OS2.1 | Open session on coastal and shelf seas
Open session on coastal and shelf seas
Convener: Julie D. Pietrzak | Co-conveners: Andreas Lehmann, Hans Burchard, Isabel Jalon-Rojas, Evridiki Chrysagi
| Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST), 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room L3
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X4
Orals |
Mon, 14:00
Tue, 10:45
Contributions are invited on recent advances in the understanding of circulation and fluid dynamical processes in coastal and shelf seas. Observational, modelling and theoretical studies are welcome, spanning the wide range of temporal and spatial scales from the shelf break to the shore. In order to capture the dynamic nature of our coastal and shelf seas the session includes processes such as shelf circulation, exchange flows in semi-enclosed seas, eddies, sub-mesoscale processes, river plumes, and estuaries, as well as on flow interactions with bio-geochemistry, sediment dynamics, morphology and nearshore physics. Contributions on impacts of climate change and man-made structures on our shelf seas and estuaries are also welcome.

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room L3

Chairpersons: Julie D. Pietrzak, Andreas Lehmann, Evridiki Chrysagi
On-site presentation
Knut Klingbeil

Both, the overturning circulation in the ocean and the exchange flow in an estuary are directly linked to the transformation of water masses caused by small-scale mixing. The integral Water Mass Transformation (WMT) framework formulates how diffusive fluxes between water masses of different tracer concentrations are associated with mass fluxes across iso-tracer surfaces. Relations between local dia-surface fluxes and small-scale mixing in terms of local tracer variance dissipation have been derived by Klingbeil and Henell (2023). In my talk I will explain and demonstrate these relations between local diahaline fluxes, small-scale salinity variance dissipation and the large-scale circulation in estuaries. Klingbeil, K. and E. Henell (2023) A Rigorous Derivation of the Water Mass Transformation Framework, the Relation between Mixing and Diasurface Exchange Flow, and Links to Recent Theories in Estuarine Research. JPO. https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-23-0130.1

How to cite: Klingbeil, K.: Linking small-scale salinity mixing and large-scale estuarine circulation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22359, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22359, 2024.

On-site presentation
Avelon Gerritsma, Martin Verlaan, and Julie Pietrzak

The Rhine-Meuse Delta is a low-lying delta in the Netherlands that is subject to both significant salt intrusion events and storm surges. Typically, these events do not co-occur. Salt intrusion occurs in the summer months (June, July, August) during droughts, while the storm season runs from October till April. The increased sea water level during a storm surge can temporarily cause increased salt intrusion. Because of the short time scales and higher discharges, storm surges generally do not cause problems with freshwater availability, in contrast to summer droughts.  However, on December 5th 2013, a storm surge event caused a significant amount of salt water to intrude into the Rhine-Meuse Delta. This was followed by weeks of increased salinity in parts of the delta. We simulated the event using a 3D numerical model of the Rhine-Meuse Delta, to capture the dynamics of the system and to improve our understanding of salt intrusion during storm surges. The Rhine-Meuse Delta is a mixed wave tide dominated delta with two main branches. One of the branches, the New Waterway, has an open connection with the North Sea and is the main outlet of the River Rhine. The other branch, the Haringvliet, is closed off at low water by the Haringvliet Gates. The Haringvliet Gates were built as a storm surge barrier to protect against storm surges after the 1953 flood. In addition, they are routinely used to maintain stable water levels in the river branches for shipping and fresh water supply. During the 2013 storm surge event, the Haringvliet Gates were closed. However, sea water entered the Rhine-Meuse Delta via the Rotterdam Waterway, which effectively acted as a backdoor for salt intrusion into the Haringvliet. Consequently the Haringvliet basin stored the saltwater and delivered it to connected parts of the system in the weeks following. We will refer to this phenomenon as “basin salt reflux”. Uniquely our model captured the salinity dynamics of the system during the 2013 event. Both the modelled salinity peaks during the storm, as well as the higher salinities after the storm agreed with available observationsWe present new insights on the dynamics of a salt intrusion event triggered by a storm surge in a semi-enclosed coastal system. With climate change and sea level rise, these events will most likely occur more frequently in the future. This highlights the importance of fundamental understanding and advanced 3D modelling of salt intrusion in complex deltas during storm surges.

How to cite: Gerritsma, A., Verlaan, M., and Pietrzak, J.: The effects of a storm surge event on salt intrusion: Insights from the Rhine-Meuse Delta, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12125, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12125, 2024.

On-site presentation
Bouke Biemond, Huib E. de Swart, and Henk A. Dijkstra

 Salt intrusion in estuaries threatens freshwater availability and agriculture in coastal regions. The geometries of most estuaries are heavily anthropogenically modified, for instance for shipping, land reclamation and flood protection. The response of the salt intrusion to modifications of the geometry is thoroughly studied for single channel estuaries. However, a significant fraction of earths estuaries consists of a network of channels, in which the dynamics are more complex, because it includes the distribution of water and salt at branching points. We aim to identify, quantify, and understand the differences in response to changes in the geometry occurring in estuarine networks compared to salt intrusion in single channel estuaries. To achieve this, we have developed an idealized width-averaged model, which solves for hydrodynamics and salt intrusion in an estuarine network. The advantages of this model are that it is flexible in its geometry and has a short runtime. The Rhine-Meuse Delta (the Netherlands) is taken as a reference case. A set of simulations using different geometries is performed with the calibrated model. An example of a result which we obtained is that channel deepening increases salt intrusion locally, but decreases salt intrusion elsewhere in the channel network. These results give insights in the vulnerability of salt intrusion in estuarine channel networks.

How to cite: Biemond, B., de Swart, H. E., and Dijkstra, H. A.: Sensitivity of salt intrusion in estuarine networks to geometry using an idealised model , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5127, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5127, 2024.

On-site presentation
Channel-Shoal Hydrodynamic Interaction in Partially Stratified Estuaries: A Barotropic Versus Baroclinic Perspective
(withdrawn after no-show)
Jian Zhou, Yuqi Chen, and Wenzhe Zhang
On-site presentation
Jeancarlo Manuel Fajardo-Urbina, Matias Duran-Matute, Mart Giesbergen, Gert Vankan, Ulf Gräwe, J.H. Herman Clercx, and Theo Gerkema

We present results on the Lagrangian transport of water parcels in a multiple-inlet coastal system: the Dutch Wadden Sea. We performed realistic hydrodynamic numerical simulations spanning 36 years, which are coupled to a Lagrangian module. The aim is to relate the characteristics of Lagrangian transport to the forcing. For this, the displacement of clouds of passive Lagrangian particles representing water columns is split into its advective and dispersive components, with the latter mainly due to chaotic tidal stirring. Advection is defined as the displacement vector of the center of mass of patches of passive particles, and the dispersion is quantified by the covariance matrix of their positions. Both quantities are determined for each tidal cycle spanning the duration of the simulations. Maps of advection reveal mostly large-scale features (basin-scale), whereas the spatial distribution of dispersion shows the predominance of localized structures covering mostly the regions around the inlets and strong bathymetric gradients. A strong correlation is found between the wind and the system-wide advection, showing a marked annual periodicity attributed to the seasonality of the wind forcing, which is stronger during winter and autumn. On the other hand, the magnitude of the tides (especially, due to the spring-neap cycle) governs the magnitude of the dispersion, i.e. mixing in the system. However, an enhancement in dispersion is observed during a few storms.  

How to cite: Fajardo-Urbina, J. M., Duran-Matute, M., Giesbergen, M., Vankan, G., Gräwe, U., Clercx, J. H. H., and Gerkema, T.: Variability of advection and dispersion due to tides and wind forcing in a multiple-inlet coastal system, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14102, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14102, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jung Lyul Lee

Despite much academic progress and groundbreaking changes in thinking, research results on how sandy terrain forms its current profile shape and how it evolves in the short term based on the equilibrium profile state are minimal. In this study, based on the concept of wave phase potential, which was devised based on the equation of equilibrium beach profile in the surf zone, it is shown which type of beach profile is in equilibrium in the inflow of flat waves. In order to interpret the erosion problem caused by sea level rise on the basis of this concept, we will show how the beach profile responds to sea level rise. As a representative result, the beach retreat width due to sea level rise is given as a function of the dominant wave period and the beach scale factor (a factor obtainable from the sand grain size) as well as the sea level rise. This equation is compared to Bruun's proposal and also discusses the constraints in applying Bruun formula. The results of this study can provide a scientific basis for predicting how a seabed topography composed of sand can be formed or to reverse estimate the wave incident condition from the current landform and seabed conditions, as long as the inflow wave data and the sampled sand grain size data are available. Moreover, it shows how devastating the inundation erosion caused by sea level rise can be. It is time to judge how urgent it is to secure a coastal buffer zone behind this, and to hasten technical and policy responses to mitigate the damage caused by it. As an example of application, the sea level rise trend for the coast of the Korean Peninsula and the inundation erosion predicted for 2050, 2070 and 2100 for 350 beaches of the Korean Peninsula will be presented.

How to cite: Lee, J. L.: On the Equilibrium State of the Beach Profile Based on the Concept of Wave Phase Potential and Its Changes due to Sea Level Rise, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9040, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9040, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maricarmen Guerra, Alex E Hay, Nicolás Sagredo, and Aaron Acuña

High-flow tidal channels (Re~O(108)) are characterized by strong bidirectional currents (3 m/s) and high turbulence intensities. As in most coastal environments, these strong flows are affected by wind and waves, especially during severe weather events. The combined occurrence of strong currents and wind-generated surface gravity waves is a nonlinear coupled process in which both the currents and the incident wave field are modified. In this work, the evolution of mean wave parameters in a high-flow tidal channel is evaluated for various wave and tidal flow conditions. Synchronous current, turbulence, and surface altimeter data measured by a bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) deployed in Grand Passage, a tidal channel within the Bay of Fundy in eastern Canada, are analyzed. Results indicate that wave growth and wave propagation are coupled with the magnitude and relative direction of the current. During each measured high-wind event, the significant wave height consistently increased, and the wavelength decreased, as the current magnitude increased when locally generated waves opposed the currents. To the contrary, the significant wave height was drastically reduced when the waves follow the currents even for a small current magnitude. In addition, elevated turbulence kinetic energy and vertical plumes of elevated acoustic backscatter amplitude were observed in the upper water column during high-wind events, likely bubbles injected into the free surface by breaking waves (whitecaps) and transported through the water column by the turbulence generated by tidal currents. Obtained results allow to identify when and where wave-current interactions are significant, what their implications are for the complex dynamics of tidal channels, and suggest that currents must be incorporated into forecast wave models to improve local sea state predictions and consequently navigation safety.


How to cite: Guerra, M., Hay, A. E., Sagredo, N., and Acuña, A.: Wave-current interactions in a high-flow tidal channel, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10528, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10528, 2024.

On-site presentation
Leonie Barghorn, H. E. Markus Meier, Hagen Radtke, and Thomas Neumann

The Baltic Sea is one of the coastal seas worldwide that suffer most strongly from hypoxia. With its pronounced haline stratification, the Baltic Sea is naturally prone to oxygen deficiency, but the strong growth of hypoxic and anoxic regions since the middle of the 20th century was mainly driven by eutrophication due to large nutrient inputs from anthropogenic sources. Since the oxygen solubility is lower in warmer water and oxygen consumption rates are higher, increasing water temperatures due to climate change are expected to worsen oxygen conditions in the future. Today, the effects of warming are still considered minor compared to those of the high nutrient loads. However, we show, by analyzing 159-years long hindcast simulations of the Baltic Sea with three different models, that exceptionally high temperatures in certain parts of the western Baltic Sea additionally deteriorated the oxygen conditions during the course of the 20th century on an interannual scale. These high temperatures were not mainly caused by global warming but by a shift in the seasonality of saltwater inflows from the North Sea, namely an increase in warm summer and early autumn inflows and a decrease in colder winter inflows. This we can conclude from comparing the reference simulations with a sensitivity experiment that excludes global warming. Hence, we identify a new driver of hypoxia in the western Baltic Sea.

How to cite: Barghorn, L., Meier, H. E. M., Radtke, H., and Neumann, T.: Warm saltwater inflows strengthen oxygen depletion in the western Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-38, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-38, 2024.

On-site presentation
Oliver Thiele, Peter Holtermann, and Lars Umlauf

Anoxia in the central Baltic Sea is caused by the disproportion of the oxygen demand below the Baltic Sea halocline and the capability to transport sufficient amounts of oxygen from the well oxygenated upper water column through the halocline into the deeper Baltic Sea. Despite the fact of anoxia below the halocline, there is a growing evidence for a considerable oxygen transport through the halocline by turbulent mixing at the basin boundaries, i.e. the location where the halocline gets in the vicinity of the seafloor.

We used velocity data from moorings and ship based velocity shear microstructure measurements using a MSS profiler. The data was acquired during three different cruises/seasons in the Eastern Gotland Basin to identify key processes responsible for oxygen mixing events across the strong halocline. The MSS was equipped with a fast oxygen sensor allowing to quantify the vertical oxygen flux.

We focused on specific events with inertial waves, mean currents, and topographic waves as major dominating processes. During these events properties such as vertical shear, stratification and oxygen fluxes were analysed. With this information we were able to estimate the potential of the processes for the diapycnal oxygen transport. We found that inertial waves do not contribute much to the overall oxygen flux across the halocline, whereas topographic waves increase the oxygen flux considerably. Also the mean current lead to significant oxygen fluxes under certain shear and stratification conditions, suggesting that further attention should be turned to those.

How to cite: Thiele, O., Holtermann, P., and Umlauf, L.: Turbulent oxygen transport across the halocline of the central Baltic Sea: Identification of key physical processes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16889, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16889, 2024.

On-site presentation
felix dols, Romain lavaud, Brecht Stechele, Tineke Troost, Loreta Cornacchia, Luca van Duren, Lauriane Vilmin, Lorinc Meszaros, Ghada El Serafy, Joanna Staneva, and Yann Drillet

For the European Commission, the EDITO consortium is creating the European Digital Twin Ocean, a platform that integrates coastal and oceanic modelling tools with ocean observation databases and computing infrastructure. Building on EMODnet and CMEMS, EDITO Model Lab will contribute by making the next generation of ocean models more accessible.

This work demonstrates one of the capabilities of the Digital Twin Ocean, focussing on human exploitation impacts on carbon fluxes. More specifically this what-if scenario is about the impact of upscaling the cultivation of shellfish in the North Sea on the carbon cycle. Upscaling the cultivation of shellfish is part of the envisioned “blue economy” and a promising option for multi-use of offshore wind parks. As shellfish are respiring organisms, they are a carbon source. At the same time shells are a carbon storage as they are built through biocalcification, a process that turns dissolved carbon and calcium into calcium carbonate.

The research aims to quantify the effects of upscaling shellfish cultivation in the North Sea on the carbon cycle. This is done by implementing a biocalcification module (Stechele & Lavaud, manuscript submitted for publication in 2024), in the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) module integrated in Delft3D-FM’s water quality process library (Troost et al., 2010; Deltares, 2023). Our work includes assumptions about how harvesting accounts for calcium carbonate leaving the sea and is therefore sequestrated.

How to cite: dols, F., lavaud, R., Stechele, B., Troost, T., Cornacchia, L., van Duren, L., Vilmin, L., Meszaros, L., El Serafy, G., Staneva, J., and Drillet, Y.: The impact of increased shellfish cultivation in the North Sea on the carbon cycle: a what-if scenario for the European Digital Twin Ocean. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17541, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17541, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Andreas Lehmann, Evridiki Chrysagi, Julie D. Pietrzak
On-site presentation
Florian Schuette, Anna Christina Hans, Marco Schulz, Peter Brandt, Rebecca Hummels, Arne Körtzinger, Björn Fiedler, Tim Fischer, Henk Jan Hoving, and Helena Hauss

The Cape Verde Archipelago (CVA) stands out with exceptional biological productivity sustaining a highly diverse ecosystem. Higher primary productivity in the proximity of islands, known as the Island Mass Effect (IME), has been systematically observed on global scale but the details of the interplay between physical and biogeochemical processes remain not fully understood. Within this study, a comprehensive analysis of the IME within the CVA based on 20 years of physical, chemical, and biological observational data sets is presented for the first time. Three main physical processes are identified to be responsible for the IME of the CVA and are investigated in detail: I. The interactions of tidal flows/internal waves with topography: Internal wave breaking at critical slopes leads to elevated mixing rates of a factor 100 larger than at reference points. II. The generation of island wakes in lee of Santo Antãoand Fogo: wind interactions with the island’s topography cause local wind shear in lee, which can generate productive vortex patterns extending for several island diameters downstream. III. The interaction of remotely-generated mesoscale eddies with the CVA itself: After central collision of open ocean eddies with islands or seamounts or when the eddy passes by very closely, we observe submesoscale frontal dynamics driven by mesoscale flow brought out of geostrophic balance, thereby enabling vertical mixing hotspots. Our observations particularly show the interactions between eddies and the internal wave field (modified by vertical shear of the mesoscale eddy, tides, bathymetry, or a combination of all these factors).
All these mechanisms (I., II., and III.), albeit diverse, uniformly augment vertical exchange by turbulent motions with strongly enhanced diapycnal mixing rates and/or vertical velocities and thereby promote elevated nutrient flux into the euphotic layer. This flux ultimately results in significantly higher phytoplankton concentrations in areas where these physical processes occur, thus providing the basis of the local pelagic food web consisting of mesozooplankton and micronecton up to larger predators.

How to cite: Schuette, F., Hans, A. C., Schulz, M., Brandt, P., Hummels, R., Körtzinger, A., Fiedler, B., Fischer, T., Hoving, H. J., and Hauss, H.: Interdisciplinary Insights into the Island Mass Effect of the Cape Verde Archipelago, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16835, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16835, 2024.

On-site presentation
Cristian Rojas, Lauren Ross, and Aldo Sottolichio

The exchange flow in estuaries is typically characterized by an inflow of salty water near the bottom and a surface outflow of brackish water, resulting from the mixing of river and ocean water. The exchange flow has been found to be a major driver of residence times and water quality conditions in estuarine systems and has also been found to influence biogeochemical processes such as hypoxia, nutrient fluxes, and the transport of contaminants. 
This study focuses on the spatial and temporal variability of exchange flow in a highly turbid and tidally-driven estuary located on the southwest coast of France, The Gironde. Stratification in the Gironde varies from well-mixed to partially stratified during low to high river flow conditions, respectively. Using validated numerical simulations, the exchange flow was calculated using the Total Exchange Flow (TEF) methodology under various river regimes. A mixing ratio was also quantified to assess the relative contribution of shear production to the salinity variance dissipation. Results show that the exchange flow in the Gironde is characterized by up to four salinity layers at the mouth reducing to two layers upstream. In addition, TEF outflow transport (Qout) increases slightly with river discharge, while the most substantial variability in Qout is due to along-channel variability in bathymetry and estuary width. The mixing ratio indicates that salinity variance dissipation was more influenced by the shear production than buoyancy near both the mouth and head of the estuary during spring tide. Towards the middle of the estuary, the ratio shows a weak contribution from the shear production whereas the mixing of salinity was high. During neap tide, the contribution of shear production to the salinity variance was elevated only downstream and mixing of salinity dominated. The next steps of this work will be to assess the impact of sediments on TEF and to compare the magnitude of the exchange flow in the Gironde to other systems globally.

How to cite: Rojas, C., Ross, L., and Sottolichio, A.: Total Exchange Flow and Mixing in a Tidally Driven Estuary, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12222, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12222, 2024.

On-site presentation
Melina M. Martinez, Laura A. Ruiz-Etcheverry, Martin Saraceno, Anatole Gros-Martial, Julieta Campagna, Baptiste Picard, and Christophe Guinet

High spatial and temporal resolution hydrographic data collected by Southern Elephant Seals (Mirounga leonina, SESs) and satellite remote sensing data allow a detailed oceanographic description of the Argentine Continental Shelf (ACS). In-situ data were obtained from the CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth), accelerometer, and hydrophone sensors attached to five SESs that crossed the ACS between the 17th and 31st of October 2019. The analysis of the temperature (T) and salinity (S) along the trajectories allowed us to identify two different regions: north and south of 42°S. Satellite Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data suggests that north of 42°S, warm waters are coming from the San Matias Gulf (SMG). The high spatio-temporal resolution of the in-situ data shows regions with intense gradients along the T and S sections that were associated with a seasonal front that develops north of Península Valdés in winter due to the entrance of cold and fresh water to the SMG. The speed of the SESs is correlated with tidal currents in the coastal portion of the northern region, which is in good agreement with the macrotidal regime observed. A large number of Prey Catch Attempts (PCA), a measure obtained from the accelerometer sensor, indicates that SESs also feed in this region, contradicting suggestions from previous works. The analysis of wind intensity estimated from acoustic sensors allowed us to rule out the local wind as the cause of fast thermocline breakups observed along the SESs trajectories. Finally, we show that the maximum depth reached by the elephant seals can be used to detect errors in the bathymetry charts. Results presented have been accepted for publication in Remote Sensing

How to cite: Martinez, M. M., Ruiz-Etcheverry, L. A., Saraceno, M., Gros-Martial, A., Campagna, J., Picard, B., and Guinet, C.: Satellite and High-Spatio-Temporal Resolution Data Collected by Southern Elephant Seals Allow an Unprecedented 3D View of the Argentine Continental Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-688, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-688, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ingrid Helene Ellingsen, Ole Jacob Broch, and Glaucia Moreira Fragoso

The coastal waters of Central Norway showcase a great biodiversity. The Froan archipelago and the coral reefs of the Sula rise are highly productive, with several species of fish, clams and crab. Results from the ocean model system SINMOD show a high primary production in the area as a result of internal waves at the shelf break in combination with strong tidal mixing at the bank area of the Froan archipelago. Oceanographic conditions strongly impact on the phytoplankton community structure and succession in this region (Fragoso et al., 2019, Fragoso et al. 2021). Spring bloom dynamics is further sensitive to rapid changes in weather in the region (Fragoso et al, in revision).

In this study, we use the coupled biophysical SINMOD model to explore spatiotemporal variations in primary production. We aim to correlate these variations with internal waves, tidal mixing, and eddies across different regions of the complex shelf area. The observations from previous studies will be used to assess the model prediction skill. We will further investigate the fate of carbon in the system and use the model results to locate potential hot spots of biodiversity by investigating vertical transport of carbon as well as recycling of carbon in the water column. This work is part of an ongoing interdisciplinary project AMBIOS that aims to develop a fully autonomous system for the discovery of, and navigation to, marine microbial biodiversity hotspots.

How to cite: Ellingsen, I. H., Broch, O. J., and Moreira Fragoso, G.:  Identification of primary productivity hotspots and their association with oceanographic phenomena in the coastal region off Central Norway, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18136, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18136, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andrew Styles, Emma Boland, and Chris Hughes

The measurement and theoretical interpretation of circulations is often complicated by the abundance of eddies in the global ocean. However, when considering ocean pressure on the continental boundaries, the system of large-scale circulations can simplify drastically. As part of the OceanBound project, we demonstrate how this deliberately narrow view on the ocean can describe the fundamental aspects of ocean dynamics. Once the interpretative power of boundary pressures is established, we will present early results from an adjoint model (ECCO) to determine the remote and local physical processes which influence the boundary pressure signals. Adjoint models effectively run “backwards” as they relate ocean behaviours to physical causes in the past via automatic differentiation. If the final adjoint study can identify a manageable number of “control points” where specific forcing determines boundary pressures (therefore constraining global circulation) then this will help simplify conceptual models of the global ocean. Such a result would highlight the essential ocean processes for climate projections and produce a core vocabulary for interpreting ocean dynamics.

How to cite: Styles, A., Boland, E., and Hughes, C.: Ocean boundary pressures: Its significance and sensitivities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4119, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4119, 2024.

On-site presentation
Wei Duan, Xuhua Cheng, Yifei Zhou, and Jonathan Gula

This study investigates the characteristics of salinity-controlled submesoscale fronts in the Bay of Bengal (BoB), based on a high resolution model output (MITgcm LLC4320). Large horizontal gradients of temperature, salinity, and density are found in the northern bay, with salinity and density gradients being notably more pronounced than those of temperature. Density fronts in this region are controlled by salinity rather than temperature due to the amount of freshwater input. Salinity fronts are most often compensated by temperature in the upper ocean of the BoB, especially at small scales. Fronts are classified into 4 types based on the value of the Turner angle. Among them, the salinity-controlled fronts compensated by temperature play a leading role in the northern BoB from October to March, while salinity-controlled fronts reinforced by temperature become equally numerous during the rest of the year. Heat fluxes significantly affect the temporal variations of temperature compensated versus reinforced fronts, while freshwater fluxes only play a minor role. When compensated fronts get arrested, warm water sinks beneath the cool water, favoring the formation of a temperature inversion layer and a barrier layer.

How to cite: Duan, W., Cheng, X., Zhou, Y., and Gula, J.: Characteristics of salinity-controlled submesoscale fronts in the Bay of Bengal and their impact on the upper ocean, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3946, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3946, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maxime Arnaud, Anne Petrenko, Jean-Luc Fuda, Caroline Comby, Anthony Bosse, Yann Ourmières, and Stéphanie Barrillon

Ocean fine-scale dynamics such as submesoscale processes constitute one of the key points in understanding current velocities with a tridimensional approach. Their in situ observation remains challenging due to their short space and time extent and duration. The Northern Current in the Western Mediterranean Sea, corresponding to the Northern branch of the basin cyclonic circulation, can be influenced by wind events, inducing intrusions on the continental shelf and associated fine-scale dynamics. In order to detect these phenomena, the JULIO mooring (JUdicious Location for Intrusion Observation) located on the Eastern side of the Gulf of Lion’s shelf on the 100m isobath, measures tridimensional current velocities since 2012 using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) at 300kHz. In addition, vertical velocities have been episodically measured with other methods such as the FreeFall-ADCP (FF-ADCP), and an autonomous Vertical Velocity Profiler (VVP) both developed at MIO. First, the JULIO time-series has shown a significant contribution of biology to vertical motions, with systematic negative vertical velocities measured at night time. This effect was particularly strong in the subsurface layer at 15 to 25 meters depth and enhanced during spring. Second, strong observed 3D-currents, coinciding with wind events, induce current shears and intrusions as well as vertical velocities in this dynamical coastal region with complex bathymetric constraints. Furthermore, the SWOT satellite mission launched in 2022 constitutes a powerful ally by providing a new tool to detect fine-scale features from the surface dynamics near JULIO, and especially during the daily fast sampling phase from April to July 2023. Given the impact of wind forcing on current dynamics in this region, the question arises to what extent the Northern Current and its intrusions on the continental shelf might be affected by climate change.

How to cite: Arnaud, M., Petrenko, A., Fuda, J.-L., Comby, C., Bosse, A., Ourmières, Y., and Barrillon, S.: Biological processes and wind contributions to 3-D fine-scale dynamics in a coastal area, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17374, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17374, 2024.

On-site presentation
Han Zhang

Typhoon is a synoptic phenomenon that has significant impact on ocean. Mooring observations of nearly the full water column on the continental slope in the South China Sea revealed the ocean's response to Typhoon Mangkhut (2018). Mangkhut induced sea surface cooling ∼4°C that was biased to the right side of its track, which recovered with an e-folding time after approximately 1 week.  Mangkhut was a relatively fast-moving typhoon and caused a fast near-inertial response throughout the entire depth in its lee. The typhoon-induced upper ocean (deep-water) near-inertial current velocities were >1.5 m/s (∼0.08 m/s), with an e-folding time of approximately a week (2 weeks) and frequency of 1.04f (1.08f, where f is the local inertial frequency). The near-inertial currents were near-circular polarized in the upper ocean and near-rectilinear polarized with the main axis in the across-slope direction in deep water. The deep-water near-inertial waves amplified the vertical excursions of isotherms from ∼120 to ∼200 m, reduced the stratification, elevated vertical current shears, and enhanced turbulent dissipation rate, especially during 14–17 September when the effects of near-inertial waves and diurnal spring tides overlapped. A net cooling ∼0.15°C and salinity increase ∼0.05 psu were observed in the deep ocean after Mangkhut. Typhoon-induced near-inertial waves correspond to the intensification of southwestward along-slope mean near-bottom currents. This study indicates the immediate influence of typhoon in deep-water and contribute to the bottom mixing on the continental slope.

How to cite: Zhang, H.: Ocean Response to Typhoon Mangkhut (2018) on a Continental Slope in the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6909, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6909, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yunchao Yang, Xiaodong Huang, Chun Zhou, Zhiwei Zhang, Wei Zhao, and Jiwei Tian

The data collected from an array of five subsurface moorings, which are deployed along the direction of internal solitary wave (ISW) crests in the northern South China Sea (SCS) from October 2013 to June 2014, are used to investigate the three-dimensional structures of ISWs and their temporal variabilities. The measurements reveal that the ISWs are asymmetric along their crests, with the average amplitude in the southern portion being 70% larger than that in the northern portion. The observed three-dimensionally integrated energy and flux of ISWs are accurately calculated for the first time, reaching 53 TJ and 0.82 GW, respectively, on average. Over the whole observation period, the pattern of ISW crests was dominantly convex, accounting for 76.2% of all observed episodes. However, due to the changes in propagation speeds along the direction of ISW crests caused by either single or combined effects of mesoscale eddies and intruded Kuroshio, the ISW crests could deform into S-shaped and concave patterns, which accounted for 19.6% and 4.2%, respectively. Moreover, during November and December, the positions of the largest amplitude along ISW crests mostly shifted from the southern portion to the northern portion due to the energy refraction caused by mesoscale eddies, leading to the increase/decrease in wave intensity in the northern/southern portion. In early February, the intruded Kuroshio remarkably shifted ISW energy southward, which increased the wave amplitude in the southern portion by as much as 96%. These results clearly demonstrate that the intensities of three-dimensional ISWs could temporally vary out of phase between the northern and southern portions of crests due to the remarkable modulations by intense background processes.

How to cite: Yang, Y., Huang, X., Zhou, C., Zhang, Z., Zhao, W., and Tian, J.: Three-dimensional Structures of Internal Solitary Waves in the Northern South China Sea Revealed by Mooring Array Observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2424, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2424, 2024.

On-site presentation
Bowen Li, Xiongxue Jun, Baichuan Duan, Daolong Wang, and Long Yu

Due to the regional differences between the North and South Yellow Sea, and under the influence of winter winds, the relative changes of the coastal current and the Yellow Sea warm current will lead to the instability of the front, which will lead to the cross-front transport of sediment. Therefore, the study of sediment exchange between the North and South Yellow Sea has become an indispensable part of the study of the Yellow Sea environment. In this paper, the current field and sediment concentration in the sorthern part of Chengshantou, a representative area of the Yellow Sea, were observed in winter in order to analyze the sediment exchange process between the North Yellow Sea and the South Yellow Sea in winter. The results show that in the north of Chengshantou sea area in winter, the current velocity does not change with the water depth when the water depth is more than 20 m, and the variation range is less than 5 cm/s, and the tides are regular semi-diurnal tides. The resuspension of sediments in the sea area is not controlled by the current velocity, but the sediment transport per unit width is mainly affected by the current velocity. Under the Shandong peninsula coastal current effect, suspended sediment is mainly transported from the north Yellow Sea to the South Yellow Sea, and the total difference between the southward and northward sediment is 442500 NTU×m2 during the observation period of about one month. The largest two-day transport volume accounted for 41.2% of the total transport flux.

How to cite: Li, B., Jun, X., Duan, B., Wang, D., and Yu, L.: Resuspended sediment exchange between the north and south Yellow Sea in the north of Chengshantou, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1931, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1931, 2024.

Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X4

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr, 12:30
Chairpersons: Evridiki Chrysagi, Andreas Lehmann, Julie D. Pietrzak
Shore-parallel frontal systems along the western side of the Taiwan Strait due to the coupling between river plumes and monsoon-driven currents
James Liu, Jay Lee, and Rick Yang
Chung-Ru Ho, Yi-Chung Yang, and Kai-Ho Cheng

There is an offshore ocean energy test site in the northeastern waters of Taiwan. To understand the local ocean currents, a bottom-mount acoustic Doppler current profile (ADCP) was set up at a water depth of about 30 meters near the coast to measure the nearshore ocean current profiles. This ADCP also contains temperature and pressure sensors. The first measurement period was made from June 6, 2023 to July 18, 2023. After the data was downloaded, the ADCP was deployed back to the same location and is still being measured. Measurements were ensembled using 50 pings every 10 minutes, outputting one layer per meter of depth. The measurement data were analyzed by the harmonic method. The result shows that although the sea level in this area is dominated by the M2 tide, the tidal current is led by the M4 tide, followed by the M2 tide. M4 tides are caused by non-linear effects in shallow waters. The tidal ellipse shows that the semi-major axis and the inclination are 10.04 cm s-1 and 89.98°, respectively for the M4 tide and 5.35 cm s-1 and 86.18° for the M2 tide on the surface layer. Therefore, the main direction of the tidal current is north-south. However, sea surface current statistics show that most of the flow direction is north-northwest, which is different from the main direction of the tidal current. After checking the wind data from nearby weather stations, the wind direction during the measurement period was mainly easterly, with an average wind speed of about 3 m s-1. The effect of wind on surface current velocity at this latitude is approximately 1% of the wind speed, resulting in a westward surface velocity of approximately 3 cm s-1. Combining M4 and M2 tidal currents with wind-driven current, the results are in good agreement with the observations.

How to cite: Ho, C.-R., Yang, Y.-C., and Cheng, K.-H.: Characteristics of Offshore Currents at Taiwan Ocean Energy Test Site, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2244, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2244, 2024.

Kitack Lee, Ja-Myung Kim, Gyeong-Seok Lee, Kwang-Young Jeong, and Hyun-Ju Oh

 Unlike major ocean basins, the role of coastal and marginal seas as an anthropogenic CO2 reservoir has been less studied. Using discrete surface measurements between Ieodo and Jeju Island (2015–2023) and continuous measurements at Ieodo (seasonal coverage for 2017–2019 and the year-round coverage for 2020–2023), we concluded that an increase in phytoplankton biomass from April to mid-August equalized much of the temperature-driven increase in the surface pCO2 and thus made the Ieodo Ocean Research Station a moderate sink of CO2. From November to March, both a large pCO2 reduction driven by a temperature reduction and a high air–sea CO2 exchange rate because of high windspeeds transformed the basin into a substantial CO2 sink, yielding an annual net C uptake of 61.7 g C m–2 yr–1. The present study provides observational evidence for confirming a mechanism in the shallow waters of the continental shelves accumulating a significant amount of CO2, via reinforced cooling and promoted biological CO2 uptake, to be transported from surface waters of the basin to the interior of the adjacent East Sea deep ocean.

How to cite: Lee, K., Kim, J.-M., Lee, G.-S., Jeong, K.-Y., and Oh, H.-J.: Persistent Carbon Sink at the Ieodo Ocean Research Station in the East China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7695, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7695, 2024.

Leihua Zhao and Pei Xin

Estuaries are located at the interface between terrestrial and marine environments, and they are valuable aquatic ecosystems. Water temperature is an important environmental factor affecting estuarine ecosystems. Atmospheric, riverine, and marine forcings govern water temperature dynamics in estuaries. Given the complex hydrodynamic conditions (e.g., tides, waves, and runoff) in estuarine environments, it is still a challenge to well understand estuarine water temperature distributions and variations at different spatial and temporal scales. Recently, many methods (e.g., numerical modeling, remote sensing, and field observation) have been applied in studies of estuarine water temperature dynamics. The main objective of this study is to investigate water temperature dynamics and associated influencing factors in the Yangtze Estuary. The used methods are introduced in detail, including the data collection and model setup (i.e., the Delft3D model). Then, the distributions of estuarine water temperature, variations in heat flux, and contributions of influencing factors to estuarine water temperature variations are analyzed. In addition, the roles of influencing factors in estuarine water temperature, implications for estuarine ecosystems, and limitations of this study are discussed. We hope this study can advance understanding of estuarine water temperature dynamics and provide implications for management of estuarine ecosystems.

How to cite: Zhao, L. and Xin, P.: Water temperature dynamics and influencing factor analysis in Yangtze Estuary, China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7736, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7736, 2024.

Fabien Léger, Florence Birol, François Bignalet-Cazalet, Mathilde Cancet, Quentin Dagneaux, Jean-Alexis Daguze, Yannice Faugère, Ramiro Ferrari, Wassim Fkaier, Ergane Fouchet, Claire Maraldi, Fernando Niño, Marie-Isabelle Pujol, Ngan Tran, Pierre Thibaut, and Léna Tolu

Although spatial altimetry was originally developed for measurements on the open sea, it can be used in a coastal context, even though this type of use is far more complex. Part of the problem lies in the land contamination of radar observation in the last few kilometers from the coast. In the last few dozen kilometers approaching the coastline, this problem is further aggravated by the poor quality of some of the geophysical corrections applied. In view of the large number of altimetry applications, the international community and space agencies have been trying to resolve this issue for more than 15 years. Following extensive work and studies, a number of processing algorithms have been developed and a few experimental products have proposed.

In order to move towards the routine use of sea level altimetry measurements along the coastal strip on a global scale, we have conducted a Round Robin study aimed at comparing 25 algorithms used to calculate sea level anomalies (SLA) from altimetry in low resolution mode (LRM) and targeting the ocean region between 0 and 200 km from the coast. For each one, a significant number of diagnostics was carried out at global and regional levels. The most immediate outcome of this study is the new global AltiCAP altimetry product available on the AVISO+ portal since January 2024.

Note that the processing solution which was adopted is a compromise between:

  • The capability of each algorithm (correction or parameter) to provide the best SLA dataset over the entire strip between 0 and 200 km from the coast (and not necessarily in the most coastal zone) in order to guarantee continuity with the open ocean.

  • The availability of the correction or parameter on several altimetry missions.

  • A guarantee of product continuity in the future.

Integrated with the Jason-3 mission in the first instance, this high resolution (20Hz) altimetry product will rapidly include other missions in order to extend the use of the product in time and space, and ensure a long-term implementation. It is provided with different case studies in the form of Python notebooks. Its distribution will also be supported by training workshops for the international community (virtual schools).

How to cite: Léger, F., Birol, F., Bignalet-Cazalet, F., Cancet, M., Dagneaux, Q., Daguze, J.-A., Faugère, Y., Ferrari, R., Fkaier, W., Fouchet, E., Maraldi, C., Niño, F., Pujol, M.-I., Tran, N., Thibaut, P., and Tolu, L.: Towards an operational global coastal altimetry product: AltiCAP (ALTimetry Innovative Coastal Approach Product), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8206, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8206, 2024.

Ulrike Löptien, Heiner Dietze, Birgit Schneider, Matthias Renz, and Rolf Karez
An increasing number of dead zones characterised by toxically-low levels of dissolved oxygen has been reported in coastal oceans all over the globe. Efforts towards respective quantitative descriptions are ongoing but numerical simulations and predictions of hypoxia remain challenging. In this study, we present a suite of generic approaches towards more reliable simulations.
Along a test-case we showcase the coalescence of a suite of ultra-high (~ 100m horizontal) resolution general ocean circulation model of Eckernförde Bight (Baltic Sea) with machine learning approaches. The ocean model includes an elementary representation of the biogeochemical dynamics of dissolved oxygen. In addition, we integrate artificial “clocks” that measure the residence time of the water in Eckernförde Bight and the timescales of (surface) ventilation. Our approach starts with an ensemble of hindcast model simulations (covering the period from 2000 to 2018) designed to envelop a range of poorly known model parameters for vertical background mixing (diffusivity) and local oxygen consumption within Eckernförde Bight. In a subsequent step, feed-forward artificial neural networks trained with output from the model ensemble are put to work to identify predictors of hypoxia deep in Eckernförde Bight based on data at a monitoring site at the entrance of the bight. Our approach disentangles the relative importance of subduction and vertical mixing versus local oxygen consumption and the inflow of low-oxygenated waters from the Kiel Bight.

How to cite: Löptien, U., Dietze, H., Schneider, B., Renz, M., and Karez, R.: Simulating dissolved oxygen in the oceans – perspectives for the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7482, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7482, 2024.

Evridiki Chrysagi and Ulf Gräwe

After the Second World War, vast quantities of munitions were dumped in the world’s oceans. Over the years, the metal casings of these munitions have been corroded to the point where toxic substances such as TNT are continuously released into the seawater. The munition dumpsites are, therefore, hotspots of chemical pollution. However, predicting the distribution and spread of munition-related chemicals is challenging since (i) the associated dynamical processes are not well understood yet and (ii) some dumpsites are still unknown or poorly sampled. This study focuses on the Baltic Sea, which is estimated to contain more than 400,000 tons of conventional munitions, and particularly on the western Baltic Sea, a region with numerous documented or suspected dumpsites. We use high-resolution numerical simulations complemented by field measurements collected during several dedicated research campaigns to study the distribution and spread of munition-related contaminants. More than 45 virtual tracers have been released in the model to simulate the release of TNT from each contaminant source. Since the TNT release rates are unknown, we use inverse modeling and optimization techniques by combining the model results with the available observations. Thus, the simulated TNT is constrained, and we can obtain better estimates. Consistent with the observations, the simulated TNT distribution maps show elevated levels of TNT in the vicinity of the dumpsites. However, depending on the winds, the waves, and the ocean circulation, relatively high TNT levels are found throughout the western Baltic Sea. This indicates that this is not just a localized problem and that clearance operations are necessary to protect the marine environment. To further test the clearance strategies and prioritize the contaminant sources, we perform sensitivity experiments and construct risk maps.

How to cite: Chrysagi, E. and Gräwe, U.: Marine munition in coastal seas: High-resolution numerical simulations of munition-related contaminants, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11397, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11397, 2024.

Kaveh Purkiani, Kerstin Jochumsen, Jens-George Fischer, Kai Herklotz, and Tim Kruschke

Hydrographic data collected in the western Baltic Sea was used to study the hydrodynamics of the region between September 2022 and February 2023. The amount of volume change and salt transported into the Baltic Sea were quantified directly from observations and estimated using an operational model. Salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, and current velocities were measured at several stations: Fehmarn Belt, Darss Sill, Arkona Basin, and Bornholm Basin. Using sea level height data, two large volume change events were identified. The events, characterized by saline (S>20 psu) and warm near-bottom water (up to 2°C warmer than the sea surface) with high dissolved oxygen concentration (> 6 ml l-1), were identified between 14 September and 10 October 2022, and 5 December 2022 and 15 January 2023. From September to October 2022, the first event transported 126 km3 of water into the Baltic Sea. Based on the salinity of the inflowing water, this corresponds to an estimated salt transport of about 0.55 Gt. The second event in December 2022-January 2023 transported approximately 140 km3 of water and carried 1.1 Gt of salt into the Baltic Sea. Both instances have exhibited remarkable warm water, categorizing them as significant warm water inflows into the western Baltic Sea. While the properties of the water column at the Darss Sill station did not show the typical characteristics of a major Baltic inflow (MBI) during either of the two events, the amount of salt transport, especially during the second inflow event, is equivalent to that of a weak MBI.

How to cite: Purkiani, K., Jochumsen, K., Fischer, J.-G., Herklotz, K., and Kruschke, T.:  Observation of large volume change in the western Baltic Sea between September 2022 and February 2023, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12989, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12989, 2024.

Yukon River discharge  temperature from 2017 – 2020 may be influenced by late summer headwaters flux and water vapor forcing, rather than decadal scale air temperature patterns over this time period
(withdrawn after no-show)
Rachel Spratt
Lauren Ross, Ivan Perez-Santos, Pamela Linford, and Patricio Diaz

Circulation and exchange are important factors governing material transport in all coastal areas. One  such area is Northern Chilean Patagonia, a region that boasts one of the largest aquaculture industries (salmon and mussel farming) in the world and provides habitat for several protected marine mammal species. Linkages between coastline shape and forces of hydraulic conditions are thereby important considerations when understanding constituent concentrations related to water quality issues such as harmful algal blooms (HABs), which threaten aquaculture activities and endanger wildlife and humans. The research presented here characterizes circulation patterns and variability in the Guafo Mouth, the primary connection between the Pacific Ocean and the fjords and channels of Northern Chilean Patagonia, to help inform ocean-fjord circulation in this ecologically and economically important area. In situ measurements of current velocities, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients have been collected for over two years at point measurements in the channel. These data, along with companion numerical model output and reanalysis data, provide parallel evidence of subtidal flows driven by a combination of barotropic and baroclinic pressure gradients and Coriolis, indicating a geostrophic balance. Depending on the sign of the barotropic pressure gradient, the barotropic flow either augmented (when positive) or opposed (when negative) the gravitational circulation produced by horizontal gradients in density and, in certain cases, produced subtidal outflow throughout the water column. Temporal variability of the current velocities was driven by changes in sea level gradients at ~35 d and ~50 d, linked to coastal trapped waves forced by the Madden Julian Oscillation. This variability has implications for the ocean-fjord exchange of dissolved oxygen and nutrients, which are critical to the health of the Chilean Inland Seas. Near-bottom waters with high nutrient content and low dissolved oxygen are advected in-channel when the crest of a coastal trapped wave is at the coast of Northern Patagonia due to enhanced subtidal inflows. These results highlight the importance of understanding the periodicity and amplitude of remotely forced coastal trapped waves to estimate ocean-fjord exchange through the gateway to northern Patagonia.

How to cite: Ross, L., Perez-Santos, I., Linford, P., and Diaz, P.: Circulation in the Guafo Mouth: the gateway to northern Patagonia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6847, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6847, 2024.

Matias Duran-Matute, Jeancarlo M. Fajardo-Urbina, Mart Giesbergen, Ulf Gräwe, Herman J.H. Clercx, and Theo Gerkema

Transport time scales in estuaries quantify the flushing of the system and are relevant quantities that help to monitor their local and system-wide functioning. Here, we elucidate and quantify the main differences on transport time scales and other related statistics when using passive particles advected by either 3D or depth-averaged currents in an estuarine system. We further relate these differences to the forcing, in particular, wind and freshwater discharge. The analysis is made in the Dutch Wadden Sea: an estuarine system of intertidal basins. Due to computational constraints when using high-resolution 3D currents, we consider two years with contrasting forcing conditions, which were selected after analysis of results based on depth-averaged currents over 36 years (1980-2015). During periods with strong southwesterly winds, mainly related to the stormy seasons (autumn-winter), similar values for the system-wide residence time are found when using 3D or depth-averaged currents. During periods with weak winds, mainly occurring during spring-summer, the residence time computed from depth-averaged currents overestimates the values from 3D currents up to 5-10 days. This was also the case for the anomalous winter of 1996, which is a famous period in the North Sea region due to its low temperatures and lack of strong southwesterly winds. During these weak-wind periods, the difference in the residence is positively correlated to the freshwater discharge. However, despite these observed differences, the temporal variability of the system-wide residence time in the Dutch Wadden Sea is well captured when using depth-averaged currents, i.e., larger residence time during weak wind conditions and smaller during strong wind conditions are observed when using either 3D or depth-averaged currents.

How to cite: Duran-Matute, M., Fajardo-Urbina, J. M., Giesbergen, M., Gräwe, U., Clercx, H. J. H., and Gerkema, T.: Lagrangian transport in a multiple-inlet coastal system: the difference between using 3D and depth-averaged currents , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12817, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12817, 2024.

Evaluation of the Performance of a Simple Fetch-Based Wave Model in FVCOM in theWadden Sea of the North Sea for the Use in Long-Term Biogeochemical Integrations
Karsten Lettmann, Ramez Mohammadi, and Johannes Pätsch
Julie Pietrzak, Marlein Geraeds, Tess Wegman, Avelon Gerritsma, Martin Verlaan, Caroline Katsman, Alex Horner Devine, Dave Ralston, Wouter Kranenburg, and Henk Dijkstra

Deltas are home to billions of people and are often highly developed and engineered systems. Extreme weather events such as droughts are a threat to deltas worldwide. During droughts salt can intrude far inland and threaten the drinking, agricultural and industrial water supply of many people. Under climate change the frequency of extreme events is expected to increase and the threat of salt intrusion may intensify. Here we use data and models to explore salt intrusion in the Rhine-Meuse Delta (RMD) during the severe European drought in the summer of 2022. The RMD is one of the most highly managed deltas in the world, with numerous interconnected waterways and an open connection to the sea at the mouth of the Rotterdam Waterway. The outflow of the Rhine River through the Rotterdam Waterway generates the strongly stratified Rhine River plume. Under normal conditions a salt wedge intrudes about 16-18 km inland on every tide. In contrast, under drought conditions in summer 2022, observations show salt intruding over 42 km inland and the Rhine River plume diminished in size. We explore the changes in estuarine dynamics during the drought using velocity, salinity and temperature data from various field campaigns near the mouth of the Rotterdam Waterway and within the delta, together with numerical models. We also compare drought condition observations with data from prior field campaigns during normal discharge conditions. Shifts in the relative strength of the dominant mechanisms of landward salt flux throughout the drought are explored and linked to the changes in estuarine response.

How to cite: Pietrzak, J., Geraeds, M., Wegman, T., Gerritsma, A., Verlaan, M., Katsman, C., Horner Devine, A., Ralston, D., Kranenburg, W., and Dijkstra, H.: Salt Intrusion in a salt wedge estuary under extreme drought conditions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16435, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16435, 2024.

Anna Enge, Julie D. Pietrzak, Furu Mienis, Peter Kraal, and Bram C. van Prooijen

The Norwegian Trench and Skagerrak form a major canyon that cuts through the Northern North Sea towards the Kattegat. The Norwegian Trench and Skagerrak influence the inflow of Atlantic Water into the northern North Sea and the outflow of fresher waters from the Baltic and the many river plumes around the North Sea that flow towards the Atlantic Ocean through the Norwegian Coastal Current (NCC). The Norwegian Trench and Skagerrak have a key role to play in the circulation, transport and exchange of freshwater and sediment, having a strong control on the circulation, water mass transformations and sediment dynamics in the northern North Sea. When the NCC interacts with the saline waters of the North Atlantic large mesoscale eddies from and dominate the circulation. We explore how these eddies interact with the flow around the canyon, and influence the exchange between the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. To do this we use unique observations from the Norwegian Trench taken aboard the research vessel Pelagia between May 26th and June 14th 2023 together with numerical models of the region. Uniquely the data include Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) measurements, velocities, box core samples and multicore samples from stations in the Norwegian Trench. It also includes results from onboard erosion experiments. Additionally, Argo float data highlight the large-scale circulation in the northern North Sea. We explore whether the high current velocities at the seafloor could be induced by eddies and topographically steered currents and their impact on sediment dynamics. 

How to cite: Enge, A., Pietrzak, J. D., Mienis, F., Kraal, P., and van Prooijen, B. C.: Understanding flows and sediment dynamics in the Norwegian Trench: Insights from the RV Pelagia Expedition 2023, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18962, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18962, 2024.

Sophie-Berenice Wilmes, Peter Robins, Stephanie Harris, Charles Bishop, James Waggitt, Paul Fernandes, and Line Cordes

Sea birds in the Irish Sea are known to target tidal mixing fronts (the interfaces between seasonally stratified and mixed waters) as foraging grounds as these tend to be areas high in nutrients and primary productivity and thus, prey availability. However, little is known about the inter- and intraannual variability of the areas selected as foraging grounds by the sea birds. Here, using foraging locations derived from GPS tags on Manx shearwaters (Puffinus puffinus) and reanalysis oceanographic data and observational data collected from cruises, we evaluate which oceanographic features are targeted by the shearwaters on their foraging trips into the Irish Sea and how the characteristics of these frontal areas vary seasonally and interannually. Comparing a range of different physical measures to describe front locations, we show that the birds generally select interannually persistent marginally stratified (as defined by the potential energy anomaly) areas. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the features which are selected by the birds as foraging grounds vary over the course of summer months. Next, we use projections of future changes in shelf sea oceanography to highlight and discuss the consequences changing shelf sea stratification and physical features in the Irish Sea.

How to cite: Wilmes, S.-B., Robins, P., Harris, S., Bishop, C., Waggitt, J., Fernandes, P., and Cordes, L.: Sea bird foraging in a changing seascape, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15980, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15980, 2024.

Dong Eun Lee, Hye-Ji Kim, Jeseon Yoo, and Haedo Baek

The Yellow Sea (YS) is exposed to various weather systems, such as typhoons, monsoon activities, and extratropical cyclones, which can pose  a major threat to the adjacent coastal regions through the development of powerful oceanic surface waves. Unusually severe surface wave events in the YS occur with considerable frequency during the boreal spring (March-April-May), but have received less attention compared to winter and summer. This study focuses on the characteristics of spring extreme wave events in the YS, based on observational and long-term reanalysis datasets. Our analysis shows that the extreme waves, defined as waves with a daily maximum height in the upper 5% of all springs, start to build up about 12 hours before the peak waves and continue for a longer period after the peak have been reached. During the extreme events, the Siberian High is found to extend anomalously eastward compared to spring climatology. Such an anomalous extension contributes to the increase of the sea level pressure gradient and the intensification of the surface wind speed in the YS. Meanwhile, in the range of 6~24 hours following the peaks of the extreme wave events in the YS, swells propagating from the far western North Pacific arrive in the YS. These swells from the western North Pacific, possibly generated by the same mesoscale system that has caused the extreme wave heights in the YS a few days in advance and has traveled northeastward, contribute to maintaining higher wave energy levels in the YS for longer after the atmospheric source has been removed. The large-scale environmental conditions can provide the predictability of extreme waves in the basin developed by these findings. Our analysis further reveals that more intense events tend to occur with eastward shift of the Siberian High, while the events occur more frequently with El Niños.  This study presents implications for assessing the risks associated with extreme waves in coastal regions and improving coastal management strategies in the YS.

How to cite: Lee, D. E., Kim, H.-J., Yoo, J., and Baek, H.: Large-scale climate variability behind the wave energy extremes in the Yellow Sea during an unusual season, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13538, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13538, 2024.

Zichen Xu and Jiarui Lei


Aquatic vegetation has drawn attention as a promising nature-based solution for coastal protection due to its diverse functions, such as sequestrating carbon and reducing coastal erosion by attenuating incoming waves. Evaluating the effectiveness of and understanding the physics behind nature-based solutions requires knowledge of the dynamics of aquatic vegetation under coastal flows. Wave dissipation over rigid vegetation has long been noted and investigated. Flexible vegetation will reconfigure with flows and behave differently from rigid vegetation, thus leading to different wave-damping models. The motion of flexible vegetation will reduce frontal area and the relative velocity between vegetation and flows, thus leading to the decrease of drag force that acts on flows. Effective blade length, le, defined as the length of a rigid blade that experiences the same drag force as a flexible blade of length, has been applied to describe the dynamics of flexible blades in currents and waves (Luhar and Nepf, 2011; Luhar and Nepf, 2016). The ratio between le and l was found to scale with the dimensionless parameter Cauchy number (Ca), the ratio of hydrodynamic drag to the restoring force due to blade stiffness, and blade length ratio (L), the ratio of l to wave excursion, Aw. The framework of le was then extended to co-directional wave-current studies (Beth Schaefer and Nepf, 2022; Lei and Nepf, 2019; Schaefer, 2024). To date, vegetation dynamics under orthogonal wave-current conditions (i.e., the current is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation), which usually correspond to wave-induced longshore currents near the coast, have not yet emerged.

Objectives and scopes

The focus of this study is to address the scientific challenge of understanding the behavior of flexible vegetation, considering orthogonal wave-current conditions. Our research enhances the existing body of work through several novel contributions.

  • Direct measurement of the drag force of a single flexible blade will be conducted to understand the scaling law of le under orthogonal wave-current conditions.
  • A numerical model of the dynamics of a single flexible blade will be extended to orthogonal wave-current conditions.
  • An analytical model of wave dissipation by vegetation under orthogonal wave-current conditions is developed by incorporating the current-to-wave velocity ratio into the existing model.
  • Wave damping over a meadow of vegetation experiments under orthogonal wave-current conditions will be conducted to validate the analytical wave decay model.

Experimental methods

Laboratory experiments will be conducted in a wave basin that can generate orthogonal wave-current flows. the EPDM rubber rods will be used as the representative of flexible vegetation. Two individual vegetation shoots will be attached to two submersible force transducers which are fixed at a customized pyramid in directions that are perpendicular to each other. The drag force at wave propagation and current direction will be measured. The normalized effective length (le/l) is determined by comparing the measured drag force with the force measured on a rigid reference shoot of identical geometry to the original length. The relationship between le/l and the dimensionless parameters, Ca, L, and uc/uw (current-to-wave velocity ratio) will then be analyzed.

How to cite: Xu, Z. and Lei, J.: Blade dynamics and wave dissipation in orthogonal wave-current conditions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5505, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5505, 2024.

Marco Bajo, Luca Arpaia, Christian Ferrarin, and Mirko Orlić

In this work, we present the preliminary results of a study of a series of seiches, which occurred during the month of December 2019 in the Adriatic. A  peculiar aspect of this event is that it was not preceded by any significant storm surge, which usually triggers the normal modes of the Adriatic Sea. With the aim of investigating the dynamics of the event, we used the sea levels observed at some coastal locations and a hydrodynamic finite element model. The model, already used in numerous studies of the area, was applied in a diagnostic way, by varying the forcing to demonstrate its importance for the event. We hypothesise that the first normal mode was excited by a variable wind forcing having a period close to the one of the main normal mode (about 21 hours). Consequently, the excitation of the normal mode was nearly resonant.

How to cite: Bajo, M., Arpaia, L., Ferrarin, C., and Orlić, M.: Numerical investigation of the December 2019 seiche event in the Adriatic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17317, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17317, 2024.

Savitri Galiana, Joaquim Ballabrera, Justino Martínez, Eva Flo, Elisa Berdalet, and Xavier García

Extreme weather events and their associated storm surges are expected to become more frequent and intense in the Mediterranean Sea due to climate change and sea-level rise. Storm Gloria (January 19–24, 2020) hit the NW Mediterranean Sea with heavy rainfall, strong easterly winds, increase of sea-level rise and unprecedented wave height and wave periods. Many Catalan and French rivers increased their discharges by hundreds of times. The storm caused severe erosion, flooding, and destruction along the Catalan and Balearic coasts, marking the most devastating climate event in recent regional history. Understanding these occurrences and their impacts is crucial for safeguarding the densely populated coastal areas and their ecosystems.

The AquaInfra project (https://aquainfra.eu/) goal is to provide a digital infrastructure to properly study the role of continental water input into the near-coastal ocean to assess the risks and hazards to marine ecosystems. Within this framework, we are running a set of hydrodynamic and biogeochemical simulations using the BFMcoupler software, to investigate the impact of Storm Gloria on ocean dynamics and water quality. 

The BFMcoupler is a taylored interface coupling the hydrodynamic MITgcm and the biogeochemical BFM models. The model resolution is 1/128° and its domain extends from the Gulf of Lions in the north-east to the Gulf of Valencia in the south-west, including the Balearic Islands. Input data for the model is taken through AquaInfra’s EOSC digital infrastructure (https://eosc-portal.eu/), with MedSea Copernicus data for initial and boundary conditions, and ERA5 reanalysis hourly data for atmospheric forcing. The model also accounts for 17 Spanish and French rivers, including the Ebro and the Rhone. Rivers are modeled as small channels reproducing the depth of the riverbed close to the sea and velocity; salinity and temperature are imposed as open boundary conditions at river springs. River data are taken from local water agencies. We are currently working to include in the model: riverine, coastal discharge points and submarine groundwater discharges.

The experiments described here intend to determine the separated effects of fresh-water discharges from rivers and precipitation separately, and the combined effect. This will be done by a set of experiments in which daily values of riverine output and precipitation are replaced by their corresponding climatologies.

Preliminary results show, first, a decrease in temperature, salinity and chlorophyll in all river mouths when including real river discharge data compared to when using climate data. This effect propagated along the Catalan coast for the last days of the Gloria storm. An expected result caused by the increment of freshwater by rivers during the storm. We also observe how the regional characteristic north-south current, which evolves along the continental slope, is intensified by the strong winds, confining river effects to a few kilometers from the coast. Second, the effects of the Gloria heavy rainfall are observed all around the domain as a result of the positive buoyancy flux driven by the storm.


(This work has received funding from the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 101094434.)

How to cite: Galiana, S., Ballabrera, J., Martínez, J., Flo, E., Berdalet, E., and García, X.: Hydrodynamical and biogeochemical simulation of the Storm Gloria including major and minor river contributions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17258, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17258, 2024.

On the use of Machine learning approach for assessing the cascading flood risks in estuarine environments
Romain Gilbert, Emma Imen Turki, Pierre Yann David, and Benoît Laignel