EGU24-15438, updated on 09 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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The Next Era of CME Modeling at NASA's CCMC with CORHEL-CME

Martin Reiss1, Damian Barrous-Dume1, Ronald Caplan2, Cooper Downs2, Matthew Lesko1, Jon Linker2, Peter MacNeice1, Leila Mays1, Maksym Petrenko1, Andres Reyes2, Viacheslav Titov2, Tibor Török2, and Tina Tsui1
Martin Reiss et al.
  • 1Community Coordinated Modeling Center, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, USA
  • 2Predictive Science Inc., San Diego, CA, USA

NASA's Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) presents CORHEL-CME, our newest addition to the Runs-On-Request system in the solar and heliospheric modeling domain. CORHEL-CME, developed by Predictive Science Inc., is a highly automated and interactive MHD modeling framework designed to simulate multiple coronal mass ejections within a realistic coronal and heliospheric environment. It combines three key innovations:

1. Interactive design of CMEs using a GUI-based web interface

CORHEL-CME's user interface is designed for non-experts. It offers real-time diagnostics to assist with model settings, guides users through creating full physics-based CME simulations, and provides web-based visualization reports.

2. Modeling CMEs originating from complex active regions

CORHEL-CME includes a flux rope model called RBSL (Titov et al., 2018), allowing users to create pre-eruptive flux rope configurations above elongated and curved polarity inversion lines. This feature enables users to realistically simulate CMEs originating from complex active regions.

3. Efficient, full physics-based simulations of CMEs

Using the web interface, the users set up simulation runs, including a simplified (zero-beta) MHD model of multiple flux ropes, a quasi-steady-state coronal MHD background model, and a high-fidelity time-dependent CME simulation. All simulation runs are performed on AWS high-performance GPU servers maintained by the CCMC.

In this presentation, we will showcase the usage of CORHEL-CME via CCMC's Runs-On-Request system and show an example run based on an event from March 7th, 2012. The new framework is publicly accessible through the CCMC website.

How to cite: Reiss, M., Barrous-Dume, D., Caplan, R., Downs, C., Lesko, M., Linker, J., MacNeice, P., Mays, L., Petrenko, M., Reyes, A., Titov, V., Török, T., and Tsui, T.: The Next Era of CME Modeling at NASA's CCMC with CORHEL-CME, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15438,, 2024.