Fostering Sustainable Habits: A Classroom Initiative on Reducing Carbon Footprint by Decreasing Plastic and Increasing Seeds
- Sisli Science and Art Center Türkiye (
This study aims to instill environmental awareness and sustainable consumption habits among 5th-grade gifted students over a three-month period. The primary objective is to investigate the impact of classroom activities on reducing carbon footprints and promoting respectful consumption. The research question guiding the study is whether altering eating habits toward sustainable choices can contribute to minimizing plastic waste and fostering healthier, environmentally friendly lifestyles.
The research begins with students conducting a comprehensive analysis of their classroom and school waste disposal habits, focusing particularly on plastic-packaged food and fruit waste. Using statistical data collected before and after the activities, students question the sustainability of their current consumption patterns and explore alternatives to decrease their carbon footprint. Utilizing tables and graphs, students compare the prevalence of packaged food versus natural fruits before and after the study.
The investigation takes a deeper dive into the sustainability of natural fruits by examining the life cycle of plants, including seed germination, plant growth, and the relationship between flowers and fruits.
The study extends beyond the classroom as students organize a school-wide campaign to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of plastic-packaged food on nature and personal health. Through the design of posters, slogans, and brochures, students advocate for a reduction in plastic consumption and an increase in the consumption of natural fruits and vegetables. The campaign also encourages all students to collect and deposit seeds from consumed fruits and vegetables into seed banks in their respective classrooms.
To further contribute to sustainable practices, students design and implement a microcontroller system using Arduino Uno to germinate the collected seeds. The system, equipped with humidity and heat sensors, ensures optimal conditions for seed germination. This innovative approach not only fosters a hands-on understanding of technology but also emphasizes the practical application of electronics in environmental sustainability.
The research concludes with the students planting the germinated seeds near the school premises, actively engaging in a campaign that promotes the importance of ecological responsibility and sustainable living to decrease the carbon footprint. The findings of this study suggest that integrating practical, student-driven activities into the curriculum can be an effective way to nurture environmentally conscious attitudes and behaviors in young learners.
How to cite: Gökce, A.: Fostering Sustainable Habits: A Classroom Initiative on Reducing Carbon Footprint by Decreasing Plastic and Increasing Seeds, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13203,, 2024.