HS4.6 | From sub-seasonal forecasting to climate projections: predicting water availability and servicing water sectors
From sub-seasonal forecasting to climate projections: predicting water availability and servicing water sectors
Convener: Tim aus der Beek | Co-conveners: Louise Crochemore, Christopher White, Louise Arnal, Andrew Schepen
| Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.17
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall HS
Orals |
Tue, 16:15
Tue, 14:00
Tue, 14:00
Many water sectors are already having to cope with extreme weather events, climate variability and change. In this context, predictions on sub-seasonal and seasonal to decadal timescales (i.e. horizons ranging from months to a decade) are an essential part of hydrological forecasting. By providing science-based and user-specific information on potential impacts of variations in water availability, operational hydro-meteorological and climate services are invaluable to a range of water sectors such as water resources management, drinking water supply, transport, energy production, agriculture, disaster risk reduction, forestry, health, insurance, tourism and infrastructure.

This session aims to cover the research and operational advances in science as well as applied climate and hydro-meteorological forecasting, and their implications on predicting water availability and demand for servicing water sectors. It welcomes, without being restricted to, presentations on:
- Technical challenges in making use of forecast or projected climate data for hydrological modelling (e.g. downscaling, bias correction, temporal disaggregation, spatial interpolation),
- Lessons learnt from forecasting and managing present day extreme conditions,
- Improved representations of hydrological extremes in a future climate,
- Seamless forecasting, including downscaling and statistical post- and pre-processing,
- Propagation of uncertainty through the forecasting chain for impact assessment and decision-making,
- Operational hydro-meteorological forecasting systems, hydro-climate services, and tools,
- Effective methods to link stakeholder interests and scientific expertise (e.g. service co-generation).

The session will bring together research scientists and operational managers in the fields of hydrology, water use, meteorology and climate, with the aim of sharing experiences and initiating discussions on this momentous topic. We encourage presentations that utilise the WWRP/WCRP subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) prediction project database, hydrological relevant applications, and S2S forecasting and predictions within the Water-Food-Energy Nexus.

Orals: Tue, 25 Apr | Room 2.17

On-site presentation
Ehsan Modiri, Luis Samaniego, Robert Schweppe, Pallav Kumar Shrestha, Oldrich Rakovec, Matthias Kelbling, Alberto Martínez-de La Torre, Edwin Sutanudjaja, Eleanor Blyth, Niko Wanders, and Stephan Thober

A primary objective of hydrological modelling (HM) is to monitor the water balance in catchments and provide forecasts of key variables and fluxes (i.e., soil moisture and streamflow) at the seasonal scale. Within the Copernicus Climate Change Service, a global seasonal forecasting framework using four state-of-the-art HMs (i.e., HTESSEL, Jules, mHM and PCR-GLOBWB) is developed. The system is required to provide skillful forecasts to provide an added-value to society. In this study, we evaluate the skill of streamflow forecasts using established skill metrics such as Continuous Rank Probability Score and Brier Score.

As a first step, we evaluated the performance of the reference run of the four models that is based on ERA5-Land forcing. We employed more than 3100 river flow measurements obtained from the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC). These data allow us to classify basins according to aridity and evaporation indices and to evaluate their performance according to geographical regions. In a Budyko analysis, all models adhere to the expected theoretical functions that respect both the conservation of energy and water. However, applying the Budyko analysis to the observational records and reanalysis data only, some basins do not adhere to the energy limit by, for example, having more actual evaporation than potential evaporation. These findings suggest that water may have been transported across basins or that groundwater wells may have been overdrafted. For the development of the global forecasting system, an evaluation of model performance at these basins should be taken with care, and hydrologic models should not be calibrated here. By comparing the regional differentiated Budyko analysis and evaluating the skill metrics of the four HMs, we aim to discriminate among structural and forcing errors. Eventually, this analysis would allow improving the skills of the global seasonal forecasts system.

How to cite: Modiri, E., Samaniego, L., Schweppe, R., Shrestha, P. K., Rakovec, O., Kelbling, M., Martínez-de La Torre, A., Sutanudjaja, E., Blyth, E., Wanders, N., and Thober, S.: Global Budyko water balance assessment application as a diagnostic tool to improve seasonal forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14943, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14943, 2023.

On-site presentation
Pablo A. Mendoza, Diego Araya, Eduardo Muñoz-Castro, and James McPhee

The ensemble streamflow prediction (ESP) method has been widely used to produce seasonal streamflow forecasts, especially in snow-influenced basins. Because the approach relies on the assumption of perfect initial conditions that are obtained from hydrological models, choices related to their implementation may have considerable impacts on forecast attributes. Here, we investigate the extent to which the choice of calibration objective function (OF) affects the quality of seasonal (Spring-Summer) streamflow forecasts in mountainous regions, and also explore possible connections between forecast skill and hydrological consistency - measured in terms of biases in hydrological signatures - obtained from the model parameter sets. To this end, we calibrate three conceptual rainfall-runoff models (GR4J, TUW, and Sacramento) using 12 different calibration metrics, including seasonal objective functions that emphasize errors during the snowmelt period, and produce hindcasts for five initialization times over a 33-year period (April/1987 - March-2020) in 22 mountain catchments that span diverse hydroclimatic conditions along the semiarid Andes Cordillera. The results show that seasonal objective functions generate satisfactory performance in terms of probabilistic skill, reliability, and correlation compared to classic OFs like the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE). Nevertheless, commonly used OFs provide more realistic simulations in terms of simulated hydrological signatures. Among the options tested, an OF that combines the Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) and NSE(log(Q)) provides the best compromise between hydrologically consistent model simulations and good forecast performance. Overall, we do not find direct relationships between hydrologically consistent model parameter sets and the quality of seasonal ESP forecasts. Finally, the results show that ESP is most skillful in catchments with high baseflow index and high interannual runoff variability. 

How to cite: Mendoza, P. A., Araya, D., Muñoz-Castro, E., and McPhee, J.: Towards robust seasonal streamflow forecasts in mountainous catchments: impact of calibration metric selection in hydrological modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9937, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9937, 2023.

On-site presentation
Micha Werner, Sumiran Rastogi, Marc van den Homberg, Ilias Pechlivanidis, and Lluís Pesquer

Climate services have a well-recognised potential for empowering decision makers in taking climate smart decisions; across sectors, public agencies, policy makers, and including citizens. This potential is, however, often not fully realised as the uptake of climate services may be hampered by a range of barriers, including the lack of understanding of the needs of users, and the poor recognition of the knowledge users themselves have. Research shows, however, that the users climate services intend to serve often have a well-developed knowledge of the climate systems around them based on their observation and experience. In a recently initiated H2020 research project, Innovating Climate Services through Integration of local and Scientific Knowledge (I-CISK, https://icisk.eu) we recognise that integrating multiple knowledges through co-creation of climate services with users, can contribute to closing the usability gap, despite the challenges to these knowledges as a result of demographic, climatic and environmental change.

Here we present an introductory review of the current state of the art in the integration of local knowledge in climate services. This review does not aim to comprehensively address the very broad and multiple dimensions of local knowledge, but rather gives a perspective of current approaches in science and practice to the integration of local and scientific knowledge. We first explore what we consider as local knowledge within the scope of this review, which will also be used as a reference to inform our further research on local knowledge within the context of its integration in climate services in the I-CISK project. We then review how local knowledge is used in climate services, and introduce a basic typology of how local knowledge and scientific knowledge are considered and/or integrated within climate services. Finally, we provide a reflection on the challenges and directions of local and scientific knowledge integration in climate services, and give a brief outlook on how these challenges will be addressed in the I-CISK project.

How to cite: Werner, M., Rastogi, S., van den Homberg, M., Pechlivanidis, I., and Pesquer, L.: An introductory review of the integration of local and scientific knowledges in climate services, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11515, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11515, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jan Niklas Weber, Christof Lorenz, Tanja Portele, and Harald Kunstmann

For an optimized use of water resources for irrigation or power generation, knowledge of their expected availability in the coming months is essential. This particular sub-seasonal to seasonal time horizon is covered by seasonal forecasting systems like SEAS5 from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), which could provide crucial information for an improved and more timely water management. In this study, we evaluate the skill of precipitation and temperature forecasts from SEAS5 for Germany. The performance of forecasts without any post-processing or bias-correction remains below the climatology from the second lead month. To increase the performance, we apply a post-processing approach for Bias Correction and Spatial Disaggregation (BCSD) to a) increase the spatial resolution and b) reduce biases compared to our chosen reference ERA5-Land. By means of several quality parameters such as the Continuous Ranked Probability Skill Score (CRPSS) and the Brier Skill Score (BSS), it is shown that the corrected SEAS5 seasonal forecasts at monthly resolution deliver a significantly increased performance compared to purely climatological forecasts and raw SEAS5 forecasts, especially in the first forecast month. Special focus is put on climatic extremes, since especially here the seasonal forecasts have the potential to provide highly valuable information that are, by definition, absent, e.g., in climatological forecasts. This is clearly evident for compound events, which show increased predictability up to five months in advance. Months with normal conditions perform rather poorly, whereas abnormally warm or dry months are well forecasted up to and including the sixth lead month. Temperature variables perform particularly well, while precipitation forecasts show lower skill. Forecasts of the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI, a widely used indicator for droughts and, hence, limited water availability) show higher skill than pure precipitation forecasts. We further assess the performance of post-processed SEAS5 forecasts in terms of the Potential Economic Value (PEV), which allows for the quantification of economic savings due to forecast-based actions. Depending on a well-chosen cost-loss-ratio of particular actions, seasonal forecasts from SEAS5 show a promising skill for timely decision making in the water management and related sectors. In our presentation, we hence demonstrate the skill of post-processed seasonal forecasts from SEAS5 over Germany and provide a benchmark for other forecasting products and post-processing routines.

How to cite: Weber, J. N., Lorenz, C., Portele, T., and Kunstmann, H.: Seasonal forecasts for Germany: Enhancing the predictive capability of global SEAS5 ensemble forecasts using bias correction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14589, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14589, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Rafaela Cristina de Oliveira, Ingrid Petry, and Fernando Mainardi Fan

Long-term planning is part of good water resource management. This management takes place according to the needs of society, such as optimizing energy production, providing water for agriculture, supplying industry and guaranteeing urban water supply. The quantification of water resources and their long-term forecast are tools that help with this planning. In this work, we evaluated the ability of seasonal streamflow forecasts to detect droughts periods based on forecast evaluation rules of a Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction System (H-EPS), and compare them with the benchmark Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP). Seasonal forecasts of seven months horizon were generated using the MGB-AS model forced with ECMWF seasonal precipitation forecasts (SEAS5), for basins larger than 1000 square kilometers. The focus of the study were the 153 hydroelectric plants of the Brazilian National Interconnected System (SIN), which affluent flows were studied for the period of 2007 to 2016.  For each plant, drought forecasts were analyzed using the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics curve (AUROC). The drought threshold was defined as the 90th percentile of the flow, using data from 1979 to 2006. Exceedance diagrams were made, where each forecast horizon was represented with the percentage of members that indicated the occurrence of a dry month. Then, contingency tables were set up, considering the drought detection criterion as at least one member indicating drought in the seven horizons and six months with at least 20% of the members indicating drought. The rule was elaborated based on data from the Itaipu power plant (Paraná River) and applied to all plants. Through the results, it was observed that the H-EPS forecasts were more accurate in detecting droughts than the benchmark. In the regional analysis of the results, the rule chosen for Itaipu was also suited for the plants in the southeast region. This may have occurred because these hydroelectric plants rivers present similar hydrological behavior, related to the type of soil, evapotranspiration rates, precipitation, climate and similar relief. Our next steps involve the creation, testing and analysis of more locally and temporally optimized rules, including some that consider only the first months predicted in the analysis.

How to cite: Cristina de Oliveira, R., Petry, I., and Mainardi Fan, F.: Extracting value from seasonal forecasts for droughts: an approach based on persistence rules., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10122, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10122, 2023.

On-site presentation
Phillip Goodling, Roy Sando, Ryan McShane, Scott Hamshaw, David Watkins, Ellie White, Caelan Simeone, and John Hammond

Drought is among the most damaging environmental phenomena, affecting agricultural productivity, wildfire risks,  hydropower production, water quantity and quality, public health, ecosystem integrity, and recreation. Streamflow drought, where the streamflow declines below a threshold defining anomalously low flows, is one measure of hydrologic drought that can be interpreted as an integrative measure of the availability of water for specific uses. Early warning of streamflow drought onset, severity, spatial extent, and duration is needed to support improved water resource management. Streamflow drought forecasting is particularly important in the western United States where a changing climate threatens already-scarce water resources.

The U.S. Geological Survey is  applying a variety of machine learning and artificial intelligence modeling methods to predict streamflow drought in a 40-year retrospective analysis at 425 USGS stream gage locations within and surrounding the Colorado River basin. In this presentation, we briefly provide an overview of these approaches, then primarily focus on results from random forest binary classification models for streamflow drought onset and duration. For this study, streamflow drought is defined using seasonally variable streamflow exceedance thresholds developed from the Weibull distribution of observed flows or zero-flow durations from 1981-2020. We trained a large set of random forest models (n =72) , each of which predicts daily streamflow drought onset and duration probabilities at a particular forecast horizon and severity level. The models are trained using past observations of daily streamflow drought and a predictor dataset of daily hydrometeorological variables and static basin characteristics We combine the results of these models to provide holistic forecasts. In addition to streamflow drought prediction performance, we evaluate the opportunities for transitioning this modeling framework to operational forecasting and consider future directions for providing actionable forecasts to regional and national stakeholders.

How to cite: Goodling, P., Sando, R., McShane, R., Hamshaw, S., Watkins, D., White, E., Simeone, C., and Hammond, J.: Towards machine learning-based streamflow drought forecasts across the Colorado River Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5028, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5028, 2023.

On-site presentation
Mehrad Rahimpour Asenjan, Francois Brissette, Jean-luc Martel, and Richard Arsenault

Climate change is already impacting different aspects of our lives, creating new risks and exacerbating existing ones. Developing effective adaptation and mitigation strategies requires a robust understanding of the magnitude and uncertainty of climate change impacts. A top-down approach is generally used to study climate change impacts on hydrology, forcing the hydrological models with the projections of multiple climate models and studying the impacts. To this end, typically, the impact researchers have given equal weight to climate models considering them independent and equally plausible, giving rise to the notion of “model democracy”. However, model democracy has been criticized fundamentally, and in model ensembles in which the justifiability of some models is challenged, such as CMIP6, model democracy is not a viable option anymore. Some of the CMIP6 models project a warmer future than those predicted by CMIP5 previously.  The climate sensitivity, a measure of the temperature rise in case of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, of these “hot models” is higher than the range that is expected to be plausible based on observations and our knowledge of planetary physics. The use of hot models in Climate change impact studies biases and overestimates the severity of the impacts. In this study, the impact of the inclusion (or exclusion) of hot models in a multi-model ensemble on the findings of large-sample hydrological climate change impact studies is evaluated. For 3107 North American catchments, we quantify this impact in terms of the magnitude and uncertainty of multiple streamflow metrics, such as mean annual streamflow and the hydrological extremes. The results exhibit a distinct spatial pattern in which the hot models' removal results in reduced streamflow metrics variability in northern regions (Canada and Alaska), southeast US, and along the US pacific coast. The reduced variability means that the hot models contribute to the extremes of the distributions in these regions. The variability reduction is highly dependent on the location of the catchments. Our findings emphasize the importance of the appropriate selection of climate models and display some of the dangers of including ill-advised models in climate change impact studies.

Keywords: Climate change, GCMs, CMIP6, Impact study,  Hydrology, hot models, climate model selection, Uncertainty 

How to cite: Rahimpour Asenjan, M., Brissette, F., Martel, J., and Arsenault, R.: Impact of including CMIP6 ‘hot’ models in hydrological impact studies., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-580, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-580, 2023.

On-site presentation
Carlos Lima and Hyun-Han Kwon

Model output statistics (MOS) are generally tailored for single variables, despite their application to multivariate time series being constantly required in many problems. For instance, distributed, physical-based hydrological models often require as input meteorological variables (e.g. precipitation, land temperature, evapotranspiration, etc) that are strongly correlated. Preserving the spatio-temporal variability of single variables as well as the inter-variables dependence structure is thus of fundamental importance in climate model outputs to enhance, for instance, reliable hydrological predictions. In this context, we extend the multivariate bias correction algorithm (MBCn) proposed by Cannon (2018) through pre-filtering the input data and improving the orthogonal rotation matrix. We finally evaluate different bias correction algorithms. Our proposed approach is grounded on the multivariate techniques of principal component analysis (PCA) and sparse principal component analysis (SPCA). It seeks to promote bias correction while preserving spatial and inter-variable dependencies. We apply and test our algorithm using S2S predictions provided by the C3S multi-system seasonal forecast service, which includes climate models such as ECMWF, NCEP and canCM4i. The ERA 5 reanalysis data are used as reference meteorological data. We particularly explore the application of the proposed methodology to daily S2S forecasts of precipitation, temperature, wind field and surface solar radiation, which are notably valuable as input to hydrological models and to estimate evapotranspiration, droughts indices and renewable energy yields.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. 2019R1A2C2087944).

How to cite: Lima, C. and Kwon, H.-H.: A multivariate bias correction algorithm for climate model predictions and projections, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10505, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10505, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Mark Thyer, David McInerney, Dmitri Kavetski, Richard Laugesen, Fitsum Woldemeskel, Narendra Tuteja, and George Kuczera

Subseasonal streamflow forecasts inform a multitude of water management decisions, from early flood warning to reservoir operation. ‘Seamless’ probabilistic forecasts, i.e., forecasts that are reliable and sharp over a range of lead times (1-30 days) and aggregation time scales (e.g. daily to monthly) are of clear practical interest. However, existing forecast products are often ‘non-seamless’, i.e., developed and applied for a single time scale and lead time (e.g. 1 month ahead). If seamless forecasts are to be a viable replacement for existing ‘non-seamless’ forecasts, it is important that they offer (at least) similar predictive performance at the time scale of the non-seamless forecast.

This study compares forecasts from two probabilistic streamflow post-processing (QPP) models: the recently developed seamless daily Multi-Temporal Hydrological Residual Error (MuTHRE) model and the more traditional (non-seamless) monthly QPP model used in the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s Dynamic Forecasting System. Streamflow forecasts from both post-processing models are generated for 11 Australian catchments, using the GR4J hydrological model and pre-processed rainfall forecasts from the ACCESS-S numerical weather prediction model. Evaluating monthly forecasts with key performance metrics (reliability, sharpness, bias and CRPS skill score), we find that the seamless MuTHRE model achieves essentially the same performance as the non-seamless monthly QPP model for the vast majority of metrics and temporal stratifications (months and years). As such, MuTHRE provides the capability of ‘seamless’ daily streamflow forecasts with no loss of performance at the monthly scale – the modeller can proverbially ‘have their cake and eat it too’. This finding demonstrates that seamless forecasting technologies, such as the MuTHRE post-processing model, are not only viable, but a preferred choice for future research development and practical adoption in streamflow forecasting.

How to cite: Thyer, M., McInerney, D., Kavetski, D., Laugesen, R., Woldemeskel, F., Tuteja, N., and Kuczera, G.: Seamless subseasonal probabilistic streamflow forecasting: MuTHRE lets you have your cake and eat it too, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10624, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10624, 2023.

Posters on site: Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall A

Andrew Schepen, James Bennett, Prafulla Pokhrel, and Kim Robinson
The continuing improvement of seasonal rainfall outlooks means they are now skillful enough to predict inflows to hydropower schemes and help to anticipate operational decisions. Hydro Tasmania, Australia’s largest generator of hydropower, is working with CSIRO to develop a long-range inflows prediction system for its 6 hydroelectric schemes. The schemes complement each other and are operated as a single system. The inflows predictions will be generated with conceptual hydrological models calibrated to a dense network of 563 sub-catchments. In this study, we develop a real-time S2S rainfall forecast capability for this network with forecasts updated as frequently as daily. We seek to establish a forecast post-processing model that generates high-resolution, spatially correlated ensemble rainfall forecasts from coarse-resolution climate model forecasts. We compare lagged ensemble forecasts from the Bureau of Meteorology’s new ACCESS-S2 seasonal forecasting model with burst ensemble forecasts from ECMWF’s SEAS5 model, eliciting the value of simple versus complex post-processing methods for coarse-scale calibration of the ensemble climate forecast. A random selection from k nearest-neighbours provides a template for disaggregation of each ensemble member to the required spatial and temporal resolution. To understand the skill available to the real-time forecasting system, we evaluate the historical performance of the system from 1981-2018. Skilful forecasts can be obtained for the next month after which the ensemble time series ought to revert to an unbiased climatology forecast. The calibration method can be highly computationally efficient, allowing parameters to be re-estimated in the process of generating each new forecast, thereby updating parameters with the most up-to-date forecast and observation data available. Combined with an efficient hydrological model, reliable rainfall forecasts can add value to antecedent hydrological conditions to provide more skilful forecasts of inflows for the season ahead.  

How to cite: Schepen, A., Bennett, J., Pokhrel, P., and Robinson, K.: S2S rainfall forecast calibration in real-time for a dense network of hydropower catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5859, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5859, 2023.

Camila Freitas, Reinaldo Silveira, Ingrid Petry, Cassia Paranhos, Fernando Fan, Walter Collishonn, and Carlos Tucci

The Electric Energy Company of Parana (COPEL GeT), the Meteorological System of Parana (SIMEPAR) and RHAMA Consulting company are undertaking the research project PD-6491-0503/2018 for the development of a hydrometeorological seasonal forecasting for Brazilian reservoirs. The project, sponsored by the National Agency for Electric Energy (ANEEL) under its research and development programme, aims the forecasting of streamflow, at temporal scales ranging from 1 to 270 days which are integrated by the National Power System Operator (ONS) through its Interconnected System (SIN). The SIN is composed of more than 150 hydropower plants and reservoirs located over a wide range of climate and hydrological conditions. It is responsible for more than 50% of the total electricity produced in the country. In this work we describe the overall characteristics of this project, comprising its structure, main research results and its usefulness for assisting decision makers in the field of energy, as will be demonstrated through some application sceneries. We used the precipitation short-medium-range, sub-seasonal, and seasonal ECMWF forecasts as input to a continental-scale, hydrologic hydrodynamic model (MGB-SA) to produce streamflow forecasts for the SIN hydropower reservoirs. On the short-medium-range horizon we used persistency and the control member as benchmarks, while in the sub-seasonal and seasonal we used the ESP. On the short-medium-range and sub-seasonal, the ensemble average performance was superior to the control deterministic predictions for ECMWF (MGB-SA), both for the prediction quality metrics and for the event discrimination metrics. On the seasonal forecast, the ECMWF results were consistently superior to the benchmark on the first lead time month, decreasing performance with the horizon. The results of the project are expected to benefit energy generation planning, routine and emergency hydraulic operation (e.g., flood and droughts), as well as energy commercialization procedures in the country.

How to cite: Freitas, C., Silveira, R., Petry, I., Paranhos, C., Fan, F., Collishonn, W., and Tucci, C.: Short- to seasonal-range streamflow forecasting in reservoirs of the Brazilian National Interconnect Electric Power System, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16559, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16559, 2023.

Annie Y.-Y. Chang, Konrad Bogner, Maria-Helena Ramos, Shaun Harrigan, Daniela I.V. Domeisen, and Massimiliano Zappa

Historically, Switzerland and the nearby alpine countries have not been associated with major droughts. However, in recent years, the European Alpine space has experienced several unprecedented low-flow conditions and drought events. As many economic sectors in the region depend heavily on sufficient water availability, such as hydropower production, navigation and transportation, agriculture, and tourism, it is important for decision-makers to have early warnings of drought tailored to their needs and geographical conditions.

The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) has been in operation since 2012 providing flood risk overviews for Europe up to 15 days in advance. More recently, it has also run long-range hydrological outlooks for sub-seasonal to seasonal horizons. While EFAS early flood warnings have been extensively evaluated in the past years, less attention has been paid to evaluating the system’s ability to detect upcoming drought conditions. In this study, we turn our focus to this other extreme of the spectrum and on EFAS’ predictability of drought events in large Alpine catchments. Our goal is to investigate how hydrological patterns of skill at a large spatial scale can be combined with local model outputs to more accurately inform decision makers on droughts and their spatio-temporal evolution.

For this, we evaluate the performance of EFAS comparatively to that of a local model in terms of the ability to simulate drought conditions. The Precipitation-Runoff-Evapotranspiration HRU (PREVAH) local model was set up for 59 stations in Switzerland. The PREVAH model is a distributed conceptual hydrological model that accounts for processes such as evapotranspiration, interception, snow- and ice-melt, soil moisture storage, groundwater storage, and runoff generation. We analyse 25 overlapping stations between the local model and the EFAS reporting stations (river network points where EFAS outputs are available to users), and compare the drought simulation performances of the two models. We focus on evaluating the duration, deficit, and magnitude of the drought events, as well as metrics including Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient (NSE) and Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE).

The outcome of this study will lay a foundation for how a large-scale hydrological model like EFAS can complement a local model like PREVAH to improve the predictability of sub-seasonal drought forecasting and provide more reliable early warnings for better water resources management.

How to cite: Chang, A. Y.-Y., Bogner, K., Ramos, M.-H., Harrigan, S., Domeisen, D. I. V., and Zappa, M.: Comparing drought simulation performance from large-scale and locally set up hydrological models for large mountainous rivers in Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12694, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12694, 2023.

Erik Quedi, Fernando Fan, Vinicius Siqueira, Walter Collischonn, Ingrid Petry, Cleber Gama, Rodrigo Paiva, Reinaldo Silveira, Cassia Paranhos, and Camila Freitas

Hydrological forecasts ranging from two weeks to months in advance are critical for decision making in water resources management and economic sectors. In the subseasonal timescale, there is an opportunity to anticipate events of hydrological interest, such as periods of floods and droughts. The development of subseasonal forecasts with good quality for decision support systems is still a great challenge for the technical and scientific community, as it fits into a predictability gap between medium-range weather (3 to 15 days) and seasonal climate prediction (2 to 7 months). In South America, the climate and weather variability can represent risk to activities such as agriculture and hydropower energy production. For instance, Brazil, the larger country in terms of area and economy in the continent, has an electrical power generation matrix with 63% of hydropower and rely on weather forecasts spanning multiple timescales for its integrated system operation. This work evaluated the potential skill of subseasonal streamflow forecasts over South America based on ECMWF ensemble forecasts with lead times up to 46 days obtained from the Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) project database. A continental-scale hydrologic-hydrodynamic model was used to carry out the simulation runs for obtaining subseasonal ensemble streamflow forecasts. Forecast bias was evaluated against a reference model run (i.e., pseudo-observations) for both raw and bias corrected precipitation, and the forecast skill was evaluated against the Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) method. Forecasts and pseudo-observations were aggregated into weekly averages, ranging 6 weeks for verification, and were divided into subsets for each season of the year (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON) to access seasonal patterns over South American regions. The results highlight that the forecast skill is dependent on initialization month, season, basin, and forecast lead time, with greater skill on shorter lead times. Bias correction was able to reduce the mean forecast error over most regions of the continent. In addition, the bias correction improved skill and maintained positive skill after the third week of forecast, especially in northeastern regions and on wet seasons (DJF, MAM), meanwhile in central regions the improvements were not clear. However, the ESP method outperformed the ECMWF-based ensemble in many regions. Finally, the results presented here provide insights for investigations and applications of S2S forecasts in the operational scope on a continental scale, which can bring benefits, for example, in the optimization of the operation of electricity generation reservoirs.

Acknowledgments: This work presents part of the results obtained during the project granted by the Brazilian Agency of Electrical Energy (ANEEL) under its Research and Development program Project PD 6491-0503/2018 – “Previsão Hidroclimática com Abrangência no Sistema Interligado Nacional de Energia Elétrica” developed by the Paraná State electric company (COPEL GeT), the Meteorological System of Paraná (SIMEPAR) and the RHAMA Consulting company. The Hydraulic Research Institute (IPH) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) contribute to part of the project through an agreement with the RHAMA company (IAP-001313).

How to cite: Quedi, E., Fan, F., Siqueira, V., Collischonn, W., Petry, I., Gama, C., Paiva, R., Silveira, R., Paranhos, C., and Freitas, C.: Continental-scale evaluation of subseasonal–to–seasonal (S2S) streamflow forecasts over South America, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4540, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4540, 2023.

Reinaldo Bomfim da Silveira, Camila Freitas, Cassia Silmara Aver Paranhos, Luciane Cristina Pinheiro, Roberto Santos, André Luiz de Campos, Leandro Ávila Rangel, Nathalli Rogiski da Silva, Fernando Mainardi Fan, Cléber Henrique de Araújo Gama, Erik Quedi, and Ingrid Petry

The Electric Energy Company of Parana (COPEL GeT), the Meteorological System of Parana (SIMEPAR) and RHAMA Consulting company are undertaking the research project PD-6491-0503/2018 for the development of a hydrometeorological seasonal forecasting for Brazilian reservoirs. The project, sponsored by the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) under its research and development programme, aims the forecasting of streamflow, at temporal scales ranging from 1 to 270 days, at hydro power enterprises, which are integrated by the National Power System Operator (ONS) through its Interconnected System (SIN). We present in this work the framework built up as interface to the results of this project, which integrate shapefiles of main river basins in Brazil, hydro meteorological information, forecasts of precipitation from seasonal models (e.g., ECMWF’s SEAS5) and derived streamflow from hydrological model used in the project (MGB-SA mainly) for the entire electric energy network of the country. The platform encompasses layers of maps and graphics synchronized by date, respectively to locations of hydro power plants in Brazil, which allows users to perform multiple analysis for either energy planning or routine hydraulic operations. We shall demonstrate examples of applications, such analysis of a flood event happened during the 2014/2015 El Niño episode, which caused heavy precipitation, increased river level and flow into reservoirs in the Iguaçu River basin, disruption of services and economic losses in the South of Brazil. Given the limitations of seasonal precipitation forecasting, the model was successful in predicting the heavy accumulated rainfall in the analyzed period. In parallel, the hydrological model was able to simulate flow peaks well in advance. In addition, the platform allows an overview of the SIN subsystems and respective stored energy, which allows intercomparison and pragmatic analysis of the country's electric energy capacity.

How to cite: Bomfim da Silveira, R., Freitas, C., Silmara Aver Paranhos, C., Cristina Pinheiro, L., Santos, R., de Campos, A. L., Ávila Rangel, L., Rogiski da Silva, N., Mainardi Fan, F., de Araújo Gama, C. H., Quedi, E., and Petry, I.: Hydrometeorological System for Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting at Brazilian Hydro Power Enterprises, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9689, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9689, 2023.

Frederiek Sperna Weiland, Joost Buitink, Jaap Langemeijer, Raymond Oonk, and Bjorn Backeberg

The wealth of available global datasets at high spatial and temporal resolutions opens many opportunities for hydrological modelling and forecasting. It is now possible to provide high-resolution hydrological simulations for a river basin anywhere in the world, even in basins without in situ observations. Combined with the strength of global parameter estimations of the wflow_sbm concept (Imhoff et al, 2021), this allows us to build and run hydrological models without calibration. These models can ultimately be used to provide discharge forecasts for the seasonal time scale. Here we present a workflow that tests the interoperability, scalability, and performance of combining cloud and high-throughput compute and data resources. The workflow combines open source technologies, including containerization, to provide automated monthly river discharge forecasts for practically every basin on the globe on cloud, HTC and in the future HPC platforms. We leverage the global ERA5 and SEAS5 products from the Copernicus Climate Data store as input for the wflow hydrological model. The workflow automatically downloads the required input data for the model domain, resamples the data to the required model grids, and runs the simulations. The workflow is automatically triggered every month when new SEA5 forecasts become available. Prior to running the forecasts, the ERA5 files are used to update the hindcast model states in preparation for the forecast. Next, 50 wflow ensemble members, forced using the SEAS5 forecasts, are run in parallel to provide estimates on the probability of discharge events. The workflow is currently set up and running for the Rhine basin on SURF’s high-throughput computing platform, but can easily be deployed on different infrastructures and for different river basins. 

How to cite: Sperna Weiland, F., Buitink, J., Langemeijer, J., Oonk, R., and Backeberg, B.: Towards automated seasonal river discharge ensemble forecasts on a federated compute and data infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15287, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15287, 2023.

Cassia Aver, Camila Freitas, Erik Quedi, Fernando Fan, Vinicius Siqueira, Walter Collischonn, Cleber Araujo, Ingrid Petry, and Reinaldo Silveira

The flow forecast is used in several sectors of society, bringing benefits in relation to the mitigation of possible impacts in flood events and it is information of great value for the economic sectors associated with agriculture and energy generation. In South America, climate and meteorological variability directly impact these economic sectors. In Brazil, for example, the production of electricity is predominantly hydroelectric generation, which currently represents about 63% of the installed power in the country, in addition to the complementarity between different hydrographic basins and the other sources that make up the Brazilian energy matrix.

The Brazilian electricity sector relies on flow forecasts for different time scales, which are used to optimize the available water resources and for the energy commercialization. The National Electric System Operator (ONS) is responsible for coordinating the operation of 153 Hydroelectric Power Plants (HPPs) and uses different hydrological models for flow forecasting. For the 14-day horizon (short term) it’s used the deterministic rain-flow model called SMAP. For the horizon of 15 to 45 days (sub seasonal) it’s used the PREVIVAZ, a univariate stochastic model.

This work presents the evaluation of the performance of the SMAP model for forecasting in a sub seasonal horizon for 6 reservoirs in the Iguaçu River basin, associated with HPPs with a total installed capacity of 7,024 MW, located in the southern region of Brazil. Streamflow forecasts were evaluated using the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) sub seasonal forecast, with lead time up to 46 days, from the Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) project database, and using the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) sub seasonal forecast, with lead time up to 35 days, from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The results showed that the flow forecasts for the sub seasonal horizon present good performance for the initial forecast horizon, with degradation in the quality of the results after this horizon. There was also evidence of gain associated with forecasts for the ensemble over the entire horizon. The use of the SMAP model combined with precipitation forecasts in the sub seasonal horizon proved to be superior to the PREVIVAZ model, currently in use at the National Electric System Operator (ONS), with a significant improvement being observed, evidencing the usefulness of flow forecasts based on numerical models of precipitation prediction for the sub seasonal horizon.

Acknowledgments: This work presents part of the results obtained during the project granted by the Brazilian National Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) under its Research and Development Project PD 6491-0503/2018 – “Previsão Hidroclimática com Abrangência no Sistema Interligado Nacional de Energia Elétrica” developed by the Paraná State electric company (COPEL GeT), the Meteorological System of Paraná (SIMEPAR) and the RHAMA Consulting company. The Hydraulic Research Institute (IPH) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) contribute to part of the project through an agreement with the RHAMA company (IAP-001313).

How to cite: Aver, C., Freitas, C., Quedi, E., Fan, F., Siqueira, V., Collischonn, W., Araujo, C., Petry, I., and Silveira, R.: ANALYSIS OF SUB SEASONAL STREAMFLOW FORECASTS FOR HPPs RESERVOIRS AT SOUTH AMERICA BASED ON ECMWF AND GEFS MODELS DATA, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16515, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16515, 2023.

Mahshid Khazaeiathar and Britta Schmalz

Streamflow prediction by using time series models is one of the practical methods that can play an important role in water resource management.  But choosing the correct model based on the linear or non-linear streamflow behavior is so crucial. Additionally, streamflow non-linearity can be affected by physiographic characteristics of watershed.  In this study, streamflow non-linearity of daily, monthly and yearly time series and its relationship with the hydrometric station area have been examined. To fulfill this purpose, ten hydrometric stations with various catchment area were selected in Hesse state in Germany. The Brock-Dechert-Scheinkman (BDS) test for testing non-linearity patterns in time series, was used to test non-linearity. The results showed that daily streamflow time series exhibit strong non-linearity. In addition, as the timescale increases, the intensity of nonlinearity decreases. Monthly and yearly streamflow time series showed less evidence of non-linearity. Furthermore, regarding the investigation of the relationship between streamflow non-linearity and watershed area, pearson and spearman tests were used. The results revealed that in none of the time scales, daily, monthly, and yearly there is no significant correlation between these two parameters. It should be noted that the novelty of this article is examining the relationship between intensity of the non-linearity and watershed area as a factor in choosing the best fitted model for time series.

How to cite: Khazaeiathar, M. and Schmalz, B.: Investigation of Non-linearity of Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Streamflow and the Correlation Between Non-linearity and Catchment Area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-371, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-371, 2023.

Huihui Zhang, Tobias Sauter, and Hugo Loaiciga

Accurate prediction of drought is essential for assessing agricultural production, water resources management, and early risk warning. Various machine learning models have been developed to enhance the accuracy of drought prediction. However, most drought models do not account for data uncertainty. Novel approaches such as the stacking model consider the predictor uncertainty and include multi-source satellite-based products. Here, we develop and test a fusion-based ensemble stacking model that integrates extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), random forecast (RF), and light gradient boosting machine (LightGBM) for drought modeling and prediction. Multi-source data, including meteorological, vegetation, anthropogenic, landcover, climate teleconnection patterns, and topological characteristics are incorporated in the proposed stacking model. The modeling framework forecast the one-month lead standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) on 12 month scale. In particular, data uncertainty is taken into account allowing for a rigorous model performance evaluation. The proposed method is applied and tested in the German federal states of Brandenburg, and Berlin. The results show that the ST model outperforms XGBboost, RF, and LightGBM, achieving an average coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.845 in each month of the year 2018. The spatial-temporal Moran’s I method indicates that the ST model captures non-stationarity in modeling the relationship between predictors and the meteorological drought index and outperforms the other three models. Counterfactual sensitivity analysis indicated that extreme precipitation, soil moisture, runoff, and precedent SPEI explain more than 80 % of the total variance of the prediction. Based on the accuracy and flexibility of the method, it seems to be a promising approach for predicting other environmental phenomena.

How to cite: Zhang, H., Sauter, T., and Loaiciga, H.: A transparency fusion-based methodology for meteorological drought prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1012, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1012, 2023.

Wei Yang, Peter Berg, Ronald Hutjes, Ursula McKnight, Lisanne Nauta, and Spyros Paparrizos

As contractor and sub-contractor for C3S, SMHI and WU-DES have set up a multi-model operational service for hydrological seasonal forecasts. The service currently produces forecasts of monthly mean river discharge for a pan-European domain using several hydrological models, namely E-HYPEcatch, on irregular catchment delineations, and E-HYPEgrid and VIC-WUR on regular 5km gridded drainage network of EFAS. Also, the EFAS-Lisflood forecasts from the separate ECMWF production line are included in the final data set. All forecasts use the SEAS5 meteorological forecasts with 51 ensemble members. The data from all models are available from the CDS data portal for a re-forecast (https://doi.org/10.24381/cds.13c18212) and a forecast period (https://doi.org/10.24381/cds.52f45864). Further, the most probable forecast is displayed in an online application (https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/software/app-hydrology-seasonal-forecast-explorer?tab=app).

Ongoing work is aimed at introducing a second meteorological forecasting system, and adding more output variables at a higher daily temporal resolution. The quality of the forecasts is at this point mainly addressed by working on the input data and statistical downscaling and bias adjustment. The new system is expected to be operational in mid-2024.

How to cite: Yang, W., Berg, P., Hutjes, R., McKnight, U., Nauta, L., and Paparrizos, S.: A pan-European service for hydrological seasonal forecasts at C3S, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13170, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13170, 2023.

Tooryalay Ayoubi, Christian Reinhardt-Imjela, and Achim Schulte

In this study, climate change impacts on future stream-flow dynamics and water availability are analyzed in the mid-century (2030-2049) and the end-century (2080-2099) using the output of regional climate models (RCMs) under two representation concentration pathways (RCPs 4.5 and 8.5) in the Upper Kabul River Basin (UKRB). A hydrological model was developed using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) from 2009-2019, calibrated from 2010-2016 and validated from 2017-2018. Results indicated, SWAT was capable of simulating the monthly stream-flow dynamics with "satisfactory" to "very good" accuracy. Temperature and precipitation data of four RCMs were bias-corrected using delta change method and were used in SWAT after validation. The future temperature increased in all seasons, the peak occurs earlier in June instead of July in both periods. Future precipitation decreases in spring, while increases in summer, autumn and winter. The precipitation changes are greatest in winter, with a shift of the annual peak from March to February. Changing precipitation in winter combined with increasing in temperature caused an earlier onset of snowmelt with a shift of the discharge peak from June to April/May. The basin’s future water balance is characterized by increasing surface runoff, evapotranspiration (ET), potential evapotranspiration (PET) and total water yield in 2040s and 2090s for both RCPs 4.5 and 8.5. In contrast snowfall and snowmelt are expected to decrease. The future runoff is projected to increase in spring, and decrease in summer (May- August). Thus, a decrease in dry season runoff and increase in wet season runoff is expected.

How to cite: Ayoubi, T., Reinhardt-Imjela, C., and Schulte, A.: Assessment of Future Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources of the Upper Kabul River Basin, Afghanistan Using SWAT, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17399, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17399, 2023.

Posters virtual: Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall HS

Ruxuan Ma and Xing Yuan

Flash droughts have been occurring frequently worldwide, which has a serious impact on food and water security. Flash droughts have raised a wide concern, but whether they can be predicted at sub-seasonal time scale remains unclear. We investigate the forecast skill of flash droughts over China with lead times up to three weeks by using model hindcasts from the sub-seasonal-to-seasonal prediction (S2S) project. The flash droughts are identified by using weekly soil moisture percentiles from two S2S forecast models (ECMWF and NCEP). The comparison with reanalysis shows that ECMWF and NCEP forecast models underestimate flash drought occurrence. The ensemble of the two models increases equitable threat score from ECMWF and NCEP models for lead 1 week. In terms of probabilistic forecast, ECMWF also has higher brier skill score than NCEP especially over Eastern China, which is consistent with higher temperature and precipitation forecast skill and flash drought predictability of ECMWF model. The multi-model ensemble shows a higher skill than ECMWF model. This study suggests the importance of multi-model ensemble flash drought forecasting.

How to cite: Ma, R. and Yuan, X.: Evaluation of Predictive Skill of Flash Droughts over China based on S2S Forecast Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6481, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6481, 2023.

Chunyu Shao, Xing Yuan, and Feng Ma

Seasonal climate predictions with global climate models which are developed based on the ocean-atmosphere interactions, contribute to the water resources management and hazard mitigation. Nowadays, multi-model ensemble seasonal climate prediction system, such as North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME), has become an effective way to provide useful forecast information a few months ahead especially over regions with strong ocean-atmosphere coupling. Previous studies have evaluated the skill of NMME hindcasts worldwide, however, it’s still unclear that whether the NMME real-time forecasts perform as well as the hindcasts and how the changes in ocean-atmospheric teleconnections affect the prediction skill. Here we show that although selecting an appropriate time frame for the calculation of climatology can reduce errors of real-time prediction, the real-time prediction skills are lower than hindcast skills in the Yangtze River basin, with anomaly correlation decreased by 14%-51% (38%-75%) and error increased by 30%-31% (51%-55%) for seasonal precipitation (temperature) predictions up to the sixth lead-seasons, and the skill decrease larger at longer leads. The failure in representing the decadal variations of ocean-atmospheric teleconnection (especially the association with Indian Ocean surface temperature) during the real-time forecast period can partly explain the decline in the prediction skills. Our findings suggest that improved simulations of the changes in the ocean-atmospheric teleconnections are necessary for skillful seasonal climate predictions in the real-time.

How to cite: Shao, C., Yuan, X., and Ma, F.: Decadal variation of predictive skill of seasonal climate over the Yangtze River and its possible causes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7396, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7396, 2023.