EGU24-1601, updated on 24 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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The exploitation of resources created by human beings, an additional alternative for reducing emissions

Isabel C. Gil García1, Ana Fernández Guillamón2, Adela Ramos Escudero3, and Ángel Molina García4
Isabel C. Gil García et al.
  • 1UDIMA, Faculty of Engineering, Spain (
  • 2UCLM, Dept. of Applied Mechanics and Projects Engineering, Spain (
  • 3UPCT, Dept. of Electronics, Technology of Computers and Project, Spain (
  • 4UPCT, Dept. of Automatics, Electrical Eng. and Electronic Techn, Spain (

The urgency of mitigating emissions on our planet drives the exploration of various sources of clean energy. Natural resources, such as solar radiation, wind and water, provide the opportunity to transform them into forms of sustainable energy. In recent decades, the advancement of wind technologies has led the sector to reach full maturity, encompassing both large-scale wind energy generation in marine and terrestrial environments and the implementation of mini-wind solutions. However, we often underestimate the human activities, production processes or technological innovations that generate clean resources, without fully taking advantage of their potential. In this context, the central purpose of this work is to take advantage of wind gusts caused unnaturally and, through small wind power, convert them into clean energy. The proposal is organized in three phases: in the first, a data analysis is carried out that involves taking in situ samples of wind speed and an evaluation of wind potential; In the second stage, the energy conversion is carried out, selecting the mini-wind technology through multi-criteria evaluation methods and determining the amount of electrical energy to be generated; Finally, in the third phase, an analysis of results is carried out that covers different scenarios evaluated according to indicators such as the electricity consumption to be replaced, the quantification of avoided emissions and an economic analysis.

Acknowledgements: Project PID2021-126082OB-C22 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER, EU

How to cite: Gil García, I. C., Fernández Guillamón, A., Ramos Escudero, A., and Molina García, Á.: The exploitation of resources created by human beings, an additional alternative for reducing emissions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1601,, 2024.