EGU24-10316, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Towards a Multi-Criteria Analysis for the evaluation of risk reduction strategies effectiveness in multi-hazard environments

Daniela Molinari1, Panagiotis Asaridis1, Diana Caporale2, Daria Ottonelli3, Alessandro Rubino2, and the RETURN WP 7.2 research team*
Daniela Molinari et al.
  • 1Politecnico di Milano, Department, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Milano, Italy (
  • 2Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Ionian Department of Law, Economics and Environment, Bari, Italy
  • 3CIMA Research Foundation, Savona, Italy
  • *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

Within the context of the Italian RETURN (Multi-risk science for resilient communities under a changing climate) project, the objective of WP 7.2 is the definition of national guidelines for the evaluation of the effectiveness of alternatives of intervention in natural risks management, by considering in detail Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) tools. The focus is on (i) multi-hazard contexts, for which state-of-the-art and knowledge is limited, (ii) the different phases of the risk management chain, and (iii) the variety of structural and non-structural measures that can be adopted. The present contribution describes results reached so far in this direction. First, First, we propose a flowchart that illustrates the process leading to the ranking of alternative strategies through MCA. The objective of the flowchart is to highlight the operative steps required for its implementation, including: (i) the identification of intervention alternatives and their characterization in terms of spatial and temporal scale of effectiveness, potential risk reduction, and secondary impacts on interested communities, (ii) recognition of stakeholder’s objectives and their respective dimensions, (iii) definition of attributes and indicators according to which alternatives are evaluated, (iv) selection of the most appropriate MCA tool and definition of related parameters, and (v) performance of sensitivity analysis. The development of the flowchart emphasized that establishing guidelines for applying MCA to multi-hazard risk management requires two ongoing fundamental steps (i) an in-depth, generalized investigation of the types of elements exposed to the different natural hazards as well as the identification of potential direct and indirect impacts on them in case of an event; (ii) the definition of an abacus of alternatives which identifies the most promising measures that can be implemented in a given context, and characterizes them in terms of potential risk reduction or increase (with respect to different hazards), and temporal and spatial scale of effectiveness.

RETURN WP 7.2 research team:

Annarita Balingit (University of Florence); Cassandra Cozza (Politecnico di Milano); Daniela Mele (University of Bari), Emilia Corradi (Politecnico di Milano); Fabio Castelli (University of Florence); Federica Romagnoli (EURAC research); Filippo Fraschini (Cima Research foundation); Francesca Vigotti (Politecnico di Milano); Francesco Airoldi (Politecnco di Milano); Gloria Padovan (University of Florence); Luca Cetara (EURAC research) ; Marco Bindi (University of Florence); Paola Fontanella (EURAC research); Pasquale La Malva (EURAC research); Simona Muratori (Poliedra - Politecnico di Milano); Tommaso Bastiani (EURAC research)

How to cite: Molinari, D., Asaridis, P., Caporale, D., Ottonelli, D., and Rubino, A. and the RETURN WP 7.2 research team: Towards a Multi-Criteria Analysis for the evaluation of risk reduction strategies effectiveness in multi-hazard environments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10316,, 2024.