GM9.1 | Interactions between tectonics, climate and surface processes from mountain belts to basins
Interactions between tectonics, climate and surface processes from mountain belts to basins
Co-organized by GD3/TS4
Convener: Richard Ott | Co-conveners: Audrey Margirier, Emma Lodes, Julien Charreau
| Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–12:15 (CEST)
Room D3
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall X3
Posters virtual
| Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
vHall SSP/GM
Orals |
Fri, 08:30
Fri, 14:00
Fri, 14:00
It is now well known that the coupling between tectonics, climate and surface processes governs the dynamics of mountain belts and basins. However, the amplitude of these couplings and their exact impact on mountain building are less understood. First order quantitative constraints on this coupling are therefore needed. They can be provided by geomorphic and sedimentary records including longitudinal river profiles, fluvial and marine terraces, landslides, downstream fining trends, growth strata, sediment provenance, sequence stratigraphy, and changing depositional environments. In addition, such interaction may be explored also by geodetic analyses (e.g., GPS, UAV and satellite images analyses) as well as with innovative geo-informatic approaches. Moreover, the increasing integration of geochronological methods for quantifying erosion rates and source-to-sink sediment transfer with landscape evolution, stratigraphic, climatic, and tectonic models allows us to advance our understanding of the interactions between surface processes, climate and tectonic deformation.

We invite contributions that use geomorphic, geochronologic and/or sedimentary records to understand tectonic deformation, climate histories, and surface processes, and welcome studies that address their interactions and couplings at a range of spatial and temporal scales. In particular, we encourage coupled catchment-basin studies that take advantage of numerical/physical modelling, geochemical tools for quantifying rates of surface processes (cosmogenic nuclides, low-temperature thermochronology, luminescence dating) and high resolution digital topographic and subsurface data. We invite contributions that address the role of surface processes in modulating rates of deformation and tectonic style, or of tectonics modulating the response of landscapes to climate change.

Orals: Fri, 28 Apr | Room D3

Chairpersons: Julien Charreau, Emma Lodes, Richard Ott
On-site presentation
Veleda Astarte Paiva Muller, Pietro Sternai, Christian Sue, Pierre Valla, and Thibaud Simon-Labric

Orogens and volcanic arcs at continental plate margins are primary surface expressions of convergent plate tectonics. Although it is established that climate affects the shape, size, and architecture of orogens via orographic erosion gradients, the ascent of magma through the crust and location of volcanoes along magmatic arcs have been considered insensitive to erosion. However, available data reveal westward migration of late-Cenozoic volcanic activity in the Southern Andes and Cascade Range where orography drives an eastward migration of the topographic water divide by increased precipitation and erosion along west-facing slopes. Thermomechanical numerical modeling shows that orographic erosion and the associated leeward topographic migration may entail asymmetric crustal structures that drive the magma ascent toward the region of enhanced erosion. Despite the different tectonic histories of the Southern Andes and the Cascade Range, orographic erosion is a shared causal mechanism that can explain the late-Cenozoic westward migration of the volcanic front along both magmatic arcs. Because volcanic arcs provide a substantial contribution to the evolution of climate across timescales, this recognition provides additional evidence of the tight coupling between climate, surface processes, magmatism, and plate tectonics.


How to cite: Paiva Muller, V. A., Sternai, P., Sue, C., Valla, P., and Simon-Labric, T.: Climatic control on the location of continental volcanic arcs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-288,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Xiaoping Yuan, Ruohong Jiao, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, and Xiaoming Shen

The Cenozoic history of the Tibetan Plateau topography is critical for understanding the evolution of the Indian-Eurasian collision, climate, and biodiversity. However, the long-term growth and landscape evolution of the Tibetan Plateau remains ambiguous, it remains unclear if plateau uplift occurred soon after the India-Asia collision in the Paleogene or later in the Neogene. As the landscape evolution is controlled mainly by mountain uplift and surface processes, the present-day river profiles and the drainage basin geometries preserve important information that can be extracted to infer the long-term history of mountain uplift with numerical models. Here we focus on the southeastern (SE) Tibetan Plateau where three of the world’s largest rivers draining the Tibetan Plateau (the Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween Rivers, i.e., Three Rivers) have incised deep valleys with distinctive geomorphic signatures. We reproduce the uplift history of the SE Tibetan Plateau using a 2D landscape evolution model, which simultaneously solves fluvial erosion and sediment transport processes in the drainage basins of the Three Rivers region. Our model was optimized through a formal inverse analysis with a large number of forward simulations, which aims to reconcile the transient states of the present-day river profiles. The modeling results were ultimately compared to existing thermochronologic and paleoelevation datasets to help decipher between competing tectonic models that predict contrasting topographic evolutions. Our results suggest initially low elevations during the Paleogene, followed by a gradual southeastward propagation of topographic uplift of the plateau margin until present day. The modeling thus does not support Paleogene formation of the SE Tibetan Plateau with a major subsequent degradation via upstream fluvial erosion. The scenario with pre-existing high-elevation plateau or plateau degradation will result in much wider river channels with knickpoints that propagated upstream much further away from the plateau margin compared to observed river profiles. The quantitative constraints on landscape evolution achieved based on drainage patterns in SE Tibet indicate a powerful tool potentially applicable to other regions to infer important implications for the evolution of Indian-Eurasian collision, Asian monsoons, and biodiversity, as well as the geodynamic forces involved in collisional orogens.

How to cite: Yuan, X., Jiao, R., Dupont-Nivet, G., and Shen, X.: Southeastern Tibetan Plateau growth revealed by inverse analysis of landscape evolution model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2764,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Sarah Falkowski, Chloë Glover, Victoria Buford Parks, Nadine McQuarrie, Nicholas Perez, and Todd A. Ehlers

Proposed drivers of eastern Andean Plateau river incision in the Pliocene include climate change, dynamically driven plateau uplift, and long-wavelength surface uplift above deep basement structures. However, the evaluation of each mechanism has been hampered in previous studies due to the lack of along-strike data on the timing and extent of canyon incision. In addition, the magnitude of exhumation, permissible structural geometries, and integration of the long-term deformation, erosion, exhumation, and sedimentation histories remain poorly understood.

This presentation focuses on two balanced geologic cross-sections and thermochronologic bedrock sample transects across the Andean Plateau, Eastern Cordillera, and Subandes in southern Peru. Based on (i) age-distance and age-elevation patterns of >80 new thermochronologic dates (apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He and fission-track) from plateau, interfluve, and canyon sample locations; (ii) inverse thermal history model results; and (iii) flexural and thermo-kinematic modeling, we highlight similarities and differences in thermochronometric age patterns, exhumation magnitude, structural geometries, and shortening rates between each section.

Results show that the first-order thermochronometric age pattern is a function of rocks' vertical and lateral movement over basement ramps and resulting exhumational erosion. This pattern is superimposed with a regional and synchronous incision-related exhumation signal since the Pliocene. While this incision occurred independent of structural deformation, the exhumation magnitude and difference in interfluve and canyon thermochronometric ages require the presence of a tectonic contribution to exhumation. We conclude that uplift over a basement ramp in the Eastern Cordillera and a decrease in shortening rates since ~10 Ma set the stage for climate-enhanced incision to occur in southern Peru.

How to cite: Falkowski, S., Glover, C., Buford Parks, V., McQuarrie, N., Perez, N., and Ehlers, T. A.: Drivers of eastern Andean Plateau incision from integrated thermochronology and thermo-kinematic modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12157,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Fiona Clubb, Simon Mudd, Taylor Schildgen, Peter van der Beek, Rahul Devrani, and Hugh Sinclair

Himalayan rivers transport approximately 103 Mt of sediment annually from their source in the steep topography of the High Himalaya to ocean basins. However, the journey from source to sink is not necessarily a smooth one: on the way, sediment can become trapped in montane storage systems, such as river valleys or floodplains. While sediment is stored in valleys, climate and erosional signals that we may wish to read from the final sedimentary record can be modified or even destroyed. We therefore need to understand the spatial distribution, volume and longevity of these valley fills. However, controls on Himalayan valley location and geometry are unknown, and sediment volume estimates are based on relatively untested assumptions of valley widening processes.

In this work we use a new method of automatically detecting valley floors to extract 1,644,215 valley-floor width measurements across the Himalayan orogen. We use this dataset to explore the dominant controls on valley-floor morphology, and to test models of valley widening processes. We use random forest regression to estimate the importance of potential controlling variables, and find that channel steepness, a proxy for rock uplift, is a first-order control on valley-floor width. We also analyse a newly compiled dataset of 1,797 exhumation rates across the orogen and find that valley-floor width decreases as exhumation rate increases. We therefore suggest that valley-floor width is adjusted to long-term exhumation, controlled by tectonics, rather than being controlled by water discharge or bedrock erodibility. We also hypothesise that valley widening predominantly results from sediment deposition along low-gradient valley floors, controlled by the ratio of sediment to water discharge, rather than lateral bedrock erosion.

How to cite: Clubb, F., Mudd, S., Schildgen, T., van der Beek, P., Devrani, R., and Sinclair, H.: Controls on valley-floor width across the Himalayan orogen, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3502,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Minhui Li, Hansjörg Seybold, Baosheng Wu, Yi Chen, and James W. Kirchner

Stream networks are highly abundant across Earth’s surface, reflecting the tectonic and climatic history under which they have developed. Prior studies suggest that stream branching angles are strongly correlated with climatic aridity, with a tendency toward wider branching angles in more humid climates. However, branching angles are also shaped by topography and thus by tectonic forcing. The importance of climate relative to tectonics, especially in tectonically active regions, remains ambiguous. Here we evaluate the relative dominance of climatic aridity and channel slope in shaping the branching angles of stream networks on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, a region with complex tectonics, variable climate, and diverse landscapes. Climatic aridity and channel slopes vary systematically from the relatively flat, dry interior to the steep, wet margin. Our analysis shows that the correlation between branching angles and climatic aridity reverses between the relatively flat interior and the steep eastern margin and the shift is observed in the transitional zone at intermediate topographic slopes. In the flat interior, branching angles are wider in wetter climates, consistent with previous studies in other regions. As one approaches the Tibetan Plateau’s eastern margin, however, branching angles become narrower as climate becomes wetter and topographic gradients simultaneously become steeper. These general patterns also persist after removing side-branches. These results indicate that climatic controls on branching angles are gradually overwhelmed by tectonic controls as one goes from the relatively flat terrain of the interior to the steeper terrain of the tectonically active eastern margin. Our findings demonstrate the joint influence of tectonic forcing and climate in shaping river network morphology.

How to cite: Li, M., Seybold, H., Wu, B., Chen, Y., and Kirchner, J. W.: Interaction between tectonics and climate encoded in the planform geometry of stream networks on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4241,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Erica Erlanger, Aaron Bufe, Guillaume Paris, Ilenia D'Angeli, Luca Pisani, Preston Kemeny, Jessica Stammeier, Negar Haghipour, and Niels Hovius

Mountain building has classically been linked with CO2 drawdown from silicate weathering in the critical zone, although recent views on mountain building recognize the importance of rock-derived CO2 emissions from other organic and inorganic carbon sources. However, the focus on critical zone weathering reactions during mountain building does not consider the emission of metamorphic CO2 from subduction processes in the crust and mantle. Such deep carbon sources could outpace the surficial drawdown and release of carbon, in particular in actively extending mountain ranges that subduct large volumes of carbonate rock. Thus, accounting for weathering processes at depth and in the critical zone in parallel is crucial to fully assess how mountain-range uplift impacts the carbon cycle. Here, we quantify the exchange of CO2 between rock and the atmosphere from subduction-related processes and from critical zone weathering reactions in two major river systems in the central Apennine Mountains of Italy. The catchments straddle a geodynamic gradient across the subduction zone that is expressed as changes in surface heat flow and crustal thickness, whereas climatic boundary conditions are relatively constant.  At the regional scale, we find that metamorphic CO2 sources outpace critical zone inorganic carbon sources and sinks by 2 orders of magnitude above a window in the subducting slab that is characterized by high heat flow and low crustal thickness, and could have driven efficient degassing over the last 2 Ma. In contrast, surficial weathering processes dominate the carbon budget where crustal thickness is greater and heat flow is lower. Importantly, the difference in metamorphic degassing fluxes across the geodynamic gradient is multiple orders of magnitude larger than the difference in critical zone weathering fluxes. Thus, modulations of metamorphic decarbonation reactions are the most efficient process by which tectonics can regulate the inorganic carbon cycle in the Apennines. Both near-surface and deep sources of CO2 must be considered when constructing the carbon budget of orogenic systems that include the subduction of carbonate rock.

How to cite: Erlanger, E., Bufe, A., Paris, G., D'Angeli, I., Pisani, L., Kemeny, P., Stammeier, J., Haghipour, N., and Hovius, N.: Building the inorganic carbon budget of a young, actively extending carbonate-rich mountain range:  the interplay between chemical weathering and tectonics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5452,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Feng Cheng, Andrew Zuza, Jolivet Marc, and Zhaojie Guo

Determination of the depositional age of sediments provides the basis for much of the current understanding of tectonic processes, paleoclimate, and other aspects that relate to time. Integrated the high-resolution magnetostratigraphy with independent means of age control (e.g., biostratigraphy, tephrostratigraphy), the age model of the sedimentary sequences can generally be constrained. However, as the paleomagnetic correlation to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) is usually non-unique, magnetostratigraphy alone usually leads to dramatically different age models for the siliclastic sequences in the absence of fossils or volcanic ash layers, likely resulting in diverse tectonic and paleoclimate reconstructions. This challenge presented by different age models is well-exemplified in the debated Cenozoic terrestrial strata in Central Asia, resulting in competing models that account for the growth of the Tibetan plateau and its association with aridification history of Central Asia. Here we develop a new approach to evaluate the age model of the tephras- and fossils-free strata by checking the potential link between syntectonic sedimentation in the basin and the rapid exhumation of basement rocks. By comparing the initiation of growth strata with the onset timing of the rapid exhumation revealed by the low-temperature thermochronology, we validate this method in the regions (e.g., Zagros fold-and-thrust belt and Ruby Mountains metamorphic core complex) where the age models for the strata have been well-constrained. Applying this approach to the debated age models of the strata in the Tarim and Qaidam basins, we constrain the depositional age of Paleogene syntectonic strata, indicating a Paleocene-Eocene initial and an Oligocene-Miocene intensified mountain building process along the northern margin of the Tibetan plateau. Integrating the timing of Paleogene tectonism along the northern Tibetan plateau with Proto-Paratethys Sea fluctuations history, we highlight the significant role of tectonism in the retreat of proto-Paratethys Sea as well as its influence on the aridification in Central Asia.

How to cite: Cheng, F., Zuza, A., Marc, J., and Guo, Z.: Testing age models for sedimentary sequences based on growth strata and the exhumation history of adjacent mountain ranges, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6921,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Dirk Scherler and Argha Banerjee

An interplay of rock uplift and glacial erosion shapes glacierized mountains across the globe. Under the simplifying assumption that subglacial bedrock erosion is proportional to the local ice flux, a steady balance between uplift and erosion is used to theoretically predict the elevation distribution (hypsometry) of glacier cover above the long-term snowline. When snow accumulation rates increase linearly with elevation, the theory predicts a half-normal distribution with a range that is proportional to the million-year scale local uplift rate. The theoretical form fits well the present-day hypsometry of glacier cover in glacierized mountain ranges across the globe, which may indicate a prevailing approximate long-term balance between glacial erosion and uplift. The fits obtain realistic estimates of the spatial patterns of uplift, which align well with geologic boundaries, and explain global variations in the maximum height of mountain peaks measured from the long-term local snowline. However, a comparison of hypsometry-derived uplift rates with thermochronology-derived exhumation rates yields large residuals, likely due to the simplifying assumptions and a poorly calibrated erosion law. Despite the limitations, the steady-state theory presented successfully describes both the glacier-cover hypsometry and the peak heights on a global scale, connecting them to the million-year scale local uplift rates.

How to cite: Scherler, D. and Banerjee, A.: Topographic signature of tectonics in glacial landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7595,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Katrina D. Gelwick, Sean D. Willett, and Yanyan Wang

Landscapes are sculpted by a complex response of surface processes to external forcings, such as climate and tectonics. Several major stream captures have been documented on the Southeast Tibetan Plateau, leading to the hypothesis that the region experiences exceptionally high rates of drainage reorganization driven by horizontal shortening and propagating uplift. Here we determine the prevalence, intensity, and spatial patterns of ongoing drainage reorganization on the Southeast Tibetan Plateau and evaluate the relative time scales of this transience by comparing drainage divide asymmetry for four geomorphic metrics that operate at different spatial and temporal scales. Specifically, we evaluate drainage divide asymmetry in catchment-restricted topographic relief, hillslope gradient, normalized channel steepness (ksn), and χ. ksn and χ are both precipitation-corrected to account for the strong precipitation gradient across the region. We calculate the migration direction and Scherler & Schwanghart (2020)’s divide asymmetry index (DAI) in each metric for drainage divides across the entire region in order to analyze how well the asymmetry in these metrics agree along divides and where consistent divide movement is inferred. We find a high incidence of strongly asymmetric divides in all metrics across the entire Southeast Tibetan Plateau. While the magnitude of asymmetry varies significantly between metrics, a majority of divides agree on divide migration direction across all metrics. Divides with higher magnitudes of asymmetry are more likely to agree on migration direction across multiple metrics. While χ agrees least often with the other metrics on migration direction, it agrees on direction >90% of the time when low DAI divides are excluded. We also establish that disagreement in predicted divide migration directions between χ and the other geomorphic metrics can be interpreted as evidence of localized variations in tectonic uplift or erodibility, glacial alteration, or recent lateral stream capture. Our work confirms the high incidence of drainage reorganization across the Southeast Tibetan Plateau and highlights both transient and stable areas in the landscape with unprecedented resolution. In addition, we propose how to combine geomorphic metrics to ascertain how drainage divides migrate across different timescales and identify local deviations in tectonic uplift and erodibility.

How to cite: Gelwick, K. D., Willett, S. D., and Wang, Y.: Drainage divide asymmetry as an indicator of large-scale landscape transience on the Southeast Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7931,, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Audrey Margirier, Emma Lodes, Richard Ott
On-site presentation
Philippe Steer, Regina Holtmann, Rodolphe Cattin, and Martine Simoes

Multiple uplift events, either by discrete earthquakes or creep, will steepen and thus apparently rejuvenate fault scarps, raising the possibility that fault slip history leaves a hidden morphological signature. Here we explore this idea by proposing a new analytical formulation to simulate the scarp degradation generated by faulting at regular intervals. Our formulation fills the gap between the single rupture and the creeping fault proposed solutions. We show that the morphology of degrading fault scarps generated by one major or multiple minor earthquakes with the same final total uplift deviates by as much as 10-20%. Our inversion approach highlights the importance of trade-offs between fault slip history and erosion intensity. An identical topographic profile can be obtained either with a stable creep and an intense erosion or with a single seismic event and a weak erosion. Finally, our findings reveal that the previously noticed variation of the diffusion coefficient with time may be an artifact related to the kinematics of faulting. These inferences, derived from the simplest possible diffusion model, are likely to be even more pronounced in nature.

How to cite: Steer, P., Holtmann, R., Cattin, R., and Simoes, M.: Revealing the hidden signature of fault slip history in the morphology of degrading scarps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9275,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Maya Stokes, Daemin Kim, J. Taylor Perron, and Thomas Near

The legacy of tectonic deformation affects geomorphic and biological dynamics, even in post-orogenic mountain ranges. As ancient geologic structures originally created through tectonic deformation are exhumed through erosion, rocks with different chemical and physical properties are exposed at the surface of the landscape. We propose that this process not only influences landscape dynamics but is also a mechanism for speciation in freshwater fish.  As rivers erode through layers of different kinds of rock, the spatial distribution of rocks at the surface of the landscape changes. For fish with habitat specificity linked to rock type, erosion can progressively expose either favorable or unfavorable rock types, creating either barriers to or corridors for dispersal. The underlying structural geology will dictate which of those scenarios occurs. We present two case-studies that illustrate each scenario from the southeast United States, a freshwater biodiversity hotspot. First, we show that populations of the Greenfin Darter (Nothonotus chlorobranchius) are genetically isolated within tributaries flowing over the metamorphic rocks making up the thrust sheets of the Blue Ridge geologic province. In contrast, they are not found in rivers flowing over sedimentary rock of the Valley and Ridge. We show that over time, more sedimentary rock has been exposed, which has progressively isolated N. chlorobranchius populations from one another. In this case, river incision is introducing more barriers (sedimentary rock) into the landscape, leading to lineage diversification (i.e., speciation). In the second case-study, we explore the diversification of the Vermilion Darter complex that includes the federally endangered Vermilion Darter (Etheostoma chermocki) and the closely related Warrior Darter (E. bellator). Unique lineages of this species complex are restricted to tributaries flowing over carbonate rocks in the Black Warrior River. In contrast to the N. chlorobranchius case-study, here river incision is progressively expanding habitat by exposing more carbonate rock, driving dispersal-mediated allopatric speciation within the Vermilion Darter complex. Our results suggest that in bedrock-dominated rivers found throughout much of the Appalachian Mountains, erosion through ancient geologic structures can drive the diversification of freshwater fish, highlighting links between tectonic deformation, surface processes, and biological evolution in an ancient mountain range.

How to cite: Stokes, M., Kim, D., Perron, J. T., and Near, T.: Erosion through ancient geologic structures as a mechanism for freshwater fish speciation in a post-orogenic mountain range, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9690,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jingtao Lai and Kimberly Huppert

Glacial-interglacial cycles have repeatedly perturbed climate and topography in many mid-latitude mountain ranges during the Quaternary. Glacial erosion can move drainage divides and induce fluvial adjustment downstream. Today and in the past, north-facing slopes in the Qilian Shan have accumulated more ice because they receive less solar insolation and more precipitation than south-facing slopes. The larger glaciers that form on north-facing slopes may enhance erosion and drive southward migration of drainage divides, particularly during glacial periods. We combine numerical simulations with topographic analyses to examine the influence of glacial erosion on divide mobility and postglacial landscape response to drainage reorganization. Our analyses suggest that asymmetric glaciation in the Qilian Shan has caused southward migration of the main drainage divide, prompting river channels below the extents of ice on north-facing slopes to become oversteepened relative to their drainage area. This oversteepening should accelerate postglacial fluvial incision, even in this region where topography has not been directly modified by glacial erosion. Numerical modeling suggests this enhanced incision persists for millions of years – much longer than the duration of recent glacial-interglacial cycles – implying a widespread and enduring influence of intermittent glaciations on landscape evolution in mid-latitude mountain ranges during the Quaternary.

How to cite: Lai, J. and Huppert, K.: Asymmetric glaciation, divide migration, and postglacial fluvial response times in the Qilian Shan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3099,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Liran Goren and Eitan Shelef

The first-order morphology of mountain ranges is controlled by the topologic complexity of the channel networks that drain them. Some networks are characterized by simple flow paths that follow the regional topographic gradient. Other networks are more complex, showing tortuous flow paths and asymmetric distribution of drainage area with respect to the main trunks. The degree of network complexity controls the distribution of slope magnitude and aspect, as well as the local relief of mountainous terrains, placing a strong control over their geomorphic, hydrologic, and ecologic functionality. 

Some of the variability in network complexity could be attributed to the level of heterogeneity in the environmental and boundary conditions. Spatial gradients in tectonics, climate, and lithology are likely linked to more complex network topology. However, previous numerical studies of landscape evolution showed that variability in complexity appears even when the environmental and boundary conditions are uniform. This means that drainage complexity could emerge from autogenic network dynamics.

To explore the controls over network complexity, we adopt a new metric that quantifies complexity as the distribution of differences in flow length between pairs of flow paths that diverge from a common divide and merge downstream. Symmetric flow lengths indicate low complexity, and increased flow-length asymmetry is indicative of a complex network. Consistent with previous numerical studies, we show, for the first time for natural mountain ranges, that plan-view network complexity, as expressed by lengthwise asymmetry, is a strong function of the concavity index that characterizes channel long profiles.

An analytic model of channel pairs that diverge from a stable drainage divide and obeys Hack’s law predicts that low concavity channels can sustain a stable divide only if they are lengthwise symmetric. In contrast, high concavity channels can sustain stable divides under a range of lengthwise symmetry conditions. The analytic model explains the increase in asymmetry (complexity) median and variance with increased channel concavity documented in both natural and numerical mountain ranges.

An optimal channel network perspective provides further intuition. Starting from a random network, the energy gain of reducing network complexity is high only when the concavity is low. Therefore, high-concavity, complex networks have a lower energetic incentive to reduce their complexity via changes in network topology. In contrast, complex networks of medium and low concavity tend to change their topology via drainage divide migration to achieve a less complicated and lower energy configuration.

Our findings provide a way to quantify channel concavity by evaluating the plan-form network complexity. Our results further imply that reduction in channel concavity, due to, for example, a transition to a drier climate, is expected to induce a phase of drainage reorganization that reduces the network complexity. In contrast, increased concavity is likely to cause minor or no changes in network topology and complexity.

How to cite: Goren, L. and Shelef, E.: Channel concavity controls drainage network complexity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12490,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Elham Freund, Hansjörg Seybold, Scott Jasechko, and James Kirchner

The branching angles of stream network are the fingerprint of the processes that shape our landscape. However, the mechanisms that give rise to stream network patterns on Earth are not fully understood. Recent studies have shown controls of climate, tectonics, and lithology on channel incision and the planform geometry of stream networks. Our analysis of one million river junctions and over 4.2 million groundwater well observations across the contiguous United States shows for the first time that stream network branching angle vary systematically with the degree to which streams and groundwater interact.  Streams that are losing their water to groundwater exhibit narrow branching angles while streams that are gaining water from groundwater exhibit wide branching angles on average. We show that the correlation between branching angle and fraction of losing streams is stronger than branching angle and other controls of stream network planform geometry. The systematic relationship between branching angle and losing fraction persist across a range of topographic gradient and across several stream orders. Our findings brings forward a mechanistic linkage between previously shown correlation between branching angles and climate.

How to cite: Freund, E., Seybold, H., Jasechko, S., and Kirchner, J.: Groundwater-surface water interactions manifested on stream network geometry across United States, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13304,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jonas Kordt, Saptarshi Dey, Bodo Bookhagen, Georg Rugel, Johannes Lachner, Carlos Vivo-Vilches, and Rasmus Thiede

The evolution and course of Himalayan rivers when exiting the orogen is controlled by the interplay between tectonics, climate, and associated sediment flux. We investigate these interactions by studying a Late Pleistocene deflection of the Sutlej River at the southern margin of the western Himalayan. This part of the Himalaya is also referred to as Kangra Recess. Late Quaternary faulting and folding along the Main Frontal Thrust and related back thrusts has created anticlinal structures in the south and piggyback basins in the north. Combined field observations and chronological constraints have shown that the anticline evolved as multiple fault segments, which grew through lateral propagation and led to the permanent deflection of the Sutlej River by ~ 50 km to the southeast. In this work, we present new luminescence and cosmogenic nuclide chronologies combined with previously published data to better identify the sedimentation history. Most importantly, we focus on the cause and final timing of the permanent river deflection. We show evidence for widespread aggradation and sediment deposition by the Sutlej River megafan and its tributaries starting before 47 ka and continuing until ~ 26 ka. Our 10Be and 26Al results in combination with available OSL data document the last widespread throughflow of the Sutlej at ~ 30-25 ka. We argue that a combination of climate and tectonic factors, especially the variability of monsoonal strength, led to major changes in sediment supply at short time scales and therefore affected the course of the Sutlej River system.

How to cite: Kordt, J., Dey, S., Bookhagen, B., Rugel, G., Lachner, J., Vivo-Vilches, C., and Thiede, R.: Frontal fault growth and megafan construction control drainage development in the western Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14188,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Bodo Bookhagen, Asfaw Erbello, Hella Wittman, Daniel Melnick, and Manfred Strecker

Past studies indicate that landscape evolution on various timescales is influenced by vegetation cover. However, the linkages between vegetation, type, and species distribution and erosion processes and their relationships between landscape steepness and climate are not well understood. In this study, we focus on the active tectonic setting of the East-African Rift System and its complex climatic and biotic environment to explore linkages between millennial-scale denudation rates and landscape steepness, climate, and vegetation. We specifically focus on spaceborne vegetation-height and biomass measurements that may better reflect the impact of vegetation on geomorphic processes when compared to generally used vegetation cover measurements. We present 12 new in situ 10Be catchment-averaged denudation rates from the tectonically active Chew Bahir area in southern Ethiopia. The sampled catchments comprise a range of denudation rates over one order of magnitude from 0.01 to 0.1 mm/y and largely correlate with rainfall-weighted landscape steepness. We analyze the rates in comparison to previous studies (a) that evaluated the drier central and northern areas of the Kenya Rift to the south of Chew Bahir and (b) that measured denudation rates in the wetter, densely vegetated Rwenzori mountains in Uganda to the west. Rock-strength values between the sites are comparable, although the Rwenzori mountains have undergone rapid Miocene-Pliocene exhumation processes that may have been aided by ubiquitous fractured bedrock. Importantly, we observe a clear impact of biomass on denudation rates. For example, catchments with the same denudation rate and erosional integration timescale but higher biomass can sustain steeper fluvial channels as indicated by their river-steepness indices. We argue that high vegetation heights characterized by deep root structures lead to a stabilization of hillslopes and ultimately allow the formation of steeper channels. This in turn results in lower denudation rates comparable to less vegetated terrain where hillslopes destabilize more rapidly. We analyze the spatial distribution of hillslopes, river-steepness, rainfall, and vegetation biomass within catchments to elucidate their relative impact. This allows us demonstrate the usefulness of vegetation height and biomass measurements for assessing impacts on erosion rates and we explore different weighting schemes for digital elevation model analysis.


How to cite: Bookhagen, B., Erbello, A., Wittman, H., Melnick, D., and Strecker, M.: The impact of vegetation on erosion in the East-African Rift System: New insights from Chew Bahir, southern Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14798,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Willem Viveen, Maria del Rosario González-Moradas, Raúl Andrés Vidal-Villalobos, and Juan Carlos Villegas-Lanza

Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are a fundamental data source for the calculation of tectonogeomorphic indices in areas with active tectonic deformation. There are, however, hardly any studies available that compared the strength and weaknesses of the various, freely available medium-resolution DEMs for these kinds of applications. As such, it is difficult for researchers to make a well-informed choice regarding the most suitable DEM for their specific study. We have therefore carried out an exhaustive analysis of the five, most commonly used medium-resolution DEMs. These are the 30-m SRTM v.3.0, AW3D30, ASTER GDEM3, Copernicus and the 12-m TanDEM-X. We have analysed the performance of these DEMs by calculating the most commonly used tectonogeomorphic indices for 22 river basins in two geographically contrasting tectonic basins in the Peruvian Andes. Calculated metrics included drainage basin areas, fluvial network length and position, longitudinal profile and knickpoint representation, concavity indices θ and m/n, the normalised steepness index ksn and the Hypsometric integral. We also performed a mapping exercise of fluvio-tectonic landforms such as fluvial terraces, folds and fault traces. Statistical analysis were carried out to highlight similarities and differences in performance between the five DEMs. Copernicus and TanDEM-X were the best performing DEMs across the whole range of analysed metrics, closely followed by AW3D30. SRTM3 v. 3.0 and ASTER GDEM3 performed well in some of the tests, but lacked in other areas and are therefore not recommended. 

How to cite: Viveen, W., del Rosario González-Moradas, M., Vidal-Villalobos, R. A., and Villegas-Lanza, J. C.: An assessment of the most suitable DEM for tectonogeomorphic analysis in tectonic basins, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17217,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jacob Hardt, Ben Norden, Klaus Bauer, Tim Dooley, and Michael Hudec

The underground of the northern German lowlands, located in the Central European Basin System (CEBS), is characterized by numerous Permian Zechstein salt structures, which are found at depths of up to more than 2000m. The lowlands were transgressed several times by the Scandinavian Ice Sheet during the Pleistocene glacial cycles. Several researchers have noted that there seems to be a spatial correlation between the positions of Weichselian end moraines in Northern Germany and subsurface salt structures. Thus, it was assumed that the pressure of the advancing ice sheet triggers salt tectonic movements, which in return influences the spatial configuration of the ice extent.

Using high resolution laser scan digital elevation models, we have recently mapped more than 150 linear negative landforms (up to several km in length, up to 20 m in depth and up to more than 100 m in width) in northern Germany that we term “surface cracks” and which we interpret as surface expansion ruptures caused by ice sheet induced salt movements related to the last glacial cycle (Weichselian glaciation). This interpretation is based on: (1) geomorphological analyses, which also allow for a relative geochronological classification; (2) a reassessment of existing theoretical models on ice sheet induced salt movement, and; (3) new physical modeling experiments. Our results shed a new light on the geomorphology of the northern German young morainic landscapes, illustrating an active interplay between climate (glaciations) and loading-induced subsurface motions (buried salt structures).

How to cite: Hardt, J., Norden, B., Bauer, K., Dooley, T., and Hudec, M.: Ice sheet induced salt tectonics – the example of surface cracks in northern Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15122,, 2023.

Posters on site: Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X3

Chairpersons: Julien Charreau, Audrey Margirier
Morphometric signatures of neotectonic activity in Kotdwar region, northwestern Himalaya, India.
Abhishek Kralia and Mahesh Thakur
Xiaoqin Jiao, Massimiliano Zattin, Valerio Olivetti, Jianqiang Wang, Heng Peng, and Silvia Cattò

The timing of outward migration of deformation and topographic growth of the Tibetan Plateau remains a debated point. This project is aimed to identify the related uplift and exhumation processes through a combination of techniques (fission-track and U-Pb ages, trace element analysis) on apatite detrital grains collected from modern rivers and Oliog-Miocene sedimentary successions at the south-west margin of the Ordos basin. The results show that the sediments from the Yellow River and the sampled sedimentary sections sourced from the West Qinling Mountain and/or North Qilian Mountain, which, on their turn, imply that outward migration of the Tibetan Plateau was occurring at least since Early Cenozoic. The detrital signature clearly shows the evolution of different drainages, as testified by the different age patterns observed on sediments from the Wei and the Yellow Rivers. Our data demonstrate that these drainages were already identified and completely disconnected since the Oligocene-Early Miocene, thus corroborating the idea of a progressive eastward migration of the Tibetan Plateau since then.

How to cite: Jiao, X., Zattin, M., Olivetti, V., Wang, J., Peng, H., and Cattò, S.: The topographic growth of Tibetan Plateau in Oligocene-Early Miocene: constraints on the paleo-geography and Yellow River drainage evolution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-383,, 2023.

Nicolas Villamizar-Escalante, Bjarne Friedrichs, and Christoph von Hagke

Distinguishing the drivers that control mountain building, such as tectonic, climatic, and geodynamic forces of rock uplift at different time scales, forms the basis to understand landscape evolution through time.

In this study, we quantify the Cenozoic rock uplift and landscape evolution of the Calabrian Arc, located above the subducting Ionian-oceanic lithosphere in Southern Italy. Here, the Cenozoic rock uplift history has been strongly influenced by the retreat of the Ionian slab southwards, in which the Calabro-Ionian subduction zone shows a roll-back process that has been ongoing since Paleogene times. Some authors have linked rock uplift in the Calabrian arc to (i) tearing of the slab and subsequent toroidal mantle circulation, followed by vertical motion triggered by the detachment of the Ionian slab as a product of elastic rebound, controlling the last exhumation episodes followed by rapid uplift rates in the southern section of the Calabrian arc. (ii) In contrast, others argue that the vertical motion of the slab could also be related to mantle dynamics caused by roll-back inducing mantle upwelling around the Ionian slab edge. (iii) Third, based on thermochronological data, it has been claimed that base-level changes produced by climate change influence the last stage of exhumation. In order to evaluate the possible role of the different driving forces, we present a new compilation of the long-term (low-temperature thermochronology) and short-term uplift and exhumation data (uplift terraces-derived) in combination with new geomorphological data. We focus on three different tectonic blocks (Sila Massif, Serre-Aspromonte Massif and Peloritani Mountains), where the exhumation rates varied from north to south, with the highest long-term exhumation rates to the south (~1 km/Ma). The data is supported by the geomorphological analysis, which agrees with high values of Ksn mean (>250)  in the south and central section but contradicts the surprisingly high Ksn mean values (>250) in the north section. We discuss the landscape history on the long-short term and the possible geodynamic factors that could control the evolution of the Calabrian arc.

How to cite: Villamizar-Escalante, N., Friedrichs, B., and von Hagke, C.: Quantifying long-term vs short-term uplift and exhumation of the Calabrian Arc - insights into the underlying driving mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-811,, 2023.

Vaishanavi Chauhan, Sanjay Kumar Mandal, and Manoj K Jaiswal

Fluvial landforms reflect a balance between tectonics, climate, and their interaction through erosion and sediment deposition. The occurrence of thick valley fills straddling the major Himalayan rivers testify an imbalance between sediment supply and river transport capacity. Whether the aggradation is related to enhanced sediment supply or reduced stream capacity is a matter of debate. The changes in runoff can qualitatively be determined from the paleoclimatic records but the changes in hillslope sediment supply are more difficult to measure and often remain speculative. In-situ produced cosmogenic nuclide inventories in fluvial sediments provide an estimate of catchment-averaged erosion rates. When applied to chronologically-constrained valley fill sediments, this method has the potential to provide paleo-erosion rate and, by implication, sediment discharge from the catchment hillslopes. The paleoerosion rate data in conjunction with the chronology of valley aggradation and paleoclimatic proxy records would allow assessing the impact of monsoon rainfall change on both the hillslope erosion rates and transport capacity of streams. We have applied this approach to the ~90-m thick Beas River valley fills that are exposed near the town of Kullu in Himachal Pradesh, northwestern India. Here, we present preliminary sediment depositional ages determined using the OSL and IRSL methods. Our new luminescence ages suggest that the aggradation of exposed deposits occurred between ̴ 155± 36.99 ka and 58.61± 12.98 ka. These ages when compared with other Himalayan River valleys, indicate a much older and prolonged phase of aggradation. We speculate that the observed discrepancy in depositional ages indicates that either the deposition began significantly earlier in the Beas river valley pointing towards the diachronous valley filling within the Himalaya or the river has incised at a comparably faster rate, resulting in the excavation of older valley fill deposits. We also observed a potential linkage between the terrace formation and monsoon variability where the existing aggradation phase correlates well with the higher rainfall trend when compared with the existing paleoclimate records. The results from our study are in well agreement with already existing depositional age models from other river valleys of Himalayas. 

How to cite: Chauhan, V., Mandal, S. K., and Jaiswal, M. K.: Chronology of Himalayan valley fills: a key to assessing the fluvial geomorphic response to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-847,, 2023.

Juergen Oesterle, Kevin Norton, Claire Lukens, Fritz Schlunegger, Matthew Sagar, Klaus Wilcken, and Ningsheng Wang

The Southern Alps / Kā Tiritiri o te Moana in Aotearoa New Zealand have attracted scientists to study the interactions between climate and tectonics for decades. It has long been argued that tectonic uplift of this orogen is approximately balanced by erosion. The prevailing westerly airflow at the latitudes of the Southern Alps has created a strong orographic effect with precipitation decreasing sharply across the orogen’s main divide. The signature of this orographic effect is apparent in erosion rates that decrease from west to east, and from the dominant types of erosional processes that operate on either side of the orogen’s main divide. Most studies quantifying erosion over geologic timescales have focussed on the wetter—but areally significantly smaller—side of the orogen. Here, we seek to quantify the Pliocene–Recent erosion history of the Southern Alps’ much larger and drier eastern side using cosmogenic radionuclides (10Be and 26Al), tracer techniques (U–Pb) and a grain size analysis on fluvial deposits in the Canterbury region that record concomitant erosion of this mountain range. Cosmogenic radionuclides provide a powerful tool to constrain catchment-scale erosion rates on timescales of 100–100,000 years, which is the temporal range at which tectonic and climatic forcings overlap and meso-scale stratigraphic architecture is created, thereby offering critical insights into the dynamics between tectonics, climate, and surface processes. Detrital grain U–Pb analysis of the fluvial deposits will be used to establish the sediment’s provenance, while a grain size analysis of the river sediments will provide insights into associated past stream dynamics. With this multi-method study, we seek to constrain both spatial patterns and catchment-scale rates of erosion of the eastern Southern Alps, as well as their changes through time and see if erosion has been affected by major climatic shifts during the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs. Finally, this research will provide a benchmark for assessments of anthropogenically influenced erosion of the eastern Southern Alps. Preliminary results from 10Be and 26Al analyses and dating of fluvial terraces will be presented.

How to cite: Oesterle, J., Norton, K., Lukens, C., Schlunegger, F., Sagar, M., Wilcken, K., and Wang, N.: Assessing the Pliocene–Recent erosion history of New Zealand's eastern Southern Alps using cosmogenic radionuclides, tracer techniques and grain size analyses, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1274,, 2023.

Drivers of inner gorge incision in the Fraser Canyon (British Columbia, Canada)
Erin Seagren, Aaron Steelquist, Julia Carr, Elizabeth Dingle, Jeff Larimer, Morgan Wright, Derek Heathfield, Isaac Larsen, Brian Menounos, and Jeremy Venditti
Lingxiao Gong, Peter van der Beek, Taylor Schildgen, Edward Sobel, and Simone Racano

As the highest intra-continental orogen in Central Asia, with summits above 7000 m, the Tian Shan orogenic belt has experienced multiple phases of orogeny, and has been reactivated since the early Cenozoic in response to the India-Asia collision. In the south-Central Tian Shan, sedimentary and thermochronology records suggest that Cenozoic deformation initiated from the late Oligocene to the early Miocene, leading to the building of widely-spaced mountain ranges. The Kyrgyz south-Central Tian Shan is characterized by a significant contrast between a longitudinal (i.e., strike-parallel) drainage pattern in the west and a transverse (i.e., strike-perpendicular) drainage in the east. However, it is not clear how the drainage pattern, a key topographic feature in orogenic belts, responded to Cenozoic structural reactivation and uplift of individual ranges.

We focus here on the transition area between the regions of longitudinal and transverse drainage: the anomalously large Saryjaz catchment, which drains the highest part of the south-Central Tian Shan and shows a complex and peculiar drainage pattern. Through geomorphic observations and existing geological (i.e., structural and lithological) data, we analyze drainage characteristics, including longitudinal profiles in χ-space, knickpoints, and normalized channel steepness to understand the possible controls on the observed drainage pattern. We discriminate between knickpoints of different origin: tectonic (potentially linked to active faults), lithologic, glacial and linked to transient waves of incision.

We find a series of transient knickpoints in tributaries downstream of a sharp U-shaped bend along the main stem of the Saryjaz catchment, which also shows a striking increase in channel steepness. Both observations indicate recent incision along this reach. The incision depth and the elevation of knickpoints both show a decreasing trend downstream. These results suggest that incision is driven “top-down” by a large-magnitude capture event rather than “bottom-up” by a base-level drop. We link this capture to ongoing replacement of the longitudinal drainage system to the west by the transverse one to the east, consistent with inferred patterns of drainage development in other intra-continental mountain belts and suggesting a more mature stage of drainage development in the east.

How to cite: Gong, L., van der Beek, P., Schildgen, T., Sobel, E., and Racano, S.: Drainage development in an intra-continental mountain belt: A case study from the south-Central Tian Shan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5117,, 2023.

Stefanie Tofelde and Fiona J. Clubb

River-valley cross sections range from deeply incised gorges with narrow or no floodplains to wide valley floors of kilometer wide, densely populated plains. The diversity of valley geometries is the product of the interplay between tectonic uplift and erosion by rivers. Rivers deepen valleys through vertical incision into underlying bedrock or sediment deposits and widen valley floors by lateral erosion of enclosing valley walls. While the rate of incision is thought to mainly compensate tectonic uplift, comparably little is known about processes and controls of valley widening and valley-floor width. Due to this knowledge gap, we are currently unable to reproduce the wide range of valley shapes that we observe in nature and fail to predict valley floor and floodplain evolution under changing environmental conditions.

Field measurements of valley floors are sparse, but generally indicate that valleys are narrower at sites of enhanced uplift and grow wider with greater river discharge and in softer lithologies. However, order of magnitude scatter in those datasets suggest further, so far unknown controls on valley-floor width. Here, we systematically quantify valley-floor widths of 82 river valleys draining the Western Andes between 5°S and 38°S. At each site, we estimate potential control parameters on valley-floor width including river discharge, rock erodibility, uplift rates, total sediment discharge, and lateral sediment supply from valley walls. The respective influence of each of these parameters on valley-floor widths is investigated using a random-forest approach. A better understanding of controls on valley-floor evolution will both enhance future prediction of floodplain response to climate change and enable past climate and tectonic reconstructions from valley topography.

How to cite: Tofelde, S. and Clubb, F. J.: Controls of Andean valley-floor width, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5154,, 2023.

Jonah S. McLeod, Alexander C. Whittaker, Rebecca E. Bell, Gary J. Hampson, Stephen E. Watkins, Sam A. S. Brooke, Nahin Rezwan, Joel Hook, and Jesse R. Zondervan

Water and sediment transport in rivers are not uniform through time. In perennial rivers, sediment may be in motion for much of the year. However, intermittent rivers only transport bedload material during the most significant flow events, therefore changes in precipitation patterns have a large impact on these sensitive systems. Understanding intermittency is thus a key challenge in the Earth Sciences due to the vulnerability of landscapes in a changing climate. Here, we generate new constraints on modern fluvial intermittency factors based on field measurements in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece, including hydraulic geometry, sediment grain size and well-constrained Holocene accumulation rates into a closed basin. Results reveal that these rivers are extremely intermittent, requiring only 1 - 5 hours of active bedload transport per year in order to fulfil their annual bedload sediment budgets. Historical data reinforce these results, suggesting that the channels draining into the Gulf are only active in large, infrequent storms associated with rainfall rates > 50 mm/d; this hydroclimate is typical of large areas of Mediterranean landscape. Furthermore, climate models predict precipitation extremes (i.e., storminess) will increase across Europe. Therefore, as the threshold of sediment transport is surpassed more frequently, we predict annual sediment budgets will increase significantly by the year 2100. As storminess increases, source-to-sink dynamics in intermittent river systems across the globe are likely to be the most impacted by environmental change in the near future.

How to cite: McLeod, J. S., Whittaker, A. C., Bell, R. E., Hampson, G. J., Watkins, S. E., Brooke, S. A. S., Rezwan, N., Hook, J., and Zondervan, J. R.: Landscapes on the edge: solving the river intermittency puzzle, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5318,, 2023.

Rasmus Thiede, Dirk Scherler, and Christoph Glotzbach

The Himalaya is the highest and steepest mountain range on Earth and forms today efficient north-south barrier for moisture-bearing winds. 1D-thermokinematic modeling of new zircon (U-Th)/He bedrock-cooling ages and >100 previously published mica 40Ar/39Ar, zircon and apatite fission track ages from the Sutlej Valley document a consistent rapid decrease in exhumation rates that initiated at ~17-15 Ma across the entire Greater and Tethyan Himalaya and the north-Himalayan Leo Pargil dome. We observe a rapid decrease from >1 km/Myr to <0.5 km/Myr. Simultaneous changes in the hanging and footwall of major Miocene shear zones suggest that cooling is associated to surface erosion and not due to tectonic unroofing such as due to E-W extension. We explain the middle Miocene deceleration of exhumation with major tectonic reorganization of the Himalayan orogen, probably coincident with the onset of basal accretion, which resulted in accelerated uplift of the Greater and Tethyan Himalaya above a mid-crustal ramp and the establishment of a new efficient orographic barrier. The period of slow exhumation in the upper Sutlej Valley coincides with a period of internal drainage in the south-Tibetan Zada Basin farther upstream, which we interpret to be a consequence of tectonic damming. Exhumation rates in the upper Sutlej Valley accelerate again at ~5-3 Ma, and allowed the Sutlej River to re-establish external drainage of the Zada Basin. Comparison with other data from the Himalaya and Southern Tibet along strike suggests that by ~15 Ma, southern Tibet was high, located in the rain shadow of the High Himalaya and eroding slowly for at least 10 Ma, before erosion accelerated again by ~5-3 Ma, most likely due to climatic changes. Our new finding document that the location of tectonic deformation processes controls the first order spatial pattern of both climatic zones and erosion across the orogen. Therefore, we think that the rise of Greater Himalaya is linked to the deceleration of exhumation in Southern Tibet.

How to cite: Thiede, R., Scherler, D., and Glotzbach, C.: Does the Middle Miocene rise of the Greater Himalaya cause the slow down of Southern Tibet exhumation?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6738,, 2023.

Bastien Huet, Eric Lasseur, Justine Briais, Nicolas Bellahsen, Nicolas Loget, Jean-Loup Rubino, and Jean-Pierre Suc

The Western Alpine Foreland Basin ("French Molasse Basin") is located along the Western Alps and is composed of Oligo-Miocene formations resulting, at least to some extent, from the erosion of the alpine range. The distribution of sedimentation area, drainage network and sedimentary sources have strongly varied during its development. Late Eocene and Miocene marine formations are well-constrained as longitudinal basins with some transverse sedimentary transfer: the Eocene turbiditic basin was fed from the South, whereas the Miocene molasse basin was flowing southward. The Oligocene time period corresponds to the beginning of continental collision and to the exhumation of internal crystalline massifs. The erosion of first Alpine landforms causes the transport of sedimentary materiel in the basin with the transition from flysch (underfilled) to molasse (overfilled) deposits. The paleoenvironment is mainly continental and sediments are preserved in both internal and external position, which attests of a complex drainage network. Oligocene is therefore an important period of reorganisation in the foreland basin but has been poorly studied at the scale of the whole Western Alps and remains under-documented, mainly because of scarce outcrops probably due to early deformation in the basin. Here, we provide a new tectono-sedimentary study of these deposits based on new field work, seismic and well data interpretations, palynological analyses and bibliographic synthesis. This work led us to propose an exhaustive synthesis of the Oligocene foreland basin (or sub-basins) with synthetic logs and detailed palaeoenvironmental maps. Our results show that the Oligocene Western Alpine Foreland Basin can be divided in two main sedimentation areas: (1) an internal area which is mainly influenced by the alpine range evolution and (2) the Rhône Valley which has been structured by both the European Rift and the Pyrenean orogeny ("Pyrenean-Provence phase") and receives autochthonous sediments but also erosional products from the Massif Central, the Pyrenean Chain and the Alps. Palaeoenvironments and nature of sedimentation have strongly changed during the entire Oligocene. The internal basins (i.e., in the footwall of the Penninic Frontal Thrust) are connected with the South Rhône Valley since the early Rupelian thanks to E-W transverses valleys possibly inherited from the Pyrenean orogeny. Sedimentary supply remains mixt (Massif Central/Alps) until the end of Oligocene. A final longitudinal system set up at the beginning of the Aquitanian in which all the Alpine material was flowing to the south and the Mediterranean Sea. Two episodes of marine incursion have been identified (Early Rupelian and Early Chattian) thanks to biostratigraphy in the Rhone Valley which was probably already connected to the Mediteranean Sea before the Miocene. To sum up, the West Alpine Foreland Basin experienced during Oligocene (and Early Miocene) times transient basin dynamics with sub-basins controlled by westward propagation of the wedge front due to frontal accretion, a complex transverse routing system along with global flow inversion from north to south.

How to cite: Huet, B., Lasseur, E., Briais, J., Bellahsen, N., Loget, N., Rubino, J.-L., and Suc, J.-P.: Palaeoenvironmental and drainage network evolution of the Oligocene Western Alpine Foreland Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7337,, 2023.

Alexander Whittaker, Sam Brooke, and Mitch D'Arcy

The effects of environmental change on eroding landscapes and their sedimentary products remains poorly understood. While sediment routing systems at the Earth’s surface can record changes in past environmental boundary conditions, the extent to which landscapes can buffer signals of climate change—of varying magnitude and timescale— is contentious. Mountain catchments and their alluvial fans offer one way to address this question, as they form accessible sediment routing systems in which source and sink are closely coupled and sediment budgets can be closed. Here we consider the extent to which sediment granulometry in stream-flow-dominated alluvial fans records signals of past environmental change. We focus on well-constrained field examples in Death Valley, California, such as the Hanaupah Canyon Fan, which have experienced climate forcing associated with late Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles. Using field-derived measures of grain size, we compare three complementary methods that can be used to reconstruct sediment dynamics on alluvial fans. First, we use a self-similarity analysis of sediment calibre to reconstruct sediment mobility on fans over time. Second, we use a downstream-fining model to evaluate the extent to which different depositional units on the fans may record changing sediment fluxes from source catchments. Third, we adopt a palaeohydrological approach to reconstruct unit discharges, bed shear stresses and instantaneous sediment transport capacities for fans, based on field measures of hydraulic geometry and grain size. We evaluate the extent to which these three methods provide consistent results, and we quantify how grain mobility, water and sediment discharge scale with documented variations in the regional climate. Our work demonstrates the potential for using alluvial-fan sedimentology as an archive of information about palaeo-environmental changes, including quantitative measures of past hydroclimate.

How to cite: Whittaker, A., Brooke, S., and D'Arcy, M.: Quantifying complementary measures of climate-driven sediment dynamics on alluvial fans, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8198,, 2023.

Liesa Brosens, Rónadh Cox, Benjamin Campforts, Liesbet Jacobs, Veerle Vanacker, Paul Bierman, Vao Fenotiana Razanamahandry, Steven Bouillon, Amos Fety Michel Rakotondrazafy, Tantely Razafimbelo, Tovonarivo Rafolisy, and Gerard Govers

Cosmogenic nuclide analysis of river sediment provides insight into erosion and catchment dynamics. Studies on factors controlling spatial variations in long-term erosion rates have often focussed on tectonically active mountainous areas, where strong linkages with topographic variables like catchment gradient and normalized river steepness have been found. Less is known about rates and controls in tropical areas with deeper soils in tectonically less active regions which are often intensively used by people. Information on long-term erosion rates is crucial if human impact on landscape dynamics is to be understood in these areas.

Here, we investigate spatial patterns and controls on 10Be-inferred erosion rates in Madagascar, a moderately seismically active island surrounded by passive margins, with considerable relief and a climate that varies from humid tropical to semi-arid. We use a dataset of 99 detrital in-situ 10Be measurements from a wide range of catchments (combining new measurements with data from the literature), covering more than 30% of the country and including a wide range of topographic, bioclimatic, and geological characteristics. Overall, 10Be erosion rates are very low (2.4 - 51.1 mm kyr-1) but clear differences were found between different geomorphic regions with some of the highest rates on the eastern escarpment while most catchments in the central highlands had extremely low erosion rates. The latter shows that, under (sub-) tropical climax vegetation catchments can be very stable, despite a pronounced topography with convex slopes exceeding 30° and the presence of a thick and erodible regolith mantle covered by a protective laterite. Statistical tests indicate that 27% of the observed variation in 10Be erosion rates is associated with elevation (lower rates for higher catchments) and an additional 18% of the variation is associated with river concavity, seismicity, and lithological erodibility (higher rates for more convex, more seismically active and more erodible catchments). An additional test using random within-between (REWB) analysis, in which different geomorphic regions are also considered as independent variables, shows that the main variations in 10Be-inferred rates between the different regions are linked to river concavity, seismicity and gully abundance, where additional variation within geomorphic regions is linked with seismicity only. The random within-between model explained 73% of the observed variation, suggesting that differences between regions are indeed important, yet are only partly explained by the environmental controls we considered in our analysis. The fact that the association between topographical controls and 10Be-inferred erosion rates is weaker in Madagascar in comparison to tectonically (very) active areas is likely to be related to the long time scale considered and the fact that sediment buffering as well as individual random events may have a more important impact on 10Be-inferred erosion in relatively stable environments such as the ones we studied in Madagascar.


How to cite: Brosens, L., Cox, R., Campforts, B., Jacobs, L., Vanacker, V., Bierman, P., Razanamahandry, V. F., Bouillon, S., Rakotondrazafy, A. F. M., Razafimbelo, T., Rafolisy, T., and Govers, G.: Deciphering the patterns and controls on long-term basin-averaged erosion rates from in-situ 10Be in Madagascar using random within-between modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8712,, 2023.

Daniel Peifer, Alexander Beer, Christoph Glotzbach, and Todd A. Ehlers

Stream piracy has been central in explaining landscape evolution since W. M. Davis first introduced the concept. Reconstructions of drainage histories routinely invoke rerouting of an antecedent river to a lower adjacent stream. However, despite decades of analytical and computational progress, inferring discrete river reorganisation events remains challenging. In this contribution, we document how the transient drainage history of a region can be reconstructed using digital topography. Our premise is that previous topographic analyses neglect older stream piracy events. For example, in a typical retreating escarpment scenario, such as in southwestern Germany, erosion is concentrated in steep escarpment-draining rivers that occasionally capture plateau areas. These captures are readily detectable using topographic archives such as paired "area-gain/area-loss" profiles in χ-elevation space and mobile knickpoints at or upstream of capture points. However, such topographic archives decay as channels adjust to changes in drainage area, and thus many captures remain 'undetected' after escarpment retreat.

Here we use wind-gaps, a unique post-capture landform that is more prone to persist due to its position as a drainage divide, to identify otherwise 'undetectable' prior piracy events. We take advantage of TopoToolbox's DIVIDEobj algorithm to extract the drainage divide network of a landscape as a whole (i.e., every ridgeline separating neighbouring streams). From this, we calculate the ratio between the elevation of a segment in the divide network and the average elevation of neighbouring divides. We identify wind-gaps as (i) low-elevation divides confined on both sides by neighbouring higher divide segments, which (ii) are also characterised by low across-divide differences in relief. This approach provides insight into the drainage evolution history of South German Scarplands. The tectonic development of the Upper Rhine Graben led to an incipient northwest-oriented drainage that became progressively more erosive, especially since the Late Miocene. These northwest-draining rivers, such as the Neckar River, expanded their drainage areas via multiple discrete piracy events. This sequence of capture events led to the reversal of southern German rivers that originally drained to the southeast (towards the Danube). Our results identify tens of piracy events considerably downstream of the current divide separating the Neckar and Danube catchments that otherwise would not have been identified and put in temporal context. These results are in contrast to previous approaches that could only identify capture events in the vicinity of the current divide. In areas adjacent to wind-gaps and along 'reversed' and 'beheaded' streams, we explore the morphological relationships with the relative timing of the stream piracy events. Taken together, these results lead to a more comprehensive treatment of drainage history from topographic data.

How to cite: Peifer, D., Beer, A., Glotzbach, C., and Ehlers, T. A.: Mind the gap: leveraging wind-gaps to identify competing river piracy events in southwestern Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9652,, 2023.

Paul R. Eizenhöfer, Nadine McQuarrie, Suryodoy Ghoshal, Sebastian G. Mutz, and Todd A. Ehlers

Topography in compressional mountain ranges represents an interface at which tectonic and climatic forces interact. Understanding the relative contribution of these two components to mountain formation has been at the forefront of research over the last two decades. The theory underlying the mechanics that govern these interactions has been built on Coulomb wedge mechanics, i.e., mechanical failure and rock uplift occur everywhere along the wedge and the orogen. Observed rock displacement along single, discrete fault planes, including the translation of uplifted topography laterally, appears to be counter to such mechanics. However, a critically tapered topography across fold-thrust belts still emerges. If a critically tapered topography along an orogenic wedge can be produced by the sequential evolution of the subsurface fault geometry and the associated motion of bedrock over discrete fault planes, then a mechanical failure everywhere is not required. Here, the geomorphic evolution of the fold-thrust belt in central Nepal since the Miocene is investigated using a numerical surface processes model whereby the structural geometry, location and magnitude of fault motion are prescribed and based on observations. In addition, end-member climatic scenarios are adopted, i.e., uniform precipitation and climatic change over geologic time as predicted by atmospheric general circulation models. The experiments reproduce the first-order topography of central Nepal. Our modelling results indicate a dynamic variability of erosional efficacy that promotes the interplay of two modes of orogenic wedge behaviour and are contrary to a mechanical failure everywhere along the wedge: (mode 1) phases of lateral translation of uplifted topography and in-sequence propagation of deformation fronts, and (mode 2) phases of hinterland incision during out-of-sequence fault activity. The successful replication of first-order geomorphic indices in central Nepal in our experiments confirms an unusually long-lasting Miocene to Pliocene activity of the Main Boundary Thrust in central Nepal. This period is followed by Late Pleistocene hinterland incision coeval with out-of-sequence fault activity prior to the onset of rock displacement along the Main Frontal Thrust during a time of increased precipitation relative to today.               

How to cite: Eizenhöfer, P. R., McQuarrie, N., Ghoshal, S., Mutz, S. G., and Ehlers, T. A.: Drivers of Topography in Fold-thrust Belts: A Perspective from Central Nepal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13359,, 2023.

Apolline Mariotti, Taylor Schildgen, Ed Sobel, and Johannes Glodny

Constraining the effect of global climatic changes on earth surface’s processes is crucial to our understanding of landscape evolution. One debated question is the impact of the Late Cenozoic cooling and subsequent Quaternary glaciations on the erosion of mountain ranges.

Low-temperature bedrock thermochronology is widely used to measure rock exhumation/erosion rates in mountain ranges across the world. Specifically, the (U-Th)/He system measured in apatite (AHe) can record low temperature (<100 ◦C) cooling histories and thus has the sensibility to detect million-year timescale changes in erosion rates in glaciated regions.


The Kyrgyz Range, part of the Tien Shan and situated in northwest Kyrgyzstan, spans east-west over 400 km and present strong glacial features in the northern flank. Previous thermochronology studies in the Kyrgyz Range have identified an increase of exhumation rates over the last 3 Ma which could be the result of enhanced glacial erosion (Bullen et al., 2003; Sobel et al., 2006). Furthermore, a global analysis of published thermochronology data found the Kyrgyz Range as one of the few locations with the potential to record the effect of Quaternary glaciations (Schildgen et al., 2018).


In this study, we present new AHe ages for 6 samples collected along a vertical profile in the glacial valley of Ala Archa. Samples cover an elevation difference of 1850m and were collected on granite outcrops. These results will build on the previous thermochronology dataset by Bullen et al., 2003 (3 AHe ages) by adding both lower and higher elevation samples. Future work includes apatite fission track ages for the same vertical profile.

How to cite: Mariotti, A., Schildgen, T., Sobel, E., and Glodny, J.: Low-temperature thermochronology history of the Kyrgyz Range – Western Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14524,, 2023.

Taner Tekin, Taylan Sançar, Erhan Altunel, Hüsnü Serdar Akyüz, and Bora Rojay

The internal deformation of Anatolia, where neotectonic provinces are characterized, are formed by the structures that are controlling the geodynamic evolution. One of the main provinces is known to be Aegean Extensional Province under which evolution has controlled mainly by the interaction of northward subducting African plate beneath the Anatolian continental fragment and extrusion caused by relative motion of two major continental transform faults, dextral North Anatolian Fault (NAF) and sinistral East Anatolian Fault (EAF). The extrusion resultant crustal extension formed almost E-W trending horst and grabens. One of which is known to be The Gediz-Alaşehir Graben (GAG) where southwestern part of the graben is bounded by NW-SE trending active fault called Manisa Fault of Spil Mountain Horst. The faulted margins of the horst have preserved overprinted slip surfaces which makes the faulted margins target for paleoseismic and morphometric applications.

The study of dynamic morphology along Spil Mountain Horst is being displayed by river profiles and catchment responses. To process dynamic effects, total of 66 drainage basins are selected and morphometric indices are applied to selected catchments. Preliminary results from both Hypsometric Integral, Hypsometric Curve and Relief Ratio are indicating the young topography. Mountain front sinuosity and Valley floor width to valley floor ratio indicates that the faults exist on both side of the horst have different rate of deformation. Moreover, indicators related to basin asymmetry, transverse topographic symmetry factor and asymmetry factor, show weak signals of fault control. Similarly, Concavity, Chi Analysis and Knickpoint distribution point out that basin bounding faults have less prominent effect in the area which is consistent with basin asymmetry. Five paleoseismic trenches along Manisa Fault represent similar outcomes with preliminary results from morphometric analyses. The ages from ongoing dating of the samples are going to assist for better understanding about the active tectonics of Spil Mountain Horst.

The dynamic topography of Spil Mountain Horst is most likely reflecting the influence of regional tectonics rather than the basin bounding faults based on morphometric and paleoseismological studies.

Key words: Aegean Extensional Province, Spil Mountain Horst, morphometric indices, paleoseismic trench

How to cite: Tekin, T., Sançar, T., Altunel, E., Akyüz, H. S., and Rojay, B.: Active tectonics of Spil Mountain, Western Anatolia: Implications from morphometric and paleoseismic studies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-729,, 2023.

Magali Rizza, Léa Pousse, Jules Fleury, Régis Braucher, Sultan Baikulov, Erkin Rahimdinov, and Kanatbek Abdrakhmatov

In the central Tien Shan, the largest intracontinental strike-slip fault is the northwest-trending Karatau-Talas-Fergana Fault (TFF), the southern extent of which remains debated. It is proposed that the TFF terminates in the Atushi Basin or continues southwards into the Tarim Basin.

We investigated the Arpa Basin, where the southernmost TFF segment intersects the South Tien Shan suture (STSs). High-resolution topographic data (derived from photogrammetry using SPOT 6/7 and drone images) reveal clear evidence of recent faulting along two parallel, reverse segments running at the toe of the mountain range and within the basin. Detailed mapping also revealed offsets in moraines and uplifted, abandoned alluvial surfaces. The combination of multiple dating methods (10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, OSL and 14C) at four sites across the Arpa Basin allows us to constrain late Quaternary slip rates for the last 100 ka.

In addition, the contradiction between the southwards TFF’s geological trace, which is easily observed on satellite images, and the absence of Quaternary surface ruptures associated with recent faulting leads us to propose that the two fault segments in the Arpa Basin reactivated the STSs and presently mark the southern termination of the active TFF in a horsetail thrust fault system.


How to cite: Rizza, M., Pousse, L., Fleury, J., Braucher, R., Baikulov, S., Rahimdinov, E., and Abdrakhmatov, K.: Assessing geologic inheritance and strain partitionning in an intraplate block corner junction area. Insights from high-resolution topographic data and multiple Quaternary dating methods in the Arpa Basin., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7903,, 2023.

Michele Delchiaro, Marta Della Seta, Salvatore Martino, Mohammad Moumeni, Reza Nozaem, Gian Marco Marmoni, and Carlo Esposito

A Deep-seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DGSD) affects the SE slope of the Siah-Kuh anticline in the Lorestan arc (Zagros Mts., Iran), upstream to the intersection between the Mountain Front Fault (MFF) and the Balarud fault zone. The DGSD is driven by a Mass Rock Creep (MRC) process and involves an area of about 8 km2. The DSGD is strictly related to the evolution of the Dowairij River drainage system as well as to the tectonic and structural setting of the MFF.  

Nevertheless, such instability has not been documented in any study, and the amplitude of the coupling among time-dependent rock mass deformations, tectonics and landscape evolution rates remain unresolved. 

In this regard, we present an integrated study, based on quantitative geomorphic analysis, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, and InSAR techniques to assess the long-term to present-day landscaping processes. 

In detail, we semi-automatically extracted the fluvial treads to which we associated an elevation above the thalweg based on the Relative Elevation Model (REM) allowing the order definition. Then, OSL technique was used to date two strath terraces located across the MFF, whose plano-altimetric distribution has been correlated along the river longitudinal profile, allowing the estimate of an uplift rate of 2.8±0.2 mm yr-1. InSAR techniques were performed by processing 279 satellite Sentinel-1 (A and B) radar images of the ascending and descending orbit spanning from 06 October 2014 to 31 March 2019. A maximum ground displacement rate of 6 mm yr-1 associated with tension cracks and scars involving the limestone caprock in the upper slope has been observed. Consequently, the role of the inherited Jurassic extensional fault pattern in the rock damaging has been documented. 

How to cite: Delchiaro, M., Della Seta, M., Martino, S., Moumeni, M., Nozaem, R., Marmoni, G. M., and Esposito, C.: The Mountain Front Fault in the Lorestan region of the Zagros belt (Iran): coupling tectonic uplift and structural inheritance in a Mass Rock Creep deforming slope, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8624,, 2023.

Mengyue Duan, Franz Neubauer, Jörg Robl, Xiaohu Zhou, Moritz Liebl, Anne-Laure Argentin, Yunpeng Dong, and Flora Boekhout

The Ordos Loess Plateau with its iconic fluvial incision pattern represents an uplifted but internally stable plateau crustal block on the eastern fringe of the Tibetan Plateau. The Ordos Loess Plateau deeply incised river landscapes and hence its inaccessibility helped to protect ancient China from invading nomads from the north. The Ordos Block is internally free of seismicity but its boundaries feature severe high-magnitude earthquakes. Due to the ongoing India-Asia convergence, the northeastward expansion of the Tibetan Plateau leading to the eastward lateral extrusion of fault-bounded blocks. The Ordos Loess Plateau is part of one of these blocks and is still affected by lateral eastward motion along crustal scale faults and large surface uplift from Late Miocene to present. In this study, we investigated the effect of fault activity on the morphological evolution of the Ordos Loess Plateau. To quantify the effect of uplift gradients on the drainage systems, we investigated topographic patterns and landform metrics through field surveys and topographic analysis based on digital elevation models. Field surveys show that the southern boundary of the Ordos Loess Plateau to the Weihe Graben is still tectonically active (evidence for faulting in quaternary sediments). We found that the drainage is consistently directed towards the Weihe Graben in the southeast. Fluvial channels are in a state of morphological disequilibrium, with steep channel segments towards the Weihe Graben and meandering low gradient rivers in the central Ordos Loess Plateau. Over substantial portions, the shape of the longitudinal channel profile in the Ordos Loess Plateau is straight and deviates from usual graded longitudinal channel profiles. We further found that the degree of erosion and plateau incision is pronounced in the eastern part of the Ordos Loess Plateau, while the southwestern part is less incised. The drainage network indicated that the drainage basins are tilted toward the Liupanshan Mountains overthrust in the southwest. We conclude that the far-field influence of the Cenozoic uplift of the Tibetan Plateau activated the southwestern and southern boundary faults around the Ordos Loess Plateau. The drainage systems reorganized to a principal southern flow direction and thereby progressively incised in the Ordos Loess Plateau, causing severe soil erosion.

How to cite: Duan, M., Neubauer, F., Robl, J., Zhou, X., Liebl, M., Argentin, A.-L., Dong, Y., and Boekhout, F.: Southwestward tilting of the Ordos Loess Plateau, central China: topographic response to India-Asia convergence deduced from drainage systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8721,, 2023.

Posters virtual: Fri, 28 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall SSP/GM

Lorenzo Gemignani, Julian Hülscher, Michele Zucali, Edward R. Sobel, Klaudia Kuiper, Johannes Glodny, and Manuel Roda

The potential role of tectonic and climatic change as mechanisms governing the Late Cenozoic tectonic and topographic evolution of the Western Alps has been strongly debated. There, the Neogene climate cooling effect expressed through glacial erosion and sediment mobilization has been interpreted to produce high rates of isostatically-driven rock uplift. However, these inference remains challenging to test, and data confirming this relationship are spatially confined. Furthermore, the role of glacially-driven erosion at high elevation, compared to erosion of the landscape in the valley bottom where more sediments are mobilized, and major Neogene fault systems occur, remains elusive.

Here, we aim to quantify the relative contribution of tectonically- and climatically-driven erosion on the present-day landscape of the Austroalpine Dent-Blanche Nappes and surrounding Penninic units in the Western Alps. We sampled two ~NW-SE oriented transects crossing the Dent-Blanche (sinsu stricto), Mont Mary and Valpelline units in Aosta Valley (Italy) with sample elevations between ~800 m and 3000 m. We analyzed 18 samples with apatite and zircon (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronology (ZHe and AHe). We will complement the analysis with 40Ar/39Ar dating from muscovite grains (MAr) collected from the same samples.

Preliminary AHe and ZHe ages span from ~60 to ~1.8 Ma. A Late Pleistocene age is found in a lower elevation sample in Valpelline units in both AHe and ZHe. In contrast, Pliocene to Miocene ages are found in samples in the Dent-Blanche and Mont Mary units at similar elevations. These spatial differences in cooling ages do not agree with the idea of a uniform increase of relief due to post-glacial rebound in the Western Alps. If confirmed by further analysis, it seems to suggest episodic pulses of spatially confined exhumation driven by crustal wedging and glacial erosion at the valley bottoms. Such locally confined processes post-date the ~30 Ma collision and subsequent European slab break-off under the western Alps as imaged by high-resolution tomography (e.g., Kästle et al., 2020). To assess the evolution of the topography of the Dent-Blanche nappe and surrounding areas in the Cenozoic, we will apply an inverse numerical thermal-kinematic model with the new and published data coupled with a landscape evolution model.  



Kästle, E.D., Rosenberg, C., Boschi, L., Bellahsen, N., Meier, T., El-Sharkawy, A., 2020, Slab break‑offs in the Alpine subduction zone, In: International Journal of Earth Sciences, pp. 1-17.

How to cite: Gemignani, L., Hülscher, J., Zucali, M., Sobel, E. R., Kuiper, K., Glodny, J., and Roda, M.: Low-temperature thermochronology shows distinct Late Pleistocene cooling peak in valley bottom samples from the Dent-Blanche Nappe (Austroalpine, Aosta valley, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13392,, 2023.