GMPV5.1 | Fluid-rock interaction: From nano-scale patterns to macro-scale metamorphic, deformation and geo-engineering processes
Fluid-rock interaction: From nano-scale patterns to macro-scale metamorphic, deformation and geo-engineering processes
Co-organized by TS1
Convener: Francesco Giuntoli | Co-conveners: Nicolas Beaudoin, Zhaoliang Hou, Cindy Luisier, Christine V. Putnis, M. Sophie Hollinetz, Berit Schwichtenberg
| Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–17:55 (CEST)
Room -2.47/48
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Hall X2
Posters virtual
| Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Orals |
Wed, 14:00
Wed, 10:45
Wed, 10:45
Reactions between fluids and rocks have a fundamental impact on many of the natural and geo-engineering processes across a wide range of scales. At the nano- and micro-scale, these processes can be recorded by the formation of natural patterns in rocks, such as the dendritic patterns, banding patterns, crack patterns, mineralogical replacement, growth patterns or deformation patterns. The visible regularity of pattern structures or textures elucidates the physio-chemical environment during fluid-rock interactions. At the meso- and macro-scale, such processes manifest in localization of deformation, earthquake nucleation caused by high pressure fluid pulses, as well as metamorphic reactions and rheological weakening triggered by fluid flow, metasomatism and fluid-mediated mass transport. Moreover, the efficiency of many geo-engineering processes is partly dependent on fluid-rock interactions, such as hydraulic fracturing, geothermal energy recovery, CO2 storage and wastewater injection. All our observations in the rock record are the end-product of all metamorphic, metasomatic and deformation changes that occurred during the interaction with fluid. Therefore, to investigate and understand these complex and interconnected processes, it is required to merge knowledge and techniques deriving from several disciplines of the geosciences.
We invite multidisciplinary contributions that investigate fluid-rock interactions throughout the entire breadth of the topic, using fieldwork, microstructural and petrographic analyses, geochemistry, experimental rock mechanics, thermodynamic modeling and numerical modeling.

Orals: Wed, 26 Apr | Room -2.47/48

Chairpersons: Francesco Giuntoli, Cindy Luisier, M. Sophie Hollinetz
Fluid-rock interaction
On-site presentation
Manuel D. Menzel, Janos L. Urai, Oliver Plümper, Markus Ohl, and Alexander Schwedt

Pervasive carbonation of serpentinized peridotite to carbonate-quartz rock (listvenite) due to infiltration of CO2-bearing fluid is a remarkable process because it can be geologically fast and it increases the rock’s carbon content from initially zero to > 30 wt% CO2. This pervasive conversion is related to an overall solid volume increase while at the same time requiring high time-integrated fluid rock ratios with permeability and diffusivity on all scales. Thus, porosity has to be created dynamically during reaction progress as otherwise fluid pathways become clogged by the reaction products carbonate and quartz, which is one of the major obstacles for artificial carbon storage by peridotite carbonation. Processes that can renew porosity and permeability during carbonation are fracturing and veining – in response to tectonic stress [1] or induced by reaction and crystal growth [2], or a combination of both –, reaction-enhanced ductile deformation [3,4], and spatial decoupling of dissolution and precipitation with solute transfer at different length scales.

Using SEM, EBSD, TEM and FIB nano-tomography, we investigated the microstructural record of local solute transfer and its role for porosity renewal in natural carbonate-bearing serpentinites, transitional serpentine-carbonate-quartz assemblages and listvenites from the Samail Ophiolite, Oman. The clearest indicators of pervasive replacement accommodated by local solute transfer are pseudomorphic replacement structures where carbonate and quartz occur in distinct microstructures corresponding to different inherited peridotite and serpentinite textures. A common pseudomorphic replacement structure in the Samail carbonated peridotite are quartz-fuchsite intergrowths replacing bastite (pseudomorphs after orthopyroxene) in listvenite with harzburgite protoliths. A local strong crystallographic alignment of quartz in each of the bastite/pyroxene pseudomorphs suggests that the anisotropic porosity structure of bastite serpentine favored oriented, epitaxial growth of quartz. Transitional serpentine-carbonate-quartz assemblages show that the first quartz and carbonate generations precipitate coeval but spatially separated, with distinct crystal habits. FIB nano-tomography, STEM analysis and high resolution SEM on ion-polished samples of a transitional serpentine-dolomite-quartz rock from the carbonation reaction front show nano-porous fluid channels in fibrous serpentine at high angle to a highly serrated carbonate-serpentine replacement contact. These nano-scale fluid channels facilitated bidirectional mass exchange of Ca, C, Mg and Si bearing solutes between sites of preferential replacement, such as the cores of serpentine mesh textures, and larger-scale permeability networks along veins and fractures. These observations imply that massive and pervasive solute transfer through the reacting serpentine matrix is possible on a small scale, without clogging of porosity by immediate co-precipitation of quartz or Mg-silicates. Spatial decoupling of dissolution and precipitation was likely caused by the dynamically evolving composition of the reacting fluid and/or due to the influence of differential stress and volumetric strain – a mechanism that can compensate on a local scale for the volume expansion expected of isochemical carbonation reactions.


[1] Menzel et al., Solid Earth, 2022;

[2] Kelemen & Hirth, EPSL, 2012;

[3] Menzel et al., Nature Communications, 2022;

[4] Kelemen et al., JGR, 2022;


Funding: Junta de Andalucía (Postdoc_21_00791); DFG grants UR 64/20-1, UR 64/17-1; and EU Horizon 2020 Transnational Access EXCITE _C1_2022_34.

How to cite: Menzel, M. D., Urai, J. L., Plümper, O., Ohl, M., and Schwedt, A.: Multiscale solute transfer and porosity evolution during pervasive replacement of serpentine by carbonate and quartz - insights from the Oman ophiolite, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11886,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Alice Macente, Katherine J. Dobson, John MacDonald, Fabian B. Wadsworth, and Jeremie Vasseur

Basaltic rocks are considered excellent candidates for CO2 storage by in situ mineral trapping, due to their large presence on Earth’ surface and their higher reactivity with CO2 to form calcium-rich minerals. Often carrying a high-volume fraction of vesicles, basaltic rocks can be an important reservoir horizon in petroleum systems. When the vesicle network has been filled by earlier mineralization the basalts can act as impermeable seals and traps. Characterizing the spatial and temporal evolution of the porosity and permeability is critical to understand the CO2 storage potential of basalts. We exploited X-ray computed tomography (XCT) to investigate the precipitation history of an amygdaloidal basalt containing a pore-connecting micro-fracture network now partially filled by calcite as an analogue for CO2 mineral trapping in a vesicular basalt. The fracture network likely represents a preferential pathway for CO2-rich fluids during mineralisation. We quantified the evolution of basalt porosity and permeability during pore-filling calcite precipitation by applying novel numerical erosion techniques to “back-strip” the calcite from the amygdales and fracture networks. We found that permeability evolution is dependent on the precipitation mechanism and rates, as well as on the presence of micro-fracture networks, and that once the precipitation is sufficient to close off all pores, permeability reaches values that are controlled by the micro-fracture network. These results prompt further studies to determine CO2 mineral trapping mechanisms in amygdaloidal basalts as analogues for CO2 injections in basalt formations.

How to cite: Macente, A., Dobson, K. J., MacDonald, J., Wadsworth, F. B., and Vasseur, J.: The Evolution of Paleo-Porosity in Basalts: Reversing Pore-Filling Mechanisms Using X-Ray Computed Tomography, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-478,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Florian Fusseis, James Gilgannon, Arne Jacob, Damien Freitas, Roberto Rizzo, and ian Butler

Fluid-rock interaction relies on the fluid’s ability to migrate through rocks, utilising permeable pore space. While we understand permeability in rocks that interact with fluids to evolve dynamically, e.g. in dehydration or carbonation reactions, we have very little quantitative information on these dynamics, as direct measurements of permeability in reacting rocks are inherently difficult.

Here, we present a series of permeability measurements that capture the evolving fluid transport properties of dehydrating gypsum samples. To derive these measurements, we used an X-ray transparent deformation rig to document gypsum dehydration in 4-dimensional µCT datasets and then modelled the permeability evolution for a segmented sub-volume numerically. In doing so, we were able to characterise the grain-scale porosity and permeability evolution of a dehydration reaction for the first time. We present analyses from two experimental time-series run at a fixed confining pressure, temperature and pore fluid pressure (Pc = 20 MPa; T = ~125 C; Pf = 5 MPa) but contrasting stress states: one with the largest principal stress (Δσ = 16.1 MPa) parallel to the sample cylinder axis and another the largest principal stress (Δσ = 11.3 MPa) being radial. In both cases, as pore space formed due to the negative change in the solid molar volume during the reaction, permeability evolved and increased congruently with porosity in time until ultimately reaching average values of 3.14E-13 m² and 4.55E-13 m², respectively. A clear spatial heterogeneity of fluid flow develops at the grain-scale along with the fabrics in the samples. Importantly,  the calculated permeability tensors are anisotropic from the onset, but  develop over different spatiotemporal trajectories and have different preferred orientations in the two experimental geometries: If the anisotropy is expressed as 1-(min_eigenvalue/max_eigenvalue) of the permeability tensor (where isotropy = 0), then the experiment with the largest principal stress applied radially has a final anisotropy of 0.45, with fluid flow efficiently focussed into a vertical lineation. In the case with an axial largest principal stress, the final anisotropy of permeability is 0.30 with fluid flow being channelled along a foliation that developed orthogonally to σ1.

Our results suggest that the spatial and temporal developments of permeability during a dehydration reaction are controlled by the orientation and relative magnitudes of the principal stresses of a tectonic environment, and that these two parameters exert a strong control on the efficiency of drainage and thus reaction progress. This has consequences for our understanding of fluid movements in thrust tectonics and subduction zones, but also in applications such as the in-situ carbonation of ultramafic rocks.

How to cite: Fusseis, F., Gilgannon, J., Jacob, A., Freitas, D., Rizzo, R., and Butler, I.: Emergent permeability in dehydrating rocks is controlled by the stress state and orientation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7041,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Simon Schorn, Evangelos Moulas, and Kurt Stüwe

Retrogression and hydration commonly affect large portions of the crust, causing variable degrees of chloritization, sericitization and/or serpentinization depending on the protolith and the conditions of fluid ingression. Retrograde overprint involving hydration is a strongly exothermic process, and leads to a thermal perturbation around the pressure–temperature conditions of hydration, which in the case of chloritization of felsic rocks typically occurs at <500°C. These conditions of retrogression overlap with the closure temperatures of some isotopic systems commonly used for geochronology, for example 40Ar/39Ar in micas and feldspars. The exothermicity of hydration therefore disturbs the recorded apparent ages and cooling histories of reworked terranes. Using an average metapelite composition as case study, we estimate that hydration and retrogression of a high-grade amphibolite facies assemblage to a low-grade greenschist paragenesis involves approximately a twofold increase of the mineral-bound water content and releases about 50 latent heat. Using a simple 1-dimensional numerical model, we solve the heat equation for a steady-state continental geotherm that is advected towards the surface and track the cooling rates for markers that exhume from different depths. Assuming enthalpy production at 380°C to simulate exothermic hydration, the cooling rate is significantly reduced until the markers are exhumed to the temperature/depth of hydration and reaction. The calculated cooling paths feed into KADMOS (Moulas & Brandon, 2022), a set of MATLAB routines designed to calculate apparent 40Ar/39Ar ages as function of customized thermal histories. KADMOS solves the equation of 40Ar production from 40K decay and thermally-activated diffusive loss of 40Ar for time (Fig. 1). Our results reveal that for intermediate exhumation rates, spherical muscovite grains with <100 µm in diameter are affected by a ~10% age error when latent heat is considered (Fig. 1b). Such muscovites in rocks exhuming with a velocity of, for example, 4 mm/year would record an apparent 40Ar/39Ar age of c. 10 Ma (Fig. 1a) and be affected by an absolute age error of ~1 Ma from thermal buffering by hydration, yielding an apparent age of 10 ± 1 Ma (Fig. 1b). Our calculations indicate that latent heat released from exothermic hydration may significantly disturb low-temperature isotopic systems, thereby complicating the cooling histories and obscuring the temporal constraints deduced from state-of-the-art geochronological systems.

Figure 1 – Exhumation velocity vs. grainsize contoured for apparent 40Ar/39Ar age in muscovite (a) and relative error when latent heat is considered (b)


Evangelos Moulas, & Mark T Brandon. (2022). KADMOS: a Finite Element code for the calculation of apparent K-Ar ages in minerals (Version 1). Zenodo.

How to cite: Schorn, S., Moulas, E., and Stüwe, K.: Hot when wet: the consequences of exothermic hydration on geochronology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5769,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Veronica Peverelli, Alfons Berger, Martin Wille, Andreas Mulch, Benita Putlitz, Pierre Lanari, Thomas Pettke, and Marco Herwegh

Crustal rocks involved in orogenic processes frequently bear evidence for widespread fluid circulation. The hydration history of the granitic continental crust in inverted passive continental margins is of particular interest, as granitoids experience rheological weakening by fluid-rock interaction processes. Regrettably, it is often unclear if hydration occurs during rifting or during tectonic inversion. Hence, it is difficult to appreciate the interplay of pre- and syn-orogenic fluids inside continental crustal segments of rifted margins. The geochemical fingerprint of ancient hydration events is stored in hydrous minerals that crystallized directly from circulating paleo-fluids. Thus, such minerals can shed light on the nature of these ancient fluids, as well as provide temporal constraints if they can be dated. Hence, advances in geochronological methods applied to hydrous minerals may prove pivotal in untangling the history of fluid circulation in the granitic continental crust in orogens.

We applied U–Pb geochronology of epidote [i.e., Ca2Al2(Al,Fe3+)Si3O12(OH)] in hydrothermal veins hosted by a late Carboniferous/early Permian calc-alkaline granodiorite in the inverted Adriatic passive continental margin (hereafter “Err nappe”), both located in the eastern Swiss Alps. During Jurassic rifting leading to the break-up of Pangea, the continental crust in the Err nappe was hydrated, as seawater-derived fluids percolated along syn-rift faults. However, geochronological data of epidote reveal that the hydration of the granitic continental crust in the Err nappe occurred also later during inversion. Epidote U–Pb geochronology returned two age clusters: (1) 85.2 ± 9.7 Ma, related to Late Cretaceous compression; and (2) 59.9 ± 2.7 Ma, related to subsequent Paleocene extension. These age clusters unveil two distict events of fluid circulation, which are consistent with the timing of tectonic inversion and deformation proposed in the literature. As confirmed by Pb–Sr–O–H isotope geochemistry of epidote, Late Cretaceous fluid circulation was likely mediated by fluids released by underlying units undergoing metamorphism during Eo-Alpine compression. Notably, the Paleocene fluids circulating during extension were most likely surficial in origin (i.e., meteoric water and/or modified/connate seawater), and they percolated into the granitic continental crust by exploiting extensional faults.

In the context of existing data, our results show that the hydration of the granitic continental crust of the Adriatic passive continental margin was mediated by a repeated series of fluid circulation events. Our work advocates that the use of a multi-methodological approach, combining new geochemical and geochronological, tools provides unprecedented insight into complex processes of fluid circulation in the continental crust, and beyond.

How to cite: Peverelli, V., Berger, A., Wille, M., Mulch, A., Putlitz, B., Lanari, P., Pettke, T., and Herwegh, M.: Complementing the hydration history of an inverted passive continental margin using epidote U–Pb geochronology and isotope geochemistry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-732,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jesse Walters, Horst Marschall, Tobias Grützner-Handke, Kevin Klimm, Brian Konecke, and Adam Simon

The oxidation state of sulfur in slab fluids is controversial, with both dominantly oxidized and reduced species proposed. Here we use in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy analysis of sulfur-in-apatite to monitor changes in the oxidation state of sulfur during high-P metasomatism by slab fluids in the subduction channel. Our samples include a 73 cm continuous transect of reaction zones between a metagabbroic eclogite block and serpentinite matrix from a mélange zone on the island of Syros, Greece. The block core consists of garnet, omphacite, phengite, paragonite, epidote-clinozoisite, and rutile. In this region, apatite is only observed as elongate inclusions in omphacite cores. From the core outwards micas are increasingly replaced by epidote-clinozoisite, garnets are smaller and more frequent, pyrite + bornite is observed as inclusions in recrystallized omphacite, and apatite is increasingly abundant in the matrix and inclusions in garnet. A major transition at 48 cm separates an assemblage of Ca-Na amphibole, omphacite, chlorite, pyrite, and apatite from the inner garnet-bearing eclogite assemblages. Omphacite disappears from the assemblage at ~56 cm and amphibole compositions sharply transition to tremolite at 59 cm. Finally, the assemblage tremolite + talc + pyrite is observed after ~70 cm.

Apatites in the eclogite assemblages exclusively display S6+ peaks in their absorption spectra. This includes apatite inclusions in omphacite in the least altered lithology, as well as matrix apatite and isolated apatite inclusions in garnet in the outermost metasomatized eclogite zone. In the intermediate pyrite-rich (~1–5 vol %) amphibole + omphacite + chlorite zone, apatite displays a strong S1- absorption peak in most grains, with rare analyses showing mixed S1- and S6+. Finally, apatite in the outermost tremolite-bearing assemblages only displays a S6+ peak. The pyrite-rich zone at 48 cm occurs at the initial interface between the serpentinite matrix and eclogite block, characterized by a dramatic decrease in Na content and Mg#. Our data suggest that reduction of S6+ in infiltrating fluids to S1- in pyrite became focused as Fe diffused across the steep Mg# gradient, resulting in pyrite precipitation. In contrast, S reduction in the Mg-rich tremolite-dominant portions of the transect was limited by a lack of Fe, resulting in low modes of pyrite and fluid buffered S6+ in apatite. Finally, S6+-bearing apatite is also observed in reaction zone lithologies from elsewhere on Syros, suggesting our observations are not isolated.

Two important conclusions are drawn from these data and observations: (1) In the case of Syros, slab fluids at eclogite-facies conditions carried oxidized S6+, and (2) The interaction of these fluids with eclogites composed of ferrous-Fe silicates resulted in extensive sulfide precipitation.

How to cite: Walters, J., Marschall, H., Grützner-Handke, T., Klimm, K., Konecke, B., and Simon, A.: Apatite as a monitor for sulfur redox reactions during fluid-rock interaction in the subduction channel, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7876,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Kristijan Rajič, Hugues Raimbourg, Antonin Richard, and Catherine Lerouge

To evaluate fluid-rock interaction in subducted sediments buried down to seismogenic depths (250-330℃), we describe mineral reactions along the prograde path and their influence on the fluid budget, fluid-mobile element concentrations, and δ7Li of fluids. We focused in particular on metapelitic rocks from two paleo-accretionary complexes, the Kodiak accretionary complex, USA, and the Shimanto belt, Japan.

In metapelites from Kodiak and Shimanto, illite-to-chlorite transformation is the main mineral reaction in the temperature range from 250 to 330℃. Such reaction requires additional H2O and the plausible explanation is the consumption of pore water, contributing to the increase in the salinity of the pore fluid from 250 to 330°C, trapped as inclusions in quartz veins. Textural evidences, mineral reactions, and mass-balance calculations suggest that the system behaved as closed in both studied sites in terms of major elements. However, trace elements provide a slightly different picture. Indeed, fluid-mobile elements (FME; Li, B, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba) indicate opposite trends between the two sites: In Kodiak, FME whole-rock concentrations are preserved from 250 to 330℃, in agreement with FME concentrations in illite and chlorite that suggest redistribution between rock-forming minerals. In contrast, samples from Shimanto show significant loss of all studied FME from 250 to 330℃, reflecting a decrease in the FME content of individual mineral phases.

Further insight into the fluid-rock interactions were provided by the analysis of δ7Li both in quartz and its fluid inclusions (FI) by applying crush-leach technique. In Kodiak, the fluid is characterized by relatively higher δ7Li than Shimanto (+8.1 to +17.07‰ in comparison to +2.53 to +10.39‰, respectively). Such variations can be accounted for by mineral reactions and lithium concentrations in individual phases. Chlorite is the main host of lithium. In the Kodiak complex, lithium concentrations in chlorite remains statistically identical between 250℃ and 330℃ (⁓240 ppm), whereas in the Shimanto belt significant decrease of lithium is observed in chlorite (from ⁓320 ppm in chlorite at 250℃ down to ⁓120 ppm at 330℃). Hence, the higher δ7Li of fluids in Kodiak is explained by the chlorite crystallization as it preferentially consumes 6Li and the fluid remains enriched in 7Li. Conversely, fluids from Shimanto are isotopically lighter than from Kodiak, consistent with lithium loss in chlorite as temperature increases. Therefore, δ7Li of fluids in both Kodiak and Shimanto examples can be accounted for by local redistribution of lithium between reacting phyllosilicates and their isotopic fractionation.

Overall, major elements, FME, and δ7Li of fluids point to a local redistribution of elements in the Kodiak complex, suggesting that the system behave as closed, as the studied units are underplated as a part of thick turbiditic sequence far from any large-scale fault zones. In the Shimanto belt, the loss of FME suggest rather the open system opposite to major elements, as they are more sensitive indicators of transfers between rock and fluid. Such opposite trend between Kodiak and Shimanto is largely controlled by (i) the amount of internal strain within the different units and (ii) the proximity to large-scale fault zones.

How to cite: Rajič, K., Raimbourg, H., Richard, A., and Lerouge, C.: Fluid-rock interaction in sediments subducted to the seismogenic zone: Implication from mineral reactions, fluid-mobile elements and δ7Li isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11946,, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Nicolas Beaudoin, Zhaoliang Hou, Christine V. Putnis
On-site presentation
Markus Rast, Claudio Madonna, Paul A. Selvadurai, Quinn Wenning, Jonas B. Ruh, and Antonio Salazar Vásquez

Clay-rich rocks occur in a wide range of tectonic settings. They are of great interest, for example, for the mechanical properties of shallow subduction zone interfaces, but also for natural barriers in nuclear waste deposits or as subsurface caprocks for CO2 storage. In contact with a polar fluid (e.g., water), the interaction between clay minerals and fluid can lead to swelling or, under confined conditions, build-up of swelling stress. Many studies have focused on the closure of cracks in clay-rich sedimentary rocks by swelling (also referred to as ’self-sealing’). However, less is known about how water-clay interactions affect the stress state of clay-rich rocks and whether they may induce slip along pre-existing faults. We try to address this knowledge gap in the present study by conducting triaxial shear experiments.

The experiments are performed using oblique saw-cut cylindrical samples, where the top half consists of a clay-rich rock (Opalinus claystone) and the bottom half of a permeable sandstone (Berea sandstone). To estimate the frictional properties of the sandstone-claystone interface, dry experiments are performed at 4 to 25 MPa confining pressure and constant axial displacement of 0.1 mm/min. Fluid injection experiments, where fluids are injected through the permeable footwall sandstone, are performed at 10 and 25 MPa confining pressure, constant piston position (no axial displacement), and an initial differential stress of about 70 % of the expected yield stress. The effect of water-clay interactions on the stress state is estimated by comparing the fluid pressures required to initiate slip when a non-polar fluid is injected (no water-clay interactions are expected) and when a polar fluid is injected (water-clay interactions will occur). In some experiments, the sample assemblage is equipped with fiber optics strain sensors glued to the surface of the sample to distinguish between (poro)elastic deformation of the matrix, deformation due to water-clay interaction, and elastic relaxation due to slip along the saw-cut.

For fluid injection experiments with a non-polar fluid (decane), the mechanical data indicate that slip along the saw-cut occurs at fluid pressures close to what is expected based on the friction slip envelope determined for the dry state. For fluid injection experiments with a polar fluid (deionized water), a differential stress drop already occurs when the water initially reaches the sandstone-claystone interface at ambient fluid pressure (0.1 MPa), which is not expected based on the dry friction slip envelope. The fiber optics strain sensor data indicate that swelling of the claystone is followed by a microstructural collapse before slip along the saw-cut likely occurs. In summary, our data suggest that water-clay interactions may initiate slip due to (1) the alteration of the friction slip envelope, (2) build-up of swelling stress, and (3) collapse of the claystone microstructure. However, to what extent these three mechanisms contribute to the according differential stress drop requires further research.

How to cite: Rast, M., Madonna, C., Selvadurai, P. A., Wenning, Q., Ruh, J. B., and Salazar Vásquez, A.: Fault slip in clay-rich rocks due to water-clay interactions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11542,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Piyal Halder, Anupam Sharma, Matsyendra Kumar Shukla, and Kamlesh Kumar

Since the impoundment of the Shivajisagar Reservoir behind the Koyna Dam in 1962, numerous earthquakes have been felt in the Koyna-Warna Seismogenic Region of Western India. The mesoscopic and microscopic observations on the basement granitoid core samples, recovered under the Continental Deep Drilling Program of the Ministry of Earth sciences, reveal the precipitation of calcite and the formation of clay minerals (illite and chlorite) along the fractures and faults. The presence of these secondary minerals alongside the primary minerals like quartz and feldspar is further supported by X-ray Diffraction, which also points to the fracture scale chemical alteration as a result of fluid-rock interactions. It's interesting to note that the precipitation of these hydrophilic clay minerals along faults and fractures might promote slip by raising fluid pressure and lowering the shear strength of the faults. Thus, secondary mineralization due to fluid-rock interaction may have a contribution to the release of strain in form of seismic tremors. On the other hand, the neoformation of these hydrophilic clay minerals along fault/fracture surfaces may also cause rheological incongruity, which could lower the density as well as P and S wave velocities. Besides, hydrogen atoms in clay-bound water may influence neutron capture, leading to over-optimistic estimations of neutron porosity. Additionally, our study supports past geophysical anomalies found in the KFD1 borehole and infers that the geophysical anomalies correlating to the growing fracture density and fault system of the basement rocks are caused by chemical alteration due to fluid-rock interaction and subsequent secondary mineralization. So, this research offers important new understandings of geochemical activity in the context of geophysics and serves as a bridge between geochemistry and geophysics.

How to cite: Halder, P., Sharma, A., Shukla, M. K., and Kumar, K.: Is secondary mineralization playing a pivotal role in recurring seismicity at Koyna-Warna Seismogenic Region of India: a geochemical perspective?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-626,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ina Alt, Tobias Fusswinkel, Thomas Wagner, Pieter Z. Vroon, and Fraukje M. Brouwer

Cycling of fluids and their carried metals in the continental crust results in the local enrichment of certain elements, such as Pb, Zn, Cu, at upper crustal levels. Upper crustal ore deposits play a significant role for the advance of our core technologies facilitating communication and transportation. Determining where and how metals are cycled at crustal scale is crucial to infer potential ore deposits.

This study focuses on base metal (Pb, Zn, Cu) quartz vein mineralization in the Moldanubian Domain in central Czech Republic. During the waning stages of the Variscan orogeny, the Moldanubian was affected by MP-HT metamorphism due to underplating of the Saxothuringian Domain and the Brunia microplate [1, 2]. The continuous compressional stress regime led to the collapse and subsequent uplift of the central Moldanubian Domain. This rapid uplift triggered decompressional melting, leading to the formation of a batholith known as the Moldanubian pluton [2]. Collapse occurred along two large scale fault systems perpendicular to the prevailing stress regime [2, 3]. We suggest tectonic movement led to fluid infiltration of the migmatized upper crust preserved as quartz veins with Pb-Zn-Cu mineralization. Once the Moldanubian Domain reached upper crustal levels, rehydration of the rocks and passive enrichment of metals in the fluid occurred.

Petrographic observations show that the composition of fluids changed over time. The first generation of fluids generated translucent quartz with comparable few and small (5 - 30 µm) inclusions whereas the second generation of fluids produced more and bigger (10 - 70 µm) fluid inclusions that incorporate solid phases in 10 % of observed inclusions. The last phases to precipitate in cavities are the base metal sulfides which appear as pyrite, galena, and sphalerite.

Microthermometry data supports a gradual change of fluid composition as first-generation fluid inclusions show NaClequiv values lower than 1 wt.-%, while second-generation fluid inclusions are significantly higher in salinity with 3 - 7 wt.-% NaClequiv. Raman spectroscopy of fluid inclusions of second-generation quartz show enrichment of CH4 and N2 in the gaseous phase, representing a reducing environment. LA-ICPMS data of single fluid inclusions will be used to generate a geochemical fingerprint of the fluids responsible for ore generation.


[1] Schulmann, K., et al., An Andean type Palaeozoic convergence in the Bohemian Massif. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 2009. 341(2-3): p. 266-286.

[2] Verner, K., et al., Formation of elongated granite–migmatite domes as isostatic accommodation structures in collisional orogens. Journal of Geodynamics, 2014. 73: p. 100-117.

[3] Žák, J., et al., A plate-kinematic model for the assembly of the Bohemian Massif constrained by structural relationships around granitoid plutons. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2014. 405(1): p. 169-196.

How to cite: Alt, I., Fusswinkel, T., Wagner, T., Vroon, P. Z., and Brouwer, F. M.: Base metal ore mineralization in the upper crust of the Moldanubian Domain, Bohemian Massif, CZ: generation and source, a question of fluid flow, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7599,, 2023.

Mineralization, dissolution and replacement patterns and mechanisms
On-site presentation
Piotr Szymczak and Agnieszka Budek

We consider a porous medium infiltrated by a reactive fluid which triggers coupled dissolution/precipitation reactions at pore surfaces. To study these processes, we model the porous medium as a system of interconnected pipes with the diameter of each segment increasing in proportion to the local reactant consumption. Moreover, the topology of the network is allowed to change dynamically during the simulation: as the diameters of the eroding pores become comparable with the interpore distances, the pores are joined together thus changing the interconnections within the network. With this model, we investigate different growth regimes in an evolving porous medium, allowing for both erosion and precipitation of the dissolved material.

The interplay of flow, transport and reaction in such a system can give rise to a variety of patterns: from spontaneous channeling to nearly homogeneous transformation of the entire rock matrix into the product phase. Interestingly, even if the product phase has a larger molar volume than the parent phase, clogging in such a system can be avoided, due to the interplay of dissolution and precipitation resulting in the continuous creation of new flow paths. These results can be relevant for the analysis of carbonation reactions, in which an important goal is to avoid clogging of the pore space that can lead to permeability reduction and the overall slowdown of the process.

How to cite: Szymczak, P. and Budek, A.: Channeling, clogging and permeability oscillations: different macroscopic regimes in mineral replacement   , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10432,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Shuo Zhang, Donald DePaolo, and Qicui Jia

Strontium (Sr) is a common trace element in calcite which is incorporated during calcite precipitation through either inorganic or organic pathways. The ratio of Sr to calcium (Ca) in carbonate rocks and minerals has been widely used in studies of paleoceanography, marine sediment diagenesis, and hydrothermal alteration of oceanic crust. The partitioning coefficient of Sr (KSr) describes fundamentally the partitioning of Sr between calcite and aqueous solutions, but is a complicated function of environmental conditions and water composition. It has long been recognized that KSr is strongly dependent on the precipitation rate of calcite (Rp), which has been formulated in a surface kinetic model [1] and a subsequent ion-by-ion model [2]. We re-evaluate available experimental data of Sr partitioning in calcite and find apparent dependence of KSr on calcite oversaturation and solution pH [3]. An ion-by-ion model is developed that successfully reproduces the observed KSr values at given solution chemistry [4]. Our model also reproduces observed KSr-Rp relationships at various temperatures of 5, 25 and 40 oC. This model provides an opportunity to evaluate effects of past seawater composition on Sr partitioning and their possible roles in reconstructing seawater Sr/Ca ratio in the geological history [5], in using pore fluid Sr concentration to extract sediment-fluid exchange rates in deep sea carbonate sediments [5], and in understanding Sr partitioning in biogenic calcite such as foraminifera.


[1] DePaolo, D.J., Surface kinetic model for isotopic and trace element fractionation during precipitation of calcite from aqueous solutions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2011. 75(4): p. 1039-1056.

[2] Nielsen, L.C., J.J. De Yoreo, and D.J. DePaolo, General model for calcite growth kinetics in the presence of impurity ions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2013. 115: p. 100-114.

[3] Zhang, S. and D.J. DePaolo, Equilibrium calcite-fluid Sr/Ca partition coefficient from marine sediment and pore fluids. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 2020. 289: p. 33-46.

[4] Jia, Q., et al., A model for pH dependent strontium partitioning during calcite precipitation from aqueous solutions. Chemical Geology, 2022. 608: p. 121042.

[5] Zhang, S., R.J. Zhou, and D.J. DePaolo, The seawater Sr/Ca ratio in the past 50 Myr from bulk carbonate sediments corrected for diagenesis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020. 530: p. 115949.

How to cite: Zhang, S., DePaolo, D., and Jia, Q.: Strontium partitioning in calcite and its controling factors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10955,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ewa Stępień and Maciej Manecki

The mobility of arsenic in aquatic environments is controlled by oxidation states of arsenic, stability of solid phases, and chemical composition of water (Meng et al., 2002). Binding of arsenic in the environment may occur through precipitation of low-solubility salts (Magalhães, 2002), like mimetite Pb5(AsO4)3Cl. The aim of this study is to experimentally investigate reactions between cerussite (PbCO3) and solutions containing AsO43- at various conditions favouring mimetite formation. These observations may provide a new recognition for As immobilization, which might be relevant in remediation of contaminated natural waters.

The mechanism of cerussite reaction with arsenate solutions (50 mg As/L) was studied at pH 2 – 8 using synthetic cerussite powder and fragments of natural cerussite crystals (Mibladen, Morocco). The reaction was carried out by direct contact of 500 ml of As-containing solution with PbCO3, in presence of Cl- ions.Cerussite was reacted for up to 4 weeks at in situ and ex situ setups. X–Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (SEM-EDS) and Electron Microprobe Analysis (EMPA) were used for analysis of the solid products of the experiments. The solutions were tested for Pb with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) and for AsO43-  using colorimetry.

Precipitation of mimetite on cerussite powder crystals is observed already after 1 day of the reaction with arsenate solutions, at the whole range of pH. Mimetite forms hexagonal rods or needles less than 1 µm in size precipitating in the form of incrustations on PbCO3 crystals. Their size depends on the pH: a fine-grained precipitate forms at higher pH. Observations of natural crystals show replacement of cerussite by polycrystalline mimetite crust. The crust made of columnar and needle crystals is porous allowing for solution penetration and progress of the reaction. The replacement features indicate similarity to pseudomorphic reactions, and the mechanism elucidated as interface coupled dissolution - precipitation. Overall, cerussite replacement by mimetite reduces AsO43- concentration from 50 ppm to below 1 ppm. It also depends on the pH.

This research was funded by AGH University of Science and Technology project No

Magalhães, M. C. F. (2002). Arsenic. An environmental problem limited by solubility. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 74(10), 1843–1850.

Meng, X., Jing, C., & Korfiatis, G. P. (2002). A Review of Redox Transformation of Arsenic in Aquatic Environments. Biogeochemistry of Environmentally Important Trace Elements, 70–83.


How to cite: Stępień, E. and Manecki, M.: Experimental model of cerussite PbCO3 replacement by mimetite Pb5(AsO4)3Cl at pH 2 – 8, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1817,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Armin Mozhdehei, Lionel Mercury, and Aneta Slodczyk

Water-rock interaction determines how the geochemical cycles evolve from Earth surface to the deep interior, related to the fluxes, time, and reactivity between fluid phases and solids. Thus, quantifying mass balances from the global scale to the local one, for understanding planetary geodynamics as well as optimizing geothermal doublets, require understanding how the driving force is controlled between solids and dissolved phases [1, 2]. As a consequence, water-rock budget has a major role to drive the porosity accessible to flow. The standard approach is to consider the chemical potentials of the bulk phases assuming the interface to be infinitely thin and therefore thermodynamically negligible, except with highly divided materials and/or super-confined solutions. Our work is based on previous investigations evidencing the formation of an interphase layer/domain, up to one micron thick, having distinct thermodynamic features with respect to the bulk phase properties [3].  

Herein, diffraction limited FTIR micro-spectroscopy in transmission mode, based on confocal microscope coupled to broadband supercontinuum laser or synchrotron beam, was employed as an energetic probe to monitor the thermodynamic characteristics of liquid water as a function of beam location in a synthetic fluid inclusion (one pore micro-scale closed cavity). FTIR hyperspectral data was recorded to illustrate distance-dependent vibrational energy (absorption signatures) at room and homogenization temperatures. The vibrational energy was transformed to Gibbs free energy using a partition function [4].

The results showed that Gibbs free energy changes by 600 to 1000 J/mol up to 1μm far from the water-quartz interface. This variation indicates a significant change in the chemical reactivity of liquid water over a thick domain, rather defining an “interphase” instead of an “interface.” We observed that the thermodynamic property of this interphase domain has a thermal dependency, and by increasing the temperature the chemical potential has a higher value. The Gibbs free energy variation with T can be interpreted by either an enthalpic or an entropic contribution, or a combination of both. This surprising discovery calls for a shift in the paradigm of the bulk phases dominance in water-rock interaction.


1. Putnis, A., Fluid–Mineral Interactions: Controlling Coupled Mechanisms of Reaction, Mass Transfer and Deformation. Journal of Petrology, 2021. 62(12): p. egab092.

2. Putnis, A., J. Moore, and H. Austrheim, Fluid-rock reaction mechanisms and the inevitable consequences for mass transport and texture formation. 2022, Copernicus Meetings.

3. Bergonzi, I., et al., Oversolubility in the microvicinity of solid–solution interfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016. 18(22): p. 14874-14885.

4. Bergonzi, I., et al., Gibbs free energy of liquid water derived from infrared measurements. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014. 16(45): p. 24830-24840.


How to cite: Mozhdehei, A., Mercury, L., and Slodczyk, A.: Experimental Measurements of Micron-thick Interphase Thermodynamics along a Water-Rock Interface, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-463,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Thomas Griffiths, Gerlinde Habler, Olga Ageeva, Christoph Sutter, Ludovic Ferrière, and Rainer Abart

Dendritic crystallisation is a key geological pattern-forming mechanism, typical of, and recording information about, rapid crystallization events. In this contribution we report on clinopyroxene (Cpx) dendrites in a basaltic rock fulgurite, which formed due to electrical discharge impacting a basaltic rock. Unusually, these dendrites exhibit a curved morphology. The curved, tapering main dendrite branches are up to 50 µm long, range from 3 µm to 100 nm thickness, and are surrounded by several higher orders of branches, which are also curved. The morphological curvature corresponds to lattice rotation, so branches have consistent elongation directions in crystal coordinates. Total rotation exceeds 180° for some branches, with the highest curvature found being 7° per µm. Such “bent” Cpx dendrites have been observed in experiments (e.g. Hammer et al. 2010), but the mechanism of bending was not previously understood.

By combining microstructural observations with crystallographic orientation maps from electron backscatter diffraction analyses of multiple Cpx dendrites, their three-dimensional morphological and crystallographic configuration was reconstructed. Dendrites feature a planar latticework of branches parallel to the Cpx (010) plane. Branches in this plane are elongated either parallel to {001}* (i.e. normal to the (001) plane) or <10-1>, and exhibit strong and weak lattice curvature, respectively. Sprouting out of this plane are branches parallel to {021}* (originating from {001}* branches) and <12-1> (originating from <10-1> branches), both types being weakly curved. Regardless of the crystallographic direction parallel to elongation, all branches exhibit a crystallographic rotation axis parallel to [010] of Cpx. Furthermore, the rotation sense is consistent regardless of elongation direction in crystal or sample coordinates.

The crystallographic control on the sense of bending and on the rotation axis indicates that bending is not caused by sample-scale compositional, thermal, or mechanical gradients. Instead, asymmetric compositional and thermal fields around branch tips are responsible for bending, supported by the fact that compositional gradients exist in the glass surrounding dendritic crystals. The specific cause of bending is inferred to be asymmetric distribution of melt supersaturation at branch tips, resulting from unequal growth rates of different facets. Branch-tip morphology alone poorly explains the constant sense of rotation of all branches, as the sense of morphological asymmetry is unlikely to be consistent for all branch types. The [010] rotation axis implies that lattice rotation is accomplished by incorporation of a single sign of [001](100) edge dislocations, with a maximum inferred density of 2*1014 m-2.

This work provides new insights into fundamental processes occurring during rapid crystallization of Cpx and other minerals. Furthermore, microstructural observations suggest that higher degree of undercooling correlates with greater lattice curvature. Bent dendrites may thus encode information about spatial variations in the cooling rate and/or undercooling of samples. Finally, the consistent [010] rotation axis is expected to be preserved during recrystallization, offering a potential way to identify curved dendritic growth stages even after recrystallization.


Hammer et al. (2010), Geology 38:367-370.

Griffiths et al. (2022), J Petrol, egac125.

This contribution was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P 33227-N

How to cite: Griffiths, T., Habler, G., Ageeva, O., Sutter, C., Ferrière, L., and Abart, R.: What is the cause of lattice rotation in clinopyroxene dendrites?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9162,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Dawid Woś and Piotr Szymczak

Mineral dendrites are an example of a pattern which forms in rocks when they are infiltrated by the hydrothermal, manganese-rich fluids. As these fluids mix with other oxygenated fluids within the fractured rock, manganese oxide is formed. The oxide then precipitates, forming intricate, branched patterns. Several models of this process have been proposed, which vary in complexity. One model assumes crystallization of manganese oxides directly on the surface of the growing dendrite, causing it to elongate. Another model involves an initial growth of small nanoparticles of manganese oxide, which then aggregate into larger structures. The evolution of the system in both models is described by the system of reaction-diffusion equations.


We study this process using lattice-Boltzmann method to track the evolving concentrations of the species involved in reaction. Next, we analyze the dependence of the morphology of the resulting patterns on the physical parameters characterizing the reaction and growth, such as initial concentrations of manganese ions and oxygen molecules, reaction rates, nucleation thresholds or surface energy of the dendrites. Our study has been focused on planar structures, growing along fractures or bedding planes. We have investigated the impact of multiple infiltrations of manganese-bearing fluid on the morphology of the dendrites. We compare the numerical results to the morphologies of the real systems with the aim of reconstructing the hydrochemical conditions prevailing during their growth

How to cite: Woś, D. and Szymczak, P.: Computer modeling of mineral dendrite growth, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-236,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Rishabh Prakash Sharma, Peter K. Kang, and Piotr Szymczak

Dissolution of carbonate rocks is a complex process in which the interplay of flow, transport, reaction, and geometric evolution plays an important role. The nonlinear couplings between these processes may lead to the formation of intricate patterns, including spontaneously formed channels (wormholes) [1].  It has been long established that the shapes of the dissolution patterns depend on fluid flow and mineral dissolution rates [2]. Recently, it also has become increasingly clear that pore-scale processes can impact large-scale morphologies [3,4]. However, the effects of pore-scale mixing on large-scale patterns remain unclear.

In this work, we investigate the effect of pore-scale mixing processes on the evolution of dissolution channels. Pore space is represented by a network of cylindrical tubes with the diameter of each segment increasing in proportion to the local reactant consumption. The inlet concentration of each pore is controlled by local mixing rules. Two different mixing protocols are considered: full mixing, in which the incoming reactant fluxes are assumed to be completely mixed at the intersection, and streamline routing, where the tracer follows the streamlines into the outgoing pores. We found that streamline routing enhances the flow focusing particularly strongly in moderate Damköhler number regimes where relatively wide dissolution channels appear spontaneously in the system. With the same initial conditions as the full mixing case, the winning channels obtained with streamline routing not only propagate faster but also could grow at a different location in the system. The enhanced flow focusing caused by streamline routing produces thinner wormholes and leads to shorter breakthrough times. Lastly, the evolution of velocity distribution is also found to be distinctive depending on the mixing rule.

[1] Hoefner, M. L. and Fogler,  H. S. AIChE J. 34: 45–54, 1988

[2] Golfier, F., et al.  J. Fluid. Mech. 457: 213-254, 2002

[3] Li, L., Peters, C. A., & Celia, M. A. Adv. Water Res., 29: 1351–1370, 2006

[4] R. Roded, P. Szymczak, R. Holtzman, Geophys. Res. Lett. 48:e2021GL093659, 2021

How to cite: Sharma, R. P., Kang, P. K., and Szymczak, P.: Effects of mixing at pore intersections on large-scale dissolution patterns, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-275,, 2023.

Posters on site: Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X2

Chairpersons: Francesco Giuntoli, Nicolas Beaudoin, Berit Schwichtenberg
Fluid-rock interaction
Barbara Marchesini, Stefano Tavani, Marco Mercuri, Luca Aldega, Nicola Mondillo, Mattia Pizzati, Fabrizio Balsamo, and Eugenio Carminati

Geothermal heat is a crucial source of renewable energy. Its present and future exploitation can be enhanced by the understanding of the in–situ structural and mineralogical processes and of how these processes may change the reservoir productivity.  Fossil hydrothermal system may thus be used as analogues to study in-situ fluid-rock interaction processes in active geothermal systems.

We present the results of a structural-mineralogical study carried out in the lithocap of the Allumiere high-sulphidation epithermal system (Tolfa Mountains district, northern Latium, Italy). We integrated measurements of attitude of faults and fractures from field analysis with a virtual outcrop model constructed from drone imagery to model the distribution of major faults at the scale of the entire quarry. We then characterized the textures and mineralogical compositions of the alteration facies using optical petrography, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction analysis and field-based short-wave infrared (SWIR) spectrometer and we mapped their distribution in relation to major faults orientation.

We interpreted that initial argillization was promoted by circulation of highly reactive fluid(s) along a major fluid conduit, probably in the form of a network of fault and fractures. Fluid circulation promotes hydrolytic alteration of the Plio-Quaternary pyroclastic rocks, forming a highly silicified carapace at the immediate vicinity of conduits. Enrichment in alunite and kaolinite increases towards distal areas, which in turn fades out into illite-smectite-bearing zone, where the country rock appears less altered.  Latest fracturing and fluid circulation occurs along two major sets of faults, oriented NE-SW and NW-SE that sharply put in contact different mineralogical facies.

We propose that initial alteration induces a mineralogical-mechanical zonation that control latest reactivations of the system. Strain localization promotes a massive mineralization of alunite and kaolinite by continuous dissolution and precipitation along major faults.

How to cite: Marchesini, B., Tavani, S., Mercuri, M., Aldega, L., Mondillo, N., Pizzati, M., Balsamo, F., and Carminati, E.: Structurally controlled kaolinite-alunite mineralization in the lithocap of a fossil geothermal system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15099,, 2023.

Federica Salomone and David Dolejš

Solubility of quartz in aqueous fluids over a wide range of temperatures and pressures is crucial for our understanding of water–rock interaction. Experimental data cover a temperature range of 20 to 1130 °C and pressures from 1 to 20 kbar, and this dataset provides a useful basis for critical comparison and development of thermodynamic models for mineral solubility and aqueous solutes. Thermodynamic models for quartz solubility in pure water (1982-2021) are based on one of the following approaches: (1) successive hydration of solute, (2) correlation with solvent density, (3) virial equation of state for solute-solvent mixtures, or (4) Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers (HKF) electrostatic equation of state. Predictions from these models generally converge at hydrothermal and supercritical temperatures in the fluid density range of 0.6-1.0 g cm-3. At high temperatures and fluid densities, the models based on successive hydration or virial expansion loose their physical meaning; the electrostatic approaches tend to overestimate the quartz solubility, although the large number of parameters in the HKF equation of state offers remarkably large calibration flexibility. At low pressures and low fluid densities, the individual approaches diverge: the density and virial models correctly approach the limiting case of ideal gas, but the virial equations of state tend to predict consistently higher solubilities. In this study we develop a more physically rigorous density-based model for quartz and test its performance in low-pressure aqueous fluids. Thermodynamic properties of aqueous solute are formulated as a function of hydration number that is typically variable at very low pressures (< 400 bar). At partial hydration, the thermodynamic properties of species are mainly controlled by enthalpy of stepwise hydration reactions and long-range solute-solvent interactions are minimal. At complete inner-sphere hydration the thermodynamic properties of aqueous species become a combined contribution of unhydrated species properties, mechanic interaction in the hydration sphere and standard-state conversion terms. When complete hydration of a species is achieved, Gibbs energy of species becomes linear with log water density at constant temperature, thus mimicking the linear log K – log density relationship for the mineral solubility equilibrium.

How to cite: Salomone, F. and Dolejš, D.: Quartz solubility in low-density aqueous fluids: evaluation and development of thermodynamic models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12318,, 2023.

Lorena H. Filiberto, Håkon Austrheim, and Andrew Putnis

The Bergen Arcs, in Norway, consist of several arcuate nappes formed during the Caledonian orogeny 440-420 Ma ago (Bingen et al., 2001; Glodny et al., 2008) when the western margin of Baltica was subducted below Laurentia. This Caledonian orogeny overprinted many of the anorthosites that formed the 930 Ma old (Bingen et al., 2001) granulitic basement. This overprint resulted in both amphibolites and eclogites and have been observed in shear zones within the rocks of the well-studied island of Holsnøy, located on the western margin of the Lindås Nappe. On the adjacent island of Radøy, the Caledonian overprint is associated with amphibolite facies shear zones (Mukai et al., 2014; Moore et al., 2020).

In the northern margin of the Bergen Arcs, near the Bergen Arcs Shear Zone, the much less-studied island of Krossøy also exposes the anorthosites from the old granulitic basement and here the Caledonian overprint also resulted only in amphibolite facies metamorphism. The anorthosites in Krossøy are intruded by a series of subparallel mafic granulitic dykes forming the Krossøy dyke swarm, that has never previously been described elsewhere in the Bergen Arcs. The style of deformation in the granulites and the textural evolution in the amphibolite facies overprint are also markedly different from the rocks on Holsnøy and Radøy. The development of ductile Caledonian shear zones may have been facilitated by initial brittle failure of the basement accompanied by fluid infiltration (Jamtveit et al., 2018). Here we investigate the influence of this deformation and fluid infiltration on different features observed on these rocks such as: the occurrence of plagioclase coronas around the garnets on the dykes; the presence of different types of symplectites; the variability of size, deformation and composition observed on the anorthositic feldspars; or the local changes of fluid composition along cm- long fractures. We will show our first analytical results on some of these key features and discuss their relevance in the context of the previous studies of the Bergen Arcs.


Bingen, B., David, W. J., & Austrheim, H. (2001). Zircon U-Pb geochronology in the Bergen Arc eclogites and their Protereyoic protoliths, and implications for the pre-Scandian evolution of the Caledonides in western Norway. In GSA Bulletin (Issue 5).<0640:ZUPGIT>2.0.CO;2

Glodny, J., Kühn, A., & Austrheim, H. (2008). Geochronology of fluid-induced eclogite and amphibolite facies metamorphic reactions in a subduction-collision system, Bergen Arcs, Norway. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 156(1), 27–48.

Jamtveit, B., Moulas, E., Andersen, T. B., Austrheim, H., Corfu, F., Petley-Ragan, A., & Schmalholz, S. M. (2018). High Pressure Metamorphism Caused by Fluid Induced Weakening of Deep Continental Crust. Scientific Reports, 8(1).

Moore J., Beinlich A., Piazolo S., Austrheim H. & Putnis A.  (2020). Metamorphic differentiation via enhanced dissolution along high permeability zones. Journal of Petrology 61, 10.

Mukai H., Austrheim H., Putnis CV. & Putnis A. (2014). Textural evolution of plagioclase feldspar across a shear zone: implications for deformation mechanism and rock strength. Journal of Petrology. 55, 1457-1477.

How to cite: Filiberto, L. H., Austrheim, H., and Putnis, A.: Deformation and fluid-infiltration influence in the evolution of the Krossøy dyke-swarm in the northern part of the Bergen Arcs, Norway, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5460,, 2023.

Intan Chalid, Klaudia Kuiper, Leo Kriegsman, Simona Ferrando, Fraukje Brouwer, and Jan Wijbrans

Quartz veins in metamorphic basement rocks document periods of hydrous fluid mobility. Here, we present a study of vein formation in the Agly Massif, eastern French Pyrenees, which was subjected to metamorphism during the Hercynian and Alpine orogenies and during Mesozoic extension between the two (Siron et al., 2020).

In this study, fourteen quartz samples have been selected for 40Ar/39Ar dating of the fluids inside fluid inclusions (FIs) by stepwise crushing. The results are characteristic for this method: all samples show anomalously high ages in the first part of the experiments decreasing to essentially flat plateaus in the final steps. The plateau ages are interpreted as the time of quartz vein formation, ranging from 117 to 62 Ma, i.e., mid-Cretaceous to early Paleocene. The initial values indicate the presence of another trapped argon component, with  40Ar/36Ar intercepts >6000. An additional nine K-feldspar samples from the same veins are dated by incremental heating.

The quartz veins show considerable variation in mineral content, including feldspars, biotite, muscovite, chlorite, and minor amounts of epidote, almandine, apatite, ilmenite, titanite, and scapolite. Mineral assemblages including quartz, chlorites, epidote, muscovite point to crystallization in the greenschist facies around ca 300°C (Palin, 2020).

Preliminary FI data are collected from primary FIs occurring in vein quartz  from the Souanyes and Bélesta areas. FIs from Souanyes are two-phase (liquid + vapor with constant ratio) aqueous inclusions with high salinity (26.0 NaCleq). FIs from Bélesta are aqueo-carbonic multi-phase inclusions (liquid water + gaseous phase, usually supercritical at room temperature ± a cubic salt ± a carbonate, measured using Raman spectroscopy). During microthermometric measurements, these FIs show metastable behavior (e.g., lacking salt re-nucleation after melting) or experienced post-trapping modifications (salt precipitation after cooling) that prevent to obtain an accurate salinity. However, a salinity of ca. 26.3 wt% NaCleq can be deduced. The lack of freezing of the gaseous phase during cooling reveals the presence of contaminant gas (N2, measured using Raman spectroscopy) within CO2.

In summary, most quartz veins in the Agly massif formed during the Cretaceous, which is consistent with recent thermochronology (Odlum & Stockli 2019). The vein mineralogy points to emplacement in the greenschist facies of high-salinity aqueous fluids, locally with CO2 and N2.

  • Odlum, M., Stockli, D.F. (2019) Thermotectonic evolution of the north Pyrenean Agly Massif during early Cretaceous hyperextension using multi-mineral U-Pb thermochronometry. 38: pp. 1509-1531. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Palin, R.M. (2020) Metamorphism of pelitic (Al-Rich) rocks. In module Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 2: pp. 1-12. Elsevier Inc. 
  • Siron G, Goncalves P, Marquer D, Pierre T, Paquette J-L, Vanardois J. (2020) Contribution of magmatism, partial melting buffering and localized crustal thinning on the late Variscan thermal structure of the Agly massif (French Pyrenees). Metamorph Geol. 38: pp. 799-829. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

How to cite: Chalid, I., Kuiper, K., Kriegsman, L., Ferrando, S., Brouwer, F., and Wijbrans, J.: Quartz vein formation in the Agly massif, French Pyrenees: 40Ar/39Ar dating, mineral chemistry, and fluid inclusion study., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5808,, 2023.

Dominikus Deka Dewangga, Chin-Ho Tsai, Hao-Yang Lee, Wen-Han Lo, Yoshiyuki Iizuka, and Chi-Yu Lee

The Yuli belt in eastern Taiwan attests to tectonic evolution involving subduction metamorphism because two metamélange units contain high-pressure (HP) blocks or layers of metaigneous rocks and serpentinites enclosed in metasedimentary schists. Metasomatic reaction zones occur locally along the contact between serpentinite (SP) and pelitic schist (PS). In the Tsunkuanshan area, we recognized five metasomatic zones. From PS to SP, the dominant minerals in each zone are: (I) albite, chlorite, phengite; (II) albite, amphibole, biotite, stilpnomelane; (III) chlorite, phengite, albite, epidote; (IV) epidote, chlorite, albite; and (V) talc, chlorite. Minor garnet and glaucophane are present in zone I and II, respectively. Field and petrographic observations combined with whole-rock major elements data suggest that this rock association was formed by diffusive exchanges between the PS and SP. Zones I - IV and PS samples show identical rare earth element (REE) patterns, indicating that these zones are of PS protolith. Hence, the original boundary between the PS and SP is likely in the zone IV and V. The isocon method was applied to quantify the mass balance among the metasomatic zones. The result shows mass changes in zones: I: +12%; II: -4%; III: +50%; IV: +56%. Enrichment of Ca is present in the entire reaction zones, especially the zone IV (up to 91%), whereas Na is only enriched within the zone I (~80%) and II (~89%). These enrichments are likely due to the involvement of external fluids. The formation of these metasomatic rocks was not only controlled by diffusive exchanges between PS and SP, but also by the Na and Ca rich fluid infiltrations. The existence of glaucophane within the zone II indicates that the metasomatism occurred under HP metamorphic conditions in a paleo-subduction interface.

Keywords: Fluid-rock interactions, isocon method, Na and Ca rich fluids, high-pressure, Yuli belt.

How to cite: Dewangga, D. D., Tsai, C.-H., Lee, H.-Y., Lo, W.-H., Iizuka, Y., and Lee, C.-Y.: Mass transfer between serpentinites and metapelites in a paleo-subduction interface: a case study from the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11811,, 2023.

Mineralization, dissolution and replacement patterns and mechanisms
Damien Freitas, Ian Butler, Stephen Elphick, James Gilgannon, Roberto Rizzo, Oliver Pluemper, John Wheeler, Christian Schlepuetz, Federica Marone, and Florian Fusseis

The 3rd and 4th generation of synchrotron light sources with their high brilliance, fluxes and beam energies allow the development of innovative X-ray translucent rock deformation apparatus that maximise these capabilities. Following on from the development of the Mjolnir triaxial deformation rig (Butler et al., 2020), we present an upscaled design: Heitt Mjolnir, covering a wider temperature range and larger sample volume while operating at similar pressure, enabling a wide range of time-resolved investigations. This device is designed to characterise coupled hydraulic, chemical and mechanical processes, occurring at various temperatures, from the µm to the centimetre scale in cylindrical samples of 10 mm diameter and 20 mm length. Heitt Mjolnir can simultaneously reach confining pressures of ≤30 MPa (hydraulic), 500 MPa of axial stress while the sample’s pore fluid pressure is controlled in a dedicated fluid channel and can reach 30 MPa. This apparatus has an internal heating system and is able to reach temperatures of 573 K in the sample with a minimal vertical thermal gradient of <0.5 K/mm. This portable and modular device has been successfully deployed in operando studies at TOMCAT (SLS) and I12 JEEP (DLS) beamlines for 4D X-ray microtomography with scan intervals of a few minutes. Heitt Mjolnir allows the 4D characterisation of low-grade metamorphism, fluid-rock interaction and deformation processes. It enables spatially and temporally resolved fluid-rock interaction studies at a wide range of conditions and, by covering most geological reservoirs, will be particularly valuable for geothermal, carbonation or subsurface gas storage research.

How to cite: Freitas, D., Butler, I., Elphick, S., Gilgannon, J., Rizzo, R., Pluemper, O., Wheeler, J., Schlepuetz, C., Marone, F., and Fusseis, F.: Heitt Mjolnir: an internally heated triaxial rock deformation apparatus for operando experiments at up to 573 K at Synchrotron imaging beamlines, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3424,, 2023.

Maude Julia and Christine V. Putnis

Water contamination caused by the overuse of fertilizers has become a concern in many areas throughout the last decades. The intensive use of phosphate fertilizers has led to high concentrations of phosphates in ground waters and effluents, but also to high levels of other toxic elements, especially cadmium. Cadmium can be found in high concentrations in phosphate rocks which are used to synthesize fertilizers, resulting in high concentrations of cadmium in some fertilizers that are then used on fields. Various materials have been studied for cadmium capture in solution and both calcium carbonate and apatite have shown good uptake capacities toward this element. Furthermore, calcium carbonate minerals can be replaced by apatite through a pseudomorphic dissolution-precipitation mechanism when immersed in a solution containing phosphate (Jonas et al., 2014; Klasa et al., 2013; Pedrosa et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2012). Here, we report on the capture of cadmium from solution during the replacement reaction of Carrara marble by hydroxyapatite (Wang et al., 2019). Cubes of Carrara marble have been reacted in sealed hydrothermal reactors at 200°C in solutions containing various concentrations of phosphate and cadmium for times between 4 and 60 days. The samples were then sectioned and analysed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), BackScattered Electron (BSE) imaging, Electron Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Raman Spectroscopy. The nanoscale reaction on the sample surface has been observed with in-situ Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in fluid flow and static solutions. The coupled dissolution-precipitation reaction observed and the capture of cadmium by the newly formed phase will be presented.


Jonas, L., John, T., King, H.E., Geisler, T., Putnis, A., 2014. The role of grain boundaries and transient porosity in rocks as fluid pathways for reaction front propagation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 386, 64–74.

Klasa, J., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Wang, L.J., Putnis, C.V., Valsami-Jones, E., Menneken, M., Putnis, A., 2013. An atomic force microscopy study of the dissolution of calcite in the presence of phosphate ions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 117, 115–128.

Pedrosa, E.T., Putnis, C.V., Putnis, A., 2016. The pseudomorphic replacement of marble by apatite: The role of fluid composition. Chemical Geology 425, 1–11.

Wang, L., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, C.V., Menneken, M., Putnis, A., 2012. Kinetics of Calcium Phosphate Nucleation and Growth on Calcite: Implications for Predicting the Fate of Dissolved Phosphate Species in Alkaline Soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 834–842.

Wang, M., Wu, S., Guo, J., Zhang, X., Yang, Y., Chen, F., Zhu, R., 2019. Immobilization of cadmium by hydroxyapatite converted from microbial precipitated calcite. Journal of Hazardous Materials 366, 684–693.

How to cite: Julia, M. and Putnis, C. V.: Removal of cadmium from solution during the replacement of calcium carbonate by hydroxyapatite in the presence of phosphate., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6221,, 2023.

Christine V. Putnis and Andrew Putnis

The equilibration of minerals in the presence of an aqueous fluid phase, with which it is out of equilibrium, has been described in terms of a number of potential mechanisms, specifically mainly either by solid state exchange of elements within the solid phase and the aqueous solution, or by interface-coupled dissolution-precipitation where equilibration is approached by the incremental dissolution of the parent solid and the coupled precipitation of a new product solid (Ruiz-Agudo et al., 2014). The conditions determining the equilibration mechanism can be defined by the specific chemical potential differences at the mineral interface, the kinetics of potential reactions, the solubility of the solid phase in the specific fluid and physical properties such as the mineral: fluid ratio as well as the surface area: fluid ratio, temperature and pressure. We focus on the mechanism of ion exchange in a range of minerals and in most cases ion-exchange in the presence of an aqueous solution occurs by interface-coupled dissolution-precipitation (Putnis and Putnis, 2022).


Putnis C.V. and Putnis A. 2022. A mechanism of ion exchange by interface-coupled dissolution-precipitation in the presence of an aqueous fluid. J. Crystal Growth, 600, 126840

Ruiz-Agudo E., Putnis C.V., Putnis A. 2014. Coupled dissolution and precipitation at mineral-fluid interfaces. Chemical Geology 383, 132-146.

How to cite: Putnis, C. V. and Putnis, A.: A mechanism of ion exchange by interface-coupled dissolution-precipitation in the presence of an aqueous fluid, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3792,, 2023.

Giulia Fedrizzi, Sandra Piazolo, Daniel Koehn, and Sam Pegler

Melt production and migration are important phenomena in the lower and middle crust. The presence of melt in a volume of rock has a significant impact on its rheology and on the structure of the Earth’s crust in general. Once partial melting starts, the molten portion can either flow towards shallower crustal levels or stay in the area where it originated. A partially molten rock can eventually solidify and be brought to the Earth’s surface, where the distribution of the former melt can provide insight into the conditions in which the rock formed.

Here we present a set of numerical experiments utilising an innovative DEM-continuum model to simulate partial melting and the initial formation of porosity channels. This hybrid model incorporates porous flow to solve for pervasive percolation of melt and a network of springs on a second grid to represent the linear elastic behaviour of the host rock. The latter also includes phenomena such as fracture formation and propagation.

We show under which conditions melt-filled fractures can emerge from local areas of melt production and evolve into larger melt channels. Importantly, our models show that leucosome patterns seen in outcrops can be used to constrain the relative rates of melt diffusion along grain boundaries, syn-migmatisation deformation, and local melt production. Based on the relative rates of these processes, we define regimes with specific melt pattern distributions. The definition of these regimes can be a useful tool for the interpretation of the history of a migmatite.

How to cite: Fedrizzi, G., Piazolo, S., Koehn, D., and Pegler, S.: The Use of Leucosome Patterns in Migmatites to Decipher Rates of Melt Production, Melt Percolation and External Deformation: Insights from Numerical Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16256,, 2023.

Posters virtual: Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | vHall GMPV/G/GD/SM

Chairpersons: Zhaoliang Hou, Cindy Luisier, Berit Schwichtenberg
Christoph Schrank, Tomasz Blach, Yeping Ji, Phung Vu, Xiaodong Wang, Michael Jones, Nigel Kirby, Susanne Seibt, and Klaus Regenauer-Lieb

We recently showed that the dehydration of alabaster, natural gypsum rock with randomly oriented grains, can be accelerated by a factor of two through the application of an elastic differential pre-stress of ~ 5 MPa applied via a uniaxial constant-displacement boundary condition ( Here, we present a novel series of gypsum dehydration experiments using a new in-situ experimental cell monitored with fast synchrotron transmission small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) to investigate if an acceleration of the kinetics also occurs at constant uniaxial stress. Prior to stressing and heating, the loaded sample chamber was flushed with nitrogen to remove atmospheric moisture and finally locked, filled with the nitrogen atmosphere pressurised to 1 bar. Six increasing uniaxial stresses in the interval [0;10] MPa were studied at a dehydration temperature of 142˚C. A strongly nonlinear acceleration of dehydration rate is observed over the studied stress interval. At 10 MPa, the reductions of induction and characteristic time amount to ~60% and ~50%, respectively. 2D SAXS patterns generally evolve from isotropic to highly anisotropic shapes, indicating preferential growth of nano-scatterers. Post-mortem scanning-electron imaging reveals that the phase transformation occurs via pseudomorph replacement. These results are largely consistent with our previous experiments and support the notion that tectonic stresses affect mineral transformation kinetics.

How to cite: Schrank, C., Blach, T., Ji, Y., Vu, P., Wang, X., Jones, M., Kirby, N., Seibt, S., and Regenauer-Lieb, K.: Stress sensitivity of gypsum dehydration kinetics at constant uniaxial stress under dry conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9856,, 2023.

Suratha panda, Arkadeep Roy, and Kamal Pruseth

The A-type granites of Jharsuguda at the boundary between the Singhbhum Craton and Rengali Province have rare earth potential. Two populations of zircon are present. One of them represents the unaltered zircons of magmatic origin, as evidenced by the presence of oscillatory zoning and Th/U ratios > 0.7. The other population consists of the altered equivalents of these primary zircons. These zircons have Th/U ratios < 0.1, suggesting their metamorphic origin. Occasionally, single grains of zircon containing both altered and unaltered domains are also encountered. The unaltered zircons comprise a very small proportion. The altered zircons appear dark in CL images and are characterized by low EPMA totals with non-formulae elements like Al, P, Ca, Fe, Y, and REEs. Numerous mineral inclusions, including those of U- Th-bearing ones, are typical of these altered zircons. Xenotime inclusions are typical of altered zircons with xenotime overgrowths in the granites. Rare Nb-rich inclusions are also present in these altered zircons.   In both the granites and pegmatite, fluid-mediated alteration resulted in fergusonite-(Y) and other Nb-Ta-REE oxides in the cracks and fractures. Pseudomorphs of fergusonite-(Y), Nb-Ta-REE oxides, and allanite are also formed by replacing earlier zircon grains. The size of these fergusonite grains ranges from a few micrometers in granite to up to 500 micrometers in pegmatites. The LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating zircons yield a primary age of 2.95 Ga and metamorphism ages of 2.80 Ga and 2.45 Ga. Selected fergusonite-(Y) grains from the pegmatite suggest a 2.1 Ga U-Th-Pb EPMA age for these fergusonites. Rims of some zircon grains in both granites and pegmatite also yield an age of 2.1–2.2 Ga. The age data suggest that the Jharsuguda granites and pegmatite underwent at least three metamorphic/tectonothermal events, during the last of which fergusonites are formed by the remobilization of REEs and HFSEs, probably in the presence of complexing ligands like F and PO4, as confirmed by EPMA X-ray element maps of altered zircons.

How to cite: panda, S., Roy, A., and Pruseth, K.: Fluid-mediated alteration of zircons to fergusonite-(Y) in A-type granites and pegmatite from the Jharsuguda district, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3812,, 2023.

Jianhua Huang, Bo Zhang, Junjie Zou, and Honglin He

Faults that cut carbonate rocks are the most important seismogenic sources worldwide, while the fault weakening and recovery mechanism in carbonate fault rock still remains controversial. In this study, the structures of an exposed normal fault zone hosted in dolostones with chert bands from the Yuguang basin southern marginal fault (YBSMF), northeast of the Shanxi graben system, North China, was studied by field-based structural analysis, microstructural and fabric investigations. The microstructural observations show that the fault slip surface exhibits a range of slip-related structures including slickenlines, truncated clasts and nano-scale amorphous materials/fragments. On the fault slip surface, the carbonate fault rock contains a large number of nanoparticles. These nanoparticles were shaped into two forms, single spherulitic nanoparticle and agglomerated nanoparticles. The slip zone, under the slip surface, is characterized by cataclasite, with various foliatization in red injection band. EBSD analysis results show weak CPOs, with the (0001) planes of the dolomite fragments nearly parallel to the slip surface. Our microstructural investigations in the dolomite fault rocks, combined with previous publications, suggest the single spherulitic nanoparticles can be the result of thermal decomposition of dolomite along the major slip surface of the normal fault. Nano powder lubrication caused by the rolling of single spherulitic nanoparticle plays a key role during carbonate fault slipping. The thermal pressurization of pore fluid leads to laminar grain flow along the fracture and finally forms foliations in the red injection layers. The transformation from single spherulitic nanoparticles to agglomerated nanoparticles by superplastic diffusive mass transfer results in the recovery of friction strength at the fault plane. After the coseismic slip (or during afterslip), a relatively thick portion in the principal slip zone suffers a temperature increase, leading to the plastic deformation and formation of CPOs of dolomite in the principal slip zone. We inferred that nanoparticles can be produced by thermal decomposition transformation, which facilitate and inhibit earthquake behavior on fault surfaces. The postseismic strength recovery can be generated partly by agglomerated nanoparticles. We consider that nanoparticles produced by thermal decomposition of dolomite play a key role in carbonate fault instability during coseismic slip.

How to cite: Huang, J., Zhang, B., Zou, J., and He, H.: Fault instability and slipping in thermally unstable rock, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15834,, 2023.

Xinyu Cui, Fufeng Zhao, and Zhaoliang Hou

Abstract:Trapiche describes a gem texture that is characterized by the symmetric six “arms” radiating outward from the cores in gemstone minerals. These is a unique growth pattern, which however is still poorly understood. Here, we document the Trapiche in Trapiche rubies, and discuss formation mechanism of the patterns. The six arms of the Trapiche ruby radiate from a hexagonal core, which separate a single crystal into six growth sectors with internal bandings. Microscopic observations indicate a dendritic growth of the arms. Main branches are dominantly formed by the tube-shaped inclusions, and a part of which exhibit solid minerals, which including graphites, sulfides, calcites. The tube inclusions spatially have a 30° angle to the radiating direction of the arms, and pointing to the direction perpendicular to the hexagonal prism cylindrical {10Ī0}. Our Raman and EPMA analyses suggest that the origin of the ruby may be related to marble. Original source of the inclusions is aluminum-rich fluid with a high amount of CO2, which originated and evolved from magma. Our detail textural and chemistry on Trapiche ruby may suggest that during the ruby formation, a high crystallization driving force is necessary for arms to be a dendritic pattern which can overcome the growth interface of the bandings.   


How to cite: Cui, X., Zhao, F., and Hou, Z.: Texture formation in Trapiche rubies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7042,, 2023.

Ke Cao, Fu-Feng Zhao, Zhao-Liang Hou, and Li-Shan Zheng

Moonstones are a gem-quality feldspar with a special exsolution structure and are well-known for the unique moonshine effect of themselves. However, formation of such “moonshine” is still a mystery. One possibility to reveal it, is by understanding, the formation mechanisms of moonstone exsolution fashion, which is constituted by the lamellae inclusions and the associated zoning patterns (banding structures). Here, by combining the mineralogical- and geochemistry techniques, we investigated the chemistry and textures of the chemical patterns in moonstones in detail. Two different color moonstones (orangish and grayish) are the object of study. Although Raman and EPMA analyses indicate that, both moonstones are orthoclase (Or73.65~90.38), the orange moonstone is colored by hematite inclusions while the gray one is by magnetite inclusions. The orange moonstone has two lamellae types, which are An-containing albite phase (An6.53~18.93) and K-high albite phase (≈An6.23). The An-containing albite lamellae demonstrated a µm-size zone with a decrease of An content (18.93 to 6.53) from the zone center to edge. In contrast, the gray moonstone does not show any zoning structure. Those allow for further analyses focusing on the zone structures, in combination of XRD diffraction structure analysis, La-ICP-MS whole-rock principal element analysis and phase diagram simulation, and by which, we proposed a two-stage-growth process for exsolution structure that is formed in the   orange moonstone. The first stage of exsolution results in oligoclase lamellae, and the second stage results in K-high albite lamellae, in which part of Ab-rich phase became to individual K-high albite lamellae, while part of Ab-rich phase continues to dissolve around the oligoclase, forming the zoning structure. We formulated that the gray moonstone has only one formation stage which corresponds to the second stage of the orange moonstone. Our detail descriptions of moonstone might be a valuable contribution to further the study of moonshine effect.

How to cite: Cao, K., Zhao, F.-F., Hou, Z.-L., and Zheng, L.-S.: Formation of the zoning parttern in moonstones, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5330,, 2023.