HS8.3.2 | Soil-Plant Interactions
Soil-Plant Interactions
Co-organized by SSS9
Convener: Valentin Couvreur | Co-conveners: Mohsen Zare, Martin Bouda, Camilla Ruø Rasmussen
| Thu, 27 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST), 14:00–18:00 (CEST)
Room 3.16/17
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
vHall HS
Orals |
Thu, 10:45
Thu, 08:30
Thu, 08:30
The interactions between plants and the environment play a prominent role in terrestrial fluxes and biochemical cycles. However, we still lack detailed knowledge of how these interactions impact plant growth and plant access to soil resources, particularly under deficient conditions. The main challenge arises from the complexity inherent to both soil and plants. To address these knowledge gaps, an improved understanding of plant-related transfer processes is needed.
Experimental techniques such as non-invasive imaging and three-dimensional root system modeling tools have deepened our insights into the functioning of water and solute transport processes in the soil-plant system. Quantitative approaches that integrate across disciplines and scales constitute stepping-stones to foster our understanding of fundamental biophysical processes at the interface between soil and plants.
This session targets research investigating plant-related resource transfer processes across different scales (from the rhizosphere to the global scale) and welcomes scientists from multiple disciplines ranging from soil to plant sciences. We are specifically inviting contributions on the following topics:
- Measuring and modeling of water and solute fluxes across soil-plant-atmosphere continuum at different scales.
- Novel experimental and modeling techniques assessing below-ground plant processes such as root growth, root water, and nutrient uptake, root exudation, microbial interactions, and soil aggregation
- Measuring and modeling of soil-plant hydraulics
- Bridging the gap between biologically and physically oriented research in soil and plant sciences
- Identification of plant strategies to better access and use resources from soil under abiotic stress
- Mechanistic understanding of drought impact on transpiration and photosynthesis and their predictions by earth system models

Orals: Thu, 27 Apr | Room 3.16/17

Chairpersons: Mohsen Zare, Valentin Couvreur
On-site presentation
Christine Strullu-Derrien, Alan R.T. Spencer, Ria Mitchell, and Paul Kenrick

Microorganisms are key to our understanding of early life on land, especially in terms of below-ground processes. In the fossil record, exceptionally preserved silicified systems are the best sources to document the diversity of Fungi and microorganisms and the roles that they played, including their interactions with plants. Continued advances in technology allow us to document these in unprecedent detail at sites like the Rhynie cherts (Scotland, UK), dating to 407 Ma, and the Grand Croix chert (Massif Central, France), dating to ca 307 ̶ 303 Ma. Techniques we used include Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)-based imaging, among others.

In the Rhynie cherts, plant-fungal associations and glomeromycotan spores have been observed as well as other diverse microorganisms colonizing the substrate. In modern vascular plants, endomycorrhizas are typically associated with roots, but most of the vascular plants at Rhynie were rootless, and endomycorrhizas developed in aerial axes. This is probably the plesiomorphic state for land plants. Data from Grand Croix demonstrate that by the end of the Carboniferous, endomycorrhizas had become associated with the root systems of trees. The evolution of the endomycorrhizal symbioses during the Paleozoic, from early plants to trees, is associated with important changes in the nature of the symbiosis, the structure of the soil, and changes in level of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. Using a combination of techniques to decipher the nature of the organisms and their interactions is as an area of developing interest, particularly in the context of recent work on modern relatives.




How to cite: Strullu-Derrien, C., Spencer, A. R. T., Mitchell, R., and Kenrick, P.: Advanced techniques for the study of plant interactions with Fungi and other microorganisms in early environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2042, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2042, 2023.

On-site presentation
Eva Lippold, Steffen Schlüter, Rüdiger Kilian, Eric Braatz, Robert Mikutta, and Doris Vetterlein

Chemical gradients around roots are formed by water uptake and selective uptake of elements and thereby triggered radial transport processes. Gradients on different root segments are expected to vary in magnitude, e.g. root age determines duration of root-soil-contact and thus the dimension of depletion or accumulation zones. Current knowledge with respect to chemical rhizosphere gradients is primarily based on linearized (compartmentalized) or pseudo-linearized (rhizobox) systems, which do not represent the radial geometry of transport to and from roots. Within the DFG-funded Priority Program 2089 we developed a new targeted sampling on undisturbed samples containing different root segments to overcome these shortcomings.

In order to evaluate the temporal change of root system architecture, we apply X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT) and advanced tools of image analysis and registration, as the direct observation of roots in a 3D system is hindered by the non-transparency of soil.

This allows a targeted sampling of specific root ages/types by extracting intact subsamples (ø 1.6 cm) from larger pots (ø 7 cm), in which the plants were grown. To investigate the influence of soil texture and root age on the formation of chemical gradients, this new subsampling protocol was first tested in a pot experiment with two Zea mays L. genotypes  (the wild-type (WT) and the corresponding mutant defective in root hair elongation (rth3)) grown for three weeks in two different textures (sand vs. loam). Resin embedded subsamples containing either segments of the primary root or young roots were imaged with micro X-ray fluorescence (μXRF) to evaluate element distributions as a function of distance to the root surfaces. First results show a higher precipitation of calcium and sulfur in the vicinity of the primary root than in the vicinity of young roots indicating an age effect. Magnitude and extend of the gradient differs between sand and loam.


How to cite: Lippold, E., Schlüter, S., Kilian, R., Braatz, E., Mikutta, R., and Vetterlein, D.: Spatio-temporal patterns of chemical gradients around roots investigated with µXRF and X-ray CT, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15339, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15339, 2023.

On-site presentation
Maxime Phalempin, Eva Lippold, Felix Brauweiler, Bernd Apelt, Henrike Würsig, Mika Tarkka, Steffen Schlüter, and Doris Vetterlein

Mechanical stress induced by soil compaction affects drastically root system architecture and the morphology of individual root segments. Typical effects of mechanical stress on the root responses include decreased root elongation, increased radial thickening and sloughing of cap cells. Many studies have established a link between the mechanical stress encountered by roots (generated in triaxial cells or by restricting root growth with a barrier) and the gaseous plant hormone ethylene; the data suggests that ethylene acts as an endogenous root growth regulator. To the best of our knowledge however, none of the studies on the ethylene and mechanical stress feedback mechanisms measured ethylene concentrations under realistic soil conditions, i.e., in the soil gas phase and over a long period of time. In this study, we aimed at filling this knowledge gap and set up an experiment which allowed to measure ethylene concentration directly in the soil gas phase with passive diffusive samplers and for maize plants subjected to different levels of soil compaction over a period of 21 days in repacked soil columns in the laboratory. With the help of X-ray computed tomography, we investigated the spatiotemporal patterns of ethylene concentrations in the vicinity of roots, in order to assess which type of roots act as a major source of ethylene in the soil. In accordance with the literature, soil compaction induced a significant increase in ethylene concentration in the soil gas phase, which impacted root growth by reducing significantly the growth of fine roots and increasing the share of thicker roots. A visual inspection of the X-ray CT images at different time points of gas sampling showed that high concentrations of ethylene (i.e., above the third quartile of the distribution) were not strictly ascribable to the abundance or type of roots in the vicinity of a probe. Yet, the highest concentrations of ethylene were recorded on the occasions where roots were present close to a probe. The sampling depths and time of sampling had no or very little effect on the measured ethylene concentrations. Our results suggest that ethylene was diffusing rather homogeneously in the soil columns and that microbial activity was also responsible for a good fraction of the ethylene production. Future experiments are planned to assess the contribution of microbes to the total ethylene production.

How to cite: Phalempin, M., Lippold, E., Brauweiler, F., Apelt, B., Würsig, H., Tarkka, M., Schlüter, S., and Vetterlein, D.: Maize roots under mechanical stress induce increased ethylene concentration in the soil gas phase, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12448, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12448, 2023.

On-site presentation
Mohanned Abdalla and Mutez Ahmed

Various rhizosphere traits have been explored as plant adaptations to modulate the soil-root interface to acquire resources and to enhance plant water status under stress conditions. Mucilage exudation has been suggested to enable water uptake during soil drying. This hypothesis was tested using artificial root analogy due to technical limitations and the lack of suitable plant materials. Here, we tested whether mucilage exudation facilitates water uptake in intact cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L.) plants growing in loamy soil during drying. We used a root pressure chamber system to measure the gradients in water potential at the root surface as well as the relationship between transpiration rate and leaf xylem water potential in two genotypes with contrasting mucilage production. Higher mucilage exudation attenuated the drop in matric potential at the root surface. In contrast, the gradients in water potential were much steeper in cowpea with less mucilage production. The attenuation of matric potential at the root surface resulted in a linear relationship between transpiration rate and leaf xylem water potential. We conclude that mucilage exudation maintains the hydraulic continuity between roots and soil and decelerates water potential dissipation near the root surface during soil drying. Our findings provide the first in vivo evidence on the role of mucilage on root water uptake.

How to cite: Abdalla, M. and Ahmed, M.: Mucilage enables water uptake in cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L.) under soil water deficit, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4892, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4892, 2023.

On-site presentation
Moza Al Naemi, Patricia Garnier, Alexandra Jullien, and Celine Richard-Molard

Intercropping management strategy involves the use of legumes alongside a commercial crop to achieve various benefits, such as improved soil nutrient circulation, water retention, and pest control. However, research has shown that there is a lack of understanding of the long-term benefits of legumes within cropping systems and their specific interactions with the soil.


In our experimental setup, we conducted four treatments using soil columns that were 24 cm in diameter and 1 m in length. We grew two winter rapeseeds as a monocrop, an intercrop of one rapeseed and one faba-bean, and two faba-beans as a monocrop in each soil column. We killed the faba-bean during the winter frost and left it as green mulch in the rapeseed intercrop. The final treatment was bare soil control columns. We measured soil nitrogen, the biomass, and nitrogen content of living plants and plant litter in September, October, November, and June. Additionally, we studied the decomposition of rapeseed and faba-bean residues in the soil in a laboratory incubation experiment to measure carbon and nitrogen mineralization.


The majority of mineral nitrogen leaching occurred during late autumn at the beginning of the growing season (September to October) in all treatments. The soil mineral nitrogen contents over the growing season for the rapeseed-faba-bean intercrop system were similar to the rapeseed monocrop system, but lower than in the faba-bean monocrop system. The nitrogen balance in the columns for each treatment revealed that bare soil lost the most nitrogen over time due to leaching and lack of plants to uptake mineral nitrogen and immobilize it as biomass. The second one which lost the most nitrogen by leaching is The faba-bean monocrop. In this treatment, the plant did not use soil nitrogen in the lower portions of the soil column and this portion of the nitrogen in the soil may have been lost by leaching. The nitrogen was better conserved in the soil column and in the plants in the treatments with rapeseed intercrop and monocrop. Soil nitrogen was removed by the plant more efficiently leading to less leaching.


The nitrogen content and biomass of one rapeseed plant in the intercrop was nearly double the one rapeseed plant in monocrop. Indeed, the total biomass and nitrogen content of the two rapeseeds in monocrop was equivalent to the single rapeseed in the intercrop. Conversely, rapeseed mulch had less nitrogen in intercrops than in the monocrop system.


Lastly, the incubation of crop residues initially immobilized soil mineral nitrogen. The faba-bean mulch started releasing more mineral nitrogen than the bare soil after day 70. The release of mineral nitrogen of rapeseed and rapeseed-faba-bean mulch mixture exceeded the nitrogen of bare soil after day 90.


Overall, it is clear that intercropping with legumes can have positive effects on soil nitrogen and plant growth, but more research is needed to fully understand the long-term benefits and interactions between legumes, the soil, and commercial crops.

How to cite: Al Naemi, M., Garnier, P., Jullien, A., and Richard-Molard, C.: Effects of Winter Rapeseed - Faba-bean intercrop and litter mulch on soil Nitrogen , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14362, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14362, 2023.

On-site presentation
Johanna Pihlblad, R. Liz Hamilton, Manon Rumeau, Emma J. Sayer, Iain P. Hartley, and Sami Ullah

In a future CO2 rich world, nitrogen (N) limitation is projected to decrease the CO2 fertilization effect limiting the ability of temperate forests to mitigate climate change. There are limited direct measurements of roots showing if mature trees are able to increase their N uptake in a future climate. Additionally, it is not currently understood if roots of mature trees can change their N form preference under elevated CO2 to maintain or enhance their N uptake. These are all gaps in knowledge identified as adding uncertainty to modelling efforts assessing ecosystem response to climate change. We quantified the rate of N uptake of living mature oak tree roots (Quercus robur) and their preference of N forms. On two occasions (July and November 2022) we carefully excavated live oak roots of three mature trees in each of the six experimental Free Air Carbon Enrichment (FACE) arrays (three ambient and three +150 ppm CO2) at the BIFoR FACE facility located in Staffordshire (United Kingdom). The live roots were cleaned and pre-incubated in acid washed sand and a nutrient solution for 24 hours to establish an acclimatized baseline condition following excavation. The roots were then exposed to a mix of inorganic and organic N forms where only one form was labelled in each treatment (15N-nitrate, 15N-ammonium, a mix of 20 15N labelled amino acids and an unlabelled control) to elucidate N preferences and rate of uptake during a two-hour incubation period. By analysing the root tissue for 15N our findings will investigate the preferences and uptake rates of N by mature trees under elevated CO2. We hope to shed light on these mechanisms mediating N uptake of mature trees to explain how mature forest stands respond to climate change in a temperate climate.    

How to cite: Pihlblad, J., Hamilton, R. L., Rumeau, M., Sayer, E. J., Hartley, I. P., and Ullah, S.: Root soil Nitrogen acquisition by mature Oak trees exposed to elevated CO2: Nitrogen preference and uptake rate under a future climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15808, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15808, 2023.

On-site presentation
Julian Schoch, Lorenz Walthert, Peter Lehmann, Pascal Unverricht, and Andrea Carminati

As safety mechanism during droughts, plants close their stomata to reduce transpiration losses and prevent excessively negative water potentials. Although the coordination between stomatal closure, xylem vulnerability and leaf traits has been extensively investigated, the role of soil hydraulic limitation remains elusive. Here, we test the hypothesis that stomatal closure is triggered by the loss of soil hydraulic conductivity in the root zone. As the soil hydraulic conductivity is a function of soil texture, we further hypothesize that stomatal closure, and more precisely the relation between stomatal conductance and leaf water potential, are soil texture dependent. An alternative hypothesis is that the shoot to root ratio adapts to the specific soil conditions, and it is lower in soils with low hydraulic conductivity. We compared three field sites in an inner alpine valley in Switzerland (yearly rainfall of 600 mm) with the same oak tree species (Quercus pubescens) and varying soil textures. We used the model of Carminati and Javaux (2020), which predicts that the decline in transpiration rate is controlled by the soil hydraulic conductivity, and, consequently, it is more abrupt in 1) coarse textured soils compared to fine textured soils and 2) in plants with high shoot to root ratio.

To test these working hypotheses, stem water status and soil matric potential were measured at various depths of three oak sites. The soil matric potentials were then linked to the hydraulic conductivity and soil water content using a new pedotransfer function (PTF) for forest soils, which overcomes the limits of existing PTFs that were trained for arable soils. A simple water balance model based on changes in water content (deduced from PTF and measured potentials) was used to calculate transpiration rates and was compared with sap flow measurements conducted on two trees per site. Leaf water potentials were estimated from dendrometers after calibration with pressure chamber measurements of leaves. The sap flow measurements correlate well with estimated transpiration rates (R2=0.7).

Comparisons between sites show a similar decrease in stomatal conductance at all three sites during drought, regardless of soil texture. Rather, our data suggest the trees hydraulically adapt to the local soil texture by adjusting their leaf area index and root length density to the local water demand and supply. In coarse-textured soils, oak had a low leaf area index, reducing their water demand, and high fine root length density, increasing their supply. In conclusion, our study suggests a hydraulic adaptation of trees to their local soil texture by adapting their “shoot to root ratio” as quantified here by leaf area index and root density.

How to cite: Schoch, J., Walthert, L., Lehmann, P., Unverricht, P., and Carminati, A.: The Effects of Soil Texture on Transpiration Losses During Droughts: A Field Study of Three Oak Forests in an Inner Alpine Valley of Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7635, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7635, 2023.

Lunch break
Chairpersons: Mohsen Zare, Camilla Ruø Rasmussen
On-site presentation
Robert Koller, Gregor Huber, Daniel Pflugfelder, Dagmar van Dusschoten, Carsten Hinz, Sina Schultes, Antonia Chlubek, Claudia Knief, and Ralf Metzner

Individual plants vary in their ability to respond to environmental changes. The plastic response of a plant enhances its ability to avoid environmental constraints, and hence supports growth, reproduction, and evolutionary and agricultural success.

Major progress in the analysis of above- and belowground processes on individual plants has been made by the application of non-invasive imaging methods including Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET).

MRI allows for repetitive measurements of roots growing in soil and facilitates quantification of root system architecture traits in 3D. PET, on the other hand, opens a door to analyze dynamic physiological processes in plants such as long-distance carbon transport in a repeatable manner. Combining MRI with PET enables monitoring of short livedCarbon tracer (11C) allocation along the transport paths (i.e. roots visualized by MRI) into active sink structures.

To analyse the link between root-internal C allocation patterns and C metabolism in the rhizosphere, we are combining 11CO2 with stable 13CO2 labelling of plants. Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) analyses of rhizosphere soil is applied to link root-internal C allocation patterns with distribution of 13C in the rhizosphere soil. The metabolically active rhizosphere organisms are subsequently identified based on DNA 13C stable isotope probing.

In our presentation we will highlight our approaches for gathering quantitative data from both image-based technologies in combination with destructive analysis that provides insights into the functioning and dynamics of C transport processes in the plant-soil system.

How to cite: Koller, R., Huber, G., Pflugfelder, D., van Dusschoten, D., Hinz, C., Schultes, S., Chlubek, A., Knief, C., and Metzner, R.: Monitoring spatial and temporal carbon dynamics in the plant soil system by co-registration of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography for image guided sampling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13308, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13308, 2023.

On-site presentation
Amandine Germon, Tino Colombi, Dorette Müller-Stöver, Thomas Keller, and Carsten Müller

Plant roots exposed to water scarcity respond by modulating root functional traits, such as deep and prolific root growth, to maximize resource acquisition. Such adjustments, which include the alterations of root morphology and anatomy to optimize water uptake and/or maximize root survival, may also increase the carbon demand for soil exploration. But this altered carbon allocation to foster belowground resource acquisition limits aboveground plant development. In the present study we investigated the relationship between root physiology, root trait plasticity and whole plant growth under drought stress. We quantified shoot and root traits of nine contrasting spring barley cultivars grown in soil-filled rhizoboxes under well-watered (4 weeks, 55% of field capacity) or drought conditions (2 weeks, 55% of field capacity + 2 weeks without water). Time-lapse imaging was applied to quantify root and shoot growth rates, and combined with measurements of root distribution, morphology, anatomy as well as mycorrhizal colonization. Aboveground traits had a strong and uniform response to drought compared to belowground traits. Root traits’ plasticity were variable and differed among cultivars. The differences between cultivars were particularly pronounced for the proportion of root length and root biomass in deep soil layers as well as changes in root morphological and anatomical traits. We suggest that cultivars characterized by an increase in root conduits, a greater hierarchical structure and a reduction of specific root length and area may be good candidates to promote hydraulic lift while lowering carbon cost for root growth. Increased root length and depth, root density and specific root length in drought condition are different cultivars’ strategies that may promote soil exploration and optimize water uptake. This is directly linked to the interplay of above and belowground carbon investment, with some cultivars yielding both a high shoot biomass and enhanced resource acquisition. Based on our findings, testing new agronomic strategies to mobilize the diversity of cultivars could be key to enhance drought resistance and resilience of barley cropping systems.

How to cite: Germon, A., Colombi, T., Müller-Stöver, D., Keller, T., and Müller, C.: How to invest carbon under drought, different strategies in early root system development among barley cultivars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12222, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12222, 2023.

On-site presentation
Cynthia Maan, Marie-Claire ten Veldhuis, and Bas van de Wiel

Their flexible root growth provides plants with a strong ability to adapt and develop resilience to droughts and climate change. But this adaptability is badly included in crop- and climate models. Most of them rely on a simplified representation of root growth, independent of soil moisture availability. To model plant development in changing environments, we need to include the survival strategies of plants, but data of subsurface processes and interactions, needed for model set-up and validation, are scarce.

Here we investigated soil moisture driven root growth. To this end we installed subsurface drip lines and small soil moisture sensors (0.2 L measurement volume) inside rhizoboxes (length x width x height, 45 x 7.5 x 45cm). The development of the vertical soil moisture and root growth profiles are tracked with a high spatial and temporal resolution.

The results confirm that root growth is predominantly driven by vertical soil moisture distribution, while influencing soil moisture at the same time. Besides support for the functional relationship between the soil moisture and the root density growth rate, the experiments also suggest that vertical root growth stops when the soil moisture at the root tip drops below a threshold value. We show that even a parsimonious one-dimensional water balance model, driven by the measured water input and output fluxes, can be convincingly improved by implementing root growth driven by soil moisture availability. The model performance suggests that soil moisture is a key parameter determining root growth.

How to cite: Maan, C., ten Veldhuis, M.-C., and van de Wiel, B.: Dynamic root growth in response to depth-varying soil moisture availability: a rhizobox study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17337, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17337, 2023.

On-site presentation
Anna M. Sauer, Mohanned Abdalla, Fabian J. P. Wankmüller, and Mutez A. Ahmed

Transpiration response of plants during both soil drying and increasing vapor pressure deficit (VPD) have been thoroughly studied separately. However, the interactive effects of both on soil-plant hydraulics remain largely unknown. In this study, we tested the combined effects of soil and atmospheric drying on soil-plant hydraulics of sorghum.

Sorghum plants were grown in sandy soil under well-watered conditions with a daily VPD increment, increasing in five steps from 0.5 to 3.7 kPa. After 30 days, the soil was dried over five days. We measured transpiration rate (E), soil water content (θ), soil and leaf water potential (ψsoil, ψleaf) both under wet soil and during soil drying. A soil-plant hydraulic model was used to reproduce the data and provide further insight to disentangle soil and atmospheric effects.

Both soil drying and VPD affected the relation between transpiration rate and leaf water potential. In wet soil conditions, the E (ψleaf-x) relation was linear even at high VPD. During soil drying, this relation was linear in relatively low VPD conditions (0.5 – 2.5 kPa) but exhibited a non-linear relation under relatively high VPD (2.5 – 3.7 kPa). This response was also reflected in a breakpoint of soil-plant conductance at around 2.5 kPa VPD, resulting in a decrease in transpiration. 

We conclude that decreasing soil water status has a stronger impact on soil-plant conductance and water uptake than increasing VPD. Furthermore, the modeling revealed the importance of understanding how soil parameters are changed by the presence of plants, especially during soil drying. We suggest that for a holistic understanding of plant response to drought, more emphasis would need to be given to the interactions between VPD and soil drying, as the effects of VPD become increasingly important with soil drying.

How to cite: Sauer, A. M., Abdalla, M., Wankmüller, F. J. P., and Ahmed, M. A.: Coupled effects of soil and atmospheric drying on soil-plant hydraulics of sorghum, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9846, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9846, 2023.

On-site presentation
Tina Köhler, Fabian Joscha Pascal Wankmüller, Walid Sadok, and Andrea Carminati

Plant water use during drought depends on atmospheric demand and soil water supply. Typically, transpiration response to drought is evaluated in two types of experiments: either exposure to a stepwise increase in vapor pressure deficit (VPD), or exposure to soil drying over the course of weeks. Surprisingly however, the extent of similarities and differences of the underlying mechanisms remains poorly documented. This hampers progress towards breeding for well-adapted crops targeting environments with high VPD, high risk of soil moisture deficit, or both. We present an extensive review of the two experimental approaches and use a soil-plant hydraulic model to simulate transpiration responses to both environmental drivers. Existing experimental results lead to contradicting results regarding the role of the plant hydraulic conductance for the transpiration response to atmospheric drying vs. to soil drying: a high plant hydraulic conductance triggers an earlier transpiration decline (i.e. in wetter soil conditions) during soil drying; but enables plants to sustain transpiration at high VPD. A hydraulic framework hypothesizing that transpiration responds to a decline in soil-plant conductance helps to explain the contradiction. At high VPD, water potential gradients mainly develop within the plant, and thus it is the plant hydraulic conductance that limits the water flow during atmospheric drying. During soil drying, the gradients develop in the soil, and thus the soil hydraulic conductivity controls the flow. The plant hydraulic conductance is expected to impact the plant’s sensitivity to the development of water potential gradients around the roots that occurs during soil drying. Thus, stomatal closure and hence transpiration response is related to a drop in hydraulic conductivities in both scenarios but the relevant hydraulic traits differ between the two environmental changes in a predictable way. Such a finding could better guide breeding efforts targeting adaptation to specific drought regimes.

How to cite: Köhler, T., Wankmüller, F. J. P., Sadok, W., and Carminati, A.: Transpiration response to atmospheric drying vs. to soil drying: underlying physical and physiological mechanisms and related plant traits, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1150, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1150, 2023.

On-site presentation
Dagmar van Dusschoten, Daniel Pflugfelder, and Johannes Kochs

Typically, root water uptake (RWU or Utot) is said to be driven by transpiration (Tr). It is however more accurate to state that transpiration causes a reduction in leaf water content that reduces the leaf water potential such that a water potential gradient builds up between leafs and soil water, such that water can be extracted from the soil. For herbaceous plants, the amount of water that is hereby lost is typically assumed to be negligible so the plant can be treated as a resistive system. In how far this is true is open to discussion as quantifying shoot water changes is not easily feasible, especially when the soil-root system is drying out. A balance cannot observe water moving between the soil and the shoot and shoots have empty spaces such that 3D cameras provide an incomplete picture. Shoot weight determination requires that the amount of soil water is independently assessed to discriminate between the two pools of water. This can be achieved when a balance is combined with a Soil Water Profiler (SWaP) on the same soil-plant system. The precision of the SWaP is comparable to that of an expensive balance (<10mg for a 6kg system).

Here we performed experiments with the SWaP – balance combination under modulated light with progressive soil dehydration for sunflower and faba bean (N=4). Our data shows that transpiration precedes Utot by about 5 to 10 mins under wet conditions (pF~2) and Utot can exceed Tr by up to 20%. Gradually, with decreasing soil water content we find that Utot becomes smaller than Tr and at the same time the delay between Tr and Utot increases. For pF>3.5 most of the transpired water stems from the shoot, not from root water uptake, indicating that Tr is a poor proxy for RWU for pot experiments where soil is drying at a rate of ~5% per day at well watered conditions. This is very important for calculations of root conductance during drying scenarios. We found significant differences between sunflower sensitivity to soil drying as compared to faba beans that are somewhat more sensitive. We also present data that shows that the delay between Tr and local water uptake is rather dependent on depth and not so much dependent on local pF, which is typically lower for shallow sections of the pot. This may potentially be explained by loss of root water when Tr increases with light, analogous to shoot water losses.

The combination of the SWaP and gravimetric methods opens up a new way of looking at root water uptake as driven by transpiration and shoot water loss dynamics as it provides hitherto inaccessible information about these processes.

How to cite: van Dusschoten, D., Pflugfelder, D., and Kochs, J.: Root water uptake in relation to plant transpiration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12018, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12018, 2023.

On-site presentation
Koch Axelle, Gaochao Cai, Félicien Meunier, Mutez Ali Ahmed, and Mathieu Javaux

The relation between plant transpiration rate (E) and leaf water potential (LWP) is a function of both soil and plant hydraulics and can be affected by local rhizosphere processes. Measuring these very localized processes remains a huge challenge, while observing their impact on the E-LWP relationship is easy. Therefore, the underlying mechanisms of how these processes impact root water uptake (RWU) and whether it is soil texture specific remain unknown. In this study we used a 3-D detailed functional-structural root-soil model to investigate how root and rhizosphere hydraulics control the E-LWP relationship for two maize genotypes (with and without root hairs) grown in two soil types (loam and sand) during soil drying. We assumed that the rhizosphere hydraulic resistance can be taken into account via two processes: (1) a drop in soil water potential between the bulk soil and the soil-root interface and (2) a partial soil-root contact. The simulations revealed that the key process controlling the uptake was soil-dependent. In loam, a drop in soil water potential between the bulk soil and the soil-root interface affected the uptake and RWU started to be limited below soil water potential of -610 hPa. In sand, however, the poor soil-root contact was the main constraint, and the rhizosphere conductance limited RWU at much higher soil water potential (around -90 hPa). In contrast to effective models, our explicit three-dimensional simulations provide exact location and the main driver (root or rhizosphere) of the water RWU distribution patterns as well as the quantification of the active root surface ratio for RWU.

How to cite: Axelle, K., Cai, G., Meunier, F., Ahmed, M. A., and Javaux, M.: Explicit 3D modelling of the rhizosphere processes at plant scale demonstrates the impact of soil texture on root water uptake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15906, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15906, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Valentin Couvreur, Camilla Ruø Rasmussen
On-site presentation
Arsene Druel, Nicolas Martins, Herve Cochard, Miquel DeCaceres, Sylvain Delzon, Maurizio Mencuccini, José Torres-Ruiz, and Julien Ruffault

The current acceleration of climate change in Europe makes it essential to assess spatially the impact of drought and heat waves on forest disturbances risk (mortality, wildfire risk, etc…). Recent studies have shown that hydraulic failure is a key driver of forest disturbances. Hydraulic failure can be modelled with state-of-the-art plant hydraulic models that are driven by climate data and different traits including (i) hydraulic traits (such as xylem cavitation resistance and stomatal regulation), (ii) leaf area index and (iii) total soil water capacity. Among these traits soil water capacity is highly sensitive, but is poorly available at large scale.
In this study we used the process based plant hydraulic model SUREAU (Cochard et al., 2021; Ruffault et al 2022) to estimate hydraulic failure risk for forest at the European scale for the last 3 decades. To initialize the model we used spatialized  climate (ERA5), LAI data (from Copernicus remote sensing) and land cover (ESA CCI). Species hydraulic traits for major European species were extracted from global databases. In order to initialize the total soil water capacity at European scale and compensate the lack of soil water data, we developed an algorithm of model inversion based on ecohydrological assumption. The ecohydrological assumption is that forest adjust their total available water capacity through rooting depth, for a given climate, traits combination and Leaf area index to maintain a low embolism rate under normal conditions (excluding extreme drought). Our simulation approach simulations allowed to spatialized forest vulnerability to drought and to map total soil water capacity under forest stands.

How to cite: Druel, A., Martins, N., Cochard, H., DeCaceres, M., Delzon, S., Mencuccini, M., Torres-Ruiz, J., and Ruffault, J.: European forest vulnerability to hydraulic failure: an ecohydrological approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17068, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17068, 2023.

On-site presentation
Stefano Martinetti, Marius Floriancic, Andrea Carminati, and Peter Molnar

Sufficient water supply to the roots is needed to sustain transpiration demand.  However, detailed measurements of water fluxes into the roots and the gradients in water potential driving these fluxes are rare, particularly in the field, mainly due to the difficulty in accessing roots and performing measurements on them. As a result, field monitoring of tree water use often neglects the root system, and the water fluxes from the soil to the shoot of trees remain a frontier in soil plant water relations.  This measurement gap and lack of understanding of water fluxes in roots makes it difficult to properly determine what drives root water uptake and how it might vary depending on rooting depth, soil matric potential and transpiration rate in the field.

During dry summer 2022, we equipped beech and spruce trees with sap flow sensors and dendrometers on the stem and on roots accessing different soil depths. This allowed us to monitor water fluxes and potentials in the different plant parts, from the integrated fluxes in the stem to the water uptake of single roots. We conducted the measurements at the “Waldlabor” ecoydrological monitoring forest in Zurich, where we comprehensively monitor the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum of beech and spruce with dendrometers, sap flow sensors and frequently measured stem & leaf water potential as well as stomatal conductance. To uncover the roots with minimal disturbance we removed the soil with a special air pressurizer and vacuum pump that allowed soil removal without damaging the roots, installed sensors at roots accessing different soil depths and afterwards covered the roots with soil again. Soil matric potential was measured at 10, 20, 40 and 80 cm depth in proximity to selected roots. At the canopy level, we measured stomatal conductance and leaf water potential throughout the summer.

Here, we demonstrate how the collected data help to understand to which extent trees diversify their water uptake depending on water availability at different soil depths. Because of the scarce precipitation and the limiting soil water availability during the summer, pre-dawn leaf water potential, stomatal conductance as well as sap flow decreased, indicating a reduction in transpiration. Beech trees reduced their stomatal conductance more dramatically than spruce trees, thereby using soil water more quickly. The comparison of sap flow in the roots and the integrated signal measured along the stem reveals differences between roots, with roots accessing deeper soil upholding higher sap flow velocities than roots accessing shallow soil in both species.

The results allow to assess the interplay between aboveground tree hydraulics and water status and belowground water uptake for beech and spruce under drying conditions.

How to cite: Martinetti, S., Floriancic, M., Carminati, A., and Molnar, P.: Monitoring root water uptake for understanding tree water use dynamics during dry periods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13045, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13045, 2023.

On-site presentation
Oscar Corvi, Sylvain Weill, Benjamin Belfort, Philippe Ackerer, Damien Bonal, and Matthias Cuntz

Climate change impacts on forests cannot be understood without representing the hydraulic functioning of forests. In this work we present SoVegI (Soil-Vegetation Interaction model), a numerically efficient, process-based model of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, developed to represent groundwater-forest interactions under drought conditions for broadleaf and deciduous forests of Europe.

The model includes (1) a single layer sun/shade model of mass and energy fluxes at the canopy scale, (2) a stomatal conductance model depending, among other things, on leaf water potential describing the direct link with soil water availability, (3) a process-based soil-root-xylem hydraulic transport scheme assuming the hydraulic transport to be analogous with water transport in a porous media, and (4) a root water uptake model representing the direct coupling between the soil and the vegetation.

The novelty of the model is to present a fast and efficient numerical implementation of the hydraulic transport process within the whole soil-plant-atmosphere continuum that allows coupling with large spatial models. The porous media analogy results in a set of three coupled nonlinear partial differential equations similar to Richards’ equation for porous media in soil. The system is solved using a finite volume, time-implicit approach and an advanced iterative scheme is used to treat the non-linearity of the system.

This new numerical model was successfully tested at the tree and the forest scales at two sites in northern France after being calibrated against sap flow measurements and eddy covariance data, respectively. At the tree scale, the model was able to reproduce the mid-day partial stomatal closure showing the availability of the model to catch the dynamic feedback between the atmospheric and soil water conditions. The model was also capable of reproducing the water storage pool drainage during day time and the night time replenishment, opening interesting perspectives to investigate forests’ risks to hydraulic failure. At the forest scale, the model was able to reproduce the transpiration response to the 2003 soil drought and heat wave in northern Europe with limited computational efforts. These preliminary steps open interesting research perspectives where SoVegI will be coupled with a physically-based integrated hydrologic model to assess the impact of extreme events on groundwater-forest relations.

How to cite: Corvi, O., Weill, S., Belfort, B., Ackerer, P., Bonal, D., and Cuntz, M.: SoVegI: a new and efficient model coupling photosynthesis and hydraulic transport within the soil-plant continuum, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-983, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-983, 2023.

On-site presentation
Juan Baca Cabrera, Jan Vanderborght, and Guillaume Lobet

Root water uptake is a central component in the modulation of water transport in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. The mechanistic description of this process, based on root hydraulics, is needed for improving predictions of water fluxes at plant, field or regional scales, and for increasing our understanding of the environmental conditions and vegetation properties affecting it. Functional-structural models can be used for this purpose, but they depend on the availability of accurate data on root hydraulic properties for their parametrization. 

Here, we present an open access root hydraulic properties database obtained from an extensive literature review of more than 200 studies published between 1973–2022. This includes measurements of the radial conductivity and the axial conductance of root segments and individual roots, as well as of the resulting conductance of the whole root system for multiple species, plant functional types (PFT’s) and experimental treatments. To our knowledge, this is the most extensive root hydraulic properties database that has been compiled.

The database shows a very large range of variation in reported root hydraulic properties, which cannot be explained by systematic differences among PFT’s or species, alone, but rather by factors such as root system age, experimental treatments or the driving force used for measurement (hydrostatic or osmotic). Based on these observations, we used the functional-structural model CPlantBox to explore the relationship between root system age and whole root system conductance in more detail, using crop species as an example. For this, both the data needed for model parametrization (hydraulic properties of root segments) and validation (root system conductance) were extracted from the database. The results indicate a decrease in the total conductance per unit root surface area at later stages of development, which could be associated with a larger proportion of less conductive old root tissues.

This analysis exemplifies the importance of the root hydraulic database in two fronts: (1) it serves as a link between experimental data and functional-structural models; and (2) it facilitates the mechanistic description of the factors affecting root hydraulic properties across species and under contrasting environmental conditions.

How to cite: Baca Cabrera, J., Vanderborght, J., and Lobet, G.: A root hydraulic properties database: the link between experimental data and functional-structural models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10161, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10161, 2023.

On-site presentation
Guoqing Lei, Wenzhi Zeng, Chang Ao, Liming Dong, Shenzhou Liu, and Zhipeng Ren

Soil-root hydraulic resistance variation and stomatal regulation are two critical hydrophysiological responses of plants to drought stress; however, few studies have been developed to quantify their interactions. To fill this gap, we developed a soil-plant hydraulic model (SR-HRV) that attempts to characterize the effects of stomatal regulation and three universal soil-root hydraulic resistance variations, i.e., root aquaporins promotion (AQU), apoplastic path damage (APD), and root-soil contact loosening (CONTACT). The sensitive parameters of the SR-HRV model were analyzed and optimized based on a field experiment with sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L.). Several simulation scenarios were designed to clarify the individual and interactive effects of soil-root hydraulic resistance variations for plants with different stomatal sensitivities. Results show that the sensitivity of simulated stomatal conductance and soil water content response to stomatal regulation parameters, especially to abscisic acid-related parameters, are more active than to soil-root hydraulic resistance variation parameters. But as the soil dries, the sensitivities to APD and CONTACT parameters are rapidly increased. The simulation demonstrates that AQP alleviates the leaf water potential drop-down and maintains relatively high root water absorption of the plant when it is in mild drought conditions, while CONTACT and APD respectively restrict the water flux and drought signal responses with continuous soil dehydration. Moreover, the AQP effects are more pronounced but the effects of APD and CONTACT would be restricted for plants with higher stomatal sensitivity to drought signals. These simulation results imply the diverse response strategies of plants to drought, the collaborations between stomatal regulation and soil-root hydraulic resistance variations should be considered in soil-plant water transport modeling.


How to cite: Lei, G., Zeng, W., Ao, C., Dong, L., Liu, S., and Ren, Z.: Relating Soil-Root Hydraulic Resistance Variation to Stomatal Regulation in Soil-Plant Water Transport Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4637, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4637, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jan Vanderborght, Andrea Schnepf, Daniel Leitner, Valentin Couvreur, and Mathieu Javaux

To describe plant transpiration in drying soil, several models use ‘α-stress functions’, which represent the ratio of the maximal possible water uptake when the plant reaches the wilting point to the transpiration demand or potential transpiration, as a function of the soil water potential. Water potentials vary within the root zone, and the plant ‘senses’ with its root system an average root zone water potential and redistributes the uptake from drier to wetter zones in the root zone. This redistribution or root water uptake compensation is accounted for using an average stress index, ω, which is a weighted average of the local stress indices α at different depths in the root zone, and a critical stress index ωc (Jarvis, 2011; Simunek & Hopmans, 2009). When ω > ωc, root water uptake is equal to the potential root water uptake or the energy limited potential transpiration. The α-ω approach refers to a mechanistic description of water fluxes in the soil-root system but remains semi-empirical missing a direct link with soil and, especially, root hydraulic properties. In this contribution, we derive the α-ω approach starting from a mechanistic description of water flow in a hydraulic root architecture assuming that resistance to flow in the soil towards the soil-root interface can be neglected. In a second step, we include the non-linear soil resistance.

For relatively wet soil conditions and neglecting the soil resistance, root water uptake functions can be cast in a form that is identical to the α-ω approach that was derived by Jarvis (2011), but for opposite conditions, i.e., Jarvis neglected the root resistance compared to soil resistance. Following Jarvis, the α-function should be interpreted as the ratio of the maximal possible uptake by the root system for a certain soil water potential to the maximal possible uptake by the system when the soil is fully saturated, which differs from its common interpretation. This means that the α-function is just a linear function that ranges from zero when the soil water potential is equal to the wilting point to 1 when the soil water potential is zero and that it is independent of the transpiration rate. Another outcome is that the critical stress level ωc is inverse proportional to the hydraulic conductance of the root system and is not a constant but a variable parameter that is proportional to the transpiration rate. For dry soil conditions, when soil resistance is important, we find that α and ω are non-linear functions of the soil water potential. Using α and ω functions that are derived from soil and root hydraulic properties, the uptake distributions can be calculated directly from the soil water potentials without solving a non-linear equation with iterations to derive water potentials in the plant. But, this approach is based on a simplification, which requires further testing.

Jarvis, N. J. (2011). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(11), 3431-3446. doi:10.5194/hess-15-3431-2011

Simunek, J., & Hopmans, J. W. (2009). Ecological Modelling, 220(4), 505-521. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.11.004

How to cite: Vanderborght, J., Schnepf, A., Leitner, D., Couvreur, V., and Javaux, M.: A mechanistic derivation of 'alpha-omega' root water uptake models., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3484, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3484, 2023.

On-site presentation
Andrea Schnepf, Christopher K. Black, Valentin Couvreur, Benjamin M. Delory, Claude Doussan, Adrien Heymans, Mathieu Javaux, Deepanshu Khare, Axelle Koch, Timo Koch, Christian W. Kuppe, Magdalena Landl, Daniel Leitner, Guillaume Lobet, Félicien Meunier, Johannes Postma, Ernst Schäfer, Tobias Selzner, Jan Vanderborght, and Harry Vereecken

Schnepf et al., (2020) defined benchmark scenarios for root growth models, soil water flow models, root water flow models, and for water flow in the coupled soil-root system. All benchmarks and corresponding reference solutions were published in the form of Jupyter Notebooks on the GitHub repository https://github.com/RSAbenchmarks/collaborative-comparison. Several groups of functional-structural model developers have joined this benchmarking activity and provided the results of their individual implementations of the different scenarios.

The focus of this contribution is on water uptake from a drying soil by a static root architecture. The numerical solutions of the different participating simulators as compared to the provided reference solution.

The participating simulators are CPlantBox, DuMux, R-SWMS, OpenSimRoot and SRI. They have in common that they simulate water flow in the 3D soil domain, water flow inside the root system that is represented as a mathematical tree graph, and the coupling between the two domains in form of a volumetric sink term that describes the transfer of water between the two domains. The simulators differ in the numerical schemes used for solving the water flow equations in roots and soil domains, as well as in the way the sink term is formulated, in particular in the way the possibly increased rhizosphere resistance to water flow is accounted for. 

The results to the water flow in soil benchmarks show how the different simulators perform against the analytical solution to a problem of infiltration into an initially dry soil, as well as a problem of evaporation from initially moist soil. All of the simulators could accurately predict the infiltration front in different soil types as well as the actual evaporation curves.

The coupled problem of root water uptake by a static root architecture from an initially already dry soil posed a bigger challenge to the different simulators and revealed some diversity between the different solutions. The Benchmark with an initially rather dry soil defined a potential transpiration that immediately induced water stress of the plant. The simulators had to simulate the consequent rhizosphere drying and associated increase in rhizosphere resistance. All of the soil simulators smoothed the gradients in the rhizosphere at the soil grid size such that root water uptake was significantly overestimated unless the rhizosphere resistance was explicitly accounted for in the root water uptake model. As a result, all simulators came close to the reference solution (that itself is a numerical solution, see Schnepf et al. 2020 for details). 

In this study, we showed that all simulators are generally able to solve the benchmark problems but minor differences occur amongst the simulators when simulating different soil types. Benchmarking led to model improvements and helped interpret model results in a more informed way. The availability of “reference solutions“ made modellers aware of the range of validity of their numerical solution and encouraged them to improve either their numerical solution or to introduce new processes Future efforts may aim to extend the benchmarks from water flow to further processes, such as solute transport or rhizodeposition.


Schnepf et al., 2020, Front. Plant Sci. 11

How to cite: Schnepf, A., Black, C. K., Couvreur, V., Delory, B. M., Doussan, C., Heymans, A., Javaux, M., Khare, D., Koch, A., Koch, T., Kuppe, C. W., Landl, M., Leitner, D., Lobet, G., Meunier, F., Postma, J., Schäfer, E., Selzner, T., Vanderborght, J., and Vereecken, H.: Benchmarking of Functional-Structural Root Architecture Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4425, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4425, 2023.


Posters on site: Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | Hall A

Chairpersons: Mohsen Zare, Camilla Ruø Rasmussen
Claire Ansart, Eric Paidjan, Christophe Cloquet, Emmanuelle Montargès-Pelletier, Sandrine Isnard, Cécile Quantin, Yann Sivry, and Farid Juillot

Ultramafic (UM) soils are of particular interest due to their high content in metals for example Fe, Mn but also in Ni, Co, or Cr up to the ore grade (Butt and Cluzel, 2013). Those high metal contents combined with low contents of plants essential nutrients (Ca, K and P) imply particularly stressful conditions for the vegetation. To take advantage on these specific edaphic conditions, few plant species growing on UM soils have developed ecophysiological strategies including metal hyperaccumulation (Reeves, et al. 2018). Hyperaccumulation implies efficient metal mobilization at the soil-plant interface, i.e. roots, and the transfer to the different aerial organs of plants, which can lead to significant concentrations of metal in stems, sap, latex, and leaves. As example, for Ni, these concentrations can reach up to the percent level, while most plants contain less than 15 µg/g (dry mass) of Ni in their tissues (Brooks et al., 1977). This behaviour is expected to increase Ni-phytobioavailability by litter degradation and complexation of metal with organic ligands in the upper horizon of UM soils (Boyd and Jaffré, 2001; Zelano et al., 2020). This physiological process is also suspected to modify Ni isotope ratios due to absorption, transport and storage in the plant. However, the extent of Ni isotope fractionation in UM soils due to hyperaccumulators remains unclear and debated. While Zelano et al. (2020) suggested that the Ni sequestration by hyperaccumulators and its redistribution in the aerial organs of the plant could hinder Ni isotope fractionation in old individuals, Ratié et al. (2019) reported a preferential uptake of light isotope by roots in soils and Ni fractionation during translocation to the aerial part of the plants leading to heavier isotopic composition in soils.

The present study focuses on Ni-hyperaccumulation Pycnandra acuminata tree, endemic to New Caledonia. To understand the impact of Ni-hyperaccumulating plants on the Ni biogeochemical cycle, twelve soil profiles have been identified in the rainforest of Grande Terre including six profiles developed in the close vicinity of Ni-hyperaccumulating trees P. acuminata and six other profiles developed in the close vicinity of Pycnandra fastuosa, a non-hyperaccumulating tree also endemic in New Caledonia. Nickel concentrations found in hyperaccumulator-soil systems are higher relative to the non-hyperaccumulator-soil systems revealing the influence of P. acuminata and the associated leaves degradation on Ni redistribution in ultramafic soils. Ni isotope compositions and XAS spectroscopy of soil samples will help us to reveal the biogeochemical processes controlling the Ni isotopic signature in UM soils. Although focalized on New Caledonia, our study can be considered representative of the influence of hyperaccumulating trees on the biogeochemical cycle of Ni in UM soils systems worldwide.


Boyd and Jaffré (2001), South Afr. J. Sci. 97, 535 – 538

Brooks et al. (1977), J. Geochem. Explor. 7, 49 – 57

Butt and Cluzel (2013), Elements 9(2), 123 – 128

Ratié et al. (2019), J. Geochem. Explor. 196, 182 – 191

Reeves et al. (2018), New Phytol. 218(2), 407 – 411

Zelano et al. (2020),  Plant and Soil 454(1 – 2), 225 – 243 

How to cite: Ansart, C., Paidjan, E., Cloquet, C., Montargès-Pelletier, E., Isnard, S., Quantin, C., Sivry, Y., and Juillot, F.: Influence of Ni-hyperaccumulating trees on nickel biogeochemical cycle in a soil-plant system of New-Caledonia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14301, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14301, 2023.

Fidèle Barhebwa Balangaliza, Bernard Vanlauwe, Zimin Li, and Bruno Delvaux

Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is widely cropped in many tropical countries. It can be planted and harvested throughout the year making it a major crop for food production and safety. Surplus production can generate income, helping to improve livelihoods. Yet, in DRC, the cassava value chain is poorly developed and its production faces many threats as it lacks support services at almost all levels, although R&D organizations are involved at farm level in production, training, soil improvement and disease control. Though nutrient supply increases productivity, cassava is said to thrive on poor soils. Soil infertility is therefore a major constraint in most cassava growing areas.

Here we highlight the relationship between soil weathering stage and nutrient status of cassava plants in three agroecological zones in South Kivu, DRC. Zones (Z) 1 and 2 encompass ferrallitic soils derived from, respectively, old basalt and gneiss in highlands around Bukavu. Zone 3 includes a variety of soils derived from lacustrine deposits in the Uvira plain. The soils key out as Ferralsol (Z1), Acrisol (Z2), Cambisol and Fluvisol (Z3). Through a survey of 720 households, we identified farms with similar management and selected 120 plots (40/zone) for topsoil-foliar sampling.

In Z1 and Z2, the soils are poor in silt as their texture ranges from sandy clay to fine clay. The soils in Z3 are lighter: loamy sand to sandy clay loam. Our data confirm that the Z1-2 soils have reached an advanced degree of weathering, with weathering indices (TRB, Si/(Al+Fe), CIA, BDI, Parker Index) typical for the ferrallitic domain. In contrast, the soils in Z3 are moderately weathered with mineral reserves 10 times higher. Desilication is strong in Z1-2, but particularly in Z1 where gibbsite occurs with kaolinite. In contrast, Z3 soils contain weatherable minerals (mica, feldspar, plagioclase). The contents of leaf Ca, Mg and K are higher in Z3 than in Z1-2 while Ca depletion correlates with a relative excess of K, suggesting a Ca-K antagonism in cassava. Strong desilication occurs in Z1 soils where bioavailable silicon is extremely low. Yet, we could extract plant phytoliths in all sites, with varying coatings of aluminum, which thus seems to be taken up by cassava.


How to cite: Barhebwa Balangaliza, F., Vanlauwe, B., Li, Z., and Delvaux, B.: Soil desilication affects the nutrient and silicon status of cassava in South Kivu, DRC., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6051, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6051, 2023.

Árpád Illés, Csaba Bojtor, Adrienn Kakuszi-Széles, Éva Horváth, and János Nagy

The long-term experiment was carried out at the University of Debrecen, Institutes for Agricultural Research and Educational Farm, Debrecen Edcuational Farm and Landscape Research Institute (DTTI), Látókép Crop Production Experiment Site (47° 83, 030" N, 21° 82, 060" E, 111 m a.s.l.). The experimental area is an excellent site for field crop production, with suitable agrotechnical biological and soil conditions. The trial was established in 1983 by Prof. Dr. János Nagy and has been continued for 39 years with the same parameters, nutrient replenishment system, site, tillage and agrotechnology. The total area of the experiment is more than 1.3 ha, with 1248 plots. The climatic-meteorological conditions of the experimental area are continental and often extreme, with calcareous chernozem soil with a topsoil depth of 80-90 cm and a humus content of 2.71 Hu%. The pH of the soil is 5.76 (slightly acidic). The soil is less susceptible to acidification because the 80-90 cm deep calcareous layer is a good buffer against acidification. In terms of soil acidification, nearly 40 years of high-dosage nitrogen fertilization (300 kg/ha of active ingredient) in the experiment resulted in a pH decrease of only 0.6 units compared to the control.  For this study, nitrogen doses of 0-300 kg/ha were applied at 5 different levels, with a gradual increase in nitrogen and a constant high level of phosphorus and potassium. In a micronutrient uptake effect study of nitrogen fertilisation, it was found that the concentration of zinc, the primary essential micronutrient for maize, was significantly reduced in all crop parts by increasing nitrogen dosage compared to control values. The most significant of these effects was the reduction in stalk zinc concentration in the vegetative parts of the crop, which was at least 39% in all treatments, with the greatest reduction in treatment N4 at 18.61 mg/kg.  In the case of the generative parts of the plant, the zinc content of the grain yield decreased statistically in all treatments, with the greatest negative change in this case also in treatment N4, with a decrease of 39 % (9.14 mg/kg). The iron content responded positively to the increase in nitrogen fertilisation. An increasing trend was measured for all plant parts, which was significant in several cases. Significant increased iron accumulation was observed during the leaf analysis of maize under all fertiliser treatments, with the highest increase of 47 % under the treatment N5. Based on the correlation between copper content and nitrogen supply in plant parts, it was found that increasing nitrogen fertiliser treatments resulted in significant increased concentrations in both maize leaves and cobs, ranging from 5 to 56 % and 8 to 38 %, respectively. The values obtained from stem and grain yield analyses did not show significant changes in effect.

How to cite: Illés, Á., Bojtor, C., Kakuszi-Széles, A., Horváth, É., and Nagy, J.: Effect of the fertiliser supply for the maize micro nutrient content depending on the part of the plants under long-term field experiment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11622, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11622, 2023.

Malin Forsberg, Birgit Wild, and Stefano Manzoni

Symbiotic associations between plants and soil microbes, especially mycorrhizal fungi, are fundamental for plant nutrition and belowground processes associated with carbon (C) transfer from plants to the rhizosphere and mycorrhizae are key components of the global carbon cycle. Plants sacrifice photosynthetically acquired C in exchange for nutrients from their symbiotic partner. This exchange can be advantageous when mycorrhizae can access nutrient pools that plants cannot reach—either because chemically recalcitrant (e.g., nutrients in organic matter), or physically isolated (hyphae explore soils more effectively than roots). Additionally, the mycorrhizal network can extend into great distance and allows plants to share C and nutrients. Therefore, understanding this relationship and the interactions between plants and soil microbes are vital for creating realistic predictions of C and nutrient cycling in forests.

In this contribution, we review current modelling approaches to plant-mycorrhizae processes and pathways, focusing on C and nutrient cycling, to highlight ongoing trends and knowledge gaps. It is evident that further model-development is needed in order to get accurate predictions. Some models include C and nutrient exchanges between plants and mycorrhizae via empirical factors, lacking a process-based description of these exchanges. Other models describe C-nutrient exchanges based on stoichiometric demand and supply of C and nutrients, possibly resulting in excessively constrained exchanges. The approaches that quantify costs and benefits of symbiosis in an eco-evolutionary framework are promising as they capture adaptation mechanisms. In general, models tend to focus more on stoichiometry than on temperature and soil moisture effects on plant-mycorrhizae interactions. Information about how the soil-plant system reacts to changes with climate dependent environmental conditions are also underrepresented. Therefore, while coupled plant-mycorrhiza models have been tremendously improved in recent years, they might still not fully capture the role of mycorrhizae in the C and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems.

How to cite: Forsberg, M., Wild, B., and Manzoni, S.: Modelling plant-mycorrhizae interactions - a review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14946, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14946, 2023.

Aye Nyein ko, Milena Oliveira, Shimon Rachmilevitch, and Omer Falik

Family ties – root-root communications within the Solanaceae
Competition is a key factor affecting plants. The ability to differentiate between the roots of the same individual and other individuals may reduce the allocation of self/non-self-competition and allow greater availability of resources for other functions, including higher reproductive outputs. We aim to explore root communications within the Solanaceae family crops [Tomatoes, and Bell pepper ] under different degrees of relatedness (DOR). A rhizoslide experiment was conducted to investigate responses of (DOR), based on changes in carbon allocation patterns vectored by roots, shoots, rhizodeposits, and respiration. Overall, the study revealed that tomatoes are a 'costly' neighbor to bell pepper, especially under salinity, whereas bell pepper is a 'benefit' neighbor in increasing tomatoes performance, however, it still differs for each tomato. Future studies will include testing our results in pot and field studies and examining the roles of roots vs shoots by using grafted plants. Our findings will contribute to choosing good neighboring plants in dryland agriculture with newly developed neighbors' plants.
Student’s contribution
We carried out the experimental design of the study after discussing it with the supervisor and performed the experiment. I participated in sampling, measuring plant growth and development, and performing statistical analysis.

How to cite: Nyein ko, A., Oliveira, M., Rachmilevitch, S., and Falik, O.: Family ties – root-root communications within the Solanaceae, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14889, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14889, 2023.

Md Dhin Islam, Adam H. Price, and Paul D. Hallett

Rice is often grown as multiple crops in one year, with reduced tillage upland cropping following flooded cropping gaining prominence due to water use, soil degradation and labour demands.  This study explored whether a deep rather than shallow rooting rice cultivar grown in a flooded cropping cycle, benefited deeper root growth of follow-on rice in an upland, reduced tillage cropping cycle. In a greenhouse study, a simulated flooded paddy was planted with deep (Black Gora) and shallow (IR64) root cultivars and a plant-free control.  Artificial plough pans were made in between the topsoil and subsoil to form different treatments with no plough pan (0.35 MPa), soft plough pan (1.03 MPa) and hard plough pan (1.70 MPa). After harvest of this ‘first season’ rice, the soil was drained and undisturbed to simulate zero-tillage upland, with a photoperiod insensitive variety (BRRI Dhan 28) planted. Root length, root surface area, root volume, root diameter, number of root tips and branches were measured.  The number of roots penetrating the plough pan was measured from camera images and X-ray CT. The overall root length density (RLD), root surface area, number of root tips and branching of BRRI Dhan 28 did not vary between plough pan and no plough pan treatments.  Compared to the shallow rooting rice genotype,  the deep rooting rice genotype as a ‘first season’ crop promoted 19 % greater RLD, 34 % greater surface area and 29 % more branching of BRRI Dhan 28 in the subsoil. In the topsoil, however, BRRI Dhan 28 had 28 % greater RLD, 35 % greater surface area and 43 % more branching for the shallow rather deep rooting genotype planted in the ‘first season’.  The results suggest that rice cultivar selection for a paddy cycle affects root growth of a follow-on rice crop grown under no-till, with benefits to subsoil access from deep rooting cultivars and topsoil proliferation for shallow rooting cultivars.

How to cite: Islam, M. D., Price, A. H., and Hallett, P. D.: Contrasting biopore production by deep and shallow rooting rice cultivars in compacted paddy soils and the impacts on subsequent rice growth, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1875, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1875, 2023.

Omid Esmaeelipoor Jahromi, Ravi. A Patel, Johan Alexander Huisman, and Jan Vanderborght

Rhizosphere differs from bulk soil due to the presence of root mucilage, which affects physical, chemical, and microbial processes. It is well known that the rhizosphere responds slowly to water potential changes, which buffers changes in water content and helps keep the rhizosphere wetter than bulk soil during drying. Mucilage can affect solute transport and gas diffusion by affecting the distribution of liquid and gas phases. Despite increased recognition of the importance of mucilage, there still is a lack of models that describe the connectivity between different phases in the pore space of the rhizosphere during wetting and drying. The main challenge for model development is the complex concentration-dependent behaviour of mucilage. At low concentrations, mucilage is more like a liquid, whereas at higher concentrations, dry mucilage becomes a solid. In between, a viscoelastic state is observed where mucilage can be considered as a hydrogel.

In previous work, we have developed a model based on a lattice spring method (LSM). This model was able to simulate the distribution of mucilage in the dry state at the pore scale. However, for wetter states, it is necessary to consider additional physical phenomena like surface tension, contact angle and viscoelasticity. In this study, we therefore aim to develop a Lattice-Boltzmann simulation framework to simulate two phase flow involving mucilage. To capture the interface between the two phases, a phase-field method will be used for interface tracking as this approach has gained considerable attention in recent years. The simulations will proceed as follows. We first assign the properties of a Newtonian fluid to the mixture of water and mucilage and calculate the equilibrium distribution of the liquid phase (mixture of water and mucilage) and gas in a simple pore geometry. Then, the water content will be gradually decreased, which will lead to an increase of mucilage concentration. This will in turn affect the viscosity, surface tension and contact angle, which will result in the emergence of the required viscoelastic behaviour of the mixture. For each of the water contents, the distribution of liquid (or hydrogel) and gas phases will be calculated.

The newly developed model will provide us with new perspectives on hydrodynamic processes within the pore space of the rhizosphere. In addition, the model will help to better understand processes that strongly depend on hydraulic dynamics in the rhizosphere, such as solute transport, root penetration resistance, rhizosheath formation, and microbial activity.

How to cite: Esmaeelipoor Jahromi, O., Patel, R. A., Huisman, J. A., and Vanderborght, J.: Pore-scale simulation of mucilage drainage using phase field method., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6120, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6120, 2023.

Karolina Staszel-Szlachta, Ewa Błońska, and Jarosław Lasota

The root systems of trees, through the production of biomass and through their exudates, affect the properties of forest soils. There is a lack of basic knowledge about the influence of root systems of basic forest-forming tree species on the properties of forest soils. The purpose of our study was to determine the influence of the roots of six tree species and their root exudates on shaping the physicochemical and biochemical properties of soils. The study included deciduous tree species (ash, hornbeam, oak, beech) and coniferous trees (pine, European larch).  The survey was conducted in 2022 in the Miechow Forest District (southern Poland). Each tree species was represented by 5 study plots. The research included analysis of root systems and analysis of surface properties of soil horizons. Exudates were collected using a culture-based cuvette system. Additionally, we determined the morphology, and production of fine roots.  Basic physicochemical properties and the activity of enzymes involved in the cycling of C, N, and P were determined in the soil samples. The tree species studied have different morphological characteristics of roots and differences in the exudates secreted. In addition, the studied species differ in the rate of growth of root systems.  Significantly higher amounts of secreted carbon from roots were recorded in ash, which had a positive effect on the increase in enzymatic activity.  The amount of C from exudates showed a positive correlation with CB, BG and PH activity. The activity of the enzymes studied also correlated with the morphological characteristics of the roots. Root systems also influenced the formation of basic physicochemical properties such as C and N content.

How to cite: Staszel-Szlachta, K., Błońska, E., and Lasota, J.: Influence of root systems of different tree species and their exudates in formation of properties of forest soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2121, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2121, 2023.

Bahareh Hosseini, Anders Kaestner, and Mohsen Zarebanadkouki

Previous studies showed that mucilage extracted from chia seed enhanced retention and flow of water in dry conditions due to the intrinsic features of mucilage (increasing viscosity, water-holding capacity, and decreasing surface tension of the liquid phase). To date, there is limited information about the effect of mucilage from plant roots on the hydraulic properties of soils of different textures.

In this contribution, we aimed to evaluate the effect of plant mucilage in different contents (mucilage extracted from maize roots) on the retention and flow of water in soils with contrasting textures (coarse and fine-textured soils). To this end, soils were mixed with mucilage at different contents (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 mg dry mucilage per gr dry soil) and were packed in aluminum containers (diameters of 1 cm and height of 8 cm) as follows: the control sandy soil (the content of zero) was packed in the first 4 cm of containers followed by a 1 cm layer of treated soils with mucilage. These containers were equipped with porous plates at the bottom allowing us to drain soil from the bottom by applying suction. In the case of fine-textured soils, a 1 cm layer of treated soils with varying mucilage contents was first saturated with water and then placed on top of a 4 cm layer of dry soil inducing a big suction to dry treated soils. During soil drying, we used a time series neutron radiography technique to monitor soil water content redistribution. We used the profiles of water contents during soil drying with a combination of modeling of water flow within soils (the Richard equation) to inversely estimate the hydraulic properties of soils treated with different mucilage contents.

Our data showed that maize mucilage affects the soil’s hydraulic properties. On the one hand, mucilage exuded by maize roots increased the water-holding capacity of both soils. Mucilage also impacted the hydraulic conductivity of both soils. In general, it decreased soil hydraulic conductivity of soils at the near saturation range, but it prevented a big drop in soil hydraulic conductivity as the soil dried compared to a sharper decrease observed in the control soils. Our findings showed that both effects are mucilage content dependent and the magnitude of the effects is soil texture dependent.

How to cite: Hosseini, B., Kaestner, A., and Zarebanadkouki, M.: Effect of plant mucilage on retention and flow of water in soils with different textures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7548, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7548, 2023.

Riffat Rahim, Wulf Amelung, and Nina Siebers

Mucilage helps in rhizosheath formation. Rhizosheath is known as the soil attached to plant roots when excavated from the soil after gentle shaking. However, very little is known about mucilage role in the development of rhizosheath under various alternate drying and wetting cycles. This study is design to test the formation of rhizosheath by inducing alternate drying and wetting cycles in the presence of chia seed mucilage. For this experiments, we have used sterilized and unsterilized soils with different clay contents. Sterilized soils are often used in experiments related to soil microbiology. But for underground process like rhizosheath formation it’s very less common. Therefore, we intended to use sterilized and unsterilized soils with 22% and 32% clay contents to check the rhizosheath formation. Sterilized soils were autoclaved at 121oC /103 kPa for 30 min on three consecutive days. After that soils were incubated at 25oC and drying and rewetting cycles were induced to a water holding capacity at field capacity of 75% at regular four intervals. Soils were treated with 0.3% [mg dry mucilage/ g of water] of chia seed mucilage and artificial roots made of flax cord will be used as modeled plant roots. Rhizosheath formation were examined after four wetting and drying cycles. Our preliminary results indicated significantly higher rhizosheath development in unsterilized soils as compared to sterilized soils. In parallel study, we also planned to check soil aggregation by scanning electron microscope (SEM).The quantitative findings of analysis will be presented and discussed.

How to cite: Rahim, R., Amelung, W., and Siebers, N.: Does mucilage governs rhizosheaths development under drying and wettingCycles?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11957, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11957, 2023.

Sara Di Bert, Andrea Carminati, Patrick Duddek, Pascal Benard, and Konstantina Papadopoulou

Modeling plant responses to drought over short-to long-term is crucial under rising global warming threats. Roots form the critical gateway between a plant and its water sources in the soil, yet their connection with the soil is still poorly understood. As the soil dries, roots shrink gradually disconnecting from the surrounding soil. This progressive reduction of root-soil contact interrupts the liquid-phase continuity and limits the water movement. The importance of the loss of contact between soil and roots depends on the water potential at which this occurs. If roots lose contact at potential close or beyond the wilting point, when the low soil hydraulic conductivity is already limiting, the loss of contact might not be as important. But if this occurs in still relatively wet conditions, it might trigger an earlier limitation of root water uptake.

Currently, it is known at what water potential roots lose contact with the soil. Furthermore, we expect that this critical water potential is not unique, but it depends on soil properties, soil particle size and porosity, and root properties, such as root hair density and mucilage production.

Here we present an analysis to identify and quantify the forces that bind the soil to the root for different soil textures. We estimate the adhesive forces that hold roots in contact with the soil and that counteract root shrinkage caused by decreasing water potential and cells losing turgor. The ingredients of our analysis are: root hairs, capillary forces and mucilage elastic properties. Thresholds of gap formation at the root-soil interface are identified for varying soil particle size and porosity and for varying root hair density and mucilage elastic properties.

This analysis shows that root-soil contact dynamics do not depend only on the root cell turgor loss point, but also on soil properties, and helps to identify the mechanisms impacting the hydraulic continuity across the root-soil interface.

How to cite: Di Bert, S., Carminati, A., Duddek, P., Benard, P., and Papadopoulou, K.: Root shrinkage and its mechanisms: why context matter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2825, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2825, 2023.

Martin Mulder, Marius Heinen, and Mirjam Hack-ten Broeke

Crop transpiration is one of the most important processes in simulating soil-water-plant-atmosphere interactions. Roots perform a crucial role by taking up water and thus contributing to transpiration and enabling crop growth. Shortage of water or oxygen in the root zone results in transpiration reduction as well as reduced crop yield.

In the Netherlands we use SWAP (Soil Water Atmosphere Plant) for simulating effects of hydrology on transpiration and agricultural production. Within SWAP we have now implemented several concepts for root water uptake including two published different versions of so-called microscopic root water uptake.

These microscopic concepts consider water fluxes in a soil column around roots towards and through the roots which results in a water flux to the leaves considering hydraulic characteristics of both soil and plants. Water flow in the soil towards the root is determined by a gradient in the matric flux potential, and the flux into the root and towards the leaves is determined by the hydraulic conductivity of the root wall and hydraulic conductance of the path root-stem-leaves and the gradient in pressure heads of the root system and leaves. Transpiration reduction occurs as a function of the leaf water potential.

For all units of the Dutch Soil Physical Units Map simulations were peformed with these microscopic root water uptake concepts and the results were compared with the simulation results using the more traditional macroscopic root water uptake concept of Feddes. We found that the microscopic concepts both produced more reliable results than the traditional concept. In our presentation we will explain the concepts, show the differences in simulated crop yields, discuss the sensitivity of the microscopic models for the choice of their input parameters, and elaborate on which concepts we would propose for future studies to evaluate the effects of the soil-water system on crop production.

How to cite: Mulder, M., Heinen, M., and Hack-ten Broeke, M.: Implementing microscopic water uptake in soil-plant interaction modelling for assessing effects on crop growth, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1552, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1552, 2023.

Asha Nambiar Puthussseri Valiyaveettil and Gerrit Huibert de Rooij

It is not yet certain if temperate forests are net sources or sinks for atmospheric carbon, making it difficult to assess their potential role in mitigating climate change.  Root distribution and root growth in forests are important for soil respiration in forest soils, which in turn is one of the factors that determine carbon sequestration in and release from these soils. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of rooting depth and root distribution on soil respiration in different types of forest in north-eastern Germany through simulations with the Hydrus-1D model. The model combines a solver for Richards’ equation for soil water flow with routines that determine incorporation of carbon in the soil biomass as well as CO2 production by through respiration and decay. A  simple root distribution function with a single parameter will be used to model the root distribution. The presentation will report the first results of the study. 

How to cite: Puthussseri Valiyaveettil, A. N. and de Rooij, G. H.: Analysis of root distribution and its effect on soil respiration using Hydrus, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17074, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17074, 2023.

What information do young, laboratory-grown root systems provide about mature, field-grown root systems?
Magdalena Landl, Brandon Hank, Geo Francis, and Andrea Schnepf
Dimitris Papadimitriou, Ioannis Daliakopoulos, Ioannis Louloudakis, Ioannis Sabathianakis, and Thrassyvoulos Manios

During the last decades, there has been a growing demand for wild edible vegetable consumption which are considered a staple of the Mediterranean diet for their high nutritional value (Petropoulos et al., 2018). Although the Mediterranean landscape hosts more than twenty wild edible vegetable species (such as Crithmum maritimum, Cynara cardunculus and Taraxacum officinale) which could be commercially cultivated, the cultivation process has not been sufficiently studied (Chatzigianni et al., 2019; Corrêa et al., 2020; Papadimitriou et al., 2020). In this context, we examine the feasibility of soilless cultivation of the wild edible species Scolymus hispanicus L. (Asteraceae) in five substrates including perlite (PE), coir (CO), and three mixtures of perlite and coir at 3:1 (3P1C), 1:1 (1P1C) and 1:3 (1P3C) ratio, in two different containers (grow bag and pot container). Three S. hispanicus L. seedlings were transplanted per grow bag (24 L) and one seedling per plastic pot (8 L) resulting in 8 L of substrate for each plant and 12 plants per substrate. The plants were fertigated daily with a standard nutrient solution which was identical in all ten treatments of the experiment. Four months after transplant, yield characteristics of plants, including leaf number, leaf and tuberous root fresh weight [g] and rosette diameter [cm], were examined. Statistical analysis of the results demonstrates a significant increase in rosette diameter [cm], leaf and tuberous root fresh weight [g] in CO, 1P3C and 1P1C compared to those of 3P1C and PE substrates. Additionally, the use of grow bags significantly increased leaf number and leaf fresh weight [g] compared to those achieved with the use of pot containers, contrariwise pot significantly increased root fresh weight [g] compared to the growbag container. Based on these results, we conclude that an optimal hydroponic system should use mixture of Coir and Perlite substrate of 1:1 ratio in a grow bag container.


Chatzigianni, M., Ntatsi, G., Theodorou, M., Stamatakis, A., Livieratos, I., Rouphael, Y., Savvas, D., 2019. Functional Quality, Mineral Composition and Biomass Production in Hydroponic Spiny Chicory (Cichorium spinosum L.) Are Modulated Interactively by Ecotype, Salinity and Nitrogen Supply. Front. Plant Sci. 10, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2019.01040

Corrêa, R.C.G., Di Gioia, F., Ferreira, I.C.F.R., Petropoulos, S.A., 2020. Wild greens used in the Mediterranean diet, Second Edi. ed, The Mediterranean Diet. Elsevier Inc. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-818649-7.00020-5

Papadimitriou, D., Kontaxakis, E., Daliakopoulos, I., Manios, T., Savvas, D., 2020. Effect of N:K Ratio and Electrical Conductivity of Nutrient Solution on Growth and Yield of Hydroponically Grown Golden Thistle (Scolymus hispanicus L.). Proceedings 30, 87. https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2019030087

Petropoulos, S.A., Karkanis, A., Martins, N., Ferreira, I.C.F.R., 2018. Edible halophytes of the Mediterranean basin: Potential candidates for novel food products. Trends Food Sci. Technol. 74, 69–84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2018.02.006

How to cite: Papadimitriou, D., Daliakopoulos, I., Louloudakis, I., Sabathianakis, I., and Manios, T.: Preliminary results of container and substrate effect on yield characteristics of Scolymus hispanicus L. in soilless cultivation system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11398, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11398, 2023.

Tomke Wacker and Dorte Dresbøll

Faba bean (Vicia faba) is a promising protein crop for a green transition of our food and food production systems in temperate climates. The crop produces protein rich pulses, with nitrogen derived from the atmosphere, offering the potential to make crop production systems less reliant on fossil energy input. One challenge of increasing faba bean cropping is, however, their drought sensitivity induced yield instability, which may be specifically harmful during the indeterminate flowering period.

A faba bean phenotyping experiment was established at University of Copenhagen, combining field experiments with rhizotube observations. Five commercial cultivars were grown in field plots. To create drought conditions, the plots were partly covered by rain gutters to remove precipitation during the flowering period. In dry seasons, the well-watered control was irrigated. Aboveground growth parameters were assessed, root architectural traits were determined by a shovelomics approach, and stomata imprints were analysed for stomata size and density using a convolution neural network approach.

In order to obtain information on root growth dynamics, plants were grown in 2m tall rhizotubes with a diameter of 15cm and with a transparent surface. Root images were acquired to follow root development over time. Soil water sensors were installed, to observe water content and how it was affected by the drought treatment.


Results from the first two seasons of this three-year project show successful establishment of drought conditions in the field trial using the rain-gutter approach. Yield and yield composition were affected by drought treatment and showed a mean reduction of 0.7-0.8 T ha-1. Cultivars show varying responses to the drought stress, which was reflected on root and shoot parameters. Stomata density and size showed genotypic variation, and cultivar specific plastic adaptation to drought. Stomata density and size correlated strongly with root traits observed from the shovelomics approach, indicating that a deeper, more proliferated root system can support larger transpiration demand. These findings were further supported by the rhiztobue experiments, where maximum rooting depth and stomata cover are correlated.


The preliminary results of this study show interesting interactions between shoot and root phenotyping at different scales, and expands our understanding of the water budget of faba bean.


How to cite: Wacker, T. and Dresbøll, D.: Phenotyping faba bean for drought adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13619, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13619, 2023.

Sven Westermann, Jan Bumberger, Martin Schädler, and Anke Hildebrandt

Grasslands are highly dynamic ecosystems which adapt to environmental factors such as climate, soil characteristics and anthropogenic management. Yet, the belowground reaction and adaptation of grassland communities to aboveground drivers are poorly understood. Therefore, we investigated differences in the temporal dynamics of root water uptake, its depth pattern and the evolution of plant available soil water storage between grassland of three distinct management types. Root water uptake in 6 depths up to 90 cm was estimated from diurnal fluctuations of soil water content during rain free periods. Soil moisture measurements were conducted on three replicates of (i) extensively and (ii) intensively managed grassland plots as well as (iii) extensive pasture plots at the Global Change Experimental Facility (GCEF) in Bad Lauchstädt (Central Germany). We found that the grassland vegetation takes up water in depths up to 70 cm during the vegetation period. But while reaching deeper, the total amount of extracted water decreased. The main water source at the beginning of the growing season and after each mowing was in the top 20 cm. However, after mowing, still some uptake in greater depths can be observed. Interestingly, the pastures showed the shallowest uptake profiles although they are not mown and despite their high biodiversity. Our results confirm that water uptake by growing grassland vegetation shifts to deeper soil layers when compensating for the accumulated atmospheric water deficit.

How to cite: Westermann, S., Bumberger, J., Schädler, M., and Hildebrandt, A.: Root water uptake in grasslands with different management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7593, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7593, 2023.

Physical study of what happens to a dew droplet on a hydrophobic and hydrophilic leaf
Jiftah Ben-Asher, Mordechay Shomron, Shimon Rachmilevitch, and Giboa Arie
Johanna Clara Metzger, Alexander Schütt, Joscha N. Becker, Christoph Reisdorff, and Annette Eschenbach

Trees in forests and urban environments are increasingly under pressure due to extended periods of drought in central Europe. At the same time, their transpiration performance is all the more important to counteract drought and heat. Defining drought itself, as well as trees’ physiological response strategies, can be closely linked to soil hydrological conditions. In a three-year field experiment with young trees of different species planted in different substrates (n = 3 substrates * 9 species * 5 repetitions = 135 trees) in Northern Germany, we found that soil hydraulic properties strongly affected tree vitality, and that the species’ reactions towards unfavorable conditions differed significantly. This might be due to species-specific transpiration regulation strategies under drought stress. In a second step, we now link tree diameter fluctuations, which have been shown to closely correlate with transpiration, to soil water conditions. To this end, subsets of trees were equipped with dendrometers – 15 trees of one species (Quercus cerris) in three different substrates (sand, planting substrate, and loamy silt) in the growing season of 2020, and 21 trees of seven different species (Amelanchier lamarkii, Carpinus betulus ‘Lucas’, Geleditsia traconathos ‘Skyline’, Liquidambar styraciflua, Ostrya carpinifolia, Quercus palustris, Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’) in sand substrate in the growing season of 2021. The dendrometer measurements were partly combined with soil water tension measurements (2020: n=6, 2021: n=10). By comparing statistical characteristics of the time series, we want to (1) link soil water and transpiration dynamics and (2) differentiate this link for different substrates and species. Such, tree stem diameter fluctuations, coupling soil conditions and physiological properties, might provide insight into the effect of tree strategic responses to soil drought.

How to cite: Metzger, J. C., Schütt, A., Becker, J. N., Reisdorff, C., and Eschenbach, A.: Linking soil hydrologic and tree transpiration dynamics by dendrometer measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9378, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9378, 2023.

Maren Dubbert, Valentin Couvreur, Angelika Kübert, Maire Holz, and Christiane Werner

In recent years, research interest in plant water uptake strategies has significantly grown in many disciplines such as hydrology, plant ecology and ecophysiology. Quantitative modelling approaches to estimate plant water uptake and the spatio-temporal dynamics significantly advanced from different disciplines across scales. Despite this progress, major limitations, i.e. to predict plant water uptake under drought or it´s impact at large-scales remain. These are less attributed to limitations in process understanding, but rather to a lack of implementation of cross-disciplinary insights in plant water uptake model structure.

The main goal of this presentation is to highlight how the 4 dominant model approaches, e.g. Feddes approach, hydrodynamic approach, optimality and statistical approaches, can be and have been used to create interdisciplinary hybrid models enabeling a holistic system understanding that e.g. embeds plant water uptake plasticity into a broader conceptual view of soil-plant feedbacks of water, nutrient and carbon cycling or reflects observed drought responses of plant-soil feedbacks and their dynamics under e.g. drought. Specifically, we provide examples of how integration of Bayesian and hydrodynamic approaches might overcome challenges in interpreting plant water uptake related to e.g. different travel and residence times of different plant water sources or trade-offs between root system optimization to forage for water and nutrients during different seasons and phenological stages.

How to cite: Dubbert, M., Couvreur, V., Kübert, A., Holz, M., and Werner, C.: The value of cross-disciplinary approaches for plant water uptake modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8981, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8981, 2023.

Posters virtual: Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | vHall HS

Chairperson: Camilla Ruø Rasmussen
Ines A. Nofz, Joscha N. Becker, and Annette Eschenbach

Trees as essential components of green urban structures are of crucial importance for the regulation of the urban climate and human wellbeing. Despite this, the currently rising demand for living space and infrastructure causes an increase in the share of sealed and compacted soils. These trends directly affect soil-plant interactions in urban environments. The synergy of the increasing land use pressure and changing climatic conditions worsen the site and growth conditions and thus the vitality for young and mature trees. A possible adaptation strategy is the transformation of plant pits into water reservoirs combining the discharge of excess water with impermeable sole materials and substrates that optimise the water conductivity and storage capacity. The corresponding aim of this study is the quantification of the effects of the water balance dynamic in the rooting zone on the vitality of young trees at highly sealed sites in the city of Hamburg. The two main questions are 1) Do technically modified plant pits reduce summerly drought stress inside the rooting zone and thus improve the root water uptake and tree vitality?, and 2) Does excess water after high rainfall limit the gas exchange and thus the root growth? To answer these questions, we selected two different sites, one residential area and one pedestrian zone. A total of 13 tree planting pits, including 5 technically modified and 8 generally constructed ones, with two types of substrates and water discharge, are equipped with TDR- and water tension sensors for a continuous monitoring of the soil water balance and O2 and CO2 sensors and tubes for monitoring the gas household. Stomatal resistance, chlorophyll content and fluorescence as well as Δ13C isotope measurements are combined with branch and trunk growth measurements and a tree appraisal to investigate the tree vitality. The comparative data analysis will be used for evaluating the different planting pit variants to give development as well as dimensioning recommendations for prospective planting pit constructions, improving the soil-plant interaction.

How to cite: Nofz, I. A., Becker, J. N., and Eschenbach, A.: Impacts of technically modified plant pits on water balance dynamics and tree vitality in urban environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5662, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5662, 2023.

Sruthi Surendran and Deepak Jaiswal

Climate, hydrology, and plant processes are three factors that are intrinsically linked to one another. Integration of dynamic vegetation and canopy level processes governed by leaf biochemical traits with the subsurface water flow will help us to make more reliable and actionable predictions in the context of climate change. The limitations of hydrological works that consider plants to be statistical components are highlighted by a number of hydrological studies.

This study aims to highlight how crucial it is to include plant and plant physiological processes as a significant and dynamic component when modeling hydrological processes. For this purpose, we demonstrate the impact of stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, and other biophysical traits on the soil water dynamics within the vadose zone under current and projected (in future) climate scenarios using a process-based crop growth model BioCro II which uses climate variables as its input. We compare our results with those obtained using HYDRUS 1-D, which is a state-of-art model that has a wide range of applications in agriculture and irrigation. HYDRUS 1-D is a model capable of simulating one-dimensional water, heat, and solute transport through an unsaturated porous media. We also discuss the merits of coupling these two models to address some of the future challenges. 

How to cite: Surendran, S. and Jaiswal, D.: Role of biophysical canopy traits on evapotranspiration and its impact on soil water dynamics within the vadose zone, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10703, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10703, 2023.

David Boldrin, Kenneth W. Loades, Jonathan A. Knappett, Anthony K. Leung, and Glyn A. Bengough

Background: Increased water infiltration in the presence of vegetation has been reported in the literature for both woody and herbaceous plants. However, there is a lack of experimental data on macropores development after root decomposition, and consequent alteration of soil biophysical properties.

Methods: To test the effect of contrasting root systems on saturated hydraulic conductivity [Ks], individual plants of Daucus carota [F-DC] (Forb; coarse taproot with few small lateral roots); Deschampsia cespitosa [G-DC] (Grass; fibrous root system), Lotus corniculatus [L-LC] (Legume; thin taproot with several lateral roots) were grown in columns (50 mm diameter; 315 mm height) with sandy loam soil packed at 1.4 Mg/m3. Following 7-month plant-establishment, the columns were split into five sections (60 mm height each). Ks was tested in each section (i.e., down soil depth) using a constant-head permeameter. Fallow soil was also tested as control. Following the Ks tests, column sections (i.e., soil cores) were buried in soil and left for decomposition in a controlled environment. After 7-month decomposition, sections were excavated and re-tested for Ks. To measure the biophysical properties of soil in the root-channels, the same three species were also grown in the top-half of a soil column (300 mm height; 50 mm width; 1.2 Mg/m3) longitudinally divided by a 40-μm nylon-mesh. The columns were maintained at a 15-degree slope to facilitate root growth at the soil-mesh interface. Following plant establishment (5 months), plants were killed by herbicide. The soil columns (rooted and control fallow) were buried in soil and left for decomposition in a controlled environment for 7 months. After the decomposition period, the soil columns were split, and the mesh was removed to expose the developed root-channels. The soil in the exposed root-channels was tested for water sorptivity, water repellency, water retention, soil stability in water, hardness and elasticity.

Results: Ks after plant establishment did not differ notably from that of control soil. In contrast, an abrupt increase in Ks (up to 80-times in F-DC) was measured after decomposition in the vegetated soils (e.g., from 2.04e-6 ± 9.20e-7 to 1.48e-4 ± 3.30e-5 in F-DC at 3 – 63 mm depth). The increase in Ks in G-DC and L-LC was smaller (up to 20-times) compared to F-DC. No Ks change was observed in the control soil. Soil surrounding the root-channels showed greater stability and plant available water. However, we observed smaller sorptivity and greater water repellency in soil surrounding the root-channels of F-DC and G-DC, respectively.

Conclusions: Biophysical alteration of soil after root decomposition depends on plant species. Our findings show that it is possible to engineer soil biophysical properties and bio-pores using contrasting herbaceous species.


How to cite: Boldrin, D., Loades, K. W., Knappett, J. A., Leung, A. K., and Bengough, G. A.: Alteration of soil biophysical properties after decomposition of contrasting root systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6447, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6447, 2023.

Gevorg Tepanosyan, Davit Pipoyan, Meline Beglaryan, and Lilit Sahakyan

The compositional peculiarities of the soil’s chemical environment must be taken into account to study the possibility of toxic elements (TE) to be accumulated in plants. This research covered 7 provinces (marzes) of Armenia providing around 80.1% of the national total gross agricultural production. From June to October 2019, the sampling procedure was carried out as part of the national residue monitoring program. Pb geochemical associations in agricultural soils were investigated, revealing the link between these associations and Pb contents in plants, as well as determining the source-specific transfer of Pb from soil to plants, using both compositional data analysis (CoDa) and geospatial mapping. CoDa included the combination of the results of k-means clustering and CoDa-biplot and was applied to study the relationship between the TEs and identify their geochemical associations (CoDaPack v.2.02.21 and R statistics). In addition, a hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) was used to study the links between food Pb contents and soil TE contents in each group of sub-samples identified by k-means clustering.

The obtained results showed that the research area’s unique geology and probable chemical element release sources influenced the soil’s chemical composition. Using HCA, it was discovered that in every sub-sample, the Pb soil and plant contents were in the same cluster. Particularly, CoDa-biplot and k-means clustering enable the distinction of three distinct sub-samples. However, the geochemical associations of the elements in subsamples I and III showed that Pb plant contents were shown in a geochemical association (K, Rb, Pb, and Zn) typical of both fertilizers and potassium feldspar. In contrast, sub-sample II showed that Pb plant contents were in a geochemical association (K, Rb, Pb, and Zn) typical of carbonates. The transfer factor (TF) for the similarly higher values is observed for the sub-sample associated with the geochemical relationship of K, Rb, Pb, and Zn. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that carbonates had a negative impact on the availability of Pb in plants. This can be explained by the capacity of carbonates in sub-samples I and III to fix Pb and reduce its availability in plants. Based on the study’s findings, it is important to emphasize that further research on compositional characteristics of chemical elements via the identification of geochemical associations can enable to reveal of possible connections between the elements in various media.

How to cite: Tepanosyan, G., Pipoyan, D., Beglaryan, M., and Sahakyan, L.: Geochemical composition of agricultural soils and its link to plant Pb contents, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16294, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16294, 2023.