EGU24-11566, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Why are plume excess temperatures much less than the temperature drop across the core-mantle boundary?

Bernhard Steinberger1 and Poulami Roy1,2
Bernhard Steinberger and Poulami Roy
  • 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
  • 2University of Potsdam

While the temperature drop across the thermal boundary layer (TBL) at the base of the mantle is likely > 1000 K, the temperature anomaly of plumes, which are believed to rise from that TBL is only up to a few hundred K. Reasons for that discrepancy are still poorly understood. It could be due to a combination of (1) the adiabat inside the plume being steeper than in the ambient mantle, (2) the plume cooling due to heat diffusing into the surrounding mantle as it rises, (3) the hottest plume temperature representing a mix of temperatures in the TBL, and not the temperature at the core-mantle boundary (CMB), (4) plumes not directly rising from the CMB due to chemically distinct material at the base of the mantle, (5) a plume-fed asthenosphere which is on average warmer than the mantle adiabat, reducing the temperature difference between plumes and asthenospheric average. Here we use the ASPECT software to model plumes from the lowermost mantle and study their excess temperatures. We use a mantle viscosity that depends on temperature and depth with a strong viscosity increase from below the lithosphere towards the lower mantle, reaching about 1023 Pas above the basal TBL, consistent with geoid modelling and slow motion of mantle plumes. With a mineral physics-derived pyrolite material model, the difference between a plume adiabat and an ambient mantle adiabat just below the lithosphere is about two thirds of that at the base of the mantle, e.g. 1280 K temperature difference at the CMB reduces to about 835 K at 200 km depth. In 2-D cartesian models, plume temperature drops more strongly and is rather time variable due to pulses rising along plume conduits. In contrast, 3-D models of isolated plumes are more steady and, after about 10-20 Myr after the plume head has reached the surface, their temperatures remain rather constant, with excess temperature drop compared to an adiabat for material directly from the CMB usually less than 100 K. This extra temperature drop is small because plume buoyancy flux is high. Hence the above points (2) and (3) do not contribute much to reduce temperature of isolated 3-D plumes. In our models, the asthenosphere is on average about 200-400 K hotter than the mantle beneath, due to plume material feeding into it. While this appears to reduce the plume temperature anomaly, a resulting cooler mantle adiabat also corresponds to an even stronger temperature drop in the basal TBL, offsetting that effect. In the Earth, plumes are likely triggered by slabs and probably rise preferrably above the margins of chemically distinct piles. This could lead to reduced excess temperatures, if plumes are more sheet-like, as the 2-D models, or temperature at their source depth is less than at the CMB.

How to cite: Steinberger, B. and Roy, P.: Why are plume excess temperatures much less than the temperature drop across the core-mantle boundary?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11566,, 2024.