HS10.8 | Groundwater-surface water interactions: physical, biogeochemical and ecological processes
Groundwater-surface water interactions: physical, biogeochemical and ecological processes
Convener: Fulvio Boano | Co-conveners: Jan Fleckenstein, Julia Knapp, Stefan Krause, Jörg Lewandowski
| Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.31
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall HS
Orals |
Fri, 10:45
Fri, 14:00
Fri, 14:00
Groundwater-surface water interfaces are integral components of aquifer-river and aquifer-lake continua. Groundwater-surface water interactions result in strong bidirectional interactions between surface waters, aquifers and connecting interfaces such as hyporheic zones, benthic zones, riparian corridors and lake sediments. Current research focuses on the effects of water exchange on the transport and transformation of nutrients, microplastics and pollutants. It also addresses the control of heat, oxygen and organic matter budgets available to microorganisms and macroinvertebrates in sediments. There is still a need to better understand the links between physical, biogeochemical, and ecological process dynamics at groundwater-surface water interfaces and their implications for fluvial ecology or limnology, respectively. It is important to consider the response of exchange fluxes to environmental and climate effects at different spatial and temporal scales (e.g. river channel, alluvial aquifer, regional groundwater flow). We see the biggest and most urgent challenges of this research in upscaling and downscaling of a general conceptual framework and an improved process understanding for groundwater-surface water interfaces. We also welcome contributions that address the development and application of novel experimental methods to study the physical, biogeochemical and ecological conditions at the groundwater-surface water interface in rivers, lakes, riparian zones and wetlands. We are also looking forward to investigating the role of hyporheic processes in the retention and natural attenuation of nutrients and pollutants, particularly with regard to their impact on surface and groundwater quality. In addition to experimental work, we are interested in hydrological, biogeochemical and ecological modelling approaches (e.g. transient storage models, coupled groundwater-surface water models, etc.). Finally, we welcome the presentation of research on the impact of groundwater-surface water interactions on management and risk assessment in view of the European Water Framework Directive.

Orals: Fri, 28 Apr | Room 2.31

Chairpersons: Fulvio Boano, Stefan Krause, Jörg Lewandowski
On-site presentation
James Stegen, Kenton Rod, Maggi Laan, Dillman Delgado, Sophia McKever, Lupita Renteria, Amy Goldman, Brieanne Forbes, Matthew Kaufman, Vanessa Garayburu-Caruso, and Brianna Gonzalez

Global change is altering where and when there is enough water for streams to flow. This leads to changes in where and when riverine sediments are inundated with an overlying water column, and affects the associated wet/dry dynamics those sediments experience. Previous work has shown that these changes in inundation and wet/dry dynamics have strong influences over biogeochemical rates, organic matter chemistry, and organismal ecology. For example, a global study of riverbed sediments showed that respiration rates increased up to 66-fold upon rewetting. A current knowledge gap is how respiration rates in re-wetted sediments compare to sediments that are consistently inundated, and what factors govern the effect-size of drying on respiration. To help address this gap we are conducting a manipulative laboratory experiment using sediments from the shallow hyporheic zone (~5cm into the riverbed). The sediments are being crowdsourced from across the contiguous United States to span a broad range of environmental conditions. The experiment has two treatments: one in which sediments are allowed to air dry and another in which sediments are kept inundated. In both cases sediments are constantly shaken to encourage aerobic conditions. After three weeks of these conditions, aerated water is added to both treatments to remove all headspace and oxygen consumption is measured over two hours using custom built oxygen optodes that provide data every two minutes. Results show that in some sites drying and re-wetting has almost no influence over respiration rates, but in other sites drying and re-wetting leads to dramatically lower respiration rates in air dried sediments compared to rates in consistently inundated sediments. These initial outcomes complement previous work showing that while respiration rates following re-wetting may be elevated compared to dry conditions, rates following re-wetting may not be elevated compared to rates in consistently inundated sediments. Combining insights from previous work and the current experiment can, therefore, provide an increasingly holistic understanding of the biogeochemical impacts of changes in where and when streams flow.

How to cite: Stegen, J., Rod, K., Laan, M., Delgado, D., McKever, S., Renteria, L., Goldman, A., Forbes, B., Kaufman, M., Garayburu-Caruso, V., and Gonzalez, B.: Influence of Drying on Riverine Sediment Biogeochemistry Across the Contiguous United States, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10521, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10521, 2023.

On-site presentation
Niels Van Putte, Marjan Joris, Timothy De Kleyn, Joris Cools, Maria Grodzka-Łukaszewska, and Goedele Verreydt

Interactions between groundwater and surface water are of crucial importance for the ecological functioning of wetland systems since they control groundwater levels in the wetlands, water temperature in the river and exchange of solutes. Anthropogenic impacts such as the construction of drainage systems in the vicinity of wetlands can completely change the magnitude and direction of groundwater – surface water exchange, often negatively affecting the ecological functioning of the wetlands.

Management practices aiming to conserve the ecological status strongly depend on estimates of groundwater – surface water exchange. However, currently established methods to estimate groundwater flow (i) rely on point measurements, missing the effect of crucial short term events (e.g. precipitation), (ii) rely on differences in physical characteristics between the groundwater and surface water (e.g. temperature and/or conductivity), which are not always present or (iii) require extensive modelling.

In this presentation, we present a newly developed sensor, the iFLUX sensor. Two versions of this sensor exist, for measuring horizontal and vertical flow, respectively. The sensor probe for horizontal flow consists of two bidirectional flow sensors that are superimposed and is installed in a monitoring well with dedicated pre-pack filter, allowing for measurement of both groundwater flux magnitude and direction. The probe measuring vertical flow can be installed directly in the soil, in the riverbed or in a monitoring well. With a broad measuring range of groundwater fluxes from 0.5 cm/day to 2000 cm/day and measurements every second, this setup can map rapidly changing flow conditions.

Here, we show a selection of results from a case study in North-East Poland. In the Biebrza National Park, high groundwater levels resulting from subsurface runoff from the uplands protect the highly valuable peatland system. During most of the year, the river is gaining, with a sharp increase in upward groundwater flux in the hyporheic zone during summer months. In the valley surrounding the river, groundwater flows towards the river, as expected. However, the data show a remarkable diurnal pattern of both flow magnitude and direction, with the highest flow velocity occurring in the late afternoon, suggesting a relation with evapotranspiration. After large precipitation events, the flow direction reverses, suggesting infiltration of surface water into the aquifer.

Since these events occur on a small temporal scale, they were never measured before in the area with traditional methods. As such, our sensors provide new insights in groundwater – surface water interactions and will become an invaluable tool in ecohydrological studies worldwide, ultimately leading to more integrated management strategies to protect our remaining wetlands.

How to cite: Van Putte, N., Joris, M., De Kleyn, T., Cools, J., Grodzka-Łukaszewska, M., and Verreydt, G.: Innovative real-time iFLUX sensors reveal rapidly changing groundwater – surface water dynamics in peatlands of the Upper Biebrza Basin (Poland), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5649, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5649, 2023.

On-site presentation
Mónica Basilio Hazas and Gabriele Chiogna

The management of hydropower plants affects the discharge of the rivers at multiple temporal scales, including daily, weekly and yearly signals, which in turn propagate into the aquifer. In this work, we apply wavelet analysis techniques to study how the weekly signal affects the groundwater table in an Alpine valley in the north of Italy. The valley is traversed by four reaches differently affected by hydropeaking. In our study, we prepared a transient model of the aquifer during two different hydrological years: 2009/10 and 2016/17, the second characterized by lower precipitation. We analyze both the river and the groundwater heads using continuous wavelet analysis and wavelet coherence analysis. Results show that hydropeaking displays a stronger weekly signal during drought conditions, not only in the river fluctuations but also in the groundwater heads and the exchanged water between the rivers and the aquifer. In addition, maps based on the weekly signal reveal that despite the stronger impact during the drought conditions, the area of the aquifer affected by hydropeaking is similar in the two compared years.

How to cite: Basilio Hazas, M. and Chiogna, G.: Multitemporal analysis of hydropeaking and surface water-groundwater interaction at regional scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-874, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-874, 2023.

On-site presentation
Scott Wilson, Antoine Di Ciacca, Hoyle Jo, Richard Measures, Thomas Woehling, Eddie Banks, and Leanne Morgan

Braided rivers are a significant source of groundwater recharge for New Zealand’s gravel aquifers. However, their spatial and temporal complexity has made quantification of recharge and representation in numerical models particularly challenging. This presentation summarises the results of a research programme aimed to understand the structural controls on leakage from braided rivers and develop a conceptual model of how they function in the subsurface.

Instrumentation and field campaigns were established in the main losing reaches of three New Zealand braided rivers, the Selwyn, Wairau, and Ngaruroro. A multi-method approach was undertaken to characterise three key physical aspects: longitudinal flow change, sediment structure, and subsurface saturation. The field methods applied were lidar, bathymetry, coring, grainsize analysis, earth resistivity, nuclear magnetic resonance sounding, thermal sensing, radon sampling, differential flow gauging, and hydrological monitoring. In addition, some hypothesis testing was carried out using Hydrus 2D.

Subsurface saturation in all three study rivers was found to be associated with gravels of the contemporary braidplain. Due to repeated flood mobilisation, the gravels in the contemporary blaidplain have a smaller fraction of silt and clay, and are also less compacted than the underlying and adjacent gravels. Sediment mobility associated with flooding therefore enables a high permeability aquifer to form within these gravels, with shallow groundwater flow subparallel to the dominant river flow direction. This alluvial aquifer, which we are calling the ‘braidplain aquifer’ provides a storage reservoir for hyporheic and parafluvial exchange to occur. Water exchange between the river and regional aquifer is mediated by the braidplain aquifer (there is no direct exchange of water between the river and regional aquifer). 

The implication of this conceptualisation is that hydrological connectivity between a braided river and groundwater (e.g. as formulated by Brunner et al. 2009) occurs at two spatial scales; at the river-braidplain aquifer interface, and at the braidplain aquifer-regional aquifer interface. For assessing regional scale water balances, the latter spatial scales is most relevant. In a case where the braidplain aquifer is perched above the regional aquifer, recharge to the regional aquifer is regulated by vertical hydraulic conductivity in the underlying sediments, and the rate of recharge is fairly steady throughout the year. In a case where the braidplain aquifer is hydraulically connected to the regional aquifer, our results suggest that the exchange is controlled by horizontal conductivity of the sediments on the margins of the braidplain, vertical conductivity of the underlying sediments, and the hydraulic gradient. As such, flow losses can be highly variable throughout the year and appear to form a power-law relationship with flow (Woehling et al. 2018).


Brunner, P., Cook, P. G., and Simmons, C. T. (2009), Hydrogeologic controls on disconnection between surface water and groundwater, Water Resources Research 45: W01422

Wöhling, Th., Gosses, M., Wilson, S., Wadsworth, V., Davidson, P. (2018). Quantifying river-groundwater interactions of New Zealand's gravel-bed rivers: The Wairau Plain. Goundwater 56: 647-666

How to cite: Wilson, S., Di Ciacca, A., Jo, H., Measures, R., Woehling, T., Banks, E., and Morgan, L.: Conceptualisation of Groundwater Recharge from Braided Rivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9225, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9225, 2023.

On-site presentation
Alice Sai Louie, Leanne Morgan, Eddie Banks, David Dempsey, and Scott Wilson

Globally, braided river systems are a major recharge mechanism for alluvial aquifer systems providing a significant contribution to groundwater, yet this process of surface water – groundwater (SW - GW) interaction is a gap in hydrological research. River leakage from braided rivers is the main source of groundwater recharge in the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand (Coluccio & Morgan, 2019). This study investigated surface water – groundwater interaction in the Waikirikiri Selwyn River, in the South Island of New Zealand, using Active-Distributed Temperature Sensing (A-DTS) and estimated groundwater recharge to the alluvial aquifer system, as outlined in Banks et al. (2022).

The field study site is within an ephemeral losing reach of the river and contains two active channels. Braided rivers are dynamic, high-energy environments; therefore, the fibre-optic cables were installed beneath the ground to protect this infrastructure from regular flood events. Novel horizontal Directional Drilling was used to construct two, 100 m long drillholes at a depth of approximately 5 m below ground level and perpendicular to the river channel. The drillholes were completed with a hybrid fibre optic cable containing four multi-mode fibres and copper conductors. Additionally, a vertical A-DTS installation was constructed to 30 m depth adjacent to the river channel and horizontal drillhole. 

A series of twelve back-to-back A-DTS surveys on the horizontal and vertical A-DTS installations were conducted over 48-hrs. River stage and flow during the survey period was constant, hence steady-state groundwater recharge conditions were assumed. The localised temperature variations along the cables indicated spatial variation of preferential groundwater recharge pathways. Groundwater velocities were derived using both analytical and numerical solutions and preliminary results indicate vertical groundwater velocities exceeding 10 m/d. By calculating groundwater velocities it is possible to quantify groundwater recharge from braided rivers with high spatial and temporal resolution, which can aid in understanding the recharge process and the relationship between river stage height and groundwater recharge rates.



Banks, E. W., et al. (2022). "Active distributed temperature sensing to assess surface water–groundwater interaction and river loss in braided river systems." Journal of Hydrology 615: 128667.


Coluccio, K. and L. K. Morgan (2019). "A review of methods for measuring groundwater-surface water exchange in braided rivers." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23: 4397-4417.

How to cite: Sai Louie, A., Morgan, L., Banks, E., Dempsey, D., and Wilson, S.: Quantifying braided river loss to groundwater using Active Distributed Temperature Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1271, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1271, 2023.

On-site presentation
Lars Bäthke and Tobias Schuetz

Hydrological turnover (HT), i. e. gross gains and losses of water along a stream or river is highly variable, producing spatial exchange patterns influenced by local surface and groundwater levels, geology, topography, channel morphology and sediment structures. However, seasonal variations of discharge and catchment storages might be additional factors influencing the locally occurring fraction of streamflow subject to HT.

We studied these process interactions at a third order tributary of the river Mosel in Trier, Germany by measuring HT 133 times (in total 399 individual discharge measurements) at two different stream reaches (~500 m each) over a period of two years. The two reaches show a pronounced seasonality in drainage behavior and differ mainly in valley width.  The underlying, silicate rich Devonian schists and slates enable the use of silicate as a marker for prolonged contact with the underground. Hence, we took samples for silicate concentrations in stream water as well as in the near-stream groundwater, regularly (in total 270 samples). For this purpose, we installed three sets of two groundwater wells at each reach. The first well of each set was located directly at the stream bank and the second well in a distance of 3 m from the stream. Thus, we created snapshots of the boundary layer between ground- and surface water where turnover induced mixing occurs. The results show in accordance with literature a site specific negative correlation of HT with discharge, while reach scale net Q changes correlate with HT only at the upstream site which is characterized by steeper hillslopes compared to the downstream section. Analyzing reach specific variation of silicate concentrations between stream and wells suggests that in-reach silica variation increases with the decrease of hydrological turnover and vice versa. This relationship differs between the two reaches and shows significant seasonal effects. These findings are supported by the results of a delayed/base flow separation analysis for both reaches, which shows a faster drainage behavior and a less pronounced contribution of longer delayed groundwater sources for the narrow valley upstream site.

These results imply that besides the discharge-induced HT variability seasonal states of groundwater storages might be an additional control on the magnitudes of HT affecting physical stream water composition throughout the year.



How to cite: Bäthke, L. and Schuetz, T.: How catchment properties shape variation in groundwater- surface water interaction: Using geogenic silicate as a tracer in hydrological turnover research, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-655, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-655, 2023.

On-site presentation
Máté Márk Mezei, Petra Baják, Endre Csiszár, Katalin Hegedűs-Csondor, Bálint Izsák, Márta Vargha, Ákos Horváth, and Anita Erőss

Riverbank filtered drinking water supply systems are strongly dependent on the river stage. Climate change-induced extremely low or high river stage may cause water quantity and quality problems. In this study, a riverbank-filtered drinking water supply system along the Danube River was investigated from a radioactivity point of view: we aimed to understand the origin of elevated (>100 mBq L–1) gross alpha activity measured in some wells and the variation in water quality with river level fluctuation.

10 producing, 2 monitoring wells, and the Danube were sampled at lower and higher river stages. The water samples were analyzed for major ions and trace components. Total U (234U+235U+238U) and 226Ra activity concentration were determined by alpha spectrometry using Nucfilm discs, and 222Rn activity was measured by liquid scintillation counting.

Total uranium activity was measured in the highest concentration (up to 334 mBq L–1). Radium and radon activities were barely above the detection limit. Based on our results the previously measured elevated gross alpha activity is most likely caused by dissolved uranium in the groundwater. Uranium activity concentrations show increasing values from N to S which corresponds well to the occurrence of organic matter-rich, clayey floodplain deposits underlying the aquifer.

Besides spatial variation, a temporal change can also be observed: lower uranium activity was measured at a lower river stage (32–248 mBq L–1) compared to a higher river stage (26–334 mBq L–1). This phenomenon could be explained by the dynamic relationship between the groundwater and the river. At the low river stage, oxygen-rich (ground)water flows from the river toward the inland and may cause the remobilization of uranium from the clayey basement layers. This process will be more and more dominant by extremely low river stages during long-lasting drought periods in the future causing water quality problems.

The research was funded by the National Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Climate Change, RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014 project.

How to cite: Mezei, M. M., Baják, P., Csiszár, E., Hegedűs-Csondor, K., Izsák, B., Vargha, M., Horváth, Á., and Erőss, A.: Investigation of naturally occurring radionuclides in a riverbank filtered drinking water supply system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13829, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13829, 2023.

On-site presentation
Siyu Zhu, Linus Zhang, Jianzhi Niu, and Weifang Ma

It is well known that the intensive biogeochemical activity in hyporheic zone of groundwater and antibiotic contaminated river water induced the pollution diffusion and variation of biogeochemical transformation. However, the complex interaction process caused by water level fluctuation is difficult to accurately depict on a larger, catchment scale. Therefore, a loosely coupled HYDRUS-3D/GMS was established in Chaobai river basin to simulate the sulfamethazine (SMZ) pollution interaction process caused by river and groundwater level fluctuation. The upward fluctuation of river water level increased the migration of SMZ from surface water to the hyporheic zone soil and groundwater with the rate of 3.04 m/(y·m), which accelerated the pollution diffusion. Moreover, the rise of river water level reduced DO and ORP in hyporheic zone, which induced the biochemical transformation of SMZ from aerobic to anoxic and anaerobic, thus reduced 25% decomposition rate and increasing 7 times expression of resistance genes. The expression of ARGs sul1, sul2, sul3 were positively correlated with the SMZ concentration with coefficient of 0.9954, 0.9856, 0.9689. The biogeochemical behavior of SMZ was completely opposite when the river water level fell back in the dry season compared with that of water level rising, which contributed to the decomposition of accumulative antibiotics in the hyporheic zone. However, the upward fluctuation of groundwater table led to the secondary release of 20% SMZ accumulated in hyporheic zone soil and the reverse interaction of river water pollution, which induced increase in the abundance of resistant bacteria, thereby enhancing the expression intensity of ARGs. In addition, the accumulation and diffusion of SMZ were also closely related to soil physicochemical properties (P<0.01 to BET; P<0.001 to TOC) and microbial community structure during the interaction between groundwater and surface water in hyporheic zone. The accumulation of SMZ increased the ecological risk and induced the variation of microbial community structure and relative abundance. The enrichment of these antibiotic degrading genera, Hyphomicrobium, Thermomonas and Comamondaceae, improve the degradation of antibiotics and enhanced the expression of resistance genes sul1 and sul2, which increased the risk of drug resistance of superbacteria. This study provided a new approach to predict the variation of SMZ biogeochemical behavior and expression of resistance genes in the hyporheic zone due to water level fluctuation, which can effectively improve removal technologies and the drinking safety of groundwater.

How to cite: Zhu, S., Zhang, L., Niu, J., and Ma, W.: Water level fluctuation induced variation of sulfamethazine biogeochemical behavior and expression of resistance genes in the hyporheic zone: A case study of Chaobai river, China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-821, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-821, 2023.

On-site presentation
Fabian Willert, Christian Roumelis, Maria Scaccia, Jesús Carrera, Albert Folch, Susana Bernal, Miquel Salgot, Alycia Insalaco, Susan Welch, Rachel Gabor, and Audrey H. Sawyer

A clear need exists to understand the role that water table fluctuations play in mobilizing nutrients in soils and shallow groundwater near streams, particularly in dry Mediterranean watersheds, which experience marked wetting and drying seasonal patterns. As groundwater level varies, so does the supply of inorganic nitrogen and organic carbon from different soil layers, which affects processes such as coupled nitrification-denitrification and the chemistry of groundwater that flows to streams. Along discharging groundwater flow paths, carbon-rich soils release dissolved organic carbon (DOC), which biogeochemically reacts with nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) as groundwater levels rise and become saturated. For understanding the biogeochemical dynamics in N at the interface between soils and groundwater, a cylindrical, meter-long polyvinyl chloride (PVC) soil column was constructed and filled with heterogeneous soil and aquifer layers of decreasing organic matter with depth. A cyclical water level cycle was imposed for 16 days using influent to the column from local groundwater at the experimental site with < 1 mg nitrate-N/L. Water table dynamics were monitored with a pressure sensor, tensiometer, and two soil moisture sensors. Vertical arrays of redox sensors and pore water samplers were used to observe changes in pore water chemistry. Water samples were analysed for pH, ammonium-N (NH4-N), nitrate-N (NO3-N), nitrite-N (NO2-N), and DOC. Soil samples were taken for microbial activity and solid chemistry analysis. Near the soil-aquifer transition, nitrate accumulates under aerobic conditions and DOC from organic matter is mobilized under anaerobic conditions. Preliminary pore water analysis shows that during wetting cycles, there is an increase in dissolved inorganic N (NO3+NO2) near the surface (57 mg N/L at 40 cm depth) but a decrease in DIN concentrations in deeper layers (0.92 mg N/L at 55-100 cm depth), suggesting that nitrification and denitrification processes stratified with depth. The results illustrate the significance of groundwater level fluctuations on DIN and DOC cycling and mobilization in Mediterranean riparian soils during wetting events.

How to cite: Willert, F., Roumelis, C., Scaccia, M., Carrera, J., Folch, A., Bernal, S., Salgot, M., Insalaco, A., Welch, S., Gabor, R., and Sawyer, A. H.: Effects of groundwater fluctuations on nutrient transformation in riparian sediments in a Mediterranean catchment - Column study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11109, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11109, 2023.

Posters on site: Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall A

Chairperson: Fulvio Boano
Yiming Li, Zhang Wen, Stefan Krause, and Uwe Schneidewind

Hyporheic exchange flow (HEF) is one important driver determining the spatial and temporal evolution of the biochemical characteristics predominant in the hyporheic zone (HZ) of rivers. As such, better understanding of HEF patterns will allow us to improve our quantitative estimates of the biochemical reaction potential in the HZ and the wider river corridor. While HEF has been found to be impacted by riverbank morphology (including sinuosity and bank slope) past studies have specifically neglect the effect of bank slope in combination with river sinuosity.


Here we simulate and assess the impact of bank slope on the spatial extent of the HZ of a meandering river and on the evolution of HEF and residence times (RT) into the alluvial aquifer under varying aquifer transmissivity conditions. We use a 2-D numerical finite element model set up in COMSOL and implement variations in lateral bank slope by using a deformed geometry method (DGM) to simulate the wet front evolution into the alluvial aquifer during a dynamic flood event. Different scenarios were run for varying combinations of bank slope angle and aquifer transmissivity.          


Our results show that the impact of bank slope on HEF and wet front evolution was more pronounced in aquifers with lower transmissivity. Furthermore, the impact of bank slope can lead to both shorter and longer residence time of river water in the alluvial aquifer, depending on whether HEF is infiltrating a point bar or cut bank.


Aquifers with high transmissivity were more impacted by bank slope during the flood event, whereas aquifers with lower transmissivity were less impacted by bank slope during the flood event but while this impact lasted much longer into the post-flood-event phase. Overall, our study shows that river sinuosity and bank slope should be considered when assessing HEF and RT in river corridors.

How to cite: Li, Y., Wen, Z., Krause, S., and Schneidewind, U.: Simulating wet front evolution along a sinuous riverbank to understand impact of bank slope on hyporheic flow and transport, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-867, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-867, 2023.

Benjamin Gilfedder, Ramona Riedel, Joana List, Michael E. Böttcher, and Sven Frei

Beach faces form the interface between terrestrial and marine systems. They act as a reactive zone between these two compartments, transporting and biogeochemically modifying chemical constituents such as nutrients, pollutants and carbon. Re-circulation of sea water through beach sediments is largely driven by tidal pumping and pressure gradients caused by tides, wave setup, and storm events that pile sea water up on the beach face. In contrast, terrestrial groundwater systems provide a source of low salinity and often nutrient rich water to the coastal zone. Mixing between these water sources is complicated by catchment morphology, variable density flow and very dynamic boundary conditions across temporal scales (e.g. tides, storms, yearly variations in terrestrial groundwater levels). Thus tracing water and nutrients fluxes through the subterranean estuary is not trivial. In this work we use a combination of point and long-term (7 months) temperature profile measurements and heat modelling to estimate water fluxes through the beach sediments into the Königshafen, on Sylt Island, Northern Germany. Temperature measurements were complemented by stable isotope and pore water chemistry measurements to infer the origin of discharge into the bay. The results showed that flow paths are complex, with dune morphology influencing the focal point for fresh groundwater discharge, with fluxes up to 20 cm d-1. Moreover it appears that either the islands fresh groundwater isotopic signature is either variable or at least two end-members contribute to the freshwater signature. Seaward, saline and brackish discharge occurs into the tidal creek draining the bay. Overall temperature measurements and heat modelling combined with pore water chemistry show potential to understand water and chemical exchange through the subterranean estuary and thus help to understand water and material fluxes at the terrestrial-ocean interface.

How to cite: Gilfedder, B., Riedel, R., List, J., Böttcher, M. E., and Frei, S.: Mapping and quantifying water fluxes at the land-sea interface using temperature, stable isotopes and pore water chemistry: An example from Königshafen, Sylt, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16274, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16274, 2023.

Maria Alejandra Villa Arroyave, Stephanie Spahr, Shai Arnon, and Jörg Lewandowski

The occurrence of trace organic compounds (TrOCs) such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products in aquatic ecosystems has been a growing concern in urban environments in recent decades. Incomplete removal of organic compounds in conventional wastewater treatment along with increasing use of chemicals, especially due to urbanization, increase the contamination of rivers and groundwaters with high loads of TrOCs. Different strategies to combat this type of environmental pollution have been researched, leading to a better understanding of the occurrence and fate of these contaminants. For instance, the natural attenuation of TrOCs by processes occurring in the hyporheic zone has been recognized as an efficient alternative for contaminant removal. However, little is known about the effects of stream flow velocity and bedform celerity on TrOCs removal, although bedform migration is a common process in many natural and urban streams. Our research project evaluates the influence of bedform migration on the fate of sixteen organic contaminants and their transformation products due to dynamic hyporheic zone exchange. Both controlled flume experiments and field measurements in a side channel of the River Erpe in Germany contribute to understanding the effects of dynamic flow conditions on the biotransformation of TrOCs. The knowledge obtained may be applied to enhance water management remediation programs, considering water bodies' ecological and chemical status.

Keywords: TrOCs, hyporheic zone, bedform migration, flume experiments, attenuation, biotransformation.

How to cite: Villa Arroyave, M. A., Spahr, S., Arnon, S., and Lewandowski, J.: Dynamic hyporheic zone: Impact of non-steady stream flow and moving streambeds on the fate of trace organic contaminants, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13178, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13178, 2023.

Ahmed Monofy, Fulvio Boano, and Stanley B.Grant

Mixing between water column and sediment is a crucial physical process for the fate of nutrients and for the biogeochemical reactions in the stream ecosystem. There are two factors that characterize this mixing process: the mixing magnitude at the sediment water interface, which controls the amount of solutes exchange between water column and its underlying sediment layer; and the mixing extent that defines how quickly the mixing rate decays with depth of the sediment laye.  The vertical mixing process has been shown to be well represented by a 1-D equivalent diffusivity model with exponentially decaying profile in the vertical direction. This exponential profile is controlled by two parameters: the effective diffusion at the sediment water interface, that is equivalent to the mixing magnitude, and the decay coefficient of the exponential, that represents the reciprocal of the mixing extent.

The 1-D diffusivity model was applied to a large dataset of experiments from literature that were conducted with conservative solutes on three different morphology types: flat beds, dunes and ripples, and alternate bars. The mixing magnitude and extent appears to be the largest in alternate bars, the smallest in flatbed and intermediate in dunes and ripples. Afterwards, the dependence of the mixing magnitude and mixing extent on stream and sediment characteristics was studied to derive a regression model to infer the values of the mixing controlling parameters from stream and sediment characteristics. This regression model was developed in dimensionless form using the Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) technique.  The regression formulae demonstrate no dependence of the mixing magnitude on morphology type, while it is significantly correlated to the permeability Reynolds number (Re_k) that depends on sediment permeability, shear velocity and water viscosity. On the other hand, the mixing extent of solutes within the benthic biolayer can be categorized based on the morphology type. Specifically, for flat beds the mixing extent exhibits different trends of dependance on the permeability Reynolds number due to the dominance of different physical process for each interval of Re_k. Instead, for dunes and ripples the mixing extent is monotonically correlated to the bedform (ripple or dune) wave number, as expected from literature. Finally, due to the limited number of experiments on alternate bars we were not able to derive a robust and reliable regression formula for this morphology type. Therefore, more experiments under different conditions should be performed with alternate bars. These results help to unravel the influence on mixing processes of different characteristics of streams and their sediments.

How to cite: Monofy, A., Boano, F., and B.Grant, S.: Mixing magnitude and extent within the benthic biolayer for different morphology types, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3588, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3588, 2023.

A new 222Rn passive-sampler to determine the residence time in-situ in the hyporheic zone
Clarissa Glaser, Karsten Osenbrück, and Benjamin Gilfedder
Thomas Wöhling, Moritz Gosses, Scott Wilson, Hannah Nguyen, and Peter Davidson

The Wairau Plain in Marlborough, New Zealand, host a shallow, highly conductive gravel aquifer which is mainly recharged by the braided Wairau River. The groundwater of the Wairau Aquifer is an important source of drinking water in the region and provides irrigation water for viticulture. Managing the groundwater is increasingly challenging because of a decline in levels and spring flows combined with a natural seasonality and an expected high vulnerability to climate change and overexploitation.

A prerequisite for groundwater managment and limit-setting is the knowledge of the water supply (recharge) as well as the water discharge and takes from the aquifer. Both are spatialy and temporally highly variable and difficult to measure. In addition, the aquifer is influenced by ephemeral streams which could potentially lead to unknown groundwater sinks and sources and periodical shifts of boundary locations.

In order to investigate these aspects and to estimate the water balance components and fluxes in the associated groundwater system, a coupled surface water – groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) has been set up. A variety of observations, ranging from groundwater heads to spring/river flows and exchange rates, were built into the model. Metered groundwater abstraction data was used to test and adapt a spatio-temporally distributed soil water balance model that is coupled to the MODFLOW model.

The complex surface flow network of the Wairau Plain and strong contrasts of hydraulic conductivity (up to 4 orders of magnitude) between older hydrogeological units and more recent, interwoven fluvial sediments have been a major challenge in the model setup. An iterative procedure with step-wise increasing complexity of parameterization was adopted to derive a plausible model structure, that is commensurable with the various observation types. Model parameters were calibrated and (linear) uncertainty bounds estimated using the PEST software.

The model performs well with respect to the plausibility of the groundwater flow field and the overall water balance. Groundwater heads, river-groundwater exchange flows and spring flows are generally well covered by the predictive uncertainty bounds during the evaluation period (data not utilized for calibration). The model provides insights into the relative contributions and the seasonality of the various water balance components of the Wairau Aquifer. It has been confirmed that the Wairau River is the main contributor to groundwater recharge, but also that recharge in a given year is matched by equal levels of discharge to low-land springs and off-shore. Although large river flood events during the wet period lead to interim excess groundwater storage, the recession to pre-flood groundwater levels is surprisingly fast (less than one year). On the other hand, unremarkable (high return period) flood events in the summer period, which keep river flows at elevated levels, have a noticeable effect on groundwater storage. This effect can last up until the following dry season.

The model proved useful for assessing the status quo of the Wairau Aquifer groundwater resources. This is a prerequisite for the search and testing of alternative management options that are imminent due to the observed trends in groundwater levels.

How to cite: Wöhling, T., Gosses, M., Wilson, S., Nguyen, H., and Davidson, P.: Surface Water – Groundwater Flow of the  Wairau Plains, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7419, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7419, 2023.

Heejung Kim, Jae E Yang, and Minha Lee

Natural phenomena like hyporheic zone depths show intrinsic statistical behavior due to large variability of related parameters. In the previous researches, authors proposed a deterministic method to delineate hyporheic zone depth using a simple field temperature measurement, and studied a probabilistic method to present a proper statistical distribution model for hyporheic zone depth. As a next step forward, this research proposes remediation strategies on contaminated groundwater system in relation to hyporheic zone depth management. Primarily, demand of hyporheic zone depth to achieve a required recovery ratio is predetermined. The field hyporheic zone depth is, then, changed according to each strategies. The two probabilistic variables, demand and field values, are modified such that the difference are reduced. 

The index applied to evaluate each strategy in this paper was adopted from the concept of reliability index. This approach is frequently used in many fields of science and engineering, including a safety design of structures. The key point of safety design involves sufficiency of safety margins between a strength criterion and the requirements, and this is what the reliability index evaluates. The paper is structured to introduce reliability-based approach in terms of general concept and hyporheic zone depth management first, and proceeds to a development of index. The paper concludes with performance evaluation of strategies. This paper is of value because a combination of the previous research on the probabilistic property extraction of hyporheic zone depth and the presented approach of performance evaluation has potential to offer another useful tool to the remediation of contaminated groundwater.

Acknowledgement: This research was funded by the Korea Ministry of Environment through the strategic EcoSSSoil Project at the Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (grant no. 2019002820004) and National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Education (grant numbers 2019R1I1A2A01057002 and 2019R1A61A0303

How to cite: Kim, H., Yang, J. E., and Lee, M.: Reliability-Based Approach to Hyporheic Zone Depth Delineation for Groundwater Remediation Strategy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2459, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2459, 2023.

Kaleab Adhena Abera, Berhane Abrha, Tesfamichael Gebreyohannes, Abdelwassie Hussien, Miruts Hagos, Gebremedhin Berhane, and Kristine Walraevens

Natural constraints and the damaged Meli gold mining: forecasting impact on the water resources quality of the Meli area and the surroundings, Tigray 

 Kaleab Adhena Abera 1, Berhane Abrha 2,  Tesfamichael Gebreyohannes 2, Abdelwassie Hussien 2 ,  Miruts Hagos 2, Gebremedhin Berhane 2, and Kristine Walraevens 1

1 Laboratory for Applied Geology and Hydrogeology, Department of Geology, Ghent University, Belgium (kaleabadhena.abera@ugent.be)

2 Department of Geology, School of Earth Science, Mekelle University, Ethiopia


Abstract: Meli is the only modern gold mining site in the Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia. Water resources of this area and the surroundings are currently very susceptible to pollution by toxic chemicals than ever before, due to both the natural geological setup of the area and anthropogenic impacts, specifically because of the recent war in northern Ethiopia. The war that was started on November 03, 2020, resulted in the complete destruction of the mining company and tailings dam due to bombing. This potentially could lead to the uncontrolled movement of wastewater from the dam to the environment. The area is characterized by quite complex geology and associated geological structures. In addition to the direct flow of contaminant plumes to downstream areas as surface water, the naturally existing geological fractures, as well as faults, could also act as conduits and increase the infiltration rate of the pollutants to the groundwater resource. In this research, integrated geological, structural, and remote sensing methods were applied. Mapping of geology and geological structures was compiled using both Spot and Landsat satellite images and a physical field survey conducted before the war started. Metavolcanics, metasediments, granite, and sandstone are the identified lithologies in the area. The detailed fracture measurement helps determine the possible flow direction of water and the pollutants. Totally, 110 structural measurements were taken, and the area is affected by a series of Neoproterozoic structures. These include WNW–ESE striking compression, NE –SW striking exfoliation fractures, and variably oriented faults. Moreover, structures such as folds, minor strike-slip faults, and joints were observed. The chemicals used in the gold mining company were evaluated. The Meli area tailing dam contains wastewater with a very high concentration of cyanide, caustic soda, heavy metals, and salts which are very toxic. The possible impact of these pollutants on water resources was forecasted and threat-solving mechanisms were proposed. The result of this research work will serve as a baseline for further pollution impact studies at a larger catchment scale and as an input for groundwater resource pollution modeling works of the Meli area and the surroundings.

How to cite: Abera, K. A., Abrha, B., Gebreyohannes, T., Hussien, A., Hagos, M., Berhane, G., and Walraevens, K.: Natural constraints and the damaged Meli gold mining: forecasting impact on the water resources quality of the Meli area and the surroundings, Tigray , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1724, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1724, 2023.

Léo Rouchy, Flora Branger, Guillaume Hévin, and Florentina Moatar

Groundwater flow and stream-aquifer interactions are the most fundamental processes that control the physical and biological characteristics of entire hydrographic networks during low-flow periods.

Our study focuses on these complex flows represented in a physically based, regional, and fully distributed hydrological model. We use the J2000 hydrological model, applied to the case study of the Saône river in France. This 30,000 km² watershed has a contrasted lithology, with karstic sectors, which makes it possible to study the performance of the model according to the karstification of its sub-watersheds. It is also a heavily monitored watershed with daily flow measures at 227 hydrological stations evenly distributed over the study area and 587 hourly temperature measurement stations.

J2000 model performance is estimated by calculating widely used hydrological signatures such as BFI (Base Flow Index), IGF (Interbasin Groundwater Flow), or FDC (Flow Duration Curve) characteristics. This set of signatures evaluates the performance of the model with respect to the representation of groundwater flows. In addition, we calculate thermal signatures derived from the relationship between air and water temperature (damping factor, time lag, slope). They are not used as a performance criterion but they give some more information about the spatial distribution of thermal regime and the type of groundwater contribution.

The analysis of observed and simulated hydrological signatures, and observed thermal signatures, revealed various hydrological and thermal responses (e.g. shallow and deep groundwater signature), depending of the lithology of the sub-basin. In our future work, we will couple the J2000 model with the process-based thermal model T-NET (Thermal NETwork). The work presented aims to increase the performance of the thermal regime determination, which has shown significant sensitivity to groundwater contributions.

How to cite: Rouchy, L., Branger, F., Hévin, G., and Moatar, F.: Hydrological and thermal signatures to characterize groundwater influence and improve a spatialized regional hydrological model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13883, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13883, 2023.

Eung Seok Lee, Thomas Johns, Luke Linville, Hee Sun Moon, and Yongchul Kim

Wetlands are affected by and also have a significant influence on climate change because of their ability to regulate atmospheric concentrations of the greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). This study aimed to characterize nitrogen dynamics in a groundwater-dependent wetland in South Korea. Soil textures and compositions, surface and groundwater constituents, groundwater levels, and air temperatures were determined in the field and laboratory in summer, 2021. Production rates and isotopic signatures of N2O gases were measured using static chamber and novel kinetic cell methods. Production rates of N2O gas were were up to 78.8 g N2O N/ha/d, N2O production was most active at 20-32 cm depths, and the source of N2O production was identified as denitrification of nitrate in groundwater. Statistical analyses indicated N2O flux generally increased with increased groundwater level and air temperature. Quantitative analyses via in situ N2O gas isotopic transport modeling will provide novel approach for rapidly characterizing the sources and dynamics of nitrogen and other greenhouse gases in groundwater-dependent wetlands around the world.

How to cite: Lee, E. S., Johns, T., Linville, L., Moon, H. S., and Kim, Y.: Characterizing nitrogen dynamics in a groundwater-dependent wetland in South Korea using field and novel laboratory methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9626, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9626, 2023.

Pengcheng Xu, Lingling Wang, Jin Xu, Zhe Wang, Han Chen, and Mengtian Wu

Understanding the fundamental mechanisms of solute transfer across the sediment-water interface (SWI) is essential for comprehending river functioning. Considering the stochastic and complex pollutant emissions across the SWI, we investigate the effects of release position on the solute transport in this work. Linking turbulent momentum and solute transport in the hyporheic zone through numerical modeling. Simulation results reveal that the location of the point source release determines the initial convection and dispersion intensity, which in turn affects the process of solute dispersion across the SWI. The location of solute release can affect hyporheic mixing processes more significantly than changes in streambed permeability. The penetration of turbulence into the streambed directly controls both interfacial exchange and mixing within a transition layer below the SWI, which is consistent with previous findings. In addition, the finite-time Lyapunov exponents are used to describe the lagrangian coherent structures of the flow field in the whole process, which provides a new perspective to reveal the mixing process of solutes across the SWI.


This research was funded by the National Key R&D Program of China (2022YFC3202605), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (B200204044), the Research funding of China Three Gorges Corporation (202003251).

How to cite: Xu, P., Wang, L., Xu, J., Wang, Z., Chen, H., and Wu, M.: Effects of solute release position on transient solute dispersion across the sediment-water interface: A modeling study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2145, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2145, 2023.

Posters virtual: Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall HS

Chairpersons: Julia Knapp, Stefan Krause, Jörg Lewandowski
Tsung-Yu Lee, Yen-Wei Pan, and Yung-Chia Chiu

Surface water and groundwater interactions between the stream and the hyporheic zone profoundly affect river intermittency and biogeochemical processes, yet they are rarely quantified. As an excellent natural tracer, temperature was used to quantify unknown patterns of hydrologic fluxes and to understand their impact on heat budget over time and space. The Yousheng Creek (a first-order upstream of Chichiawan Creek in Taiwan) is one of the crucial habitats for the endangered species of Formosan land-locked salmon. In recent years, stream disconnection seriously limited the expansion of the salmon habitat, hampering the rehabilitation work. This study takes heat as a tracer to examine exchange processes in the intermittent reach of Yousheng Creek, with the application of fiber-optic distributed temperature sensor (FO-DTS). The combined use of FO-DTS, stream heat budget model (the HFLUX computer program), drone imagery, meteorological measurements, and field surveys allowed for identifying, quantifying, and mapping groundwater inputs beneath the 1924 meters reach. Analysis of the temperature traces measured from June 23rd to June 25th, 2019, have identified several active hyporheic zones and groundwater discharge points, providing significant cooling in the study section. HFLUX successfully modeled the river temperature through time and space with a normalized root mean square error of 3.12%. Inference from the model indicates a series of high infiltration zones at midstream whereas primary groundwater discharge from the downstream. The results suggest that different groundwater contributions along the Yousheng Creek significantly impact river temperatures. These insights of groundwater-surface water interactions can be applied to improve the knowledge of hydrology processes and energy budgets in headwaters

How to cite: Lee, T.-Y., Pan, Y.-W., and Chiu, Y.-C.: Modeling stream heat budget with HFLUX in a subtropical alpine intermittent river, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2177, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2177, 2023.

Liansong Tang

Nitrogen pollution is an important cause of lake eutrophication, and the deterioration of lake water quality caused by nitrogen pollution has attracted wide attention worldwide. Honghu Lake is a large lake located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China, which has been threatened by nitrogen pollution for a long time. We studied the evolution of Hong Lake from 1990 to 2020. From 1990 to 2005, the natural water area of Hong Lake decreased by 72%, and most of the natural water was converted into aquaculture water, resulting in the rapid deterioration of lake water quality. Farming was gradually banned after 2005 and the area of natural water has been restored, but the lake's water quality has not improved, indicating that the lake is also threatened by other sources of pollution. According to the results of two groundwater surveys in 2011-2012 and 2019-2020, we found that the nitrate nitrogen content in groundwater in the study area increased from 1.29mg/L to 3.58mg/L. We also collected sediment samples from the lakeshore zone, and the test results showed that a large amount of exchangeable nitrogen was adsorbed on the sediment. Groundwater is one of the important factors causing nitrogen pollution in lake.

How to cite: Tang, L.: Nitrogen accumulation in a big lake along wetland evolution affected by groundwater and surface water interaction in central Yangtze River Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4778, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4778, 2023.

Mehvish Hameed, Munir Nayak, and Manzoor Ahanger

Groundwater is a major source of water supply over most regions, accounting for nearly one-third of all water abstraction globally. However, due to overreliance on this resource, many aquifers around the United States have experienced rapid depletion, while some aquifers have seen increasing water levels due to extensive recharge efforts. It is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the rate at which groundwater storages are changing to assess the potential availability of groundwater in the future. In this work, we estimate groundwater storage changes across more than 1000 watersheds over the US from a proposed algorithm for baseflow extracted using streamflow and precipitation observations. We also study the spatial and temporal variations in the characteristic of baseflow recession. We compare the storage change estimated from baseflows with those obtained from the estimates from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and observations from monitoring wells. The results help in validating the application of the proposed baseflow-based storage estimates in different aquifers and climatic regions. The proposed approach is simple and computationally efficient for estimating baseflows and groundwater storage changes in poorly-gauged watersheds.

How to cite: Hameed, M., Nayak, M., and Ahanger, M.: Groundwater Storage Changes in the United States using Baseflow Recession Method: Comparison with GRACE, and Observation Well Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15784, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15784, 2023.