- Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, Department of Civil Engineering, India (amit.19cez0016@iitrpr.ac.in)
Regional flood frequency analysis (RFFA) helps in estimating the design flood at ungauged locations within a hydrologically homogeneous region. LH moment is a statistical method often used in hydrology for estimating distribution parameter. The LH moment are the linear combination of higher probability weighted moment. It offers an alternative to traditional moments and is particularly useful when dealing with skewed distributions. The Godavari River, one of the major river systems in India, experiences varying hydro climatic conditions across the basin. This study presents a comprehensive regional flood frequency analysis (RFFA) conducted in the Godavari River basin employing LH moment as a robust statistical tool. The present study incorporates the formation of region using region of Influence approach (ROI) approach. In this study, five probability distributions namely generalized extreme value (GEV), generalized logistic (GLO), Pearson Type III (PE3), Generalized Normal (GNO) and generalized Pareto (GPA) are considered for performing RFFA for estimating ungauged flood quantiles corresponding to various return periods (e.g., 50, 100, and, 200 years) in the Godavari River basin. The discordancy measure and heterogeneity measure in LH-Moment framework are considered for screening of peak flow data and checking the heterogeneity of the region formed using ROI. The suitability of GEV, GLO, PE3, GNO, and GPA distribution is judged through the LH-moment ratio diagram and the Z-statistic criteria. The performance of LH-moment based RFFA is evaluated through Leave-One-Out Cross Validation (LOOCV). Results indicate that the LH-moment based RFFA yields more reliable estimates of flood quantiles.
How to cite: Singh, A. and Chavan, S.: Regional Flood Frequency Analysis Utilizing LH-moment based framework for Godavari River Basin, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15968, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15968, 2024.