EGU24-1785, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Level Up Learning: A User-Friendly Game Engine Template for Virtual Reality Landslide Experiences

Hanna Pfeffer and Martin Mergili
Hanna Pfeffer and Martin Mergili
  • Department of Geography and Regional Science, University of Graz, Graz, Austria

Landslides of variable type and magnitude manifest in different forms ranging from gradual, small-scale processes to abrupt, monumental events. These scenarios pose challenges for direct observation in educational contexts. Consequently, the common practice in the realm of science and hazard communication involves the presentation of numerical process simulations. Elevating interest in landslide processes – potentially supporting geoeducation in general and risk awareness building in particular –  strongly relies on expressive visualizations of these simulation outputs. Game Engines (GE) are versatile, modular software frameworks specifically dedicated to the creation of captivating audio-visual experiences. We seek to develop a user-friendly workflow for the creation of virtual reality (VR) landslide experiences. This approach is facilitated by the interoperability functionalities of the simulation tool r.avaflow with 3D software and the Game Engine Unreal Engine 5 (UE5). We present a custom software template for the implementation of gameplay features with UE5.

Our conception of an immersive, interactive VR experience comprises the representation of the environment and dynamic geomorphological process, intuitive player movement, and object interactions conveying an educative storyline. Customized gameplay elements are implemented via the Blueprint Visual Scripting system, a proprietary node-based algorithm editor specific to Unreal Engine. The following gameplay elements are incorporated:

  • Level design: The introduction of static landscapes into VR experiences, relies on elevation maps and surface textures derived from geospatial datasets. Landslide representations are imported based on presimulated process scenarios using the open-source mass flow tool, r.avaflow. Simulation results are seamlessly integrated as animated static meshes through automatically generated Python scripts. Spatialized soundscapes, orchestrated through Blueprints, enhance the immersive experience.
  • Player Movement: A realistic feeling is achieved by allowing the character to navigate the environment via Smooth Locomotion. The movement types walking, flying, sprinting, and jumping are supported.
  • Object Interactions: A grab system designed for arbitrary object models (meshes), incorporating hand animations and collision settings, enables users to pick up items strategically placed in the scene. Tailored Blueprints facilitate the definition and triggering of custom events, represented by animations (e.g. the release of a landslide).
  • Menu: A graphical user interface offers options for restarting or exiting the VR experience, along with language selection.

The developed template enhances the UE5 VR Template and is specifically tailored for geoscientists without prior game development experience. It addresses the requirements of applications in geoeducation and serious games. The incorporated functionalities are designed as generic gameplay elements, making them adaptable to diverse contexts beyond landslide education. Built on the OpenXR framework, the template supports platforms such as Oculus Touch, HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality, and Valve Index. The final version will be accessible for free through the EPIC Games Launcher, accompanied by a concise workflow guideline.

Acknowledgement: This work is part of the project "Moving mountains - landslides as geosystemservices in Austrian geoparks" (ESS22-24 - MOVEMONT) funded through the Earth System Sciences programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

How to cite: Pfeffer, H. and Mergili, M.: Level Up Learning: A User-Friendly Game Engine Template for Virtual Reality Landslide Experiences, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1785,, 2024.