HS9.1 | Techniques for quantifying the sources and the dynamics of sediment in river catchments across a range of spatial and temporal scales
Techniques for quantifying the sources and the dynamics of sediment in river catchments across a range of spatial and temporal scales
Co-organized by GM2
Convener: Olivier Evrard | Co-conveners: Hugh Smith, Núria Martínez-Carreras, Leticia Gaspar
| Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.44
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Hall A
Orals |
Tue, 14:00
Wed, 08:30
Obtaining quantitative information on the spatial pattern of soil redistribution during storms and on the spatial sources supplying sediment to rivers is required to improve our understanding of the processes controlling these transfers and to design effective control measures. It is also crucial to quantify the transfer or the residence times of material transiting rivers along the sediment cascade, and to reconstruct the potential changes in sources that may have occurred at various temporal scales. During the last few decades, several sediment tracing or fingerprinting techniques have contributed to provide this information, in association with other methods (including soil erosion modelling and sediment budgeting). However, their widespread application is limited by several challenges that the community should address as priorities.
We invite specific contributions to this session that address any aspects of the following:
• Developments of innovative field measurement and sediment sampling techniques;
• Soil and sediment tracing techniques for quantifying soil erosion and redistribution;
• Sediment source tracing or fingerprinting studies, using conventional (e.g. elemental/isotopic geochemistry, fallout radionuclides, organic matter) or alternative (e.g. colour, infrared, particle morphometry) approaches;
• Investigations of the current limitations associated with sediment tracing studies (e.g. tracer conservativeness, uncertainty analysis, particle size and organic matter corrections);
• Applications of radioisotope tracers to quantify sediment transit times over a broad range of timescales (from the flood to the century);
• The association of conventional techniques with remote sensing and emerging technologies (e.g. LiDAR);
• Integrated approaches to developing catchment sediment budgets: linking different measurement techniques and/or models to understand sediment delivery processes.

Orals: Tue, 25 Apr | Room 2.44

Chairperson: Olivier Evrard
A better understanding on sediment transfer processes based on case studies
Virtual presentation
Tao Zhou, Bowen Cao, and Xiankun Yang

Asian rivers are significant contributors to the world’s coastal sediment flux and the Western Pacific Coast (WPC) receives most of them. In recent years, Natural changes and human activities constantly change the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in waters of the WPC; resulting in significant changes in coastal and marine systems, consequently altering the global biogeochemical cycle. However, monitoring these changes is difficult, confounded by the lack of observational data and unavailability of globally SSC algorithms. Here, based on the platform of Google Earth Engine, we retrieved the SSC in the waters where stretching 10 nautical miles from the WPC using multi-source imagery from Landsat-TM/ETM+/OLI sensors (from 1984-2022) to obtain its long-term dynamics using 3 different SSC algorithms. The results indicate that the 3 retrieve algorithms obtained satisfactory results in temporal-spatial variation trend of SSC. We discovered that some estuaries in the WPC show significant decreasing changes. For example, the spatial distribution of SSC in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) represented a trend of high along the west coast and low along the east coast. Over the past 39 years, the SSC showed a relatively evident decreasing trend in most PRE regions; In the Yangtze Estuary (YRE), the SSC in the outer estuaries was generally significantly higher than that in the inner and SSC demonstrated an overall declining pattern in time; For the Yellow River Estuary, the highest of SSC is located a peripheral zone in front of the estuary, and also showed an overall decreasing trend in time.

How to cite: Zhou, T., Cao, B., and Yang, X.: Changes in suspended sediment concentration in the coastal waters of the Western Pacific from 1984 to 2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11658, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11658, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Yalan Song, Piyaphat Chaemchuen, Farshid Rahmani, Wei Zhi, Li Li, Xiaofeng Liu, Elizabeth Boyer, Tadd Bindas, Kathryn Lawson, and Chaopeng Shen

Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) is a crucial indicator for aquatic ecosystems and reservoir management but is challenging to predict at large scales. This study seeks to test the feasibility of deep-network-based models to predict SSC at basin outlets given basin-averaged forcings and basin-physiographic attributes as inputs and extract insights by interpreting the spatially-varying model performances. We trained long short-term memory (LSTM) deep networks either separately for each of the 371 sites across the conterminous United States (local models), or on all the sites collectively (Whole-CONUS). The local and Whole-CONUS models presented median Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) values of 0.72 and 0.57, respectively, which are state-of-the-art results. However, this comparison disagrees with our previous “data synergy” conclusion for LSTM models and suggests there are still important yet unavailable sediment-related attributes. Both local and Whole-CONUS models tended to be more successful where SSC-streamflow correlations (Rs-q) were high - typically in the humid Eastern US - and with lower SSC. Low Rs-q basins were often found in the arid Southwest with higher SSC. The highly-nonlinear SSC-streamflow relationship is arguably due to heterogeneity in land cover and rainfall or limitations in sediment supply, suggesting these basins need to be simulated at higher spatial resolution. The local models mostly outperformed the Whole-CONUS one due to the latter lacking critical attributes, but the latter can be competitive in high-SSC regions with enough flow events. Moreover, the Whole-CONUS model also performed well for basins not included in the training dataset (median NSE=0.55), supporting large-scale modeling.

How to cite: Song, Y., Chaemchuen, P., Rahmani, F., Zhi, W., Li, L., Liu, X., Boyer, E., Bindas, T., Lawson, K., and Shen, C.: Deep learning insights into suspended sediment concentrations across the conterminous United States: Strengths and limitations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16821, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16821, 2023.

On-site presentation
Katie Jones, Jamie Howarth, Chris Massey, Pascal Sirguey, Dimitri Lague, and Thomas Bernard

Evaluating the influence of earthquakes on erosion, landscape evolution and sediment-related hazards requires quantifying the volume and velocity of post-seismic sediment cascades. However, accurate estimates of post-earthquake sediment transfers remain rare. Following the 2016 MW7.8 Kaikōura earthquake in New Zealand, the volume of post-seismic erosion was quantified directly by measuring the ground surface change between 4 lidar surveys captured in 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2021 using the multiscale model-to-model cloud comparison (M3C2) algorithm. The lidar surveys covered the 62 km2 Hapuku and 66 km2 Kowhai river catchments within the Seaward Kaikōura Range, representing the two catchments with the highest density of co-seismic landsliding.

The total co-seismic landslide source volume for the Hapuku Catchment was 30 ± 6 M m3,the catchment being dominated by a 17 M m3 rock avalanche which dammed the Hapuku River. In the 5 years after the earthquake a total of 10.60 ± 0.22 M m3 of sediment was post-seismically eroded (equivalent to ~26% of the co-seismic landslide debris volume when considering bulking of the landslide deposit). A total of 9.71 ± 0.23 M m3 of sediment was delivered to the riverbed resulting in considerable riverbed aggradation and 3.58 ± 0.28 M m3 was inferred to have been transported beyond the rangefront of the Seaward Kaikōura Range (equivalent to ~9% of the co-seismic landslide debris). The total co-seismic landslide source volume for the Kowhai Catchment was only 13 +4/-3 M m3. Over the 5 years 2.02 ± 0.10 M m3 of sediment was post-seismically eroded, equal to ~13% of the co-seismic landslide debris volume within the catchment. The volume delivered to the riverbed, 1.29 ± 0.10 M m3 and 0.85 ± 0.13 M m3 is presumed to have been transported beyond the rangefront (equivalent to ~5% of the co-seismic landslide debris).

From these volumes, the rates at which the co-seismic landslide sediment was eroded from hillslopes, delivered off-slope to channels and exported from the range front were calculated. When projected, these rates of sediment conveyance suggest the volume of co-seismically generated sediment is likely to be evacuated from the rangefront within or close to the recurrence interval for ground motions equivalent to the Kaikōura earthquake. The Hapuku and Kowhai river catchments being examples of where co-seismic landsliding counterbalanced uplift.

How to cite: Jones, K., Howarth, J., Massey, C., Sirguey, P., Lague, D., and Bernard, T.: Accurate quantification of sediment conveyance following the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4588, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4588, 2023.

Progress in concepts and models of sediment tracing in space and time
On-site presentation
James Pizzuto

Storage of sediment on floodplains delays downstream sediment delivery, increasing the timescale of catchment responses to forcing by tectonics, climate changes, and watershed sediment management practices.  Including floodplain storage in catchment sediment routing models, however, is challenging because the long timescales involved exceed the duration of stream gaging station and other observational data sources.  As a result, floodplain storage is typically ignored in catchment sediment modeling.  To quantify timescales of sediment storage for mid-Atlantic U.S. floodplains since the early Holocene, floodplain sediment thickness distributions are defined for three time periods by analyzing stratigraphic data: presettlement (deposited before 1750), legacy (deposited 1750-1950), and modern (deposited after 1950).  These data are used to calibrate a model that predicts the thickness, age, and storage time distributions of floodplain deposits through time.  The model uses empirical equations to estimate changes in flood magnitude and duration caused by changes in forest cover and urban development.  Simple hydraulic models predict the occurrence of overbank flow based on channel geometry (which changes through time as floodplains accrete) and the potential for backwater induced by nearby milldams during the 19th Century. Overbank deposition during overbank flows is predicted based on sediment concentration, sediment settling velocity, and overbank flow duration.  Sediment erosion is predicted based on the age distribution of stored sediment and a power law function that specifies the exposure of sediment to erosion by age category, an approach that is similar to the StorAge Selection Functions often used in catchment hydrologic modeling.   The calibrated model, “tuned” to reproduce observed stratigraphic data, predicts monotonically increasing fluvial sediment concentrations from presettlement to modern time periods, and sediment budget components (input and output fluxes and rates of sedimentation and erosion) that also increase through time.  Predicted sediment residence times (mean age of stored sediment) vary from ~450 years in 1750 to ~300 years in 2017, and the model accurately reproduces the full age distribution (0 to > 5000 yr) of stored sediment documented by contemporary stratigraphic data.  This calibrated model can accurately represent floodplain storage for improved watershed scale sediment routing computations in the mid-Atlantic region, improving our ability to manage Chesapeake Bay restoration and other important watershed sediment management issues.

How to cite: Pizzuto, J.: Stratigraphic Data Calibrates Predictive Modeling of Holocene-Present Floodplain Sediment Storage In the Mid-Atlantic U.S., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7591, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7591, 2023.

On-site presentation
Lidiane Buligon, Tiago Buriol, and Jean Minella

Identifying sediments sources is an important branch of catchment erosion modeling that uses multiple tracers in a robust set of statistical analysis techniques commonly known as the “fingerprinting approach”. The techniques employed in the fingerprinting approach follow two distinct stages of multivariate statistical analysis: discrimination and classification. The first one refers to determining the best set of tracers that have the potential to be selected as a tracer. The second stage consists of classifying the eroded sediment samples in the n-dimensional space defined by the tracer properties. In this step, the relative contribution of each source to the composition of the suspended sediment is calculated. One of the challenges for improving the “fingerprinting approach” is estimating the uncertainties of the results. In this sense, defining the number of samples used to characterize sources and eroded sediments is considered an important issue in terms of costs and source of uncertainties. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to present an alternative modeling with a focus on uncertainty analysis and sample number optimization based on the model developed by Clarke and Minella (2016). The advantages of the proposed model include 1) the calculus of the source apportionments, making it possible to evaluate the effects of reducing the sample number on the uncertainties; 2) takes account the collinearity between the tracers adding the variance-covariance matrix applied into the generalized least squares (GLS) method; and 3)  adds the calculus of uncertainty associated with the number of samples (sediment sources and the  sediments. To demonstrate the usefulness of the model, we used a dataset available from the Arvorezinha experimental catchment located in southern Brazil. The implementation of this model was carried out in the Phyton®, so that any user can evaluate the uncertainties in the reduction of the number of samples as well as the importance of collinearity in the set of available tracers. The results confirmed the assumption the increased uncertainty as the number of samples decreases in the sources or eroded sediment samples. Moreover, the addition of the variance-covariance matrix in the solution of the overdetermined system allows to take into account the deleterious effects of collinearity in the fingerprinting approach. With this tool, new perspectives are opened to systematically improve the definition of the number of samples needed based on the uncertainty analysis of the set of samples available, fundamental to the advancement of research in the area of environmental monitoring and modeling, as well as for the management of water resources and soil management in agricultural catchments.

How to cite: Buligon, L., Buriol, T., and Minella, J.: An alternative approach to sediment source identification: uncertainty analysis and sample number optimization, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8866, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8866, 2023.

On-site presentation
Enrique Munoz-Arcos, Geoffrey Millward, Caroline Clason, Claudio Bravo-Linares, and William Blake

Fine sediment plays an important role in the healthy functioning of river ecosystems providing nutrients and contributing to habitat functioning. However, excessive sediment supply into rivers has several detrimental impacts on water quality and it causes sedimentation in river channels, reservoirs and estuaries. In addition, silts and clays are geochemically active and consequently are responsible for the transport of contaminants, including trace metals, phosphorus, pesticides and radionuclides among others which have high sorptive affinity for fine-grained particles. Hence, quantifying the timescales of sediment transfer throughout a river system is critical for understanding river basin sediment dynamics and the fate of their associated pollutants.

Fallout radionuclides (7Be, 210Pbex and 137Cs) have been used to assess sediment travel distances, sediment age and sediment residence times in a variety of landscapes. An advantage of using these radionuclides as sediment chronometers is their half-lives which can be used to model sediment residence time from days to decades in different catchment compartments.

The River Avon (Devon, UK) is a 40 km long gravel-bed river, draining rough moorland and with a catchment area of 110 km2. The mean annual flow is 3.7 m3 s-1 and is moderated by managed discharges from a reservoir upstream. Suspended and channel bed sediments were sampled in a 5 km section of the river during four seasonal surveys (January, March, July and November 2022) and suspended sediments during a stormflow event were also sampled.

Radionuclide activity concentrations of channel deposited sediments varied substantially within and between river bars and seasonally. Suspended sediment activity concentrations varied within the stormflow hydrograph and seasonally. Relationships between radionuclide activity concentrations and sediment storage, particle size, total organic carbon and C:N ratios were also evaluated. Channel sediment residence times obtained using 7Be/210Pbex activity ratios ranged between 0 to 110 days, reproducing the high variability found in activity concentrations. Future research will assess the influence of sediment sources on 7Be/210Pbex ratios and the relationship between sediment storage dynamics and sediment-bound contaminants. Sediment residence time modelling will allow an improved understanding of sediment dynamics in gravel-bed rivers which is essential to inform management decisions and prediction of the timescales of transfer and fate of associated contaminants.

How to cite: Munoz-Arcos, E., Millward, G., Clason, C., Bravo-Linares, C., and Blake, W.: Variability of Fallout Radionuclides in River Channels: Implications for Sediment Residence Time Estimations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15828, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15828, 2023.

New field and experimental approaches to understand sediment transfers
On-site presentation
Simon Vale and Hugh Smith

Sediment source fingerprinting is a technique for determining proportional contributions from different catchment sources to sediments in downstream receiving environments. The technique involves a) selecting tracers that discriminate sources based on their biogeochemical or isotopic properties and b) applying statistical mixing models to quantitatively determine source contributions. Tracer suitability varies depending on the characteristics of the study catchment and the source property or erosion processes being targeted and can include geochemical, fallout radionuclides (FRNs), or compound specific stable isotopes (CSSIs). For instance, the spatial variation in soil geochemical properties is largely determined by underlying geological and pedogenic processes, whereas CSSIs utilise δ13C isotopic properties of fatty acid biomarkers that bind to soils and vary based on plant communities associated with each land cover.

While the environmental basis for sediment fingerprinting is increasingly understood, methodological challenges continue to present limitations that may hinder wider catchment applications. Here, we draw from recent research in New Zealand to highlight some of the challenges to source apportionment accuracy using numerical mixture testing and catchment studies to represent a range of tracers and sources. Tracers include bulk geochemistry, fallout radionuclides (FRNs), and compound specific stable isotopes (CSSIs) and sources are defined by parent material, erosion processes, and land cover. We focus on the influence of source dominance and source discrimination by different tracer types on source apportionment accuracy, as well as uncertainties introduced from post-unmixing transformations associated with CSSIs.  

How to cite: Vale, S. and Smith, H.: Factors influencing source apportionment accuracy using sediment fingerprinting: observations from New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10427, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10427, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jessica Droujko and Peter Molnar

Hydropeaking in rivers changes the flow regime, increases river clogging, mobilizes fine sediment, and causes major stress to fish, macroinvertebrates, and aquatic plants that suffer from the rapid water level fluctuations. One in four medium- to large-sized rivers in Switzerland is affected by hydropeaking. In this study, we investigated the effect of hydropeaking on fine sediment transport during an experimental flood on the Spöl river, a tributary of the Inn river, in the canton of Graubünden, Switzerland. The study was a proof-of-concept for new smart turbidity sensors, which were developed in our laboratory, calibrated, and tested in mixing tank experiments in 2021 and again in 2022 with a range of different sediment types. These sensors were deployed at two locations on the Spöl during an experimental flood release by the upstream Ova Spinne hydropower dam. The collected data reveal sudden sediment concentration increases and decreases (pulsing) as the discharge increases steadily throughout the day. The highest concentration of sediment is much larger (4-5 g/L) than would be expected and appeared with the onset of the flood and again with the peak discharge. Our findings also reveal clockwise and counter-clockwise hysteresis loops in the stage-concentration relation, which point to a switch in the sediment supply between supply limited and unlimited conditions during the experimental flood. This study shows that high spatial- and temporal-resolution monitoring of suspended sediment is possible with a low-cost sensor network. The applications of such a network are plentiful: from identifying sediment source activation and transport in small streams, glacier networks and deltas, to environmental monitoring of maximum sediment concentration levels for the survival of fry fish, for prevention of river bed clogging, and for pollutant monitoring (binding to sediments).

How to cite: Droujko, J. and Molnar, P.: Sediment pulse propagation and identification using a low-cost sensor network: a hydropeaking study on the Spöl river, Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14351, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14351, 2023.

On-site presentation
Sukumar Parida, Rahul Kumar Kaushal, Naveen Chauhan, and Ashok Kumar Singhvi

We report the use of Luminescence sensitivity as a proxy to understand sediment dynamics in the Ganga River and its major tributaries, viz., the Yamuna, the Chambal and the Ramganga rivers in India.  The Ganga River is one of the world’s largest dispersal systems that originates in the Himalaya and travels across central India to meet the Bay of Bengal. The basin size, catchment lithology, climatic conditions and geomorphic processes of these large rivers are diverse. The rivers are classified into reaches based on varied morphometric characteristics. Sampling strategies focussed on point bars and mid-channel bars mostly from the low-gradient reaches of the rivers, and intervals such that the influences of local dimensions such as hillslope processes and smaller tributary confluences get integrated. Luminescence sensitivity (photon counts/unit dose/unit mass) of quartz grains of 90-150 µm size are examined after check on their purity.

The results suggest the following:

  • A gradual change in luminescence sensitivity in the downstream direction.
  • Change is slower at the beginning, then it increases to nearly twice the initial rates after the confluence with R. Ramganga suggestive of change in sediment flux and sediment transportation rates. In the upstream reaches of the river, influences of a landslide zone and the dun (intermontane valley) rivers are discernible.
  • Rates of sensitivity change is nearly four times higher in the case of Yamuna River suggestive of longer transport times.
  • Samples after the confluence of the Ganga and the Yamuna suggest variable contribution from the two rivers through time.
  • Sensitivity of quartz suggests influence of tributary confluences on the change in luminescence sensitivity along the trunk rivers and offer prospect of developing it as an additional parameter to quantify river processes through time.


This project is supported through DST SERB-YoSCP grant.

How to cite: Parida, S., Kaushal, R. K., Chauhan, N., and Singhvi, A. K.: Luminescence Sensitivity as Proxy for Sediment Source and Transport – A Case Study from the Ganga River, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1016, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1016, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ravid Hagbi, Liran Goren, John M. Eiler, and Uri Ryb

At steady-state, sediment fluxes out of a drainage basin equal its average erosion rate. Quantifying relative sediment fluxes is therefore key in estimating spatial erosional variability among sub-basins and the consequential landscape evolution. Traditional approaches to quantify such fluxes in drainage basins include using the mineral and elemental compositions of sediments as markers for the relative contribution from sub-basins. Such an approach often fails to distinguish among bedrock sources, and have been shown to suffer from transport-related biases.

Here, we aim to test and explore the combination of these traditional approaches together with oxygen, carbon and ‘clumped’ isotope analyses of detrital carbonate as a novel combined proxy for relative sediment fluxes in carbonate-dominated drainage basins. We test this approach at the Hatrurim Syncline in southern Israel, east of the Dead Sea margins. The area comprises of marine carbonate rocks of the Judea Gr., as well as Hatrurim Fm. rocks that have experienced different grades of combustion-metamorphism, and thereby registered a wide range of isotope values together with distinctive carbonate mineral assemblages – allowing for using both ‘traditional’ and isotope-informed approaches. We collected bedrock and sediment samples from the Morag Basin in the Hatrurim Syncline, and analyzed their mineral and isotope compositions in bulk and specific grain-size fractions.

Our results show that: (a) Hatrurim Formation’s bedrock samples have a wide range of mineral and isotope values consistent with two main assemblages – high temperature metamorphic carbonates, and low temperature re-crystallized carbonates; and (b) Mineral and isotope compositions of fine grain sediment fractions (<2mm) show binary mixing between un-metamorphosed Judea Group and Low-T Hatrurim end-member sources. Coarser sediment fraction show deviations from a binary mixing, which we associate with contribution from a High-T Hatrurim third source.

Based on these analyses, we compiled a mixing model for fine grained sediments, aiming to identify the mineral and isotope compositions of end-member sources and to predict the mixing-ratio for each sediment sample. Model-predicted mixing ratios of sediment samples agree with mixing ratios estimated based on the relative exposure areas of the Judea Gr. and the low-T Hatrurim Fm. within the drainage area of each sediment sample. This consistency suggests that the Morag Basin is evolving under spatially uniform erosion conditions, in which sediment is being contributed equally from each area unit in the basin, and the overall landscape morphology is preserved over time.

A long-profile analysis of the Morag Basin channel network revealed several slope-break knickpoints, separating continuous channel sections with variable steepness indices. Accounting for our finding of a spatially uniform erosion rate, we interpret the knickpoints as reflecting transitions between different lithology-dependent rock erodibility rather than transient signals driven by tectonic or climatic perturbations. The Morag Basin thus presents a unique case where the morphology of the fluvial network has adjusted to erode the surface uniformly despite the multitude of rock types exposed in the basin.

How to cite: Hagbi, R., Goren, L., Eiler, J. M., and Ryb, U.: Oxygen, carbon, and clumped isotope compositions of detrital carbonates: A new combined proxy for quantifying relative sediment fluxes in carbonate terrains, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1084, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1084, 2023.

Posters on site: Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | Hall A

Chairperson: Olivier Evrard
Progress in concepts and models of sediment transfer in space and time
Rémi Bizeul, Olivier Cerdan, Lai Ting Pak, Jérôme Poulenard, Fabien Arnaud, Pierre Sabatier, and Olivier Evrard

Between 1972 and 1993, in the French West Indies (Martinique and Guadeloupe), farmers applied a toxic organochlorine insecticide, chlordecone, to control the banana weevil. In the late 1990s, the intensification of agricultural practices in the West Indies led to accelerated soil erosion and sediment transfers to river systems and the sea (Sabatier et al., 2021). This increase in soil erosion leading in turn to a release of chlordecone stored in polluted agricultural soils. These accelerated lateral transfers of sediments are strongly controlled by land use and agricultural practices. The identification of soil erosion sources is therefore essential to effectively fight against the consequences of erosion on the resurgence of chlordecone. Using sediment tracing tools applied to coastal marine sediment archives, the objective of the current research was to model the potential changes in sediment sources throughout time in the West Indian catchments. Banana and sugarcane crops, forests, channel banks and landslides were targeted here as potential sources of sediment.

To this end, soil samples were collected across the Galion catchment at locations presenting contrasted soil types and land use contexts. In addition, a marine sediment core was collected in the Galion Bay in April 2017. In order to quantify source contributions, a suite of physico-chemical properties was measured in both soil and sediment samples.

Subsoils provided instead the main source of sediment in the Galion catchment (between 40 and 50% of sediment). In contrast, the contribution of cultivated soils increased during the 1960s (15 to 30% of sediment) and showed a second increase phase in the late 1990s (30 to 40% of sediment). These phases of increases were interrupted by decreases and major sediment contributions from subsoils. These increases of cultivated soils contributions can be explained by changes in agricultural practices (mechanization, irrigation) since the 1960s and the glyphosate introduction in the late 1990s, which increased soil erosion under cropland. Subsoils contribution increases correlate well with period of extreme events like Matthew cyclone in 2016.

Overall, the comparison between the calculated sediment contributions and the reconstructed chlordecone fluxes shows that the decreases in subsoil contributions correlate well with those of chlordecone concentrations in marine sediments. In contrast, the increases of cultivated soil contributions to sediment correspond well to increases of chlordecone concentrations in sediment.

Accordingly, these results showed the chlordecone contamination dilution due to increase of subsoil erosion. In the future, river sediment samples, collected with sediment traps, will also be analyzed using the same procedure to provide more detailed spatially-distributed information regarding erosion source contributions across the catchment.

How to cite: Bizeul, R., Cerdan, O., Pak, L. T., Poulenard, J., Arnaud, F., Sabatier, P., and Evrard, O.: Quantification of erosion sources in a tropical volcanic insular catchment (Galion river, Martinique, France): application of sediment tracing tools to coastal marine environment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2546, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2546, 2023.

Jean Minella, Fabio Schneider, Ana Londero, Gustavo Merten, Olivier Evrard, Olivier Cerdan, and Lidiane Buligon

The repercussions of climate change have great potential to cause negative impacts on water resources and agriculture. The IPCC reported that high magnitude and intensity rainfall will increase in southern Brazil, increasing its potential to degrade natural resources. In addition, more severe droughts will lead to frequent crop failures and reduced water availability. Despite the wide adoption of no-till farming in Brazil, its efficiency in managing runoff has not been enough to control soil degradation and its impacts on water resources. The lack of runoff control practices amplifies the negative effects resulting from climate change. This new climate scenario, associated with the simplification of the production system, must be understood by employing a strategy that combines hydrological monitoring and mathematical modeling of small rural catchments. The soil and water degradation in no-tillage systems are still poorly understood and not properly incorporated into hydrologic and erosion models. The objective is to improve the runoff and erosion simulation strategy based on hydrological monitoring at the landscape scale. Therefore, this study evaluated the hydrology and erosion processes of agricultural slopes under no-tillage system under different runoff control conditions by monitoring 63 rainfall events in two 2.4-ha zero-order catchments and 27 rainfall events in four 0.6-ha macroplots. Monitoring was performed in southern Brazil (29°13'39"S, 53°40'38"W) in the Southern Plateau characterized by a wavy relief and deep and highly weathered soils. The catchments are paired and similar in terms of the type of soil and relief, but different regarding the presence of broad-based terraces. The macroplots have different soil and crop management systems. By using monitoring techniques, the hyetographs, hydrographs and sedigraphs revealed the influence of the different land managements on the infiltration, runoff generation and propagation, and sediment yield. The broad-based terraces reduced runoff by 56% and sediment yield by 58.7%. The results in the macroplots showed that high amounts of phytomass and/or chiselling do not control runoff in medium and high magnitude events. Crop management including an increased phytomass input efficiently controlled sediment yield (63%), although it did not reduce runoff volume and peak flow. In contrast, scarification had no impact on runoff and sediment yield. Monitoring results indicate the need for additional measures to control runoff (terraces), even in areas under NT and with high phytomass production. The monitoring data set is also being used to improve the mathematical models to describe the hydrological and erosive processes under no-till farming. From the improvement of simulations, soil and water conservation techniques is recommended to adapt the agricultural production system to intense rainfall with positive repercussions to soils and water resources. The study emphasizes the importance of monitoring at the catchment scale to better understand the hydrological behaviour of agricultural areas and provide the necessary parameters to effectively control runoff.

How to cite: Minella, J., Schneider, F., Londero, A., Merten, G., Evrard, O., Cerdan, O., and Buligon, L.: Improved simulation of surface runoff and soil erosion in no-till rural catchments to adapt agricultural production systems to the impacts of climate change., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8843, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8843, 2023.

Gabriela Adina Morosanu, Liliana Zaharia, Philippe Belleudy, Eugen Traista, and Magdalena Misz-Kennan

Fine sediments in rivers hold the imprint of the lithological and geochemical features of their origin areas and sometimes intermediate storage, as well as of the influence of human activities. This research addresses the issue of the heterogeneous sources and transfer paths of fine sediments in a medium-sized (10,080 sq.km), complex hydrographic basin, by combining several fingerprinting methods. The study basin belongs to the Jiu River (340 km length), which originates from the Meridional Carpathians and drains the pre-Carpathian hills and plains in SW Romania, before flowing into the Danube, to which it contributes with a considerable volume of suspended sediments (up to 20-25% during floods). A part of this fine sediment load is due to the coal industry in the upper and in the western half of the middle sectors, but also to socialist-time coal mining legacies from the alluvial deposits remobilized during floods, hence the particularity of the sediment chemical composition, which we explore in this research.

Given the geological, geomorphological and anthropic complexity of Jiu River Basin and the different spatial and temporal scales involved in the production and transfer of fine sediments, their fingerprinting was attempted investigated through both conventional (heavy metals and lanthanides geochemistry) and alternative (colorimetry, image analysis and organic petrology) laboratory methods. In order to try to corroborate the different fingerprinting methods, alluvial samples were collected from: a) the Jiu riverbed and alluvial deposits on its banks, and b) the riverbeds of the major tributaries of the Jiu River (intermediate alluvial accumulations from both natural and man-disturbed geochemical sources).

Different number of samples (from the total of 88) were used for each of the fingerprinting method. For the geochemical analyses, coal particles were separated by species (lignite and bituminous coal) by their density, while elemental analyses (for both heavy metals and rare earths) were performed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry (SR EN 15309: 2007) on the subsequent >2.8 g/l fraction. Based on their abundance, concentrations of the most relevant elements were retained for descriptive statistics. The main indicators (Zr/Si, Ti/Fe, Cu/Fe, Cu/S, Ca/Mg, Na/K, different Lanthanides/P ratios) were further correlated with the underlying lithology by means of nonparametric statistical tests. The color-based approach was conducted using a Minolta colorimeter and was further corroborated with the image analysis (performed by supervised classification and segmentation algorithms), to better distinguish the river sediments and coal samples in terms of the color shades and, thus, highlight the presence of coal. Finally, yet importantly, the organic petrology complemented the research by indicating the maceral composition of the coal-bearing bulk and alluvial samples and by improving our knowledge of the proportion of the two coal species present in the fine sediments.

The laboratory analyses of the sediment samples combining several fingerprinting methods contributed to a better understanding of the hydro-sedimentary dynamics, providing new insight into fine sediment sources, their composition and transfer paths within Jiu River Basin.

Key words: coal, fine sediments dynamics, fingerprinting, laboratory analysis, Jiu River Basin

How to cite: Morosanu, G. A., Zaharia, L., Belleudy, P., Traista, E., and Misz-Kennan, M.: At the crossroads of different fine sediment fingerprinting methods in the Jiu River Basin (SW Romania), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-863, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-863, 2023.

Fruzsina Gresina, Beáta Farkas, Szabolcs Ákos Fábián, Zoltán Szalai, and György Varga

The relationship between depositional environments and transportation processes associated with the general properties of formed siliciclastic sediments has been of great interest to researchers. The recent spread of high-resolution analytical methods has allowed researchers to quickly examine grain shape properties of a large number of individual mineral grains. We investigated mineral particles of two sediment types from different depositional environments (wind-blown sand, floodplain and channel deposits [n=11]) from the Carpathian Basin (Central Europe) by using automated static image analysis (Malvern Morphologi G3SE-ID). Our aim was to determine the key variables that can help us distinguish fluvial and aeolian environments. During the analysis and data processing (e.g. hierarchical cluster analysis, Wilks’ λ, Kruskal-Wallis, MANOVA, PCA) we examined four variables related to grain shape which were the following circularity (form), convexity (surface texture), solidity (roundness) and elongation (form).

The objective and the quantitative study revealed that the solidity parameter proved to be an effective variable for separating sediments with similar convexity values (mean: 0.95-0.99) like in our case, the aeolian and fluvial sediments. Fluvial sediments had lower solidity (mean: 0.95-0.97) values compared to the aeolian sands (mean: 0.97-0.98). This major difference (p<0.001; α=0.05) resembles that the investigated fluvial sediments are not as much rounded as aeolian sands. Associated with circularity (form) result, it can be deduced that grains from fluvial sediments (low circularity; mean: 0.76-0.84) spent less time in the transport media or transported at lower energy level than aeolian grains (high circularity; mean: 0.82-0.87). Our research supports the previously established theory that aeolian transport is more effective in rounding the grains than an aqueous environment.

Support of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (Hungary) under contract FK138692, ÚNKP-22-3 and RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014 are gratefully acknowledged.

How to cite: Gresina, F., Farkas, B., Fábián, S. Á., Szalai, Z., and Varga, G.: Comparison of fluvial and aeolian sedimentary environments based on morphological analysis of their mineral components, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13637, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13637, 2023.

A better understanding on sediment transfer processes based on case studies
Shi-Wei Lin and Christina W. Tasi

Turbulence is chaotic and full of different spatial and temporal scales of eddies in its energy cascade process (Richardson, 1922). Moreover, it is observed that erratic behavior occurs in turbulent properties, such as flow velocity (Townsend, 1949) might result in the intermittency of turbulent eddy occurrences. As we know, the movement of sediment particles is not only influenced by flow advection but also by turbulent eddies. For turbulence, particle diffusivity is a coefficient used to measure the impact of turbulence on particles. This study attempts to build a linkage between turbulent eddies and particle diffusivity. On the other hand, turbulent eddies are an intermittent process, which will be further considered in this study.


To consider the chaotic property of turbulence on particle motion, Man and Tsai (2007) proposed the stochastic diffusion particle tracking model (SD-PTM) based on the mass conservation and the Langevin equation of particle displacement to simulate the suspended particle in open channel flow. Their model regards suspended particle movements as a stochastic process and uses Brownian motion to describe particle irregular trajectories caused by turbulence. To investigate the impact of the energy cascade process and eddy intermittency on particles, we aim to develop a modified stochastic diffusion particle tracking model (MSD-PTM) that incorporates the effect of the energy cascade process and turbulent intermittency. In the proposed model, an additional stochastic term will be considered to simulate the impact of the turbulence energy cascade process. In addition, a physical parameter will be used to represent the intermittency effect of eddies. The MSD-PTM will be compared with SD-PTM for statistical properties of particle movement such as the ensemble statistics of particle trajectory and concentration profile. The sensitive analysis will be used to evaluate the degree of impact of the turbulent energy cascade and eddy intermittency on suspended sediment particles.



How to cite: Lin, S.-W. and Tasi, C. W.: Impact of Turbulence Energy Cascade Process and Eddy Intermittency on Suspended Sediment Particle in Open Channel Flow, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4902, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4902, 2023.

Abhijith Sathya and Venkata Vemavarapu Srinivas

Sediment yield estimates in river basins are essential for studies related to river morphology, water quality modeling, development of erosion control and management plans, and design of water control structures (e.g., dam, barrage). In data-scarce scenarios, calibration and validation of numerical models for estimating sediment yield become challenging. A regional FDC (Flow Duration Curve)-based methodology is proposed for predicting the sediment yield at ungauged locations in river basins. Its effectiveness was investigated through Jackknife cross-validation experiment on the frequent flood-prone Mahanadi basin, considering daily records of 13 sediment and flow monitoring stations for the time period 1980-2019. A set of 34 catchment-related attributes derived based on morphology, climate, landuse, and location were considered. Potential attributes influencing flows in the basin were identified as those having significant correlations with flow quantiles corresponding to 15 chosen exceedance probabilities (P=0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, and 99). The identified attributes include (i) catchment area, (ii) number of streams, (iii) minimum elevation, (iv) basin relief, (v) the percentage of area classifiable as grassland, and (vi) longitude. To arrive at sediment yield at an ungauged location, first FDC corresponding to the location is derived using regression relationships fitted between each of the 15 flow quantiles and the potential attributes of gauged sites in the region. The relationships were developed using the best subset regression analysis. Subsequently, the daily discharge and daily sediment time series at the ungauged location were derived from the FDC. For this purpose, the rating curve parameters for the ungauged site were obtained from its neighboring sites in the attribute space, through a proposed strategy. The performance of the proposed approach in predicting the discharge and sediment time series was found to be effective when assessed in terms of various performance measures, which included Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, and Kling-Gupta efficiency.

How to cite: Sathya, A. and Srinivas, V. V.: A regional flow duration curve-based approach for predicting sediment yield at ungauged sites, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6506, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6506, 2023.

Borja Latorre, Leticia Gaspar, Iván Lizaga, William Blake, and Ana Navas

The impact of particle size on elemental content in soils is difficult to predict because the positive linearity between them does not apply equally to all elements. This assumption needs to be constantly examined and considered for fingerprinting studies. Overall, higher element enrichment in the fine fractions reflects the increasing adsorption potential of larger specific surface area (SSA), however, this relationship is often non-linear or more complex. Previous studies have been reported that the relationship between SSA and elemental geochemistry is different in terms of linearity, magnitude, and even direction for each element, and it could also depend on the type of sample. Fingerprinting approach is founded on the assumption that the properties of source and sediment mixtures are directly comparable, however, when a particle size correction (PSC) is needed because of the enrichment of sediment mixtures in fine particles, the use of a single PSC factor based on SSA could negatively affect unmixing results. Based on our previous study, in which we examined the behavioural characteristics of geochemical tracers in artificial mixtures with different grain size, we demonstrated that the source apportionment estimated with unmixing models was sensitive to particle size. In this contribution, we explore in detail, and tracer by tracer, the effect of the particle size variation on the correct estimation of source apportions. Artificial mixtures with known percentages contribution from three experimental sources have been used, comparing i) sources and mixtures at <63 μm, ii) sources at <63 μm and mixtures at <20 μm simulating fine enrichment and iii) sources at <63 μm and mixtures at <20 μm with particle size correction factor (PSC). These results support the need to develop alternatives to improve the use of correction factors in fingerprinting studies.

How to cite: Latorre, B., Gaspar, L., Lizaga, I., Blake, W., and Navas, A.: Exploring the particle size effect on the geochemical composition using experimental soil mixtures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15946, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15946, 2023.

Sabine Kraushaar, Olivier Evrard, and All of the “International Tracing Day” participants

Several innovative techniques have been developed recently opening up new avenues to establish the assessment of sediment flux in the critical zone. These techniques include the tracing or “fingerprinting” methods to identify sediment sources and quantify the dynamics of particle-bound contaminants. However, the use of these techniques is often associated with several methodological and statistical limitations, that are often reported by the international scientific community but rarely addressed in the framework of concerted actions.

This presentation will highlight the main developments and outcomes of the “International Tracing Day” 2022 and 2023, and the Tracing School organised in 2021. Based on the publication of an opinion paper (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11368-022-03203-1), new strategies to publish and disseminate sediment tracing databases will be presented. An example of a formatted dataset will be given, with the objective to test research hypotheses based on multiple datasets adopting the same format of data and meta-data. Other perspectives regarding improvements of the sediment fingerprinting method in terms of modelling, tracer options and selection will also be presented.

How to cite: Kraushaar, S., Evrard, O., and “International Tracing Day” participants, A. O. T.: International Tracing Events 2021-2023 – Discussion and developments in sediment tracing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16431, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16431, 2023.