EGU24-17240, updated on 11 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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From research to outreach – an example from the Smøla island, Mid-Norway

Guri Venvik1, Øystein Nordgulen1, Matthew Hodge2, Eline Barkaas Garseth3, and Per Terje Osmundsen3
Guri Venvik et al.
  • 1Geological Survey of Norway, Hard rock constructions, Trondheim, Norway (
  • 2University of Bologna, Italy
  • 3Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim.

The BASE project, short for Basement Fracturing and Weathering on- and offshore Norway, is a research project funded by the Norwegian Research Council. While the project`s primary focus has been on disseminating its findings through scientific channels, there is growing interest emerging from local communities and schools. After several seasons of extensive fieldwork and a comprehensive core drilling campaign, we have observed an increased local curiosity and interest, particularly regarding the "why" and "what" behind our efforts. In our quest to synthesize the wealth of collected data, our goal is to contribute to a local geological exhibition showcasing updated bedrock information and delivering a compelling geological narrative of the Smøla island. This exhibition will illuminate the age of the rocks, the processes that formed them, and unravel the intricate story they convey. Our fieldwork has uncovered remarkable geological outcrops, which we believe should be shared with the broader community. In collaboration with the local “Friluftsliv” (outdoor life) community, we plan to create stops along their popular “Stikk UT!” routes. These routes and paths are clearly marked on maps and equipped with informative signs. We plan to incorporate geological insights about selected outcrops to enrich the experience for those who visit this remarkable area. Furthermore, in addition to our outreach efforts, we are dedicated to making our research relevant for primary and secondary school, with specific focus on 5th and 8th -grade pupils studying geology as part of their curriculum. To achieve this, we will employ a comprehensive approach that includes interactive storytelling on the Geological Surveys website, Geologisk arv ( (Geoheritage), and we will provide ample information to teachers. By combining these strategies, our aim is not only to make geology accessible, but also to make it attractive and fascinating for the 5thand 8th -grade pupils. We hope to inspire the next generation of geologists and curious minds based on the captivating geological history of Smøla.  References (format style Heading)Geologisk arv ( UT!

How to cite: Venvik, G., Nordgulen, Ø., Hodge, M., Barkaas Garseth, E., and Osmundsen, P. T.: From research to outreach – an example from the Smøla island, Mid-Norway, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17240,, 2024.