ST3.6 | Ionosphere – upper atmosphere physics with ground-based instrumentation
Ionosphere – upper atmosphere physics with ground-based instrumentation
Convener: Veronika Haberle | Co-conveners: Maxime Grandin, Jia Jia, Frederic Pitout
| Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 1.14
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Hall X4
Orals |
Wed, 16:15
Wed, 08:30
The Earth’s upper atmosphere and ionosphere are subject to significant variability associated with solar forcing. While in situ observations of the ionosphere-upper atmosphere are only possible with spacecraft and sounding rockets, a wealth of information is obtained thanks to remote sensing techniques using ground-based instruments.
For instance, ground-based magnetometers, used in dense networks, routinely enable the derivation of ionospheric currents and geomagnetic indices. Optical instruments not only provide measurements of auroral and airglow emissions, but are also used to observe upper atmospheric winds and temperatures, e.g. in the thermosphere and mesosphere. Such parameters can also be measured with radars, spanning a wide range of active (ionosondes, meteor radars, coherent and incoherent scatter radars, VLF transmitters, Lidars) and passive (riometers, VLF receivers) systems.
Combining ground-based observations from various instruments enables the development of novel data analysis methodologies which in turn enhance our understanding of the underlying physics of space weather and ionosphere-upper atmosphere processes. This includes the study of densities, temperatures and composition of the ionosphere–upper atmosphere, monitoring of its dynamics and chemistry, and measuring of fluxes from precipitating particles and current systems.
In this session, we invite contributions featuring the use of ground-based instruments in studies of the ionosphere–upper atmosphere system across all latitudes and of space weather and ionospheric–atmospheric physics processes of various time and spatial scales.

Orals: Wed, 26 Apr | Room 1.14

Chairpersons: Veronika Haberle, Maxime Grandin, Jia Jia
Virtual presentation
Gaël Cessateur, Herve Lamy, Léo Bosse, Mathieu Barthelemy, Jean Lilensten, Magnar G. Johnsen, Frederique Auriol, Maxime Catalfamo, and Olivier Pujol

The measurements of the polarization of auroral emission lines in the Earth’s atmosphere is of particular interest for the understanding of the upper atmosphere but also for potential space weather applications. Emissions from the oxygen red line at 630 nm has been observed polarized since 2008 and the origin of the polarization is likely due to the imbalance of Zeeman sublevels, which comes from the magnetospheric electrons precipitating with a pitch angle distribution more or less aligned with the local magnetic field. The polarization of the blue line at 427.8 nm from N2+, and the green light at 557.7 nm from the atomic oxygen have been also observed but their origin remains unknown. Those observations were carried out using multi-wavelength sensitive photo-polarimeters with a narrow field of view, of about 2°. Here we will present a new instrument, the Polar Lights Imaging Polarimeter (PLIP), using 4 high-resolution monochrome cooled CMOS cameras with very low read-out noise, and a FOV of approximately 44° x 30°. Those cameras are designed for faint deep sky objects, and paired with some 24mm lenses opened at F/2.8. We added up some linear polarization filters oriented at 0°, 45°, 90° and 135° to infer the DoLP and AoLP. Filter wheels have been added with narrow interference filters (with a FWHM of about 3 nm) centered on the blue (427.8 nm), green (557.7 nm) and red (630.0 nm) emission lines. Since the polarization can also be induced from Mie and Rayleigh scattering of the light pollution from nearby sources, a radiative transfer code POMEROL is used to infer the polarization from the auroral spectral lines only. Some preliminary results will be presented from an observation campaign in Norway perfomed in November 2022 and January 2023.


How to cite: Cessateur, G., Lamy, H., Bosse, L., Barthelemy, M., Lilensten, J., Johnsen, M. G., Auriol, F., Catalfamo, M., and Pujol, O.: PLIP: An imaging Polarimeter for the Auroral line Emissions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12835,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Neethal Thomas, Antti Kero, and Ilkka Virtanen

Within the recently started "HPC-approach to Ionospheric Situational Awareness (HISSA)" project, we will re-analyze a comprehensive set of existing European incoherent scatter radar (EISCAT) measurements from Tromso VHF radar carried out since 1990. Our special focus is to extract, for the first time, the spectral information of these experiments for the benefit of better understanding the potential long-term changes in the polar D-region ionosphere. Backscattered spectral parameters are estimated by fitting a theoretical autocorrelation function (ACF) to the observed data by using a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) inversion approach. The methodology and some preliminary results of the neutral temperature, electron density, and plasma drift velocity at D region altitudes will be presented. The temperature estimates from EISCAT VHF measurements are compared with the simultaneous LIDAR temperature measurements from Tromso. The challenges of D-region temperature estimates from incoherent scatter radar spectral parameters, which is a function of ion-to-neutral collision frequency and ion mass will be discussed in detail.

How to cite: Thomas, N., Kero, A., and Virtanen, I.: Study of D region ionosphere using incoherent scatter radar measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12698,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Axel Steuwer, Anders Tjulin, Ingemar Haggstrom, and Maria Mihalikova

EISCAT Scientific Association is an international non-profit scientific organisation that operates radar infrastructure in Northern Europe to enable research on the ionosphere and the upper atmosphere. Our radars are all located above the Arctic Circle and all radar sites can work together, which provides scientists a unique opportunity to study e.g. the Aurora, Space Weather as well as being able to track Space Debris.

EISCAT is currently constructing the next generation incoherent scatter radar system called EISCAT_3D. This system, EISCAT_3D, is based on phased-array radar technology which allows rapid electronic steering of the beam and thus fast volumetric scanning. In this presentation, we will give an overview of the status of EISCAT and EISCAT_3D, and outline the opportunities ahead. 

How to cite: Steuwer, A., Tjulin, A., Haggstrom, I., and Mihalikova, M.: EISCAT and EISCAT_3D, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7183,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Magnus Ivarsen, Glenn Hussey, Jean-Pierre St-Maurice, Adam Lozinsky, Draven Galeschuk, Brian Pitzel, and Kathryn McWilliams

Coherent scatter echoes from meteors entering Earth’s atmosphere and those from the ionospheric E-region overlap: echoes of both types are seen at altitudes between 95 km -105 km. The physical origin of plasma irregularities produced by disintegrating meteors naturally differ from that of ionospheric turbulence, and there is a need to distinguish between the two types of echoes. We present a novel algorithm to automatically sort through arbitrarily large datasets of radar echoes with accurate location data, classifying each echo as either meteoric or ionospheric in origin. The algorithm establishes a definition of clustering, in both time and space. We use data from ICEBEAR 3D, an experimental coherent scatter radar in Saskatchewan, Canada. We discuss the two classes of scatter echoes, and present statistical results from 2020, 2021. In future experiments, our proposed algorithm can be applied to both coherent and incoherent radar scatter, provided they come with 3D location information.

How to cite: Ivarsen, M., Hussey, G., St-Maurice, J.-P., Lozinsky, A., Galeschuk, D., Pitzel, B., and McWilliams, K.: A new algorithm to separate meteor trail echoes from ionospheric radar scatter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9724,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Bea Gallardo-Lacourt, Lindsay Goodwin, D. Megan Gillies, Larry Kepko, Emma Spanswick, Pablo Reyes, and Eric Donovan

Plasma convection is a fundamental process of mass and energy transport within our solar system. In Earth’s magnetosphere, convection models often underestimate, or even fail to identify the contributions of dynamic ionospheric mesoscale (10s-100s km) structures that are responsible for significant energy transfer within the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupled system. The most used convection model relies on data from radars, which operates on spatial scales of approximately 50 km, with a temporal resolution of 2 minutes. In contrast, modern red-line all-sky cameras have a spatial resolution on the order of 1 km and temporal resolution of 3 s. These cameras respond to low energy precipitating electrons, which makes them sensitive tracers of magnetospheric convection, and sensitive to mesoscale structures that may be missed by radars. In recent years, the deployment of new cameras has expanded the coverage to include most of the auroral oval and polar cap above the North American continent. Despite their potential for monitoring and studying ionospheric convection, currently only rudimentary techniques have been applied to measure the motion of these optical structures. In this work, we show initial results of optical flow calculations to analyze the motion of optical structures observed with the new red-line all-sky cameras. Optical flow calculations represent the apparent motion of objects in consecutive frames. The result of this technique provides two-dimensional flow fields, which has enabled us to enhance our understanding of ionospheric electric fields. Finally, perform a validation analysis by comparing the optical flow calculations and incoherent scatter radar measurements.

How to cite: Gallardo-Lacourt, B., Goodwin, L., Gillies, D. M., Kepko, L., Spanswick, E., Reyes, P., and Donovan, E.: Utilizing optical flow technique to understand plasma convection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8758,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Daniel Whiter, Noora Partamies, Björn Gustavsson, and Kirsti Kauristie

An estimate of the height of the aurora is often required for the derivation or interpretation of other auroral or ionospheric parameters, such as horizontal spatial scales, velocities, neutral temperatures, or electron precipitation energies. We have performed a large statistical study of the peak emission height of coincident green 557.7 nm and blue 427.8 nm aurora using a network of ground-based all-sky cameras stationed in northern Finland and Sweden. We have obtained almost 58000 simultaneous measurements of both emissions between 2000 and 2007, and found that both emissions typically peak at about 114 km, but the distribution of peak emission heights is more skewed for blue aurora than for green aurora.

During low-energy electron precipitation (< 4 keV), when the two emissions peak above about 110 km, it is more likely for the blue emission to peak above the green emission than vice-versa. Modelling has shown that this is because the dominant mechanism producing the O(1S) upper state of the green line is energy transfer from N2. The rate of that process depends on the product of the N2 and O number densities, which both decrease to higher altitude. The blue line is produced through electron impact ionisation of N2, and so depends on the N2 number density only, and consequently peaks below the green emission.

During high-energy electron precipitation the two emissions typically peak at very similar altitude. In those circumstances, where the emissions peak below the peak in O number density, energy transfer from N2 must not be the dominant production mechanism of O(1S). Dissociative recombination of O2+ seems most likely to be the dominant mechanism, but modelling cannot fully reproduce observations and there may be an additional mechanism which is currently unaccounted for.

The observations are best reproduced using a Maxwellian shaped electron precipitation spectrum at low energies, but a Gaussian shaped electron precipitation spectrum at high energies.

How to cite: Whiter, D., Partamies, N., Gustavsson, B., and Kauristie, K.: The height of green 557.7 nm and blue 427.8 nm aurora, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15257,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Reihaneh Ghaffari, Christopher Cully, Robert Gillies, Emma Spanswick, and Daniel Marsh

Precipitating energetic particles can penetrate into the low-altitude ionosphere and alter the ionization rate. Enhanced ionization in the D-region caused by energetic particle precipitation (EPP) affects cosmic radio signal absorption in the ionosphere. This impact is monitored by a Canadian network of wide-beam passive radio receivers, or riometers, to study precipitation-induced variations in the D-region ionosphere remotely. 

In this study, we examine the relationship between the background ionospheric profiles and absorption during a precipitation event observed by one of the POES satellites in conjunction with the Gillam riometer station (56N, 95W). We use different chemistry models to model the D-region ionosphere and investigate the effect of changing the chemistry model in an absorption event. We compare modelled absorption with ground-based measurements to discuss possible reasons for any discrepancy.

How to cite: Ghaffari, R., Cully, C., Gillies, R., Spanswick, E., and Marsh, D.: Modelling the Response of Riometers to Medium Energy Electron Precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9958,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Giulia D'Angelo, Mirko Piersanti, Alessio Pignalberi, Igino Coco, Paola De Michelis, Roberta Tozzi, Michael Pezzopane, Lucilla Alfonsi, Pierre Cilliers, and Pietro Ubertini

The storm onset on 7 September 2017, triggered several variations in the ionospheric electron density, causing severe phase fluctuations at polar latitudes in both hemispheres. In addition, although quite rare at high latitudes, clear amplitude scintillations were recorded by two Global Navigation Satellite System receivers during the main phase of the storm. This work attempted to investigate the physical mechanisms triggering the observed amplitude scintillations, with the aim of identifying the conditions favouring such events. We investigated the ionospheric background and other conditions that prevailed when the irregularities formed and moved, following a multi-observations approach. Specifically, we combined information from scintillation parameters and recorded by multi-constellation (GPS, GLONASS and Galileo) receivers located at Concordia station (75.10°S, 123.35°E) and SANAE IV base (71.67°S, 2.84°W), with measurements acquired by the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imager on board the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program satellites, the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network, the Swarm constellation and ground-based magnetometers. Besides confirming the high degree of complexity of the ionospheric dynamics, our multi-instrument observation identified the physical conditions that likely favour the occurrence of amplitude scintillations at high latitudes. Results suggest that the necessary conditions for the observation of this type of scintillation in high-latitude regions are high levels of ionization and a strong variability of plasma dynamics. Both of these conditions are typically featured during high solar activity.

How to cite: D'Angelo, G., Piersanti, M., Pignalberi, A., Coco, I., De Michelis, P., Tozzi, R., Pezzopane, M., Alfonsi, L., Cilliers, P., and Ubertini, P.: Investigation of the Physical Processes Involved in GNSS Amplitude Scintillations at High Latitude: A Case Study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7029,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Christopher Geach, Bernd Kaifler, Hans Christian Büdenbender, Andreas Mezger, and Markus Rapp

Resonance lidars targeting fluorescence lines of metallic layers in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere have long been used to measure profiles of wind and temperature [1], most recently achieving a maximum altitude of 300 km [2], but the rapidly decreasing densities of these metallic species prevents measurements at higher altitudes.

An alternative, first proposed in 1997 [3], is an extension of this technique to metastable helium, which would increase the possible range of resonance lidar measurements to 1000 km or higher. Last year, for the first time, a helium resonance lidar system was realized at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in southern Germany [4]. The initial measurements by this instrument, made last year between January and March, captured the first profiles of metastable helium density, extending to an altitude of 700 km.              

We present an overview of this lidar system; we report an update on its status, including the results of the second measurement campaign; and we discuss the potential for wind and temperature measurements given anticipated improvements to system performance.


[1] Fricke, K. & von Zahn, U. (1985) Mesopause temperatures derived from probing the hyperfine structure of the D2 resonance line of sodium by lidar. J. Atmos. Terrestrial Phys. 47, 499–512.

[2] Jiao, J., Chu, X., Jin, H., Wang, Z., Xun, Y., Du, L., et al. (2022). First lidar profiling of meteoric Ca+ ion transport from ∼80 to 300 km in the midlatitude nighttime ionosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100537.

[3] Gerrard, A. J., Kane, T. J., Meisel, D. D., Thayer, J. P. & Kerr, R. B. (1997) Investigation of a resonance lidar for measurement of thermospheric metastable helium. J. Atmos. Sol. Terrestrial Phys. 59, 2023–2035

[4] Kaifler, B., Geach, C., Büdenbender, H.C. et al. (2022) Measurements of metastable helium in Earth’s atmosphere by resonance lidar. Nat Commun 13, 6042 

How to cite: Geach, C., Kaifler, B., Büdenbender, H. C., Mezger, A., and Rapp, M.: Development of a Helium Resonance Lidar for the Upper Thermosphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2156,, 2023.

Posters on site: Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | Hall X4

Chairpersons: Maxime Grandin, Jia Jia
Sumanta Sarkhel, Dipjyoti Patgiri, Rahul Rathi, Virendra Yadav, Dibyendu Chakrabarty, Subarna Mondal, Mallepulla Venkata Sunil Krishna, Arun K. Upadhayaya, Chiranjeevi G. Vivek, Suresh Kannaujiya, and Surendra Sunda

In this study, we report a special event of nighttime southwestward propagating medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) observed in O(1D) 630.0 nm airglow images from an all-sky imager at Hanle (32.7°N, 78.9°E; Mlat. ~24.1°N), Ladakh, India on a geomagnetically quiet (Ap = 7) night of 15 September 2018. The time sequence of airglow images unveiled two dynamic interactions between multiple dark bands of MSTID. Following the first interaction, one of the interacting bands decayed possibly due to the entrance of plasma from the ambient higher plasma density region. Shortly after this interaction, the other interacting dark band was involved in the second interaction with a third dark band which resulted in the co-alignment of the two interacting bands. Following this co-alignment, one of the bands started rotating prominently that led to further separation of these two co-aligned bands. These changes in the MSTID phase fronts (bands) are explained based on the development of the polarization electric fields arising out of the interactions. This investigation combines the all-sky 630.0 nm airglow imaging observations with TEC maps constructed, for the first time over the Indian sector, from 67 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements to capture the MSTID over this region. The investigation reveals a few important features of self-interactions of MSTID bands over the geomagnetic low-mid latitude transition region which is important to assess their impact over low latitudes. The highlights of these results will be discussed in the meeting.

How to cite: Sarkhel, S., Patgiri, D., Rathi, R., Yadav, V., Chakrabarty, D., Mondal, S., Sunil Krishna, M. V., K. Upadhayaya, A., G. Vivek, C., Kannaujiya, S., and Sunda, S.: A case study on multiple self-interactions of MSTID bands: New insights, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3051,, 2023.

Leo Bosse, Gaël Cessateur, Hervé Lamy, Jean Lilensten, Nicolas Gillet, Colette Brogniez, Olivier Pujol, Sylvain Rochat, Stéphane Curaba, Alain Delboulbé, and Magnar G. Johnsen

In the last decade, several instruments have been developped to measure the auroral light polarisation. However, its study has faced the issue of anthropic light pollution and scattering in the lower atmosphere (Bosse et al., 2020). To overcome this challenge, several methods were used, and until now, the most succesfull was the use of a polarised radiative transfer model (Bosse et al., 2022) to identify the light pollution contribution. However during the past year a new look at the data revealed that pulsating aurorae are polarised, and that this polarisation carries a lot of information. The main advantage of using pulsating aurorae is that the variations in the light polarisation are very fast, of the order of a few seconds. This allows us to dismiss any potential source of polarisation that are not synched with the pulsation of the aurora.

These polarisation patterns are seen in the green atomic oxygen line at 557.7 nm, the 1st N2+ negative band at 391.4 nm (purple) and 427.8 nm (blue).

There are no clear explanations on the origin of this auroral polarisation, or its relation to the local state of the upper atmosphere. An hypothesis is that this polarisation can be either created directly at the radiative de-excitation or may occur when the non-polarised emission crosses the ionospheric currents.

We will present how these new findings confirm the ionospheric origin of the polarisation observed from the ground, as well as some of the potentialities these observations and models offer in the frame of space weather, aerosol and light pollution study.

How to cite: Bosse, L., Cessateur, G., Lamy, H., Lilensten, J., Gillet, N., Brogniez, C., Pujol, O., Rochat, S., Curaba, S., Delboulbé, A., and Johnsen, M. G.: First evidence of polarized emissions in pulsating aurorae, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15004,, 2023.

Mathieu Barthelemy, Elisa Robert, and Thierry Sequies

Studying the auroral emission is of strong importance since they are created in an atmospheric layer (80-300 km) where in situ measurements are complicated. They represent a good proxy of the particle precipitations into atmosphere.

The spectrum of the aurora is complex made of both atomic and molecular lines. The intensities of these emissions vary with the activity, especially the particle precipitations.

Transsolo is the kinetic code which solve the transport equation of the electrons along a vertical or a magnetic field line. It allows to obtain the particles fluxes at different energies, angles and altitudes. From this, the code is able to calculate the related emissions.

The emission modules have recently been updated by including the vibrational structures of the molecular bands. Several atomic lines have also been added. We can consider that we include more than 95% of the full emission spectra. From this, it is now possible to obtain some almost complete synthetic spectra of the aurora parametrized by the mean energy of the particle fluxes at the top of the atmosphere and the total precipitated energy.

Recently Robert et al. show that it is possible to reconstruct the energetic precipitation from the N2+ 427 nm line. However, it remains clear that multiplying the number of considered lines, will allow to get more accurate measurements of these particle fluxes. Moreover, a large number of auroral monitoring instruments are done with filters with variable widths. Such synthetic spectra can help to identify the possible perturbation of the measurements due to wavelength coincidences. For example, the green line at 557 nm is in coincidence with several O2+ and N2 bands in a +/- 5 nm range. Calculating the relative ratio of these lines in different conditions is then crucial.

In parallel, we are developing a series of calibrated high sensitivity spectrometers to validate the data and enhance the quality of particle precipitation reconstructions.

In this presentation, we will detail the links between these instruments and these synthetic spectra.

How to cite: Barthelemy, M., Robert, E., and Sequies, T.: Quasi exhaustive synthetic spectra of the aurora and spectrometers measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13647,, 2023.

Hervé Lamy and Joachim Balis

BRAMS (Belgian RAdio Meteor Stations) is a network using forward scatter of radio waves on ionized meteor trails to study meteoroids. It is made of a dedicated transmitter and of 44 receiving stations located in or near Belgium. The transmitter emits a circularly polarized CW radio wave with no modulation at a frequency of 49.97 MHz and with a power of 130 W. Each receiving station uses a 3-element zenith pointing Yagi antenna. The first stations used analog ICOM-R75 receivers and a PC. Since 2018, new improved stations have been installed using digital RSP2 receivers, a GPSDO and a Raspberry Pi, providing better dynamic, sensitivity and stability. 
Recently, several methods have been developed to reconstruct trajectories from meteor echoes recorded at several BRAMS stations. These methods rely on time delays between meteor echoes, pre-t0 phase measurements, and sometimes information from a radio interferometer, or a combination of all the methods. This has opened the possibility to use the BRAMS network to determine the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (MLT) wind speeds using data coming from a large number of meteor echoes.
In this work, we will present the status of the BRAMS network and discuss how BRAMS data can be used to determine MLT wind speeds.  Using a forward scatter system with a very large number of stations allows to increase the number of detections, to increase the altitudinal coverage, and to relax the homogeneity assumption.  Simulations will be considered to estimate the impact of the meteoroid trajectory reconstruction uncertainties (in particular the uncertainty on altitude of the specular reflection point) on the wind speeds retrieval.  We will discuss which temporal and spatial resolutions of the MLT wind field measurements can be achieved.  We will finally discuss several upcoming upgrades of the network and their potential impact on this work.  

How to cite: Lamy, H. and Balis, J.: Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere wind speed determination using data from the radio forward scatter BRAMS network, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7032,, 2023.

Edwin Mierkiewicz, Brandon Myers, Susan Nossal, and L. Matthew Haffner

The exosphere is the interface between the Earth's neutral atmosphere and interplanetary space. Our understanding of this important interface, through observations of its mean state and its response to external forcing, will provide important constraints as we seek to develop a complete picture of our complicated space-atmosphere system. This talk will highlight the application of ground-based, high-throughput interference spectroscopy to the study of this important interface. Observations are made throughout the night; the base of the Earth's shadow is used as a first-order probe of the exosphere's altitude structure. Major areas of scientific focus include: (1) high resolution observations of the geocoronal hydrogen Balmer α line profile and its relation to excitation mechanisms, effective temperature, and exospheric physics; (2) retrieval of geocoronal hydrogen parameters such as the hydrogen column abundance [H], the hydrogen density profile H(z), and the photochemically initiated hydrogen flux φ(H); and (3) observations of the geocoronal hydrogen column emission intensity for the investigation of natural variability. Recent work from two unique spectrometers located in Wisconsin and Chile will be reported, with results highlighting each of these three areas of focus. Special emphasis will be placed on high spectral resolution line profile observations of the Balmer α emission line and the forward-model analysis of these data using the lyao_rt radiative transport code of Bishop [1999]. For example, an observed decrease in effective temperature with increasing shadow altitude is found to be a persistent feature for nights in which a wide range of shadow altitudes are sampled. This result will be interpreted in the context of the lyao_rt code. This work is supported by National Science Foundation award AGS-2050077. 

How to cite: Mierkiewicz, E., Myers, B., Nossal, S., and Haffner, L. M.: Neutral Hydrogen in the Terrestrial Thermosphere and Exosphere: Ground-Based Observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9788,, 2023.

Veronika Barta, Csilla Szárnya, Daniel Kouba, Petra Koucka Knizova, Katerina Podolska, Antal Igaz, and Zbysek Mosna

The impact of individual meteors on the lower ionosphere (90-150 km height) has been investigated during wintertime meteor showers using measurements of two DPS-4D Digisondes installed at Sopron (47.63°, 16.72°) and at Pruhonice (50°, 14.5°). The optical measurements of meteors have been performed by a zenith camera installed next to the digisonde at Sopron. It provided the opportunity to compare high cadence ionograms measured during meteor showers parallel with the optical data to determine the plasma trails of individual meteors. Campaign measurements with two ionograms/minute have been performed at Sopron station during the Leonid (16-18 November) and Geminid (10-15 December) meteor showers in 2019. Furthermore, skymaps (1/min) detected by the Digisonde at Sopron during the campaign were also investigated.

In the 20-25% of the observed meteors faint, short-lived (20-120 sec) Es layers were detected on the ionograms during and after (< 2 min) the optical record, which are typical signal of individual meteor trails on the ionogram based on previous studies. There was no observed Es activity at the same height on the ionograms detected before and after these events. Furthermore, the direction of the echo can be also defined on the ionograms of the DPS-4D Digisonde thanks to the multi-beam observation technique. The direction of the detected Es layers agreed well with the optical observations in most of the cases. The maximum frequency of the observed faint layers (foEs) varied between 1,6 and 4,5 MHz, while their height was between 85 and 136 km. Points on the skymaps were also detected at the time of the faint Es layers in 40 % of the cases. The height and direction of the observed points agreed with these parameters of the plasma traces on the ionograms.

Comparing the ionograms with the closest ionosonde observation at Pruhonice station at the same time, we could conclude that the detected faint Es layers were local plasma irregularities, no Es activity at the same height was observed there. This strengthens the hypothesis that the observed trails on the ionograms represents the echo of the optically recorded meteors.


How to cite: Barta, V., Szárnya, C., Kouba, D., Koucka Knizova, P., Podolska, K., Igaz, A., and Mosna, Z.: Impact of individual meteors on the midlatitude ionosphere during the Leonids and Geminids meteor showers, 2019, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6622,, 2023.

Glenn Hussey, Adam Lozinsky, Brian Pitzel, Magnus Ivarsen, Draven Galsechuk, Devin Huyghebaert, Kathryn McWilliams, and Jean-Pierre St. Maurice

ICEBEAR (Ionospheric Continuous-wave E-region Bistatic Experimental Auroral Radar) employs advanced software defined radio (SDR) and aperture synthesis radar imaging to produce unambiguous high resolution (1--2~km) 3-dimensional (range, azimuth, elevation) coherent E-region observations.  ICEBEAR-3D operates in the VHF at 49.5~MHz observing the auroral zone of the ionosphere from western Canada (58N, 106W geographic).  The receiver antenna array was re-configuration in 2019 to a non-uniform co-planar T-shaped double interferometer layout to complete the ICEBEAR design and allow for unambiguous, highly detailed, high-resolution coherent radar E-region observations.  We present the antenna array re-configuration; the novel and advanced synthesis aperture radar imaging technique; a low elevation angle accuracy and reliability solution; validations and calibrations of ICEBEAR-3D using celestial radio sources (Cygnus A) and interferometer closure angles; as well as some initial E-region and meteor trail observations and analysis.

How to cite: Hussey, G., Lozinsky, A., Pitzel, B., Ivarsen, M., Galsechuk, D., Huyghebaert, D., McWilliams, K., and St. Maurice, J.-P.: The highly advanced ICEBEAR-3D E-region coherent imaging radar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10103,, 2023.

Jenn-Shyong Chen, Chien-Ya Wang, and Yen-Hsyang Chu

Multireceiver and multifrequency radar imaging techniques, implemented in the 46.5 MHz MU radar in Japan (34.85°N and 136.10°E), were employed to investigate the aspect sensitivity of field-aligned plasma irregularities (FAIs) in the mid-latitude ionospheric E region. Aspect sensitivity of refractive irregularities in the atmosphere describes the radar echo intensity varying with the radar beam direction. For the FAIs in the ionosphere, the radar echoes are generally strongest at the beam direction perpendicular to the geomagnetic field line, and decay rapidly with off-perpendicular angle along the geomagnetic field line. This feature relates partly with the values of electron-neutral collision frequency (νe), electron gyrofrequency (Ωe), ion-neutral collision frequency (νi), ion gyrofrequency (Ωi), the ratio νee, among others, and moreover, is also subjected to nonlinear coupling process of unstable waves in the plasma irregularities. In practical observation, the radar beam of the MU radar was directed to geographic north and at 51° zenith angle, which was normal to the geomagnetic field line around 100-110 km height (range: ~160-175 km along the beam direction). Five carrier frequencies and nineteen receivers were operated for radar imaging to retrieve the power distribution in the radar volume, and then the angular power distribution was used to estimate the aspect angle along the geomagnetic field line. Retrieval algorithms such as Fourier, Capon, and norm-constrained Capon (NC-Capon) were utilized, in which the NC-Capon was applied to FAIs for the first time and found to be more suitable for the present study. The aspect angles estimated by the NC-Capon algorithm ranged between 0.1° and 0.4° mostly, which are close to the previous measurements with the radar interferometry (RI) made for the lower mid-latitude sporadic E region and the equatorial electrojet irregularities.

How to cite: Chen, J.-S., Wang, C.-Y., and Chu, Y.-H.: Aspect Angle of Plasma Irregularities in the Ionosphere Measured by Using the Radar Imaging of VHF Arrayed Radar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1198,, 2023.

Elisa Robert, Mathieu Barthelemy, Gael Cessateur, Angélique Woelffle, Hervé Lamy, Simon Bouriat, Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen, Urban Brändstörm, and Lionel Biree

Precipitations of auroral electrons characterize the relationship of the magnetosphere and the upper atmosphere, therefore state of near-Earth space depending on their localization and their intensity. One of the main gaps in both data and modelling is the monitoring of the precipitation of low-energy (0.02 – 35 keV) particles in the ionosphere. These particles are responsible of the surface charging on satellites, which lead to trigger electrostatic discharge (ESD) on components. This impact is the most recurrent in space and need to better understand. The method present here, allows an alternative to particle detectors that do not have access to this area.

From optical data, it can be very interesting to reconstruct low energy electron flux in the aurora region. Therefore, the interpretation of the auroral intensities is made using the Transsolo code, a kinetic code which use as input the electron flux and the solar EUV flux on the dayside. It calculates the transport of the suprathermal electrons along a line of sight or a vertical and the subsequent auroral emissions. A optimization method is worked to trying to retrieve electron flux from optical measurements.

The study present here is based on ALIS network data which provides very useful data (Brandstorm, 2003). Tomographic data of the volume emission rate are built from ALIS measurements (Gustavsson, 2000). From tomographic data and transsolo simulations, we adapt the optimization method to reconstruct energetic particles flux. We focus on measurements of the event of 05 March 2008 at 18:41:30 UT and 18:42:40 UT acquired by 5 stations and centred above Skibotn city. Results are presented in the form of maps of mean energy and total energy (corresponding to the energy flux) depending on geographic coordinates. 

How to cite: Robert, E., Barthelemy, M., Cessateur, G., Woelffle, A., Lamy, H., Bouriat, S., Johnsen, M. G., Brändstörm, U., and Biree, L.: Reconstruction of precipitated electron fluxes using auroral data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5387,, 2023.

Gopika Prasannakumara Pillai Geethakumari, Anita Aikio, Lei Cai, Heikki Vanhamaki, Marcus Pedersen, Anthea J. Coster, Aurelie Marchaudon, Pierre-Louis Blelly, Veronika Haberele, Astrid Maute, Nada Ellahouny, Ilkka Virtanen, Johannes Norberg, Shin Oyama, Alexander Kozlovsky, and Maxime Grandin

Solar wind interactions with the Earth’s magnetosphere cause geomagnetic storms and thereby induce ionospheric storms. This study investigates the spatio-temporal evolution of the ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) during a moderate but long duration storm driven by solar wind high-speed streams (HSSs) and associated co-rotating interaction region (CIR) during 14-21 March 2016. The storm starts with a strong storm sudden commencement (SSC) with a peak close to 19 UT on 14 March 2016. The GNSS/TEC maps are obtained from the Madrigal database. The associated field-aligned currents (FACs) from AMPERE, ionospheric convection maps from SuperDARN, and the O/N2 ratio from TIMED/GUVI are also studied for understanding the physics behind the different features observed in TEC during the storm.

The study predominantly focuses on the changes of TEC at high and middle latitudes. The storm induced changes in the TEC were extracted by removing the quiet time background (mean of five quietest days of the month) from the TEC maps. During the initial phase, TEC enhancements and depletions are found mainly at high latitudes within the auroral oval and close to the cusp, plausibly associated with auroral precipitation and variations in the upward and downward field-aligned currents (FACs). After the onset of the main phase, the TEC is enhanced at mid-latitudes and auroral ovals with a maximum of ~10 TECU. Meanwhile, a significant decrease in TEC is observed in the polar cap region. During the main phase, we observe the evolution of a storm-enhanced-density (SED) plume and a transient enhancement of TEC in the polar cap. Later during the storm, a strong TEC depletion at high and middle latitudes is found on the dayside and in the evening sector. The depletion of O/N2 ratio, triggered by Joule heating and atmospheric upwelling, could be a plausible reason for the TEC depletion. The possible physical mechanisms associated with the observed TEC variations will be discussed. 

How to cite: Prasannakumara Pillai Geethakumari, G., Aikio, A., Cai, L., Vanhamaki, H., Pedersen, M., J. Coster, A., Marchaudon, A., Blelly, P.-L., Haberele, V., Maute, A., Ellahouny, N., Virtanen, I., Norberg, J., Oyama, S., Kozlovsky, A., and Grandin, M.: HSS/CIR driven storm effects on the ionosphere-thermosphere system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9293,, 2023.

Marcus Pedersen, Heikki Vanhamäki, and Anita Aikio

The time delay from an interplanetary driver arriving at the magnetopause to the response in the ionospheric and field-aligned currents (FAC) has never been quantified separately for different types of storm drivers. The development and evolution of the total FAC during storms driven by high speed streams and associated stream interaction regions (HSS/SIR) are different compared to these driven by the sheath and magnetic clouds of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICME), as shown in Pedersen et al. (2021, 2022). The main differences are that the FACs in HSS/SIR storms maximize earlier in the storm main phase and are less intense than during ICME storms. Likewise, differences in response times is possible. The delay time for HSS/SIR driven storms is investigated using cross correlation analysis between the total FAC and SME index and the Newell coupling function (NCF), and is compared to sheath and MC driven storms. It is found that the total FAC and SME index lag the NCF by 40 ± 10 min during storms driven by HSS/SIR and sheaths, and by 60 ± 10 min for MCs. Additionally, the total FAC best correlate with the NCF when using solar wind data averaged over the preceding 60 min for sheath, 100 min for HSS/SIR and 120 min for MC driven storms.

How to cite: Pedersen, M., Vanhamäki, H., and Aikio, A.: The response of field-aligned and horizontal ionospheric currents to HSS/SIR driven storms and comparison to ICME driven storms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11994,, 2023.

Spencer Mark Hatch, Jone Peter Reistad, Karl Magnus Laundal, Ilkka Virtanen, Heikki Vanhamäki, Matthew Zettergren, and Kjellmar Oksavik

In many experimental studies of ionosphere-thermosphere (IT) coupling and ionospheric electrodynamics, the limitations of existing observational data sets require one to represent the three-dimensional IT system as an infinitely thin, two-dimensional sheet. This 2D representation of the coupled IT system cannot however represent some of its most basic properties, such as the existence of different ionospheric layers. On the other hand, observing systems that are capable of probing the altitudinal structure of relevant quantities, such as plasma density and drift, often can only provide information within a very narrow overhead volume. This limitation typically requires one to assume that these quantities have no horizontal gradients. Measurements from the upcoming EISCAT_3D incoherent scatter radar therefore present an unprecedented opportunity to probe the 3D IT system in three dimensions and on relatively short time scales (of order minutes). Here we present a data assimilation technique, EISCAT_3D-based reconstruction of ionosphere-thermosphere electrodynamics (E3D-BRITE), for routine estimation of all three components of the ionospheric current density and their uncertainties. We illustrate the technique using synthetic EISCAT_3D measurements of the plasma density and ion drift. We describe how the E3D-BRITE technique can also be used to simultaneously estimate the neutral wind and the perpendicular electric field. The technique relies on a 3D generalization of curl-free and divergence-free Cartesian elementary current systems. We also discuss the limitations imposed on this technique by the geometry of the three EISCAT_3D sites in Skibotn, Karesuvanto, and Kaiseniemi.

How to cite: Hatch, S. M., Reistad, J. P., Laundal, K. M., Virtanen, I., Vanhamäki, H., Zettergren, M., and Oksavik, K.: E3D-BRITE: EISCAT_3D-based reconstruction of ionosphere-thermosphere electrodynamics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14173,, 2023.

Charlotte M. van Hazendonk, Lisa Baddeley, and Karl M. Laundal

Ultra low frequency (ULF) waves can contribute significantly to energy and momentum transfer between the Solar Wind – magnetosphere – ionosphere system, however, the energy deposition by ULF waves is often not taken into account in the global energy budget. A case study of spatial and temporal energy deposition of a Pc5 (2 – 7 mHz) ULF wave during non-sunlit conditions is presented. Datasets from the EISCAT Tromsø VHF radar, magnetometers and DMSP satellites were utilized to estimate the wave characteristics and the height-dependent energy deposition rates. The equipartition of energy into the ionosphere through thermal, ion frictional and/or Joule heating are discussed. The goal of this study is to quantify how much energy is deposited by ULF waves in otherwise quiet conditions.

How to cite: van Hazendonk, C. M., Baddeley, L., and Laundal, K. M.: Energy deposition of a Pc5 ULF wave in the polar ionosphere measured by EISCAT, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1306,, 2023.

Antti Kero, Neethal Thomas, Ilkka Virtanen, Pekka Verronen, Max van de Kamp, and Hilde Nesse

The forcing component of energetic particle precipitation (EPP) is recently added into the IPCC's official Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) climate modelling. According to these simulations, the impact of inclusion of the medium energy electrons to the ozone variability was estimated to be 12-24% in the mesosphere and 5-7% in the stratosphere.
However, to obtain a continuous particle forcing required for these multi-decadal simulations, the precipitating particle flux spectrum was parameterised by the magnetic Ap index to match statistically to the POES satellite's MEPED particle detector data. This rather simple approach has several uncertainties, but the most critical one is that the existing satellite-borne particle detectors, including the MEPED instrument, struggle to separate the loss cone populations from trapped particles, leading to biases in EPP forcing especially in the relativistic energies.
In this presentation, we evaluate various EPP forcing models proposed for the future CMIP climate models against the EISCAT VHF data. This can be regarded as a ground-thruth approach for the mesospheric ionisation essential for the atmospheric consequences of the EPP.

How to cite: Kero, A., Thomas, N., Virtanen, I., Verronen, P., van de Kamp, M., and Nesse, H.: Ground truth validation of the CMIP energetic particle precipitation forcing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17159,, 2023.

Mini Gupta, Patrick Guio, and Juha Vierinen

In the ionosphere, a sustained population of suprathermal electrons is generated due to photoionization or electron precipitation. At resonance, the phase velocity of the electrons matches the Langmuir phase velocity observed by the Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR). As a result, the scattered power in the plasma line spectrum is enhanced, thus making it possible to detect them. Plasma lines can be used to improve the accuracy of the estimates of electron density and temperature, study features in the electron velocity distribution of the suprathermal electrons and provide an independent method to calculate ionospheric currents.  

We analyzed the data collected with the EISCAT Tromsø UHF radar on 27 January 2022. We present a novel technique of data reduction to detect plasma lines and extract parameters. We use the method developed by Ivchenko (2017) to determine the times with enhanced plasma lines. For those times, we model the spectrum with a Gaussian function, where the plasma line intensity, frequency and bandwidth correspond to the amplitude, mean and variance, respectively. We observe photoelectron-enhanced plasma lines between 09:16:15 LT – 13:56:15 LT. All the detected plasma lines are field-aligned, except for 11:29:30 LT - 12:51:30 LT, when they are also detected in the vertical direction (i.e. at 11.67° to the magnetic field). The detection of the plasma lines is accompanied by an increase in the electron density estimates from the ion line. 

How to cite: Gupta, M., Guio, P., and Vierinen, J.: Data reduction of plasma lines in Incoherent Scatter Radar spectrum, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14830,, 2023.

Veronika Haberle, Aurélie Marchaudon, Aude Chambodut, and Pierre-Louis Blelly

In order to monitor space weather events and their impacts, ground magnetic field data has proven to be a long-lasting and powerful source of information. For the determination of the impact of solar events it is essential to extract their signatures from the magnetic field signal. However, as the geomagnetic field is a superposition of sources that cover a broad amplitude and frequency spectrum, it is not trivial to isolate storm signatures. The major source is the intrinsically produced magnetic field that changes within years and is called the secular variation. In sub-auroral regions, it is well known that during times of minimum solar forcing the solar quiet current system induces smooth daily variations with strong dependency on season and local time.
In this work we apply signal filtering techniques on time-series magnetic data from ground observatories in sub-auroral regions to extract the various sources. We then use these filter outputs to inspect their dependency and sensitivity to solar forcing. Additionally, statistical parameters are sought after to determine storm signatures.

How to cite: Haberle, V., Marchaudon, A., Chambodut, A., and Blelly, P.-L.: Extraction of solar forcing signatures in ground magnetometer data from sub-auroral regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7835,, 2023.

Mauro Regi, Loredana Perrone, Alfredo Del Corpo, Luca Spogli, Dario Sabbagh, Claudio Cesaroni, Laura Alfonsi, Paolo Bagiacchi, Lili Cafarella, Giuseppina Carnevale, Marcello De Lauretis, Domenico Di Mauro, Pierluigi Di Pietro, Patrizia Francia, Balázs Heilig, Stefania Lepidi, Carlo Marcocci, Fabrizio Masci, Adriano Nardi, and Alessandro Piscini and the Mauro Regi

On 4 November 2021 it was detected the most intense geomagnetic storm that occurred so far during the rising phase of solar cycle 25 (Kp=8-). This work summarizes the state of the solar wind before and during the geomagnetic storm, the response of the plasmasphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system in the European sector and, for a comparison, the ionosphere-thermosphere response of the American sector. The plasmasphere dynamics was investigated through field line resonances detected at the European quasi-Meridional Magnetometer Array. The ionosphere was investigated through the combined use of ionospheric parameters (foF2, hmF2) from ionosondes and Total Electron Content (TEC) obtained from Global Navigation Satellite System receivers at four locations in the European sector and three locations in the American sectors. Aeronomic parameters were retrieved by using an original method based on the observed electron concentration in the ionospheric F region. The behavior of foF2 and TEC data is also discussed, speculating about the possible interconnection between the topside ionosphere and the plasmasphere at the investigated European sites. Experimental results can be summarized as it follows: a) The plasmasphere, originally in a state of saturation, was eroded up to two Earth’s radii, and only partially recovered after the main phase of the storm, and a possible formation of a drainage plume is also observed; b) The ionospheric parameters showed phases characterized by negative and positive variations, with longitudinal and latitudinal dependence of storm features in the European sector; c) Negative storm signature in electron concentration at the F2 region is also observed in the American sector. This result is mainly attributable to the neutral composition and temperature variations.

How to cite: Regi, M., Perrone, L., Del Corpo, A., Spogli, L., Sabbagh, D., Cesaroni, C., Alfonsi, L., Bagiacchi, P., Cafarella, L., Carnevale, G., De Lauretis, M., Di Mauro, D., Di Pietro, P., Francia, P., Heilig, B., Lepidi, S., Marcocci, C., Masci, F., Nardi, A., and Piscini, A. and the Mauro Regi: Space Weather Effects On Plasmasphere, Ionosphere and Thermosphere Systems during November 2021 Geomagnetic Storm, as probed in the Northern Hemisphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16488,, 2023.