PS4.3 | Mars science and exploration
Mars science and exploration
Convener: Jessica Flahaut | Co-conveners: Benjamin Bultel, Agata KrzesinskaECSECS, Lori Neary, Arianna Piccialli
| Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST), 14:00–15:45 (CEST), 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room L1
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
vHall ST/PS
Orals |
Fri, 10:45
Tue, 16:15
Tue, 16:15
With three new missions which arrived at Mars in 2021, another giant leap in Mars exploration is expected during the next decade. In this session, we welcome contributions about lessons learned from past/current missions, terrestrial analog studies, laboratory experiments and modelling as well as future exploration and prospects.

Orals: Fri, 28 Apr | Room L1

Chairpersons: Matteo Massironi, Ann Ollila
On-site presentation
Gerhard Kminek and Michael A. Meyer

NASA and ESA intend to conduct a Mars Sample Return (MSR) Campaign to return martian samples safely to Earth for scientific research, based on the highest priority recommendations of the international science community. Returned samples will allow scientists to utilize advanced sample processing and scientific instrumentation unavailable on robotic spacecraft.

The journey of scientifically selected samples starts with the context development and acquisition of the samples by the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover, continues with the transit through the flight elements of the MSR Program and retrieval on Earth for curation and analysis by the world’s scientific community. The samples collected by Mars 2020 to date already show scientific potential beyond the pre-launch expectations of the scientific community for the first sample return from Mars.

Based on an already signed NASA-ESA MSR Science and Sample Management Memorandum of Understanding, a Joint Science Management Plan (JSMP) has been developed to provide the framework and processes to ensure the scientific potential of the samples is preserved during return to Earth, on Earth, and for future generations, and that the science objectives of MSR can be met.

This talk will inform the science community about the key science management elements described in the JSMP.

How to cite: Kminek, G. and Meyer, M. A.: Mars Sample Return Science Management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8764,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Binlong Ye and Joseph Michalski

Chemical weathering is an important indicator of past climate and redox state [1-3]. On Mars, weathering profiles may have formed in basaltic sediments or volcanic ash that were altered by surface water and were subsequently buried and persevered in the geological record. Orbital remote sensing of the global Martian surface has detected dioctahedral clay minerals within Noachian layered sedimentary rocks, which are consistent with the precipitation-driven pedogenic weathering of mafic sediments [1]. Noachian sedimentary rocks with spectral signatures of subaerial weathering have been detected in thousands of locations across the surface of Mars [1,4].

In this study, orbital imagery, spectroscopy, topographic data and crater chronology are investigated to explore the geologic context, stratigraphy, and relative age of >200 weathering profiles across the Martian southern highlands [4]. The youngest might be Early Hesperian, although virtually all are older than 3.7 Ga. Weathering profiles exist across a wide range of elevations (>11 km), from −5 to 6 km, indicating they developed as a result of top-down, precipitation-driven chemical weathering and this was a global phenomenon. We discovered that almost all exposures show a similar, single stratigraphic relationship of Al/Si material overlying Fe/Mg clays, rather than several, interbedded mineralogy transitions. This points to either a single warming event or, more likely, a chemical resetting scenario in which the most recent event overprints the prior weathering pattern. The time necessary to develop a typical profile is estimated to be several million years, which corresponds to only a portion of the Noachian period. As a result, the broad estimated age span ~700–800 My appears incompatible with a single climate excursion. We consider that the presence of weathering profiles in many geologic units at a wide range of ages over a long period of geologic time and at a wide range of elevations, suggests a top-down, precipitation-driven chemical weathering was global in scope. Fe-mobility was a crucial component of chemically weathering, which happened geologically rapidly under anoxic conditions that might potentially warm the martian surface via reduced greenhouse gas. Collectively, these results indicate that multiple weathering episodes are driven by multiple reduced greenhouse conditions on ancient Mars.

[1] Carter et al. 2015, Icarus, 248, 373-382. [2] Bishop et al., 2018, Nature Astronomy, 2(3), 206-213. [3] Liu et al., 2021, Nature Astronomy,5(5), 503-509.[4] Ye & Michalski, Communication Earth & Environments, 3(1), 1-14.

How to cite: Ye, B. and Michalski, J.: Compositional stratigraphy on Mars as evidence of hundreds of millions of years of greenhouse conditions on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2249,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Abigail Knight, Scott VanBommel, Ralf Gellert, Jeff Berger, Jeffrey Catalano, and Juliane Gross

The Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometers (APXS) onboard the Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) Spirit and Opportunity interrogated the bedrock, soil, and regolith at Gusev crater and Meridiani Planum, respectively. The APXS derives the composition of geologic materials through a combination of particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy. Each measurement results in a histogram of energies with characteristic peak areas proportional to elemental concentrations. This spectrum reflects not only the composition of a target but also varies with experimental conditions (e.g., measurement duration, mission age, standoff, temperature), which must be accounted for to accurately quantify the elements present in a spectrum. Individual APXS measurements often provide sufficient counting statistics to resolve and quantify major, minor, and select trace elements (e.g., Ni, Zn, Br) while others (e.g., Ga, Ge) are more difficult to precisely quantify due to, in part, their typical low concentrations (e.g., sub-30 µg/g).

To combat the effect of statistical noise on trace element quantification, individual spectra are summed together to create a composite spectrum. We have assembled a database of target characteristics, such as target type (e.g., rock, soil), location, feature, target, formation, and degree of sample preparation (e.g., as-is, brushed, abraded), for each individual APXS spectrum. Spectra of targets with shared geological context and geochemical characteristics (e.g., ratio of Fe3+ to FeT) were summed to create meaningful combinations of individual spectra (i.e., composite spectrum). The composite spectra were fit with a simplified (i.e., Gaussian peaks with a linear background) nonlinear least squares fitting routine to identify promising composites for quantification with the fitting routine developed and utilized for the quantification of other elements within MER APXS spectra. Composite spectra were also assessed visually and quantitatively to confirm they were representative of trace element peaks within each of the individual spectra rather than outliers.

At both Meridiani Planum and Gusev crater, results indicate that the concentrations of Ga and Ge in outcrops are more than an order of magnitude higher than expected from meteoritic contribution alone. The ratios of Ga to Al and Ge to Si can also be used to infer the geologic history of a region due to their similar ionic radii and charges and therefore geochemical behavior. The Ga/Al molar ratio tends to be much more consistent at Meridiani Planum compared to that of Ge/Si, which shows more variation between formations. The divergence of the behaviors of Ge and Si could be explained by high temperature diagenetic fluids, as could the consistent behaviors of Ga and Al. We conclude that the elevated concentrations of trace elements such as Ga and Ge may be sourced in part from volcanic outgassing, and regional trends in the molar ratios of Ga/Al and Ge/Si are potentially due to high temperature diagenetic fluids.

How to cite: Knight, A., VanBommel, S., Gellert, R., Berger, J., Catalano, J., and Gross, J.: Trace Element Concentrations from the Mars Exploration Rover Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometers: Implications for the Geologic Histories of Meridiani Planum and Gusev Crater, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10444,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Rachel Sheppard, William Rapin, Valerie Tu, Lucy Lim, Travis Gabriel, Madison Hughes, Abigail Fraeman, and David Vaniman

Mg sulfate (MGS) is one of the most common secondary minerals on Mars, with orbital detections spread across the planet and multiple occurrences and elevations within Gale crater. The mineralogy of MGS (including its crystallinity and hydration state) and its geologic setting can be used to place precise limits on aqueous conditions during formation and diagenesis. Both monohydrated Mg-sulfate and polyhydrated Mg-sulfate have been observed in Gale crater from orbit, and the MSL mission is now within the area where MGS-rich strata are identified from orbit, presenting an opportunity to examine these common martian minerals in situ. We map MGS-rich outcrops along the planned rover traverse route and similar stratigraphic range around all of Mt. Sharp. By comparing CRISM and HiRISE data in a restricted stratigraphic range, we identify small features of interest such as potential thin monohydrated MGS layers. As monohydrated MGS cannot have been exposed to liquid water or frost since formation, these are important outcrops for the rover to conduct contact science and gather high-resolution textural observations which can be used to test formation hypotheses.

How to cite: Sheppard, R., Rapin, W., Tu, V., Lim, L., Gabriel, T., Hughes, M., Fraeman, A., and Vaniman, D.: Updated orbital perspective of the Mt. Sharp upper sulfates in preparation for in situ exploration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16728,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Nina Lanza, Patrick Gasda, Ann Ollila, Baptiste Chide, Bradley Garczynski, Jeffrey Johnson, Woodward Fischer, Allan Treiman, Amy Williams, Scott VanBommel, Abigail Knight, Joel Hurowitz, Sunanda Sharma, Hemani Kalucha, Pamela Conrad, Karim Benzerara, Elise Clave, Lucia Mandon, Roger Wiens, and Sylvestre Maurice

Manganese-rich phases have been detected in situ on Mars by the NASA Opportunity and Curiosity rovers, and in the martian meteorite NWA 7034 (and its pairs). Notably, instruments on Curiosity in Gale crater have detected Mn-rich materials in many geologic contexts, including fracture fills, coatings, nodules, and cements; this variety suggests a complex, long-term manganese cycle or cycles in the region. The origins of these materials is not well understood, but their existence points to strongly oxidizing aqueous environments in Mars’ distant past. On Earth today, manganese cycling is primarily mediated by microbes, making manganese minerals on Mars important targets for detailed study. On Earth, a significant geologic setting for Mn-rich materials is rock varnish, a dark, shiny coatings composed of Mn- and Fe-oxides and clays. Varnishes are ubiquitous in arid environments on Earth and have recently been shown to be produced and modified by microbial communities. Such varnishes have long been predicted for Mars (as an abiotic feature) but have not been observed until now. In Jezero crater, the SuperCam and Mastcam-Z instruments on the Perseverance rover have now documented a dark, shiny, Mn-rich coating on the rock Hogback Mountain, which is in the Hogwallow Flats region of Jezero Delta sediments. SuperCam laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) analyses of 30- and 150-shot depth profiles penetrated through a thin, Mn-rich layer with MnO as high as 30 wt% (avg 11 wt% MnO over all shots). Preliminary chemistry results suggest that Ni is positively correlated with Mn; this is consistent with a Mn-oxide mineral, which adsorb Ni, Co, and other metals when available. Acoustic data from the SuperCam microphone obtained concurrently with the LIBS depth profiles show that the high-Mn coating is relatively hard, and that material properties change beneath the coating at ~40 shots (~12 µm) depth, in good agreement with the LIBS chemistry data. SuperCam reflectance spectra (0.40-0.85 um, 1.3-2.6 µm) of the coating suggest contributions from phyllosilicates and likely Mn-bearing minerals, including but not limited to birnessite, [(Na,Ca)0.5(Mn4+,Mn3+)2O4·1.5H2O]), which is the most common Mn-oxide in terrestrial rock varnish. So far, Hogback Mountain is the only SuperCam target with such high Mn. However, Mastcam-Z multispectral observations suggest that similar Mn-rich coatings are present on rock surfaces throughout the area. On Earth, varnish formation (and Mn-mineral formation in general) is associated with organic materials. Notably, at the nearby Berry Hollow abrasion patch, high intensity fluorescence signals indicate that possible organics were found by the SHERLOC instrument. Further investigation of these signals and colocated Raman signals is ongoing. This observation of a varnish-like coating on Mars represents a new geologic context for Mn-bearing minerals on that planet that expands the range of environments known to produce these materials, and opens up new opportunities to answer questions about potential biosignatures on Mars.

How to cite: Lanza, N., Gasda, P., Ollila, A., Chide, B., Garczynski, B., Johnson, J., Fischer, W., Treiman, A., Williams, A., VanBommel, S., Knight, A., Hurowitz, J., Sharma, S., Kalucha, H., Conrad, P., Benzerara, K., Clave, E., Mandon, L., Wiens, R., and Maurice, S.: A varnish-like high-manganese rock coating in Jezero crater, Mars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10757,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Nicolas Mangold, Gwenael Caravaca, Erwin Dehouck, Olivier Beyssac, Pierre Beck, Elise Clavé, Agnès Cousin, Gilles Dromart, Olivier Forni, Thierry Fouchet, Olivier Gasnault, Sanjeev Gupta, Stéphane Le Mouélic, Lucia Mandon, Sylvestre Maurice, Pierre-Yves Meslin, Cathy Quantin-Nataf, Clément Royer, and Roger Wiens and SuperCam team

The Perseverance rover landed on the floor of Jezero crater in February 2021. The initial set of images taken from the landing site of the residual butte Kodiak showed a deltaic architecture consistent with a paleolake, but at a level ~100 m lower than expected, suggestive of a closed lake system. After spending ~1 year studying the crater floor, the rover reached the front of the deltaic fan in April 2022. Here, we report observations of the facies, structure and composition of these sedimentary deposits using the SuperCam instrument. SuperCam can take images for texture analysis with the Remote Micro-Imager (RMI), visible and infrared reflectance (VISIR) spectra as well as Raman spectra for mineralogical analysis, and data from laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for chemical analysis. The rover investigated the basal strata of the delta along two traverses at the SE of the delta front. The transition between the crater floor and the delta is not well determined due to regolith and strongly degraded outcrops, and is currently under assessment. The ~20 m thick basal layers that are well-visible on orbital data consist of fine-grained sandstones and siltstones deposited in sub-horizontal planar beds with millimeter thick laminations. These deposits display a substantial alteration highlighted by the detection of both sulfates and phyllosilicates, with exception of local boulders of igneous texture lacking alteration. Texture and composition are both consistent with a quiet regime of deposition such as in lake deposits or distal delta slopes. These beds are considered of topmost importance for sample return and were cored in two locations. Pebbly sandstones and conglomerates with pebbles limited to a few centimeters are observed immediately above these strata. The texture is matrix-supported suggesting an emplacement through gravity sliding or turbidity flows below water rather than fluvial deposition. The composition is more variable than in underlying finer-grained beds and includes local carbonate detections. Uppermost deposits have not been reached by the rover yet, but have been analyzed remotely by RMI images, and VISIR for some of them. They consist of cross-bedded sandstones and conglomerates in all locations of the delta front. The diversity in texture of these deposits suggests a variability in depositional regimes including high-energy floods, either during the lacustrine phase, or subsequently. Boulders present within these layers are rounded suggesting a substantial abrasion by fluvial transport. These boulders are also interesting targets for sampling distant crustal rocks. The top of the delta will be analyzed and sampled along the traverse of the rover in 2023.

How to cite: Mangold, N., Caravaca, G., Dehouck, E., Beyssac, O., Beck, P., Clavé, E., Cousin, A., Dromart, G., Forni, O., Fouchet, T., Gasnault, O., Gupta, S., Le Mouélic, S., Mandon, L., Maurice, S., Meslin, P.-Y., Quantin-Nataf, C., Royer, C., and Wiens and SuperCam team, R.: Observations of the Perseverance rover at the Jezero crater delta front using the SuperCam instrument, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4896,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Cathy Quantin-Nataf, Olivier Beyssac, Arya Udry, Lucia Mandon, Elise Clave, Karim Benzerara, Erwin Dehouck, François Poulet, Pierre Beck, Stephane LeMouelic, Nicolas Mangold, Agnes Cousin, Pierre Yves Meslin, Olivier Forni, Olivier Gasnault, Roger Wiens, and Sylvestre Maurice

On February 18, 2021, NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover landed successfully on the floor of Jezero crater. Two geological and compositional units had previously been identified from orbital data analysis within the floor of Jezero crater [1,2]: a dark pyroxene-bearing floor unit and an olivine-bearing unit exposed in erosional windows [3]. During the 420 first sols of the mission, the rover has completed an in situ exploration campaign of these two units.

The SuperCam instrument contains a suite of techniques including passive spectroscopy in the 0.40-0.85 (VIS) and 1.3-2.6 microns (IR) wavelength ranges, Raman spectroscopy, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and a camera providing high resolution context images [4,5]. Since the landing, SuperCam has acquired more than 3 thousands of observations.

From orbit the two geological units in the floor of Jezero have distinctive morphology and spectral signature. The crater floor unit called Cf-fr (Crater floor fractured rough) has a pyroxene signature [2] with no clear evidence of alteration.  The unit is laying on the top of the olivine rich unit. The interpretations varied from lacustrine deposits to volcanic deposits. The underlying unit seems to be part of the regional olivine-rich deposits with parts altered into carbonates and clays [1,6]. Interestingly, this regional olivine rich unit has a unique spectral signature on Mars, an effect of either grain size or composition [7]. Many hypotheses have been suggested: Isidis impact related ejectas layer [8], pyroclastic deposits [i.e. 6] or clastics deposits [9].   

In situ, we discovered that the Cf-fr, composed of different sub-units is not layered, composed of grainy rocks, dominated by plagioclase and Fe-rich pyroxenes [10] with a restricted but pervasive multistage [10]. From in situ data, Maaz is interpreted lava flows [11, 12] emplaced before the last lacustrine activity associated with the main western delta fan. Below the cf-fr, Seitah occurs as layered Mg-olivine rich rocks generally flat but slightly plunging below Maaz on the edges. The rocks are dominated by mm grains of pristine Olivine and some pyroxenes [10, 13, 14] .  The various spectroscopic methods detected alteration phases such as Mg- phyllosilicate and Mg Carbonates. [15, 16]. The rock texture and petrology of Seitah were interpreted as an olivine cumulate with limited alteration.

Lessons learned from this in situ campaign will be presented such as how accurate are the orbital spectral analyses, the morphological analysis and how to transfer the results of Jezero to the other places on Mars investigate by orbital data only.  

References :  [1] Horgan et al., 2020 [2] Goudge et al., 2015  [3] Tarnas, et al., 2021. [4] Wiens, et al., 2021. ; [5]  Maurice et al., , 2021 ; [6] Mandon et al., 2020.  [7] Ody et al.,2013   [8] Mustard et al., 2006 [9] Rogers et al., 2018, [10] Wiens et al., 2021 ; [11] Udry et al., 2022, [12] Horgan et al., 2022, [13] Liu et al., 2022, [14] ; Beyssac et al., 2023 [15] Mandon et al., 2022 [16] Clave et  al., 2022.

How to cite: Quantin-Nataf, C., Beyssac, O., Udry, A., Mandon, L., Clave, E., Benzerara, K., Dehouck, E., Poulet, F., Beck, P., LeMouelic, S., Mangold, N., Cousin, A., Meslin, P. Y., Forni, O., Gasnault, O., Wiens, R., and Maurice, S.: Comparison of orbital and Supercam in situ investigation of the floor Units of Jezero crater, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14114,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ann Ollila, Baptiste Chide, Nina Lanza, Brad Garczynski, Mariek Schmidt, Patrick Gasda, Olivier Forni, Agnes Cousin, Erwin Dehouck, Roger Wiens, Sylvestre Maurice, Marion Nachon, Jeff Johnson, and Sam Clegg and the SuperCam Team

The NASA Perseverance rover has encountered numerous instances of purplish colored surficial material on rocks and pebbles throughout its traverse across the Jezero crater floor and the delta front. These enigmatic materials are visible on many different rock types and can vary in apparent thickness, from being very thin (microns) to several mm thick, and potentially forming in more than one layer. On Earth, such thin layers may form from a variety of processes, e.g., as coatings deposited on rock surfaces, exposed fracture fills, and/or alteration rinds/case hardening. The purple materials observed at Jezero typically unconformably overlie eroded natural rock surfaces, suggesting these features are possibly surface coatings of externally derived material. On Earth, coatings arise due to interactions between rock surfaces and the atmosphere, liquid water, and life. As such, they represent important targets for study on Mars.

Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and a microphone, SuperCam is able to analyze these coatings for chemical composition (LIBS) and material properties (recording the LIBS acoustic signal). By interrogating the same location with the LIBS laser multiple times, changes in composition and material properties with shot (depth) may be observed if the layer is thin enough. SuperCam has made 125-150 laser shot depth profiles on several of these coated rocks, at 4-5 locations on each. For each raster, we attempt to have at least one point on an uncoated area to compare with the coated surface profile. Whenever possible, SuperCam analyses of coatings were made at locations adjacent to a rover-made abrasion patch, where the upper ~mm is abraded off to expose the underlying rock. Here we focus on comparing compositions of depth profiles on purple coatings that are directly adjacent to abrasion patches; these targets are Cordoeil (sol 268), near the abrasion patch Dourbes, Chokecherry (sol 378) which is near the Alfalfa abrasion patch, and Pile_Bay (sol 582) located by the Novarupta patch. Coating compositions from these targets roughly matches that of the fine martian dust (e.g., Lasue et al., 2018,, potentially indicating a link between the two. Airfall dust is an important contributor to rock coating formation on Earth and may likewise play a role for coating formation on Mars.       

How to cite: Ollila, A., Chide, B., Lanza, N., Garczynski, B., Schmidt, M., Gasda, P., Forni, O., Cousin, A., Dehouck, E., Wiens, R., Maurice, S., Nachon, M., Johnson, J., and Clegg, S. and the SuperCam Team: Analysis of Purple Coatings by the SuperCam Instrument on the Perseverance Rover in Jezero Crater, Mars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10794,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Titus M. Casademont, Sigurd Eide, Emileigh Shoemaker, Tor Berger, Patrick Russell, and Svein-Erik Hamran

The RIMFAX ground penetrating radar instrument on board the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover has been continuously sounding the subsurface along
the Rover traverse. In the data of the first 379 mission days on the Jezero Crater Floor we are able to identify hyperbolic patterns, likely caused by buried scatterers such as boulders or cavities in the upper 5 m of the subsurface. We present the first detailed estimates of radar wave propagation velocity by matching theoretical traveltime hyperbolas to the patterns generated by scatterers. The average dielectric permittivities are derived from these velocities and, consequently, the bulk rock densities for material above the scattering source. Simultaneously, we investigate the surface reflectivity to retrieve permittivity and density of the uppermost centimeter. Finally, we assess the radar attenuation by a constant-Q approach.
The results are consistent with a solid rock, mafic interpretation of the Jezero Crater subsurface. The talk is based on the respective two most recent publications as well as work in progress.

How to cite: Casademont, T. M., Eide, S., Shoemaker, E., Berger, T., Russell, P., and Hamran, S.-E.: Rock Properties of Shallow Martian Subsurface with the RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15500,, 2023.

Lunch break
Chairpersons: Ricardo Hueso, Matteo Massironi
On-site presentation
Letizia Gambacorta, Marco Mastrogiuseppe, and Roberto Seu

SHARAD (Shallow Radar) and MARSIS (Mars advanced Radar for subsurface and ionosphere sounding) are two low frequency sounder radars in orbit around Mars whose aim is to assess the distribution of on-ground and buried water, to provide the material composing its crust and to study its topography at global scale. The estimation of dielectric properties using radar data, can be pursued by means of different methods, including a parametric data inversion approach. Our method provides for the estimation of surface permittivity and loss tangent by exploiting the ratio between the return powers from the surface and the subsurface at different frequencies. As the roughness of the surface as well as the subsurface, affects  the returned power, inversion techniques are often applied  on moderately flat surfaces, where the power loss due to roughness can be considered negligible.

In this work we present an approach for the estimation of surface roughness properties and power loss compensation via waveform fitting, whose shape is modified in relation to the  characteristics of the surface impinged by the emitted electromagnetic wave. Such fitting procedure exploits a large-scale roughness model for the power return obtained under the Kirchhoff approximation hypotheses and comprising both the coherent and the non-coherent components of the scattered field. Our method allows to estimate the roughness regime of the selected area in terms of height standard deviation and root mean squared slope and therefore to compensate for  power losses in relation with the estimated parameters.

The performances of the fitting procedure are tested using a ray-tracing simulator of the range-compressed SHARAD and MARSIS received signal. As a fist step we applied the analysis on isotropic gaussian surfaces with different roughness characteristics showing the possibility to recover the power lost due to roughness effects. Moreover, the analysis will be performed on MOLA simulated products to represent MARS surface and finally, will be applied to SHARAD real data acquired over the volcanic region of Elysium Planitia.

How to cite: Gambacorta, L., Mastrogiuseppe, M., and Seu, R.: Radar Sounding Waveform Fitting for Roughness parameters estimation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4218,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Yann Leseigneur and Mathieu Vincendon

Recurring Slope Lineae (hereinafter RSL) are seasonal dark flows on Mars steep slopes. These movements of several meters long appear and grow downwards (more or less incrementally) and fade (partially or totally) more or less progressively. After investigating wet origins, dry processes involving dust are favoured (e.g., dust-removed features, dark sand movements, …) but are not yet precisely understood. One of the main common features between RSL and dust is seasonality, for example major formations are observed during the dust storm season at all latitudes. A specific RSL seasonality composed of three pulses of RSL apparition or lengthening has been found by Stillman et al. (2018) at Hale crater (323.48°E, 35.68°S). Here we assess whether this RSL timing could be related to the three pulses of the dust cycle. So, we reanalyse the observations of Hale to characterise the RSL activity with a dust removal/deposition point of view, trying to constrain the formation triggers (dust deposition, winds, …) and formation scenario for RSL.


We analyse consecutive high-resolution images (>0.25 m/pixel) of two Hale areas, taken by HiRISE onboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, for Martian years 31, 32, and 33. We divided the characterisation into two parts: periods of apparition or lengthening of RSL-like features (i.e., when the extent of dark surfaces increases) and periods of RSL fading or disappearing (i.e., when the contrast between dark surfaces and adjacent bright surfaces decreases). In the framework of the “dust-removed” hypothesis for RSL, these two periods correspond respectively to dust removal and deposition periods. Each of those has three levels of intensity: low, intermediate and high. Then, we compare this RSL activity timeline to atmospheric dust optical depth variations over Hale.


With this new characterisation, we overall find again the three southern hemisphere spring/summer pulses and we also have identified an RSL formation event occurring near winter solstice (not already noticed). Then, we notice that there are dust depositions before each pulse, which correspond to a long decrease of atmospheric dust optical depth (1st pulse) or two local peaks (2nd and 3rd pulse). This may imply that dust deposition at RSL locations can occur as both progressive fallout or rapid transport associated with storms. This also implies that a certain surface dust deposition seems to be necessary to have a significant level of RSL formation, but it does not seem to be always sufficient to trigger RSL formation. Indeed, local increase in atmospheric dust, which could be related to increased wind activity, seems to be required (1stpulse) or seems to favour RSL formation (3rd pulse).


Thus, we can propose an RSL formation scenario consistent with these observations: if there is enough surface dust deposition, a dry avalanche-type formation can be observed (possibly initiated by winds); with less dust deposition or slope unfavourable conditions (not allowing avalanche) the RSL lengthen downward more incrementally (as for the 3rd pulse) under the action of winds. This proposed scenario elaborated using Hale observational constraints will be tested, improved, and confirmed with similar analyses performed at other RSL sites.

How to cite: Leseigneur, Y. and Vincendon, M.: Study of Recurring Slope Lineae Activity in Hale Crater: Wind and Dust Deposition Triggers., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14614,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Constantinos Charalambous, Matt Golombek, Tom Pike, Mark Lemmon, Aymeric Spiga, Claire Newman, Veronique Ansan, Mariah Baker, Maria Banks, Ralph Lorenz, Alexander Stott, and Daniel Viudez-Moreiras

Aeolian activity, the movement of sand and dust by the wind, is common on Earth and has been observed on other planets [1]. Under the current climatic conditions on Mars, aeolian activity is the primary process of surface modification driven by winds, dust storms and wind vortices. Landed and orbiting cameras show that widespread aeolian activity occurs despite low measured and modelled winds, challenging Earth-based theories [2, 3]. Dust particles enter into long-term suspension forming global dust storms which drastically alter the Martian atmospheric dynamics and present hazards to robotic and human missions.

Several models have been proposed on the long-standing conundrum of sediment transport on Mars, however, none of these have been verified on the planet. The outstanding question of what wind shear velocities mobilize sediments on Mars has remained elusive despite multiple spacecrafts carrying wind sensors and studying aeolian activity on finer spatial and temporal scales than can be achieved in orbit. Quantitative examination of aeolian activity under natural Martian surface conditions is imperative in validating transport models.

The InSight lander has provided a unique opportunity for monitoring simultaneous coverage of aeolian activity on Mars by combining, for the first time, imaging with atmospheric, seismic and magnetic measurements. Previous studies spanned over just half of the first Martian year, from the end of northern winter to midsummer, and observed minor aeolian activity limited to sporadic grain motion and dust devil tracks [4, 5].

In this study, we extend observations of aeolian activity for two Martian years, allowing us to infer the seasonal evolution at the landing site. We report a series of remarkable daytime vortex-induced events with pressure excursions up to 10 Pa, including an investigation of the burst in daytime vortices and emergence of nighttime vortices in northern autumn. Despite our observations reinforcing the quiescent aeolian surface environment at InSight, we observe further evidence and constrain timings of surface track formation, saltation, dust lifting and surface creep of coarser particles both on the surface of Mars and lander elements. Such an investigation was previously impossible due to power constraints allowing only intermittent meteorological measurements in the second year and wind-sensor saturation from energetic close vortex encounters that cause surface changes. Here, we derive estimates of vortex-induced peak wind speeds responsible for grain motion based on strong correlations from the excitation of high-frequency lander resonances sensitive to wind forcing measured continuously by the seismometers [6]. This wealth of data allows us to obtain a unique catalogue of complete wind-induced surface activity at InSight over two Martian years. Our findings provide an insight into the long-standing paradox of aeolian transportation on Mars by quantifying the environmental variables responsible for sand motion which help constrain current threshold and transport models.

[1] Hayes (2018) Sci. [2] Kok et al. (2012) RPP [3] Newman et al. (2022) Auth. [4] Charalambous et al. (2021) JGR 126(6) e2020JE006538 [5] Baker et al., (2021) JGR [6] Charalambous et al. (2021) JGR 126(4) e2020JE006514.

How to cite: Charalambous, C., Golombek, M., Pike, T., Lemmon, M., Spiga, A., Newman, C., Ansan, V., Baker, M., Banks, M., Lorenz, R., Stott, A., and Viudez-Moreiras, D.: The Aeolian Activity at InSight Over Two Martian Years, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9921,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ricardo Hueso, Claire Newman, Teresa del Río-Gaztelurrutia, Munguira Aiser, Agustín Sánchez-Lavega, Daniel Toledo, Mark Lemmon, Germán Martínez, Ralph Lorenz, Manuel de la Torre-Juarez, Jose Antonio Rodríguez-Manfredi, Jorge Pla-García, Naomi Murdoch, and Baptiste Chide

After one year of surface operations at Jezero, the MEDA meteorological sensors have captured the signals produced by the close approach of hundreds of vortices and dust devils over different seasons and terrains. Here we update findings on the vortex and Dust Devils published in Hueso et al. (JGR: Planets, 2023). That work analyzed MEDA data from spring to early autumn identifying vortices as pressure drops and later characterizing them from the ensemble of MEDA measurements. In this updated analysis we show that, in winter, declining surface temperatures and smaller vertical gradients result in a wane of vortex activity. This decreased activity affects more the frequency of intense vortices (Δp >1.5 Pa) without showing a stiff decay in the total number of vortices (Δp>0.5 Pa). In this contribution we concentrate on the specific aspects of the thermodynamics of the vortices from temperature measurements obtained by MEDA that characterize the vertical thermal gradient at the time of the vortex passage. In addition, when vortices approach the rover closely in a favorable geometry (coming from the front of the vortex) we measure the increased temperatures inside the vortex. We also explore the increased nighttime vortex activity found on some sols, when pressure drops equivalent to those created by daytime vortices appear in the early morning before sunrise, with clusters of nighttime activity in winter and early spring.

How to cite: Hueso, R., Newman, C., del Río-Gaztelurrutia, T., Aiser, M., Sánchez-Lavega, A., Toledo, D., Lemmon, M., Martínez, G., Lorenz, R., de la Torre-Juarez, M., Rodríguez-Manfredi, J. A., Pla-García, J., Murdoch, N., and Chide, B.: Vortices and Dust Devils at Jezero crater after one year of measurements with MEDA on Mars 2020, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6062,, 2023.

On-site presentation
María Ruíz-Pérez, Jorge Pla-García, Aymeric Spiga, Scot C. R. Rafkin, Nils Mueller, Claire Newman, Sara Navarro, Josefina Torres, Alain Lepinette, Donald Banfield, Luís Mora, and Jose Antonio Rodríguez-Manfredi

Air temperature, ground temperature, pressure, and wind speed and direction data obtained from the APSS (Auxiliary Payload Sensor Suite) and HP3 radiometer (RAD) onboard the InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) lander are compared to data from the Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System. A full diurnal cycle at four different seasons (Ls 0º, 90º, 180º and 270º) is investigated at the lander location at 4.5° N 135.6° E in Elysium Planitia on Mars (Figure shows comparison results for Ls 180º). This work extends the atmospheric observations perform by [1]. Model results are shown to be in good agreement with observations. The good agreement provides justification for utilizing the model results to investigate the broader meteorological environment of Elysium Planitia in a companion paper. The observed air temperature, pressure and winds are taken at ∼1m above ground, while MRAMS provides those values at the lowest atmospheric model level of ∼14 m. As expected, the MRAMS air temperature values at this height tend to be cooler than the observed in the morning and early afternoon, and then tend to be warmer in the late afternoon and through the night. Also, the difference in height should not have a large impact on wind direction, but modeled wind speeds at ∼14 m are faster than the observed at 1.5 m due to frictional effects. Small discrepancies in ground temperatures could be attribute to a different initialization of thermal inertia, dust and clouds in the model when compared with the data. The diurnal pressure amplitude at Elysium Planitia varies from 2.52% to 4.5% depending on the season. The total amplitude is then considerably smaller compared to Gale crater (up to ∼13%, [2]). [3] attributed the amplification at Gale due to a mesoscale hydrostatic adjustment process in regions of topographic slopes. We also use a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to study the mechanical disturb of the wind directions due to other instruments onboard the lander and it effect into the wind directions discrepancy between modeling and observations [4]. For low wind speeds (~3.4 m/s), there is an important mechanical contamination in the 330º-30º wind directions range for FM1 and in the 210-330º range for FM2 (Figure bottom left), mostly during nighttime.                                                         

Figure 1. Observed and modeled diurnal air temperature, ground temperature, pressure, wind speed and wind direction signal at Ls 180. MRAMS are the black dots. InSight data taken within a few sols of the Ls 180 are shown in different colors, which each color representing data from a single sol. CFD results with the mechanical disturb (from the higher value -0- to the lower value -1.2-) of the wind directions due to other instruments onboard the lander for low wind speeds (~3.4 m/s) are shown in the bottom left.


How to cite: Ruíz-Pérez, M., Pla-García, J., Spiga, A., C. R. Rafkin, S., Mueller, N., Newman, C., Navarro, S., Torres, J., Lepinette, A., Banfield, D., Mora, L., and Rodríguez-Manfredi, J. A.: The meteorology of Elysium Planitia (Mars) as determined from InSight observations and numerical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-475,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jorge Pla-Garcia, Claire Newman, Asier Munguira, Agustín Sánchez-Lavega, Ricardo Hueso, Teresa del Río Gaztelurrutia, and Jose Antonio Rodríguez-Manfredi and the Mars 2020 MEDA team

Pressure, ground temperature, air temperature close to the surface and at 40 m height, and wind speed and direction data obtained from MEDA [Rodriguez-Manfredi et al. 2021] onboard Perseverance rover are compared to data from MRAMS [Rafkin and Michaels 2019]. A full diurnal cycle at twelve different times of a complete martian year (Ls 30º, 60º, 90º, 105º, 160º, 180º, 210º, 240º, 270º, 300º, 330º and 360º) are investigated at the rover location at 18.44°N; 77.45°E inside Jezero crater on Mars. Figure shows comparison results for Ls 90º. This work extends the predictions shown in [Pla-García et al. 2020, Newman et al. 2021]. A diurnal structure variation of the pressure throughout the year is shown both in modeling and observations. The diurnal pressure amplitude is generally well matched in the model but the phase of the diurnal tide is shifted about ~90 min. The general shape of the diurnal cycle of surface temperature are similar between the two datasets. MRAMS surface properties are interpolated from data sets obtained from TES thermal inertia (nighttime) and albedo, with insufficient resolution to capture the known variation of thermal inertia in Jezero crater and the misestimating the diurnal amplitude. The lowest MRAMS thermodynamic level is ∼14 m above the ground, so modeled air temperatures tend to be cooler than MEDA observations at ∼1.5 m above the surface in the morning and early afternoon, and then tend to be warmer in the late afternoon and through the night. This is a direct result of the steep afternoon superadiabatic lapse rate and a strong nocturnal inversion [Schofield et al. 1997]. There is a good match in wind directions between MRAMS and MEDA, but MRAMS wind speeds are generally higher than those observed with MEDA, especially between 23:00 and dawn. The difference in height should not have a large impact on wind direction but can contribute to the wind speed differences due to frictional effects with the surface. Those wind speed differences are indeed bigger during nighttime, where MRAMS winds between 01:00 and sunrise could be so strong because the downslope winds penetrate a little bit too far into the crater for that time of sol when compared with other modeling predictions [Newman et al. 2021]. It is also noticeable that the wind speeds are systematically extremely low after sunset both in MRAMS and MEDA, following the collapse of daytime convection [Banfield et al. 2020], but then at 20:00 the wind speeds start to increase again both in modeling and observations. Although there are some periods with differences, generally there is a good agreement between MRAMS results and MEDA observations, and this agreement provides justification for utilizing the model results to investigate the broader meteorological environment of the Jezero crater region in a companion paper

Figure. Observed and modeled diurnal air temperature, ground temperature, pressure, wind speed and wind direction signal at Ls 90. MRAMS are the black dots. MEDA data taken within a few sols of the Ls 90 are shown in blue.

How to cite: Pla-Garcia, J., Newman, C., Munguira, A., Sánchez-Lavega, A., Hueso, R., del Río Gaztelurrutia, T., and Rodríguez-Manfredi, J. A. and the Mars 2020 MEDA team: The meteorology of Jezero crater (Mars) as determined from MEDA observations and numerical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-735,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Asier Munguira, Ricardo Hueso, Agustín Sánchez-Lavega, Manuel De la Torre-Juarez, Germán Martínez, Teresa del Río-Gaztelurrutia, Michael Smith, Mark Lemmon, Jose Antonio Rodríguez-Manfredi, Alain Lepinette, Eduardo Sebastián, and Donald Banfield

We use data from the MEDA instrument on Mars 2020 to study the evolution of atmospheric and surface temperatures at Jezero. The measurements correspond to four height levels from the surface to ~40 m and together they allow us to examine multiple aspects of the near-surface meteorology at Jezero. We extend the analysis of near-surface temperatures of Munguira et al. (JGR:Planets 2023), which covered the period from Ls 13º to Ls 203º, over a full Martian year. We show the seasonal evolution of temperatures, including temperature fluctuations and thermal gradients, which are affected by the properties of the terrain traversed by Perseverance. We will focus on a physical description of the thermal processes that take place in the Convective Boundary Layer at Jezero. We compare near-surface temperatures with the atmospheric opacity around-the-clock retrieved by Smith et al. (2022) and with daily averages of optical depth measured by MastCam-Z (Bell et al. 2022). After Ls 203º, atmospheric waves coming across Jezero predicted by atmospheric models are expected to contribute to shaping temperatures producing thermal oscillations on time-scales of a few sols. This effect is accompanied by an enhanced variability of atmospheric opacity and both effects contribute to produce a higher variability on temperatures.



[1] Munguira, A. et al. (2023). Near Surface Atmospheric Temperatures at Jezero from Mars 2020 MEDA Measurements. JGR: Planets.

[2] Smith, M.D. et al. (2022). Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of Aerosol Optical Depth Observed by MEDA/TIRS at Jezero Crater, Mars. In Seventh international workshop on the Mars atmosphere: Modelling and observations (pp. 14-17).

[3] Bell, J.F. et al. (2022). Geological, multispectral, and meteorological imaging results from the mars 2020 perseverance rover in jezero crater. Science Advances, 8 (47), eabo4856. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abo4856

How to cite: Munguira, A., Hueso, R., Sánchez-Lavega, A., De la Torre-Juarez, M., Martínez, G., del Río-Gaztelurrutia, T., Smith, M., Lemmon, M., Rodríguez-Manfredi, J. A., Lepinette, A., Sebastián, E., and Banfield, D.: Seasonal evolution of near surface atmospheric temperatures at Jezero as measured by the MEDA instrument on Mars 2020, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5885,, 2023.

On-site presentation
German Martinez, Eduardo Sebastian, Michael Smith, Hannu Savijärvi, Hartzel Gillespie, Alvaro Vicente-Retortillo, Asier Munguira, Ricardo Hueso, Daniel Toledo, Leslie Tamppari, Claire Newman, Agustin Sanchez-Lavega, Mark Lemmon, Victor Apestigue, Ignacio Arruego, Erik Fischer, Jorge Pla-Garcia, Luis Mora-Sotomayor, Manuel de la Torre Juarez, and Jose Antonio Rodriguez-Manfredi

The Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS; Sebastián et al., 2021; Martínez et al., 2023) is one of the six sensor packages of the Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA; Rodríguez-Manfredi et al., 2021), which in turn is one of the seven science instruments on board Perseverance. Here we show a summary of TIRS scientific highlights during the first Martian year of operations. In particular, TIRS is providing the first in situ determination of the surface radiative budget, direct determination of broadband albedo and thermal inertia (Martínez et al., 2023; Savijärvi et al., 2022), and around-the-clock determination of aerosol opacities (Smith et al., 2023). In addition, TIRS is providing ground-truth to orbital retrievals of thermal inertia and albedo, as well as geophysical characterization of the uppermost surface of the regolith during Phobos and Deimos eclipses. In synergy with other instruments, TIRS is being used to determine vertical profiles of temperature (Munguira et al., 2023), to detect dust lifting from sudden changes in albedo (Vicente-Retortillo et al., 2023), and to assess changes in the water content of the Martian soil (Hausrath et al., 2023), including the potential formation of frost.

TIRS observations are critical to achieve MEDA’s first programmatic objective (validate global atmospheric models by measuring the radiative surface budget in preparation for future human exploration). Also, TIRS observations are important in support of flights of Ingenuity and therefore for the design and operations of future drones. 


Hausrath, E. M. et al. (2023), The SuperCam team and the Regolith working group, An Examination of Soil Crusts on the Floor of Jezero crater, Mars, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets (accepted).

Martínez, G. M. et al. (2023), Surface Energy Budget, Albedo and Thermal Inertia at Jezero Crater, Mars, as Observed from the Mars 2020 MEDA Instrument, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets (accepted).

Munguira, A. et al. (2023), Near Surface Atmospheric Temperatures at Jezero from Mars 2020 MEDA measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets (under review).

Rodriguez-Manfredi, J.A. et al. (2021), The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer, MEDA. A suite of environmental sensors for the Mars 2020 mission, Spa. Sci. Rev., 217(3), 1-86.

Savijärvi, H. I. et al. (2022), Surface energy fluxes and temperatures at Jezero crater, Mars, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets: e2022JE007438.

Sebastián, E. et al. (2021), Thermal calibration of the MEDA-TIRS radiometer onboard NASA's Perseverance rover, Acta Astronautica, 182,144-159.

Smith, M. D. et al. (2023), Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of Aerosol Optical Depth Observed by MEDA/TIRS at Jezero Crater, Mars, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets (accepted).

Vicente-Retortillo, A. et al. (2023), Dust Lifting Through Changes in Albedo at Jezero Crater, Mars, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets (under review).

How to cite: Martinez, G., Sebastian, E., Smith, M., Savijärvi, H., Gillespie, H., Vicente-Retortillo, A., Munguira, A., Hueso, R., Toledo, D., Tamppari, L., Newman, C., Sanchez-Lavega, A., Lemmon, M., Apestigue, V., Arruego, I., Fischer, E., Pla-Garcia, J., Mora-Sotomayor, L., de la Torre Juarez, M., and Rodriguez-Manfredi, J. A.: One Martian Year of MEDA/TIRS observations at the Mars 2020 landing site, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10117,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Daniel Toledo, Laura Gomez, Victor Apéstigue, Ignacio Arruego, Mark Lemmon, Michael Smith, Priya Patel, Asier Munguira, Agustin Sanchez-Lavega, Margarita Yela, Daniel Viudez-Moreiras, German Martínez, Alvaro Vicente-Retortillo, Claire Newman, Manuel de la Torre Juarez, and Jose Antonio Rodríguez-Manfredi

Clouds on Mars are primary elements for understanding the past and present climate of the planet. Cloud particles can affect the energy balance of the planet, and so the atmospheric dynamic, as well as influence the vertical distribution of dust particles through dust scavenging. The dust scavenging by clouds has critical consequences in the water cycle of the planet; e.g. regions in the atmosphere with insufficient quantity of dust particles (or condensation nuclei) can inhibit the formation of H2O clouds and thus lead to the presence of water vapor in excess of saturation. The study of these interactions requires observations whose analysis allows us to infer simultaneously the properties of both the clouds and dust. To address these observations, the Radiation and Dust Sensor (RDS) is part of the Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) payload onboard of the Mars 2020 rover Perseverance.

In this work we analysed the RDS observations made during twilight in the period Ls 39-262 to characterize the clouds above ∼ 30 km over the Perseverance rover site. From the ratio between the irradiance measured at zenith at 450 nm and 750 nm, we inferred that from Ls= 39 to 150 (referred as the cloudy period), water ice is the main constituent of the detected high-altitude aerosol layers. For Ls 150-262 dust is the main aerosol present. A total of 161 twilights were analysed in the cloudy period with a radiative transfer code in spherical geometry. Among other results we found: i) signatures of clouds or hazes on the RDS signals in the 58 % of the twilights; ii) most of the clouds were at altitudes between 40 km and 50 km and with particle sizes between 0.6 μm and 2 μm (in effective radius); iii) the cloud activity at sunrise is slightly higher that at sunset (65 % against 52 %), likely due to the differences in temperature; iv) the cloudiest time in Perseverance site and with the greatest cloud opacities is in Ls 120-150; and v) a notable decrease in the cloud activity around the aphelion (Ls ∼ 70), along with lower cloud altitudes and opacities. The drop in cloud activity around Ls ∼ 70 indicates lower concentrations of water vapor or cloud nuclei (dust) around this period in the Martian mesosphere. In this presentation, we will discuss the implications of our results on the water cycle of the planet.

How to cite: Toledo, D., Gomez, L., Apéstigue, V., Arruego, I., Lemmon, M., Smith, M., Patel, P., Munguira, A., Sanchez-Lavega, A., Yela, M., Viudez-Moreiras, D., Martínez, G., Vicente-Retortillo, A., Newman, C., de la Torre Juarez, M., and Rodríguez-Manfredi, J. A.: Mesospheric clouds in Jezero as observed by MEDA Radiation and Dust Sensor (RDS) at twilight, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11004,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Teresa del Río Gaztelurrutia, Agustin Sanchez-Lavega, Ricardo Hueso, Asier Munguira, Mark T. Lemmon, Michael D. Smith, German Martinez, Jorge Pla-Garcia, Claire Newman, Daniel Viudez, Manuel de la Torre-Juarez, and Jose Antonio Rodriguez-Manfredi

Pressure measurements by the MEDA sensor on board Perseverance Rover show oscillations in a wide range of temporal scales, from the seasonal evolution of average pressure to rapid fluctuations on the scale of a few seconds. In this work, we profit from an entire Martian Year of pressure measurements to analyse the seasonal and daily evolution of rapid fluctuations, a signature of atmospheric turbulence.  We find that during the full Martian year, fluctuations are enhanced at convective hours of the day, but the intensity of fluctuations is modulated through the seasons. At nighttime, the first half of the Martian years is characterized by an almost complete absence of fluctuations with an especially calm period in the early morning, while bursts of fluctuation become common in the dusty season. We also analyse the change of the daily pattern induced by regional dust storms at Jezero. We study the power spectra of the fluctuations to try to infer information about different turbulent regimes at the surface layer and their dependence on local time and season. Finally, we explore possible correlations with the dust load of the atmosphere and the temperature gradients, and we look at the origin of nighttime bursts of turbulence.

How to cite: del Río Gaztelurrutia, T., Sanchez-Lavega, A., Hueso, R., Munguira, A., Lemmon, M. T., Smith, M. D., Martinez, G., Pla-Garcia, J., Newman, C., Viudez, D., de la Torre-Juarez, M., and Rodriguez-Manfredi, J. A.: Daily and Seasonal Behaviour of Fast Pressure Fluctuations at Jezero Crater, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7173,, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Ricardo Hueso, Sarah Henderson
On-site presentation
Sébastien Viscardy, Séverine Robert, Justin T. Erwin, Ian R. Thomas, Frank Daerden, Loïc Trompet, Yannick Willame, and Ann Carine Vandaele

As a potential biomarker, Martian methane has attracted attention through several reports of its detection over the last 20 years. However, the very existence of this gas has been continuously questioned, in particular because the observed lifetime should be several orders of magnitude shorter than the 300 years predicted by photochemical models. Although several fast removal processes have been hypothesized to explain the observations, none of them has met a large consensus.

It is in this context that the ESA-Roscomos ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) mission started its science operations in April 2018. ACS and NOMAD, two instruments onboard the TGO, have been collecting hundreds of highly sensitive measurements in solar occultation. No methane has been detected so far and an upper limit of 0.02 ppbv has been derived. The implications of this result on the methane problem on Mars will be addressed in this work.

This upper limit is a strong constraint on the background level and, in turn, on the potential emission scenarios making the reported methane detections consistent with the TGO results. While several model studies aimed at identifying them, we will here adopt a probabilistic approach to the problem in order to question the plausibility of those detections and estimate the lifetime required to make them plausible from a probabilistic standpoint.

How to cite: Viscardy, S., Robert, S., Erwin, J. T., Thomas, I. R., Daerden, F., Trompet, L., Willame, Y., and Vandaele, A. C.: On the plausibility of methane detections on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15704,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Orkun Temel, Cem Berk Senel, and Ozgur Karatekin

The Martian planetary boundary layer (PBL) drives the surface-atmosphere exchange processes such as the Martian dust cycle, which leads to strong atmospheric variations from diurnal to seasonal and inter-annual time scales [1]. The amount of dust lifted into the atmosphere and the vertical winds that balance the gravitational settling for the aerosols are affected by the turbulent mixing within the boundary layer. Several studies focused on the dynamics of the Martian PBL during daytime conditions [2,3]. During daytime conditions, the strong buoyancy caused by the vertical thermal gradient can generate turbulent mixing and initiate turbulence. On the other hand, the nighttime boundary layer is suggested to form under very weak turbulent mixing conditions. However, recent observations by the InSight lander showed unexpected turbulent signatures during nighttime conditions [4]. Nevertheless, lacking the observational datasets revealing the vertical variation of temperature and winds within the first kilometer of the Martian atmosphere, we do not fully understand the dynamics of the Martian boundary layer. To complement the limited observations on the Martian boundary-layer meteorology, high-resolution limited area models, so called large-eddy simulations (LES), are used. Here, we use the LES module of MarsWRF [3,5] to investigate the time and length scales of nighttime turbulence and possible large-scale atmospheric phenomena that can affect the near-surface nighttime meteorology. We present possible implications related to the Martian dust cycle.

[1] Senel, C.B., Temel, O., Lee, C., Newman, C.E., Mischna, M.A., Muñoz‐Esparza, D., Sert, H. and Karatekin, Ö., 2021. Interannual, Seasonal and Regional Variations in the Martian Convective Boundary Layer Derived From GCM Simulations With a Semi‐Interactive Dust Transport Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126(10), p.e2021JE006965.
[2] Spiga, A., Forget, F., Lewis, S.R. and Hinson, D.P., 2010. Structure and dynamics of the convective boundary layer on Mars as inferred from large‐eddy simulations and remote‐sensing measurements. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the atmospheric sciences, applied meteorology and physical oceanography, 136(647), pp.414-428.
[3] Temel, O., Senel, C.B., Porchetta, S., Muñoz-Esparza, D., Mischna, M.A., Van Hoolst, T., van Beeck, J. and Karatekin, Ö., 2021. Large eddy simulations of the Martian convective boundary layer: towards developing a new planetary boundary layer scheme. Atmospheric Research, 250, p.105381.
[4] Temel, O., Senel, C.B., Spiga, A., Murdoch, N., Banfield, D. and Karatekin, O., 2022. Spectral analysis of the Martian atmospheric turbulence: InSight observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(15), p.e2022GL099388.
[5] Wu, Z., Richardson, M.I., Zhang, X., Cui, J., Heavens, N.G., Lee, C., Li, T., Lian, Y., Newman, C.E., Soto, A. and Temel, O., 2021. Large eddy simulations of the dusty Martian convective boundary layer with MarsWRF. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126(9), p.e2020JE006752.

How to cite: Temel, O., Senel, C. B., and Karatekin, O.: The nighttime boundary layer of Mars as predicted by large-eddy simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9049,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Meirah Alzeyoudi and Claus Gebhardt

The focus of this presentation is the three-dimensional visualization of Mars dust storms from spacecraft images. The dust storm height is determined by their shadows. Image parameters such as the solar incidence angle, solar azimuth angle, latitude, and longitude are taken into account. Interactive three-dimensional maps of dust storms are created. This presentation includes satellite images from MARCI/MRO (Mars Color Imager/Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) in the years 2020-2021. This adds to a better understanding of Mars dust storms. This works uses the MeteoMARS tool [1], the NASA PDS Imaging Node [2], the NASA Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers, and the QGIS software [3].




How to cite: Alzeyoudi, M. and Gebhardt, C.: The Three-Dimensional Visualization of Mars Dust Storms Based on Deriving Digital Elevation Maps from Satellite Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3247,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Fatima Alkaabi and Claus Gebhardt

This presentation adds to Mars dust storm research based on numerical models and spacecraft images. The focus is the conversion of MarsWRF model data into synthetic satellite images of Mars dust storms. MarsWRF is a Mars version of the terrestrial numerical weather and climate model WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model) and part of the PlanetWRF models for planetary atmospheres research. Dust storms are obtained by running the MarsWRF model with the interactive-dust-lifting-technique [1]. Synthetic satellite imagery is generated from MarsWRF model data by using the radiative transfer model DISORT, which provides the top-of-the-atmosphere reflectance data. The results are synthetic satellite images, mostly for visible light wavelength. We compare synthetic satellite images of dust storm events at different times of the Martian Year.

[1] Gebhardt, C., Abuelgasim, A., Fonseca, R. M., Martín-Torres, J., & Zorzano, M.-P. (2020). Fully interactive and refined resolution simulations of the Martian dust cycle by the MarsWRF model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125, e2019JE006253.

How to cite: Alkaabi, F. and Gebhardt, C.: Synthetic satellite images of Mars dust storms based on MarsWRF dust cycle simulations and the radiative transfer model DISORT, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3435,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Determination and comparison of Martian seasonal frost boundaries in LMD PCM simulations and in OMEGA observations around the poles
Andre Szantai, Francois Forget, Appéré Appéré, and Bernard Schmitt
On-site presentation
Joel Campbell, Zhaoyan Liu, Bing Lin, Jirong Yu, and Shibin Jiang

In order to facilitate human exploration on Mars, a need exists to study weather patterns and atmospheric conditions on Mars. Mars has colder weather than Earth, is known for its dust storms, and has a very thin atmosphere, yet its atmosphere and climate are more like Earth's than any other planet in our solar system. Despite these challenges, NASA scientists believe that Mars is the most promising planet for exploration and habitation. We are developing a new measurement concept that uses differential absorption Lidar system in the 2-μm CO2 absorption band to measure atmospheric CO2 and pressure on Mars. By selecting two or more closely spaced wavelengths, one can eliminate the effects of other gases and surface reflections, allowing us to accurately measure CO2 absorption and determine CO2 levels and air pressure on Mars. Our simulations show that this system will be able to measure air pressure with 1 Pa precision up to 5 km away, even in the presence of moderate dust, and measure CO2 and pressure profiles from the surface up to 13 km with a horizontal resolution of 100 km and a vertical resolution of 100 m (400 m during the day). These measurements will improve weather and climate modeling and prediction on Mars.

How to cite: Campbell, J., Liu, Z., Lin, B., Yu, J., and Jiang, S.: Martian Atmospheric Pressure Measurement from Space, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16660,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Kevin S. Olsen, Alexander Trokhimovskiy, Anna A. Fedorova, Armin Kleinbohl, Franck Lefèvre, Franck Montmessin, Oleg I. Korablev, Juan Alday, Lucio Baggio, Denis A. Belyaev, Andrey S. Patrakeev, Alexey Shakun, and Manish Patel


The Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS) on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) took its first science observation in April 2018, right before the onset of the Mars Year (MY) 34 global dust storm. One of the main objectives of the TGO mission is to search for as-yet undetected trace gases that can tell us about contemporary volcanism on Mars, or its present and past habitability. In the data collected those first months, heavily impacted by dust activity, the first novel trace gas was discovered: hydrogen chloride. MY 37 has just begun and we have recently finished observing our third full dusty season on Mars with TGO and ACS (around perihelion, spring and summer in the southern hemisphere). HCl in the atmosphere of Mars is a seasonal phenomenon, having appeared coincidentally with the start of dust activity in each MY. HCl was thought to be an indication of contemporary volcanism, but its widespread distribution across both hemispheres and recurring seasonality are suggestive of a photochemical source. Here, we present the climatology of HCl after three Martian perihelion periods, as well as a comparison with other parameters measured with ACS, such as water, temperature, and aerosols. From coincident measurements made with the Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), we can also compare the climatology of HCl with those of dust and water ice. HCl is strongly correlated to water vapour, which is itself correlated to atmospheric temperatures. While HCl only appears in the presence of suspended dust aerosols, the measured abundances of these two quantities are poorly correlated. The disappearance of HCl towards the autumnal equinox may be related to changes in temperature. The cooling atmosphere removes water vapour from the gas phase, necessary for formation of HCl, and promotes ice formation, which HCl may adhere to. We will show the evolution of HCl abundance over three Martian years in both hemispheres, and show how they fit into the seasonality of Martian dust, the water cycle, and ice formation, and discuss the possible mechanisms of its formation and destruction.

How to cite: Olsen, K. S., Trokhimovskiy, A., Fedorova, A. A., Kleinbohl, A., Lefèvre, F., Montmessin, F., Korablev, O. I., Alday, J., Baggio, L., Belyaev, D. A., Patrakeev, A. S., Shakun, A., and Patel, M.: The chlorine cycle on Mars: What do we know after three Mars years of observation with ACS on TGO?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16154,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Benjamin M. Taysum, Paul I. Palmer, Mikhail Luginin, Nikolay Ignatiev, Alexander Trokhimovskiy, Alexey Shakun, Alexey Grigoriev, Franck Montmessin, Oleg Korablev, and Kevin Olsen

We develop a 1-D atmospheric photochemistry model for Mars to interpret hydrogen chloride (HCl) profile measurements collected by the ACS MIR spectrometer aboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) in Mars Year (MY) 34. We include a gas-phase chlorine chemistry scheme and study 1) surface chemistry, 2) hydrolysis, 3) photolysis, and 4) hydration and photolysis of dust grains as possible sources of gas-phase chlorine chemistry. Heterogeneous uptake of chlorine species onto water ice and minerals in Martian dust are loss processes common to all mechanisms. We drive the 1-D model using TGO profile measurements of aerosols and water vapour. We find that mechanism four can reproduce observed HCl profile tendencies during MY34. It reproduces the HCl cut-off at high southern latitudes (<60° S) at ≈35 km, and forms layers of HCl between 20-35km at the tropics. Mechanisms one, two, and three result in significant model biases.

Seasonal variations of Martian HCl are reproduced by mechanism four, yielding low HCl abundances (< 1 ppb) prior to the dust season that rise to 2--6 ppb in southern latitudes during the dust season. We find that the additional Cl atoms released via mechanism four shortens the atmospheric lifetime of methane by a magnitude of 102. This suggests the production of Cl via the UV (or other electromagnetic radiation) induced breakdown of hydrated perchlorate in airborne Martian dust, consistent with observed profiles of HCl, helps reconcile observed variations of methane with photochemical models.

How to cite: Taysum, B. M., Palmer, P. I., Luginin, M., Ignatiev, N., Trokhimovskiy, A., Shakun, A., Grigoriev, A., Montmessin, F., Korablev, O., and Olsen, K.: Martian atmospheric chemistry of HCl: implications for the lifetime of atmospheric methane, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17592,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Sarah Henderson, Jasper Halekas, Jared Espley, and Meredith Elrod

Solar wind protons can interact directly with the hydrogen corona of Mars through charge exchange, resulting in energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) able to penetrate deep into the upper atmosphere of Mars. ENAs can undergo multiple charge changing interactions, leading to an observable beam of penetrating protons in the upper atmosphere. We seek to characterize the behavior of these protons in the presence of magnetic fields using data collected by the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft. We find that backscattered penetrating proton flux is enhanced in regions where the magnetic field strength is greater than 200 nT. We also find a strong correlation at CO2 column densities less than 5.5 × 1014 cm−2 between magnetic field strength and the observed backscattered and downwardflux. We do not see significant changes in penetrating proton flux with magnetic field strengths on the order of 10 nT.

How to cite: Henderson, S., Halekas, J., Espley, J., and Elrod, M.: Influence of Magnetic Fields on Precipitating Solar Wind Hydrogen at Mars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-985,, 2023.

Posters on site: Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X4

Chairperson: Ricardo Hueso
Scott VanBommel, Jeff Berger, Ralf Gellert, Catherine O'Connell-Cooper, Lucy Thompson, Michael McCraig, Albert Yen, John Christian, Abigail Knight, and Nicholas Boyd

The Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) onboard the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover Curiosity has acquired approximately 1,300 geochemical analyses since landing in 2012. The APXS utilizes a combination of X-ray fluorescence and particle-induced X-ray emission to determine the chemical composition of materials within its 15+ mm diameter field of view (FOV) [1, 2]. Diagenetic features provide a means to further understand and constrain the habitability of Curiosity's landing site, Gale crater. These features often present as veins or nodules with an areal extent on the sub-cm scale. APXS analyses of these features therefore contain a mixture of signals from the feature and host substrate.

To probe the composition of these sub-FOV features, Curiosity has developed a technique whereby multiple APXS measurements are conducted in close proximity to the primary target (referred to as a raster). The data are then analyzed to not only localize APXS FOVs, mitigating arm placement uncertainty which is on the order of 1-2 cm [2], but also infer the composition of the various endmembers within the workspace. The original raster analysis method (e.g., [2, 3]) has proven useful at deconvolving the chemistry of diagenetic features from the surrounding substrate. However, this method utilizes APXS oxide data as the primary input. These data are derived assuming a homogeneous sample for the purposes of calculating and correcting for matrix effects (the attenuation of induced X-rays by other elements in the sample). In instances of clear chemical heterogeneities, these matrix corrections can result in skewed compositions of the derived endmembers, such as a vein or nodule.

Here we present an improvement to this method whereby we utilize low-level data products and isolate matrix effect calculations for each individual endmember (e.g., [4]). The derived results show significant improvements (10-30%) compared to the oxide method in stoichiometric ratios when applied to calcium sulfate veins, an ideal proof-of-concept sample. Subsequent analyses of magnesium-sulfate dominated nodules hint at other potential mobile elements within the fluids present during diagenesis, such as P, Mn, Ni, and/or Zn. Similar elements were enriched in nodules at the Ayton/Groken field site, where P2O5 and MnO concentrations in the nodular material totaled over 25 wt% at a ~2:1 P:Mn molar ratio [4]. The improved analytical method will be particularly useful as Curiosity continues to explore the Marker Band and sulfate unit.

[1] Gellert & Clark (2015), Elements, 11.
[2] VanBommel et al. (2016), XRS, 45.
[3] VanBommel et al. (2017), XRS, 46.
[4] VanBommel et al. (2023), Icarus, 392.

How to cite: VanBommel, S., Berger, J., Gellert, R., O'Connell-Cooper, C., Thompson, L., McCraig, M., Yen, A., Christian, J., Knight, A., and Boyd, N.: Constraining the Chemistry of Sub-cm Diagenetic Features with Curiosity's Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2924,, 2023.

Marco Antonio Perez Carazo, Daniel Vazquez Tarrio, Ronny Steveen Anangono Tutasig, and Susana del Carmen Fernandez Menendez

The application of hydraulic models on Mars is still a scarcely discussed topic in the scientific literature, despite the interest of  these models to study paleofloods and to understand the geological past of the planet. In this work, we present the application of a 2D-hydraulic model (using HECRAS) in Gusev crater aiming to study the hydrodynamics of a paleolake that would have been formed in the crater about 3,5 Ga ago.

Using a corrected and optimized 100m resolution Digital Elevation Model derived from MOLA ( Mars Orbiter Altimeter) data, we first identify and map the different evidences of water marks. Different flow rates and commonly used friction values were combined to obtain several flow hypotheses, which in turn were simulated with the 2D model. Our main aim was to study the flow patterns inside the crater and the inlet and outlet conditions in order to check if the water levels obtained with our simulations correspond to what the mapped benchmarks may suggest.

The Ma’adim valley feeding Gusev crater ends in a fluvial-lake delta. The flat top morphology  of this delta suggests that streamflow processes must have occurred on its top during its formation. Then, one of our major research assumptions is based on finding flow rates consistent with a fully submerged. In this regard, model outcomes obtained with flow rates covering the whole delta are consistent with previous discharge estimations compiled from the scientific bibliography.

Moreover, we also took advantage of the last capabilities of the hydraulic modeling software to go further than just simulating water flows. That said, we varied the concentration of sediments within the fluid and other fluid parameters such as internal shear stress and dynamic viscosity to model a hyperconcentrated flow, which has been already proposed  as forming flow conditions for the delta. At the same time, we also analyzed turbulence and flow recirculation processes trying to stablish a relation with the sediment distribution within the crater.

Based on our work, we conclude that the downstream boundary conditions in the hydraulic model is the main source of uncertainty in the modelling of Gusev crater,while changes in roughness has a minor influence on model outcomes. Finally, we raised the question on how low gravity in Mars may have affected sediment transport by water and how the nature of this process may have been different than in the Earth.

How to cite: Perez Carazo, M. A., Vazquez Tarrio, D., Anangono Tutasig, R. S., and Fernandez Menendez, S. C.: 2D hydraulic modelling of the ancient paleolake in Gusev Crater, Mars., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4484,, 2023.

Weilun Qin and Bart Root

The largest volcanos in our Solar System are part of a huge volcanic complex, named Tharsis Rise, which is located on the Martian surface several kilometers higher than the average topography. Moreover, the gravitational field of Mars shows a strong and large signal centered on top of the region, a positive anomaly (+300 mGal) surrounded by a negative ring (-300 mGal). Flexural theory is commonly used to understand the relationship between observed topography, crustal structure and gravity, revealing structures that support the volcanic complex.

The new information about the Martian lithosphere thanks to NASA’s Insight mission deserves a re-analysis of the lithosphere flexure models. The Martian lithosphere can be modeled by infinite plate and the thin shell flexure models. The latter takes into account the curvature effect responsible for supporting extra surface loads. We see that the need for compensation based on buoyancy is even lower at long wavelength than that of the classic infinite plate model. This has consequences for the interpretation of density structure underneath the volcanic regions.

After conducting spectral analysis on the topographic and gravity results from the flexural models, we found that the gravitational signal of Martian topography with thin shell compensation fits well with the observed free-air anomaly for degrees n≥2 . The best-fit elastic thickness (Te) is found to be 105 ±5 km and we observe a crustal density of 3050 ± 50 kg/m3. Despite the use of the thin shell flexure model, we notice a mismatch between modeled and observed gravity field between n=2-4 degrees, which suggests an active large-scale dynamic support of the Tharsis Rise. This could explain relatively the young geologic evidence for surface volcanism on Mars.


How to cite: Qin, W. and Root, B.: Is the lithospheric flexure strong enough to hold up the Tharsis Rise? A re-analysis of flexure on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6454,, 2023.

Yuqi Liu, Kaijun Liu, Huang Hui, and Ducheng Lu

The solar wind deceleration upstream of the Martian bow shock is examined using particle and magnetic field measurements obtained by Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN). Mars lacks a strong intrinsic magnetic field so its upper atmosphere extends beyond the Martian bow shock and interacts directly with the solar wind. Neutral atoms in the Martian upper atmosphere can be ionized through several physical processes and then start to move with the solar wind flow to form pickup ions. In return, the solar wind is expected to slow down due to the momentum transfer to the pickup ions. The present study surveys the MAVEN solar wind measurements between 2015 and 2019 to evaluate the solar wind deceleration upstream of the Martian bow shock. Different than the previous studies of solar wind deceleration, our analysis carefully excludes the solar wind deceleration in the shock magnetic foot region. The average solar wind deceleration calculated is about 0.7% of the upstream solar wind speed, much smaller than the values given by the previous studies. Further calculation using several reasonable Martian upper atmosphere profiles demonstrates that the deceleration observed is consistent with the pickup ion mass loading scenario.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Liu, K., Hui, H., and Lu, D.: Revisit the solar wind deceleration upstream of the Martian bow shock based on MAVEN observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6646,, 2023.

Emily L. Mason, Michael Smith, Michael Wolff, and Timothy McConnochie

The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) mission carried a spectrometer and bolometer as part of the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) instrument package. While the spectrometer ceased operations in early Mars Year (MY) 37 due to aging of the required neon lamp, the bolometers continued to operate for nearly a full Mars year. This time-period covered the MY 27 dust storm season and most of the MY 28 aphelion cloud belt season. TES consisted of a spectrometer with two additional broadband bolometers in the visible (0.3-3.0 µm) and infrared (5-100 µm). Observations were taken with both the spectrometer and bolometer simultaneously for nearly three Mars years prior to degradation of the neon lamp. The observational cadence during the bolometer-only extended mission alternated between one orbit of nadir observations and one orbit of limb observations. We will present results for the vertical distribution of atmospheric aerosol optical depth retrieved from the TES bolometer limb observations prior to the extended mission when spectrometer data (and previous retrievals) are available to inform the results. In addition, we will provide examples of retrieved vertical distribution of aerosol optical depth for observations taken in the bolometer-only extended mission for comparison.

How to cite: Mason, E. L., Smith, M., Wolff, M., and McConnochie, T.: Retrieval of the Vertical Profile of Atmospheric Optical Depth using Thermal Emission Spectrometer Visible and Infrared Bolometer observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7189,, 2023.

Jouni Polkko and the One Martian year of MEDA HS humidity sensor observations and comparisons with models

The Mars 2020 mission rover “Perseverance”, launched on 30 July 2020 by NASA, landed successfully 18th Feb. 2021 at Jezero Crater, Mars (Lon. E 77.4509° Lat. N 18.4446°). The landing took place at Mars solar longitude Ls = 5.2°, close to start of the northern spring. Perseverance’s payload includes the relative humidity sensor MEDA HS (Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer Humidity Sensor), which almost one Martian year of observations are described here. The relative humidity measured by MEDA HS is reliable from late night hours to few tens of minutes after sunrise when the measured relative humidity is greater than 2% (referenced to sensor temperature). Observations show seasonal and diurnal trends and short term temporal fluctuations, which are discussed.

Nighttime observations are compared with the Finnish Meteorological Institute and Helsinki University adsorptive Single Column Model in various conditions and seasons. The model allows estimating daytime humidity levels. Model comparisons suggest water vapor nighttime adsorption into the soil.

Short period fluctuations in the surface humidity data may be due to turbulence caused by downslope winds and nighttime jets. These turbulences break nighttime boundary layer and bring humid air from above. Observed data is compared with the numerical simulations of turbulence over Jezero given by Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (MRAMS).

Data is also compared with the Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity humidity instrument data.


How to cite: Polkko, J. and the One Martian year of MEDA HS humidity sensor observations and comparisons with models: One Martian year of MEDA HS humidity sensor observations and comparisons with models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9961,, 2023.

Cem Berk Senel, Orkun Temel, and Ozgur Karatekin

The dust cycle is the key driver of the Martian climate, therefore capturing the time-evolving dust distribution correctly is vital for simulating a realistic climate. The proper modeling of the dust cycle is closely coupled with water cycle dynamics, as both affect the radiative state of the atmosphere as well as general circulations. A better understanding of the dust-water cycle feedback is key to advancing our knowledge of the Martian climate system, such as from polar cap evolution towards the dust storm-water escape interaction and the formation of elongated water ice clouds in the wake of a volcano. Recently, we presented decadal GCM simulations of the convective boundary layer until Mars Year 34, unraveling the feedback between Martian turbulence and dust during major storms. Those GCM simulations were carried out by developing an in-house dust transport model [1] constrained by column dust climatology observations [2]. Our model was validated by in-situ observations of NASA’s MSL rover and orbiter observations from Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) observations. Here, by coupling the fully-interactive water cycle model [3] with our semi-interactive dust transport model [1], we present new dust and water cycle GCM simulations within the ROB version of MarsWRF. We performed a year-long GCM simulation in Mars Year 34, in which the red planet experienced a global dust storm (GDS) that began shortly after the southern summer solstice lasting more than 100 sols. We compared model results with recent spacecraft observations, comprising (i) MCS observations onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) and (ii) Nadir and Occultation for Mars Discovery (NOMAD) onboard the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) observations. Recently, from the latter observations, Liuzzi et al. (2020) [4] presented vertical distributions of water ice and dust, besides the large variabilities of water ice clouds within the perihelion season in MY 34. Furthermore, Vandaele et al. (2019) [5] reported rapid alterations in water vapor vertical distributions as driven by Martian dust storms. Here, we simulate vertical distributions of the dust, water ice and vapor on Mars, investigating the responses to the major dust storm events.

[1] Senel, C. B., Temel, O., Lee, C., Newman, C. E., Mischna, M. A., ... & Karatekin, O. (2021). Interannual, Seasonal and Regional Variations in the Martian Convective Boundary Layer Derived From GCM Simulations With a Semi‐Interactive Dust Transport Model. JGR: Planets, 126(10), e2021JE006965.

[2] Montabone, L., et al. (2020). Martian year 34 column dust climatology from Mars climate sounder observations: Reconstructed maps and model simulations. JGR: Planets, 125(8), e2019JE006111.

[3] Lee, C., Richardson, M. I., Newman, C. E., & Mischna, M. A. (2018). The sensitivity of solsticial pauses to atmospheric ice and dust in the MarsWRF General Circulation Model. Icarus, 311, 23-34.

[4] Liuzzi, G., et al. (2020). Strong variability of Martian water ice clouds during dust storms revealed from ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter/NOMAD. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125(4), e2019JE006250.

[5] Vandaele, A. C., et al. (2019). Martian dust storm impact on atmospheric H2O and D/H observed by ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. Nature, 568(7753), 521-525.

How to cite: Senel, C. B., Temel, O., and Karatekin, O.: Martian interactive dust and water cycle GCM simulations as compared with TGO/NOMAD and MCS observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10369,, 2023.

John Bridges and Fiona Thiessen and the NASA-ESA MSR Rock Sampling Team

A NASA-ESA Rock Sampling working group has been set up to determine plans for opening the Mars2020 sample tubes once they are returned to Earth. This team works under the oversight of the Mars Campaign Science Group (MCSG). The rocks sampled so far by the Perseverance Rover comprise igneous rocks like basalt and olivine cumulates that experienced various degrees of secondary water alteration; fluviolacustrine sedimentary rocks that show various levels of induration, and unconsolidated Mars regolith. Two main considerations weigh on the strategy that should be adopted for opening the sample tubes on Earth. These are (1) preservation of textural relationships and layering, and (2) minimizing metal and organic, magnetic contamination.

It is anticipated that the mechanical state of each sample, as received in the laboratory on Earth, will be assessed by computed tomography (CT) scanning techniques prior to opening.  The decision on how to open each sample tube can therefore be based on geological data collected by the Mars2020 team, tests done on analogue samples, as well as the penetrative imaging data obtained on Earth during basic characterization.

The Rock Sampling Team is considering radial and longitudinal cuts through the Ti alloy tubes but finds that a single approach will not be appropriate for all the various types of rock samples that are expected to be returned.  In the next stage of the MSR Rock Sampling Group’s work we will select appropriate Mars2020 analogues and test the proposed tube cutting protocols.

The decision to implement MSR will not be finalized until NASA’s completion of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. 

How to cite: Bridges, J. and Thiessen, F. and the NASA-ESA MSR Rock Sampling Team: Mars Sample Return Rock Sampling: Post-landing Extraction of Solid-core Samples. , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14333,, 2023.

Teresa Esman, Jared Espley, Jacob Gruesbeck, Christopher Fowler, Shaosui Xu, Meredith Elrod, Yuki Harada, Joe Giacalone, Alexa Halford, and Anne Verbiscer

Understanding the properties and variability of the ionosphere is vital for understanding the atmosphere of Mars. The presence and property of waves provide insight into the plasma and magnetic environment. We conducted a search for 5 - 16 Hz signals below 400 km in magnetic field data from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN), and Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy, and Heat Transport (InSight) missions. 

We discuss an analysis of 54 identified MAVEN events using multiple instruments and present a case study event. Nearly half the wave events occur near the cusps of strong crustal magnetic fields (CMFs). The stronger regions have fewer events and may be a result of stronger CMFs preventing draped field lines from reaching lower altitudes. A majority of the observed magnetic waves occur on the nightside, are associated with greater fluxes of electrons traveling downward along the local magnetic field compared to those traveling upward, and correspond to increases in thermal plasma density. These aspects indicate electron precipitation was present during these wave events. We conclude that these waves are observed under magnetic field conditions favorable for the penetration of electrons and waves into the lower ionosphere, but that the electron precipitation cannot solely account for the waves or plasma changes.

We then discuss our null results regarding Schumann resonances, which are electromagnetic signals generated by lightning that, if they exist on Mars, are expected to propagate at 7-14 Hz. Future studies specifically looking for Schumann resonances will require higher sensitivity instruments and would benefit from additional missions that reach into the ionosphere of Mars. Finally, we comment on the inconsistency between identifying MGS events purely via by-eye analysis versus using quantitative methods for guidance. 


How to cite: Esman, T., Espley, J., Gruesbeck, J., Fowler, C., Xu, S., Elrod, M., Harada, Y., Giacalone, J., Halford, A., and Verbiscer, A.: Martian Ionospheric Magnetic Fluctuations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10622,, 2023.

Anna Mittelholz, Lindsey Heagy, Catherine L. Johnson, Abigail A. Fraeman, Benoit Langlais, Rob J. Lillis, and William Rapin

The recent successful flight demonstration of the Mars 2020 helicopter, Ingenuity, has opened doors for future Mars mission concepts that exploit modern technology, and promising investigations include low altitude magnetic field surveys.  The martian crustal magnetic field has been studied extensively from orbit and those data sets have allowed global studies of the magnetic field and resulted in a range of models for the crustal magnetic field which however lack short wavelength information that is not resolvable from orbital altitudes. The InSight lander and the Chinese Zhurong missions have recently acquired magnetic measurements of the local field at their respective landing sites. However, to-date no measurements at scales in between those of local surface and global orbital data have been collected.  Such measurements are key to understanding near-surface magnetizations, the processes by which they were acquired, and their interaction with magnetic fields generated above the planet’s surface. Here, we investigate data sets that a future helicopter-based magnetometer might be able to provide.

We construct forward models that resemble a range of plausible subsurface geological structures that allow us to experiment with survey design, e.g., the value of multiple measurement tracks horizontally and/or vertically and their trade-offs with regional data coverage. We simulate vector magnetic field data collected by a helicopter for different geological scenarios and aim to recover our model via an inverse problem. Because such inverse problems are inherently non-unique, we investigate several approaches to find solutions, including different types of regularization, as well as modification of the model parameterization.   As one example, we investigate recovery of a magnetization signature associated with a small (~200 m diameter) crater, from a few (e.g., 3) helicopter tracks over the crater.   We show that smooth and sparse inversion solutions result in detection of the signal, with improved localization of the structure in the latter case.  Parameterized solutions improve upon sparse solutions, but require some prior knowledge, or assumption, of the geometry (in this case a magnetized half sphere) of the source.

Our investigation allows us to assess the capabilities of helicopter-based magnetic field  studies in addressing some of the fundamental open questions in the field. These kinds of considerations will greatly aid in preparing for and designing future missions,  optimizing their science return and demonstrating their scientific value.


How to cite: Mittelholz, A., Heagy, L., Johnson, C. L., Fraeman, A. A., Langlais, B., Lillis, R. J., and Rapin, W.: Helicopter Magnetic Field Surveys for Future Mars Missions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11186,, 2023.

Géraldine Zenhäusern, Natalia Wójcicka, Simon Stähler, Gareth Collins, Ingrid Daubar, Domenico Giardini, Martin Knapmeyer, John Clinton, and Savas Ceylan

The current Martian cratering rate has been determined either from repeated orbital imaging (e.g.[1][2]), or using lunar rates extended to Mars in combination with crater counting [3]. Eight seismic events detected by the NASA InSight seismometer have been confirmed as impacts by orbital imaging [4]. Six of those events are part of the Very High Frequency (VF) group of marsquakes, which consists of 70 events in total. The impact signals are very similar to other VF events, suggesting that more or all VF events could be impact related. The unique characteristics of VF events, such as a long seismic coda interpreted as a result of shallow source in a strongly scattering near-surface layer [5] and their temporal and spatial distributions, are consistent with impact origin.

Assuming all high quality VF events are impacts allows us to place a novel constraint on the impact rate on Mars, independent of the formation of easy-to-spot large blast zones, necessary to identify fresh craters in orbital images. We test the compatibility with the existing cratering rate estimates by using two approaches to derive a first seismically constrained impact rate for Mars. First, we use the Gutenberg-Richter law to determine the slope of the VF event magnitude-frequency distribution. The impact rate is derived by applying a relationship between seismic moment and crater diameter [6]. We refine our estimates by extrapolating the detectability of each event using a semi-empirical relationship between crater size and seismic amplitude [6]. We find that both approaches give similar rates, varying slightly depending on the detectability conditions assumed by each method. The cumulative rates N(D≥8m) = 1-4x10-6 /km2/yr are higher than those from previous imaging studies, but consistent with isochron rates [3].

The discrepancy with imaging-based rates could indicate that there are impacts which are missed in imagery due to absent blast zones or that are located in unfavourable terrain, unaccounted for in the imaging-based area correction.



[1] Daubar et al. (2013). doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.04.009

[2] Daubar et al. (2022). doi: 10.1029/2021JE007145

[3] Hartmann (2005). doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2004.11.023

[4] Daubar et al. (2023). InSight Seismic Events Confirmed as Impacts Thus Far. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023 abstract.

[5] van Driel et al. (2021). doi: 10.1029/2020JE006670

[6] Wójcicka et al. (2023). Impact Rate on Mars Implied by Seismic Observations. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023 abstract.

How to cite: Zenhäusern, G., Wójcicka, N., Stähler, S., Collins, G., Daubar, I., Giardini, D., Knapmeyer, M., Clinton, J., and Ceylan, S.: What Marsquakes Tell Us About Impact Rates on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12953,, 2023.

Cedric Thieulot, Marjolein Blasweiler, and Bart Root

The Tharsis Region has been an interest of study for many years due to its large impact on the long wavelength gravity field and topography of Mars. The leading theory on the origin of the volcanic region is a combination of both isostatic flexure of a thickened crust and a small contribution due to a (possible) large superplume residing in the upper mantle. The isostatic balance, on which previous studies have relied, does not adequately explain the long-wavelength gravity field spectra. These long-wavelength signals contribute to large scale features in the mantle. We consider the presence of a dynamic mass anomaly below the Tharsis Region. This could help explain the geological surveys of the relative young lava flows. By looking at mantle dynamic models we can explore the effect of a superplume that is actively rising in the mantle and changing the geoid over time.

We ran a series of instantaneous axisymmetric finite element models of Mars with varying plume and subsurface structural variables constrained by InSight. We run the model for 50 years, thereby accounting for the total duration of satellite data acquisition. The deformation in the model allows us to calculate the change in dynamic topography and gravity anomaly.

Our preliminary results show dynamic topography rates of a few centimetres per year and gravity rates in the order of 0.1 μGal per year. These gravity rates should fall within the precision of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter gravity field estimates, but are masked by other geological surface mass changes. Our results show that with longer and dedicated gravity observations, we should be able to observe the large scale mantle dynamics of Mars.

How to cite: Thieulot, C., Blasweiler, M., and Root, B.: The changing gravity field due to a superplume under the Tharsis Region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13871,, 2023.

Lukas Adam, John Bridges, Donald Bowden, John Holt, and Candice Bedford

NASA, ESA and the UK are collaborating on a Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission which aims to retrieve drill cores of Martian rock for terrestrial analysis, starting with the Mars2020 rover which landed successfully in Jezero Crater in Feb. 2021. Up to 30 samples, inside sealed titanium sample tubes, are planned to be returned to Earth in later missions. Due to the potential for back-contamination of Earth from possible extant life on Mars, strict contamination control measures must be taken for the purposes of planetary protection, as well as to prevent contamination of the samples by Earth’s environment. These measures place restrictions on the way measurements can be performed on the samples until they have been sterilised or judged safe. As the first step of scientific analysis, all samples will undergo a set of measurements called Pre-Basic Characterisation. Pre-BC will include weighing, X-ray CT, and magnetic measurements. These data along with Basic Characterisation data will be used to decide experimental plans for multi instrument analyses on the Mars samples. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is currently planned for a later stage of sample analysis after the sample tubes have been opened due to limitations with conventional commercial X-ray diffractometers. [1, 2]

While a conventional X-ray tube cannot provide an appropriate X-ray beam, a synchrotron source is capable of much higher intensities and precise wavelength selectivity. Synchrotron facilities also allow more suitable diffraction geometries for the size and shape of sample expected from MSR. We have carried out experiments with the help of Diamond Light Source’s I12-JEEP beamline to test the feasibility of XRD analysis of samples in sealed Mars2020 sample tubes and suitable instrument parameters for XRD of these samples. Titanium tubes were prepared as analogues to Mars2020 sample tubes. Three different geological analogues were used in place of the Mars samples: an Icelandic basaltic sand, a calcareous mudstone from Watchet Bay, UK, and a Devonian Fine Grained Sandstone, UK. Two different methods for preventing unwanted diffraction signal from the sample tube walls have also been tested: subtracting the diffraction spectrum of an empty tube from the tube-with-sample spectrum, and using energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction to exclude tube wall signal. We show that quantitative XRD phase analysis can be successfully carried out on returned Mars samples in unopened sample tubes using a synchrotron X-ray source, and thus could be included in the Pre-BC phase of returned sample science. This would provide mineralogical data much earlier in the sample science process, improving decision-making around sample science, curation, and handling.



1.       Meyer, M.A., et al., Final Report of the Mars Sample Return Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2). Astrobiology, 2022. 22(S1): p. S-5-S-26.

2.       Tait, K.T., et al., Preliminary Planning for Mars Sample Return (MSR) Curation Activities in a Sample Receiving Facility (SRF). Astrobiology, 2022. 22(S1): p. S-57-S-80.

How to cite: Adam, L., Bridges, J., Bowden, D., Holt, J., and Bedford, C.: Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction for Early Characterisation of Sealed Mars2020 Samples, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14721,, 2023.

Dirk Plettemeier, Wolf-Stefan Benedix, Sebastian Hegler, Ronny Hahnel, Christoph Statz, Yun Lu, Valérie Ciarletti, Emile Brighi, Alice Le Gall, Issa Sall, Esther Mas, and Aleksey Shestov

The ExoMars Rover instrument WISDOM (“Water Ice and Subsurface Deposit Observations on Mars”) is a ground penetrating radar (GPR) designed to investigate the shallow subsurface of Oxia Planum, the ExoMars mission’s designated landing site. Using a frequency range from 0.5 GHz to 3.0 GHz the electromagnetic waves penetrate the subsurface via a wideband antenna assembly. The achieved penetration depth is at least three meters, with a depth resolution of a few centimeters. The dual-polarimetric design of the antenna allows to measure four different channels during probing the Mars soil.

The WISDOM radar will give access to the geological structure, electromagnetic nature, and possibly hydrological state of the shallow subsurface by retrieving the layering and properties of the buried reflectors. A short-term subsurface analysis will support the tight schedules of the rover operations both for science and drill operations in finding places of high scientific interest and low risk.

In order to achieve these short times for decision making the incoming data at the remote operation control center (ROCC) will be automatically processed through a predefined pipeline. The processing is written in Python, which uses a self-developed framework. The basic process consists of a chain of filters that produces several radargrams at different states of processing. Further, it prepares the data for storage in PDS4 format for long-term archiving.

In this work, automatic processing is introduced and results of processed measurement data acquired during a WISDOM field test in Svalbard are presented.

How to cite: Plettemeier, D., Benedix, W.-S., Hegler, S., Hahnel, R., Statz, C., Lu, Y., Ciarletti, V., Brighi, E., Le Gall, A., Sall, I., Mas, E., and Shestov, A.: ExoMars – WISDOM Field-Test Data Processed with Automatic Pipeline, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16376,, 2023.

Osip Kokin, Aino Kirillova, Akos Kereszturi, and Gian Gabriele Ori

FlyRadar is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Union. The project aims the production of a low-frequency dual-mode radar (synthetic aperture and ground penetrating) installed on board of a lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle (or drone) and their testing for future usage in Earth and planetary investigations.

Currently, one of the most important issues in the study of Mars is the understanding of the so-called viscous flow features, which, according to the modern hypothesis, are debris-covered glaciers (DCG) and consist of near-surface water ice and represent part of Martian cryosphere. These glaciers could be a source of water for future human exploration in-situ, as well as a source of hydrogen and oxygen for fuel.

Besides, ice of DCG contain historical records of climatic and geologic changes and can preserve ancient microbial life or even living organisms, if Mars ever harboured life. However, there are still no detailed studies on the thickness of the debris cover and the structure and thickness of DCG on Mars. The use of FlyRadar type probe on Mars could partially fill this gap. That is why one of the directions of the FlyRadar project is to test the use and capabilities of such an instrument in the study of DCG on Earth for further use on Mars.

Based on the synthesized information on the mid-latitude DCS of Mars and their terrestrial analogues previously proposed in the published literature, the following types of possible analogues of the Martian DCG on Earth are considered in this work as test sites for FlyRadar surveys:

1) Rock glaciers – very good external similarity of surface morphology, but low content of pure ice (up to 30%).

2) DCG with maximum covered area due to ablation and slope processes – high content of pure ice (more than 80-90%), possibility of conservation ice in permafrost, but not always very good external similarity of debris-covered areas and surface morphology due to processes associated with melting and melt waters, irregular accumulation of debris material (usually only the lower part of the glacier in the ablation zone is covered by debris).

3) Ice-cored moraines and parts of DCG with limited melting due to conservation of ice (partly relict) in permafrost – high content of pure ice and good preservation potential of relict ice, but the complete absence of external similarity.

4) Completely DCG due to volcanic sedimentation from atmosphere (ashfall) – high content of pure ice, good preservation potential of relict ice due to permafrost, completely debris coverage of the glacier surface except for newly formed ice in the accumulation zone. Possibly, it is the closest analogue to Martian DCG.

5) Pleistocene massive ground ice (possible glaciers) buried by marine and aeolian sedimentation: high content of pure ice, good preservation potential of relict ice due to permafrost, completely debris coverage of the glacier surface, but the complete absence of external similarity, since most often morphologically buried glacier is not expressed in land surface.

How to cite: Kokin, O., Kirillova, A., Kereszturi, A., and Ori, G. G.: Terrestrial analogues of the glaciers on Mars: possible test sites for FlyRadar survey, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8449,, 2023.

Laboratory model of Martian gullies
Leszek Czechowski
Tetyana Milojevic, Denise Koelbl, Robert Bruner, and Matthew L. Morgan

In the past year we have been witnessing several important missions to Mars, including Mars 2020 Perseverance rover that landed to Jezero Crater to search for signs of ancient life. Multiple lines of evidence indicate an active hydrogeological history of Mars and chemolithoautotrophy-suited environments within its Noachian terrains. As a result, one of the primary aims of Mars missions is to search for signs of ancient life and collect a suite of samples to be returned to Earth via a Mars Sample Return mission. Being a few steps away from retrieving and returning the first Mars samples, we need to gain extensive knowledge how to access their potential biogenicity. In this connection, a valuable source of information can be extracted from microbial fingerprints of chemolithotrophic life based on Martian materials. Chemolithoautotrophy is the most ancient microbial form of life, which enables the transition of energy from a stone to the energy of a living entity. In our project, we investigate interactions of a wide variety of chemolithoautotrophs with Martian mineral materials (Martian meteorites and regolith simulants). Our recent research on the genuine Noachian Martian breccia “Black Beauty” permitted visualization and nanometer-scale imaging of microbial life designed and cultivated on Martian materials(1). Here we report on laboratory-scaled microbially assisted chemolithoautotrophic biotransformation(1) of the Noachian Martian breccia Northwest Africa (NWA) 7034 composed of ancient (~4.5 Gyr old) crustal materials from Mars. Nanoanalytical hyperspectral analysis provides clues for the trafficking and distribution of meteorite inorganic constituents in the microbial cell(1). We decipher biomineralization patterns associated with the biotransformation and reveal microbial nanometer-sized lithologies located inside the cell and on its outer surface layer(1). These investigations provide an opportunity to trace the putative bioalteration processes of the Martian crust and to assess the potential biogenicity of Martian materials. Our study on the Noachian Martian breccia composed of ~4.5 Gyr old crustal materials from Mars, delivered a prototype of microbial life experimentally designed on a real Martian material(1). This life of a pure Martian design is a rich source of Mars relevant biosignatures.


1. Milojevic, T., Albu, M., Kölbl, D. et al. Chemolithotrophy on the Noachian Martian breccia NWA 7034 via experimental microbial biotransformation. Commun Earth Environ 2, 39 (2021).

How to cite: Milojevic, T., Koelbl, D., Bruner, R., and Morgan, M. L.: Exploration of microbial-mineral interactions with the Noachian Martian breccia composed of ~4.5 Gyr old crustal materials from Mars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16175,, 2023.

Alberto G. Fairén, Nuria Rodriguez, Laura Sanchez-Garcia, Esther Uceda, Daniel Carrizo, Patricia Rojas, Ricardo Amils, and Jose Luis Sanz

Early Mars most likely had a diversity of environments in terms of pH, redox conditions, temperature, geochemistry, and mineralogy. Field research in terrestrial analog environments contribute to understand the habitability of this diversity of environments on Mars in the past, because terrestrial analogues are places on Earth characterized by environmental, mineralogical, geomorphological, or geochemical conditions similar to those observed on present or past Mars. So far, analogs have been referred to terrestrial locations closely similar to any of the geochemical environments that have been inferred on Mars, i.e., they are “place-analogs” that represent snapshots in time: one specific environmental condition at a very specific place and a very specific time. Because of this, each individual field analog site cannot be considered an adequate representation of the changing martian environmental conditions through time. Here we introduce the concept of “astrobiological time-analog”, referred to terrestrial analogs that may help understand environmental transitions and the related possible ecological successions on early Mars. As Mars lost most of its surface water at the end of the Hesperian, this wet-to-dry global transition can be considered the major environmental perturbation in the geological history of Mars, and therefore merits to be the first one to be assigned a “time-analog” for its better understanding and characterization. 
At the end of the Hesperian, several paleolakes on Mars were characterized by episodic inundation by shallow surface waters with varying salinity, evaporation, and full desiccation repeatedly over time, until the final disappearance of most surface water after the wet-to-dry transition. We show here that similar conditions can be tested through time in the terrestrial analog Tirez lagoon. Tirez was a small and seasonal endorheic athalassohaline lagoon that was located in central Spain. In recent years, the lagoon has totally dried out, offering for the first time the opportunity to analyze its desiccation process as a “time-analog” to similar events occurred during the wet-to-dry transition on early Mars. To do so, here we describe (i) the microbial ecology of Tirez when the lagoon was still active 20 years ago, with prokaryotes adapted to extreme saline conditions; (ii) the composition of the microbial community in the dried lake sediments today, in many case groups that thrive in sediments of extreme environments; and (iii) the molecular and isotopic analysis of the lipid biomarkers that can be recovered from the sediments today. We conclude that Tirez was habitable for a wide range of prokaryotes before and after its complete desiccation, in spite of the repeated seasonal dryness; and our results may inform about research strategies to search for possible biomarkers in Mars after all the water was lost. Our 25 yearlong analyses of the ecological transitions in the Tirez lagoon represent the first terrestrial astrobiological “time-analog” for desiccating saline lakes on early Mars

How to cite: G. Fairén, A., Rodriguez, N., Sanchez-Garcia, L., Uceda, E., Carrizo, D., Rojas, P., Amils, R., and Sanz, J. L.: Introducing the concept of “astrobiological time-analogs”: Ecological successions throughout the desiccation of hypersaline lagoons on Earth and the wet-to-dry transition on early Mars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16586,, 2023.

Development of 2.05 um Fiber Lasers for CO2 DIAL lidar Measuring Martian CO2 and Pressure
Zhaoyan Liu, Bing Lin, Joel Campbell, Jirong Yu, and Shibin Jiang
The Mars 2020 Three Forks Sample Depot
Justin Maki, Ken Farley, Katie Stack, Fred Calef, Nathan Williams, James F. III Bell, Chris Herd, Meenakshi Wadhwa, and Adrian Brown
Jing Xiao, Kim-Chiu Chow, Shaojie Qu, Yanqi Hu, Haogong Wei, Yemeng Wang, and Kun Zhang

China’s first Mars rover “Zhurong” successfully landed (on July 15, 2021,07:18 CST) at the pre-selected landing area on Utopia Planitia of Mars. The “Entrance, Descending, and Landing (EDL)” process was the most challenging and highly dependent on the accurate prediction of the atmospheric conditions all along the descending trajectory and around the landing site.

In this study, a series of five-domain nested simulations were conducted using MarsWRF GCM, with the top of the domains at ~90 km and the highest horizontal resolution of ~3.6 km. Especially, modified fully-interactive dust lifting and radiation feedback (hereafter “inter-active dust”) schemes were used in all nested domains as a “control” experiment. The results can reasonably represent the Martian atmospheric features based on MCS-MRO observations and MCD5.3 re-analysis data (e.g., the “thermal tide”, meridional circulations, semi-spherical and local topographic flows, and mesoscale structures around landing site). The advantages of our nesting simulation compared to MCD5.3 data included: 1) the suspended dust was more “elevated” at some regions; 2) it can resolve the topographic gravity waves and even convection-like structures in the boundary layer.

In consideration of the uncertainties caused by the dust and radiation processes, besides the control experiment, three more nesting simulations with different dust distributions and radiation feedback schemes were also conducted to give an ensemble prediction with a certain spread, which confirmed the engineering meteorological thresholds provided by CAST. Finally, the model predictions were validated by the EDL retrieved profiles, showing that the temperature and wind speed profiles were well predicted. Especially, only the “inter-active dust” experiments showed the easterlies between 20~30km altitudes as reported by the EDL data. However, the density profiles of both the model and MCD5.3 re-analysis were underestimated below 30 km altitude.

How to cite: Xiao, J., Chow, K.-C., Qu, S., Hu, Y., Wei, H., Wang, Y., and Zhang, K.: High-resolution nesting simulations for the EDL stage of China’s first Mars exploration mission (Tianwen-1), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17025,, 2023.

No Evidence for Shallow Subsurface Ice on Near-Tropical Martian Slopes ?
Lucas Lange, Forget François, Aymeric Spiga, Mathieu Vincendon, Ehouarn Millour, and Romain Vandemeulebrouck
Patrick Martin, Colin Wilson, James Godfrey, Alejandro Cardesin Moinelo, Rick Blake, Andrew Johnstone, Luke Lucas, Simon Wood, Sylvain Damiani, Donald Merritt, Julia Marin Yaseli de la Parra, Mar Sierra, Michel Breitfellner, Emmanuel Grotheer, David Heather, Carlos Muniz Solaz, Mars Express Science Ground Segment Team, and Mars Express Flight Control Team

Mars Express, ESA's first flagship for Mars exploration, will reach the momentous milestones of 20 years in space and at Mars on 2 June and 25 December this year, respectively. Its scientific record is unprecedented for a mission which was initially planned for one Martian year. Since end 2003 Mars Express has gathered a wealth of data from the subsurface, surface, atmosphere, plasma environment and moons of the red planet in a quasi-uninterrupted and routine way. Furthermore, Mars Express is currently as scientifically active and productive as at any time through its lifetime in space, thanks to several additions and improvements recently made to its spacecraft and payload capabilities (e.g., MARSIS radar new subsurface and Phobos operative modes, radio frequency occultation measurements between Mars Express and ESA’s Trace Gas Orbiter using an upgraded MELACOM communications system, plasma sounding by ASPERA during MARSIS measurements, occultation observations during egress). Mars Express is expected to maintain and even enhance its scientific return over the next few years, should the mission be extended. Technical feasibility of further mission extensions has been reviewed and confirmed. The mission is constrained by 3 lifetime-limiting elements which are the remaining gyro lifetime, remaining fuel and the battery lifetime. However, it has been demonstrated that none of those 3 constraints is likely to prevent Mars Express from continuing its routine operations until beyond 2030. Whether Mars Express is extended or not, nominal archiving is proceeding at pace and higher-level data sets being produced in collaboration with the PI teams to optimise the Mars Express archive legacy.

The mission and science operations teams, together with the mission scientists, are looking forward to several additional years of scientific productivity and discoveries. Successful joint science campaigns with the CNSA Tianwen/Zhurong orbiter and rover missions, UAE’s Hope orbiter mission, and especially the upcoming MMX mission to Phobos by JAXA should contribute to further augment Mars Express’ 20-year success story.

How to cite: Martin, P., Wilson, C., Godfrey, J., Cardesin Moinelo, A., Blake, R., Johnstone, A., Lucas, L., Wood, S., Damiani, S., Merritt, D., Marin Yaseli de la Parra, J., Sierra, M., Breitfellner, M., Grotheer, E., Heather, D., Muniz Solaz, C., Science Ground Segment Team, M. E., and Flight Control Team, M. E.: Mars Express: Toward a 20-year scientific and technical success story, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8669,, 2023.

Azita Valinia

Planning is underway at NASA to return humans to the Moon by 2025 and from there to Mars in 2030-40s. This paper discusses some of the future Mars reconnaissance missions needed in advance of the first human landing on Mars to ensure astronaut safety and mission success. These include: 1) high resolution mapping of the Martian terrain for identifying optimum landing sites for scientific exploration and safe entry, descent, and landing of crewed missions and safe crew operations; 2) surface weather reconnaissance on Mars which could entail a network of orbital and on-surface meteorological assets; and 3) real-time space weather forecasting on Mars which could require positioning of radiation monitoring assets as well as computational capabilities in Mars orbit. Details regarding needed reconnaissance missions for safe crew operations and corresponding potential future mission concepts  will be discussed.

How to cite: Valinia, A.: Advanced Reconnaissance Missions Needed for Human Exploration of Mars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4548,, 2023.

Posters virtual: Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | vHall ST/PS

Chairperson: Ricardo Hueso
David Reid and Karen Aplin

Despite no direct observations of lightning on Mars, it is expected to occur. The planet is known to have large dust storms - which are believed to generate electric and magnetic fields. Magnetic fields are also expected in dust storms on Earth, though measurements are extremely limited. Understanding of electric and magnetic fields of this prevalent feature of the Martian landscape is vital to understanding and developing missions of Mars.

Two hypotheses were postulated. Firstly, the vertical separation of charge is responsible for the electric field, and, secondly, that the spiralling motion of the charged particles is responsible for the magnetic field. An experimental apparatus was designed to isolate the vertical and horizontal components of the motion in a dust storm in the lab with Martian analogue material by dropping or rotating the particulates respectively. In this rig electric fields are measured using a field mill (CS110) and magnetic fields with a search coil magnetometer (LEMI 133, the engineering model from the postponed ExoMars22 mission). The rig is carefully screened from background electrical and magnetic fields.

The equipment is currently being commissioned, and in the vertical separation mode, particulates such as polystyrene and glass beads were dropped onto a Faraday cup. By determination of the capacitance of the tank, the voltage signal can be converted into charge. In addition to this, the signals from the Faraday cup and field mill can be visualised across the time profile of a given drop. In the horizontal motion mode, the particulate is mixed with a paddle, akin to an ice-cream machine, to entrain the dust in a vortex. Results from these lab-based experiments are presented here.

How to cite: Reid, D. and Aplin, K.: Experimental Measurements of Electric and Magnetic Fields in Simulated Martian Dust Storms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14629,, 2023.