EGU24-22359, updated on 11 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Linking small-scale salinity mixing and large-scale estuarine circulation

Knut Klingbeil
Knut Klingbeil
  • Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemuende

Both, the overturning circulation in the ocean and the exchange flow in an estuary are directly linked to the transformation of water masses caused by small-scale mixing. The integral Water Mass Transformation (WMT) framework formulates how diffusive fluxes between water masses of different tracer concentrations are associated with mass fluxes across iso-tracer surfaces. Relations between local dia-surface fluxes and small-scale mixing in terms of local tracer variance dissipation have been derived by Klingbeil and Henell (2023). In my talk I will explain and demonstrate these relations between local diahaline fluxes, small-scale salinity variance dissipation and the large-scale circulation in estuaries. Klingbeil, K. and E. Henell (2023) A Rigorous Derivation of the Water Mass Transformation Framework, the Relation between Mixing and Diasurface Exchange Flow, and Links to Recent Theories in Estuarine Research. JPO.

How to cite: Klingbeil, K.: Linking small-scale salinity mixing and large-scale estuarine circulation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22359,, 2024.