EGU24-13116, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
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Carbon assimilation limitations during and after the European 2022 drought and heat wave

Emilie Joetzjer1, Sebastien Lafont2, Matthias Cuntz1, Benjamin Loubet3, Pedro Herig Coimbra4, Nicolas Delpierre5, Jean Marc Limousin6, Jean Christophe Domec2, and Guillaume Simioni7
Emilie Joetzjer et al.
  • 1INRAe, UMR SILVA, Champenoux, France
  • 2INRAE, unité ISPA UMR 1391, Bordeaux, France
  • 3INRAe, UMR INRAe-AgroParisTech ECOSYS Université Paris-Saclay, France
  • 4INRAE, UMR 1069 Sol, Agro et hydrosystèmes, Spatialisation (SAS), France
  • 5IPSL - Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, France
  • 6CEFE - Centre d'écologie Fonctionnelle et évolutive, France
  • 7INRAe, URFM Écologie des Forêts Méditerranéennes

In 2022, Europe experienced a widespread severe summer edaphic drought and heat event. We explore how the gross primary productivity (GPP) was affected by this dry spell by contrasting 2022 with previous years, using high-frequency Eddy-Covariance and meteorological monitoring from 16 ICOS forest stations spanning across Europe. With the exception of Scandinavian forests, all monitored stations experienced a reduction of GPP ranging from 5 to 60% and a reduction of evapotranspiration ranging from 10 to 62% during summer. GPP reduction was predominantly attributed to a decrease in the maximum apparent carboxylation rate rather than a direct effect of soil water content limitation on stomatal aperture at the canopy scale. Some sites showed more GPP than usual after the drought due to abnormally hot and wet autumn conditions. However, most severely affected sites did not fully recover to normal GPP levels after the drought, suggesting a potential lagged effect of the adverse summer conditions.

How to cite: Joetzjer, E., Lafont, S., Cuntz, M., Loubet, B., Herig Coimbra, P., Delpierre, N., Limousin, J. M., Domec, J. C., and Simioni, G.: Carbon assimilation limitations during and after the European 2022 drought and heat wave, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13116,, 2024.