AS1.5 | Atmospheric convection
Atmospheric convection
Convener: Cathy Hohenegger | Co-conveners: Leo Donner, Holger Tost, Adrian Tompkins
| Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 0.11/12
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X5
Orals |
Tue, 14:00
Wed, 16:15
This session deals with atmospheric convection, being dry, shallow, or deep convection. Contributions on these aspects resulting from the use of large-eddy simulations, convection-permitting simulations, coarser-resolution simulations using parameterised convection and observations are welcome. Studies that investigate the organization of convection, being in idealized set-ups (radiative convective equilibrium and self-aggregation) or in observations, as well as studies that investigate the importance of organization for climate are welcome. Besides this, studies that investigate general aspects of convection such as processes controlling the lifecycle of convection, interactions of convection with other physical processes and representation of convection in numerical weather prediction and climate models, being for instance through the use of machine learning techniques, are also welcome.

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room 0.11/12

Chairperson: Leo Donner
On-site presentation
Caroline Muller, Sophie Abramian, Camille Risi, Remy Roca, and Thomas Fiolleau

Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) that become large or have long lifespans contribute disproportionately to extreme rainfall. Gaining a better understanding of the factors that determine whether a system will become large could improve our understanding of extreme weather phenomena. The recent emergence of high-resolution global simulations from the DYAMOND project, coupled with a storm tracking algorithm called TOOCAN, provides a groundbreaking opportunity to study the factors controlling the maximum area of MCSs. In this study we use machine learning algorithms to predict the maximum area of convective systems based on their early development stages and initial environmental conditions. The results reveal that the initial evolution of the system anticipates its maximum area. Factors such as the presence of ice in the system's environment, proximity to surrounding systems, intensity of vertical velocity at 500 hPa, and the migration distance, have been identified as significant factors in improving the accuracy of the prediction. Using a linear model, we investigate the relative role of the environment and of the system itself, in the growth of the system. 

How to cite: Muller, C., Abramian, S., Risi, C., Roca, R., and Fiolleau, T.: Is the fate of Mesoscale Convective Systems written from the start?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1875,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tobias Becker, Daisuke Takasuka, and Jiawei Bao

In this study, we compare convection characteristics in three models that are at the forefront of global km-scale modelling, the ICON model developed by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) and German Weather Service (DWD), the IFS developed by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), and the NICAM model developed by the University of Tokyo, the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES). For IFS and ICON, we analyse 1-year coupled simulations at 4.4 and 5 km resolution, respectively, which stem from Cycle 3 of the H2020 Next Generation Earth Modelling Systems (nextGEMS) project. For NICAM, we analyse a 1-year AMIP-type simulation at 3.5 km resolution. Convection schemes have been switched off in ICON and NICAM, while in the IFS the deep convection scheme’s cloud base mass flux is strongly reduced. 

Modelling convection at km-scale resolutions is both exciting and challenging because some important processes are already resolved at these scales (e.g., deep convection) but other important processes remain under-resolved (e.g., mixing of grid-scale updrafts with their environment). Thus, we analyse in this study what common issues exist in ICON, IFS and NICAM with respect to the convection characteristics in the tropics, in what respects all models do well and where there are substantial inter-model differences.

Specifically, we analyse local convection characteristics and show that compared to satellite observations, the models tend to overestimate precipitation intensity (NICAM and ICON), while they underestimate precipitation cell size and precipitation duration. We study mesoscale organisation by using different organisation metrics and show that the models tend to underestimate organisation, even though they all consistently show that when organisation is enhanced, heavy precipitation is enhanced as well. We also investigate moisture-convection relationships and show that the models generally do not moisten enough during a convective event compared to ERA5 reanalysis data. Consistently, the sensitivity of lower-tropospheric moisture variations to the life cycle of deep convection over ocean looks too weak in ICON and IFS.

Finally, we look at land-ocean differences of the convection characteristics and show that while all models capture the diurnal cycle of precipitation over ocean well, there are some substantial differences over land, even though biases are not consistent between the models. Over coastal regions of the Maritime Continent, ICON has too strong mean precipitation and a too strong diurnal cycle, whereas IFS overall underestimates both, connected to a too weak propagation of convection onto the ocean during nighttime, potentially connected to too weak cold pools. Meanwhile, NICAM has more realistic convection characteristics in these coastal regions.

How to cite: Becker, T., Takasuka, D., and Bao, J.: Characteristics of precipitating convection and moisture-convection relationships in global km-scale simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17683,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maximilien Bolot, Olivier Pauluis, Lucas Harris, Kai Cheng, Timothy Merlis, Spencer Clark, Alex Kaltenbaugh, Linjiong Zhou, and Stephan Fueglistaler

As the atmosphere gets warmer, it is expected to hold more water vapor, thereby fueling stronger storms. At the same time, the condensation of this vapor increases the combined load of liquid water and ice aloft, forcing convection to do more work to lift water to the level where it precipitates. This takes away from the generation of kinetic energy, thereby creating a “brake” on atmospheric motions. The evolution of this precipitation “brake” with warming determines the magnitude of future storm intensification, with important societal implications. The new generation of kilometer-scale climate models is capable of projecting this evolution. In this presentation, we show how the NOAA/GFDL X-SHiELD experimental global storm-resolving model can be used to estimate the total mechanical work done by convection and the work done to lift water which is then subsequently dissipated by friction during precipitation. The statistics are computed in year-long simulations of the present climate and of a 4K warmer climate.

We find that the ratio of kinetic energy generation vs work spent to lift water is respectively 30% vs 70% of the total mechanical work done by convection on global average, with a relative stability across regions and in the present vs future climate.

Moving beyond regional averages, when we organize the space by decreasing values of dissipation, we find that the ratio of work spent to lift water to total mechanical work strongly increases in the most convective percentiles, that is, most of the work done by convection is used to lift water in the extremes, showing that water loading strongly opposes kinetic energy generation. We also find that the total work done by convection, the work spent to lift water and the precipitation-induced dissipation all increase similarly with warming in the most convective percentiles. This suggests that, as the Earth warms, the updrafts tend to “kill” themselves in situ from increased water loading instead of generating a response at larger scale.

How to cite: Bolot, M., Pauluis, O., Harris, L., Cheng, K., Merlis, T., Clark, S., Kaltenbaugh, A., Zhou, L., and Fueglistaler, S.: Increase of a precipitation “brake” to stronger storms in kilometer-scale global warming simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16757,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Adam Sokol, Vlad Munteanu, and Dennis Hartmann

Future changes in tropical convection will be closely tied to changes in the underlying sea surface temperature (SST) pattern. To understand the convective response to warming in a coupled atmosphere-ocean system, we perform a series of idealized, 20-year radiative-convective equilibrium experiments with a 2D cloud-resolving model coupled to a 25-m slab ocean. The domain length is that of the tropical Pacific basin, and different climates are achieved by varying the parameterized ocean heat transport (q-flux). The simulations are characterized by two distinct regimes of  convection-SST coupling: an oscillatory regime that occurs when the mean SST is near that of the present-day tropical Pacific (27-30 °C), and a non-oscillatory regime at warmer temperatures (>36 °C).

The oscillatory regime is defined by internal, 3°C oscillations in mean SST driven by variations in low cloudiness. During the warming phase of the cycle, SSTs are homogeneous, deep convection occurs in two regions, and low clouds are sparse. During the cooling phase, there are well-defined warm and cold pools, deep convection aggregates into a single region, and expansive low cloud decks act to decrease the mean SST.  

In the warmer, non-oscillating regime, distinct warm and cold pools still form, but convection is no longer limited to the warmest SSTs. Rather, convection develops over cooler SSTs and is then advected to the warm pool by the mean flow. The expansion of deep convection to cooler SSTs impedes low cloud formation over the cold pool and inhibits the low cloud-driven oscillations in mean SST. Changes in sub-cloud buoyancy explain the expansion of the convectively unstable region.

Both regimes (oscillatory and non-oscillatory) can be achieved for the same q-flux depending on initial conditions. Intermediate SSTs (30-36 °C) are unstable on long timescales and eventually revert to one regime or the other. While certain aspects of this behavior are likely sensitive to simulation design, our broader set of experiments suggests potential shifts in convection-SST coupling as the climate warms.

How to cite: Sokol, A., Munteanu, V., and Hartmann, D.: Internal variability, multiple equilibria, and convection-SST coupling in a cloud-resolving model with an interactive ocean, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3218,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Emma Barton, Cornelia Klein, Christopher Taylor, John Marsham, Douglas Parker, Ben Maybee, Zhe Feng, and L. Ruby Leung

Organised thunderstorm clusters known as Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) can bring high impact hazards such as flash floods, lighting and destructive winds. It is crucial for the forecasting and mitigation of these hazards to understand the processes that influence the characteristics of storms and thereby contribute to extreme events. Soil moisture is known to influence the initiation of MCSs in several regions of the world, but the influence of soil moisture on the later stages of MCS lifecycles is less well understood. Work in West Africa has revealed that dry soil moisture structures on scales > 200 km can increase the scale and longevity of propagating, mature afternoon MCSs, but this has not been investigated for other regions. In the current work we simultaneously analyse seven global MCS hotspot regions where storms may be sensitive to soil moisture, the US Great Plains, China, India, West Africa, Australia, South Africa and South America, to gain a more global perspective of the impact of soil moisture conditions on mature MCS characteristics. Using a combination of global datasets, storm tracks, satellite data, reanalysis data and CMIP6 simulations, we reveal that large-scale soil moisture gradients (100s of km) can intensify storms by driving favourable shear conditions through the strengthening of low-level atmospheric temperature gradients. By separating storms by soil moisture conditions, we show an increase in precipitation feature area and rainfall production on days with favourable gradients compared to days with unfavourable gradients. This is a newly identified mechanism through which soil moisture can influence storm hazards globally, which has implications for the forecasting and future projection of extreme events under climate change.

How to cite: Barton, E., Klein, C., Taylor, C., Marsham, J., Parker, D., Maybee, B., Feng, Z., and Leung, L. R.: Storm intensification driven by soil moisture gradients in global hotspot regions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8856,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xinyi Song, Dorian Abbot, and Jun Yang

Seeley and Wordsworth (2021) showed that in small-domain cloud-resolving simulations the temporal pattern of precipitation transforms in extremely hot climates (≥ 320 K) from quasi-steady to organized episodic deluges, with outbursts of heavy rain alternating with several dry days. They proposed a mechanism for this transition involving increased water vapor greenhouse effect and solar radiation absorption leading to net lower-tropospheric radiative heating. This heating inhibits lower-tropospheric convection and decouples the boundary layer from the upper troposphere during the dry phase, allowing lower-tropospheric moist static energy to build until it discharges, resulting in a deluge. We perform cloud-resolving simulations in polar night and show that the same transition occurs, implying that some revision of their mechanism is necessary. We perform further tests to show that episodic deluges can occur even if the lower-tropospheric radiative heating rate is negative, as long as the magnitude of the upper-tropospheric radiative cooling is about twice as large. We find that in the episodic deluge regime the period can be predicted from the time for radiation and reevaporation to cool the lower atmosphere.

How to cite: Song, X., Abbot, D., and Yang, J.: Critical role of vertical radiative cooling contrast in triggering episodic deluges in small-domain hothouse climates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5781,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nicolas Da Silva and Jan Haerter

Flash floods arising from short-duration precipitation extremes are costly for the population, and their frequency and intensity could increase with global warming (Fowler et al., 2021). Understanding the mechanisms leading to extreme precipitation is thus essential. A common hypothesis for precipitation extremes is that they scale with temperature according to the thermodynamic Clausius-Clapeyron (CC) law. However, increases in short-duration precipitation extremes beyond the CC expectation (or super-CC) were reported in multiple regions. The super-CC scaling is currently understood as the combination of two effects: (1) an invigoration of convective precipitation through convective cloud feedbacks; (2) a statistical effect resulting from a shift in rain type, from light stratiform to heavier convective-type precipitation, with increasing temperatures.

This work revisits these hypotheses by identifying convective precipitation at an unprecedented high resolution (5 km spatially and 10 min temporally). For this, we employ the EUropean Cooperation for LIghtning Detection (EUCLID) lightning dataset to define convective precipitation and combine it with weather station data from the German weather service (Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD). We show that while (total) extreme precipitation increases with a super-CC rate, the scaling of both convective and stratiform-type precipitation extremes is in accordance with the CC law. We thus conclude that the super-CC rate is explained by the statistical shift in rain type alone and refute any mechanistic origin. 

Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs), which dominate extreme precipitation events in Europe (Da Silva & Haerter, 2023), are known to contain both a convective and stratiform region (Houze, 1997). By tracking MCSs over Germany, we show that MCS extreme precipitation also features a super-CC rate, which we relate to a dramatic increase in their convective fraction for dew point temperatures exceeding 14 degrees Celsius. 


Da Silva, N. A., & Haerter, J. O. (2023). The precipitation characteristics of mesoscale convective systems over Europe. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2023JD039045.

Fowler, H.J., Lenderink, G., Prein, A.F. et al. Anthropogenic intensification of short-duration rainfall extremes. Nat Rev Earth Environ 2, 107–122 (2021).

Houze, R. A. Stratiform precipitation in regions of convection: A meteorological paradox? Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 78, 2179 – 2196 (1997).<2179:SPIROC>2.0.CO;2

How to cite: Da Silva, N. and Haerter, J.: Convective precipitation extremes may not increase beyond the Clausius-Clapeyron expectation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20249,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jiawei Bao, Bjorn Stevens, Lukas Kluft, and Caroline Muller

Tropical precipitation extremes and their changes with surface warming are investigated using global storm resolving simulations and high-resolution observations. The simulations demonstrate that the spatial organization of convection at mesoscale, a process that cannot be physically represented by conventional global climate models, is important for the variations of tropical daily precipitation extremes (total accumulations over a day). In both the simulations and observations, daily precipitation extremes increase in a more organized state, in association with larger, but less frequent, storms. Repeating the simulations for a warmer climate results in a robust increase in monthly-mean daily precipitation extremes. Higher precipitation percentiles have a greater sensitivity to convective organization, which is predicted to increase with warming. Without changes in organization, the strongest daily precipitation extremes over the tropical oceans increase at a rate close to Clausius-Clapeyron (CC) scaling. Thus, in a future warmer state with increased organization, the strongest daily precipitation extremes over oceans increase at a faster rate than CC scaling. Moreover, as the precipitation distribution becomes more uneven with increased organization, the tropics may not only face heavier precipitation extremes, but experience more extensive drying.

How to cite: Bao, J., Stevens, B., Kluft, L., and Muller, C.: Intensification of daily tropical precipitation extremes from more organized convection, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14717,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Fei Liu and Arlindo da Silva

Satellite infrared (IR) cloud imagery has proven valuable in the identification of Pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) clouds. The substantial brightness temperature difference observed between warm shortwave IR wavelengths (~4 μm) and window IR wavelengths (~11 μm) has served as a reliable marker for detecting daytime pyroCb. However, this indicator becomes ineffective during nocturnal hours when the enhanced brightness temperature at 4 μm is solely a daytime phenomenon, arising from PyroCb microphysics that increase solar reflectivity of clouds. We have developed a machine learning model designed to detect pyroCb events during nighttime using IR channels from the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) aboard GOES-16. The model leverages the distinctive characteristics of daytime IR channels as its training data. We applied the trained model to five intense pyroCb events in western North America during August 2017. Furthermore, we have employed an established cloud-tracking tool known as Tracking and Object-Based Analysis of Clouds (tobac) to analyze the evolution of the clouds plumes and infer their lifetimes. Our research aims to extend this case study on a global scale, with the objective of creating a comprehensive database for the lifetimes of pyroCb events. Such a database will enhance our understanding of pyroCb dynamics, which is helpful for investigating the radiative implications and the potential impact on stratospheric chemistry.

How to cite: Liu, F. and da Silva, A.: Detecting diurnal cycle and lifetime of pyrocumulonimbus using GOES-16 infrared data with a machine learning model , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12581,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yi-Hung Kuo, Zhihong Tan, Ming Zhao, and J. David Neelin

Over continental plains, precipitation tends to peak in the late afternoon or during nighttime. The accurate simulation of the land precipitation diurnal cycle in GCMs has been a long-standing challenge. Nighttime surface cooling tends to yield a stable layer with large convective inhibition (CIN). However, CIN arises from traditional parcel considerations—measuring the inhibition for an infinitesimal parcel. Here, we argue that the CIN layer is less effective in inhibiting convection than previously thought for convective entities of typical horizontal cloud size.

A time-dependent process model for anelastic convective entities (ACE) is formulated to consistently include dynamic entrainment/detrainment as well as a representation of nonhydrostatic perturbation pressure. Spatially nonlocal effects mediated by the pressure field imply that horizontal feature size becomes a factor in the vertical conditional instability problem. ACE simulations using nighttime GoAmazon soundings with strong surface inversion demonstrate that the vertically nonlocal pressure response and its interaction with the surface boundary condition make the CIN layer ineffective for convective features of substantial horizontal size. Within the convective column, buoyancy of different signs offset each other via the nonlocal interaction over vertical scales comparable to the typical horizontal scale. Furthermore, the interaction with the surface tends to downweight the effectiveness of negative buoyancy contributions at low levels. This implies that a much smaller vertical velocity perturbation (or more generally, nonlocal buoyancy forcing from neighboring disturbances) can tunnel through the CIN layer. The same effect yields smaller magnitude for the mass flux above the CIN layer compared with steady plume models. 

A related implication of including spatially nonlocal interactions is that the vertical acceleration due to deep-convective buoyancy tends to extend above the level of neutral buoyancy (LNB). This results in cloud top much higher than the LNB, exhibiting the convective cold-top feature previously noted in observations. Results here point to revision for convective parameterizations. 

How to cite: Kuo, Y.-H., Tan, Z., Zhao, M., and Neelin, J. D.: Why can nighttime convection occur despite strong convective inhibition?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14373,, 2024.


Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X5

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 14:00–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Holger Tost, Leo Donner, Adrian Tompkins
Bosong Zhang, Leo Donner, Ming Zhao, and Zhihong Tan

Most global climate models with convective parameterization have trouble in simulating the observed diurnal cycle of convection. Maximum precipitation usually happens too early during local summertime, especially over land. Observational analyses indicate that deep convection over land cannot keep pace with rapid variations in convective available potential energy (CAPE), which is largely controlled by boundary layer forcing. In this study, a new convective closure in which shallow and deep convection interact strongly, out of equilibrium, is implemented in atmosphere-only and ocean-atmosphere coupled models developed at the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). The diurnal cycles of convection in both simulations are significantly improved without altering their mean states. These improvements in the diurnal cycle of these climate models are consistent with those obtained by Peter Bechtold and colleagues in the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System. The new closure shifts maximum precipitation over land later by about three hours. Compared to satellite observations, the diurnal phase biases are reduced by half. Shallow convection to some extent equilibrates rapid changes in the boundary layer at sub-diurnal time scales. Future model improvement will focus on the remaining biases, which may be further reduced by including stochastic entrainment and cold pools.

How to cite: Zhang, B., Donner, L., Zhao, M., and Tan, Z.: Improved Diurnal Cycle in GFDL Earth System Models with Non-Equilibrium Convection, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-33,, 2024.

Exploring the discrepancy between the seasonality of atmospheric convection and precipitation in the Colombian Amazon region 
Francy Alejandra Vanegas Izquierdo and Daniel Hernández-Deckers
A Parameterization for Cloud Organization and Propagation by Evaporation-Driven Cold Pool Edges.
Saulo Freitas, Georg Grell, and Haiqin Li
Coastal Convective Clouds: Gulf-/Bay-Breezes and TRACER Insights
(withdrawn after no-show)
Dié Wang, Jingyi Chen, and Michael Jensen
Jason Müller, Fabian Senf, and Ina Tegen

During the Australian fire season 2019/2020, an unprecedented amount of smoke aerosol was not only released, but also transported upwards and injected into the tropopause region by so-called pyro-cumulonimbus clouds (pyroCb). The resulting lower stratospheric aerosol loads in early 2020 were comparable to those of the largest volcanic eruptions of the twentieth century. PyroCbs have been identified as the main pathway for biomass burning aerosol into the stratosphere. To study the phenomenon of PyroCbs, simulations of the so-called Australian New Year Super Outbreak are performed with the numerical weather model ICON. Simulations were run in a nested, limited area mode setup, with the smallest domain reaching down to a horizontal grid spacing of 500 m. Within the domain, an idealised fire perturbation was applied for which an additional constant surface sensible heat and water vapour flux was introduced to represent the thermodynamical impacts of the fire. Simulations with this setup were successful in producing fire-induced deep convection with subsequent smoke injection into the lower stratosphere. Preliminary sensitivity experiments show a high sensitivity of the PyroCb properties to initial and boundary conditions. We can show, that especially water vapour emissions, which would originate from evaporating surface water as well as from combustion of organic materials, have a decisive, enhancing impact on the pyro-convection. Moreover, besides the fire intensity, the plume characteristics and smoke injection heights are also closely linked to the background meteorology, in particular. In the long term, the goal is to incorporate the effects of extreme biomass burning emission into large scale climate simulations by taking into account PyroCb activity. However, this will require a very deep understanding of wildfire triggered convection and PyroCb dynamics.  

How to cite: Müller, J., Senf, F., and Tegen, I.: Modelling the formation of an extreme Australian pyro-convection event and its sensitivities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3972,, 2024.

Yi-Ling Hwong and Caroline Muller

The elimination of rain evaporation in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) has been found to lead to convective self-aggregation (CSA) even without radiative feedback (frequently referred to as “moisture memory aggregation”), but the precise mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain unclear. We conducted cloud-resolving simulations with two domain sizes (L = 128 and 256 km; Δx = 1 and 4 km) with homogenised radiation and progressively reduced rain evaporation in the PBL by multiplying it with a factor 𝛼 = [1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0]. Surprisingly, self aggregation only occurred when rain evaporation was almost completely removed (𝛼 ≈ 0). Similar to conventional radiatively-driven aggregation (RDA), a shallow circulation that leads to an upgradient moist static energy transport is present, but in this case it is the additional convective heating resulting from the reduction of evaporative cooling in the moist patch that triggers this circulation, thereafter a dry subsidence intrusion into the PBL in the dry patch takes over and intensifies aggregation. Hence, this type of aggregation should be more appropriately referred to as “convectively-driven aggregation” (CDA). Contrary to RDA, in CDA temperature and moisture anomalies oppose each other in their buoyancy effects, hence explaining the need for near-zero 𝛼 values: only when rain evaporation is almost completely removed can the additional heating trigger aggregation. Lastly, we found radiative cooling and not cold pools to be the leading cause of the domain size dependence of CDA. Runs with similar amounts of cold pools aggregate in the large but not small domain due to stronger radiative cooling rates and concomitant broadening of the range of precipitable water in the larger domain. 

How to cite: Hwong, Y.-L. and Muller, C.: The Unreasonable Efficiency of Total Rain Evaporation Removal in Triggering Convective Self-Aggregation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4139,, 2024.

George Pacey, Stephan Pfahl, Lisa Schielicke, and Kathrin Wapler

Convection frequently initiates in proximity to cold fronts during the European warm-season and can also be associated with hazards such as flooding, rain, and hail. Despite this, the frequency and underlying processes that drive such events are not well-understood. To understand the typical nature, frequency and forcing mechanisms of convection depending on the region relative to the front, automatic front detection methods, a convective cell detection and tracking dataset (KONRAD), and lightning data are combined between 2007–2016.

The climatology shows that convective cells are most frequent in Germany marginally ahead of the surface front. Furthermore, the 700 hPa frontal line marks the minimum frequency of convection and a shift in regime between cells with a strong diurnal cycle on the cold-side of the 700 hPa front and a weakened diurnal cycle on the warm-side of the 700 hPa front. The results are consistent for lightning data on a sub-European domain. Given cell detection ahead of the surface front, cells are up to 3 times more likely to be associated with a mesocyclone compared to non-cold-frontal cells in Germany. Cells with 55 dBZ cores are over 1.5 times more likely.

To unravel the complex relationships between different predictor variables and the probability of convection a logistic regression model is developed. Feature importance techniques are utilised to understand which variables carry the most importance depending on the region relative to the front. We find solar heating carries more importance towards the model’s predictive power behind the 700 hPa front than ahead of the 700 hPa front. The opposite is true for the elevation term, which acts as a proxy for the influence of orography on convective initiation. By giving the model information on the number of surrounding grid points associated with convection, a proxy for cell interactions, the most skill is added near the surface front.

These results are an important step towards a deeper understanding of the underlying processes that drive cold-frontal convection and improved forecasting.

How to cite: Pacey, G., Pfahl, S., Schielicke, L., and Wapler, K.: Climatology, characteristics and forcing mechanisms of warm-season cold-frontal convection in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5759,, 2024.

Lorenzo Silvestri, Miriam Saraceni, and Paolina Bongioannini Cerlini

Spontaneous aggregation of deep convection is a common feature of idealized numerical simulations of the tropical atmosphere in Radiative-Convective Equilibrium (RCE). However, at coarse grid resolution where deep convection is not fully resolved, the occurrence of this phenomenon is highly sensitive to subgrid-scale processes. This study investigates the role of mixing and entrainment, provided by either the turbulence model or the implicit numerical dissipation, in this phenomenon. The results of two different models, WRF and SAM, have been analysed and compared using different configurations by varying the turbulence models, initial conditions, and horizontal spatial resolution. At a coarse grid resolution of 3 km, the occurrence of Convective Self-Aggregation (CSA) is prevented in models with low numerical diffusivity due to the removal of turbulent mixing, while it is preserved in models with high numerical diffusivity. When refining the horizontal grid resolution to 1 km, which reduces the implicit numerical dissipation, CSA can only be achieved by increasing explicit turbulent mixing. Even with a small amount of shallow clouds, CSA was found to occur in this case. Therefore, this study suggests that the sensitivity of CSA to horizontal grid resolution is not primarily due to the corresponding decrease in shallow clouds. It has been found that the amplitude of initial humidity perturbations introduced by convection in the free troposphere is regulated by turbulent mixing and dissipation at small scales. The size and strength of humidity perturbations in the free troposphere that can destabilize the RCE state increase with greater dissipation at small scales.

How to cite: Silvestri, L., Saraceni, M., and Bongioannini Cerlini, P.: Numerical diffusion and turbulent mixing in convective self-aggregation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5959,, 2024.

Zhixiao Zhang, Hannah Christensen, Mark Muetzelfeldt, Tim Woollings, Bob Plant, Alison Stirling, Michael Whitall, Mitchell Moncrieff, and Chih-Chieh Chen

Improving weather and climate prediction cannot avoid accurately representing organized convection, as its convective and stratiform components distinctly reshape large-scale circulations via redistributing momentum and heat. For latent heating, the stratiform heating in organized convection shifts to higher altitudes compared to convective regions, presenting a significant challenge for representation in models across scales. The Multiscale Coherent Structural Parameterization (MCSP), introduced by Moncrieff et al. (2017), offers a promising solution by generating the top-heavy profile from convective heating in slantwise layer overturning scenarios. As part of the MCS: PRIME project, the PRIME-MCSP implementation by Zhang et al. (submitted, 2024) couples MCSP with the CoMorph-A convection scheme in the UK Met Office Unified Model with the following improvements: 1) CoMorph permits unstable air to rise from any height, diverging from the conventional CAPE trigger for deep convection, thereby enhancing continuity and facilitating storm tracking. 2) We activate MCSP selectively for deep mixed-phase clouds, recognizing the limited ability of shallow clouds to produce a stratiform component. 3) We configure the global model runs to include both a fixed convective-stratiform heating fraction and a fraction proportional to cloud top temperature.

MCS tracks in ensembles of weather runs show that PRIME-MCSP suppresses cloud deepening and reduces precipitation areas by dampening low-level updrafts. 20-year climate simulations show that PRIME-MCSP improves the precipitation seasonal cycle over the Indian Ocean, while increasing the warm-season wet bias over the Western Pacific. Additionally, PRIME-MCSP intensifies the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO). The model run using a variable convective-stratiform fraction more accurately represents the MJO frequency and aligns better with reanalysis. Future plans focus on the stochastic representation of stratiform effects, steered by insights from data assimilation increments.

How to cite: Zhang, Z., Christensen, H., Muetzelfeldt, M., Woollings, T., Plant, B., Stirling, A., Whitall, M., Moncrieff, M., and Chen, C.-C.: Improving and Assessing Organized Convection Parameterization in the Unified Model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8367,, 2024.

Andrea Polesello, Bidyut Bikash Goswami, and Caroline Muller

Representing land-ocean heterogeneity via convective
adjustment timescale
Bidyut Goswami1 , Andrea Polesello1 , Caroline Muller1 .
1Department of Earth Science, Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Klosterneuburg, Austria
January 2024


The time needed by deep convection to bring the atmosphere back to equilibrium
is called convective adjustment timescale or simply adjustment timescale, typically
denoted by τ . In the Community Atmospheric Model version 6 (CAM6), convection
is parameterized through the Zhang-McFarlan scheme [1], where CAPE undergoes
an exponential consumption, of which τ is the time constant. τ is a tunable pa-
rameter in CAM6 and it has a default value of 1 hour, worldwide, on both ocean
and land. Albeit, there is no justified reason why one adjustment timescale value
should work over land and ocean both. Continental and oceanic convection is dif-
ferent in terms of the vigor of updraft and hence can have different durations.[2, 3]
So it is logical to investigate the prescription of two different convective adjustment
timescales for land (τL ) and ocean (τL ). To understand the impact of representing
land-ocean heterogeneity via τ , we investigated CAM climate simulations for two
different convective adjustment timescales for land and ocean in contrast to having
one value globally.
Following a comparative analysis of 5-year-long climate simulations, we find
τO =4hr and τL =1hr to yield the best results. In particular, we obtain a better
description of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). Although these τ values were
chosen empirically and require further tuning, the conclusion of our finding remains
the same, which is, to use two different τ values for land and ocean.
[1] G. Zhang and N. A. McFarlane, “Sensitivity of climate simulations to the parameterization of
cumulus convection in the canadian climate centre general circulation model,” Atmosphere-
Ocean, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 407–446, 1995.
[2] C. Lucas, E. J. Zipser, and M. A. Lemone, “Vertical Velocity in Oceanic Convection off
Tropical Australia,” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 51, pp. 3183–3193, 11 1994.
[3] R. Roca, T. Fiolleau, and D. Bouniol, “A Simple Model of the Life Cycle of Mesoscale
Convective Systems Cloud Shield in the Tropics,” Journal of Climate, vol. 30, pp. 4283–
4298, 6 2017.

How to cite: Polesello, A., Goswami, B. B., and Muller, C.: Representing land-ocean heterogeneity via convective adjustment timescale, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9561,, 2024.

Cristian-Valer Vraciu, Julien Savre, and Maxime Colin

Within a diurnal cycle, the transition from shallow to deep convection takes several hours, despite having large environmental instability at the onset of shallow convection. During this period, the cloud environment remains rather steady, while the convection exhibits a rapid development. Properly predicting the timing of this rapid shallow-to-deep transition within a diurnal cycle is still a major shortcoming of weather and climate models that employ the so-called mass-flux parameterization of atmospheric convection, as they typically predict the onset of deep convection too early, not allowing for a gradual convective deepening. In this work, it is argued that the problem of correctly representing the diurnal cycle of deep convection comes from the fundamental assumptions of the mass-flux formulation, in which it is considered that the clouds, represented by steady-state plumes, only interact with a spatially homogeneous environment. However, in the rapid shallow-to-deep transition, the convection still requires several hours to deepen, even if the environment remains steady, so some interactions must be missing. Here, a conceptual model for cloud development is introduced, in which a cloud is formed due to the sum of water transport from the boundary layer by multiple updrafts during its life-time, allowing for cloud-cloud interactions. This process captures local preconditioning, in which the clouds themself provide favorable conditions for the development of subsequent updrafts. It is also argued that the cold pools act as a reinforcement of this process, organizing the updrafts, and thus, allowing for a greater degree of local preconditioning. Based on this new conceptual model, it is argued that the shallow-to-deep transition can be seen as a predator-prey problem, in which the cloud population at the cloud base acts as prey, while the surface precipitation rate acts as predators. This simple predator-prey model is then tested against an idealized large-eddy simulation, showing that indeed, the rapid shallow-to-deep transition of atmospheric convection exhibits predator-prey characteristics. Moreover, it is shown how easily the simple predator-prey model can be implemented in current mass-flux schemes, leading to improved representation of deep convection within a diurnal cycle. Overall, this suggests that better representing the spatial organisation of clouds can lead to improvements in the timing of cloud and precipitation properties, thanks to a better convective memory.

How to cite: Vraciu, C.-V., Savre, J., and Colin, M.: Predator-prey characteristics of the rapid shallow-to-deep transition of atmospheric convection, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10474,, 2024.

Thibaut Dauhut, Héléna Gonthier, Bastien Viala, and Guido Haytzmann

Deep convection over Amazonia can manifest in various forms, from scattered convective cells to mesoscale organizations like squall lines and cloud clusters. This diversity significantly influences vertical convective transport, impacting not only large-scale circulation but also the poorly understood cycle of gases and aerosols emitted by the forest. Monitoring convective systems over Amazonia during the CAFE-Brazil field campaign (Dec 2022-Jan 2023) involved the HALO aircraft and the ATTO-Campina ground site, employing meteorological, aerosol, and chemical measurements.

On January 18, a 500-km wide mesoscale system dissipated, giving rise to new convective cells initially disorganized and later organized into a large squall line. This event was measured by ATTO-Campina and HALO during the local afternoon. To understand the processes driving organizational changes and their impact on transport, 24-hour simulations with the Meso-NH model were conducted over an 800-km wide domain, ranging from horizontal resolutions of 1600 m down to 200 m, ultimately resulting in large-eddy simulations.

The simulations revealed a strong resolution sensitivity in mesoscale convective organization, with a distinct emergence of squall lines at the finest resolutions only. Surprisingly, at fine resolution, organized convection exhibited larger transport due to increased updraft size, rather than intensity. Cloud cluster organization exhibited a delayed onset compared to convective cell organization, aligning with expectations. Ongoing investigations are currently focusing on gravity waves and cold pools to better understand their impact on convective organization.

How to cite: Dauhut, T., Gonthier, H., Viala, B., and Haytzmann, G.: Organization of convection over Amazonia and its impact on transport, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10894,, 2024.

Zhuocan Xu, Pavlos Kollias, Alessandro Battaglia, Bernat Puigdomènech Treserras, and Peter Marinescu

The launch of the joint ESA JAXA Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) mission (May, 2024) marks the beginning of a new era of spaceborne radar measurements that target atmospheric convection. In addition to the EarthCARE mission that features the first Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) with Doppler capability, NASA’s Investigation of Convective Updrafts (INCUS) and Atmosphere Observing System (AOS) missions aim to provide unique observations of convective dynamics. Prior to this upcoming decade of the study of atmospheric convection from space, the CloudSat CPR collected remarkable data of convective cores over a period of 15 years. Despite its high frequency that results in significant attenuation and multiple scattering effects, the 94-GHz CloudSat CPR offers a relatively small footprint (compared to the TRMM/GPM radar footprint of 5 km) and collocated radar-radiometer (passive) brightness temperatures (Tb). Here, we propose a refined deep convective core (DCC) identification scheme by first selecting the CPR profiles with continuous echoes between below 2 and above 10 km. The 10-dBZ echo top height is also required to exceed 10 km and located within 2 km from cloud top. Additionally, profiles with stratiform precipitation flags in the CloudSat products are not included in the analysis.

We investigated the CloudSat observations from 2006 to 2019 globally and also with a focus over 4 convective basins where model simulations are performed by the NASA’s INCUS science team. The four deep convection basins are Amazon, Congo, Philippines, and Western Pacific, which represent a decent spectrum of atmospheric environments. It is found that the DCCs over the Congo basin are featured with larger size and likely more intensified updrafts, while the Western Pacific is characterized with finer-scale cores. The analysis shows that the DCCs with size below 5 km predominate, implying the narrow cores can be under detected by the large-footprint radars such as GPM. The distinct depressions of 94-GHz Tb due to the presence of high-density ice particles lend complementary information on DCC classifications. In addition, multiple scattering can be a confounding factor in interpretating the CPR measurements within deep convective clouds. Our preliminary calculations suggest the impact of multiple scattering becomes significant at ~2.5 km from radar cloud top on average and is subject to the DCC updraft intensity. Moreover, profiles of 94-GHz radar reflectivity and Tb are forward calculated from the high-resolution model simulation outputs to understand the constraints that such observations can afford on key measures such as convective mass fluxes.

How to cite: Xu, Z., Kollias, P., Battaglia, A., Treserras, B. P., and Marinescu, P.: Investigating Deep Convective Cores Combining CloudSat Observations and Model Simulations , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13870,, 2024.

Guang Zhang, Yilun Han, and Yong Wang

Data-driven approaches using machine learning to parameterizing model physical processes in Earth System Models have been actively explored in recent years. Deep-learning-based convection parameterization is one such example. While significant progress has been made in emulating convection using neural networks (NN), serious roadblocks remain, including generalization of the NN-based scheme trained on model data from current climate to future climate and integration instability when it is implemented into the model for long-term integrations. This study uses a deep residual convolutional network to emulate convection simulated by a superparameterized global climate model (GCM). The NN uses the current environmental state variables and advection tendencies, as well as the history of convection to predict the GCM grid-scale temperature and moisture tendencies, cloud liquid and ice water contents from moist physics processes. Independent offline tests show that the NN-based scheme has extremely high prediction accuracy for all output variables considered. In addition, the scheme trained on data in the current climate generalizes well to a warmer climate with +4K sea surface temperature in an offline test, with high prediction accuracy as well. Further tests on different aspects of the NN architecture are performed to understand what factors are responsible for its generalization ability to a warmer climate. We are also able to perform multi-year integrations, without encountering any integration instability, when the scheme is implemented into the NCAR CAM5. The details will be presented at the meeting.

How to cite: Zhang, G., Han, Y., and Wang, Y.: Using Deep Learning for Convection Parameterization, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14599,, 2024.

Benjamin Fildier, Maxime Carenso, Rémy Roca, and Thomas Fiolleau

Mesoscale convective systems are the building block of tropical precipitation, as more than 40% of global precipitation and more than 80% of extreme rainrates are produced by these organized systems. However, when investigating the sensitivity of global rain extremes, the behavior and morphology of organized storm systems are typically ignored and corresponding dynamics are instead interpreted using the textbook framework of a convecting parcel. Indeed, despite rich observational and case studies describing the internal dynamics and structures of MCSs, no conceptual framework exist to this day to bridge the gap between global hydrologic sensitivity and MCS behavior.

This work introduces new approaches to link extreme precipitation rates in the tropics to the occurrence, internal dynamics and lifecycle of individual MCSs. Individual storms are idenditifed based on by the Lagrangian tracking algorithm TOOCAN which tracks storm anvils over their lifecycle, and which has been applied to satellite observations and to global storm resolving models in the DYAMOND experiment. We first use this rich dataset to develop a numerical interface that maps the occurrence of extreme precipitation rate onto the MCS cloud shield. We then introduce a novel conceptual framework to decompose the sensitivity of precipitation extremes to the change in storm occurrence and change in internal dynamics within this cloud shield. 

Results are threefold. We demonstrate a robust phasing in the timing of global extreme rainrates within the storm lifecycle, robustly occurring at 25-30% of the storm's lifetime for the models and regions analyzed. The analytical decomposition confirms that in a given climate state, variability in the heaviest rainrates across regions mostly occur through changes in MCS frequency, rather than changes in their efficiency at producing rain. We finally argue that the sensitivity of extremes to climate state may occur through both a change in occurrence and a change in internal MCS dynamics.

How to cite: Fildier, B., Carenso, M., Roca, R., and Fiolleau, T.: Mapping km-scale global extreme rainfall onto mesoscale convective systems lifecycle, frequency and dynamics , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16951,, 2024.

Paweł Jędrejko and Jun-Ichi Yano

Geophysical convection is usually characterized by Reynolds number in the range typical for turbulent flow. Despite that, it displays features of organization.  
Thermal vortex rings are considered candidates for the basic elements of that order (Yano 2023, ch. 16).
In this work, the process of their formation from a spherical buoyancy anomaly is studied numerically. The buoyancy distribution is assumed to be uniform with a discontinuity at the interface.
The rising anomaly experiences a collapse at the bottom, and initially spherical shape is transformed into a torus. Neglecting diffusive processes, the system is uniquely defined by the vortex sheet coincident with the interface. For that reason, its evolution is considered on the grounds of vorticity dynamics with Lagrangian approach.
The vortex sheet is intensified by buoyancy and further subjected to Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. This starts in high wavenumbers increasing the effective thickness by purely advective mechanism. A similar instability is then launched in lower wavenumbers, and the phenomenon repeats hierarchically. As a result, the energy is transferred from small to large scales. The same mechanism also drives the interfacial mixing by applying stretching and folding repetitively. This makes it a good starting point for further studies on the entrainment rate and order emerging out of chaos. 

How to cite: Jędrejko, P. and Yano, J.-I.: Formation of thermal vortex rings, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20512,, 2024.