In our session presenters discuss the design of platforms and methods to scale-up and develop end- to-end repeatable, reusable and/or reproducible ML-model workflows based on multi-modal EO data to global and real-time services. These methods support the organization of input data, the efficient model training, continuous evaluation & testing, and deployment for federated operations on hybrid compute systems.
In particular, the following five topics will be addressed:
1. big geospatial data hubs for efficient preparation of analysis-ready data and features, 2. large-scale ML training on high-performance computing and cloud infrastructure,
3. frameworks for ML-operations at global scale considering complex workflows and hybrid systems,
4. reusability and reproducibility of complex EO-based workflows across platforms, as well as
5. big geospatial data and GeoML-model federation to reach maximal scale by efficient data sharing and model training & inference across institutions around the globe.
We target to not exclusively provide insights into frameworks and methods, but will also discuss the challenges faced en route from research experiments to a successfully integrated, real-time and global service.
Machine learning (ML) applied to earth observation (EO) data provides an ample source to distill insights about our planet and societal activities. Typically, such investigations run as scientific research projects or as industrial proof-of-concept studies with significant manual interaction. In practice, corresponding solutions operate on a local or regional scale considering individual events or limited time periods. Advancing platform technologies and adherence to Open Science principles to enable scalable and reproducible workflows of high complexity are key to drive innovation in EO science and applications.
In our session presenters discuss the design of platforms and methods to scale-up and develop end- to-end repeatable, reusable and/or reproducible ML-model workflows based on multi-modal EO data to global and real-time services. These methods support the organization of input data, the efficient model training, continuous evaluation & testing, and deployment for federated operations on hybrid compute systems.
In particular, the following five topics will be addressed:
1. big geospatial data hubs for efficient preparation of analysis-ready data and features, 2. large-scale ML training on high-performance computing and cloud infrastructure,
3. frameworks for ML-operations at global scale considering complex workflows and hybrid systems,
4. reusability and reproducibility of complex EO-based workflows across platforms, as well as
5. big geospatial data and GeoML-model federation to reach maximal scale by efficient data sharing and model training & inference across institutions around the globe.
We target to not exclusively provide insights into frameworks and methods, but will also discuss the challenges faced en route from research experiments to a successfully integrated, real-time and global service.