CR3.3 | Subglacial and supraglacial hydrology of ice sheets, ice shelves and glaciers
Subglacial and supraglacial hydrology of ice sheets, ice shelves and glaciers
Convener: Amber Leeson | Co-conveners: Gabriela Clara Racz, Mauro Werder, Riley Culberg
| Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)
Room L3
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 24 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X5
Orals |
Mon, 08:30
Mon, 14:00
Dynamic subglacial and supraglacial water networks play a key role in the flow and stability of glaciers and ice sheets. The accumulation of meltwater on the surface of ice shelves has been hypothesized as a potential mechanism controlling ice-shelf stability, with ice-shelf collapse triggering substantial increases in discharge of grounded ice. Observations and modelling also suggest that complex hydrological networks occur at the base of glaciers and ice sheets and these systems play a prominent role in controlling the flow of grounded ice. This session tackles the urgent need to better understand the fundamental processes involved in glacial hydrology that need to be addressed in order to accurately predict future ice-sheet evolution and mass loss, and ultimately the contribution to sea-level rise.

We seek contributions from both the modelling and observational communities relating to any area of ice-sheet hydrology. This includes but is not limited to: surface hydrology, melt lake and river formation; meltwater processes within the ice and firn; basal hydrology; subglacial lakes; impacts of meltwater on ice-sheet stability and flow; incorporation of any of these processes into large-scale climate and ice-sheet models.

Orals: Mon, 24 Apr | Room L3

Chairpersons: Amber Leeson, Riley Culberg
On-site presentation
Tilly Woods and Ian Hewitt

Shortwave radiation penetrating beneath an ice-sheet surface can cause internal melting and the formation of a near-surface porous layer known as the weathering crust, a dynamic hydrological system that provides home to impurities and microbial life. We develop a mathematical model, incorporating thermodynamics and population dynamics, for the evolution of such layers. The model accounts for conservation of mass and energy, for internal and surface-absorbed radiation, and for logistic growth of a microbial species mediated by nutrients that are sourced from the melting ice. It also accounts for potential melt-albedo and microbe-albedo feedbacks, through the dependence of the absorption coefficient on the porosity or microbial concentration. We investigate one-dimensional steadily melting solutions of the model, which give rise to predictions for the weathering crust depth, water content, melt rate, and microbial abundance, depending on a number of parameters. In particular, we examine how these quantities depend on the forcing energy fluxes, finding that the relative amounts of shortwave (surface penetrating) radiation and other heat fluxes are particularly important in determining the structure of the weathering crust. The results explain why weathering crusts form and disappear under different forcing conditions, and suggest a range of possible changes in behaviour in response to climate change. Time-dependent solutions of the model will also be discussed.

How to cite: Woods, T. and Hewitt, I.: A model of the weathering crust and microbial activity on an ice-sheet surface, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-81,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Federico Covi, Mark Fahnestock, Regine Hock, Jing Xiao, Åsa Rennermalm, Martin Truffer, Matthew Sturm, and Carl Benson

The presence of thick ice layers in firn (so-called ice slabs) has the potential to increase the contribution to sea-level rise of the Greenland ice sheet. These impermeable ice layers prevent water percolation in the firn, leading to more efficient runoff by favoring lateral movement of water on top of the ice slabs. Here we use optical images from the Sentinel-2 satellites to track the seasonal and interannual evolution of snow fully saturated with water to the surface (blue slush) in southwest Greenland. Furthermore, we use a high resolution digital elevation model to assess the role of local topography on the formation of ice slabs and on lateral movement of water. 

We find that blue slush can reach elevations up to 1900 m a.s.l. in years with above average melt with maxima in August. Blue slush appears preferentially in areas where the surface slope approaches 0°, which is also where the ice slabs are thicker. The propagation of blue slush to lower elevation following local slope indicates water movement on top of the impermeable layer. Thus, we suggest that the process of formation of thick ice slabs is a self-sustaining positive feedback system.

How to cite: Covi, F., Fahnestock, M., Hock, R., Xiao, J., Rennermalm, Å., Truffer, M., Sturm, M., and Benson, C.: Spatio-Temporal Variations of Blue Slush and Water Flow in the Percolation Zone of Greenland: the Role of Local Topography, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12649,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Nicole Clerx and Horst Machguth

The Greenland ice sheet is losing mass. Thereby, the location of the runoff limit, the highest elevation from which meltwater finds its way off the ice sheet, plays an important role. Above the runoff limit all meltwater refreezes and does not contribute to mass loss. In recent years surface runoff has increasingly occurred from higher elevations, thereby expanding the area of mass loss: between 1985 and 2020, the maximum runoff limit rose by on average 194 metres, expanding the visible runoff area by around 29%.

The observed rise in the runoff limit might be related to intensive meltwater refreezing within the firn which leads to the formation of thick ice layers, also called ice slabs. Our field experiments, carried out at around 1750 m a.s.l. on the K-Transect, have shown that meltwater generated over ice slabs is generally forced to flow laterally: initially through a near-surface slush matrix and then forming streams and rivers. It remains unclear, however, how much of the meltwater contributes to runoff, and which percentage refreezes and contributes to ice slab formation or expansion.

Here we present a conceptual quasi 2D-model of runoff, that simulates lateral meltwater flow on top of an ice slab using firn hydrological properties measured on the southwest Greenland ice sheet. We adapted a gridded linear-reservoir runoff routing model to calculate (i) the distance meltwater can travel within one melt season, and (ii) when meltwater breakthrough at the snow surface (i.e. slush formation) occurs. First results provide insight into the evolution of the water table height over time that matches observations made during our summer field campaign. We are exploring ways to incorporate meltwater refreezing, to better understand ice slab evolution and their impact on the fate of meltwater between vertical percolation, refreezing and lateral runoff.

How to cite: Clerx, N. and Machguth, H.: Modelling lateral meltwater flow atop the GreenlandIce Sheet’s near-surface ice slabs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2279,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Rebecca Dell, Ian Willis, Neil Arnold, and Alison Banwell

Surface meltwater on Antarctic ice shelves is comprised of slush (saturated firn), and ponded water (lakes and streams). Often, slush forms as a precursor to ponded water, and its formation leads subsequently to water collecting in basins or flowing across ice shelf surfaces. Where slush and/or ponded water refreeze at the end of a melt season, the firn air content of ice shelves may be lowered. This can increase ice shelves’ susceptibility to future meltwater ponding, making them more vulnerable to potential hydrofracture and break-up. Slush and ponded water also have a lower albedo than snow or dry firn, further increasing ice-shelf surface melt under warmer climates. To date, most satellite-derived estimates of surface water on ice shelves have identified only ponded water, potentially underestimating the extent of surface meltwater. Here, we use a previously developed random forest classifier to produce a novel, continent-wide dataset of slush and ponded water extent across all Antarctic ice shelves between 2013 and 2021. Our dataset is comprised of monthly meltwater products for the austral summers (November-March where data availability allows), from which continent-wide, regional, and individual ice-shelf trends are investigated.

The continent-wide total meltwater coverage (assessed between November and February) was greatest during January 2017, reaching 6078 km2. Notably, we find that including the slush extent in total meltwater calculations increases surface water extent by a mean of 56% during the melt-season peak (January). However, we identify marked inter-regional variation, with slush accounting for 71% of January’s total surface meltwater extent in Dronning Maud Land, but only 46% in the Antarctic Peninsula. This indicates that until now, the extent of surface meltwater across Antarctica’s ice shelves has been largely under-estimated on ice shelf, regional, and continent-wide scales, which has significant repercussions for calculations of the surface and sub-surface energy and mass balance of ice shelves, the long-term storage of meltwater on ice shelves, and predictions of future ice shelf stability.

How to cite: Dell, R., Willis, I., Arnold, N., and Banwell, A.: Satellite-derived estimates of slush and ponded water extent across Antarctica's ice shelves, 2013-2021, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14438,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Anirudha Mahagaonkar, Geir Moholdt, and Thomas V. Schuler

We have identified large spatiotemporal variability in the extent of supraglacial lakes on ice shelves in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. While large lakes were found over Nivlisen and Roi Baudouin ice shelf areas, only small lakes were mapped over Fimbulisen and Muninisen. Preliminary analyses reveal a positive correlation between supraglacial lake extents (over specific ice shelves) and mean summer (December, January, February) temperatures and Positive Degree Days from ERA5. However, these correlations do not explain the large variability in overall Dronning Maud Land assessments. For instance, Fimbulisen area has the warmest summer temperatures and highest sum Positive Degree Days with very low lake extents. In contrast, the adjacent Nivlisen area with similar summer statistics has large spread of supraglacial lakes over the ice shelf area. We also identified that over specific melt years (e.g., 2016-2017, high lake extents; 2020-2021, low lake extents), all ice shelf areas with supraglacial lakes in Dronning Maud Land had relatively similar local lake extents, indicating the role of both regional and local factors influencing the ponding of meltwater. In this work, we attempt to identify the factors influencing melting and ponding in Dronning Maud Land. For this purpose, we use outputs from ERA5-Land and Modèle Régional Atmosphèrique (MAR) which have a higher spatial resolution (~10 km) than ERA5 (~31 km). At coarser resolutions climate models are deficient to capture localized processes that may have a crucial role in influencing surface melting and ponding – e.g., the katabatic winds. Outputs at higher resolutions may better constrain such small-scale phenomena and by using these datasets we may resolve the knowledge gap surrounding the controlling factors. Atmospheric factors in consideration are katabatic winds, cloudiness, precipitation, and albedo. Environmental factors such as blue ice, firn air content and surface topography will also be assessed to ascertain their influencing role. The results of this analysis will help in understanding the near-future evolution of supraglacial lakes on Dronning Maud Land and provide important insight into the future ice shelf stability in the region and also for improving estimates of the Antarctic ice sheet mass budget.

How to cite: Mahagaonkar, A., Moholdt, G., and Schuler, T. V.: Factors driving Supraglacial Lake variability on ice shelves in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12647,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Valeria Di Biase, Peter Kuipers Munneke, Bert Wouters, and Sophie de Roda Husman

In the past decade, localized in-situ observation and radar measurements have revealed the presence of firn aquifers on the Antarctic Ice Sheet. They are believed to be an important component of the hydrological system of the ice sheet, but currently no large-scale observational studies exist, hampering a detailed assessment of their contribution to runoff and sea-level rise.
We present a probability map of firn-aquifer presence around the Antarctic Ice Sheet, based on a combination of remote sensing and climate modeling data. C-band radar imagery from the Sentinel-1 and Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) missions, together with climate data from the regional atmospheric climate model RACMO2.3p2, are combined to map the probability of detecting seasonal and perennial firn aquifers at 5.5x5.5 km2 resolution in the period 2017 to 2020.
Our method is based on Monte Carlo simulations: its algorithm predicts the probability of aquifer presence based on a set of fixed inputs, to which dedicated thresholds and weights are assigned.
In agreement with observation from previous studies, we find a high probability of firn aquifer presence in the north and northwest of the Antarctic Peninsula, and on the Wilkins and George VI ice shelves. A low probability is found in the higher elevation areas of the central Antarctic Peninsula, where the presence of aquifers is not expected due to the absence of surface melt. Thanks to the large spatio-temporal availability of the input datasets, the presence of aquifers in different regions of Antarctica has been estimated. The methodology has been validated in selected regions of Greenland, where the presence of aquifers has been observed using in-situ and remotely sensed data.

How to cite: Di Biase, V., Kuipers Munneke, P., Wouters, B., and de Roda Husman, S.: Antarctic firn aquifers detection algorithm based on satellite and regional climate model data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9491,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Yuhan Wang, Kang Yang, Jinyu Liu, Wensong Zhang, Mengtian Man, and Dinghua Chen

Moulins are vertical meltwater pathways formed by hydro-fracturing of crevasses or supraglacial lakes. On the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS), moulins can efficiently drain surface meltwater into the ice sheet, drive subglacial drainage system development, control variations in subglacial water pressure, and eventually influence ice motion. Thereby, moulins are essential to understand the connection between supraglacial, englacial and subglacial drainage systems. However, most of existing studies focused on moulins in small areas or short time periods, leaving moulin spatiotemporal variations still unclear. In this study, we extracted moulins on the southwestern GrIS from 2016 to 2021 using multi-temporal Sentinel-2 satellite images and ArcticDEM, and analyzed their interannual spatiotemporal variations. Results show that: (1) Moulin distribution varies significantly in different years. In general, moulin numbers increase linearly with the rise of accumulative annual meltwater runoff, while the terminal supraglacial lake numbers decreased exponentially. (2) The annual moulin distribution can affect the distributions in subsequent years, and the smaller the intervals, the stronger the effect. (3) There are significant variations in the meltwater runoff draining into the ice sheet in different years, especially in high elevation region (>1600 m).

How to cite: Wang, Y., Yang, K., Liu, J., Zhang, W., Man, M., and Chen, D.: Mapping moulins on the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3843,, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Gabriela Clara Racz, Mauro Werder
On-site presentation
Shivani Ehrenfeucht, Mathieu Morlighem, Eric Rignot, and Christine Dow

Greenland ice shelves are known to display seasonal speedups of ice velocity which can be attributed to ice front position or to meltwater runoff, depending on which glacier is being examined. However, it remains uncertain if the seasonality of glacier speed will be impacted by climate change in the coming century. Current projections of glacier dynamics under 21st century climate forcings do not include subglacial hydrology, so it also remains unknown if it will play any important role in evolving glacier dynamics under different climate change scenarios, or ultimately have an impact on sea-level rise projections. Here we present a model with synchronous coupling of ice dynamics and subglacial hydrology applied to Petermann Glacier in northern Greenland. Petermann exhibits a summer-time acceleration of roughly 15% as compared to its baseline winter velocity, which is likely the result of subglacial hydrology. Although it has been relatively stable in recent years, as one of the largest marine terminating glaciers in northern Greenland, whether or not Petermann remains stable will have a significant impact on the sea-level contribution of the northern sector of the ice-sheet. We use climate through 2100 to investigate how the subglacial hydrologic system may evolve in a warmer climate and to test if including hydrology changes the stability of Petermann under future climate scenarios using the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) which includes the Glacier Drainage System (GlaDS) model. We compare glacier evolution and projected sea-level rise for three model configurations: one with synchronously coupled subglacial hydrology and ice dynamics, a second with asynchronous coupling where subglacial hydrology is calculated with static ice geometry and velocity but ice dynamics are calculated using effective pressure from GlaDS output, and a third where subglacial hydrology is excluded entirely from the model setup.  Results show a significant increase in projected sea-level rise by the end of the century and differing patterns of grounding line migration and ice thinning when subglacial hydrology is included in the model configuration for Petermann.

How to cite: Ehrenfeucht, S., Morlighem, M., Rignot, E., and Dow, C.: Sea-level rise projections of Petermann Glacier, Greenland, modeled using synchronously coupled subglacial hydrology and ice flow dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10253,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Britney Schmidt, Peter Washam, Justin Lawrence, Huw Horgan, Craig Stevens, Craig Stewart, Gavin Dunbar, Linda Balfoort, Christina Hulbe, Benjamin Hurwitz, Andrew Mullen, Enrica Quartini, Daniel Dichek, Veronica Hegelein, Francis Bryson, and Darcy Mandeno

Kamb Ice Stream (KIS) is one of the largest tributaries to the Ross Ice Shelf, grounded near the southermost edge of the massive ice shelf.  Stagnant for some 150 years, the rerouting of subglacial water beneath the ice stream and others in the region is likely critical to the stagnation of the ice stream, as well as present and future dynamics.  As part of the Antarctic New Zealand-led Antarctic Science Platform, our NSF- and NASA- funded team was able to participate in two field seasons accessing below KIS.  In Austral summer 2021-2022,  a hot water drilled borehole was made through the ice and into the major subglaciall channel upstream of the grounding line that carries subglacial water in to the ocean.  The access hole allowed for ice, ocean, sediment, and environemental observations inside the channel.  We deployed the Icefin ROV, which is a novel platform that provides hydrographic, imaging, and sonar exploration in situ below the ice.  Here, we report the first Icefin observations from within the channel.  We report channel geometry, ice-ocean interactions at the top and side walls of the channel, and sonar and imaging data of the sediment along a 500m mission extending upstream of the borehole.  In particular, we report bathymetric observations of the bed of the channel, which varied by 10s of me in width over the mission, and into which a small, meandering ~4m deep channel was incised into the sediments.  We discuss observations of boulder and sediment drape and suspended particulates in the water colum, and discuss implications for hydrological activity within the channel.

How to cite: Schmidt, B., Washam, P., Lawrence, J., Horgan, H., Stevens, C., Stewart, C., Dunbar, G., Balfoort, L., Hulbe, C., Hurwitz, B., Mullen, A., Quartini, E., Dichek, D., Hegelein, V., Bryson, F., and Mandeno, D.: Exploring a subglacial channel beneath Kamb Ice Stream with Icefin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16781,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Yan Zhou, Steven Franke, Thomas Kleiner, Reinhard Drews, Angelika Humbert, Daniela Jansen, and Olaf Eisen

The existence of ice-shelf basal channels has a significant impact on both buttressing ability and basal melting of ice shelves in Antarctica. Although they can provide a unique perspective of processes for the mass transfer from grounded ice sheet to floating ice shelf, their origination and evolution are still not fully understood.

Here we used airborne and ground-based radar to investigate the subglacial channel features at the grounding line (GL). We determined the geometry of five channels (two of which are characterized for the first time) in a set of flow-perpendicular radar profiles, also perpendicular to the channels. We found that the evolution from grounded subglacial channels to the ice-shelf basal channels mainly goes through three stages: (1) The grounded subglacial channels appear 4 to 5 km upstream of the GL and their incision into the ice sheet increases while approaching the GL; (2) as the subglacial channels extend into the grounding zone (1 to 2 km downstream of GL), their inner walls started melting, also they keep their roof-top features; (3) on the shelf interaction with the ocean, surface accumulation and ice dynamics further lead to flattening and widening, progressively turning them into generally known ice-shelf basal channels.

Additionally to radar observations, we investigated the role of subglacial hydrology with two modelling approach (subglacial water flux with CUAS-MPI and water routing with CiDRE). A comparison shows that most channel locations in the radar profiles match with areas of higher subglacial water presence, consequently implying that subglacial water flux could mainly be responsible for maintaining the presence of subglacial channels.

Based on the already earlier proposed relation that the presence of a sub-ice shelf basal channel is linked to a corresponding channel at the GL, we identify one now active channel at the GL to be related to one which was earlier until 59 years ago. This indicates that basal channels and consequently basal water flux across the GL can change at least on the scale of centuries. Our observed reactivation of a subglacial channel confirms the suitability of basal channels in ice shelves to be used as proxies of past subglacial hydrological activities and other potentially larger events.

How to cite: Zhou, Y., Franke, S., Kleiner, T., Drews, R., Humbert, A., Jansen, D., and Eisen, O.: Temporal activity of subglacial channels around the grounding line of Roi Baudouin Ice Shelf, from ice-penetrating radar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3558,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Joshua Rines, Yao Lai, and Yongji Wang

Surface meltwater on the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) can lubricate the bottom of the ice sheet via surface-to-bed pathways, such as moulins and vertical hydrofracture. The basal lubrication reduces the friction between the ice and the bed, which leads to perturbations in the velocity, strain rate, and stress fields that are felt laterally away from the location of the basal water as well as through the entire thickness of the ice column up to the surface.  In some instances, the induced surface stress may be sufficient to break new cracks, leaving the GrIS more vulnerable to rapid lake drainage via hydrofracture.  It is therefore important to understand the dominant physical parameters which control the magnitude and spatial extent (i.e. the coupling lengthscale) of stress perturbations induced by the basal meltwater lubrication.  To constrain the importance of surface slope, bed slope, and ice thickness as controls on this stress response, we used a 2D simulation of Stokes flow over a slippery patch with various basal boundary conditions, simulating the presence of meltwater lubrication.  We found that the magnitude of the stress response scales with the surface slope while the coupling lengthscale scales with the ice thickness.  This indicates that inland ice may experience a weaker but longer-range stress perturbation in response to water lubrication at the bed.

How to cite: Rines, J., Lai, Y., and Wang, Y.: Perturbation of ice sheet surface stress via basal lubrication, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8743,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Tómas Jóhannesson, Thomas Zwinger, Peter Råback, and Juha Ruokolainen

Glacier outburst floods, or jökulhlaups, from subglacial geothermal areas, marginal lakes and subglacial volcanic eruptions are common in Iceland and they pose a substantial hazard to settled areas as well as to roads, communication lines and other infrastructure near glaciers. Jökulhlaups have attracted increasing attention in recent years in many glacier areas because of an increased frequency due to the formation of terminus and marginal lakes in connection with global warming and the associated glacier downwasting. Jökulhlaups can be categorized into two groups, slowly and rapidly rising, with marked differences in the flood hydrographs. Slowly-rising jökulhlaups are traditionally explained by the theory of Nye (1976) through a conduit-melt–discharge feedback mechanism. The initial subglacial propagation and the development of the flood hydrograph of rapidly-rising jökulhlaups is, on the other hand, not quantitatively understood. We present observations of glacier outburst floods from W-Vatnajökull in Iceland that may be interpreted in terms of a conceptual theory for such floods as a pressure wave in the basal hydraulic system that propagates downglacier and creates the initial flood path by lifting the glacier from its sole. This theory is being implemented as a numerical model for rapidly-rising jökulhlaups in the Elmer/Ice Open-Source Finite-Element Software. The model describes the subglacial propagation of the jökulhlaup front using visco-elastic plate dynamics for the overlying glacier ice combined with a turbulent sheet model for the subglacial water flood. The evolution of the subglacial flooded area is simulated numerically through the solution of a contact problem that represents the lifting of the ice from the underlying glacier bed where the subglacial water pressure exceeds the normal stress in the ice at the sole of the glacier. We hence can identify 4 crucial components of the model: 1) A visco-elastic ice-deformation model, 2) a two-dimensional pressurized water-sheet model based on Manning’s law for turbulent friction in water flow, 3) the solution of a contact problem induced by hydraulic jacking of the glacier, and 4) the consistent (in terms of the spatial stress distribution) solution of the fluid–structure interaction between the ice and the water-sheet. We present and discuss these different aspects in terms of their numerical implementation in Elmer/Ice. The aim of the model is to explain the speed of propagation of the subglacial flood front at the beginning of the flood as well as the time-dependent flood hydrograph after the flood bursts out from under the glacier at the ice margin.

How to cite: Jóhannesson, T., Zwinger, T., Råback, P., and Ruokolainen, J.: Numerical modelling of rapidly-rising glacier outburst floods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12179,, 2023.

On-site presentation
George Malczyk, Noel Gourmelen, Carolyn Michael, and Oskar Krauss

Most of the ice in the Antarctic ice sheet drains from the continent to the ocean through fast-flowing ice streams and glaciers. The high velocity of these features is thought to be maintained by water at the ice sheet's base, which reduces friction. Subglacial water moving has been linked to transient glacier flow acceleration and enhanced melt at the grounding line. Therefore, the presence, location, and movement of water at the ice sheet's base are likely significant controls on the mass balance of Antarctica.

The transport of subglacial water from the interior of Antarctica to the grounding line was once thought to be a steady-state process. It is now known that subglacial water collects in hydrological sinks, which store and release water in episodic events. These features can be detected and quantified by satellite altimetry. This behaviour is interpreted as water moving in and out of 'active' subglacial lakes.

Detecting active subglacial lakes with satellite altimetry commonly involves searching for localized regions of surface elevation change over short temporal time frames. In practice, this can be incredibly cumbersome due to the large amounts of data that need to be processed and a high degree of guesswork regarding where potential lakes might be located.

Here we present a semi-automatic active subglacial lake approach for detecting and classifying drainage and filling events across Antarctica from an entire archive of satellite altimetry. We first use CryoSat-2 altimetry to produce time-dependent rate of elevation change maps for the whole of the Antarctic continent. From these maps, we search for localized regions of elevation change indicative of subglacial lake activity. We then extract time series for these features and perform change point analysis to automatically detect subglacial lake activity and extract important parameters such as discharge volumes and recharge rates. This approach reveals several new lakes previously undetected.

For example, five new lakes are found over the Thwaites glacier in addition to the four previously recorded. Here we present the approach and the resulting updated inventory of subglacial lake activity across Antarctica.

How to cite: Malczyk, G., Gourmelen, N., Michael, C., and Krauss, O.: Semi-Automatic Active Subglacial Lake Detection in Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12985,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Yue Meng, Riley Culberg, and Ching-Yao Lai

Ice slabs are multi-meter thick layers of solid reforzen ice that form on top of the porous firn layer in Greenland’s wet snow zone. Recent observations in Northwest Greenland highlight the ability of this relict firn layer to store meltwater in its pores after surface meltwater drains rapidly through cracks in the overlying ice slab. Current fracture mechanics (i.e., LEFM) assumes that the stored elastic energy in an impermeable solid matrix is instantaneously dissipated by creating new crack surfaces, which only holds for impermeable solid media. To better understand the fate of meltwater in the porous firn layer beneath ice slabs, we develop a two-dimensional, poroelastic continuum model to quantify the stress and pressure changes in the porous firn during meltwater penetration.

We extend Biot’s poroelastic theory to two-phase immiscible flow by introducing meltwater saturation as an extra variable. By coupling the fluid continuity and force balance equations, we resolve the spatiotemporal evolution of 1) matrix deformations and effective stresses, 2) the water saturation field, and 3) the water pressure field. We adopt a fracture criterion for the cohesive porous firn layer: the maximum tensile effective stress should exceed the material tensile strength to generate fractures. We study the maximum tensile effective stress induced by water injection as a function of firn’s mechanical and hydraulic properties (bulk modulus, porosity, and permeability), and the infiltration conditions (constant infiltration pressure or flow rate). Our results show that the maximum tensile effective stress in the firn layer is no more than a quarter of that predicted for an equivalent solid ice column, because the imposed load is mostly transmitted into the pore pressure. Therefore our model predicts that surface-to-bed hydrofracture is unlikely to form if meltwater can leak into the firn layer. In “Vulnerability of Firn to Hydrofracture, Part II: Greenland’s Ice Slab Regions”, we apply this model to assess the vulnerability of Greenland’s ice slab regions.

How to cite: Meng, Y., Culberg, R., and Lai, C.-Y.: Vulnerability of Firn to Hydrofracture, Part I: Poromechanical Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3994,, 2023.


Posters on site: Mon, 24 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X5

Chairperson: Amber Leeson
Supraglacial and englacial hydrology
Brice Noël, Melchior van Wessem, Bert Wouters, Luke Trusel, Stef Lhermitte, and Michiel van den Broeke

Although recent mass loss of the Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) is predominantly driven by ice shelf thinning and increased solid ice discharge, surface processes also directly affect mass changes. Snowfall fluctuations control the variability in surface mass balance (SMB) of the grounded AIS, while meltwater ponding threatens the viability of floating ice shelves. Surface processes are thus essential to quantify present and project future AIS mass loss, but remain poorly represented in climate models running at 25-100 km spatial resolution. Here we present new, daily Antarctic SMB products at 2 km resolution, statistically downscaled from the output of RACMO2.3p2 at 27 km resolution, for the contemporary climate (1979-2021) and a low, moderate and high-end warming scenario until 2100. We show that statistical downscaling to 2 km resolution modestly enhances contemporary SMB (+8%) but strongly increases melt (+50%), notably in the vicinity of the grounding line, in better agreement with both in situ and remote sensing records. The melt increase in the downscaled products persists in the future projections irrespective of the scenario, suggesting a systematic underestimate in low-resolution (regional) climate models.

How to cite: Noël, B., van Wessem, M., Wouters, B., Trusel, L., Lhermitte, S., and van den Broeke, M.: Statistical downscaling increases Antarctic ice sheet surface melt rate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6493,, 2023.

Sanne Veldhuijsen, Willem Jan van de Berg, Peter Kuipers Munneke, and Michiel van den Broeke

Firn covers about 99% of the Antarctic ice sheet, providing, among other things, pore space in which most of the surface meltwater refreezes. Under anticipated future warming, surface melt, densification rates and the formation of impermeable ice layers are expected to increase, resulting in the depletion of reachable firn air content and consequently accelerated firn saturation by melt water. Firn saturation on Antarctica’s floating ice shelves is especially important, as this can potentially lead to their disintegration by hydrofracturing. On the other hand, snowfall is expected to increase as well, which will add pore space to the firn.

       In this study, we simulate the historical (1950-present) and future (present until 2100) transient evolution of the Antarctic firn layer under three different climate change scenarios. For this we use the IMAU Firn Densification Model driven by outputs of the Community Earth System Model (CESM2), dynamically downscaled to 27 km resolution with the Regional Atmospheric Climate MOdel (RACMO), version 2.3p2. We analyze the dominant atmospheric and firn processes and investigate under which conditions firn air content depletion is expected to occur. We show that ice shelves around the Antarctic Peninsula and the Roi Baudouin ice shelf are most vulnerable to firn air content depletion, whereas strong firn air content loss on the Ross and Filchner-Ronne ice shelves is not expected to occur before 2100 under all climate change scenarios. We discuss potential reasons for the differences between this ‘transient’ modelling approach from recently applied ‘diagnostic’ studies.

How to cite: Veldhuijsen, S., van de Berg, W. J., Kuipers Munneke, P., and van den Broeke, M.: Antarctic firn air content depletion for different climate change scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8335,, 2023.

Riley Culberg, Yue Meng, and Ching-Yao Lai

Hydrofracture and rapid lake drainage can transport surface meltwater to the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet, thereby coupling surface mass balance processes and dynamic mass loss. Vertical hydrofracture is widely assumed to occur in the ablation zone, where abundant surface runoff that can fill fractures. However, in Greenland, the runoff line has expanded into the accumulation zone due to the development of ice slabs in the firn. It remains unclear whether surface runoff from these ice slab regions also drains locally to the bed. Recent observations in Northwest Greenland suggest that when meltwater penetrates ice slabs via surface fractures, it leaks off into a relict firn layer and does not initiate unstable vertical hydrofracture that propagates throughout the ice thickness. At the same time, buried supraglacial lakes have been observed to drain to the ice sheet bed this same region. Therefore, to assess the mass balance impact of ice slab expansion, it is important to understand if and when surface-to-bed hydrofracture may occur in these regions.

In “Vulnerability of Firn to Hydrofracture, Part I: Poromechanical Modeling”, we developed an analytic expression for the maximum tensile effective stress within the firn layer beneath a water-filled fracture in an ice slab. Here we apply this model to Greenland’s ice slab regions. We use an ensemble of in situ and remote sensing observations to constrain the physical, mechanical, and hydraulic parameters in our model. We then run a Monte Carlo analysis to constrain the physically-plausible range of maximum tensile effective stress in the firn for two scenarios: a water-filled crevasse in an ice slab or a supraglacial lake over a fractured ice slab. Our results show that the maximum stress in the firn layer is always less than in an equivalent solid ice column, and typically remains compressive, because the imposed load is partially accommodated by a change in pore pressure. An overlying lake further stabilizes the system by increasing the lithostatic stress that acts to close the fracture. Therefore, in Greenland, the relict firn layer can be an important stabilizing factor that suppresses surface-to-bed hydrofracture under ice slabs, despite the abundance of both surface crevassing and meltwater.

How to cite: Culberg, R., Meng, Y., and Lai, C.-Y.: Vulnerability of Firn to Hydrofracture, Part II: Greenland’s Ice Slab Regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3996,, 2023.

Ian Willis, Katherine Deakin, Becky Dell, and Mariel Dirscherl

Meltwater retention on the surface of ice shelves may lead to hydrofracturing and ultimately their breakup and collapse. Several methods have been used to map surface meltwater on ice shelves from satellite imagery, but a comparison of the methods and a systematic analysis of the results has not been undertaken. Here we bring together two recent inventories of surface meltwater features that use machine learning technologies to map: i) ponds from both Sentinel-2 optical and Sentinel-1 SAR imagery; and ii) both ponds and slush from Landsat 8 optical imagery. We analyse the meltwater products at a bi-monthly (twice a month) timescale over six austral summers between November 2015 and March 2021 for the George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula. We investigate the data sets to reveal the seasonal evolution of surface and shallow subsurface meltwater in terms of the onset, cessation and therefore duration of slush and ponded water, as well as the persistency of slush and ponded water areas from year to year. We find areas where the evolution follows similar patterns from year to year, but also highly anomalous patterns and timings in other years. Finally, a systematic analysis of Sentinel 1 imagery throughout the winter seasons reveals several perennial shallow surface water bodies.

How to cite: Willis, I., Deakin, K., Dell, B., and Dirscherl, M.: Intra- and inter-annual melt water patterns on George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula, from synthetic aperture radar and optical satellite imagery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9677,, 2023.

Alison Banwell, Douglas MacAyeal, Ian Willis, Laura Stevens, and Rebecca Dell

Hundreds of surface lakes are known to form each summer on north George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula. To investigate surface-meltwater induced ice-shelf flexure and fracture, we obtained Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations and ground-based timelapse photography over north George VI for three melt seasons from November 2019 to November 2022

In particular, we used these field observations to characterize the flexure and fracture behaviour of a pre-existing doline (i.e. drained lake basin) on north George VI during the record-high melt season of 2019/2020. The GNSS displacement timeseries shows a downward vertical displacement of the doline centre with respect to the doline rim of ~80 cm in response to loading from the development of a central meltwater lake. Viscous flexure modelling indicates that this vertical displacement likely generates flexure stresses of ~> 75 kPa. The GNSS data also show a 10s of days episode of rapid-onset, exponentially decaying horizontal displacement where the horizontal distance from the rim of the doline with respect to its center increases by ~70 cm. We interpret this event as the initiation and/or widening of a single fracture, possibly aided by the availability of surface meltwater (i.e. hydrofracture). Our observations document for the first time the initiation and/or widening of a “ring fracture” on an ice shelf, equivalent to those fractures proposed to be part of the chain reaction lake drainage process involved in the breakup of Larsen B Ice Shelf in 2002.

How to cite: Banwell, A., MacAyeal, D., Willis, I., Stevens, L., and Dell, R.: Observed and modelled surface meltwater-induced flexure and fracture on north George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9972,, 2023.

Mariapina Vomero, Sarah Thompson, Sue Cook, and Bernd Kulessa

Supraglacial lakes are expected to play a crucial role in determining the ice sheet mass balance in a warming climate. Water ponding lowers the albedo of the ice surface, establishing a positive feedback of melting processes that might be further enhanced by the projected rising temperatures. Lake drainages can have particularly large impacts on ice shelves depending on their location and surrounding topography. Drainage events on grounded ice can transport water to the ice/bedrock interface, affecting the sliding of the ice sheet. On floating ice shelves, lake drainage events have been linked to fracture formation potentially leading to ice shelf collapse.

Over the past decade, observations of supraglacial lake drainage events have mainly been gathered from the Greenland ice sheet, while observations of drainage events remain rare in Antarctica. While some limited examples have been reported in the literature, it is not yet known how common these events are, the likelihood of their formation from the grounding line, and how their recurrence could impact Antarctic ice shelves. Observations of Antarctic supraglacial lake drainages are challenging as the lakes often have lids of ice covering liquid water, and drainages can occur in winter when low light levels preclude the use of optical sensors. Since Sentinel-1 SAR imagery works independently from light and cloud conditions, it enables continuous monitoring throughout the year providing further insights into their spatial and temporal evolution. The use of Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform for analyzing SAR images and detecting drainage events has shown the value of this platform as a tool to monitor changes over several locations and to efficiently deal with the increasing workload of satellite data. Here we demonstrate the use of SAR backscatter to reliably detect drainage events to map their location also during the winter months and to locate their prevalence around the Antarctic coastline.

How to cite: Vomero, M., Thompson, S., Cook, S., and Kulessa, B.: Detection of lake drainage events in Antarctica from SAR imagery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10614,, 2023.

An automated algorithm to retrieve the location and depth of supraglacial lakes from ICESat-2 ATL03 data
Qi Liang, Wanxin Xiao, Fengming Hui, Lei Zheng, and Xiao Cheng
Zahra Bahrami, Katrina Lutz, and Matthias Braun

Ice loss from the Greenland ice sheet is one of the main sources of global sea level rise. Surface meltwater is one of the drivers of Greenland ice sheet mass loss. Supraglacial lakes are formed when meltwater accumulates in topographic depressions on glaciers or ice sheets during the melt season. The development and rapid drainage of supraglacial lakes in Greenland have been linked to the collapse of floating ice shelves. This can then lead to increased discharge of ice from outlet glaciers and increased ice velocity. Supraglacial lakes in Greenland are studied using Sentinel-2 images with daily observation intervals and high spatial resolution. The objective of this study is to estimate the maximum area of supraglacial lakes using Sentinel-2 L1C images between 2019 and 2022 in the months of July and August. After pre-processing Sentinel-2 L1C images, the detection and semantic segmentation of supraglacial lakes is carried out using a deep learning algorithm. As large labeled Sentinel-2 images are not available and labeling the training data is time-consuming, the F-mask algorithm is used for the training data labels. The deep learning algorithm consists of several stages, and the model is validated with manually labeled data at every stage. The training labels for the next stages are generated from the most successful model of its previous stage. After that, labels are generated for all acquired images, and the maximum area of the lakes in the months of July and August between 2019 and 2022 is calculated for supraglacial lakes in Greenland sub-regions.

How to cite: Bahrami, Z., Lutz, K., and Braun, M.: Estimating Supraglacial Lake Area for Greenland using Sentinel-2 Images and Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15826,, 2023.

Laura Melling, Amber Leeson, Mal McMillan, Jennifer Maddalena, Emily Glen, Louise Sandberg Sørensen, Mai Winstrup, and Rasmus Arildsen

Supraglacial lakes (SGLs) form when meltwater collects in glacial surface depressions. On the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS), SGL position is controlled by bedrock topography, meaning SGLs form in approximately the same locations each melt season. SGLs provide surface water storage and mediate the transfer of surface water to the ice sheet bed. Drainage water from SGLs has been shown to infiltrate to the base of the ice sheet and lubricate the ice sheet-bedrock interface, causing transient increases in basal sliding at the glacier margin. SGL depth is used to calculate the volume of water contained within the basin and thus the likelihood of hydrofracture caused by increased pressure from overlying water. As overlying water pressure is a function of water depth, determining the accuracy of depth estimation techniques is of the utmost importance in obtaining reliable estimates of hydrofracture likelihood and in determining SGL drainage impacts on ice sheet velocity.

Here, we present the results of an intercomparison of SGL depth measurements focused on the Watson River region of the GrIS. Previous studies have derived SGL depth by applying the Philpot (1989) radiative transfer equation to satellite-derived optical imagery. These results proved difficult to validate until recent advancements in remote sensing which allowed us to compare the radiative transfer-derived depths to laser altimetry measurements and high-resolution digital elevation modelling. Previous research has separately investigated the use of the Philpot (1989) radiative transfer equation, laser altimetry and digital elevation models, but none have intercompared all three.

This research compares estimates of SGL depths in the Watson River region in southwest Greenland that have been derived using three satellite-based approaches; 1) by applying the radiative transfer equation proposed by Philpot (1989) to Sentinel-2 optical satellite imagery, 2) using ICESat-2 laser altimetry and 3) from ArcticDEM digital elevation models.

Using the radiative transfer equation, we find the green band overestimates SGL depth and the red band underestimates SGL depth (with caveats) compared to ICESat-2 transects and digital elevation models. In summary, we achieve the first comprehensive intercomparison of these methods and provide insight into the strengths and potential limitations of each method, including levels of agreement between datasets, and associated uncertainties. This work helps to improve confidence in radiative transfer-derived estimates of SGL depth and volume and, consequently, quantitative estimates of meltwater storage on the surface of the GrIS. This research is associated with ESA’s Polar+ 4DGreenland study.

How to cite: Melling, L., Leeson, A., McMillan, M., Maddalena, J., Glen, E., Sandberg Sørensen, L., Winstrup, M., and Arildsen, R.: An assessment of satellite-derived supraglacial lake depth measurements on the Greenland ice sheet, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6723,, 2023.

Ilaria Tabone, Johannes J. Fürst, and Thomas Mölg

The large amount of meltwater reaching the base of a glacier at the beginning of the melt season accelerates its ice flow, as meltwater pressurised in cavities acts as bed lubricant. Proceeding in the melt season, if the erosive power of basal water becomes high enough to prevail on the creep-induced closure of such cavities, channels may form. In this regime, water is efficiently drained towards the ice front, basal pressure abates and ice flow decelerates. The temporary speed-up and deceleration throughout the melt season has been observed in many glaciers in Greenland, especially in the southwest. There, more observations are available and the ablation zone extends hundreds of km inland. Yet, there is no evidence that Northeast Greenland follows this hydrology-induced dynamic behaviour. In fact, very few observations of flow variability during the melt season are available for this area, hampering our understanding of impacts of meltwater on the ice dynamics in these remote arctic regions. In this work we run a fully coupled ice-flow-hydrology model (Elmer/Ice coupled to GlaDS) to explore the feedbacks between surface meltwater and ice-flow variations over the whole basin of Northeast Greenland. We address both seasonal and annual timescales by running the coupled model for successive melt seasons (from May 2016 to the end of September 2018). To do so, we make use of daily surface mass balance and runoff data computed by a fully-fledged surface energy balance model (COSIPY) resolving snowpack processes. Our simulations show a seasonal speed-up due to increase in melt water pressure at the base, followed by a decrease in velocities due to the activation of a channelised system beneath the ice sheet. Our results suggest that the Northeast Greenland presents a complex hydrological system that is comparable to other regions of the ice sheet and hint at hydrology-dynamics mechanisms to be a potential controlling factor in the evolution of the area. 

How to cite: Tabone, I., Fürst, J. J., and Mölg, T.: Seasonal and inter annual effects of meltwater runoff on ice dynamics in Northeast Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6497,, 2023.

Subglacial hydrology
Ching-Yao Lai, Laura Stevens, Mark Behn, and Sarah Das

The drainage efficiency of the subglacial water system evolves during the melt season. However, direct measurement of drainage efficiency under 1000-meters thick ice is challenging. We previously demonstrated that surface observations of rapid lake drainage induced uplifts can be used to assess subglacial transmissivity beneath the ice sheet. When a lake drains, the water reaches the interface between the ice and bed and forms a water-filled blister. This water then drains through the subglacial drainage system. In this study, we use mathematical models to examine the behavior of surface uplift relaxation resulting from different types of drainage systems, including a laminar water sheet, a turbulent water sheet, and a turbulent subglacial channel. Combined with surface GPS observations of five lakes, we showed that the model can be used to study the evolution of subglacial drainage efficiency.

How to cite: Lai, C.-Y., Stevens, L., Behn, M., and Das, S.: Relaxation of water-filled blisters via flow through the subglacial drainage system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11012,, 2023.

Ian Hewitt and Alex Bradley

Ice sheets are highly sensitive to melting in their grounding zones, where they transition from grounded ice to floating. Recent models of the interaction between warm salty ocean water and cold fresh subglacial discharge in the grounding zone suggest that warm water can intrude kilometres beneath the ice sheet, with important consequences for ice dynamics.

Here, we couple a model for warm water intrusion to a simple model of melting and, in doing so, capture a previously ignored feedback between geometry and subglacial water flow that occurs as the grounding zone responds to melting. This feedback enhances the potential for warm water to intrude beneath the grounded ice sheet, and therefore makes high melting in grounding zones more likely.

Intriguingly, our results also suggest that increases in ocean temperature can lead to a tipping point being passed, beyond which ocean water intrudes indefinitely beneath the ice sheet by a process of runaway melting, suggesting a candidate mechanism for dramatic changes in grounding-zone behaviour that are not currently included in ice sheet models, and which may enable them to reproduce previous high warm-period sea levels.

How to cite: Hewitt, I. and Bradley, A.: Tipping point behaviour of submarine melting at ice sheet grounding zones, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10070,, 2023.

Mauro A. Werder, Daniel Goldberg, George Malczyk, Kenneth D. Mankoff, and Martin Wearing

The components Antarctica's subglacial hydrology -for instance water sources, sinks, flow paths and catchments- are still poorly constrained.  In this work we assess the subglacial hydrology of the continent at high resolution (500m) using (1) water inputs from frictional melting derived with a higher order ice flow model combined with existing geothermal heat flux products, (2) BedMachine topography, and (3) a water flow routing model taking uncertainties into account.

We present the following modelling results: probabilistic maps of water flow paths and catchments, potential subglacial lake locations, fluxes across the grounding line, and melt or freeze-on rates due to water flow.  We also present locations where the drainage system configuration, such as the catchment size, is sensitive to model inputs and thus where future field investigations would be particularly valuable.

How to cite: Werder, M. A., Goldberg, D., Malczyk, G., Mankoff, K. D., and Wearing, M.: Antarctica's subglacial hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15919,, 2023.

Elise Kazmierczak and Frank Pattyn

Subglacial processes in Antarctica are difficult to directly observe and are one of the sources of uncertainty when modelling the response of ice sheets to environmental forcing. Subglacial processes pertain to the type of basal sliding or friction law used, where especially the contrast between viscous (linear) and plastic (Coulomb) sliding makes the latter far more responsive to changes at the marine boundary (Ritz et al., 2015; Brondex et al., 2019; Bulthuis et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2020; Kazmierczak et al., 2022).

Besides the type of sliding, physical basal conditions, such as basal temperatures, bed properties (hard or soft), subglacial water flow and drainage, till properties, and mechanics, also directly affect the ice sheet flow (Clarke, 2005, Cuffey and Patterson, 2010, Kazmierczak et al., 2022),  by affecting the effective pressure (Bueler and Brown, 2009, Winkelmann et al., 2011, van der Wel et al., 2013).

In this study, we investigate how variations in effective pressure determines the evolution of the main marine basins of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (Pine Island and Thwaites glacier) which are currently exhibiting the largest ice mass loss of the Antarctic ice sheet.

For this purpose, we employ different types of subglacial hydrology for soft and hard bed configurations, which we adapt to simulate individual drainage basins of the Antarctic ice sheet at a km-scale resolution, thus allowing for proper migration of the grounding line (e.g., Pattyn et al., 2013). These hydrological representations are included in a generalized basal sliding law (Zoet et al., 2020), implemented in the the f.ETISh/Kori model (Pattyn, 2017; Sun et al., 2020). Results are compared to results from a pan-Antarctic ice sheet model (Kazmierczak et al., 2022) and demonstrate the importance of detailed bed topography influencing the subglacial conditions upstream of the grounding line.

How to cite: Kazmierczak, E. and Pattyn, F.: Sensitivity of Pine Island and Thwaites drainage basins to subglacial hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12684,, 2023.

Basile de Fleurian

As temperatures continues to increase, a larger amount of snow and ice is melting at the surface of ice sheets and glaciers. It is now clear that this increase in meltwater availability has a direct impact on ice dynamics on a seasonal timescale, and there are strong presumption that this is also the case on longer timescales. The recent evolution of subglacial hydrology models now allows them to be directly coupled to ice dynamics model to perform long term simulation of this systems and provide the link between ice dynamics and the evolution of climate. There is however still a large number of open questions to answer in order to provide long term realistic simulations of this coupled system. One of those questions is the impact of the recharge location an intensity of the subglacial hydrological system on ice dynamics, or whether the injection of water in the system needs to pass through Moulins or can be approximated as a uniform source. The impact of the recharge strategy on subglacial hydrology model alone has yielded contrasted results with a potential impact on short timescale but a limited influence once integrated over a full season. Here we want to investigate the direct effect of this recharge scenarios on the ice dynamics itself.

We apply the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) to a synthetic glacier with a geometry similar to a Greenland ice sheet land terminating glacier. Using a range of moulin density (or uniform input) for the recharge of the subglacial hydrology model we observe the response of the ice dynamics itself both on short and longer timescales. Those simulations provide an insight into the importance of recharge location and intensity of the subglacial drainage system directly on the ice dynamics, and so provide a baseline for the choice of recharge style for more realistic simulations.

How to cite: de Fleurian, B.: Impact of subglacial hydrology recharge location and intensity on ice dynamics., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11493,, 2023.

Jeremie Schmiedel and Roiy Sayag

Subglacial hydrology is a key component in ice sheet dynamics. The presence of subglacial water at the ice-bed interface can significantly reduce basal friction and facilitate rapid ice flow, which could lead to the formation of surges and ice streams. The action of the subglacial network on ice flow is simulated by a range of numerical models. Validating these models is essential to ensure that the important physical processes are included, and that the numerical methods provide accurate solutions. In addition to field measurements, which are challenging to obtain at the ice-bed interface, a common validation technique includes inter-comparison with other numerical models. Even though such a technique is beneficial, it does not provide an equivalent validation as exact solutions. Here we present analytical and semi-analytical solutions for confined and unconfined flows in porous layers to validate subglacial hydrology models, which are based on an effective porous medium (EPM) approach. We then apply them to validate the confined-unconfined aquifer scheme (CUAS) model. We find that the numerical results are consistent with the analytical solutions, which provides more confidence that CUAS accurately solves the hydrology equations. Because of their generality, our solutions are readily applicable to other subglacial hydrology models that are based on an EPM approach. We anticipate that a validated hydrology model with our solutions can achieve more credible results in subglacial network simulations.

How to cite: Schmiedel, J. and Sayag, R.: Validation of a subglacial hydrology model with analytical and semi-analytical solutions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4220,, 2023.

Stefanie Börsig, Mauro Werder, Alexander Jarosch, Yuri Prohaska, and Daniel Farinotti

Englacial and subglacial drainage substantially controls glacier dynamics. However, because of the inaccessible glacier bed, few actual measurements exist and empirical relations in current models are either adopted from other research fields or based on theoretical arguments.

This study focuses on the channelized drainage system and determines the flow properties of R-channels: we evaluate a set of laboratory experiments and complementary computational fluid dynamics simulations of their final geometries. These experiments make use of channels with water flow in ice blocks and represent pressurized englacial R-channels. Simulation and measurements only partially agree on pressure gradients and the resulting hydraulic friction factor. However, the results are within the published range of variability.

How to cite: Börsig, S., Werder, M., Jarosch, A., Prohaska, Y., and Farinotti, D.: R-channel laboratory experiment: data evaluation and numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16569,, 2023.

Karita Kajanto, Basile de Fleurian, Helene Seroussi, Fiammetta Straneo, and Kerim Nisancioglu

The ice-ocean interface of Greenlandic outlet glaciers is the main source of uncertainty in the sea level contribution estimates from the Greenland ice sheet in the coming century. Subglacial discharge of surface meltwater is a currently understudied process that connects atmospheric forcing to the marine terminus. At the terminus, subglacial discharge drives buoyant plumes that enhance melt of the glacier. Surface meltwater from the ice sheet is often assumed to be directly and instantaneously transported to the gounding line as subglacial discharge. However, the subglacial drainage network evolves as a response to changes in surface meltwater volume, thus moderating and distributing the discharge along the grounding line. The early-season and late-season networks are likely to have different transport properties, leading to different properties of the buoyant subglacial discharge plume, and the accompanying melt rate.

We model the subglacial hydrologic network of Sermeq Kujalleq (Jakobshavn Isbræ) glacier in West Greenland with GlaDS in ISSM. We characterize the evolution of subglacial discharge into the fjord throughout the runoff season, and compare different runoff years. Furthermore, we use the MITgcm ocean model of Ilulissat Icefjord to characterize the impact of seasonality of the subglacial discharge to fjord properties, circulation and submarine melt of the glacier front.

How to cite: Kajanto, K., de Fleurian, B., Seroussi, H., Straneo, F., and Nisancioglu, K.: Subglacial discharge as a driver of fjord circulation in Ilulissat Icefjord, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6444,, 2023.

Andreas Colliander, Mohammad Mousavi, John Kimball, Julie Miller, and Mariko Burgin

Increasingly more significant portions of the Greenland ice sheet are undergoing seasonal melting-refreeze cycles due to climate warming. The process begins with the arrival of warm temperatures and increased solar radiation in the spring and summer seasons generating meltwater on the ice sheet’s surface. Meltwater percolates to deeper ice layers, either refreezing within the firn, creating longer-term meltwater pockets (firn aquifers), or generating peripheral runoff. Depending on the location and climate, the refreeze duration, the depth of infiltration, and meltwater persistence are temporally and spatially complex. Multi-frequency passive microwave measurements in the 1.4 GHz to 36.5 GHz range can distinguish seasonal meltwater between the immediate surface and the deeper firn layers, as demonstrated at experiment sites on the Greenland ice sheet. Here we explored the multi-frequency melt response at the pan-Greenland scale. We employed 1.4 GHz brightness temperature (TB) measurements from the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite and 6.9, 10.7, 18.9, and 36.5 GHz TB measurements from the JAXA Global Change Observation Mission-Water Shizuku (GCOM-W) satellite. The results show that the frequency-dependent response was consistent across the ice sheet. The multi-frequency melt indications match with lasting seasonal subsurface meltwater with delayed refreezing compared to the surface. These results suggest persistent seasonal subsurface meltwater occurrences that are spatially and temporally significant but concealed from the high-frequency observations. Similar to the surface melt with significant interannual variations, the results show that the subsurface meltwater cycle exhibits substantial spatial and temporal variations from year to year.

How to cite: Colliander, A., Mousavi, M., Kimball, J., Miller, J., and Burgin, M.: Significant Temporal and Spatial Differences in Greenland Ice Sheet Surface and Subsurface Meltwater Persistence Revealed by Multi-Frequency Radiometry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3647,, 2023.

Seung-Goo Kang, Hyeon Tae Ju, Yeonjin Choi, Hoje Kwak, Joohan Lee, Yeadong Kim, Jong Kuk Hong, and Jong Ik Lee

                  David Glacier is a significant East Antarctic outlet glacier through the Transantarctic Mountains and into the western Ross Sea. The six active subglacial lakes (D1~D6) were identified in the David Glacier catchment based on NASA’s Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) laser altimeter dataset for 4.5 years (2003-2008). Since 2016, Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) has been preparing the hot-water drilling project in the David Glacier, starting with the geophysical surveys. KOPRI’s geophysical research team confirmed the change rate of the surface elevation of the David glaciers based on the analysis of the Double-Differential Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DDinSAR) from satellite (Sentinel-1A) images for July to August 2015 and March 2017, then selected the D2 subglacial lake as the target for the potential hot-water drilling project. KOPRI’s Antarctic traverse team developed ground routes for logistics from the JBS to the D2 lake site in the 2017-18 season. In the 2018-19 season, a radar survey was conducted on the D2 site, and the lake's global structures and scale were confirmed. Then, in the 2021-2022 season, a multi-channel seismic survey was conducted on the D2 site to image the detailed subglacial structures of the lake. The final goal of this seismic survey is to get information on the optimal site selection for the hot-water-drilling location for subglacial sampling.  The seismic survey was performed for about two months on the ice. Dynamite is used to generating the seismic source; 1.6 kg of dynamites were used per the charging hole. The charging depth is 25 m. 90 m and 180 m shot intervals were used for 8- and 4-fold data acquisition. Four sets of the Geometric Geode and a 96-channel GEOROD system were employed to record the seismic signal from the ice. The group spacing of the receiver (GEOROD) is 15 m. The seismic data were recorded for 4 seconds with two milliseconds sampling rates. The total length of the acquired seismic data is 17.2 km, consisting of 4 survey lines: two south-to-north and two east-to-west lines. The maximum and minimum fold numbers are 8 and 4, respectively. We got high-quality seismic migrated images containing actual structural and geophysical information about the subglacial lake through seismic data processing with advanced denoise and de-ghosting algorithms. We confirmed the thickness of the ice, which can estimate by the depth of the reversed-polarity reflections on the boundaries between the ice and lake water from the migrated seismic sections for each survey line for D2 lake. Also, the 200 m lake water depth, structures, and geophysical characteristics of the subglacial lake were confirmed, and then, we found the optimal hot-water drilling location for the subglacial lake D2 in the David Glacier, Antarctica.

How to cite: Kang, S.-G., Ju, H. T., Choi, Y., Kwak, H., Lee, J., Kim, Y., Hong, J. K., and Lee, J. I.: Imaging the structures of a subglacial lake D2 in the Antarctic David Glacier catchment from the multi-channel reflection seismic records, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4630,, 2023.

Huw Horgan, Gavin Dunbar, Christine Hulbe, Britney Schmidt, Craig Stevens, Craig Stewart, and Mauro Werder and the KIS2 Science Team

Kamb Ice Stream in West Antarctica is a poster child for the natural variability of ice sheet flow. This major ice stream ceased flowing approximately 160 years ago and mass gain in its catchment currently offsets a significant portion of the mass loss occurring elsewhere in West Antarctica. Hypotheses explaining why Kamb shut down include changes in water routing at the ice stream bed. Here I report on our exploration of the main subglacial drainage channel crossing Kamb’s grounding zone and entering the ocean cavity beneath the Ross Ice Shelf. We find that the subglacial channel transitions into a large sub ice shelf channel. Oceanographic observations detect subglacial discharge within the channel, although the channel shape and surface elevation change suggest greater discharge rates in the past. Sediment coring of the channel substrate shows evidence of repeated high-velocity discharge events. The provenance of these sediments, combined with subglacial routing constraints indicate the subglacial catchment varies in time. Together with observations of surface change, these findings indicate that the subglacial hydrologic network beneath Kamb Ice Stream varies temporally, with background flow punctuated by fast flow events, and also changes spatially, spanning catchments of variable size.   

How to cite: Horgan, H., Dunbar, G., Hulbe, C., Schmidt, B., Stevens, C., Stewart, C., and Werder, M. and the KIS2 Science Team: Subglacial drainage across Kamb Ice Stream’s Grounding Zone, West Antarctica., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1820,, 2023.

Sheng Dong and Lei Fu

Radar images imply subglacial features, including distinct reflections from ice bottom. Different from bedrock interfaces, subglacial lakes generally display smooth and continuous highlights as a special type of ice bottom reflectors in radar images. In this study, we construct a dataset of ice bottom reflectors based on CReSIS radar sounder dataset. A deep learning method is applied to downsample and convert peak ice bottom reflectors to latent space. Unsupervised clustering later separates different types of subglacial reflectors. One reflector type with a sharp shape and high reflect power reveals smooth and continuous distributions in the radar images. The spatial distribution of this reflector type also matches the known subglacial lake distribution. We further applied this workflow to indicate candidate groups of subglacial reflectors similar to the conventional lakes. Results show more lakes are marked in the same radar sounder dataset. This method can automatically indicate subglacial lakes in radar images with high efficiency. The other types of subglacial reflectors can also provide potential references for subglacial studies.

How to cite: Dong, S. and Fu, L.: Deep Clustering in Subglacial Reflections Reveals New Insight into Subglacial Lakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16804,, 2023.

Ilaria Baneschi, Marco Doveri, Marianna D'Amico, Linda Franceschi, Matteo Lelli, Angelina Lo Giudice, Giovanna Maimone, Matia Menichini, Francesco Norelli, Luisa Patrolecco, Tanita Pescatore, Ciro Alessandro Rappazzo, Jasmin Rauseo, Francesca Spataro, Gabriella Caruso, Sandra Trifirò, Maurizio Azzaro, and Marco Vecchiato

Surface water and groundwater are changing rapidly because of significant climate warming in the Arctic region [1,2]. Arctic amplification has intensified the melting of snow cover and glaciers, as well as widespread permafrost degradation, leading to a prominently increase of the annual discharge of some Arctic rivers [3,4]. This results in dramatic impacts on the surface water transition and freshwater circulation that, in turn, can cause localized permafrost thaw [5], allowing greater connection between deep groundwater and surface water pathways. Groundwater is a crucial component of the hydrological cycle, affecting ecosystems and human communities in Arctic regions.

In high-latitude regions, evaluating groundwater flux and storage and river discharge is challenging due to a lack of trusted and publicly available hydrogeological data. Changes in river flows and groundwater discharge will alter fluxes of freshwater and terrigenous material (e.g., sediment, nutrients, and carbon), with implications for biodiversity in both freshwater and marine ecosystems. The rapid glacier melting affects weathering processes, resulting in the mobilization-transport of pollutants, microorganisms stored for a long time, and turbid meltwaters. Consequently, more timely and accurate evaluation of surface and groundwater is urgently required.

Thanks to its geographical characteristics, the retreating glaciers, the research stations and infrastructures, and the studies carried out in the past and present, the Bayelva catchment near Ny-Ålesund (Western Svalbard-Norway) is an ideal site for surveys aimed at increasing knowledge on hydrology dynamics and associated effects, in the continuum from glaciers to the fjord.

In this framework, within the ICEtoFLUX project (MUR/PRA2021 project-0027) field campaigns were conducted in the spring and summer of 2022 in the Bayelva River catchment, from its glaciers and periglacial/proglacial systems up to the Kongsfjorden sector significantly affected by the river.  The activities were aimed at quantifying hydrologic processes and related transport of pollutants and microbial biomass and activities. Suprapermafrost groundwater was monitored by four piezometers installed along a hillslope to investigate how subsurface and surface waters interact during active layer development.

Water samples were repeatedly collected for analysing physical-chemical-isotopic-biological parameters. Main rain events and monthly total precipitation were sampled for stable isotopes.

The first results suggest that, in general, electrical conductivity and total suspended solids increase from the glacier to the Bayelva monitoring station, which is located less than 1 km far from the coast. Seasonal evolution of physical-chemical features was also observed. Results from piezometers indicate that the underground flow is spatially and temporally heterogeneous, both quantitatively and from a physical-chemical-isotopic-biological point of view. A general increase of electrical conductivity over the melt season was registered for groundwater and streamwater. First evidence on organic pollutants and microbe transport are also discussed.

[1] Fichot, C.G. et al. 2013. Sci. Rep., 3, 1053.

[2] Morison, J. et al. 2012. Nature, 481, 66–70.

[3] McClelland, J.W. et al. 2006. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L06715.

[4] Wang, P. et al. 2021. Res. Lett., 16, 034046.

[5] Zheng, L. et al. 2019. J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf., 124, 2324–2344.

How to cite: Baneschi, I., Doveri, M., D'Amico, M., Franceschi, L., Lelli, M., Lo Giudice, A., Maimone, G., Menichini, M., Norelli, F., Patrolecco, L., Pescatore, T., Rappazzo, C. A., Rauseo, J., Spataro, F., Caruso, G., Trifirò, S., Azzaro, M., and Vecchiato, M.: Hydrological changes in Bayelva catchment (Western Svalbard-Norway): water discharge quantification and water-driven biogeochemical fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15825,, 2023.

Anuar Togaibekov, Andrea Walpersdorf, and Florent Gimbert

The motion of glaciers with a temperate base is highly variable in time and space, mainly as a result of glacier basal sliding being strongly modulated by subglacial hydrology. Although transient friction laws have recently been established in order to predict short-term sliding velocity changes in response to water input changes, yet little observations enable fully constraining these laws. Here we investigate short-term changes in glacier dynamics induced by transient rainwater input on the Glacier d’Argentière (French Alps) using up to 13 permanent GPS stations. We observe strong surface acceleration events materialized by maximum downglacier velocities on the order of 2 to 3 times background velocities and associated with significant glacier surface uplift of 0.03 m to 0.1 m. We demonstrate that uplift strikingly coincides with water discharge. In contrast, horizontal speed-up occurs over a timescale shorter than discharge and uplift changes, with a maximum occurring concomitantly with maximum water pressure but prior to maximum discharge or uplift. Our findings suggest that transient acceleration and uplift of the glacier are not necessarily modulated by the same mechanism. We also observe that the horizontal speed-ups propagate downglacier at migrating speeds of 0.04 m s-1 to 0.13 m s-1, suggesting an underlying migration of subglacial water flows through the inefficient, distributed system. We demonstrate that the temporal relationship between water discharge, water pressure, and three-dimensional glacier motions are complex and cannot be directly interpreted by changes in the subglacial water pressure through cavity formation and water storage. 

How to cite: Togaibekov, A., Walpersdorf, A., and Gimbert, F.: Rain-induced transient variations in glacier dynamics characterized by a continuous and dense GPS network at the Glacier d’Argentière, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-269,, 2023.