ERE2.7 | Ocean renewable energy: resource characterization, bio-physical interactions, and societal Impacts
Ocean renewable energy: resource characterization, bio-physical interactions, and societal Impacts
Co-organized by OS4
Convener: Simon Neill | Co-conveners: Reza Ahmadian, Michela De Dominicis, Nicolas Guillou
| Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 0.15
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall ERE
Orals |
Wed, 10:45
Wed, 14:00
Wed, 14:00
The ocean represents a vast and largely untapped resource, which is being explored as a source of low carbon renewable energy. There is much research within the ocean science community into resource characterization and the interaction of energy conversion technologies with the ocean environment. We seek contributions spanning a broad range of topics relating to ocean renewable energy, including offshore wind, wave, ocean current and tidal resources over timescales ranging from semi-diurnal to decadal, and feedbacks between the available resource and energy extraction at local and regional scales. The session also seeks discussions on the application of ocean energy for ocean instrumentation/observation, powering off-grid buoys, unpiloted surface and underwater vehicles, and desalination. This session will gather and relate research methods and results from investigations into field techniques, and numerical/statistical modelling used to assess interactions of ocean renewable energy with ocean processes. The session will also include studies of physical impacts (e.g. impacts on sedimentary systems), and societal interactions (e.g. marine spatial planning). We also invite innovative research on ocean energy arrays/sites for co-located applications (e.g. offshore wind combined with aquaculture) that would benefit from combined infrastructure and reduced levelized costs.

Orals: Wed, 26 Apr | Room 0.15

Chairpersons: Simon Neill, Reza Ahmadian, Michela De Dominicis
On-site presentation
Nils Christiansen, Ute Daewel, Bughsin' Djath, Jeffrey Carpenter, Nobuhiro Suzuki, and Corinna Schrum

Offshore wind energy is essential for expanding renewable energy generation and reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. However, as offshore wind turbines form new elements in the marine environment, the offshore wind infrastructure has implications for the physics of the atmosphere and ocean. In this study, we demonstrate the effects of surface wind speed reduction and structure-induced mixing, and illustrate the consequences for ocean dynamics in the southern North Sea. Using unstructured grid modeling, we present simplified parameterizations to account for wind speed reduction due to offshore wind farms and the underwater structure drag by offshore wind turbine foundations in hydrodynamic models. The simulations cover the seasonal cycle of the summer stratification, while taking into account the recent state of European offshore wind development in the southern North Sea. The modeling shows that offshore wind farm effects cause large-scale structural changes in ocean physics, systematically affecting the North Sea hydrodynamics. The wake effects at offshore wind farms lead to spatial redistributions of horizontal currents and, in particular, affect the seasonal stratification development on regional scales. Although these perturbations are on the order of natural variability, changes in regional stratification suggest potential consequences for biogeochemical processes and marine ecosystem dynamics. With our results, we provide new insights into the adaptation of coastal seas to offshore wind farm effects and raise awareness for potential changes in the future coastal ocean and the southern North Sea.

How to cite: Christiansen, N., Daewel, U., Djath, B., Carpenter, J., Suzuki, N., and Schrum, C.: Regional impacts of offshore wind farms on the North Sea hydrodynamics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12169,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ben Lincoln and Tom Rippeth

The drive to achieve net zero carbon has motivated the development of offshore wind into deeper waters further from shore. The relatively weak tidal currents and deep water of future development sites means that infrastructure will, for the first time, be deployed at scale in seasonally stratified waters.   Current designs for floating turbines have sub-structures which penetrate this stratification.  Flow past such substructures generates turbulent wakes which can regionally enhance the very low levels of internal mixing observed in the seasonal thermocline. 

These low natural mixing rates drive nutrient fluxes which sustain phytoplankton growth at the subsurface chlorophyl maximum through the summer months and are responsible for 50% of the primary production in shelf seas.  Since this production supports the marine food web, changes to the physical drivers will fundamentally impact the marine food web.  Therefore, an anthropogenic source of turbulent mixing at the seasonal thermocline, has the potential to cause fundamental biogeochemical changes, impacting ecosystems, and fisheries in shelf seas. 

We present new measurements of strongly elevated turbulence within wakes at a shallow water wind farm.  Strongly enhanced mixing is observed in the wake, and across the wider wind farm area and is associated with reduced stratification.    These observations and our estimates for deeper water wakes suggest that mixing from these structures can be significant, and further research is essential to quantify the impact of this new source of anthropogenic mixing.

How to cite: Lincoln, B. and Rippeth, T.: Enhanced mixing by floating wind farms in stratified shelf seas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14622,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Xi Deng and Zhangcai Qin

The whole world is urgently looking for alternative renewable energy resources to power its future economy with less carbon footprint. As one of the world’s largest energy consumers and CO2 emitters, China is making all efforts to decarbonize its power systems (‘carbon neutrality by 2060’), with special attention to offshore wind power. However, the potential of offshore wind power generation and emissions mitigation is largely unknown, and the contribution to regional carbon neutrality needs to be further clarified. Here, we estimate the offshore wind resource, its generation potential, and the reduction of CO2 emissions from offshore wind power to replace coal-fired power generation. We find that the abundant offshore wind energy resources in China can potentially generate enough electricity to fully power the country. However, current utilization of offshore wind energy is relatively limited, supplying less than 1% of local electricity needs. With the development of offshore wind farms, this share could be over 20 times higher in 2050 than that at present. The total emissions reduction would increase from 11.9 Tg CO2-eq yr–1 in 2019 to 294.3 Tg CO2-eq yr–1 in 2050 because of reduced coal use, significantly contributing to emissions mitigation along the coastal provinces. Our results highlight the important role of offshore wind power in upgrading the regional energy system and achieving carbon neutrality of China, and it will also give imputes to a cleaner electricity system worldwide. Future studies are encouraged to further explore the feasibility of offshore wind farm construction.

How to cite: Deng, X. and Qin, Z.: Offshore wind power in China contributing to regional power system upgrade and carbon neutrality, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10609,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Nobuhiro Suzuki and Jeffrey Carpenter

This study analyzes the nonhydrostatic wake turbulence induced by offshore wind turbine foundations and provides its parameterization needed by regional ocean models. Currently, offshore wind farms are rapidly expanding worldwide. They change critical marine properties such as density stratification and substance dispersion. Therefore, we urgently need to predict their environmental impacts to avoid catastrophic side-effects and to optimize their benefits. Such prediction can be made by regional ocean simulation if the parameterization of the wake turbulence is provided, typically in the form of eddy diffusivity and eddy viscosity. However, accurate values of these parameters are currently unknown. Therefore, we aim to determine state-of-the-art values of these parameters using large-eddy simulation of nonhydrostatic turbulence induced by turbine foundations. In particular, here, we parameterize the turbulence induced by monopiles in tidal currents.

How to cite: Suzuki, N. and Carpenter, J.: Eddy diffusivity and viscosity due to offshore wind turbine monopile foundations in tidal currents, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8817,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ian Ashton, Jiaxin Chen, Edward Steele, and Ajit Pillai

The continued expansion of offshore wind as a global energy technology represents a significant expansion of infrastructure into a range of coastal and oceanic regions. Effective design, operation and understanding physical impacts of turbines benefit from a detailed understanding of the wave conditions. In order to cover the spatial extent of offshore wind farms and to ensure high quality data, some combination of in-situ measurements and phase averaging wave modelling are commonly applied. These are used for monitoring current conditions and for short term forecasts that govern crucial operational decisions. Inaccuracies in this process lead to vessels missing suitable conditions to carry out an operation, or operations being aborted due to unsafe conditions. Both of these outcomes, cost money or affect safety.

This work reviews recent progress in using machine learning to develop surrogate wave modelling that can offer real-time spatial wave data leveraging a combination of in-situ measurements and model hindcasts, but without relying on continuous processing from traditional wave models. The outcomes show an improvement in accuracy of real-time wave predictions when compared to regional wave modelling, available at a fraction of the computational cost. This highlights the potential of this approach to change how wave data is provided for operational purposes, with immediate potential for reduced costs and improved safety for vessels working at offshore wind farms. The results also highlight the ongoing potential for research and development of surrogate models as part of the future of numerical wave modelling.

How to cite: Ashton, I., Chen, J., Steele, E., and Pillai, A.: Surrogate wave modelling to improve operational wave data for offshore wind farms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15848,, 2023.

On-site presentation
David Christie, Simon Neill, and Peter Arnold

The Canary Islands in the eastern North Atlantic has an abundant and diverse renewable energy resource but currently generates much of its electricity from imported diesel, at significant financial and environmental cost.  To address this, the government and electricity supplier are investing heavily in infrastructure to transform the islands’ energy mix to incorporate offshore wind and wave power. 

Economically and technically feasible offshore wave energy projects rely on understanding the regional distribution of wave properties (e.g. to optimize site selection), and how the wave power varies at inter- and intra-annual timescales.  We have constructed an 11-year wave hindcast model for a potential wave energy site at an energetic location in the north-west coast of Lanzarote, one of the largest of the Canary Islands, to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of wave power. 

Due to a lack of a continental shelf, wave power is homogeneous until a few km from the coastline, and then begins to vary rapidly in space.  Temporal variation is relatively low due to the latitude.  The wave resource is heavily dominated by swell, with uninterrupted fetch across the Atlantic, and largely uncorrelated with local wind.  This makes co-location of wind and wave energy arrays particularly attractive from the perspective of reducing resource variability, as well as the other practical and financial benefits of sharing a grid location with more established offshore wind technology.

Finally, we demonstrate and validate a simple non-physics based process for extending the output timeseries beyond the hindcast duration, by correlating with parameters from global datasets.  This method also allows the possibility of power forecasting based on global operational models.

How to cite: Christie, D., Neill, S., and Arnold, P.: Wave Power in Lanzarote: Spatiotemporal Variability, Wind Co-location and Non-Physics based Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13905,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Thiruvenkatasamy Kannapiran and Simon Neill

Ocean renewable energy has strong potential for substituting power plants that rely on the combustion of fossil fuels. Due to maturity, offshore wind farms  are one of the most promising forms of ocean renewable energy. There are several windfarms around the world located in nearshore/beach regions (e.g. Bangui Wind Farm, Philippines). Scour around the foundation of nearshore windfarm structures is one of the important technical aspects to be addressed. In this study, field  investigations on the development of scour around scaled model piles  are carried out in two regions of wave breaking, viz.,  i) Uthandi beach, South Chennai, India, open coast having no structures and (ii) Muttukadu beach, South Chennai, India, which is 8 km south of Uthandi beach, having two breakwaters at Muttkadu lake mouth with eight groins in varying lengths with spacing of 50-200m.  Field investigations show rapid increases of the scour depth during swash due to wave uprush around piles and the scour depth reduces significantly during back wash. The field measurements on scour depth (S) around piles of various diameters (D) are well matching with previous published results of scour analysis (Sumer et al..2001).  The relative scour depth (S/D) increases with increase of upstream water run up heights, flow velocities, Froude number and pile positions relating to the location of wave breaking. The comparison of observed scour depths around piles in plunging and spilling wave breaker region indicates that the relative scour depth in plunging wave breaker is higher by around a factor of 1.3 times than that of the scour depth observed in the spilling breaker region.  The present study indicates that, to determine the foundation design depth of the piles for construction of pile supported structure in the region of wave breaking or in the surf zone, the scour depth must be estimated by considering additional depth variation on the beach profile for different monsoon season.  It is observed that the maximum relative scour depth (Smax / D) and width of scour hole are reduced significantly about 50% to 75% with presence of cotton cloths around piles.  However, for a full-scale wind turbine, a suitable geotextile material should be used. This presentation details the various aspects of hydrodynamic field measurements on scaled pile models, which serve as design parameters for designing the pile supported coastal structures including wind energy farms in nearshore regions.


Key Words:  Ocean Renewable Energy, near offshore wind farms, hydrodynamics, scour measurements, swash region, offshore piles





  • Mohamed Rajab. P.(2019), Hydrodynamic Analysis of Scour Around Offshore Piles.

             Ph.D. Thesis., AMET University, India.


  • Sumer, B.M., Whitehouse, R.J.S. and Tørum, A.,(2001). Scour around coastal structures: a summary of recent research. Coastal Engineering, Vol.44:153-190.



How to cite: Kannapiran, T. and Neill, S.: Field Investigations of Scour Around Scaled Piles in a Region of Wave Breaking, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16285,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jack Lewis, Simon Neill, and Salim Poovadiyil

The predictability and opportunity to provide baseload power has made tidal energy one of the most attractive marine renewable energy resources to help fight anthropogenic climate change. This has led to extensive research regarding the overall resource and methods of extraction. However, with differing designs found in today’s tidal turbine market, it is clear that there remains an ongoing debate as to where a tidal turbine should sit within the water column. In this study, a floating turbine and bottom mounted turbine, both based on current designs found in the market, were analysed over a tidal cycle in a 3D hydrodynamic model of the Morlais tidal test zone. The model was validated from ADCP measurements from the same area and recorded over the same tidal cycle. The aim was to establish the most efficient design and its effect on the surrounding water column. The results showed significant differences in the near-field effects of each turbine, but negligible effects were found further afield. Over the established tidal cycle, the floating turbine was found to be more efficient.

How to cite: Lewis, J., Neill, S., and Poovadiyil, S.: Comparison Of a Floating and a Bottom Fixed Tidal Turbine in a Coastal Marine Environment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7277,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Bin Guo, Reza Ahmadian, and Roger Falconer

The Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary comprise the area most thoroughly investigated for tidal lagoons development, due to its second largest tidal range in the world and the high demand for clean electricity in the surrounding area. Accurate hydrodynamic modelling of tidal lagoons is a solid foundation for predicting potential electricity generation and environmental impact assessment. However, it is reported that in correct selection of an open boundary may amplify any disturbance associated with the tidal lagoons by affecting the resonant modes. Thus a model that simply held the identical open boundary condition for pre- and post-lagoons conditions may contain inaccuracies in the electricity generation and the impacts on the hydrodynamics of the region.

To investigate the influence of open boundary location on tidal lagoon modelling, the West Somerset Lagoon (WSL) was simulated using different hydrodynamic models with different open boundary locations. Two hydrodynamic models were established using the TELEMAC system, one of which covers the whole Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary (SEBC) as the most prior research used. Another one is a Continental Shelf (CS) model, which was centred on the Bristol Channel, and has its open boundary extended beyond the Continental Shelf. Both SEBC and CS models were run for pre- and post-WSL, to achieve the power output of WSL and the hydrodynamic impact in each model. The WSL was introduced into both hydrodynamic models using the domain decomposition method, and full momentum conservation was achieved by refining the momentum source terms at the turbine locations.

Although the hydrodynamic influences were generally similar between CS and SEBC models, results showed the influence of WSL on water level extended to the outer Bristol Chanel in the CS model, with over 10 cm decrease of tidal range on the location of the open boundary of SEBC model. However, there was a minor difference in far-field velocities prediction between the two models. The annual energy generation of WSL using the different models showed slight differences, i.e. less than 6%. However, this could also be exacerbated by the fact that similar operation was used in both scenarios.. This study concludes that  SEBC could be considered as a suitable model for early-stage studies and preliminary environmental impact modelling due to lower computational and set up time requirements. However, for later stages of the TRS design, such as power prediction for accurate revenue assessment and business case development, then a more precise open boundary condition is expected to be needed, either by extending the model domain to the Continental Shelf or theoretically modifying the open boundary characteristics.

How to cite: Guo, B., Ahmadian, R., and Falconer, R.: The influence of open boundary location on tidal lagoon modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17174,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jonathan Demmer and Simon Neill

Accurate ocean data (i.e., tide, current velocity and direction, wave) are essential for numerous environmental studies: 1) development of marine renewable energy (e.g., maximize the efficiency of energy conversion); 2) aquaculture (e.g., offshore development); 3) anthropic pollution (e.g., plastic/pollutant dispersal); and 4) ecology (e.g., spread of invasive species).

The exponential increase of computational power has made numerical models, such as Eularian hydrodynamic models and Lagrangian particle tracking models (PTM) useful tools to characterize physical oceanographic parameters. However, methods to validate PTMs appear less developed due the complexity of biophysical process interactions; for example, uncertainty remains on the impact of wind on surface currents and how the effects of wind are propagated through the water column

Here, we use a novel set of data representing the travel of drifters in the Irish Sea during two consecutive years (summer 2021 and 2022). The experiment aim is to reduce the near surface flow uncertainty influencing particle dispersal. Data were collecting using a range of drifters released in coastal and offshore locations of a tidally dominate shelf-sea (Irish Sea): 1) variation of drogue depth between 1m and 5m; 2) variation of period from tidal cycles to spring-neap cycles; and 3) some with reduced “windage” designs (no drogue and minimal exposure above surface).

Preliminary results show the importance of wind driven current between the surface and 5 m depth, which should be take into account when considering the development of PTM. Furthermore, we find some scales of oceanographic processes that affect transport, such as turbulent eddies and waves, were not resolved - and yet our predictions broadly matched observations.

How to cite: Demmer, J. and Neill, S.: Characterization of surface flow using Lagrangian drifter for particle tracking model applications., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2296,, 2023.

Posters on site: Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X4

Chairpersons: Michela De Dominicis, Reza Ahmadian, Simon Neill
Simon Neill, Iain Fairley, Saul Young, Tom Hill, Nicholas King, Michael Roberts, Matthew Lewis, Martin Austin, Chris Unsworth, Dominic Reeve, and Ian Masters

With lack of convergence on any single wave or tidal technology, test centres have a unique role in the marine renewable energy industry. Test centres facilitate real testing at sea for devices and components at various TRLs (Technology Readiness Level), reducing the time, cost, and risks faced by marine energy developers. META (Marine Energy Test Area) is a £2.7M project managed by Marine Energy Wales (MEW), consisting of eight test areas in the Milford Haven Waterway and surrounding waters (Pembrokeshire, Wales). Although various datasets have been collected from the META test areas over the last decade, and some aspects of these data have been published in various reports, the data has not been gathered together, systematically analyzed and critically assessed - the aim of this presentation. Here, the various META datasets are described and interpreted, including multibeam, ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profiler), and wave buoy data. We report the key parameters of relevance to testing at META, including bathymetry, the nature and magnitude of the tidal currents, turbulence, and wave climates. We make recommendations on future priorities for data collection at META, and discuss the future of the test areas, including expansion into floating wind and other evolving marine energy technologies.

How to cite: Neill, S., Fairley, I., Young, S., Hill, T., King, N., Roberts, M., Lewis, M., Austin, M., Unsworth, C., Reeve, D., and Masters, I.: Site characterization of META – the Marine Energy Test Area in Wales, UK, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2849,, 2023.

Tariq Al-Najjar, Raid Al-Jawasreh, Ma'in Al-Khawaldeh, Ayman Hammoudeh, Nirajan Dhakal, Wissam Hayek, Maria Kennedy, and Mohammad Wahsha

This scientific work aims to monitor the quality of the Gulf of Aqaba seawater in terms of locations and depths to determine their suitability for desalination purposes. Accordingly, various parameters were measured within the selected coastal and offshore sites at several depths (5, 25, 75, and 125 meters). Parameters included temperatures, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll-a, nutrients (ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate), Silt Density Index (SDI15), Modified Fouling Index (MFI0.45), and Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). The sampling site (29°27'31.9"N 34°58'10.0"E) with an average depth of about 400 meters. Seawater samples were collected in Niskin bottles using the MSS research vessel equipped with oceanographic equipment. Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and conductivity were recorded using the Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth meter (CTD). The maximum SDI15 value was registered in May with a value of 6.3 %/min at a depth of 125 m, while the lowest recorded value was 4.4 %/min at the surface water. Furthermore, the lowest MFI0.45 was reported at a depth of 75 m during February, and it was 0.5 s/L2, while the highest was 9.4 s/L2 at the surface seawater. The preliminary results of the seawater ATP analysis showed that the R2 of the regression is relatively high in the case of SDI15, temperature, depth, and MFI0.45 as 0.792, 0.854, 0.871, and 0.876, respectively. This work is a fruitful collaboration between the MSS (Jordan) and the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (The Netherlands), in which SDI, MFI, and ATP seawater parameters have been utilized for the first time in the Gulf of Aqaba.

Keywords: Desalination; ATP, Gulf of Aqaba, MFI, SDI

How to cite: Al-Najjar, T., Al-Jawasreh, R., Al-Khawaldeh, M., Hammoudeh, A., Dhakal, N., Hayek, W., Kennedy, M., and Wahsha, M.: Exploring the Biological, Chemical, and Physical Properties of Seawater of the Jordanian Gulf of Aqaba for Desalination Purposes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11321,, 2023.

Water quality prediction using non-linear machine learning algorithms and interpretation on feature importance in Swansea Bay
Hossein Amini and Reza Ahmadian

Posters virtual: Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall ERE

Chairpersons: Reza Ahmadian, Simon Neill, Michela De Dominicis
Understanding community acceptance of large-scale marine infrastructure projects.
Margaret Kadiri, Alejandro Barcena, and Marco Hanco
Catherine Leech and Reza Ahmadian


Modelling potential sites for tidal range energy across the world Neill et al, (2018) estimate a theoretical annual output of 25,880 TWh across 11 countries. The predictability, availability and sustainability of tidal range energy makes it an ideal alternative to fossil fuels for producing baseload power whilst boosting the marine energy industry. Despite the presence of this plentiful resource across many countries, the development of Tidal Range Structures (TRSs) has so far been limited to a handful of locations globally due to technical, financial and environmental concerns. The environmental impacts of TRSs must be addressed in order for this technology to be actualised.


Whilst most research into TRSs deploys numerical modelling, this research adds to the body of knowledge using physical modelling to investigate the hydro-environmental impacts of varying TRS designs. A 1:5000 scale model was built in the Hydro-environmental Research Centre at Cardiff University to test the effects of varying turbine spacing in TRS seawalls as well as comparing the impact of different shaped TRSs with the same area. Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers were used to record velocity, whilst water level data was obtained using pressure cells and fluorescent dye was injected into the TRS and filmed in order to visualise flow.


Results showed that velocity patterns are most influenced by turbine spacing and that tight spacing leads to the greatest impact on baseline conditions due to concentrated wake effects. Wider spacing promotes slower circulation which would enable other activities to take place within TRSs but may lead to issues with water quality if flows are too slow to facilitate effective flushing. Both square and rectangular TRS designs showed similar results within the TRS but a rectangular TRS leads to greater blockage effects outside. This emphasises the need for site specific design to take coastal conditions into account. Overall, turbine spacing has a greater impact on flow conditions than the number of turbines, and central placement with wider spacing was found to be best for maintaining natural conditions.


This research is funded as part of the Water Informatics Science and Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training under a grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, grant number EP/L016214/1.


Neill, et al. (2018) Tidal range energy resource and optimization – Past perspectives and future challenges. Renewable Energy, 127, 763-778.

How to cite: Leech, C. and Ahmadian, R.: Hydro-environmental Modelling of the Impacts of Turbine Layout and Design Considerations of Tidal Range Schemes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17316,, 2023.