EGU24-17091, updated on 11 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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GEO-Academy: GEO-Hub for Teachers in Europe

Henry Boeree1, Annalisa Donati1, Alkyoni Baglatzi2, Afroditi Riga2, Gustavo A. Rojas3, Nikolaus Albrecht4, Seda Özdemir-Fritz5, Gina P. Correia6, Loukas Katikas7, Angelos Lazoudis7, Alexandra Moshou7, Marinos Kavouras8, and Maria Bezerianou8
Henry Boeree et al.
  • 1Eurisy, France (
  • 2Spotin (Spotlight on Innovation), Greece (
  • 3NUCLIO Nucleo Interativo de Astronomia e Inovacao em Educacao, Portugal (
  • 4University College of Teacher Education Tyrol, Innsbruck, Austria (
  • 5Austrian Space Forum (OeWF), Austria (
  • 6CITEUC - Centre for Earth and Space Research of the University of Coimbra, Portugal & EGU Education Committee, Germany (
  • 7Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Research and Development Department, Athens, Greece (
  • 8National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece (

GEO-Academy is an Erasmus+ Teachers Academies initiative developing a blended competence-based network for teaching sustainable development using innovative geospatial technologies and modern pedagogical methodologies. Over the course of three years, GEO-Academy will collaborate to create a range of teaching materials and training resources, and also establish national GEO-Hubs connecting an international network of teachers across Europe. The overarching goal is to provide training activities to support teachers both in their professional development and learning as well as in educating the next generation of European citizens on sustainable development topics. The project draws from geospatial, climate science, and education expertise from across Europe (Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Portugal, and Sweden).

Green, digital, and spatial competences based on highlighted skill needs in “Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)” will be addressed and developed. The project is aimed to establish evidence-based pedagogical models, along with a range of training activities and resources utilising cutting edge geo-technologies, such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Remote Sensing (RS) and Earth Observation (EO), data acquisition and processing, image analysis, and related location-based technologies. Materials and activities will be structured along five GEO-Concepts, designed to meet curricular demands and skill gaps. These GEO-Concepts are: (a) Cartography and development of spatial thinking skills, (b) Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Tools and techniques for Earth Sciences (c) Remote Sensing (RS), Earth Observation (EO) and Satellite applications (d) Visualisation and synthesis of information through the use of mapping technologies – Map Storytelling, and (e) STEAM education and robotics, coding for Urban Sustainability.

Considering teachers’ pivotal role in the whole process, the training material will be developed with small groups of teachers to ensure the highest effectiveness and relevance and will then be scaled up to larger audiences. The establishment of GEO-Hubs as school-based nodes will form a large community of practice, coordinated at the national level and linked at the project level under the GEOBSERVE Platform. This central hub, developed in seven languages, will host materials, training activities and serve as a central community hub for teachers to share examples and best practices. GEO-Hubs will also receive a suite of materials, including sensors for Arduino/Raspberry Pi/micro:bit, for incorporating them into practical projects with students.

Here we provide an overview of the project, explain its methodology and aims, and present the GEOBSERVE Platform, set to be launched in March 2024. Teachers present will be guided through how to connect to the platform and shown the possibilities of engaging through example materials. Finally, they will be invited to join the project as a GEO-Hub with their school/students, for which the process and benefits will be explained.

How to cite: Boeree, H., Donati, A., Baglatzi, A., Riga, A., Rojas, G. A., Albrecht, N., Özdemir-Fritz, S., Correia, G. P., Katikas, L., Lazoudis, A., Moshou, A., Kavouras, M., and Bezerianou, M.: GEO-Academy: GEO-Hub for Teachers in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17091,, 2024.

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