differentiated according to the latitude and concurrent environmental parameters such as salinity and concentration of ammonium and sulfate. In addition, the function of major microbial taxa including ammonium oxidation and sulfate reduction inferred from 16S rRNA identity also changed across the salinity gradient. These results imply that environmental changes in the benthic ecosystems accelerated from the climate change may impact a significant change on benthic microbial community composition and their functions.

How to cite: Lee, Y. M., Park, Y., Lee, D.-H., Tripathi, B. M., Kim, J.-H., Choi, Y., Hwang, C. Y., Jin, Y. K., and Hong, J. K.: Benthic microbial community structure and ecological functions along the salinity gradient in the East Siberian Sea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17542,, 2023.

David Wårlind, David Martín Belda, Paul A. Miller, Lars Nieradzik, Stefan Olin, and Alexandra Pongrácz

With climate change happening at a faster rate at high-latitudes than the global average, it is important to understand the warming-induced permafrost thaw effect on high-latitude GHG emissions. As permafrost soils contain nearly half of the global soil C pool a change to active layer depths could substantially increase GHG emissions from the soil and hence the concentrations in the atmosphere. Here we present a version of the dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS updated to include a new multi-layer soil organic matter scheme that makes it possible to simulate organic matter dynamics at all soil depths. Together with improved soil physics, hydrology, and snow representation, this new version of LPJ-GUESS can closely simulate the current best estimates of Arctic soil C at depths (e.g. NCSCDv2.2) making it possible to simulate emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O as the active layer thickens. We also present preliminary estimates of how the Arctic soil thermodynamics and biogeochemistry could change under different future scenarios, including overshoot scenarios, to see if the Arctic C balance will act as a net source or sink of greenhouse gases.

How to cite: Wårlind, D., Martín Belda, D., Miller, P. A., Nieradzik, L., Olin, S., and Pongrácz, A.: Impact of active layer thickening on vertical soil organic matter GHG emissions in a dynamic vegetation model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7001,, 2023.

Christoph Keuschnig, Christopher B. Trivedi, Helen Feord, Rey Mourot, Athanasios Zervas, Marie Bolander, Katie Sipes, Laura Perini, Martyn Tranter, Alexandre M. Anesio, and Liane G. Benning

Phototrophic organisms blooming during the summer melt season on snow and ice surfaces are dominated by eukaryotic green algae (Chlorophytes and Streptophytes, respectively), with Cyanobacteria restricted to cryoconite habitats. However, the role and interactions between the algae and other light-harvesting organisms are largely understudied in these ecosystems.

We searched metagenomes of snow and ice samples collected from the Greenland Ice Sheet during the summer melting season for signatures indicating anoxygenic photosystems, which are used by certain groups of bacteria to gain energy from light without releasing oxygen. Two metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) carrying all genes necessary to perform anoxygenic photosynthesis and carbon-fixation were found. Whole-genome phylogenetic comparison placed the MAGs within the Alpha- and Gamma-proteobacteria, which was confirmed by alignment of the respective functional marker genes pufL and pufM to known sequences from cultured anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria. The identified functions and phylogeny suggest that the MAGs belong within the group of purple non-sulfur bacteria, a pigmented and metabolically versatile group of bacteria often found in shallow aqueous environments, but very little is documented in cryogenic environments. Our data show that these procaryotic organisms are preferably linked to glacial ice algae habitats and, to a lesser extent, to algae in snow habitats. Our results pose intriguing ecological questions for supraglacial habitats, such as the contribution of these procaryotes to the ongoing biological darkening of ice surfaces or the potential mutualistic light-harvesting strategies on ice, as the used wavelength of purple non-sulfur bacteria are complementary to those used by indigenous high abundant glacial ice algae.

How to cite: Keuschnig, C., Trivedi, C. B., Feord, H., Mourot, R., Zervas, A., Bolander, M., Sipes, K., Perini, L., Tranter, M., Anesio, A. M., and Benning, L. G.: Metagenomes reveal purple non-sulfur bacteria linked to bare ice habitats on the Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11774,, 2023.

Biplabi Bhattarai, Andreas Richter, Dennis Metze, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Páll Sigurdsson, Niki Leblans, Ivan Janssens, and Ivika Ostonen

Climate predictions for subarctic regions show a higher rise in surface temperature than the global average, which will subsequently raise the soil temperature (Ts) in those regions. In response to soil warming, an increase in photosynthetically active aboveground biomass is expected, which will modify the amount of carbon assimilated. This will impact the amount of carbon allocated to aboveground and belowground growth, to root exudations and surplus carbon that might be stored as non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs). We here ask the question if soil warming affects NSCs concentration and pools in fine roots and rhizomes in subarctic grasslands.

We investigated the effects of soil warming duration (medium-term (11-yr) vs. long-term (>60-yr) warmed grassland) and magnitude from 0 to +8.4 °C on community-level soluble NSCs (glucose, fructose and saccharose) in short-living fine roots and long-living rhizomes. Additionally, we determined NSCs in fine roots and rhizomes of three dominating species- Anthoxanthum odoratum, Ranunculus acris and Equisetum spp. along the soil warming gradient.

We saw a significant increase in community-level total NSCs in rhizomes driven by an increase in the amount of saccharose under medium-term warming. The community-level saccharose concentration in rhizomes was positively related to the abundance of grasses in both grasslands. Both changes in concentration of NSCs and biomass of fine roots and rhizomes at the community level contributed to a significant change in NSCs pool in belowground plant organs along the soil warming gradient. At the species level, the amount of NSCs was significantly higher in Ranunculus acris; the significant difference in fine roots and rhizomes in their NSCs was observed in Equisetum spp. and the significant effect of soil warming on NSCs in fine roots and rhizomes was observed in Anthoxanthum odoratum.

We highlight the species-specific differences in NSCs concentrations and analyze the effects of soil warming duration and magnitude on the community-level change in NSCs reserves in belowground plant organs.

How to cite: Bhattarai, B., Richter, A., Metze, D., Sigurdsson, B. D., Sigurdsson, P., Leblans, N., Janssens, I., and Ostonen, I.: Non-structural carbohydrates in fine roots and rhizomes in warmed subarctic grasslands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12951,, 2023.

Rey Mourot, Christopher B. Trivedi, Christoph Keuschnig, Matthias Winkel, James A. Bradley, Catherine Larose, Bartlomiej Luks, Helen Feord, Alexandre M. Anesio, Martyn Tranter, and Liane G. Benning

Pigment-producing microorganisms are prevalent on glacier surfaces, decreasing the snow and ice albedo. This impacts the absorption of solar radiation and accelerates rates of glacier surface melting. Studying the glacier surface ecosystem is important to understand the effects of anthropogenic climate change, and to further our knowledge of how glacier-dwelling organisms and their evolution impact downstream ecosystems. Recent studies have revealed links between habitat type, seasonality, physicochemical characteristics and the microbial composition of the supraglacial environment. However, these studies are limited in number, time points and locations. Thus, global drivers of supraglacial microbial community composition remain unknown. To fill this gap, we used data produced by our team over the last five years, as well as gathered from public repositories, to investigate the prokaryotic and eukaryotic composition of supraglacial environments worldwide.

We used 18S and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to study the microbial composition and diversity of more than eight hundred surface snow, ice and cryoconite samples from glaciers and snowfields all over the world, including Arctic, Antarctic and temperate glaciers. Results reveal a worldwide core microbiome specific to this environment, composed of generalist, freshwater and cold-adapted taxa. Distance-decay and latitudinal patterns can be identified, but key factors in determining microbial community diversity and composition rest on local to regional biogeographical scales. Habitat biology shows different responses to biogeographical drivers, likely influenced by their structure: cryoconite communities present a higher distance-decay and location specialization than snow and ice communities. In addition, communities of prokaryotes are less location-specific than those of eukaryotes. This study highlights the need for further investigation into the drivers of microbial dissemination onto glaciers and their response to local biogeography.    

How to cite: Mourot, R., Trivedi, C. B., Keuschnig, C., Winkel, M., Bradley, J. A., Larose, C., Luks, B., Feord, H., Anesio, A. M., Tranter, M., and Benning, L. G.: Biogeographical drivers of supraglacial microbial communities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14549,, 2023.

Linsey Avila, Fabrizzio Protti, Pall Sigurdsson, Amir Hamedpour, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, and Klaus Steenberg Larsen

According to contemporary research, mass greening of the northern latitudes is likely to take place as global temperatures continue to rise. While this could support an overall increase in autotrophic uptake of CO2, rising temperatures could also expose a higher CO2 emission potential as reparation rates respond to our changing climate. Thus, the future carbon balance in high-latitude ecosystems remains uncertain. Utilizing high-frequency measurements of ecosystem-level carbon exchange in these regions could unearth a valuable understanding of just how rising temperatures will affect the soil-plant continuum under varying future climate scenarios.

Over the course of a two year study period, we measured in-situ carbon exchanges using four ECO2flux automated chambers at one of the geothermal grasslands sites within the FutureArctic network. The chambers were placed at different locations along a soil temperature gradient with treatments covering an average of 0, 2.5, 8.5, and 15.0 degree warming. The major aim was to investigate the underlying carbon exchange processes in order to garner better insight into how future climate change induced temperature increases could affect comparable ecosystems under long-term warming. Following a detailed analysis of carbon uptake (gross primary production, GPP) and carbon release (ecosystem respiration, RE) along the temperature gradient would likely expose a positive net plant carbon uptake with increasing temperature as a direct response to the greening effect while respiration could remain lower than GPP, follow a similar trajectory, or offset this increase in uptake entirely depending on length of exposure to soil warming.

Preliminary analysis from a subset within the two-year study period was conducted. The fluxes of CO2 showed evident heterogeneity between our four treatments with increasing totals of GPP moving up the temperature gradient. However, during this period, GPP was highest in the treatment with warming around 8.5 degrees above ambient, which suggests that there is likely a temperature threshold for increased uptake with greening between 8.5 to 15 degrees soil warming for this ecosystem. The observed temperature response appears non-linear where both GPP and RE start to decline after reaching this temperature threshold. Knowledge of these non-linear temperature responses for GPP and RE will be of great importance when trying to predict future changes to the carbon balance in Arctic and Sub-Arctic ecosystems.

How to cite: Avila, L., Protti, F., Sigurdsson, P., Hamedpour, A., Sigurdsson, B. D., and Larsen, K. S.: High temporal resolution measurements of subarctic carbon exchange following natural soil temperature manipulation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17471,, 2023.

Bo Huang, Yan Li, Yi Liu, Xiangping Hu, Wenwu Zhao, and Francesco Cherubini

Forests affect the local climate through a variety of biophysical mechanisms. Observational and modelling studies have investigated the effects of forested vs. non-forested areas, but the influence of forest management on surface temperature has received far less attention owing to the inherent challenges to adapt climate models to cope with forest dynamics. Further, climate models are complex and highly parameterized, and the time and resource intensity of their use limit applications. The availability of simple yet reliable statistical models based on high resolution maps of forest attributes at various development stages can link individual forest management practices to local temperature changes, and ultimately support the design of improved strategies. In this study, we investigate how forest management influences local surface temperature (LST) in Fennoscandia through a set of machine learning algorithms. We find that more developed forests are typically associated with higher LST than young or undeveloped forests. The mean multi-model estimates from our statistical system can accurately reproduce the observed LST. Relative to the present state of Fennoscandian forests, an ideal scenario with fully developed forests is found to induce an annual mean warming of 0.26 ℃ (0.03/0.69 ℃ as 5th/95th percentile), and an average cooling effect in the summer daytime from -0.85 to -0.23 ℃ (depending on the model). On the contrary, a scenario with undeveloped forests induces an annual average cooling of -0.29 ℃ (-0.61/-0.01 ℃), but daytime warming in the summer that can be higher than 1 ℃. A weak annual mean cooling of -0.01 ℃ is attributed to historical forest harvest that occurred between 2015 and 2018, with an increased daytime temperature in summer of about 0.04 ℃. Overall, this approach is a flexible option to study effects of forest management on LST that can be applied at various scales and for alternative management scenarios, thereby helping to improve local management strategies with consideration of effects on local climate.


  • A machine learning based statistical system is used to predict effects of forest management on LST
  • The system can accurately reproduce the observed LST in Fennoscandian forests
  • More developed forests are typically associated with higher LST than young or undeveloped forest
  • Historical forest management had a light mean annual cooling, but increased LST in the summer
  • The approach is flexible and can be applied at various scales and different management scenarios



Forest management, climate change, surface temperature, machine learning, statistical model

How to cite: Huang, B., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Hu, X., Zhao, W., and Cherubini, F.: Reductions in land surface temperature induced by forest management in Fennoscandia revealed by machine learning models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3248,, 2023.

Posters virtual: Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall BG

Chairpersons: Klaus Steenberg Larsen, Sara Marañon, Christoph Keuschnig
Páll Sigurðsson, Ivika Ostonen, Edda S. Oddsdóttir, and Bjarni D. Sigurdsson

Climate warming is predicted to be more pronounced in higher latitudes. As climate warms, it results in higher surface temperatures, subsequently raising the soil temperature, thus affecting soil processes, such as root growth and belowground C input. To improve our predictions of the response of boreal forests to climate change, it is important to better understand the effects the warming has on fine root production and mortality and how belowground NPP changes as compared to aboveground NPP. The ForHot research site in Iceland is a natural soil warming experiment, created in May 2008 by a major earthquake, after which the geothermal bedrock channels became warm in previously cold areas. In this study we use an experimental site with a stand of 50 year old Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), growing in soils, with a warming gradient from 0 to +6°C between 2008 and 2018.

For this study we used soil coring to assess fine root biomass (FRB), and minirhizotron technique to assess the fine root longevity. By combining these data, we were able to estimate the absolute values of fine root turnover, and thus the belowground litter input as well as belowground NPP along the soil warming gradient. By assessing the aboveground litter input with litter traps, we were as well able to estimate the ratio of above- and belowground litter inputs into the soil along the warming gradient. Our results showed a decrease in the fine root biomass with higher soil temperature, higher fine root turnover rate, and a higher ratio of above/belowground litter input.

How to cite: Sigurðsson, P., Ostonen, I., Oddsdóttir, E. S., and Sigurdsson, B. D.: Belowground growth responses of mature Picea sitchensis forest stand at different levels of soil warming, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15744,, 2023.