EGU24-14443, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Henie Quadrangle (V-58, Southern Venus); Large Igneous Province Features

Katherine Boggs1, Jordan Shackman1, Jerry Demorcy1, Christine Pendleton1, Jess Hall1, Mahdi Chowdhury1, Holly Bley1, Ember Varga1, Julia Shustova2, Bridgette Dear1, Parke Fontaine2, Lovleen Dhami1, Shane Herrington1, Richard Ernst3, Hafida El Balil3, Erin Bethell4, and Simon Hamner5
Katherine Boggs et al.
  • 1Mount Royal University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (
  • 2University of Calgary, Department of Geoscience, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • 3Carleton University, Department of Earth Sciences, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  • 4University of Ottawa, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  • 5Retired Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

The NASA Magellan Mission (1990 to 1994) produced a valuable resource that planetary geologists continue to use three decades later to unravel the geological characteristics of Venusian Large Igneous Provinces. The ability to be the first to map the surface of Venus is a powerful engagement tool to inspire the next generation of planetary geologists, as illustrated by the size of the Mount Royal University (MRU) Venus geological mapping team (now 25, nearly ¼ of the MRU Geology Major program). MRU is a public undergraduate university. Students are recruited out of 1st and 2nd year courses. In year one (Y1) of the research program students learn how to use the ArcGIS software while being introduced to the geological features of Venus as they map their quadrant, in Y2 or Y3 the students present a poster at an internal research day. The goal by Y4 is for these students to publish a peer-reviewed journal article. Currently one student who ran into pandemic roadblocks through high school could be published while she upgrades her marks, before she is in the MRU Geology Major Program. Such opportunities could prove to be incentives to guide other students past similar roadblocks (we will start working with local junior and high school students in the near future). Collectively we are working towards completing the geological map of the Henie Quadrangle (V-58, south Venus). Detailed mapping (at 1:500,000) revealed that lava canali extend across the entire quadrangle, with evidence for at least three generations of canali. Three canali originate from corona features (e.g. the circumferential dykes around Fotla Corona) suggesting that some canali may be linked to corona formation. The orientation of compressional wrinkle ridges (WR) in northern Henie suggest that these WRs were formed due to strain associated with the formation of the Artemis tectonomagmatic feature which is directly north of Henie. Artemis is possibly the largest such feature in the Solar System. The extent of the Artemis influence is being constrained across the Henie Quadrangle. The source of strain that formed a differently oriented WR swarm to the south of Henie is unknown. There is no evidence for the strain localization into master faults that we see on Earth. More work is needed to develop a model for the formation of the paired Latmikaik-Xacau Coronae and the associated Tellervo Chasma, Sunna-Laverna Dorsae and the Sonmunde-Mdeb-Arubani Flucti. A fissure eruption out of the Sunna Dorsa is proposed as the origin for the surrounding Arubani Fluctus.      

How to cite: Boggs, K., Shackman, J., Demorcy, J., Pendleton, C., Hall, J., Chowdhury, M., Bley, H., Varga, E., Shustova, J., Dear, B., Fontaine, P., Dhami, L., Herrington, S., Ernst, R., El Balil, H., Bethell, E., and Hamner, S.: Henie Quadrangle (V-58, Southern Venus); Large Igneous Province Features, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14443,, 2024.