EGU24-13553, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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HawardAware: A Comprehensive Flood and Wind Risk Assessment and Mitigation Tool for Enhancing Resilience in Gulf of Mexico Coastal Communities

Rubayet Bin Mostafiz, Ayat Al Assi, Md Adilur Rahim, and Carol Friedland
Rubayet Bin Mostafiz et al.
  • LaHouse Research & Education Center, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States of America (

Understanding natural hazard risk is critical for fostering the development of resilient residential communities. Existing web-based tools, while valuable for decision-making, often fall short of providing comprehensive information at a regional level. This research introduces the Flood and Wind Risk and Mitigation Calculation Tool (FWRMCT), an integral component within the "HazardAware" platform tailored for 196 Gulf of Mexico coastal counties in the United States. Current tools predominantly focus on general property information, creating a gap in accurate and region-specific natural hazard risk assessments. FWRMCT addresses this void by offering a comprehensive address-based risk assessment tool that aids decision-making at both individual and regional levels. By incorporating flood and wind risk assessment capabilities, the tool empowers users to make informed decisions regarding long-term mitigation options. Additionally, FWRMCT features toolsets that not only assess risk accurately but also illustrate the economic costs and benefits associated with mitigation measures such as elevating homes, installing storm shutters, reinforcing garage doors, and implementing Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) certified FORTIFIEDTM roof. This renders FWRMCT a valuable asset in promoting the development of flood and wind-resilient residential communities. The research outlines the comprehensive framework of FWRMCT, elucidating its features, methodology, and the economic savings associated with mitigation actions. The goal is to ensure the tool's accessibility and usability for various stakeholders, including researchers, scientists, and homeowners. Through educational resources, the research enhances user understanding, empowering them to actively contribute to the development of resilient residential communities. Moreover, FWRMCT improves the flood and wind Average Annual Loss (AAL) assessment, catering to diverse users based on building types and spatial locations. FWRMCT's unique ability to differentiate between owner/occupant types, such as homeowners and renters, offers recommendations based not only on financial considerations but also on feasibility. This customization provides both tenants and homeowners access to tailored information, assisting them in making well-informed decisions about mitigating flood and wind hazards. Additionally, HazardAware provides a rich repository of educational resources related to flood, wind, and other natural hazards, along with mitigation techniques and associated benefits. By comprehending potential risks and benefits, home occupants enhance their awareness of local risk profiles, enabling them to take proactive measures to safeguard their homes and protect their families and investments. As more residents make risk-informed housing decisions, community resilience increases. FWRMCT within HazardAware excels over other web tools in the hazard risk space by utilizing address-specific calculations that consider building type, attributes, and area. This approach provides more comprehensive information for generating accurate risk assessments. FWRMCT also offers actionable information, including calculated mitigation benefits, costs, and payback periods. Its ability to showcase how risk, costs, and benefits change under different scenarios further sets it apart, making it a versatile tool for users concerned with various home information, building characteristics, and owner/occupant types. This research introduces FWRMCT as a powerful tool within HazardAware, aiming to raise awareness and improve understanding among researchers, stakeholders, communities, and citizens about the significance of addressing natural hazard risk for the development of resilient residential communities.

How to cite: Mostafiz, R. B., Al Assi, A., Rahim, M. A., and Friedland, C.: HawardAware: A Comprehensive Flood and Wind Risk Assessment and Mitigation Tool for Enhancing Resilience in Gulf of Mexico Coastal Communities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13553,, 2024.

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