EGU24-22541, updated on 11 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Extensive liquefaction and building damage on the Niigata Plain due to the 1 January 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake: Geomorphological and geological aspects and land-use in coastal and lowland areas

Kyoko Kataoka1, Atsushi Urabe1, Ryoko Nishii1, Takane Matsumoto1, Hirofumi Niiya1, Naoki Watanabe1, Katsuhisa Kawashima1, Shun Watabe1, Yasuhiro Takashimizu2, Norie Fujibayashi2, and Yasuo Miyabuchi3
Kyoko Kataoka et al.
  • 1Research Institute for Natural Hazards and Disaster Recovery, Niigata University
  • 2Faculty of Education, Niigata University
  • 3Center for Water Cycle, Marine Environment and Disaster Management, Kumamoto University

The Niigata (Echigo) Plain facing the Sea of Japan is located downstream of two large rivers (the Shinano-gawa River and the Agano-gawa River), and has three sand dune ridges which formed along the coastal areas during the Holocene. Niigata city, with a population of ~770,000, lies in the lower catchment of the alluvial-coastal system. Despite the city being approximately 160 km away from the epicenter of the January 1st 2024 Mw 7.6 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, extensive damage to houses, buildings, and infrastructure occurred throughout Niigata city due to pervasive liquefaction (resulting from the earthquake) in the coastal and lowland areas.

Our field investigation focuses on the Nishi-ku (west ward) of the city, where much of the liquefaction-induced building damage (~ 700 houses at the time of submission of the abstract) is concentrated. Although our “ground truth” fieldwork is still ongoing, we have manually mapped the distribution of damaged houses/buildings, road deformation, sand boiling (sand volcanoes), cracks, slides, groundwater springs and other related phenomena onto map sheets, before then digitising these data using GIS.  The distribution of damage is concordant with geomorphology—such as the Holocene sand dunes (and associated landforms) and buried meander loop of the Shinano-gawa River—as well as with subsurface geology (e.g. the location of the water table). Some damage areas are coincident with artificially modified landforms.

Liquefaction conspicuously occurred on natural (i.e. not artificially modified) gentle slopes of the Holocene coastal sand dunes and interdune swale/lowland. In particular, ground was liquefied in the lower parts of the landward slope of the sand dune (formed ~1800­–900 years ago) which has a lateral extension of ~7 km at the elevation of ~0–3 m above sea level. Sandy subsurface geology and high groundwater level of the Holocene sand dune, together with the force of gravity on the slopes, were probable contributors to liquefaction.

Evidence for liquefaction —including damage to houses—was observed in modern residential areas developed above the buried meander loops of the Shinano-gawa River, which have been historically filled in artificially with sandy material. Damage was also noted in houses built upon an artificially buried pond. However, there was no liquefaction on the natural levee along the abandoned meander loops where relatively old settlements are present.

Similar liquefaction occurred in Niigata city on the sand dune slopes and associated lowlands at the time of the M 7.5 Niigata Earthquake in 1964; the epicenter was in the Sea of Japan, approximately 60 km from the city.  Despite the Noto Peninsula Earthquake occurring remotely from Niigata, the aftermath of the earthquake indicates that certain geomorphologic and geological factors, coupled with particular seismic conditions, can result in repeated liquefaction. 

The field observation is still ongoing after the earthquake. Therefore this abstract is based on tentative results and analysis of our investigation so far. Further information on liquefaction related to the geomorphology and subsurface geology in this area will be available by the time of the 2024 EGU General Assembly.

How to cite: Kataoka, K., Urabe, A., Nishii, R., Matsumoto, T., Niiya, H., Watanabe, N., Kawashima, K., Watabe, S., Takashimizu, Y., Fujibayashi, N., and Miyabuchi, Y.: Extensive liquefaction and building damage on the Niigata Plain due to the 1 January 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake: Geomorphological and geological aspects and land-use in coastal and lowland areas, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22541,, 2024.