EGU24-4603, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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"The changing climate of Our Planet"

Fatbardha Sulaj
Fatbardha Sulaj
  • Shkolla e Mesme e Bashkuar “Dervish Hekali” Hekal,Mallakatër,Albania.

"The changing climate of Our Planet"

Autor : Fatbardha Sulaj ( teacher to Biology – chemistry) email:

Shkolla e Mesme e Bashkuar “Dervish Hekali” Hekal,Mallakatër,Albania.


To talk about a climate that is changing on Earth, we have to look back at school. because the School is the factory that produces global citizens and who must think globally, not individually.

Educating in students the love for the Earth and instilling the key concepts that play a role in stopping climate change on earth to new generations.. Their thinking should always be critical, always looking at the opposite side of the coin. Our people say: "whatever you sow, you will reap." 'so how do we treat the earth, we will get that behavior. Man's behavior towards it is like tribute. Which means if we abuse with technological booms for some benefits for the human being, then this is where the scary legend of climate change begins. This is where it starts. To think about our longevity and health, we must first think about the earth itself, the longevity of its systems and ecosystems.

If you see a fire, think about how much CO2 is added to the atmosphere, how the temperature increases, how the glaciers melt, how the sea level rises. Think of the greenhouse effect, think of everything with plants, animals and a series of links in the food chain.. If you are going to kape the time, then run to find a solution that the pollution increases in parallel with  ozone  broken,  with the smog burdens above  the cities

So try to listen to the cries of the our Planet, but to hear this you must first love the Earth, our Planet, and this is what a Global Citizen does.

Roosevelt said: A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.

It is important to note that climate change today is driven by human activities and partly as a result of climate variations that occurred in the past. Studies focus on the extinction of species and the evolution of living things, changing ecosystems, industrial revolutions and technological booms. , the change of temperatures, is an exclusive panorama of the human creature.

So we create good things for life, forgetting that we become destroyers of the Globe

Climate change is not a segment, or a film sequence that happens somewhere and ends there, but a phenomenon that causes chain consequences.

Methodology to involve students in the topic"The changing climate of Our Planet "

  Tailor teaching methods to their interests and learning styles, fostering a sense of urgency, empowerment and personal connection to the subject. Some of the methods that are important to students about changing climate and make the topic attractive are:

1-Visual appearance

2-Interactive activities

3-Show documentaries or short films

4-Personal history

5-Data in real time


7- Field trips

8-Invite climate specialist speakers or environmental activists

9-Emphasize the solutions

10-Emphasize the success stories of individuals

11-Open discussion

12- Call to action

This constitutes the final phase of the entire lecture to "The changing climate of Our Planet ".

How to cite: Sulaj, F.: "The changing climate of Our Planet", EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4603,, 2024.

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