EGU24-4563, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Seismic Activity in the Zabargad Fracture Zone (Red Sea): Insights from an Amphibious Seismic Network

Hasbi Ash Shiddiqi1, Laura Parisi1, Eduardo V. Cano1, P. Martin Mai1, Nico Augustin2, and Sigurjón Jónsson1
Hasbi Ash Shiddiqi et al.
  • 1King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Physical Science and Engineering Division, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia (
  • 2GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany

The Zabargad Fracture Zone (ZFZ), located between 23.5o N – 26o N is the largest rift-axis offset in the Red Sea. The ZFZ is a fundamental tectonic element of ~100 km rift-axis offset that marks the transition between the northern and central Red Sea. Due to data scarcity, our understanding of the seismic activity and the potential presence of transform faults or non-transform offsets in the ZFZ area is limited. Local seismological datasets so far have been restricted to the onshore recordings, thus hampering the ability to study the ZFZ's role in the Red Sea’s tectonic evolution and to assess its potential seismic hazard associated with transform faults accommodating the rift-axis offset in the Red Sea.

To fill this data gap, we deployed 14 broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) and four land stations for 12 months within the ZFZ to collect continuous waveforms. The newly collected data span the period 11/2021 to 11/2022. First, we corrected recorded OBS-waveforms for clock drift using skew values measured at the time of the OBS recovery and time-shifts measured from ambient noise cross-correlations for stations whose skews could not be measured. Next, we applied a deep-learning-based algorithm to automatically detect earthquakes and pick P and S phases. We verified and, if necessary, manually corrected these phase picks; this approach identified more than 3500 local earthquakes.

To obtain reliable hypocentral locations, we inverted for an optimum crustal 1-D seismic velocity model of the ZFZ and station delays simultaneously. Using as reference a nearby land station installed on Precambrian bedrock, we obtained positive OBS station delays of up to 2 seconds. These delays correspond to late phase arrivals, most likely due to thick sedimentary and salt deposits. Our local magnitude (ML) calculations show that OBS-station ML values are up to 1.5 units larger than for the land stations. We find that station delays and ML deviations are correlated, highlighting the importance to account for the variability of shallow geological and bathymetric properties for accurate earthquake location and magnitude estimation.

Our seismicity analysis reveals two major distinct spatial clusters of earthquakes, in the southern (23.95 o N – 24.53 o N) and northern (24.68 o N – 25.43o N) parts of the ZFZ. Seismicity in the south higher seismicity rate and spatially concentrated than in the north. We also identified three seismic swarms in the south and one seismic swarm in the north lasted for one to three weeks each. Our preliminary analyses document the potential of this new dataset to address key questions on the seismotectonics and seismic activity of the ZFZ.

How to cite: Shiddiqi, H. A., Parisi, L., Cano, E. V., Mai, P. M., Augustin, N., and Jónsson, S.: Seismic Activity in the Zabargad Fracture Zone (Red Sea): Insights from an Amphibious Seismic Network, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4563,, 2024.