ITS3.5/CL3.6 | Nature-based Solutions for climate change adaptation
Nature-based Solutions for climate change adaptation
Convener: Pierre-Antoine Versini | Co-conveners: Natalia Rodriguez-Ramirez, Amy Oen, Daniela Rizzi
| Tue, 25 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)
Room 0.94/95
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall CL
Orals |
Tue, 08:30
Tue, 14:00
Tue, 14:00
Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) are actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems, that address societal challenges, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits (IUCN, 2018). Within the framework of a global ecosystem approach, NbS must encompass ecological, societal, political, economic and cultural issues at all levels, from the individual to the collective, from local to national, from the public or private sphere.

As recently highlighted by IPCC and IPBES, climate change and biodiversity degradation cannot be separated, and must be considered together. For this reason, this session is especially focused on the way NbS can act as climate change adaptation solutions. Considering various ecosystems (marine and coastal, urban, cropland, mountainous, forest, rivers and lakes,.,), NbS as interventions for climate adaptation includes the adaptation to: sea level rise (flooding and erosion), changes of the water regime (floods, droughts, water quality and availability), rise in temperatures (heat waves, forest fires, drought, energy consumption), plant stress and increase of pests (variation of yields, forest dieback), to minimize their associated social and economic negative impacts.

Therefore, this session aims to promote interdisciplinary research related to ecosystem restoration, preservation and management, to put forward the complexity that is often hidden by simplifying hypotheses and approaches (sector-based silo approach, homogeneity of environments, ...).

Specific topics of interest are the followings:
- Complexity: nature of ecosystems and the risk of oversimplification, interconnection between NbS and complementary areas, consideration of uncertainties (future climate and associated impacts...)
- Scales: spatial scales with the integration of NbS in their environment, and temporal scales considering sustainability over time, variability of bio-physical processes and climate change effects
- Ecosystem services: understanding the bio-geophysical processes, spatial shift between the location of NbS and the location of beneficiaries, modification under climate change (threshold and inflection point), co-benefits or on the contrary degradation, negative effects ("misadaptation")
- Assessment and indicators: measurement and modelling protocols to evaluate NbS performances, capacity to measure the complexity, resilience and stability of the solutions.

Orals: Tue, 25 Apr | Room 0.94/95

Chairpersons: Pierre-Antoine Versini, Natalia Rodriguez-Ramirez, Daniela Rizzi
On-site presentation
Anna Scolobig, JoAnne Linnerooth-Bayer, Mark Pelling, Juliette Martin, Teresa Deubelli, Wei Liu, and Amy Oen

This presentation explores how claims for transformative adaptation toward more equitable and sustainable societies can be assessed. We build on a theoretical framework describing transformative adaptation as it manifests across four core elements of the public-sector adaptation lifecycle: vision, planning, institutional frameworks, and interventions. For each element, we identify characteristics that can help track adaptation as transformative. Our purpose is to identify how governance systems can constrain or support transformative choices and thus enable targeted interventions. We demonstrate and test the usefulness of the framework with reference to three case studies of nature-based solutions (NBS): river restoration (Germany), forest conservation (China), and landslide risk reduction (Italy). Building on a desktop study and open-ended interviews, our analysis adds evidence to the view that transformation is not an abrupt system change, but a dynamic complex process that evolves over time. While each of the NBS cases fails to fulfill all the transformation characteristics, there are important transformative elements in their visions, planning, and interventions. There is a deficit, however, in the transformation of institutional frameworks. The cases show institutional commonalities in multi-scale and cross- sectoral (polycentric) collaboration as well as innovative processes for inclusive stakeholder engagement; yet, these arrangements are ad hoc, short-term, dependent on local champions, and lacking the permanency needed for upscaling. For the public sector, this result highlights the potential for establishing cross-competing priorities among agencies, cross-sectoral formal mechanisms, new dedicated institutions, as well as programmatic and regulatory mainstreaming.

How to cite: Scolobig, A., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Pelling, M., Martin, J., Deubelli, T., Liu, W., and Oen, A.: Transformative Adaptation through Nature-Based Solutions: A Comparative Case Study Analysis in China, Italy and Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16076,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Caroline Van Esbroeck

Implementing Nature-based Solutions (NBS) will be crucial in the context of the urban environment, as the global share of greenhouse gas emissions attributed to urban areas is - according to the latest IPCC report - increasing. In 2020, urban emissions were estimated at 29 GtCO2-eq. These emissions represent 67-72% of the global share. In that sense, NBS can play an important role. On the one hand, by reducing emissions, and on the other hand, by adapting the environment to the consequences of climate change, such as making the urban environment more resilient to the heat island effect and the increased risk of flooding.

Although investments in NBS infrastructures are considered a cost-effective way to achieve future societal and environmental benefits, the current public spending in Flanders (Belgium) still needs to be increased. As a result, the gap between investments and the societal need for NBS is growing. In contrast to the limited public spending, the private capital seeking for investments is abundant. Yet, the potential to invest private capital in NBS is not fully exploited. NBS projects typically have sizeable upfront costs and diffuse and long-term societal benefits that are not easily captured in steady cash flows. In order to attract private investments to NBS, new business models and alternative financing mechanisms are needed.

This research focuses on land value capture instruments as an alternative financing mechanism for NBS. The interest in this topic, and especially in developer obligations as an alternative financing instrument, has recently grown exponentially among scholars. The developer obligations are related to permits for additional buildings/constructions. In Flanders, however, the legal preconditions imply that the developer’s obligation must have a direct link with the project. This leaves little room for using (incomes from) developer obligations in a non-site-specific way. Although, those additional buildings and the associated sealing of soil, have a clear link with its heat island effect in the cities. Mitigating measures such as cooling nature, forestry, and water surfaces in and near the cities are therefore of vital importance in this era of climate change. 

In this research, the legal context in Flanders will be assessed through in-depth doctrinal legal research. By illustration, the legal framework will be applied to the Stiemervalley NBS case in Genk.

How to cite: Van Esbroeck, C.: Developer obligations as an alternative financing instrument for Nature-based Solutions in Flemish cities: an urban planning law perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17085,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Zane Havens, Stephen Macko, and Laura Mogensen

As the body of research surrounding the benefits of Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI) grows, questions regarding how and where UGI is implemented in regards to vulnerable populations require more investigation. Although US cities and municipalities have begun to examine the environmental justice implications of UGI placement, the spatial aggregation and connectivity characteristics of urban ecosystems in vulnerable areas aren’t always considered when making these decisions.  Evidence suggests that connectivity of UGI can influence the ecosystem services UGI provides, but currently research into the differences in UGI connectivity between vulnerable and non-vulnerable populations is sparse. Understanding this relationship can help to better inform decisionmakers on how to effectively address discrepancies in UGI implementation while minimizing the expenditure of municipal resources.

In this case study of Washington, DC, we explore relationships between metrics of ecosystem connectivity derived from high spatial resolution (1m) land cover maps and components of the US Center for Disease Control’s Social Vulnerability Index.  These relationships are analyzed using PCA to uncover correlations between commonly used indicators of social vulnerability and the spatial patterns of land cover in a major US city.

How to cite: Havens, Z., Macko, S., and Mogensen, L.: Discerning relationships between urban ecosystem connectivity and social vulnerability in a major US city, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13851,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Mario Balzan

Nature-based solutions are increasingly promoted in regional and national policies as actions to address societal challenges and promote climate change mitigation and adaptation while leading to co-benefits to human well-being and biodiversity. However, several challenges limit the mainstreaming of nature-based solutions in decision-making. Through the presentation of case studies from the island state of Malta, we analyse the (a) use of urban ecosystem service assessment to prioritise nature-based solutions based on existing distributional patterns, (b) recent case-studies of nature-based solutions implementation, and (c) barriers and enablers to mainstreaming nature-based solutions in decision-making. We show how urban ecosystem service assessments can support greening strategies by identifying the most effective nature-based solutions that can play a redistributive role by addressing existing inequalities in ecosystem services supply within cities. Our results also indicate that while nature-based solutions were used to address multiple societal challenges, including tackling drought and heat risk, low place aesthetic value, low green infrastructure availability, and biodiversity and knowledge loss, several gaps in practice remain. We show how nature-based solutions uptake has been more strongly associated with the environmental sector, and social and economic benefits, such as green job creation, social cohesion and ownership by communities, were less often identified in the analysed case-studies. We also show how current bottlenecks, including knowledge gaps regarding the scope, cost-effectiveness and benefits arising from nature-based solutions, and limited practical experience, act as barriers to implementation while the arising public relations, adoption of interdisciplinary approaches involving multiple stakeholders, and the availability of regional guidelines were considered as key enablers. Drawing on these case-studies, we present recent collaborative work aiming at addressing some of the gaps in knowledge and practice, while engaging with communities to co-create nature-based solutions and evaluating the impacts of implementation.

How to cite: Balzan, M.: Planning effective and multifunctional nature-based solutions: insights from the case-study of Malta, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7092,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Elisa Furlan, Elena Allegri, Christian Simeoni, Remy Simide, Geraldine Perez, Bethan O'Leary, Catarina Fonseca, Andrea Critto, and Antonio Marcomini

Climate change and environmental degradation are severely affecting marine and coastal systems and the innumerable ecosystem goods and services on which people rely. As result, biodiversity loss and reductions in ecosystem functioning have been recorded across marine and terrestrial systems. A transformative change in the way we adapt to climate change is needed, centered around preserving and restoring nature. Nature-based Solutions (NbS), an umbrella term for conservation, restoration and other management measures (e.g., regulation law implementation), offer an opportunity to transform climate adaptation pathways while providing environmental and societal benefits. They can act as risk reduction measures and address ecological, political, societal, economic issues at multi-level from individual targeted local interventions to collective regional upscaling.

To facilitate the adoption of evidence-informed NbS responding to environmental targets as posed by relevant EU acquis (e.g., Marine Strategy Framework Directive) and specific contexts, in the frame of the MaCoBioS project, a harmonized modeling framework has been developed. It brings together risk assessment approaches, NbS suitability mapping and a decision-support system guiding the selection of most appropriate NbS in marine and coastal ecosystems. In particular, following a progressive analytical process, Machine Learning techniques and GIS are exploited to recognize risk-prone areas against the combined effect of human and climate-related pressures, while identifying suitable areas for marine-coastal NbS implementation today and into the future. Drawing on this, the designed decision-support system offers a portfolio of potential actionable interventions based on a variety of factors (e.g., from ecological to socio-economic) that will need to be considered during NbS planning and implementation. It allows practitioners an overview of NbS approaches that are best suited to addressing societal challenges, also linked to climate-related risks, thereby potentially helping to achieve value for money from the often-limited resources available for environmental conservation and management.

Overall, the proposed multi-stage analytical framework aims to provide evidence-based guidance on the inter-relations between climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem services, offering a basis for strategic discussions and better alignment of marine-coastal NbS with respect to societal challenges. Its adoption by marine-coastal managers can facilitate an effective pathway towards NbS adoption that enhances the adaptation and resilience capacity of marine-coastal ecosystems.

How to cite: Furlan, E., Allegri, E., Simeoni, C., Simide, R., Perez, G., O'Leary, B., Fonseca, C., Critto, A., and Marcomini, A.: A multi-stage analytical framework for the integration of Nature-based Solutions into climate risk management and adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14076,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Martine Hossaert and Xavier Le Roux

In this talk, we will present an innovative French program on Biodiversity and Nature Based Solutions, SOLU-BIOD, driven by the CNRS and INRAe. This is an ambitious (>44 Mio€), long term (9 years) transformative (systemic) program, part of an investment plan of the French Government, which will address the challenges of implementing innovative NbS by tackling three main issues:

(i) an organizational challenge: SOLU-BIOD will structure in France the community of research and practice on NbS in an unprecedented way by making possible highly inter- and transdisciplinary research;  (ii) scientific challenges: SOLU-BIOD will enable highly innovative research, in particular on the roles of biodiversity facets (in particular genetic diversity and evolutionary potential) for NbS; the importance of social processes (legislation frameworks, social norms, financing and governance systems) underlying NbS; the approaches and criteria to assess the effectiveness of NbS with the necessity to go beyond a case-by-case approach; and the creation of models and development of scenarios to design and assess NbS for the forthcoming decades. These scientific challenges will be addressed for four priority cases of NbS, namely NbS based on protected area networks, NbS in agricultural/natural mosaics, urban NbS and coastal NbS; (iii) a knowledge transfer, education and training challenge: SOLU-BIOD will profoundly change access to data and scientific knowledge and capacity building on NbS, through rethinking higher education and academic and continuing training and creating unprecedented access to expertise on these types of solutions in French territories. We will present more particularly the national network of living labs on NbS established by SOLU-BIOD and the research conducted therein.

How to cite: Hossaert, M. and Le Roux, X.: Revising our way to program and support research to tackle the scientific issues of nature-based solutions: the case of France institutions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16964,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Stanislava Boskovic, Pepe Puchol-Salort, Ana Mijic, and Cedo Maksimovic

Climate change-related phenomena are putting an enormous strain on cities’ infrastructure, human livelihoods, public health and citizens well-being. This, together with the increase in urban growth and urbanization, results in an expansion of urban hazards - including water scarcity, disease transmission and consequent social issues.

To address this complexity in an urban design context we introduce a Systemic Design (SyD) framework for Multifunctional Nature-based Solutions (NBS) to rethink and contribute to the planet’s health and people’s quality of life. The SyD approach focuses on context knowledge creation (environmental, climatic, social…) that includes perspectives from the point of view of multiple stakeholders, maps its key features, and analyses alternatives for exploiting different design options. Exploratory or suitability modelling supports all these steps.

The examples here presented are part of the multidisciplinary project euPOLIS focused on climate change adaptation and on enhancement of public health and citizen’s well-being through the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS). Although diversity of the size and the scale of presented case studies, the systematic baseline analysis have revealed that there are several shared conditions, such as an immediate need for improvement of existing green spaces, mitigation of direct and indirect UHI effect and refinement of maintenance systems.

A mapping of the local features, and variety of specific spatial and social conditions in public spaces studied in euPOLIS’s Cities (Belgrade, Gladsaxe, Lodz and Pireas) gives synthetic prospects to better understand the potential effectiveness of Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) solutions (design options) in relation to their wider ecosystem and citizens’ concerns.  This leads to a systematic assessment of possible future scenarios of different scales (local, urban, regional…) and allows an examination of possible steps to better define locally specific variables, evaluation and validation of benefits to reduce existing vulnerability, and to improve community’s liveability.  The systemic design approach allows to explore the main drivers of urban development, climate change mitigation and urban resilience. In this way, it also supports decisions for further planning stages and anticipates actions for the management of the multifaceted hazards of the entire urban system.

How to cite: Boskovic, S., Puchol-Salort, P., Mijic, A., and Maksimovic, C.: Systemic design approach for climate change adaptation and enhancement of public health and wellbeing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6288,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Sotiria Baki, Athanasia Kazantzi, and Christos Makropoulos

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) offer multiple and diverse benefits for both nature and society as they could simultaneously address a spectrum of environmental, social, and economic aspects. The need to upscale urban environments via NBS has resulted in an ever-increasing demand for structured methodologies and easy-to-implement urban design tools to facilitate their adaptation in standard urban policies and modern practices. Within this context, an innovative multi-dimensional, indicator-based NBS assessment framework for enabling a first-order site-specific selection of NBS has been developed herein. The proposed two-step simple, yet systematic, methodological framework enables urban planners to rank a set of candidate NBS, considered for a site of interest, on the basis of multi-dimensional measurable criteria, instead of founding their decision on a purely subjective interpretation of the potential NBS benefits in view of past good practices.

The first step of the proposed methodology exploits readily available data and expert knowledge to eventually deliver an initial site screening through estimating appropriate indicators that monitor site performance in a set of concerns associated with the following categories: (a) Public Health and Well Being, (b) Urban, (c) Environment, (d) Social, and (e) Economic. In particular, urban planners initially perform a qualitative site assessment to evaluate site performance across a list of concerns, representing critical issues identified within each of the aforementioned categories, that could potentially be mitigated via NBS interventions. Although the severity assessment of a particular concern (e.g. air quality, overweight population) is offered in a descriptive form (i.e. High/Moderate/Low/Not a problem/Not a concern), specific thresholds are recommended for each concern to guide stakeholders’ decisions with regards to the transition from one severity state to the other. The second step involves assessing the capacity for each of the NBS identified for the site of interest to mitigate the most pressing site-specific concerns. This NBS impact assessment, likewise the site screening, is performed in a qualitative manner. Hence, based on available literature, past experience and expert opinion, urban planners specify whether a specific NBS could have a Direct/Indirect/No mitigating impact on a particular site concern.

Following the input phase, the information related to the severity of the concerns (step 1) is convolved with the ability of an NBS to impact them (step 2) to produce a ranked list of the site-specific candidate NBS on the basis of their efficiency to address the most pressing site concerns. To facilitate this, a score is assigned to each of the qualitative descriptions in both steps. Through multiplying the two step scores per concern and then summing them, a total score per NBS is computed reflecting the overall NBS site-specific score. Supplementary factors could be accommodated by the proposed framework, to account for other aspects that are likely to affect NBS selection, e.g. budget or other constraints.

The proposed innovative methodology is also offered in the form of an online application, to serve as a decision-assisting tool for undertaking a first-order NBS selection and consequently prioritising further investigation and detailed modelling to appropriate interventions prior to their implementation.

How to cite: Baki, S., Kazantzi, A., and Makropoulos, C.: NBS efficiency-informed urban upscaling methodology: the euPOLIS approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17125,, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Amy Oen, Natalia Rodriguez-Ramirez, Daniela Rizzi
Virtual presentation
Anna B. Harper, Arthur Argles, Peter Cox, Richard Betts, Eddy Robertson, and Ian Bateman

The UK has committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050, and the government plans to triple current tree planting rates over the next 25 years. This commitment brings up many questions – Where should the trees be planted? If they displace agriculture, where should the displaced food come from, and how should farmers be compensated? And how will future UK woodlands fare in a changing climate?

We are developing a suite of models to address the multifaceted implications of land use change in the UK. The aim is to empower decision makers to understand policy options that would lead to a desired outcome – for example tree planting incentives to maximize greenhouse gas removal. A core component of this modelling framework is forest carbon storage and its sensitivity to climate, CO2, and management. Using km-scale climate forcing from an ensemble of projections, we model forest carbon with JULES, which typically represents the land surface in the UK/Hadley Centre climate models. We include developments to represent forest demography, multiple species, and management. Future climate in the UK is projected to be warmer with drier summers and wetter winters. Therefore, both drought and flooding are concerns for planning future land use.

This study highlights both the mitigation and adaptation potential of UK woodlands, focusing on a case study of locations illustrative of the climate change patterns seen in UKCP18 projections produced by the UK Met Office. We evaluate the potential for carbon removal, as well as impacts of the new woodlands on water resources (runoff and soil water retention) and local surface temperatures. Although higher CO2 levels are expected to enhance growth, the potential for warmer and drier summers pose regional threats to future UK woodlands, even in high mitigation scenarios.

How to cite: Harper, A. B., Argles, A., Cox, P., Betts, R., Robertson, E., and Bateman, I.: Future forest growth in the UK – a case study of supporting land use decisions for net zero, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15939,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Nele Gloy, Paula Romanovska, Abel Chemura, and Christoph Gornott

Climate change is projected to become limiting for cocoa production which can increase drastically the pressure on forest land as cocoa is already now a major driver for deforestation in Cameroon. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of climate risks that are associated to cocoa production and change in suitability is key for future resilient land use planning.  The nature based solution agroforestry is a common and promising strategy in the face of climate change impacts on cocoa production due to the reduction of heat stress by providing shade and its various co-benefits, as for instance the diversification of income. Crop suitability models are used in assessing the impact of climate change on season-long crop production potential and provide important information for projections of production rates. In this study, we developed an approach to assess the vulnerability of cocoa production in agroforestry systems under climate change considering common fruit tree species (Dacryodes edulis and Mangifera indica) in cocoa plantations in Cameroon. We simulated first the general suitability for cocoa under current and projected climate change and then compared the suitability under an emulated agroforestry system. We considered various climatic parameters such as monthly temperature, mean monthly precipitation, number of hot nights and days, (consecutive) dry months as well as further soil parameters such as pH. Farmers and expert’s opinion were considered through interviews and focus groups to complete and improve data availability on further socio-economic factors that might affect future suitability and productivity within agroforestry systems. We modelled future climate projections with Global Climate Models covering the time period 2015-2100 under the two climate change scenarios SSP1-RCP2.6 and SSP3-RCP7.0. Our results show an important shift of suitable areas and considerable decrease of suitability especially for the fruit trees which should be considered in adaptation planning to ensure future viable production.

How to cite: Gloy, N., Romanovska, P., Chemura, A., and Gornott, C.: Future climatic suitability of cocoa agroforestry systems with common fruit trees in Cameroon, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3139,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Beate Zimmermann, Sarah Kruber, and Christian Hildmann

In the state of Brandenburg in eastern Germany, land use is increasingly affected by long-lasting soil moisture deficits in the vegetation period. Therefore, it is important to take measures to improve water retention at the landscape level to delay and mitigate the effects of droughts.

As a first step, we developed a catalog of possible measures that can be implemented on agricultural land, in forests, settlements, and nature reserves in our study area, a 1900 km² county in Brandenburg. Our objective was then to quantify their bio-physical efficacy. The distribution of land surface temperature (LST), which we derived from Landsat thermal images from the vegetation seasons of 2013 to 2020, served as a proxy for environmental conditions that favor water retention. We modeled LST as a function of several parameters of the physical environment such as land cover, forest and crop type. In addition, we incorporated an antecedent moisture index and potential evapotranspiration at time of satellite overpass into the model. With the help of meteorological time series from climate projections, we can thus check to what extent the model results could change in the future.

In this contribution, we will present the modeling framework and results. The model predictions provide a ranking of measures in terms of their effectiveness both within and between land use classes. In agricultural landscapes, for example, the conversion of cropland to forest and, albeit to a lesser extent, to permanent grassland is much more efficient than organic fertilization, agroforestry, or the cultivation of permanent crops. Finally, we discuss possible approaches to using the results for practical recommendations despite the various uncertainties (data and model uncertainty, uncertainty of climate projection data).

How to cite: Zimmermann, B., Kruber, S., and Hildmann, C.: Effectiveness of climate change adaptation measures in a drought-prone area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7179,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Adrien Selles, Cécile Herivaux, Philippe Le Coent, and Jean-Christophe Marechal

Nature-based solutions (NBS) involve using natural systems such as wetlands, forests, and rivers restoration, to address challenges related to water, such as flooding, water scarcity, and water quality. Groundwater circulations and processes play a critical role in these natural systems. The solutions applied at the surface will have qualitative and quantitative impacts on groundwater, in this case, we propose the term NBS-GW (nature based solutions on groundwater). Therefore, the impact of the NBS on the groundwater systems should be assessed.

The evaluation of NBS implemented with the objective of sustainable management of groundwater poses particular challenges related to the specificities of aquifers, invisible due to their underground location, whose functioning is complex and highly dependent on the geological context. Many factors influence the hydrogeological effects of a NBS-GW, including the climate, the topography of the watershed, the geology, but also the characteristics of the ecosystems concerned.

The recharge of the aquifers allows to store water during times of plenty, and then it can be released gradually during times of drought providing sustainable base flow in the rivers, helping to mitigate the effects of water scarcity. Moreover, groundwater systems can act as a buffer against flooding by absorbing excess water during heavy rainfall events. NBS can have negative impact if not designed and implemented based on hydrogeological considerations. The benefits of NBS-GW can be maximized by combining different solutions and tailoring them to the specific conditions of a given area.

This work aims to define the criteria to assess the effectiveness of different NBS in terms of their ability to recharge aquifers and improve water quality. NBS-GW can be distinguished according to the type of environment/ecosystem on which the solution acts, by preserving it, by improving its functioning, or by creating a new ecosystem. At the scale of a hydrogeological watershed, we will then distinguish between the solutions implemented (1) in agro-forestry environments, (2) in urban and peri-urban environments, or (3) aimed at aquatic environments.

A review of the scientific literature was carried out in order to characterize the hydrogeological effects of NBS-GW by major type of environment (agro-forestry, urban, aquatic), and to identify the main factors of variation of these effects.

These indicators of hydrogeological effects and efficiency could contribute to the list of NBS impact indicators recommended by the European Commission, which currently do not take groundwater into account.

How to cite: Selles, A., Herivaux, C., Le Coent, P., and Marechal, J.-C.: Criteria for assessing the impact of nature-based solutions on groundwater systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16784,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Siqi Jia and Qihao Weng

The intensified accumulation of greenhouse gasses has led to rapid changes in global temperature trends and climate. In urban areas, this issue may also be exacerbated by the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. There is an extensive body of studies investigating the effectiveness of nature-based solutions in addressing these concerns. The majority of investigations have been conducted in evaluating the performance of urban greenspaces on cooling the environment since greenspaces can provide significant urban cooling via shade provision, evapotranspiration, and increased albedo. However, there remain some technical constraints for currently widely used methods for quantifying the cooling effect of greenspace. For example, although remote sensing techniques can provide spatially representative temperature observations over large areas from regional to global scales, satellite thermal sensors possess relatively low-spatial resolution. Therefore, this study proposes an effective temperature downscaling method to assess the cooling effect of urban greenspaces based on the high-resolution temperature data. A total of five sites among typical urban communities in a highly-density city/country - Singapore were selected as study areas. The temperature downscaling algorithm proposed in this research combines predictions of both the geographically weighted regression (GWR) and the neural network. Results show that the hybrid temperature downscaling method outperforms the conventional downscaling method on whole territories of study regions. The cooling effect of greenspace improves with both increments in the area and the intensity of greenspace (indicated by the green plot ratio; GnPR) with R2 of 0.12 and 0.24, respectively. The characteristics of the urban built environment can also affect the cooling effect of greenspace with the R2 between the cooling effect and the sky view factor (SVF) ranging from 0.10 to 0.22 among the sites. Based on the high-resolution cooling performance of greenspace, our research offered some interesting findings: (1) small greenspace with low canopy density (e.g., small patches of grassland) may deliver higher temperature than the temperature of surroundings, thus becoming local heat islands. (2) In sites characterized by relatively high SVF, greenspace is less effective in urban cooling with an increase of openness. This suggests the effect of wind in dense high-rise urban built environments. These findings may assist in better planning of urban greenspaces to increase their cooling effects among different urban communities. The model developed in this study can also be used in other studies to study the influences of potential driving factors on the cooling performance of urban greenspace or other types of nature-based solutions at the regional level.

How to cite: Jia, S. and Weng, Q.: Planning of Urban Greenspace for Cooling Singapore: Modeling the Cooling Effects of Greenspace and Urban Morphology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11790,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Anja Randelović, Alfred Figueras, Frida Seidelin, Lars Briggs, and Filip Stanić

Climate change impacts are affecting and will continue to widely affect particularly urban areas and their dwellers. These impacts not only come with economic losses, but also directly threaten the health of urban dwellers, as well as the functionality of urban ecosystems in terms of providing ecosystem services (EES) and ensuring habitats for threatened biodiversity. Nature-based Solutions (NBS) are approaches that can tackle many of these impacts by mimicking natural processes.

In this case, the euPOLIS project, aims at creating cities-for-healthy-people by introducing NBS as a common practice in the urban planning methodologies, to locally improve thermal comfort, enhance biodiversity, mitigate pollution, improve climate resilience, provide open areas that stimulate social exchange and inclusivity, and much more, all contributing to enhancing public health and wellbeing (PH&WB) of citizens. By selecting 4 front-runner cities acting as demo-cases in different biogeographical and climatic regions, NBS are designed and tailored to each urban environment characteristics and problems. An innovative urban planning methodology that actively engage citizens is firstly developed, then tested and finally put into practice in all FR cities and resulting into a set of NBS interventions which aim to enhance the outdoor environmental conditions of the sites, supporting and promoting increased physical activity of citizens (as a precursor for health and well-being enhancements) and providing ground for socio-cultural and business improvements. These NBSs are then, implemented and constructed on each site, and carefully monitored before, under and after construction in order to measure their expected impacts.

The monitoring phase is based on an exhaustive data collection approach of different variables (environmental, social, public health and well-being, urban), which together with the posterior data analysis are expected to be important research tools and methodologies allowing to withdraw evidence-based conclusions of the NBS impacts. Different approaches to monitor NBS will be used, such as biodiversity surveys and environmental modelling, that in combination with in-situ sensors and satellite imagery and will provide insights about the environmental status of the site. In addition, the use of wearables together with health apps will help to determine the effects on PH & WB of citizens. Finally, questionaries on-site along with other qualitative methods will help to shed light on the enhanced social and economic conditions. NBS implemented in the project sites will therefore cover a multi-disciplinary consortium, actively engage citizens for consultation in all phases of the project and have a strong focus on PH & WB with the assessment of multiple co-benefits the solutions can provide. The enhanced EES by the newly introduced NBS, are expected to revitalize the urban ecosystems, protect local biodiversity and by doing so, regenerate the economic, social, cultural aspects of the site. Finally, this process is expected to directly/indirectly improve PH & WB in the demonstration sites.

The euPOLIS Project is on-going and expected to finish by August 2024, when the results and conclusions of the developed urban planning methodologies and NBS impacts on PH&WB will be shared, discussed and potentially scaled-up in other urban environments impacted by climate change. 

How to cite: Randelović, A., Figueras, A., Seidelin, F., Briggs, L., and Stanić, F.: Nature-based Solutions (NBS) at work and monitoring their performance – the innovative research case of the EU-funded project euPOLIS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17063,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Inês Carneiro, A. Rita Carrasco, Karin Didderen, and Ana I. Sousa

The loss of coastal wetlands in the last decades has been dominated by human-induced pressures and sea-level rise. Still, wetlands restoration has gained political momentum (e.g., the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030) as means of coastal protection, while supporting nature values and its biodiversity, addressing causes and consequences of climate change and securing ecosystem services for human well-being. Assessing the success of ecological restoration projects is thus critical to support the use of restoration actions as a natural enhancement of ecosystem health and to improve current restoration practices. Though there is plenty of information about seagrass transplant and restoration, less is known about salt marsh restoration.

We conducted a salt marsh vegetation transplant experiment in a rewilded wetland in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (South Portugal). This study aimed to (1) advance knowledge on the facilitation of pioneer salt marsh species colonization and development in rewilded wetlands, and (2) monitor the evolution of flora biodiversity and phytosociology over time. Two pioneer and perennial halophyte species, the Spartina maritima and the Sarcocornia perennis, were transplanted from a natural donor place into a rewilded marsh. Biodegradable 3D BESE-elements® were implemented to facilitate the salt marsh plant establishment, sedimentation process, and natural recovery process. Data collected include ecological datasets, sediment characteristics, and hydrodynamics.

Early results from the transplant experiment show that, four months later, S. maritima has successfully adapted to the restored area, while several transplants of S. perennis did not survive after this period. S. maritima leaves length increased on average >30% since the transplant was implemented. The elevation gradient, sediment geochemistry in the transplanted area, and probably the timing of the transplants were found to be determinants for S. perennis survival.  The preliminary results of this study highlight the importance of considering the bio-physical interactions in salt marsh restoration projects, and the use of environmental indicators to evaluate wetland-based solutions performances.

How to cite: Carneiro, I., Carrasco, A. R., Didderen, K., and Sousa, A. I.: Preliminary results of salt marsh transplants in rewilded coastal wetlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15449,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Sarah Hülsen, Chahan M. Kropf, and Robert McDonald

Recently, Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have received increasing attention for their potential to contribute to climate change mitigation, as well as disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change. Previous research has used a variety of methods to assess NbS and ecosystem- based risk reduction. The overarching question we aim to answer is: How many people do coastal ecosystems protect from the impacts of tropical cyclones and resulting storm surges?

The combination of event-based risk modelling and ecosystem modelling data is a novel approach. This research uses the probabilistic model CLIMADA and ecosystem service data to quantify the coastal protection provided by coastal ecosystems. First, a baseline of the number of people impacted by tropical cyclones in the low-elevation coastal zone globally and the number of people simultaneously within the protection distance of coastal habitats is established. Next, the baseline is compared with historical habitat and population data from 1992. Looking to the future, we investigate changes in coastal protection under climate change (SSP585 in 2050). Finally, scenarios of different options for human action in protecting, managing, and restoring nature in the near future (2050) are appraised: continued forest conversion, agroforestry, mangrove restoration, and reforestation.

Currently, the annual average number of people in the global low-elevation coastal zone protected from tropical cyclones by coastal habitats is 13.84 million, which corresponds to approximately a quarter of all people impacted annually by tropical cyclones in this zone. Historically, the share of protected people has decreased by approximately 4%, both due to population developments and habitat loss. With climate change, the average annual number of people impacted will increase by up to 40%, however, there is a slight decrease in the share of people protected by coastal ecosystems. Protecting, managing, and restoring nature is important to prevent a further decrease in the protection provided by coastal ecosystems globally, but especially on a local scale. While the number of people protected globally only increases slightly across the nature management and protection scenarios, protection in individual countries can increase by around 30% under reforestation or mangrove restoration, and around 5% under agroforestry. These findings form an important basis for NbS policy and use for disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change, e.g. by highlighting areas which have both a need for protection and a potential for NbS.

How to cite: Hülsen, S., Kropf, C. M., and McDonald, R.: Nature-based Solutions for disaster risk reduction - How many people do coastal ecosystems protect from tropical cyclones globally?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17166,, 2023.


Posters on site: Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X5

Chairpersons: Pierre-Antoine Versini, Natalia Rodriguez-Ramirez, Amy Oen
Joscha N. Becker, Stephan Musal, Susann Ocker, Alexander Schütt, and Annette Eschenbach

Climate change increases the pressure on urban street trees by limited soil-water availability during extended heat and dry summer periods. Young and freshly planted trees are particularly affected by soil drought since their root system is not well developed and spatially limited to the volume of the initial root ball. The vitality and survival of these trees is strongly dependent on their ability to quickly exploit a larger rooting zone.

To investigate early tree development and root growth, we established a field trial in a tree nursery within the metropolitan region of Hamburg, Germany. Three tree species (Amelanchier lamarckii, Quercus cerris and Tilia cordata ‚Greenspire‘) were grown in two soil substrates (loam, sand) in five replicates. After three years, we excavated a defined soil volume radially from each tree trunk, and determined root biomass (coarse > 2 mm, and fine < 2 mm diameter) in three distances and three depths. Results were compared to species-specific allometric equations, derived from stem diameter measurements.

While no overall substrate effect appeared for total root biomass, the average fine-root biomass between all species was 59% higher in loam compared to sand. Species wise, A. lamarckii showed 68% lower total root biomass and a lower root spread in sand substrate, compared to loam. This was mainly related to the near complete absence of A. lamarckii‘s coarse roots in sand. In contrast Q. cerris developed larger root biomass in sand substrate, particularly in form of deep fine roots, with a maximum in 60-90 cm depth. This was not reflected in the allometric equation (r = -0.8), indicating a shift in belowground carbon allocation under water stress. Compared to the restricted root system of A. lamarckii and the deep roots of Q. cerris, T. cordata formed an extensive fine root system, with a reduced fine root abundance in sand substrate.

We conclude that the rooting-zone exploitation in planting pits is strongly affected by soil substrate and differs between tree species. Particularly Q. cerris invests in a large deep rooting system under enhanced water stress (i.e. in sand substrate), which is not reflected by common allometric equation methods. Ensuring a healthy urban tree population under climate change, therefore requires the combined consideration of adaptive tree species and present urban soil substrates for new tree plantings.

How to cite: Becker, J. N., Musal, S., Ocker, S., Schütt, A., and Eschenbach, A.: Coarse and fine root development of street-tree species in different planting soil substrate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2593,, 2023.

Changes in Mangrove Carbon Stocks and Exposure to Sea Level Rise (SLR) under Future Climate Scenarios
Minerva Singh
Daniela Glueck

In order to adapt to sea level rise, sand nourishments are one of the measures to protect the coast from erosion and stabilize shorelines. Marine sands are being dredged from the ocean floor and nourished onto the beach or in the shallow water. To understand the ecological effects of these measurements, the following case study was performed. Both short and long-term effects on aquatic and terrestrial coastal ecosystems were monitored during a 24 months survey which started in June 2021 in Ahrenshoop at the Baltic Sea (Germany). Sediment structure and vegetation along the nourished beach as well as the turbidity plume caused by the nourishment were monitored.
It was shown that it takes around 6 months until the sediment and water conditions prior to the nourishment are met again. This is due to the mechanism of the nourishment itself and depending on the nourished sediment. The algae vegetation was only influenced by seasons and not affected by the nourishment. In contrast, there were major changes in vegetation of the dune since part of the dune was burrowed under the nourished sand. The vegetation coverage decreased as well as the biodiversity in the primary and secondary dune which both were buried under a new layer of sediment that was significantly different and only Ammophila arenaria was restored there. The tertiary dune was not directly affected by the nourishment. Nevertheless, comparisons of the dune with unnourished dunes showed overall lower biodiversity including the tertiary dune.
Sand nourishments can change the ecology of a coastal ecosystem. Even after reinstating similar sediment parameters, the results of the case study suggest that long-term effects occur regarding vegetation of the dune. 

How to cite: Glueck, D.: Can sand nourishments counteract the consequences of climate change while preserving ecosystems: A case study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4894,, 2023.

Mariana Elías-Lara, Jorge Rodríguez, Yu-Hsuan Tu, Javier Blanco-Sacristán, Marcel M. El Hajj, Kasper Johansen, and Matthew F. McCabe

Mangroves are essential ecosystems composed of salt-tolerant plants that grow in tropical and subtropical intertidal zones, acting as a vital link between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Interest in mangrove preservation and restoration has been increasing in recent years due to their important role in climate regulation by capturing and preserving carbon. Despite their importance, these ecosystems are under huge pressure due to human activities. It is estimated that these environments have lost up to half of the area occupied under pristine conditions. Leaf area index (LAI) is a well-known biophysical parameter related to plant health, as it provides information on the water, energy, and CO2 exchange between plants and the atmosphere. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have emerged in recent years as a viable solution for ecosystem monitoring, as they allow for rapid and frequent data acquisition of a wide range of wavelengths. In this work, we evaluated the potential of multispectral images acquired by a UAV to estimate the LAI of a mangrove (Avicennia marina) forest located in the coastal area of the Red Sea in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Multicollinearity assessment was performed to select significant variables suited for estimating LAI, including five multispectral bands, a canopy height model, and eight vegetation indices. Multicollinearity assessment was performed with three approaches: the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO), Random Forest (RF) for variable selection, and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA). The capability of significant variables to estimate LAI was assessed using the Generalized Linear Model (GLM), RF and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Results showed high estimation accuracy of LAI (R² = 0.91 for GLM, R² = 0.89 for RF and R² = 0.90 for SVM). However, further analysis showed that it is possible to estimate LAI of the mangrove forest with reasonable accuracy (R² = 0.87 for GLM, R² = 0.78 for RF and R² = 0.87 for SVM) using only two variables, the canopy height model and the GreenNDVI. The same variables were used to estimate LAI at another mangrove site and similar results were obtained (R² = 0.74 for GLM, R² = 0.73 for RF and R² = 0.68 for SVM). 

How to cite: Elías-Lara, M., Rodríguez, J., Tu, Y.-H., Blanco-Sacristán, J., El Hajj, M. M., Johansen, K., and McCabe, M. F.: Estimation of Mangrove Leaf Area Index using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle multispectral imagery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7009,, 2023.

Pierre-Antoine Versini

Nature-based adaptation Solutions (NbaS) have become central elements for action on climate. With a wide range of forms across different ecosystems, NBaS are now recognized to mitigate the intensity and frequency of climate-related events, to buffer heat stress and to regulate altered hydrological cycles for instance.

The LIFE ARTISAN project (Achieving Resiliency by Triggering Implementation of nature-based Solutions for climate Adaptation at a National scale) aims to promote the implementation of NbaS throughout the French territory ( in the framework of the National Plan for Climate Change Adaptation. For this purpose, many actions are carried out to facilitate the design, use, assessment and maintenance of NbaS: development of tools, trainings, grid of indicators, taking benefit from 10 pilot sites.

This communication is particularly focused on the way in which the naturation of the urban environment can attenuate heat islands. It presents the thermo-hydric coupling carried out between the Multi-Hydro and Solène-Microclimate models. This new platform is able to simulate both water balance and energy budget to assess the performance of NbaS in stormwater management and microclimate mitigation at the urban project scale. This coupling, based on the evapotranspiration process, was validated by using observed data collected during the ANR EVNATURB project (

Perspectives are proposed concerning schoolyards. These locations, often highly impervious, appear very relevant for setting up NbaS in order to create cooling islands, while having an educational aim.

How to cite: Versini, P.-A.: Thermo-hydric assessment of Nature-based adaptation Solutions in urban environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9250,, 2023.

Yannick Dahm and Thomas Nehls

Photovoltaic electricity, heat, or biomass are potential products of transformed solar radiation on building envelopes. In the urban landscape all of these energy forms can be used. Walls can be heated when left blank (in winter) and plants can generate biomass, which stores CO2. Roof- and facade greening are both discussed climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, whereas its cooling performance is of highest interest in order to prevent indoor heat stress in urban areas, e.g. in the mid latitudes. Shading is the most effective cooling process before transpiration and insulation, its impact depends on the solar radiation. Therefore, solar radiation must be quantified for a set of typical urban conditions in order to prioritize roof or façade greening as the most effective cooling strategy.

The latitude and the regional climatic conditions have an impact on the radiation absorbed by the roofs and the facades of a city. Additionally, the urban design (street canyon height-to-width ratio, roof-to-facade area ratio, altitude of the facade and roof, albedo) and the building orientation play an important role.

We simulated idealized (clear sky conditions, constant albedo and elevation) and realistic scenarios (accounting realistic mean annual weather conditions) with three simplified urban designs (street canyon height-to-width ratio =1, 0.5, 0), using the meteonorm database for seven latitudinal evenly distributed cities between the equator and Svalbard. We present results for buildings with a roof to facade ratio of 1, 2 and 3 and discuss the corresponding effectiveness of roof and facade greening.

How to cite: Dahm, Y. and Nehls, T.: Seasonal solar radiation input of building surfaces depending on latitude, orientation and urban design- implications for urban greening, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9635,, 2023.

Amina Ly and Noah Diffenbaugh

Protected areas are a critical tool for managing and ensuring the persistence of species biodiversity and land conservation. Their spatial extents are used to measure progress towards land protections by several international targets. However, governance type, management, and enforcement of these protected areas vary sub-nationally, and can influence the efficacy of the designation. Simultaneously, climatic conditions are coupled with species resilience, and changes in climate can be associated with shifts, expansions, and contractions of viable areas for habitat maintenance. Climate change is expected to change baseline climatic conditions globally and is likely to limit the benefits of terrestrial protected areas. Improved understanding of the relationship between governance, regional climate change, and protected areas can further enhance tracking of land cover change and inform protection strategies implemented across spatial scales. To aid in informed decision making at sub-national scales, we combine information on terrestrial sites in the World Database on Protected Areas, historic and future climate projections from CMIP6, and remotely sensed data on vegetation cover (NDVI). We leverage categorical differences in protected area management, as well as climate anomalies through time to explore their relationship to land cover change, and create additional tools for risk assessment that may be used in conjunction with local governance processes

How to cite: Ly, A. and Diffenbaugh, N.: Leveraging Climate and Governance Variability to Support Future Protected Area Risk Assessments , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10916,, 2023.

Aurore Toulou, Lucie Merlier, Bernard Kaufmann, Claire Harpet, and Frédéric Lefèvre

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in urban areas can be solutions that simultaneously enable adaptation to climate change, preserve biodiversity, and ensure human health and well-being. Since NbS are open systems, their behavior is highly dependent on their interactions with the environment, which are particularly complex and diverse in the urban ecosystem. The dynamics of the urban socio-ecosystem are driven by humans who create new flows, new interactions and further redefine natural ecological processes.  

Urban NbS have the potential to deliver multiple benefits, such as cooling air, regulating the water cycle, capturing pollutants, producing biomass, contributing to the creation of ecological corridors, providing spaces for socialization and recreational activities, and improving quality of life. However, in the literature, their effectiveness is mainly assessed through siloed approaches, making it fragmented and unnuanced, with the outcomes rarely studied together. Following this, we develop a systemic framework, based on the “One Health” approach, to assess NbS as complex systems having interactions with biodiversity, microclimate, and humans. A well-performing NbS is assumed to be a solution in which biodiversity and humans are healthy in a mitigated microclimate. Through this systemic analysis, several outcomes of a NbS are studied together and links can be identified between the underlying processes, as synergies or antagonisms.

This work presents the One Health assessment framework. It is based on semantic work to define the system and conceptualize the One Health approach. It was supplemented by a literature review of studies developing other systemic frameworks and studies on the impacts of NbS. In addition, the framework was first developed for a particular type of urban NbS, green spaces, in order to focus on solutions based on the same objects – lawn, shrub, and tree –, and therefore, with mostly identical ecological functions.

This work was supported by the LabEx IMU (ANR-10-LABX-0088) of Université de Lyon, within the «Plan France 2030» operated by the French National Research Agency (ANR), and the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME).

How to cite: Toulou, A., Merlier, L., Kaufmann, B., Harpet, C., and Lefèvre, F.: A systemic framework based on the One Health approach to assess the performance of Nature-based Solutions in urban areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11799,, 2023.

Laddaporn Ruangpan, Jasna Plavšić, Nikola Rosic, Alex Curran, Ranko Pudar, and Zoran Vojinovic

Urbanization and climate change are making societies around the world more vulnerable to flooding. Effective and sustainable adaptation measures are needed to counteract the impacts of these changes and Nature-Based solutions have gained considerable attention for both mitigation and adaptation methods of flood risk reduction. However, methodologies to evaluate their performance and upscale their implementation are lacking. Performance evaluation in particular is an important process for decision-makers to be able to decide on the most desirable measures to be implemented. The present research aims to develop a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of NBS in reducing flood risk. The hydrological model (HEC-HMS) and 1D-2D hydrodynamic model (HEC-RAS) were coupled to create probabilistic inundation depth maps. A detailed flood damage model is then built and applied to estimate damage with and without the measures. The flood damage model was developed within the model builder in ArcGIS so that it can be easily replicated with many scenarios. Four measures were selected for the analyses, namely; reforestation, retention ponds, riparian buffer stripes, and bridge removal. This methodology has been applied to the case study of the Tamnava River Basin in Serbia within the EU-funded RECONECT project.

How to cite: Ruangpan, L., Plavšić, J., Rosic, N., Curran, A., Pudar, R., and Vojinovic, Z.: Model-based assessment of the effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions in flood risk reduction: The case of Tamnava River Basin in Serbia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13824,, 2023.

Lauren M. Cook, Kelly D. Good, Marco Moretti, Peleg Kremer, Bridget Wadzuk, Robert Traver, and Virginia Smith

Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), which are mitigation measures seeking to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems, have been lauded as a solution to multiple environmental challenges in urban areas, including adaptation to climate change and protection of biodiversity. NbS are particularly compelling due to their perceived multifunctionality, or the ability to simultaneously perform multiple ecosystem functions or deliver multiple ecosystem services. However, after several decades discussing the ideas surrounding this broad vision, the implementation of multifunctional NbS in urban areas remains elusive. As several authors have pointed out, this can be due to poor coordination between planning and implementation efforts of NbS elements at the site-level, referred to here as “green infrastructure” (GI).  GI are typically designed for one, maybe two purposes, such as water absorption and/or shade, while other ecosystem services and benefits of GI are a passive consideration, assumed to occur based on principles of ecology. With this approach, the lessons learned, management and best practices of these elements are siloed, and synergies within green infrastructure implementation efforts are often overlooked, limiting comprehensive design and consideration of multi-functionality.

In this literature analysis, we offer a new perspective for the holistic design of multifunctional green infrastructure. First, we identify 15 types of GI elements that encompass a larger system. Second, we establish the “design objective” as a way to intentionally consider various ecosystem functions or benefits before GI implementation. Based on a literature review, we identify 13 design objectives, such as stormwater management, heat mitigation, biodiversity, human health & well-being, and social justice. By cross analyzing the GI elements and design objectives using literature queries, we find that most objectives are indeed siloed among particular elements. For instance, literature on stormwater management-focused elements, such as vegetated and non-vegetated infiltration systems (e.g., rain gardens), is dominated by stormwater management papers. Biodiversity is repeatedly considered in papers related to GI elements that are seldom associated to stormwater management (e.g., trees, parks). Design objectives related to social justice are largely lacking from the GI literature, with the exception of parks, trees, and urban gardens. These findings highlight that efforts for multifunctional GI planning will need to be coordinated across design objectives and elements. Yet, with a vast number of objectives to consider, evaluating all options before implementation may eventually impede the decision-making process and lead to a paradox of choice. A solution could be to follow principles of flexible and adaptable design, allowing for changes in the system along the way to account for new information. Ultimately, inter and transdisciplinary collaboration, research, and coordination are needed to address this multifaceted and critical issue. 

How to cite: Cook, L. M., Good, K. D., Moretti, M., Kremer, P., Wadzuk, B., Traver, R., and Smith, V.: Towards the intentional, multifunctional design of green infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14044,, 2023.

Inhye Seo and Gayoung Yoo

Recently, most cities have opted for urban greening as a way to mitigate climate change. However, the urban characteristics, such as the fragmented land cover and harsh environment hard to maintain vegetation healthy, reduce the efficiency of greenery. Therefore, a continuous and scientific management tool is required to mitigate climate change through urban greenery. In this study, we developed the decision-making tool, CMRI (Carbon Management Requiring Index), which can identify the area with low carbon sequestering performance and propose the priority for the carbon management requirement. The index was determined by integrating five parameters; 1) terrestrial carbon storage, 2) terrestrial carbon uptake, 3) soil texture, which implies the capacity for soil carbon sequestration, 4) green area ratio, which means that the chance of carbon management, and 5) landscape context, which represents the edge effect by the adjacent urban landscape. The three parameters of terrestrial carbon storage, green area ratio, and landscape context were estimated based on the 0.25 m land cover map using satellite data through machine learning. The terrestrial carbon uptake was determined by the data-driven model through satellite measurement data. Lastly, we acquired the soil texture data from ISRIC – World Soil Information dataset. We normalized each parameter with the z score method. We applied the index in our test site (Suwon, Republic of Korea), and we mapped CMRI with its spatial resolution of 30 m x 30 m considering the resolution of each parameter. The CMRI values had a gradient which showed the high management demand in the city center and the relatively low in the forest interior. The range of CMRI values was from 0.2 to 0.8. To suggest the priority of carbon management requirements, we divided the CMRI grids into four quarters, low, medium, high, and extremely high. To verify that CMRI represents the carbon management requirement level properly, we plan to validate it by field observation. Three grids in each priority level will be selected to measure the vegetation condition, including DBH and chlorophyll-a content, and soil characteristics, including soil texture, soil carbon stock, and soil respiration. Through principal component analysis (PCA) using field measurement results of the grids, we can weigh each parameter and make the index more accurate.

How to cite: Seo, I. and Yoo, G.: Carbon Management Requiring Index: The Scientific Decision-making Tool for Urban Green Management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15045,, 2023.

Giuseppe Cipolla, Davide Danilo Chiarelli, Salvatore Calabrese, Matteo Bertagni, Maria Cristina Rulli, Amilcare Porporato, and Leonardo Valerio Noto

The goal of limiting the use of natural resources and combatting climate change has led to the improvement of agricultural techniques and the development of some Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) techniques, given their proficiency to sequester carbon from the atmospheric CO2 and to store it in more stable forms within oceans, plants, soil, or other terrestrial environments. Among them, Enhanced Weathering (EW) is regarded as one of the most promising. This consists of amending soils with silicate minerals, such as olivine, so as to speed up the weathering process that naturally occurs in soils. This work aims to couple a model for the resolution of the agro-hydrological balance in the active soil layer of croplands (i.e., WATNEEDS model) and a dynamic mass balance model that explores ecohydrological, biogeochemical, and olivine dissolution dynamics, also estimating carbon sequestration rates (i.e., EW model). This latter is composed of different interacting components and takes into account important processes, such as the cation exchange.

From the operational point of view, the EW model is fed by rainfall data, and the outputs of the soil water balance (i.e., infiltration, evapotranspiration, leaching, and runoff rates) estimated by the WATNEEDS at the global scale at a 5 arcminute resolution. In this study, a regional application of both models is proposed to explore EW efficiency in various cropland areas in Sicily (Italy), the largest island of the Mediterranean basin, which is considered a hot spot of climate change. The methodological approach will be developed and tested for four different crops (i.e., olive and citrus groves, vineyards, and fruit trees) that are particularly widespread and profitable in the selected region. Apart from facing climate change, the goal of this study is also to preserve water, thus selecting the most suitable irrigation strategies in the context of a changing climate and olivine amendment prescription. This study may also provide a tool to decision-makers for an actual future application of EW, which can be valid for Sicily and for other parts of the world with similar climatic conditions, soil, and vegetation.

How to cite: Cipolla, G., Chiarelli, D. D., Calabrese, S., Bertagni, M., Rulli, M. C., Porporato, A., and Noto, L. V.: A cropland application of Enhanced Weathering in the Mediterranean area to face climate change and preserve natural resources, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15121,, 2023.

Minseop Jeong and Gayoung Yoo

One of the ways to increase green areas that are shrinking due to urbanization is to create urban roadside greenery. Among the various ecosystem services of roadside greenery, carbon uptake plays a significant role in reducing CO2, the main factor of climate change. Multi-layered planting can enhance carbon uptake, which is focused on as an effective method. Hence, the roadside ecosystem consists of trees, understory shrubs, and soil. Although shrubs are as crucial as trees because of the large number of populations per unit area, only a few studies were focused on shrubs. Therefore, considering shrub carbon uptake is necessary for estimating the accurate carbon exchange on the roadside ecosystem.

This study focused on the roadside greenery composed of a tree, shrubs, and soil in the unit 1m x 8m area. The experiment was conducted in Suwon city, the Republic of Korea. The selected tree and shrub are Zelkova serrata and Euonymus japonicus, the most common species in Suwon. Net Ecosystem Exchange(NEE) was calculated by the equation [NEE = NPPtree + NPPshrub + Rheterotroph]. NPPtree was estimated through the allometric equation. NPPshrub and Rheterotroph were calculated through measurements. To calculate NPPshrub, two experiments were conducted. One was field measurement using the closed chamber with LI-820, and another was greenhouse incubation and harvesting. In the field measurement, the closed chamber measured the real-time change of CO2 concentration including leaf photosynthesis and stem respiration, and the results showed the aboveground NPPshrub. Also, environmental factors such as air temperature, PAR (photosynthetically active radiation), and leaf area were collected. In the greenhouse experiment, the results showed the accurate NPPshrub without considering field conditions. With those two results, the equation for calculating field shrub NPP was developed considering field conditions and root respiration. However, the closed chamber has a problem with installation, management, and stability, so the leaf chamber would be more adaptable for field measurement than the closed chamber. For accurate measurement of field shrub NPP, this study also did an experiment using Vaseline to block the stomata to calculate the proportion of stem respiration in the aboveground NPPshrub. The stem respiration can be measured by comparing the CO2 concentration change before and after pasting Vaseline on the shrub leaves in the closed chamber. Soil respiration(Rs) was measured by EGM-5 in the field and used the equation [Rs = Rroot + Rheterotroph].

The results of these experiments accurately estimated NPPshrub and Rheterotroph, and the NEE of the 1m x 8m roadside greenery section could be quantified as 5.23 kg C/yr. This amount could mitigate 1.09% of annual vehicle carbon emissions in Suwon city if roadside greenery is applied on all roadsides in Suwon.

How to cite: Jeong, M. and Yoo, G.: Quantification of Carbon Uptake in Urban Roadside Ecosystem by Measuring Carbon Exchange from the Leaf, Stem, and Root of the Shrub, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15204,, 2023.

Elisa Costamagna, Silvia Fiore, Anacleto Rizzo, Fabio Masi, and Fulvio Boano

Water scarcity and sanitation are two challenges deeply related to urbanization and climate change. Thus, the future development of urban areas requires innovative design solutions to increase cities’ resilience (SDG11), looking for new resources. One answer is the use of nature-based solutions (NBS) for wastewater treatment, to provide multiple benefits while transforming a waste into a new resource. Green walls for greywater (GW) treatment are the NBS that converts the unused vertical facades into important ecosystem services, treating the amount of domestic wastewater that excludes the toilet flush. To better understand the removal processes and improve green walls design, pilot studies have been performed in recent years, usually in controlled conditions. However, it is important to evaluate also the influence of more real operating conditions that can stress the biological component or damage the whole system, affecting the effectiveness of the GW treatment.

This study aims to test stressing conditions due to chemical loads caused by variations in GW composition. Fifteen identical vegetated pots have been filled with a mix of coconut fibre and perlite (1:1 in volume) and one Hedera helix per pot. Every pot received 24 L day-1 of standard GW (Diaper et al., 2008), provided in 15-minute batches every hour (HLR=740 L m-2 day-1). The pots were organised in 5 configurations (3 pots each as replicates) and four of them received periodic spikes of modified GW: (i) – always standard GW as control (ii) bleach, (iii) floor cleaner, (iv) drain opener, (v) sodium hydroxide added to the standard recipe at increasing concentrations. The concentration was selected simulating the common use of these cleaning products in buildings, provided with wastewater collecting tanks of different sizes, resulting in (a) 500 ppm for (ii-iv) and 100 ppm for (v); (b) 1000 ppm for (ii-iv) and 200 ppm for (v); (c) 2500 ppm for (ii-iv) and 500 ppm for (v). The input and output water were weekly sampled from May 2022 and different parameters (pH, Temperature, Electric Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand - BOD5, Chemical Oxygen Demand - COD, Sulphate, anionic surfactants - MBAS) have been measured to evaluate the effects on biological systems (plants and biofilm) through their removal performance.

Results showed that all configurations were not damaged by load events (a) and (b). Experiments on high chemical load (c) are still ongoing. The plants’ health was generally similar for all configurations and removal performances for BOD5, COD and MBAS were good for all configurations.

How to cite: Costamagna, E., Fiore, S., Rizzo, A., Masi, F., and Boano, F.: Stress tests on a modular green wall for greywater treatment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15256,, 2023.

Lucía Rodríguez Arias, Jordi Pagès Fauria, Candela Marco-Méndez, and Teresa Alcoverro Pedrola

Coastal ecosystems exist at the interface between land and sea and are characterized by their high dynamism, related to the interaction between marine agents (winds, waves, currents, sea level changes) and continental forms and processes. These environments are well known for their great diversity of habitats and communities, a high capacity for sequestering carbon and a range of ecosystem services, but they are also highly sensitive to a variety of natural and anthropogenic factors. The ability to repeatedly observe and quantify the accretion capacity of the environments located in the shoreline is key to present-day coastal management and future coastal planning. This study focused on the Ebro Delta, where we evaluated how the ability to retain sediment in coastal ecosystems, both emerged and submerged (dunes, salt marshes and seagrass meadows), is influenced by the presence or absence of vegetation and other ecological variables such as the patch area, biodiversity orspecies dominance. We carried out transects with a differential GPS to measure ground elevation inside and outside vegetation patches in contrasting habitats to understand the mechanism of sediment retention. In addition, we complemented this data with UAVs orthomosaic data to gather data on a bigger spatial scale. Our results show that the presence of vegetation facilitates sediment retention in all ecosystems. Greater species diversity and larger patch areas increased sediment retention capacity. In dune ecosystems, Ammophila arenaria was significantly better at retaining sediment than any of the other species surveyed, while in salt marshes and seagrass meadows we did not find significant differences between species. We believe that while understanding the abiotic environment and physical drivers of sediment retention in coastal habitats is key, we also need to focus on the ecology of coastal vegetated ecosystems if we are to use them as nature-based solutions. Our study sheds light to how vegetation presence, patch size, patch plant diversity and plant traits influence sediment retention capacity across habitat types and scales, which is useful to face event-scale shoreline changes (e.i. individual storms) and others related to the climate change.  

How to cite: Rodríguez Arias, L., Pagès Fauria, J., Marco-Méndez, C., and Alcoverro Pedrola, T.: Accretion capacity in Mediterranean coastal ecosystems. Study case: Ebro Delta, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16310,, 2023.

Posters virtual: Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall CL

Chairpersons: Daniela Rizzi, Pierre-Antoine Versini, Amy Oen
Giulia Motta Zanin, Simon Peter Muwafu, and María Máñez Costa

The ineffectiveness of traditional grey engineering infrastructures to counteract coastal risks such as erosion and flooding, combined with the exacerbation of climate change impacts, is leading scientists, experts and decision makers to devise and implement more adaptive, cost-effective, resilient, sustainable and environment-friendly risk management measures. Nature-based Solutions (NbSs), as an alternative or complement to traditional grey infrastructures for coastal risk management, are gaining importance in the international and EU debate. The Mediterranean Basin is considered one of the most vulnerable regions worldwide mainly due to its population density and concentration of economic activities along the coasts and its borderline climatic balance. It is defined as one of the most critical erosion hotspots in Europe, due to the degradation of coastal areas and the overexploitation and unsustainable practices along the coasts and in the sea, heavily affecting beach tourism, agriculture and fishing activities. Moreover, the Mediterranean coasts are affected by impacts of other phenomena (e.g. storms, floods), exacerbated by climate change. To mitigate and adapt to such environmental and climatic changes, NbSs are considered a promising step-forward, as it is based on the principle that the enhancement and protection of natural processes provide multiple benefits to society, thus ensuring a sustainable provision of benefits and co-benefits and counteracting the negative climate change impacts.

This paper seeks to bring a comprehensive understanding of the state of the adoption of NbSs for coastal risk management in the Mediterranean. To assess the goal, an in-depth analysis based on a literature review of past and current implemented NbSs for coastal risk management in the Mediterranean has been performed. Starting from 162 scientific papers and documents, only 23 fit the goal of the work. Through the support of an innovative four-dimensional matrix, the operationalized classification of the NbSs has been performed. The main result reveals a lack of consideration of NbSs for coastal risk management in the Mediterranean leading to difficulties in helping to facilitate NbS mainstreaming and uptake.

The current study raises the necessity to examine the reasons behind the difficulties in implementing  NbSs for coastal risk management in a complex system such as the Mediterranean, by identifying strengths and gaps.

How to cite: Motta Zanin, G., Muwafu, S. P., and Máñez Costa, M.: Assessing the state of the adoption of Nature-based Solutions for coastal risk management in the Mediterranean basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2682,, 2023.

Ibrahima Diack, Louise Leroux, Benjamin Heuclin, Philippe Letourmy, Serigne Mansour Diene, Alain Audebert, Olivier Roupsard, Abdoul Aziz Diouf, Idrissa Sarr, and Moussa Diallo

Scattered trees in farmer fields, also known as agroforestry parkland, are integrated part of West African smallholder agricultural landscapes. While they are used for centuries by farmers, they are now recognised by the scientific and politic communities as a mean to face climate changes (Skole et al., 2021). Fractional cover (FCover) is an important biophysical parameter allowing to monitor the crop growth. Satellite images has been proven very efficient for crop FCover estimation in various ecosystems (Gräzing et al 2021). However, in agroforestry parklands, the presence of trees inside the fields induced a huge variability that can be hardly captured by traditional approach relying on satellite images and ground information.

We propose an original empirical framework relying on the combining use of UAV-based FCover and Sentinel-2 data to estimate the pearl millet FCover at landscape scale in an agroforestry parkland of Senegal. 6 UAV images were acquired during the 2021 cropping season and the millet FCover has been derived from a threshold of UAV images for 95 subplots on a 3-m grid and used as targeted variable. 4 vegetation indices and 8 texture featured calculated from S2 data were used as models’ predictors. 3 machine learning regression algorithms (RF, GBM and SVM) and a multiple linear regression (MLR) model were calibrated over the 3-m grid using a cross-validation approach and different scenarii of modelling were tested: (1) fit the four models date by date dataset, (2) fit the four models on all dates dataset with and without date information as predictor, (3) single models vs a meta-model resulting from the stacking of the different models.

Our results evidenced that for each model tested the accuracy is dependent to the millet growth stage, the vegetative period being overall the one allowing to reach the higher accuracy. MLR is not adapted to estimate millet FCover (R² between 0.07 and 0.13) while the machine learning models gave overall good results, RF being the better one (R² between 0.45 and 0.69).

We have shown that the use of date information as predictor allowed to improve the FCover estimation (R² increases up to 24%) however, the use of a meta-model didn’t significantly improve the accuracy suggesting that RF, GBM and SVM are robust enough for millet FCover estimation in such kind of landscape.

While the original workflow we proposed in this study need to be confirmed by adding data from the 2022 cropping season, the results obtained show promising opportunities for improving the crop monitoring in heterogeneous landscapes. The next step will be to better understand the influence of trees on the millet FCover, at the field scale and at the landscape scale.

How to cite: Diack, I., Leroux, L., Heuclin, B., Letourmy, P., Diene, S. M., Audebert, A., Roupsard, O., Diouf, A. A., Sarr, I., and Diallo, M.: Estimation of crop fractional cover (FCover) in smallholder farming systems using UAV and Sentinel-2 images : Case study of a Senegalese agroforestry parkland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6674,, 2023.

Shankar Acharya Kamarajugedda, Fairul Edros Shaikh Bin Shaikh Ahmad, Perrine Hamel, and Raffaele Lafortezza

The world is urbanizing at an unprecedented rate, with the United Nations projecting that 68% of the world’s population will be living in urban areas by 2050. In Southeast Asia (SEA) region, it is expected that 47% of the population will live in urban areas by 2025.  Urbanization patterns in this region are generally associated with rapid population growth, economic development and competing demands for land. SEA is also a hotspot of tropical deforestation due to rapid urbanization, resulting in detrimental impacts to the environment and associated ecosystem services. For example, changes in vegetation due to land use/ land cover (LULC) change impact the thermal environment. The objectives of this study are to i) calculate the land cover changes between 2000 and 2020 for 20 major SEA urban clusters; ii) characterise the change in urban form within SEA urban clusters via landscape metrics used at the neighbourhood-scale; iii) determine the relationship between landscape metrics and urban heat measured by LST; and iv) determine the relationship between landscape metrics and vegetation indices such as NDVI and EVI. Documenting the LULC transitions (2000 – 2020) and the associated impacts on urban heat and vegetation changes can help inform policy, sustainable land management and ecosystem services management using Nature based Solutions. We discuss the results per country, contrasting results for major cities and secondary cities, which show different changes in landscape. 

How to cite: Kamarajugedda, S. A., Shaikh Bin Shaikh Ahmad, F. E., Hamel, P., and Lafortezza, R.: Spatio-temporal analysis of two decadal (2000 – 2020) landcover changes and spectral indices assessment for major Southeast Asian urban clusters, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16330,, 2023.