EGU24-5166, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Advancing Chinese Landscape Painting Research with DDE-Outcrop 3D Technology

Jingwen Luo1, Huohua Xiong2, Chao Zhang3, and Yao Guo4
Jingwen Luo et al.
  • 1Insittute of Poetry Calligraphy and Painting of Sichuan, China (
  • 2School of Fine Arts and Design, Leshan Normal University,China(
  • 3School of Arts and Design,Chengdu University,China(
  • 4Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, China (

       The article discusses how the DDE Outcrop-3D provides a new perspective on the research and dissemination of ancient Chinese landscape painting.By combining the digital outcrop record with the textbook Painting Manual of the Mustard Seed Garden(1679) 1from Qing Dynasty, artists would explain diverse techniques of “Cun” used in Chinese landscape painting in a more visualized way.With the painting method of rocks (painting technique of “Cun” ) from the textbook and geological features such as rock structures and stratigraphical age shown by DDE Outcrop-3D mixed, artists would create more realistic, detailed and emotional paintings, as well as more artistic expression for the record of geological information.

      In the past, beginners could only learn the techniques of landscape painting with Painting Manual of the Mustard Seed Garden and ancient paintings, while they can have a deeper and more intuitive understanding of the traditional landscape painting expression according to DDE Outcrop-3D nowadays, acquiring more passionate visual feelings and emotional expression than copying ancient paintings when learning and creating. Based on the record of digital outcrop, some conventional Chinese landscape painting teaching and creation tasks can be accomplished indoor with new inspiration.  Traditional Chinese painting techniques can be used to depict the mountains, rivers, lakes and on this planet recorded by DDE Outcrop-3D. New possibilities will be created for artists and scholars to spread Chinese landscape painting culture in a scientific way.

       At the same time, geologists can classify the different rocks and outcrops presented by ancient Chinese painters based on DDE outcrop-3D records, providing new views for the study and appreciation of ancient Chinese paintings.In the past, artists could only interpret Chinese painting from Chinese characterized perspectives such as images, brush manner or ink manner, so the audience could not be personally on the scene and understand the original concept of "enjoyable for traveling and living" in Chinese landscape painting better.

      As a cutting-edge technology providing 3D visualization of geological and other natural phenomena, the application of DDE Outcrop-3D in the interdisciplinary field marks that it can not only play an important role in geological science, but also has significance for research, education and dissemination of traditional Chinese paintin

 1.The book had published in Europe as name of “The Tao of Painting” in 1957 . The book introduces the painting methods of various shaped rocks in Chinese landscape painting in detail, and is a book that systematically summarizes the Chinese painting styles of different dynasties. Since the Qing Dynasty, the book has been one of the preliminary textbooks for Chinese landscape painting and a reference for every beginner who tries to learn Chinese painting.

How to cite: Luo, J., Xiong, H., Zhang, C., and Guo, Y.: Advancing Chinese Landscape Painting Research with DDE-Outcrop 3D Technology, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5166,, 2024.