EGU24-16757, updated on 11 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Increase of a precipitation “brake” to stronger storms in kilometer-scale global warming simulations

Maximilien Bolot1, Olivier Pauluis2, Lucas Harris3, Kai Cheng1, Timothy Merlis1, Spencer Clark3,4, Alex Kaltenbaugh3, Linjiong Zhou1, and Stephan Fueglistaler1
Maximilien Bolot et al.
  • 1Princeton University, Princeton, United States of America (
  • 2Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, NY, United States of America
  • 3NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, United States of America
  • 4Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, United States of America

As the atmosphere gets warmer, it is expected to hold more water vapor, thereby fueling stronger storms. At the same time, the condensation of this vapor increases the combined load of liquid water and ice aloft, forcing convection to do more work to lift water to the level where it precipitates. This takes away from the generation of kinetic energy, thereby creating a “brake” on atmospheric motions. The evolution of this precipitation “brake” with warming determines the magnitude of future storm intensification, with important societal implications. The new generation of kilometer-scale climate models is capable of projecting this evolution. In this presentation, we show how the NOAA/GFDL X-SHiELD experimental global storm-resolving model can be used to estimate the total mechanical work done by convection and the work done to lift water which is then subsequently dissipated by friction during precipitation. The statistics are computed in year-long simulations of the present climate and of a 4K warmer climate.

We find that the ratio of kinetic energy generation vs work spent to lift water is respectively 30% vs 70% of the total mechanical work done by convection on global average, with a relative stability across regions and in the present vs future climate.

Moving beyond regional averages, when we organize the space by decreasing values of dissipation, we find that the ratio of work spent to lift water to total mechanical work strongly increases in the most convective percentiles, that is, most of the work done by convection is used to lift water in the extremes, showing that water loading strongly opposes kinetic energy generation. We also find that the total work done by convection, the work spent to lift water and the precipitation-induced dissipation all increase similarly with warming in the most convective percentiles. This suggests that, as the Earth warms, the updrafts tend to “kill” themselves in situ from increased water loading instead of generating a response at larger scale.

How to cite: Bolot, M., Pauluis, O., Harris, L., Cheng, K., Merlis, T., Clark, S., Kaltenbaugh, A., Zhou, L., and Fueglistaler, S.: Increase of a precipitation “brake” to stronger storms in kilometer-scale global warming simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16757,, 2024.