CL4.5 | Understanding sea level changes: global to local, from past to future
Understanding sea level changes: global to local, from past to future
Co-organized by CR7/OS1
Convener: Svetlana Jevrejeva | Co-conveners: Carolina M.L. CamargoECSECS, Julius OelsmannECSECS, Mélanie Becker, Marta Marcos
| Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–12:07 (CEST)
Room 0.31/32
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall CL
Orals |
Thu, 08:30
Tue, 14:00
Tue, 14:00
To address societal concerns over rising sea level and extreme events, understanding and quantifying the contributions behind these changes is key to anticipate potential impacts of sea level change on coastal communities and global economy. In this session, we address these challenges and we welcome contributions from the international sea level community that improve our knowledge of the past, present and future changes in global and regional sea level, extreme events and coastal impacts.
We focus on studies exploring the physical mechanisms for sea level rise and variability and the drivers of these changes, at any time scale (from high-frequency phenomena to paleo sea level). Investigations on linkages between variability in sea level, heat and freshwater content, ocean dynamics, land subsidence and mass exchanges between the land and the ocean associated with ice sheet and glacier mass loss and changes in the terrestrial water storage are welcome. Studies focusing on future sea level changes are also encouraged, as well as those discussing potential short-, medium-, and long-term impacts on coastal environments, as well as the global oceans.

Orals: Thu, 27 Apr | Room 0.31/32

Chairperson: Carolina M.L. Camargo
On-site presentation
Lucia Pineau-Guillou, Pascal Lazure, Guy Wöppelmann, Jean-Baptiste Roustan, and Markus Reinert

Extreme sea levels are the joint contribution of mean sea level, tide and storm surges. The ClimEx project investigates changes in tide and storm surges over the last century, along the North Atlantic coasts. Concerning the tide, we investigated the long-term changes of the principal tidal component M2, from 1846 to 2018 (Pineau-Guillou et al., 2021). The M2 variations are consistent at all the stations in the North-East Atlantic. The changes started long before the 20th century and are not linear. Regarding the possible causes of the observed changes, the similarity between the North Atlantic Oscillation and M2 variations in the North-East Atlantic suggests a possible influence of the large-scale atmospheric circulation on the tide. A possible underlying mechanism is discussed. Concerning the storm surges, we found a clear shift in the storm surge season at Brest (France), between 1950 and 2000 (Reinert et al., 2021). Extreme storm surge events occurred three weeks earlier (mid-December instead of beginning of January) in the winter 2000 than in the 1950s. Analysis of additional stations in Europe reveals a large-scale process (Roustan et al., 2022). Temporal shifts are positive (later events) in northern Europe, and negative (earlier events) in southern Europe. Such a tendency is similar to the one already reported for European river floods between 1960 and 2010 (Blöschl et al., 2017).



[1] Pineau-Guillou L., Lazure P. and Wöppelmann G. (2021). Large-scale changes of the semidiurnal tide along North Atlantic coasts from 1846 to 2018. Ocean Sci., 17, 17–34.

[2] Reinert M., Pineau-Guillou L., Raillard N., Chapron B. (2021). Seasonal shift in storm surges at Brest revealed by extreme value analysis. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 126, e2021JC017794.

[3] Roustan J.-B., Pineau-Guillou L., Chapron B., Raillard N., Reinert M. (2022). Shift of the storm surge season in Europe due to climate variability. Sci. Rep., 12, 8210.

[4] Blöschl G., Hall J., Parajka J., Perdigão R. A. P., Merz B., Arheimer B. et al. (2017). Changing climate shifts timing of European floods. Science, 357(6351), 588–590.

How to cite: Pineau-Guillou, L., Lazure, P., Wöppelmann, G., Roustan, J.-B., and Reinert, M.: Changes in extreme sea levels along the North Atlantic coasts, over the last century, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8186,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Sanne Muis, Natalia Aleksandrova, Fedor Baart, Willem Stolte, and Jelmer Veentra

The monitoring of the sea level trend is important for decision-making in the near-future. For the Dutch coast, the Sea Level Monitor periodically publishes new estimates of the sea level rise trend. This observed trend, based on a selection of Dutch tide gauge stations, is used for the planning and management of our coastal defenses in the next 10-15 years. To estimate the trend in mean sea level, the influence of land subsidence, long-term tidal cycles and storm surges levels need to be removed from the observations.

In this contribution, we focus on the contribution of storm surges, that are driven by variations of atmospheric pressure and wind. We will present an updated methodology to remove the effects of these variations on the sea-level trend, which is based on monthly mean sea levels derived with a depth-averaged hydrodynamic model instead of a linear regression. A fully automated and portable workflow was developed to deploy Global Tide and Surge Model (GTSM) on a high-performance computing cluster. Leveraging recent updates of the ERA5 climate reanalysis, we extent existing GTSM simulations back to 1950 and to present-day. Based on these new simulations, we will discuss the variability in mean sea levels due to atmospheric conditions, and present how the sea-level trend changes due to the improved correction.

How to cite: Muis, S., Aleksandrova, N., Baart, F., Stolte, W., and Veentra, J.: Deployment of the global tide and surge model for estimating sea-level trends along the Dutch coast, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1252,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Tim Hermans, Victor Malagón-Santos, Caroline Katsman, Robert Jane, Dj Rasmussen, Marjolijn Haasnoot, Gregory Garner, Robert Kopp, Michael Oppenheimer, and Aimée Slangen

Sea-level rise (SLR) amplifies the frequency of extreme sea levels as it raises their baseline height. Projections of the frequency amplification of extremes are often computed for arbitrary future years and relative to the historical centennial event, which is not necessarily meaningful locally. Consequently, such projections may not provide salient information to adaptation planners, as they do not indicate when certain flood risk thresholds will be crossed given the current degree of local coastal flood protection.

To better support adaptation planning, we introduce a framework that extends the emerging timing perspective on sea-level rise to the frequency amplification of extreme sea levels. Moreover, by relating amplification factors to local flood protection standards estimated with the FLOPROS modelling approach, we project the timing of decreases in the local degree of protection. The sea-level rise required for such decreases is derived from extreme sea-level distributions inferred from GESLA3 observations and combined with the relative sea-level projections of the Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC until 2150 to compute the timing of these decreases at tide gauges globally.

Our central estimates indicate that the estimated degrees of protection will be exceeded 10 times as frequently within the next 30 years (the lead time that large adaptation measures may take) at 26 & 32% of the tide gauges considered, and annually at 4 & 8%, for respectively a low & high emissions scenario (SSP1-2.6 & SSP3-7.0). Even though our results are based on estimated degrees of protection, they highlight that at several locations substantial decreases in the degree of protection may occur before large adaptation measures can be completed. Furthermore, we find that under SSP3-7.0, the same decreases in the degree of coastal protection will occur substantially faster in the future as sea-level rise accelerates. Our projection framework adds a new perspective on the frequency amplifications of extremes that may help adaptation planners to assess the available lead time and useful lifetime of protective infrastructure, given unacceptable decreases in the degree of coastal protection.

How to cite: Hermans, T., Malagón-Santos, V., Katsman, C., Jane, R., Rasmussen, D., Haasnoot, M., Garner, G., Kopp, R., Oppenheimer, M., and Slangen, A.: The Timing of Decreasing Coastal Flood Protection Due to Sea-Level Rise, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4834,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Dewi Le Bars, Iris Keizer, Franka Jesse, and Sybren Drijfhout

Ocean dynamic sea level (ODSL) is the local height of the sea surface above the geoid. It is computed by atmosphere-ocean coupled general circulation models from the coupled model intercomparison projects (CMIP). In many places it is one of the most important components of sea level projections for the coming century. However, because it depends on climate dynamics, there is a low agreement between climate models. Moreover, the difficulty to estimate ODSL from observations has resulted in IPCC AR5 and AR6 sea level projections using CMIP5 and CMIP6 outputs without model selection nor bias correction.


We use multiple lines of evidence to constrain ODSL along the coast of the Netherlands: ocean reanalyzes, sea-level budget closure using tide gauges and satellite altimetry observations, and direct integration of steric sea level change from observed temperature and salinity together with an estimation of wind influence on sea level.


We find that CMIP6 overestimates ODSL change along the Dutch coast and that this overestimation is not only related to the overestimation of global mean temperature increase. Based on the emergent constraint framework, we provide improved ODSL projections with reduced uncertainty and an increased level of confidence.

How to cite: Le Bars, D., Keizer, I., Jesse, F., and Drijfhout, S.: Constraining ocean dynamic sea level projections along the coast of the Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11788,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Iris Keizer, Dewi Le Bars, and Sybren Drijfhout

For sea-level projections along the coast of the Netherlands, ocean dynamic sea level (ODSL) is one of the most important contributors to sea-level rise in the 21st century. The ODSL output from the latest coupled model intercomparison projects (CMIP5 and CMIP6) is used for these projections. These CMIP models overwhelmingly use ocean models with a spatial resolution of 1° and a vertical z-level coordinate. Using these CMIP models for projections does not provide a seamless connection between observations and projections, this study aims to improve on that. To do so, we use a configuration of the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS) for the North Sea with a resolution of 0.25° to downscale the spatial resolution of CMIP6 models and interpolate the vertical coordinate to topography-following sigma levels to improve the projections for the Netherlands.

First, we use ROMS to reconstruct the ODSL along the coast of the Netherlands for the observational period. The regional model is forced using an atmospheric dataset constructed from ERA-interim and ERA-5 surface data and different ocean reanalysis datasets. It is not straightforward to compare the ODSL from different ocean reanalyses, as some datasets assimilate satellite altimetry data, whereas others do not. The ODSL from the reanalysis datasets that assimilate altimetry data are corrected for land ice and terrestrial water storage contributions to correct these differences.

Then, we use ROMS to obtain new projections of ODSL for the coast of the Netherlands that seamlessly connect to the estimate of ODSL from ocean reanalysis data. We extend the forcing datasets for the regional ocean model of the observational period using the anomalies of CMIP6 variables. Using this new method, we obtain improved projections along the coast of the Netherlands.

How to cite: Keizer, I., Le Bars, D., and Drijfhout, S.: Estimating ocean dynamic sea level along the coast of the Netherlands using the regional ocean modelling system (ROMS) to seamlessly connect the observational period to projections for the 21st century., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16275,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Benjamin Harrison, Matthew Palmer, Lesley Allison, Jonathan Gregory, Tom Howard, Anne Pardaens, and Jonathan Tinker

There is increasing awareness of the need for comprehensive information on potential future sea-level rise to inform adaptation planning and coastal decision-making. The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) states that global mean sea level rise approaching 5 m by 2150, and more than 15 m by 2300, cannot be ruled out under high greenhouse gas emissions due to uncertainty in ice sheet processes. Moreover, local sea level rise may be further exacerbated through systematic changes in the climate system, such as a rapid weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).

We combine the latest United Kingdom national sea-level projections (UKCP18) with recently published projections of Antarctic ice mass loss to develop a small set of physically consistent storylines of local sea-level change that extend to 2300. The storylines span the range of uncertainty assessed by AR6 and deliver continuous sea level rise information around the UK coastline. While we focus on the UK, the methods are generic and can be readily applied to other geographic locations. Further, we consider potential changes in coastal flood hazard associated with a weakening of the AMOC using dynamical downscaling and storm surge modelling of climate model projections.

How to cite: Harrison, B., Palmer, M., Allison, L., Gregory, J., Howard, T., Pardaens, A., and Tinker, J.: Towards Physically Consistent Sea Level Rise Storylines for the United Kingdom, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15655,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Víctor Malagón-Santos, Aimée B.A. Slangen, Tim H.J. Hermans, Sönke Dangendorf, Marta Marcos, and Nicola Maher

Regional emulation tools based on statistical relationships, such as pattern scaling, provide a computationally inexpensive way of projecting ocean dynamic sea-level change for a broad range of climate change scenarios. Such approaches usually require a careful selection of one or more predictor variables of climate change so that the statistical model is properly optimized. Even when appropriate predictors have been selected, spatiotemporal oscillations driven by internal climate variability can be a large source of model disagreement. Using pattern recognition techniques that exploit spatial covariance information can effectively reduce internal variability in simulations of ocean dynamic sea level, significantly reducing random errors in regional emulation tools. Here, we test two pattern recognition methods based on Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF), namely signal-to-noise maximising EOF pattern filtering and low-frequency component analysis, for their ability to reduce errors in pattern scaling of ocean dynamic sea-level change. These two methods are applied to an initial-condition large ensemble (MPI-GE), so that its externally forced signal is optimally characterized. We show that pattern filtering provides an efficient way of reducing errors compared to other conventional approaches such as a simple ensemble average. For instance, filtering only two realizations by characterising their common response to external forcing reduces the random error by almost 60%, a reduction level that is only achieved by averaging at least 12 realizations. We further investigate the applicability of both methods to single realization modelling experiments, including four CMIP5 simulations for comparison with previous regional emulation analyses. Pattern scaling leads to a varying degree of error reduction depending on the model and scenario, ranging from more than 20% to about 70% reduction in global-mean mean-squared error compared with unfiltered simulations. Our results highlight the relevance of pattern recognition methods as a means of reducing errors in regional emulation tools of ocean dynamic sea-level change, especially when one or a few realizations are available.

How to cite: Malagón-Santos, V., Slangen, A. B. A., Hermans, T. H. J., Dangendorf, S., Marcos, M., and Maher, N.: Removing Internal Variability as a Means of Improving Regional Emulation of Ocean Dynamic Sea-Level Change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6990,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Caroline van Calcar, Jorge Bernales, Tijn Berends, Wouter van der Wal, and Roderik van de Wal

The projected decay of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) over the coming centuries will lead to uplift of the Earth's surface due to Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA). GIA slows down grounding line migration and therefore has a stabilizing effect on the ice sheet evolution. GIA acts on timescales of decades to centennial depending on the magnitude of the mantle viscosity. The mantle viscosity is several orders of magnitude higher in East Antarctica than in West Antarctica and varies with one order of magnitude within West Antarctica. Studies of the AIS evolution over the last glacial cycle have shown that including lateral variations of the Earth's mantle viscosity can lead to 1.5-kilometer thicker ice in West Antarctica at present day. However, current projections do not include GIA, or they use a laterally homogeneous GIA model. One study applied a uniform high mantle viscosity under East Antarctica and a uniform low mantle viscosity under West Antarctica and showed that, on longer timescales of hundreds of years, mass loss projections of Antarctica may be underestimated because spatially uniform GIA models overestimate the stabilizing effect of GIA across East Antarctica. We developed a coupled GIA - ice-sheet model using the ice-sheet model IMAU-ICE, and a 3D GIA finite element model that includes lateral mantle viscosity variations, and a seismic model to determine the patterns of the viscosity. The results of projections for two IPCC scenarios show that including lateral variations in the Earth's mantle viscosity leads to local ice thickness differences of up to 600 meters in West Antarctica  2300. The results underline and quantify the importance of including this local feedback effect in ice-sheet models when projecting the long-term sea level contribution from Antarctica.

How to cite: van Calcar, C., Bernales, J., Berends, T., van der Wal, W., and van de Wal, R.: Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution to different Earth structures using a coupled 3D GIA - ice-sheet model under different future climate scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15613,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Rémi Thiéblemont, Gonéri Le Cozannet, Daniel Raucoules, Jérémy Rohmer, Guy Wöppelmann, Floris Calkoen, and Robert J. Nicholls

While the understanding and modelling of relative sea level rise (SLR) due to ocean density and mass changes have greatly improved over the past few decades, SLR contributions due to vertical ground motions (VGMs) remain a major source of uncertainty. Here, VGMs relate to ground motions that have imprints of a few kilometers, as opposed to broad scale land motion such as Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA). VGMs are caused by processes such as natural resource extraction or the load of anthropogenic infrastructure on recent sediment deposits or natural processes (e.g. sismotectonics, volcanism, landslide), all of which vary in space and time, and can strongly inflate SLR locally.

Here, we present a pan-European analysis of relative sea-level changes in Europe considering VGMs based on trends retrieved from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS). EGMS allows identifying hot spots of robust subsidence along the European coastline such as the north Adriatic coast in Italy, areas such as Palavas (France), Groningen (Netherlands) and many coastal infrastructures such as dikes in La Rochelle (France) where subsidence was not documented earlier. Hence the service delineates where subsidence can have a significant impact to relative sea-level changes in coastal areas. This satisfies a major need from coastal adaptation stakeholders concerned with SLR. EGMS results are complemented and compared with VGMs estimates from permanent Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network stations. The precision of the measurements is discussed: VGMs from GNSS stations derived from 4 different solutions (ULR, NGL, JPL and GFZ) allow accounting for uncertainty in trends estimation techniques. We estimate VGMs residual trends after removing the effect of the GIA from geophysical modelling, but also the effect of contemporary mass redistribution on solid Earth deformation. The results from both GNSS and EGMS suggest that the precision of ground motion velocities can be in the order of a millimetre per year.

Overall, these estimates and their uncertainty can be used to produce a new coastal pan-European relative sea-level set of projections that respond to one major user need, namely the identification of areas where sea level rise is amplified by subsidence. However two other user needs remain unachieved: the local attribution of observed sea-level changes to components with a submillimetric per year accuracy and a quantified projection of subsidence, which would at least require subsidence models.    

How to cite: Thiéblemont, R., Le Cozannet, G., Raucoules, D., Rohmer, J., Wöppelmann, G., Calkoen, F., and Nicholls, R. J.: Contribution of subsidence on relative sea level in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7227,, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairperson: Julius Oelsmann
Virtual presentation
Jinping Wang, John Church Church, Xuebin Zhang, and Xianyao Chen

Sea-level rise integrates the responses of several components (ocean thermal expansion, mass loss from glaciers and ice sheets, terrestrial water storage). Before the satellite era, global sea-level reconstructions depend on tide-gauge records and ocean observations. However, the available global mean sea level (GMSL) reconstructions using different methods indicate a spread in sea-level trend over 1900-2008 (1.3~2.0 mm yr-1). With the improved understanding of the causes of sea-level change, here we update the original Church and White (2011) reconstruction by using the latest observations, taking the time-evolving sea-level fingerprint, sterodynamic sea level (SDSL) climate change pattern and local vertical land motion (VLM) into account. The updated trend of GMSL of 1.6 ± 0.2 mm yr-1 (90% confidence level) over 1900-2019 is consistent with the sum of contributions of 1.5 ± 0.2 mm yr-1, slightly lower than 1.8 ± 0.2 mm yr-1 from original reconstruction. The lower trend from the updated reconstruction is mainly due to including residual VLM correction. The trends at tide gauge locations from updated reconstruction agree better with the tide gauge observations, with comparable mean trend of 1.7 mm yr-1 (standard deviation; STD of 2.0 mm yr-1) from observation and 1.7 mm yr-1 (STD of 1.2 mm yr-1) from the updated reconstruction. The inclusion of sea-level fingerprint and SDSL climate change pattern are the dominant contributors for improved reconstruction skill on regional scales at tide gauge locations. This update leads to GMSL solution that are consistent with other reconstructions in terms of long-term trend and 30-year running rate.

How to cite: Wang, J., Church, J. C., Zhang, X., and Chen, X.: Updating sea-level reconstruction since 1900, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10639,, 2023.

On-site presentation
R. Steven Nerem, Kristopher Karnauskas, John Fasullo, and Benjamin Hamlington

Satellite altimeters have measured the global mean and regional patterns of sea level change since 1993 with impressive detail and precision. While the global mean rate of sea level rise has been studied extensively and is readily linked to global water budgets, the regional patterns (or deviations from the global mean) are subject to diverse physical mechanisms that span the gauntlet of internal climate dynamics, and models suggest a nuanced relationship to radiative forcing (greenhouse gases, aerosols, etc.). To date, little attempt has been made to synthesize the regional patterns of sea level change across the global ocean with a common diagnostic framework. Here we combine oceanic and atmospheric observations and leverage ensembles of a state-of-the-art global climate model to unravel the mechanisms governing the basin-scale patterns of sea level change around the world ocean. By applying some bedrock principles of physical oceanography and coupled dynamics, we find a leading role for wind forcing—Ekman and Sverdrup dynamics together yield faithful reproductions of the large-scale structure of sea level change from the tropics to the midlatitudes. We argue that the global pattern of sea level rise since 1993 is set, to leading order, by changes in the wind-driven ocean circulation and their influence on sea surface height via ocean heat divergence. Importantly, wind-driven needn’t be synonymous with internal variability—indeed, much of the observed global pattern is recovered by global climate models subject to historical anthropogenic forcings, and single-forcing experiments enable further insight into which forcings are responsible for which regional phenomena. As we move forward into the uncertain future, a better understanding of the causes of regional rates of sea level rise, including distinguishing which features are driven by human activities versus modes of natural variability—or both, is critical for the successful adaptation of humanity and its infrastructure to a rapidly changing climate.

How to cite: Nerem, R. S., Karnauskas, K., Fasullo, J., and Hamlington, B.: Unraveling Regional Patterns of Sea Level Change over the Altimeter Era, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9831,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Christina Strohmenger, Ziyu Liu, Bernd Uebbing, Jürgen Kusche, Lennart Reißner, Yunzhong Shen, Wei Feng, and Qiujie Chen

Sea level change is not uniform around the globe. We focus on regional sea level change in the East China Sea (ECS), a Western Pacific marginal sea of 770.000 km2, with a densely populated and economically important coastal area. Several challenges arise when investigating past and current sea level change and budgets in this region.

Ocean mass change is observed by GRACE(-FO). However, one needs to account for hydrological signals leaking from land into the ocean, as well as for sediment discharge from rivers. Steric contributions are usually measured by Argo floats, but from the shallow inner shelf of the ECS only few data are available. Thus, ocean reanalyses should be handled with caution. Total sea level change from altimetry can be compared to tide gauge data, but gauges are sparsely distributed in the ECS area and only few stations are co-located with GNSS to account for vertical land motion.

In this contribution, we analyze and compare different data products to better understand regional sea level change and its contributors. Time series of ECS- averaged levels (total from altimetry, mass from GRACE and GRACE-FO and steric from ORAS5 reanalysis) are computed and compared in terms of trend, seasonal amplitudes and correlations. Additionally, spatial patterns are investigated, revealing that the shallow coastal regions, vast continental shelf areas and deep sea areas show distinct characteristic behaviors of sea level change. Altimetry and tide gauge data show a correlation of higher than 70% for 11 of 13 available records. Finally, we compare the individual data sets to results of a joint sea level inversion framework (Uebbing, 2022).

How to cite: Strohmenger, C., Liu, Z., Uebbing, B., Kusche, J., Reißner, L., Shen, Y., Feng, W., and Chen, Q.: Investigating the sea level budget in the East China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3929,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ian Fenty, Ou Wang, and Ichiro Fukumori

Tide-gauge records along the U.S. West Coast since the mid-1920’s show large ENSO-correlated sea-level variability and a below-average linear trend relative to the global mean over the past three decades. On weekly and longer timescales, sea-level variations in the region are primarily steric, reflecting variations in coastal ocean temperatures rather than that of mass. Previous research into sea-level variability in the region identified coastally-trapped waves forced by nonlocal winds as the main source of long-lasting sea-level variability. Here we offer a rigorous quantification of the contributions of wind-stress and buoyancy forcing anomalies across the entire Pacific Basin on the U.S. West Coast Sea level using a global data-constrained ocean and sea-ice model of the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) consortium. Causal relationships are quantified using the model’s adjoint and mechanisms are elucidated via perturbation experiments.

By convolving the adjoint sensitivities with atmosphere forcing anomalies we find that long-term (>1 week) sea level variations along the U.S. West Coast are almost entirely due to wind-stress anomalies while buoyancy anomalies, in contrast, contribute virtually nothing. Interestingly, the wind stress anomalies that contribute to sea level variations in the region come from two sectors: i) a coastally-confined region from 0-45N and ii) and the open-ocean Pacific equatorial waveguide (roughly -/+ 10 degrees latitude). Wind stress anomalies in the coastally-confined sector induce coastally-trapped waves which propagate poleward, depress the thermocline, reduce upwelling/air-sea heat loss and, thereby, lead to positive ocean temperature / steric height anomalies. Zonal wind stress anomalies in the equatorial waveguide induce eastward-propagating equatorial Kelvin waves, some energy of which is converted to coastally-trapped waves upon reaching continent, which lead to positive steric height anomalies following the same causal chain.

This study highlights the benefits of applying the complimentary tools of adjoint-based convolution and perturbation experiments to explain the origin of regional sea-level anomalies.

How to cite: Fenty, I., Wang, O., and Fukumori, I.: Causal Mechanisms of Sea Level Variations along the U.S. West Coast, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10695,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Samuel T. Diabaté, Neil J. Fraser, and Gerard D. McCarthy

The shelf northwest of Europe is home to subinertial fluctuations in sea level, whose peak-to-peak amplitude reach several tens of centimetres. These weekly-to-monthly shelf-wide sea-level variations feature at the coast, and therefore understanding their drivers is of prime importance for coastal adaptation. These sea-level changes have been previously hypothesized to reflect the strength of the European slope current (Chafik et al., 2017), a wind and density driven quasi-barotropic circulation lying in the region of the 500 to 1000 m isobaths (Huthnance & Gould, 1989). This interpretation has however not yet been validated by in-situ observations.


Using data from single-point current-meters and acoustic Doppler current profilers moored west of France, Ireland and Scotland, we show that the common mode of northwest European sea-level changes covaries with along-isobath currents on the shelf and on the upper part of the slope (< 400 m of water depth). However, the pattern of variability is different in the slope current and further off-shelf, , with the correlations between shelf sea levels and in-situ currents decreasing moving down-slope (> 400m of water depth).  We discuss whether or not the relationship between European sea levels and shelf and slope currents emerges from momentum balance associated with the slope current existence (joint effect of winds, baroclinicity and bathymetry). We also discuss the relevance for coastal sea levels and associated coastal vulnerability.


Chafik, L., Nilsen, J. E. Ø., & Dangendorf, S. (2017). Impact of North Atlantic teleconnection patterns on Northern European sea level. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 5(3), 43.

Huthnance, J. M., & Gould, W. J. (1989). On the northeast Atlantic slope current. In Poleward flows along eastern ocean boundaries (pp. 76-81). Springer, New York, NY.

How to cite: Diabaté, S. T., Fraser, N. J., and McCarthy, G. D.: Wind-driven currents and sea-level variability of the northwest European shelf, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15625,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Antoine Hochet, William Llovel, Florian Sévellec, and Thierry Huck

It is now well established that sea level rise is not uniform and presents large deviations from its global mean trend. 
Indeed, some regions such as the western Pacific ocean or the Indian ocean experience a linear rise 3 times larger than the global mean sea level trend since 1993 (Cazenave and Llovel, 2010; Llovel and Lee, 2015).
Superimposed to the long-term trend, the interannual variability may enhance or reduce sea level change over a shorter time period (few months). It is well known that these variations are linked to the interannual variability of the steric sea level driven by natural modes of climate variability such as El Nino Southern Oscillation (in the tropical Pacific ocean) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (in the north Indian ocean, Llovel et al., 2010). Therefore, investigating the mechanisms of interannual variability of steric sea level appears to be highly relevant for understanding processes at play in regional sea level variability. 

In this work, we investigate the local sources and sinks of interannual steric sea level variability using the ECCOv4 (Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, Forget et al., 2015) state estimate over 1993-2014. We find that the variability is, in almost all regions, sustained by interannual fluctuating winds via Ekman transport and damped by both interannual variations of the net heat flux from the atmosphere and by the rectification effect of subannual oceanic circulation. 

This method allows not only the identification of the physical process at play in the interannual steric sea level variability, but also if the latter is a source or a sink of the interannual steric sea level variability. This method presents evident advantages especially to assess the reliability of coupled climate models used to predict future sea level changes.

How to cite: Hochet, A., Llovel, W., Sévellec, F., and Huck, T.: Sources and sinks of interannual steric sea level variability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12782,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Hyeonsoo Cha, Jae-Hong Moon, Taekyun Kim, and Y. Tony Song

Recent advances in satellite and in-situ measurements have enabled the monitoring of GMSL budget components and provided insights into ocean effects on the Earth’s energy imbalance and hydrology. The global mean sea level rise slowed over the 2000s, which coincides with a global warming hiatus period, but has accelerated again since 2011. This decadal fluctuation in GMSL rise can be attributed to climate-related fluctuation in ocean heat and mass change. Sea level and Earth’s energy budget results demonstrate that the decadal climate variability has resulted in ocean mass loss and decreased ocean heat uptake, slowing the GMSL rise rate during the 2000s. After ~2011, the climate-driven fluctuations of ocean mass, heat, and GMSL rise rate were reversed. This result highlights the importance of natural variability in understanding the ongoing sea-level rise.

How to cite: Cha, H., Moon, J.-H., Kim, T., and Song, Y. T.: The drivers of decadal fluctuation in the global mean sea level rise, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5189,, 2023.


Posters on site: Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X5

Chairperson: Svetlana Jevrejeva
Svetlana Jevrejeva, Joanne Williams, Michalis Vousdoukas, and Luke Jackson

We calculate the magnitude of a worst case scenario for extreme sea levels along the global coastline by 2100. Our worst case scenario for extreme sea levels is a combination of sea surface height associated with storm surge and wave (100-year return period, the 95th percentile), high tide (the 95th percentile) and a low probability sea level rise scenario (the 95th percentile). We show that by 2100 extreme sea levels have a 5% change of exceeding 4.2 m (global coastal average), compared to 2.6 m during the baseline period (1980-2014). Up to 90% of increases in magnitude of extreme sea levels are driven by future sea level rise, compare to 10% associated with changes in storm surges and waves. By 2030-2040 the present-day 100-year return period for extreme sea levels would be experienced at least once a year in tropical areas. This 100-fold increase in frequency will take place on all global coastlines by 2100. Future changes in magnitude and frequency of extreme sea levels undermine the resilience of coastal communities and ecosystems, considering that sea level rise will increase the magnitude, frequency of extreme sea levels and will reduce the time for post-event recovery.


How to cite: Jevrejeva, S., Williams, J., Vousdoukas, M., and Jackson, L.: A worst case extreme sea levels along the global coastline by 2100, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10796,, 2023.

Stephen Chuter, Andrew Zammit-Mangion, Jonathan Bamber, and Jérôme Benveniste

Sea level rise is one of the greatest socio-economic impacts of climate change in the 21st Century. Whilst global mean sea level is an essential climate variable (ECV) for assessing the integrated response of the Earth system to climate change, regional sea level variability is of primary concern for policy-making decisions and the development of adaptation strategies in coastal localities. Redistribution of terrestrial mass, in the form of hydrological and land ice mass fluxes, partly drives this regional sea level variability due to its impact on the Earth’s gravity, rotation and deformation (GRD), termed ‘Sea Level Fingerprints’ or Barystatic-GRD fingerprints. With increasing mass losses projected from ice sheets and glaciers over the coming centuries, the magnitude and relative contribution of these Barystatic-GRD fingerprints to regional sea level change are expected to increase. As a result, accurately quantifying this phenomenon and its uncertainty is critical when assessing contemporary and future regional sea level variability.

Current contemporary Barystatic-GRD fingerprints are typically either calculated using a single mass loading observation source or provide discontinuous coverage since 1992 (the satellite altimetry era). Here, we present a continuous monthly Barystatic-GRD fingerprint product from 1992-2017, computed from an ensemble of mass loadings derived from differing observation techniques. To achieve this, we use the Ice Sheet and Sea Level Model (ISSM) sea level equation solver, which uses a finite element approach to solving the sea level equation at high spatial-temporal resolution, whilst maintaining computational efficiency. This enables us to use an ensemble modelling framework, ensuring the computed Barystatic-GRD fingerprint encompasses the variability between differing observation techniques. Additionally, it allows us to propagate the observation uncertainties into the fingerprint uncertainty in a robust manner. As well as the total Barystatic-GRD fingerprint, we assess the contribution of individual terrestrial components (Antarctica, Greenland, Glaciers, and hydrological mass change). This work is part of the Fingerprinting Approach to Close Regional Sea Level Budgets using ESA-CCI (FACTORS), a European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative Research Fellowship.

How to cite: Chuter, S., Zammit-Mangion, A., Bamber, J., and Benveniste, J.: Monthly sea level fingerprints from 1992-2017, utilising ESA CCI Essential Climate Variables in an ensemble modelling framework, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8047,, 2023.

Daisy Lee-Browne, Luke Jackson, Pippa Whitehouse, and Sophie Williams

There is evidence to show that anthropogenically-driven climate change will alter large-scale atmospheric circulation in the future. However, limited research has been conducted to explore how these atmospheric changes will impact seasonal sea-level change. The majority of global to local sea-level projections are made on multi-annual timescales, meaning important sub-annual changes in sea level driven by climatic oscillations are not being accounted for. Sea level on the Northwestern European Shelf (NWES) has been shown to vary in response to fluctuations in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). We examine how seasonal sea level may change on the NWES in response to changes in the NAO in the near future (2023-2053). The work uses a statistical approach that incorporates the inverse barometer effect to produce projections of seasonal sea-level change. The main objectives include quantifying the sensitivity of sea level to the NAO over the 20th century using tide gauge and satellite altimetry data in combination with historical records of the NAO index. Projections of mean sea-level change are then updated to account for seasonal variability that may occur on the NWES using CMIP5 and CMIP6 model outputs of sea-level change and the NAO for the period 2023-2053. The research aims to improve understanding of short-term drivers of future sea-level change and explore the ability of a statistical method to accurately detect and project seasonal patterns.

How to cite: Lee-Browne, D., Jackson, L., Whitehouse, P., and Williams, S.: Enhancing projections of sea-level rise with changing seasonality, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9023,, 2023.

Fiona D. Hibbert, Marta Marcos, Andrew Valentine, Ed Garrett, and W. Roland Gehrels

Detailed sea-level budgets are now available for the 20th and 21st centuries, but separating the differing contributions of sea-level rise prior to 1900 remains difficult, in part due to additional temporal and vertical uncertainties associated with proxy records, and the spatially variable nature of driving processes.

We present tide gauge and proxy reconstructions of sea level since 1700, and analyse their structure using Gaussian process modelling which allows for continuous reconstructions with fully quantified uncertainties. This enables the timing of accelerations, magnitude and rates of change to be determined, and in turn enables site-specific sea-level budgets to be derived. The contribution of different driving mechanisms (e.g., glacio-isostatic adjustment and sterodynamic changes) for each site is assessed, and the evolution of the barystatic contribution for the last 300 years is evaluated.

How to cite: Hibbert, F. D., Marcos, M., Valentine, A., Garrett, E., and Gehrels, W. R.: Assessing sea-level change of the last 300 years using tide gauge and proxy records, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7585,, 2023.

Victoria Schoenwald and Ben Kirtman

The East Coast of North America has experienced rates of sea level rise (SLR) five times larger than the global average. This steep increase in SLR contributed to a higher frequency of coastal flooding events along the southeastern seaboard and the worst nuisance flooding event in Miami, FL during the last 20 years. Using tide gauge data from several stations, empirical mode decomposition (EMD) was used to understand sea level variability along the East Coast of the U.S., and its connectivity to atmospheric and oceanic circulation and thermosteric effects. This is a unique approach in identifying the “in phase” sea level variability and how it relates to the atmosphere and the ocean on varying timescales. The EMD modes were also used to understand the “out of phase” components of sea level variability such as the “hot spot” of SLR between Cape Hatteras, NC and Key West, FL where sea levels increased at rates of 25.5mm/year compared to a global average of 4.5 mm/year. Similar techniques were then applied to climate model simulations using sea surface height at coastal locations as proxies for the tide gauge data. The EMD approach was applied at both ocean eddy parameterized and ocean eddy resolving scales. The goal was to determine if the natural variability in the models have similar characteristics to the observational estimates. And, to assess whether the modes associated with the trend in observations have appropriate analogues to the model simulations. By comparing pre-industrial simulations with historical simulations, we will be assessing whether a changing climate affects the natural variability.

How to cite: Schoenwald, V. and Kirtman, B.: Understanding Regional Sea Level Rise Acceleration Along the North American Eastern Seaboard, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9181,, 2023.

Yu-Kyeong Kang, Yang-Ki Cho, Yong-Yub Kim, Bong-Kwan Kim, Gwang-Ho Seo, Seok-Jae Kwon, and Hyun-Ju Oh

The global mean sea level has been rising with an acceleration since the twentieth century. Sea level rise is not spatially uniform but shows large regional variation. Local sea level can change due to various physical processes like changes in ocean circulation, atmospheric pressure, and mass redistribution. Projections of global sea level changes are available from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) database. However, Global climate models (GCMs) are limited in simulating spatially non-uniform sea level rise in marginal seas due to their coarse resolution and the absence of rivers and tides. High-resolution regional ocean climate models (RCMs) that consider tides and rivers were used to address these limitations in the Northwestern Pacific (NWP) marginal seas through dynamical downscaling. Four GCMs were selected for dynamical downscaling based on a performance evaluation of SST and the SSH along the RCM boundaries. A regional model with high resolution (1/20°) was simulated to project spatially non-uniform changes in the sea level under two CMIP6 scenarios (SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5) from 2015 to 2100. Sea level rise in the NWP marginal seas was ~82 cm under SSP5-8.5 scenario and ~47 cm under SSP1-2.6 scenario, respectively. Under both scenarios, the predicted local sea-level rise was higher in the East/Japan Sea (EJS), where the currents and eddy motions are active, than in the Yellow and East China Seas.


How to cite: Kang, Y.-K., Cho, Y.-K., Kim, Y.-Y., Kim, B.-K., Seo, G.-H., Kwon, S.-J., and Oh, H.-J.: Projection of local sea-level rise under CMIP6 scenarios (SSP1-2.6, SSP5-8.5) in the Northwestern Pacific marginal seas using dynamical downscaling. , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10492,, 2023.

Julie Cheynel, Lucia Pineau-Guillou, and Pascal Lazure

Severe storms that hit the North Atlantic coasts over the last decades, such as Xynthia storm in Europe, showed the vulnerability of coastal populations to extreme sea levels. There is a need to quantify the changes in extreme sea levels, to enable the implementation of appropriate coastal adaptation measures. Extreme sea levels are the joint contribution of mean sea level, tide and storm surges. Several authors investigated changes in storm surges. Storm surges display strong interannual and multidecadal variability, but no clear long-term trends at most sites globally (Mawdsley and Haigh, 2016; Marcos and Woodworth, 2017). The objective of the present study is to characterize changes in extreme storm surges along the North Atlantic coasts, since 1850. We selected long-term tide gauges with at least 100 years of data, from GESLA-3 dataset (Haigh et al., 2022). This conducted to consider around 30 tide gauges along the U.S. and European coasts. Extreme storm surges were evaluated yearly, using different approaches: (1) the maximum value over a period (e.g. annual maximum), the n-th percentile (e.g. 99th percentile) and (3) the return level associated to a return period (e.g. 1 year return level); this last value is obtained by fitting a Generalized Extreme Value distribution on data. At each station, we characterized changes in extreme storm surges over the last century. We compared the different approaches. We estimated long-term trends and analyzed storm surge variability in link with large-scale atmospheric forcing (e.g. North Atlantic Oscillation index). Regions of similar variations were also identified. These results are a first step towards the understanding of the physical causes behind the observed changes of extreme storm surges in the North Atlantic.



[1] Marcos, M. & Woodworth, P. L (2017). Spatiotemporal changes in extreme sea levels along the coast of the North Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 122, 7031–7048.

[2] Mawdsley R. J. and Haigh I. D. (2016). Spatial and Temporal Variability and Long-Term Trends in Skew Surges Globally. Front. Mar. Sci. 3:29.

[3] Haigh I. D., Marcos M., Talke S. A., Woodworth P. L., Hunter J. R., Hague B. S., et al. (2022). GESLA Version 3: A major update to the global higher-frequency sea-level dataset. Geosci. Data J., 00, 1–22.


How to cite: Cheynel, J., Pineau-Guillou, L., and Lazure, P.: Characterization of changes in extreme storm surges along the North Atlantic coasts, since 1850, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11825,, 2023.

Sandy Avrutin, Philip Goodwin, Ivan D Haigh, and Robert Nicholls

Sea level rise is a major result of climate change that threatens coastal communities and has the potential to incur significant economic damage. Projecting sea level rise as temperatures rise is therefore crucial for policy and decision-making.

The two modelling methods currently used to project future sea level change are process-based and semi-empirical. Process-based models rely on combining outputs from coupled atmosphere/ocean models for each component of sea level rise. Semi-empirical models calculate sea level as an integrated response to either warming or radiative forcing, using parameters constrained from past observations.

Historically, there is disagreement in sea-level projections between different modelling methods. One source of the discrepancies is uncertainty in land ice response to warming; although nonlinearities exist within processes affecting this response, most existing semi-empirical models treat the relationship between warming and ice-melt as linear.

Non-linear ice melt processes may have not yet affected the observational record (such as tipping points as future warming crosses some threshold) or may have already occurred (such as non-linear effects that apply across all levels of warming, or for which the threshold has already been passed). Here, we examine the effect on semi-empirical projections of sea level rise of nonlinearities in ice melt that have already affected the observed sea level record, by adding a nonlinear term to the relationship between warming and the rate of sea level rise within a large ensemble of historically constrained efficient earth systems model simulations.

Projections reach a median sea level rise of 1.3m by 2300 following SSP245, and 2.6m by 2300 following SSP585. Results suggest that nonlinear interactions can be sub-linear, super-linear or 0, with a mainly symmetrical distribution. This includes high-impact, low-probability super-linear interactions that lead to significantly larger high-end sea level rise projections than when nonlinear interactions are not included. It is key to note that nonlinear interactions that have not yet occurred but that may occur in the future, are not considered – these will lead to an increased projection of sea level rise.

How to cite: Avrutin, S., Goodwin, P., Haigh, I. D., and Nicholls, R.: Observation-Consistent Nonlinear Ice Melt Contribution to Sea Level Rise and its Implications for Sea-Level Projections, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14558,, 2023.

Cyril Germineaud, Denis Volkov, Sophie Cravatte, and William Llovel

Over the past few decades, the global mean sea level rise and superimposed regional fluctuations of sea level have exerted considerable stress on coastal communities, especially in low-elevation regions such as the Pacific Islands in the western South Pacific Ocean. This made it necessary to have the most comprehensive understanding of the forcing mechanisms that are responsible for the increasing rates of extreme sea level events. In this study, we explore the causes of the observed sea level variability in the midlatitude South Pacific on interannual time scales using observations and atmospheric reanalyses combined with a 1.5 layer reduced-gravity model. We focus on the 2004–2020 period, during which the Argo’s global array allowed us to assess year-to-year changes in steric sea level caused by thermohaline changes in different depth ranges (from the surface down to 2000 m). We find that during the 2015–2016 El Niño and the following 2017–2018 La Niña, large variations in thermosteric sea level occurred due to temperature changes within the 100–500 dbar layer in the midlatitude southwest Pacific. In the western boundary region (from 30°S to 40°S), the variations in halosteric sea level between 100 and 500 dbar were significant and could have partially balanced the corresponding changes in thermosteric sea level. We show that around 35°S, baroclinic Rossby waves forced by the open-ocean wind-stress forcing account for 40 to 75% of the interannual sea level variance between 100°W and 180°, while the influence of remote sea level signals generated near the Chilean coast is limited to the region east of 100°W. The contribution of surface heat fluxes on interannual time scales is also considered and shown to be negligible.

How to cite: Germineaud, C., Volkov, D., Cravatte, S., and Llovel, W.: Forcing Mechanisms of the Interannual Sea Level Variability in the Midlatitude South Pacific during 2004-2020, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16517,, 2023.

Julius Oelsmann, Francisco M. Calafat, Marcello Passaro, Chris Piecuch, Kristin Richter, Anthony Wise, Felix Landerer, Caroline Katsman, Chris Hughes, and Svetlana Jevrejeva

Sea level dynamics in the coastal zone can differ significantly from that in the open ocean. The presence of the continental slope, shallow waters and the coastlines give rise to a variety of processes that mediate the response of coastal sea level to open-ocean changes and produce distinct spatiotemporal sea level patterns. Yet how exactly this interplay occurs and, more importantly, the extent to what coastal sea level variations differ from open-ocean variability remain poorly understood. In this work, we use coastal altimetry observations in combination with tide gauge data to determine patterns of coherent coastal sea level variations and the degree of decoupling between such variations and open-ocean changes.

In a first step, we apply Bayesian mixture models to identify clusters of correlated tide gauge observations that explain a significant fraction of the coastal sea level variability. Using altimetry data, we find high regional coherency of along-shore coastal sea level variations, indicating common underlying mechanisms that cause these correlations.

In light of previous research, we confirm that the correlation structures of these coherent patterns are often confined to the continental slopes, particularly in extratropical regions. In regions like the northeastern US continental shelf, correlations decrease with increasing water depth, indicating a decoupling of shelf sea and open-ocean variability. We investigate how these differences between coastal and open ocean sea level variations change as a function of time scale, i.e., from monthly or interannual variations to long-term trends, and validate these results against tide gauge observations. We derive across-shore correlation length scales that provide insights into the space scales of coastal sea level dynamics and are useful to understand how well gridded products can resolve such processes.

We discuss possible causes of the coherent sea level fluctuations, such as wind forcing, coastally trapped waves, and large scale climate modes. The results motivate further research to better understand the driving mechanisms behind these coherent sea level variations, as well as the pathways linking remote forcing to coastal changes.

How to cite: Oelsmann, J., Calafat, F. M., Passaro, M., Piecuch, C., Richter, K., Wise, A., Landerer, F., Katsman, C., Hughes, C., and Jevrejeva, S.: Coherent modes of coastal sea level variability from altimetry and tide gauge observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5341,, 2023.

Posters virtual: Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall CL

Chairperson: Marta Marcos
Fengwei Wang, Yunzhong Shen, Qiujie Chen, and Jianhua Geng

A 24-year global mean barystatic sea level change from January 1993 to December 2016 is derived by the joint use of Tongji-LEO2021 and Tongji-Grace2018 monthly gravity field solutions, with which the global sea level budget is investigated together with altimetry, steric and four mass elements (glaciers, Greenland, Antarctica and land water storage). The derived global mean sea level changes from altimetry, steric and two Tongji solutions generally agree well with each other with three correlation coefficients all higher than 0.90. The results show that the linear trend of global mean sterodynamic sea level change is 2.85±0.30 mm/year from altimetry, close to 2.82±0.19 mm/year of barystatic (1.55±0.15 mm/year) plus steric (1.27±0.12 mm/year) and 2.94±0.13 mm/year of the sum mass contributions (1.67±0.06 mm/year) plus steric, whose misclosure ranges -0.09 to 0.03 mm/year. The acceleration of global mean barystatic sea level change is 0.139±0.019 mm/year2, which is mainly caused by four factors, 0.051±0.002 mm/year2 (~36.7%) by Greenland ice melting, 0.027±0.002 mm/year2 (~19.4%) by Antarctica ice melting, 0.027±0.001 mm/year2 (~19.4%) for other glaciers melting and 0.032±0.010 mm/year2 (~23.0%) for land water storage, respectively. The findings in this study suggested that the global sea level budget was closed from 1993 to 2016 based on altimetry, steric, Tongji solutions and mass elements data.

How to cite: Wang, F., Shen, Y., Chen, Q., and Geng, J.: Global Sea Level Trend, Acceleration and Its Components over 1993-2016, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4017,, 2023.

Clara Ribeiro, Magda Catarina Sousa, Carina Lurdes Lopes, Inés Álvarez, and João Miguel Dias

Mean sea level rise is currently a growing and prominent consequence of climate change. The increase in the mean sea level poses a significant threat to low-lying coastal areas that often present high economic and biological value. Recent studies also show that tidal propagation in estuarine systems will be altered due to climate change, intensifying the threat it poses to these systems. The Rias Baixas located in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the rest of the Galician coast, are areas of high primary production susceptible to alterations in their hydrodynamics induced by climate change,  negatively impacting the system.

In this context, this study aims to validate a hydrodynamic model of the Rias Baixas and to analyse the effect of mean sea level rise in the local hydrodynamics. The methodology followed comprises the application of a three-dimensional numerical model (Delft3D), with realistic bathymetry and coastline of the NW Iberian Peninsula including the Rias Baixas. The model considers the main physical processes and the main features of circulation. Ambient shelf conditions include TOPEX global tidal solution.

Firstly, the model validation was done through a qualitative and quantitative analysis. The qualitative analysis was done through a visual comparison between model results and observed time series of the water level in several sampling stations, showing good agreement. The quantitative analysis aims to assess the model performance, through the determination of the root mean square error between model results and observations and of the harmonic constituents from both types of data series. After the model validation, the main semidiurnal and diurnal constituents as well as the tidal current magnitude were determined for Ria Baixas for three mean sea level scenarios: present mean sea level and two future scenarios from CMIP6, a more optimistic one (SSP1 - 2.6) and a more pessimistic one (SSP5 - 8.5).

The model results show that the amplitude of the main semidiurnal and diurnal constituents will decreases for future scenarios, whereas the respective phase increases towards the head of the Rias. The results also highlight that tidal current magnitude generally increases with mean sea level rise for future scenarios, although a slight decrease was found at the upstream areas of the Ria Baixas.

Funding: We acknowledge financial support to CESAM by FCT/MCTES (UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020+ LA/P/0094/2020) through national funds.

How to cite: Ribeiro, C., Sousa, M. C., Lopes, C. L., Álvarez, I., and Dias, J. M.: Impact of mean sea level rise in the Rias Baixas hydrodynamics (NW Iberian Peninsula), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17395,, 2023.

Anrijs Abele, Sam Royston, and Jonathan Bamber

Ocean dynamics plays a prominent role in the change of sea level variability on approach to the coast. While some studies have focused on decadal changes at tide gauges, a gap remains in understanding higher frequency variability, which provides a significant proportion of total variability in the coastal region. The Northwest Atlantic, an area including the U.S. East coast and Atlantic Canada, is a known hotspot of sea level rise and shows spatial differences in lower frequency variability along the shelf. However, the higher frequency variability is rarely explored, despite being at least partly captured by the observation systems.

In this study, we evaluated the sea level variability across the sub-annual timescales on the shelf of the Northwest Atlantic and linked it to the local and far-field ocean dynamics. The drivers of sea level variability include both wind-driven and buoyancy-driven circulation. We used high-frequency tide gauge records, eddy-resolving high-resolution (1/12°) ocean reanalysis, and high-precision synthetic aperture radar (SAR) altimeter along-track data to obtain sea level anomalies for the analysis. We evaluated the coherence of sea level signal for all sources and with the drivers of ocean circulation.

How to cite: Abele, A., Royston, S., and Bamber, J.: Sea level variability across the Northwest Atlantic shelf, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4176,, 2023.