GM11.2 | Geomorphic perspectives of environmental changes and extreme events in drylands and beyond
Geomorphic perspectives of environmental changes and extreme events in drylands and beyond
Co-organized by HS13/NH1
Convener: Yuval Shmilovitz | Co-conveners: Hans von Suchodoletz, Joel Roskin, Jacob Hirschberg, Abi Stone, Roberta Paranunzio, Markus Fuchs
| Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:10 (CEST)
Room D3
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X3
Orals |
Thu, 08:30
Thu, 14:00
Worldwide, many areas are experiencing broad climatic and  environmental changes that lead to significant geomorphic impacts. These changes are manifested, for example, by changes in rainfall properties and in the frequency of extreme events. Especially naturally fragile arid to sub-humid areas are particularly sensitive to such changes. This makes them ideal areas to study such processes and their interactions for the recent and former periods, the latter being documented in different kinds of sediment archives. Recent technological advancements, and particularly a better understanding of the links between climate environmental changes and the surface dynamics, have made it possible to better recognize the impact of climatic and environmental triggers on geomorphic landscape processes during the last years.

This session will focus on contributions that discuss the  transformation of current and former climatic and environmental changes into geomorphic surface processes, from the scale of mountain ranges to watersheds and individual streams, as well as in aeolian, gravitational, and biological systems. We especially welcome studies that focus on geomorphic responses to changes in climate, extreme events and on their imprints on the landscape through erosion and sediment movement. We welcome studies from individual regions, different sediment archives and review studies. Modeling approaches that explicitly examine the effects of environmental changes on the landscape dynamics are highly encouraged, as well as studies dealing with novel methods to acquire chronological frameworks, process rates, and the impact of such processes on current and previous societies.

Orals: Thu, 27 Apr | Room D3

Chairpersons: Hans von Suchodoletz, Yuval Shmilovitz, Joel Roskin
On-site presentation
Benjamin Campforts, Alison Duvall, Charles Shobe, Gregory Tucker, and Irina Overeem

Landslides alter the morphology and sediment dynamics of mountainous terrain. Here, we evaluate how the spatial and temporal variability of landslide triggering events adjust this footprint. We use the HyLands landscape evolution model that explicitly simulates the occurrence of landslide events as well as fluvial incision and sediment dynamics. Both existing landscapes as well as synthetically produced landscapes that evolve over geological timescales are considered. This enables us to identify the required magnitude and frequency of extreme events for them to be recorded in landscape morphology. Moreover, we compare the relative contribution of long-term tectonic processes versus spatially clustered extreme events in shaping mountainous terrain. Finally, we evaluate if and how the temporal occurrence of landslide-triggering events alter morphology. Here we compare two scenarios: a first one evaluates how a landslide-prone landscape responds to events that are uniformly spread through time, a second one tests how such a landscape responds to regionally synchronous events. This contribution aims to clarify the distinctive role of landsliding in shaping mountainous terrain, which will in turn contribute to understanding how landslide prone regions respond to spatial and temporal changes in extreme events.

How to cite: Campforts, B., Duvall, A., Shobe, C., Tucker, G., and Overeem, I.: Are spatial and temporal patterns of landslide triggering events reflected in topography and sediment dynamics?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3684,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Federica Fiorucci, Marco Donnini, Michele Santangelo, Stefano Gariano, Francesco Bucci, Mauro Cardinali, Francesca Ardizzone, Ivan Marchesini, Massimo Melillo, Txomin Bornaetxea, Paola Salvati, Massimiliano Alvioli, Silvia Peruccacci, Maria Teresa Brunetti, Giuseppe Esposito, Omar Althuwaynee, Mina Yazdani, Bianchi Cinzia, and Susanna Grita

Timely and systematic collection of landslide information after a triggering event is essential for the definition of landslide trends in response to climate change. On September 15, 2022 Marche and Umbria regions, in Central Italy, were struck by an anomalous rainfall event that showed characteristics of a persistent convective system. An extraordinary cumulated rainfall of 419 mm was recorded by a rain gauge in the area in only 9 hours. It was carried out a systematic reconnaissance field survey to prepare an event landslide inventory map in an area of 550 km2 that includes a large neighbourhood of the area that recorded the highest rainfall intensity. The rainfall triggered 1687 landslides in the area affected by the peak rainfall intensity. Landslide area spans from a few tens of square meters to 105 m2, with a median value of 87 m2. We describe the characteristics of the landslides identified during a field survey conducted immediately after the event. Most of the mass movements are shallow, many are rapid (i.e., debris flows, earth flows) and widely affecting the road network. Many national and local roads were interrupted, mostly by earth and rock slides; national and local railways were interrupted at several points; extensive damage was registered to structures and infrastructures. Furthermore, field evidence revealed that a vast proportion of landslides occurred in the immediate vicinity of roads, mostly affecting road embankments and that a large number of landslides initiated within natural and semi-natural areas and hit the road network and, locally, affected houses and activities. Field surveys also revealed diffuse residual risk conditions, being a large proportion of landslides located in the immediate vicinity of infrastructures. Besides reporting the spatial distribution of landslides triggered by an extreme rainfall event, the data collected on landslides can be used to make comparisons with the distribution of landslides in the past, validation of landslide susceptibility models, definition of the general interaction between landslides and structures/infrastructures.

How to cite: Fiorucci, F., Donnini, M., Santangelo, M., Gariano, S., Bucci, F., Cardinali, M., Ardizzone, F., Marchesini, I., Melillo, M., Bornaetxea, T., Salvati, P., Alvioli, M., Peruccacci, S., Brunetti, M. T., Esposito, G., Althuwaynee, O., Yazdani, M., Cinzia, B., and Grita, S.: Characteristics of the landslides triggered by the extraordinary rainfall event occurred in Central Italy on September 15, 2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7184,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Adeyemi Olusola, Samuel Ogunjo, and Christiana Olusegun

Rivers within sub-tropical and temperate regions serve several purposes, including agricultural irrigation, hydro-power generation, and drivers of civilization. The impacts of six large-scale oscillation indices on river flow at three stations within Humber catchments (Ontario and Labrador) between 1970 and 2020 were investigated using sensitivity and wavelet analyses. Results showed that the discharge at East Humber River near Pine has the highest statistically significant sensitivity of 0.304 and 0.394 units per month to the Dipole Mode Index (DMI) and Tropical North Atlantic (TNA), respectively. Monthly significance analysis also showed the varied influence of large-scale oscillations on the river flow at these locations. Wavelet analysis reveals significant active multidecadal oscillations for the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) at East Humber River near Pine with high spectral power. This study has identified the contributions of different climatic indices to river flow within the Humber catchments. The results will be helpful in environmental planning and effective water management within the basin.

How to cite: Olusola, A., Ogunjo, S., and Olusegun, C.: Imprints of large-scale oscillations on river flow in selected Canadian river catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1104,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Hansjoerg Seybold, Minhui Li, and James Kirchner

The geometry of stream networks varies systematically with climate [1,2]. In humid regions diffusive processes seem to dominate the branching geometry of stream networks, resulting in wider branching angles close to 72 degrees, which is the theoretical angle for growth in a diffusive field [1,3]. In arid climates, on the other hand, channel networks display much narrower angles [1,2].

Here we show that the narrower angles in arid regions can be related to the higher frequency of extreme runoff events, which are more common in arid landscapes than in humid ones [4]. Erosion due to overland flow leads to incision which is more focused in the direction of regional topographic gradients and thus resulting in narrower branching angles as the influence of diffusive processes becomes weaker and weaker. Our analysis is based on flow frequency distributions derived from USGS gauging stations across the United States [4] and branching angles obtained from the USGS medium resolution National Hydrographic Dataset [1]. Our measurements show, that the tails of the flow frequency distributions become systematically heavier with aridity in the same way as branching angles become narrower.

This result suggests that the relative impact of diffusive network growth systematically decreases with increasing aridity as the landscape's Peclet number changes across a landscape with varying climate.



[1] H. J. Seybold et al., Climate's watermark in the geometry of stream networks, GRL (2017)

[2]  A. Getraer & A. C. Maloof, Climate-Driven Variability in Runoff Erosion Encoded in Stream Network Geometry, GRL (2021)

[3] O. Devauchelle et al., Ramification of stream networks, PNAS (2012)

[4] M. W. Rossi et al., Precipitation and evapotranspiration controls on daily runoff variability in the contiguous United States and Puerto Rico, JGR (2016)


How to cite: Seybold, H., Li, M., and Kirchner, J.: Runoff controls on stream network branching, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8219,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Henry Asencios, Waldo Lavado, Evelin Sabino, Jonathan Qquenta, and Oscar Felipe

The magnitude and frequency of extreme precipitation events are expected to increase in central Peruvian Andes for this century, which will pose a significant challenge on water resources management and flood risk mitigation. The present study focuses on assessing the possible flood hazard under two different climate change scenarios (SSP 4.5 and SSP 8.5) in the lower part of the Lurin River watershed (~ 1642.5 Km2) by using a distributed physically-based hydrologic and erosional model (e.g. TREX) and a 2-D depth-averaged hydraulic and sediment transport model (e.g. BASEMENT-2D). The models were calibrated using hydrometeorological data corresponding to the extreme flood events of 2015 and 2017 and satellite-based and UAV-derived inundation maps. Future climate scenarios are going to be constructed from bias-corrected outputs of CMIP6 global climate models, while the rainfall temporal patterns for different return periods will be obtained from observed precipitation events corresponding to extreme flood events of El Niño 2017. Results are expected to provide important data needed to make policy changes to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change in the Lurin River basin. 

How to cite: Asencios, H., Lavado, W., Sabino, E., Qquenta, J., and Felipe, O.: Climate change effects on flooding at Lurin river basin, Peru, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9028,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Kathryn Fitzsimmons, Markus Fischer, Maike Nowatzki, Tobias Lauer, Kanchan Mishra, and Nicola Stern

The recent catastrophic flooding across the world’s driest inhabited continent – Australia – has highlighted an urgent need to understand the climatic (atmospheric) and hydrological (land surface) mechanisms comprising hydroclimate. Records of past hydrologic change may help in this endeavor by informing us about different hydroclimate states and their manifestation on the land surface. By virtue of its antiquity, aridity and relative paucity of available sediment, however, the Australian continent preserves few records of long-term hydroclimate. As a result, we know little about long-term water availability and the drivers of surface hydrology and climate circulation, particularly for the dry inland regions where water resources and sensitive land surfaces need to be carefully managed.


One of the few areas in dryland Australia which preserves semi-continuous deposition of hydrologic change is the Willandra Lakes system. The Willandra Lakes are located on the semi-arid desert margin of southeastern Australia, yet its headwaters lie in the temperate eastern highlands. Long-term lake filling and drying is consequently driven by rainfall in the headwaters and hydrologic connectivity both across the catchment and between the lakes. These environmental changes – both long and short in duration – are recorded in the sediments of the downwind transverse dunes (lunettes). In this study we investigate long-term hydrologic connectivity across the catchment and between the lakes. Our approach uses a novel integration of both classical lake-level reconstruction based on lunette sedimentology, stratigraphy and luminescence geochronology, with hydrologic modelling of key event time slices over the last 60 ky, fed into a palaeoclimate model. We characterize the land-surface response to various hydroclimate states, so improving our understanding of dryland atmosphere-hydrosphere interactions.


How to cite: Fitzsimmons, K., Fischer, M., Nowatzki, M., Lauer, T., Mishra, K., and Stern, N.: Long-term hydrologic connectivity on the Australian dryland margins: evidence from the Willandra Lakes World Heritage Area over the last 60 ky, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15791,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Andrew Gunn, Ryan Ewing, and Josephine Brown

The climate history of wind-blown dune fields is commonly determined by dune morphology, stratigraphy and age. These properties in the Rub’ al Khali have been used to interpret climate history relevant to human dispersal and monsoon variability during the glacial cycles. An underlying assumption of some of these interpretations is that the time it takes dunes to respond to a change in climate is shorter than the time over which climate changes. Here we show that this assumption does not always hold. We do this by comparing the bedform reconstitution time Tr (i.e., the time taken for sand to be completely reworked within a dune) to a climate persistence time Tc (i.e., how long dune-relevant wind properties stay the same). Tr is found using modern wind reanalysis and topography data, and Tc using paleoclimate simulations. Where Tr>Tc, climate varies too fast to be recorded in dune properties. In some areas of the Rub’ al Khali, Tr is longer than the time between glacial cycles, so dune properties and modern climate are decoupled. We extend this case study to a general theory to assess if wind-blown dunes properties can be used to interpret past climate.

How to cite: Gunn, A., Ewing, R., and Brown, J.: Decoupling of Rub’ al Khali Quaternary dune record and paleoclimate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10832,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Koen Beerten, Nina Hećej, Mihajlo Pandurov, Branko Kordić, Petar Stejić, Rodoljub Gajić, Ajka Šorša, and Lidija Galović

The Đurđevac Sands constitute a wide area of extraordinary small-scale dune relief in the Podravina (northeastern Croatia), along the central part of the southern Drava river valley. They are thought to have been formed by reworking of fluvial material due to strong northern winds. Their significance is evident from the geometry of the dunes (shape, orientation, thickness), and the presence of intra- and post-formational alteration (pedogenesis). In addition, the elevated heavy mineral content puts the sands in the position of potential ore deposit.

The objective of this study is to explore this aeolian archive in an attempt to extract relevant palaeo-environmental information and to compare it with similar landscapes across Europe. The lithology (grain-size) and intra-formational alteration (palaeosoils) as well as geochemical signatures are investigated from outcrops in an abandoned sand pit to define phases of sand movement and landscape stability. Radiocarbon dating of charcoal, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of quartz, and historical archives are used to develop a geochronological framework. The heavy and light mineral fractions of the sands are used to determine their composition, provenance and detailed sedimentological context at the time of deposition. A digital elevation model of the region is used to gain insight into the geometry of the dunes, while geo-electric soundings and mechanical coring are applied to investigate the vertical and lateral variations in sand lithology and thickness, as well as intraformational soils.

At first sight, the dune landscape seems to have a chaotic nature, showing an irregular alignment of smaller parabolic, linear and domal shaped dunes. Although, larger structures may also be classified as complex long-walled transgressive dunes or compound en-echelon parabolic dunes. The thickness of the dune sand can clearly be traced on geo-electrical profiles, where the dry dune sand appears to generate a different signal than the underlying water-saturated fluvial material. Furthermore, the results show that phases of sand movement occurred before and after the Bølling-Allerød (B-A) interstadial, as well as during the early Holocene and up to the 19th century. Phases of stability are witnessed by the presence of slightly altered parent material (presence of organic carbon, slightly finer grain size, and decalcified) and are dated to the B-A interstadial, and several episodes in the Holocene. The heavy mineral content is dominated by garnet, while muscovite is strikingly more present in the Holocene sediments. This may be due to either a change in source material (new Holocene Drava river sediment) and/or changing aeolian dynamics. Overall, these new findings obtained from the Đurđevac Sands area correlate rather well with other regions in the Pannonian Basin as well as the North European Plain, especially in terms of the timing of events.

How to cite: Beerten, K., Hećej, N., Pandurov, M., Kordić, B., Stejić, P., Gajić, R., Šorša, A., and Galović, L.: Lithology, mineralogy, geochemistry and chronostratigraphy of heavy-mineral bearing dune sands in the Podravina, northeastern Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14873,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Yingfu Tang and Zhongjing Wang

Dune field landscape patterns serve as an important signs of aeolian processes, such as wind conditions, sediment supply, and so on. A novel framework was proposed and evaluated for automatic dune detection and classification with remotely sensed images. The framework consists of two main steps: (1) The first step is to detect sand dunes from remote sensing images by SandUnet, which is firstly proposed in this paper. SandUnet, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), has a similar network structure with Attention U-net but modifies its attention gate module. In SandUnet, the input signals' information is not compressed as in the Attention U-net, therefore, the nuanced color and texture information of dunes are preserved. This paper demonstrated that SandUnet has better detection accuracy than other popular CNNs such as FCN, U-net, U-net++, and Attention U-net. (2) The second step is to compute the image similarity scores through MobileNet between each dune detection result image and the representative images of 6 different types of dunes. Then, each dune detection result image is classified into a dune type automatically. This paper applied the proposed framework to Taklimkan Desert in China. The average classification accuracy rate is around 80%, which proves the usefulness of this framework in automatic, no-cost, and accurate sand dune classification.

How to cite: Tang, Y. and Wang, Z.: Automatic Sand Dune Detection and Classification Framework Using Remote Sensing Images, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2232,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Maike Nowatzki, David Thomas, and Richard Bailey

Dune mapping is a traditional task for aeolian geomorphologists and has made use of satellite imagery since the 1970s (Breed & Grow, 1979). Labour-intensive manual mapping approaches are increasingly substituted by (semi-)automated ones that apply progressive Machine Learning algorithms (Zheng et al., 2022). Advanced techniques such as neural networks enable the creation of powerful computational models to automatically map dune fields (Shumack et al., 2020; Rubanenko et al., 2021). Globally available satellite imagery datasets and the progression of computational infrastructure and power facilitate the operation of increasingly elaborate models and their application to spatially extensive regions. A lack of training and validation datasets for such dune mapping models and the subjective and time-consuming nature of their creation, however, remains a challenge.

We present a framework that uses Deep Learning and different types of satellite imagery to map dune crests. It comprises automated modules to (1) retrieve and pre-process training and prediction data, (2) train a neural network (U-Net; Ronneberger et al., 2015), and (3) identify dune crests in unlabelled target areas applying the trained model. The framework has shown good performance mapping linear dunefields in the Kalahari Desert using a small training and validation dataset (130 labelled 960mx960m tiles).

Addressing the lack of global training data, we use our model to explore the possibilities of transfer learning and the universality of regional training datasets. In our main case study, we assess whether a model trained on satellite data of linear dunes in the Kalahari can be applied to map linear dunes in regions containing morphologically similar dunes in the Australian deserts.


Breed, C. S., & Grow, T. (1979). Morphology and distribution of dunes in sand seas observed by remote sensing. A study of global sand seas, 1052, 253-302.

Ronneberger, O., Fischer, P., & Brox, T. (2015, October). U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation. In International Conference on Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (pp. 234-241). Springer, Cham.

Rubanenko, L., Pérez-López, S., Schull, J., & Lapôtre, M. G. (2021). Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Barchan Dunes on Mars and Earth Using a Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 9364-9371.

Shumack, S., Hesse, P., & Farebrother, W. (2020). Deep learning for dune pattern mapping with the AW3D30 global surface model. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(11), 2417-2431.

Zheng, Z., Du, S., Taubenböck, H., & Zhang, X. (2022). Remote sensing techniques in the investigation of aeolian sand dunes: A review of recent advances. Remote Sensing of Environment, 271, 112913.

How to cite: Nowatzki, M., Thomas, D., and Bailey, R.: Application of a deep learning framework to explore transfer learning for dune mapping across regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16209,, 2023.

Posters on site: Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X3

Chairpersons: Yuval Shmilovitz, Hans von Suchodoletz, Jacob Hirschberg
Janina J. (Bösken) Nett, Stephan Pötter, Ulrich Hambach, Stephanie Scheidt, Sonja Berg, Christian Zeeden, Frank Lehmkuhl, and Daniel Veres

Loess-paleosol sequences are widely spread across central and southeastern Europe and are studied intensively, as they are important terrestrial archives that preserve paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic information. In the Lower Danube Basin large areas are covered by loess, loess derivates, sandy loess, and sand dunes (Lehmkuhl et al., 2021). The exposed loess deposits reach several decameters in thickness. In contrast to other well-studied sites in the Lower Danube area, the investigated Balta Alba Kurgan (BAK) sequence is located close to the forelands of the Eastern Carpathians, an area that is largely underrepresented in loess research. High-resolution geochemical analyses identified the Eastern Carpathians as a main source region of the loess at this site (Pötter et al., 2021). The BAK sequence consists of loess with several intercalated paleosols and weaker pedogenetic horizons, reflecting Late Pleistocene environmental conditions. Furthermore, the Campanian Ignimbrite/Y-5 tephra is preserved that serves as a chronological marker horizon and which had severe ecological impact in southeastern Europe. A robust age model was established for the upper 10 m using a multi-method approach (luminescence dating, radiocarbon dating, magnetic stratigraphy, and tephrochronology) which shows that this part of the sequence covers the MIS 3/2 transition up to present (Scheidt et al., 2021). Here, we present further geochronological data obtained from luminescence dating and more detailed paleoenvironmental proxy data, widening our understanding of Late Pleistocene climate and environmental conditions in the northern Lower Danube Basin.



Lehmkuhl, F., Nett, J.J., Pötter, S., Schulte, P., Sprafke, T., Jary, Z., Antoine, P., Wacha, L., Wolf, D., Zerboni, A., Hošek, J., Marković, S.B., Obreht, I., Sümegi, P., Veres, D., Zeeden, C., Boemke, B., Schaubert, V., Viehweger, J., Hambach, U., 2021. Loess landscapes of Europe – Mapping, geomorphology, and zonal differentiation. Earth-Science Reviews 215, 103496. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103496

Pötter, S., Veres, D., Baykal, Y., Nett, J.J., Schulte, P., Hambach, U., Lehmkuhl, F., 2021. Disentangling sedimentary pathways for the Pleniglacial Lower Danube loess based on geochemical signatures. Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 1–25. doi:10.3389/feart.2021.600010

Scheidt, S., Berg, S., Hambach, U., Klasen, N., Pötter, S., Stolz, A., Veres, D., Zeeden, C., Brill, D., Brückner, H., Kusch, S., Laag, C., Lehmkuhl, F., Melles, M., Monnens, F., Oppermann, L., Rethemeyer, J., Nett, J.J., 2021. Chronological Assessment of the Balta Alba Kurgan Loess-Paleosol Section (Romania) – A Comparative Study on Different Dating Methods for a Robust and Precise Age Model. Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 598448. doi:10.3389/feart.2020.598448

How to cite: Nett, J. J. (., Pötter, S., Hambach, U., Scheidt, S., Berg, S., Zeeden, C., Lehmkuhl, F., and Veres, D.: The Balta Alba Kurgan loess-paleosol sequence - Chronology and paleoclimate in the northern Lower Danube Basin, Romania, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-454,, 2023.

Michael Zech, Jakob Labahn, Lucas Bittner, Christopher Roettig, Diana Burghardt, Slobodan Markovic, and Bruno Glaser

The analysis of the stable oxygen isotopes 18O and 16O has revolutionised palaeoclimate research since the middle of the last century. Particularly, 18O of ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica is used as a palaeotemperature proxy and 18O of deep-sea sediments is used as a proxy for global ice volume. Important terrestrial archives to which 18O as palaeoclimate proxy is successfully applied are speleothems, lake sediments or tree rings. By contrast, 18O applications to loess-palaeosol sequences (LPSs) are scarce, despite for instance a compound-specific 18O analytical tool for sugar biomarkers was developed and presented already years ago (Zech et al., 2014). Here we present a first continuous 18O record (n=50) for the LPS Crvenka in Serbia, SE Europe, spanning the last glacial-interglacial cycle. From a methodological point of view, we took advantage of a recently proposed palaeoclimate/-hydrological tool/proxy based on bulk 18O analyses of plant-derived lipids. The 18O lipid values range between −10.2‰ and +23.0‰ and are systematically more positive in the interglacial and interstadial (paleo-)soils compared to the loess layers. In our presentation, we compare our 18O lipid record from the LPS Crvenka with the marine oxygen-isotope stages as well as with the Greenland 18O ice core records revealing the famous Dansgaard-Oeschger events (stadials and interstadials). Concerning the interpretation of our LPS 18O lipid record, we will discuss several influencing factors, such as temperature-control on 18O, evaporative leaf water enrichment, post-sedimentary effects and pool-effects.


Labahn, J., Bittner, L., Hirschmann, P., Roettig, C., Burghardt, D., Glaser, B., Marković, S. and Zech, M., 2022. 18O analyses of bulk lipids as novel paleoclimate tool in loess research – a pilot study. E&G Quaternary Science Journal 71, 83-90.

Zech, M., Mayr, C., Tuthorn, M., Leiber-Sauheitl, K. and Glaser, B., 2014. Reply to the comment of Sternberg on "Zech et al. (2014) Oxygen isotope ratios (18O/16O) of hemicellulose-derived sugar biomarkers in plants, soils and sediments as paleoclimate proxy I: Insight from a climate chamber experiment”. GCA 126, 614-623. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 141, 680-682.

How to cite: Zech, M., Labahn, J., Bittner, L., Roettig, C., Burghardt, D., Markovic, S., and Glaser, B.: 18O Analyses of bulk lipids as a novel palaeoclimate tool in loess research - a pilot study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14068,, 2023.

Aline Zinelabedin, Benedikt Ritter, Joel Mohren, and Tibor J. Dunai

Polygonal patterned grounds on the Earth’s surface are typically associated with subsurface-wedge structures in periglacial environments. The presence of such wedges is usually taken as an indicator for cryogenic processes in the subsurface, which form a characteristic vertically laminated sequence. However, similar structures can be found in the subsurface of the Aroma fan in the Central Depression of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. Within the salt-bearing deposits of the alluvial fan, the calcium-sulphate wedges appear to be preliminary formed by haloturbation and may represent the hyperarid equivalent to periglacial wedge structures. The characteristic vertical lamination of the wedges contains calcium-sulphate phases accompanied by clastic minerals, as found by X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence analyses. Hence, the calcium-sulphate phases in the wedges are assumed to be potential drivers for salt dynamics causing subsurface wedge-growth and surface polygonal patterned ground formation. Due to varying water availability in a generally extremely water-limited environment, these salt dynamics possibly led to significant volumetric changes in the deposits induced by dissolution and (re)precipitation of salts from infiltrating solutions and phase transitions of calcium-sulphate phases.

The subsurface-wedge network of the Aroma-fan outcrop is covered by a ~ 20 cm thick calcium sulphate-bearing surface crust, which potentially covered a polygonal patterned ground. The formation and preservation of the surface crust might indicate an amplification of arid conditions leading to the inhibition of wedge growth in the subsurface. To unravel the mechanisms and governing environmental conditions of calcium-sulphate wedge and crust formation at the Aroma site, we present various mineralogical, geochemical, and sedimentological data of wedge and crust material.

Furthermore, we applied geochronological methods to resolve wedge-growth phases and episodes of local moisture supply. We tested meteoric 10Be dating and post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (post-IR IRSL) dating on wedge material to gain information on the evolution and activity of wedge growth under arid to hyperarid conditions. Such geochronological data is indispensable for using the wedges as terrestrial proxy record for the palaeoclimate in the northern Atacama Desert.

How to cite: Zinelabedin, A., Ritter, B., Mohren, J., and Dunai, T. J.: Calcium sulphate-wedge formation in deposits from the Aroma alluvial fan as indicator for haloturbation in the Atacama Desert, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15175,, 2023.

Ishan Sharma, Surendra Kumar Mishra, Ashish Pandey, Henok Mekonnen Aragaw, and Vijay P Singh

Knowledge of sediment yield is essential for predicting and mitigating the impact of natural disasters such as floods and landslides as well as for managing water resources and ecosystems of a region. It has been found that a considerable portion of sediment yield is sometimes generated from extreme rainfall events of high magnitude and intensity compared to that from myriad small rain events. Therefore, it is vital to accurately predict sediment yield resulting from extreme storms of varying durations, especially from data-scarce regions. This study proposes an empirical approach based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCS-CN) methods integrated with a sediment yield model to predict sediment yield resulting from a storm of desired duration (d) and recurrence interval (T). To this end, the potential erosion (A) is empirically related to ‘d’ and ‘T’ and the empirical relation is calibrated and validated on the data of ten sub-watersheds of Ashti catchment, India, involving annual maximum rainfall (observed), runoff (daily observed) and sediment (daily SWAT simulated). The model performance is evaluated using Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), Coefficient of Determination (R2), Percent Bias (PBIAS), Normalized Root Mean Square Error (nRMSE), and visually by scatter plots. The model was calibrated with high NSE, low nRMSE and PBIAS values in all the sub-watersheds (NSE>0.85, PBIAS< ±10% and 0.156< nRMSE <0.216). In validation, the performance was also excellent (0.77≤ NSE ≤0.98 mean value = 0.86, PBIAS ≤ ±20%, and 0.86≤ R2≤ 0.99 mean value = 0.95) in 9 out of 10 sub-watersheds. Additionally, a correlation matrix between catchment physiographic characteristics (terrain slope, stream length and size) and calibrated empirical parameters (‘α’, ‘β’, ‘m’ and ‘n’) was developed, indicating stream length influences these parameters more than size and slope.

How to cite: Sharma, I., Mishra, S. K., Pandey, A., Aragaw, H. M., and Singh, V. P.: A USLE and SCS-CN coupled approach for design sediment yield prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11075,, 2023.

Shuo Cao, Laiming Zhang, Nigel Mountney, and Chengshan Wang

Along with the intensification of global warming, severe desertification has already impaired human sustainable development. In a near-future greenhouse world, the total area of the desert will increase, and new types of deserts may emerge. During the “greenhouse” Cretaceous, conventional large paleo-deserts developed in broad topographic basins, and many possible deserts developed in small-scale intermontane basins, which are unusual in near-modern times and less studied. A comprehensive study of their sedimentology, mechanisms, and provenance would refine our interpretation of desertification and improve our understanding of the potential impact of future climate in arid and semi-arid regions in a near-future “greenhouse” world. The Xinjiang Basin is a typical intermontane basin in Southeast China that formed >300 m of successive aeolian deposits during the early Late Cretaceous, making it an ideal place to investigate the Sedimentological characteristics and formation mechanisms of intermontane deserts. In this study, we applied detailed sedimentary analyses to the aeolian deposits throughout the Xinjiang Basin and reconstructed a three-dimensional sedimentary model for the intermontane deserts. We confirmed the existence of the typical intermontane paleo-desert and summarized in detail the differences between intermontane deserts and broad topographic deserts. We noticed that the “greenhouse” state during the Late Cretaceous seems to have been suitable for the development of deserts in intermontane basins due to the hot, arid climate conditions and penetrating winds with sufficient transport capacity. In addition, the provenance analysis of the intermontane desert proved the ultra-long-distance aeolian sediment transport, and it may enable by the strengthening of intermittent westerly winds during short-lived glacial episodes and the presence of a low-relief corridor that served as a transport pathway from source to sink. Therefore, we suggest the emergence and development of intermontane deserts in a near-future “greenhouse” world would contribute to the global desert expansion and massive desertification.

How to cite: Cao, S., Zhang, L., Mountney, N., and Wang, C.: An intermontane desert system: Sedimentology, mechanism, and provenance in Southeast China during the Late Cretaceous, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4321,, 2023.

Georgina Bennett, James Christie, Jacob Hirschberg, Andrew Nicholas, Ellie Vahidi, and EvoFlood Team

Debris flows and lahars convey large quantities of sediment through fluvial systems in mountainous and volcanic regions. Constraining decadal to centennial patterns of sediment transport by these potentially destructive flows is crucial for understanding their drivers and subsequently modelling the evolution of downstream hazard and channel morphology with time. Relatively few modelling frameworks have been designed to capture sediment transport dynamics at these timescales. Existing models instead tend to either 1) simulate the runout of individual debris flow events or 2) forecast landscape evolution over longer millennial timescales. Our work seeks to address this research gap by developing SedCas. SedCas is a spatially lumped sediment cascade model developed to simulate decadal patterns of sediment transport by debris flows from the Illgraben, an Alpine catchment in Switzerland, into the Rhône River. Its relatively simple structure is computationally inexpensive and has enabled its use in forecasting debris flow hazard and sediment yield from the Illgraben over the 21st century in response to a range of climate change scenarios. Here, we present the first application and adaptation of the SedCas model framework to non-alpine catchments. Firstly, we simulate sediment transport by lahars in a catchment on the island of Montserrat which has been disturbed episodically by explosive volcanism between 1995 - present. In this model iteration, SedCas_Volcano, we account for variations in vegetation cover induced by eruptive events, in addition to water and sediment supply. The model results capture the first-order patterns (aggregate magnitude-frequency) of the largest observed lahars, and the timing and relative order of magnitude of fluctuations in sediment yield. Seasonal and interannual variations in lahar activity are not fully captured, however. We attribute these shortfalls to limitations of available data and the model not accounting for important dynamic hydrological processes that alter runoff generation on evolving volcanic deposits. These limitations in turn provide avenues of further research and development. Secondly, we present preliminary experiments to simulate bedload sediment delivery as input into a new global flood model that accounts for evolving channel geometry.

How to cite: Bennett, G., Christie, J., Hirschberg, J., Nicholas, A., Vahidi, E., and Team, E.: Modelling multi-decadal sediment delivery to rivers by debris flows and lahars with SedCas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8005,, 2023.

Yuval Shmilovitz, Matthew Rossi, Gregory Tucker, Benjamin Campforts, Joel Pederson, Efrat Morin, Moshe Armon, Yehouda Enzel, and Itai Haviv

Cliff bands are common in drylands and their evolution is often influenced by hydrogeomorphic processes. It has been previously suggested that cliff retreat patterns and morphology are affected by the properties and frequency-magnitude relations of rainstorms. However, basic questions on this topic persist because landscape evolution models typically do not account for the surface processes like runoff generation and sediment transport that occur under short-duration (sub-hourly) intense rainfall. Here we test the hypothesis that changes in rainstorm properties can systematically alter cliff retreat patterns and morphology. We developed a novel numerical model that simulates the response of cliffs and associated sub-cliff slopes to various rainstorm regimes to (1) identify dominant cliff morphologies, and (2) examine if extreme rainstorm properties are encoded in the topography. The new model utilizes the Landlab modeling toolkit and includes an explicit novel representation of surface processes that occur during short-duration rainstorms, including cliff-weathering, infiltration, runoff generation, clast fragmentation, and size-dependent sediment transport. Using a suite of numerical experiments, we vary model parameters and rainfall types and simulate changes in cliff retreat patterns and morphology. Our model results agree well with analytical predictions for cliff morphology under a control case of no transport on the sub-cliff slope, indicating a good representation of processes. Furthermore, sensitivity analyses on cases where sediment transport is explicitly included show that cliff evolution is highly dependent on both the grain size of sediment derived from the cliff and the rainfall intensities. These two factors can alter retreat patterns and determine whether and how fast the cliff can be buried under its own sediment. Numerical experiments based on rainfall and field measurements from the central Negev desert (eastern Mediterranean) demonstrate that including the dynamics of high-intensity rainfall and sediment grain size can help explain observed topographic trends. In addition, for a given imposed storm depth, we find that the rainstorm intensities pattern strongly influences both the cliff retreat and its morphology. Short rainstorms with higher intensities are much more erosive than longer storms with lower intensities. This latter case frequently triggers cliff burying. Taken as a whole, our results demonstrate that cliff evolution and morphology are significantly affected by storm-scale sediment transport dynamics and thus highlight the importance of incorporating high-resolution rainfall forcing into landscape evolution models of dryland landforms.

How to cite: Shmilovitz, Y., Rossi, M., Tucker, G., Campforts, B., Pederson, J., Morin, E., Armon, M., Enzel, Y., and Haviv, I.: Simulating dryland cliffs evolution in response to extreme rainstorms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9185,, 2023.