EGU24-17614, updated on 11 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Choice Question (MCQ) Peer Construction for Training Students as Climate Change decision-makers or Knowledge Spreaders

Gérard Vidal, Charles-Henri Eyraud, Carole Larose, and Éric Lejan
Gérard Vidal et al.
  • ENS de Lyon, French institute of education , Lyon, France (

After more than 40 years of reasoned alerts from the scientific community directed towards society, with minimal impact, a recent surge in the size and frequency of extraordinary climatic events has begun to reshape the perspectives of ordinary citizens. This situation underscores the challenge of directly influencing society with scientific evidence or models, emphasizing the crucial role of universities in training students who will occupy intermediate or elevated positions that may impact society at large.

While "Climate Fresk" has gained widespread popularity in higher education institutions as an effective tool for raising awareness about climate change and the intricate processes affecting our global earth ecosystem, concerns have arisen at the university level. The repetition of "Climate Fresk" or similar tools may be perceived as greenwashing practices, as university students are already well-acquainted with the issue. Hence, there is a need to surpass mere awareness in higher education.

As TASK Change Leaders at ENS-Lyon, we explored pedagogical and assessment tools provided by Sulitest. This initiative, extends beyond climate and ocean changes, it places a significant emphasis on various topics, including Sustainable Development Goals, earth limits, and driving processes of climate change. One of the major interest of the approach is to address all disciplines (scientific or non scientific).

We built a three-step strategy involving:

  • Administering a positioning test to enable students to assess their performance relative to the institution and the wider community.

  • Utilizing the looping tool from Sulitest, wherein small teams of students generate Multiple Choice Questions accompanied by a list of academic publications validating the terms of their questions. Subsequently, these questions are discussed in large interdisciplinary open groups, compelling students to articulate questions and answers intelligible across all disciplines.

  • Participating in the TASK to receive an assessment of their proficiency in sustainable development, evaluated by an external body.

This strategy, particularly the second step, empowers students to assume the role of a teacher or knowledge spreader in the face of a diverse peer community. It serves as a simulation of their potential future roles as educators, knowledge spreaders or decision-makers, instilling an understanding of the importance of providing validated sources and the challenges associated with crafting questions and answers comprehensible to all, preparing them for future teaching or decision-making scenarios. A notable byproduct is the creation of valuable pedagogical resources in a "connectivist MOOC flavor."

Beyond the training benefits, membership in the TASK Change Leaders group provides opportunities for discussions on the sustainability of education, green education, and competency frameworks, to apply to ourselves the concepts we are teaching.

How to cite: Vidal, G., Eyraud, C.-H., Larose, C., and Lejan, É.: Choice Question (MCQ) Peer Construction for Training Students as Climate Change decision-makers or Knowledge Spreaders, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17614,, 2024.

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